Original New Year greetings presentation. Presentation for congratulating teachers on the new year. We wish you success! Happy life with your aunt Zhanna! Let nothing upset you!

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Slide captions:

04/21/17 Santa Claus for the New Year will definitely come. The guys, Birds and animals are waiting for him. And gifts are waiting for him - After all, they prepare for him Jokes, games, fairy tales And dances at the tree. Laughter pours over the forest, Santa Claus laughs! Animals play with him - they celebrate the New Year!

04/21/17 Santa Claus is very, very many years old. But in ancient times, people did not expect gifts from Santa Claus, but gave him himself. More than two thousand years ago, on winter nights, they solemnly threw cakes and meat beyond the threshold of their homes to appease Frost so that he would not get angry and send severe frosts.

04.21.17 Few people know that Santa Claus became who he is thanks to the existence of a very specific and living prototype. In the 4th century in Asia Minor, Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker lived and did good deeds in the Catholic and Lutheran versions - Saint Nicholas or Klaus).

Santa Claus 04.21.17 Today it is difficult to find a person who does not know who Santa Claus is. The image of a mighty generous old man in a red fur coat is inextricably linked in the minds of modern people with Christmas gifts, trees, with an atmosphere of celebration and joy.

Where does Santa Claus live? 04/21/17 Veliky Ustyug - the birthplace of Santa Claus

Patrimony of Santa Claus 04/21/17

04/21/17 There is a hut in a dense forest, There is a carving in it with patterns, And a downy bed On which it is thorny to sleep: Instead of fluff in that feather bed Only stars-snowflakes, Ice blanket Replaces the blanket. And he lives in the hut Frost And is called - Red Nose.

04/21/17 There is a room in the mansion where there are magic chairs. If you close your eyes, ring the crystal bell, then your wishes will certainly come true. There is also a book of wishes in the personal account of Santa Claus. All guests write down their requests, wishes, dreams in it, but the grandfather fulfills only the most cherished and, of course, kind.

04/21/17 Santa Claus lives in the forest, is friends with forest animals and birds.

04/21/17 Santa Claus walked through the forest Past the maples and birches, Past the clearings, past the stumps, Walked through the forest for eight days. He walked through the forest - he dressed up the Christmas trees in beads.

Presentation slideshow happy new year 2021 as a gift

make a sincere gift to colleagues for a corporate party

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Order video greetings for the new year from photos:

Presentation for the new year from photos to order:

Presentation for the new year 2021 with music to order
video congratulations for the new year from a photo

In this section you will find new year slideshow congratulations with photos and music, as well as video congratulations, which give an atmosphere of sweet magic and a little sad excitement, spicy fantasies and hidden wonders! Happy New Year slideshow greetings! On January 1, we all celebrate this fabulous winter holiday. New Year is a magical holiday, beloved in a special way! And it is the New Year that allows us to forget about worries, vanity, problems and plunge into the pleasant wonderful world of a fairy tale. Cool gifts - 2021, original slideshows, photo video presentation.

Happy New Year dear partners - from photos with music

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Our dear teacher, We congratulate you now, On this holiday, New Year. Let him bring you: Strength to cope with us; The will not to give up; And the hope was that the goal; And salaries - for the entire portfolio. And patience - to teach us, And luck - to love life.

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I sincerely want to wish a Happy New Year to the most important person in the school - our director! Natalya Alexandrovna, may the New Year bring many happy days, good luck, enthusiasm in work! We wish you family well-being and success in your difficult, but very necessary business. We are very grateful to you for your patience and kindness. Happy New Year!

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Dear Irina Alekseevna, you met us at the doorstep, When we were just going to school. Many days have passed since then, We have grown imperceptibly. And that is why now we are in a hurry to say good words in a round dance. Congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts. Happy New Year!

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Elena Vladimirovna, Head of the class of the best, although obstinate at times, we congratulate you on the New Year with a student crowd. We wish you a stick and a sweet carrot in your work to skillfully combine, And let Santa Claus give you the mood for "five"!

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Dear Svetlana Viktorovna! Thank you for your noble work, patience and sensitivity. We are always happy to attend your lessons. Your professionalism makes each lesson interesting and memorable. We want to wish you good health, optimism, good luck and good mood. Happy New Year!

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Dear Galina Ivanovna, Happy New Year! We wish our respected teacher, Teacher with a capital letter _ strong nerves, a big heart, talented and obedient students, easy grades, interesting plans, the implementation of our plans! Peace and understanding, both in the classroom and at home. Let life become easier and more interesting in the new year!

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Dear Ksenia Alexandrovna and Vladimir Vladimirovich! Happy New Year to you! Without English, we know Do not add up the syllable of success. We sincerely wish you happiness, beloved teacher! Continue to continue teaching Us English, Let there be no falsehood in life! We will not be able to forget you!

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Happy New Year, we hasten to congratulate our dear teacher! Ekaterina Leonidovna, First of all, I would like to express gratitude for everything that you do for us and suffer from us! May the next year bring you excellent health, great happiness, good students and strong nerves, you will definitely need them in your hard work! Holiday greetings!

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Dear Nargiza Rakhmatovna! Happy New Year, we will tell the teacher And from the class we will devote poems, For the soulfulness of priceless quality, we will hasten to congratulate you now. We wish you strength and patience, Oh, in your difficult work, We wish, of course, luck And immensely sunny days!

11 slide

Whirls in the silver mist Snowflakes white round dance

Nature itself is having fun

Indeed, on the threshold - New Year!

Congratulations! I wish you good health!

Love, fun, long years And many creative victories!

Let the chimes bring good, glorious new year to us!

ARIES is a stubborn person

Knows like no one else

That he is always the best

Anyone in a situation.

The coming year will teach you

Be a little more modest!

Will only make you better

Will send it right dear!


Angela Maxim


Ilya S.

The year of the Horse will give to TAURUS

Incredible positive

Give big money

A great year for prospects!

Taurus is lucky

Will give you happiness without end!

Good luck will calm the soul

Love will kindle hearts with fire!


For Gemini comes an ambiguous year -

The Horse promises them a lot of ups,

Complex tasks will help to solve,

But falls are also expected ...

Calmly accept the problems,

After all, you will still be able to solve them!

Help your family a little more,

And the year, believe me, will work one hundred percent!




CANCER stars hint -

Risk must be avoided!

After all, the year of the Horse decides

What, to whom to promise.

Routine work for you

Gives sweet fruits!

You will be in worries all year -

But dreams will come true!


Dima N .

It's time for LIONS to enjoy the fruits

Your very hard work.

In the year of the Horse, you should not be afraid of disasters -

After all, this year is calm for you as never before.

We do not want to lose vigilance to Leo,

Although events do not have to wait long -

Nevertheless, you better trust your wisdom,

And she will be able to tell you a lot!

Sasha Sh.

Lonely Virgo in the year of the Horse love

Certainly waiting somewhere!

You have to wonder life again -

And she promises surprises!

Only the best is what has to happen

But for this you need to try!

And you will be able to find your calling,

The main thing is not to worry about trifles!

Sasha D.


LIBRA, you have to become smarter,

After all, many events await this year.

Change jobs or even fall in love

Fulfill your, finally, dream!

Libra's whole life can turn upside down

It only depends on you what happens!

But the stars will definitely turn to face you,

Believe me, the good will definitely come!


SCORPIO in the year of the Horse needs to be believed

That perseverance will always help you!

Only the stubborn will open the doors,

The main thing is to constantly stand on your own!

Be healthy, prudent - you're in luck!

Try to pay attention to your loved ones,

And you will understand - an amazing year has come !

Dasha G.

Dima S.


In the year of the Horse, SAGITTARIUS will have

To inspire your family,

If the whole family will take it together

For business means prosperity

You are destined for the coming year!

Let the Sagittarius not forget -

Nothing can keep you warm

Than the caress of loving hearts!


Two thousand fourteenth year

New opportunities promise you -

Joy awaits those CAPRICORNS in life,

Who is wayward, honest and open.

You should not be confined to the family -

More often you need to go out.

And the stars give advice for the whole year -

Love your work, your work!

Lisa K.


AQUARIUS, the year of the Horse meeting,

Must be very wise, strong!

After all, many events await

And fate will interfere in everything!

What is waiting for you? The stars forbid

Pound water in a mortar endlessly,

They call for active actions -

And luck can help you!

Lisa O.

Dasha U.

FISH lingered in quiet waters -

Means, their year of the Horse will shake!

So that you fully warm yourself with love,

The horse will send it to you twice!

Many mystical events

Life will help you find meaning.

Many wonderful discoveries await you -

The main thing is not to lose yourself!