How to calm a drunken aggressive person

Alcohol affects the nervous system and psyche always in different ways. Some people calm down and fall asleep, while others begin to show aggression. This is dangerous not only for themselves, but also for others, so it is important to know what measures can be taken in a given situation. In some cases, it is easy to calm a person on your own, but sometimes this is fraught with risk, so it is better to immediately seek help from specialists.

Causes of aggression in a drunk person

The nervous system is influenced by various external factors. Especially striking changes when drinking large doses of alcohol. There is no problem if a person drinks within reasonable limits and at the same time does not refuse snacks. This allows you to evenly distribute the incoming ethanol, so its concentration remains within the normal range. When critical values ​​are reached, unpleasant consequences are possible.

Ethyl alcohol is an aggressive substance that can destroy any body cells. In addition, ethanol increases the permeability of membranes, which leads to the unhindered movement of various compounds throughout the body. This also applies to hormones. During the feast, the adrenal glands actively produce adrenaline. The concentration of this hormone in the blood can rise sharply, which will instantly affect a person's behavior.

Adrenaline is a compound responsible for the processes of excitation. In other words, the nervous system is activated, which outwardly will be manifested by characteristic symptoms, such as:

  • irritability;
  • excitability;
  • excessive activity;
  • nervousness;
  • panic;
  • stress.

All of these signs provoke bouts of anger or aggression. The behavior of a drunk person suddenly changes. He can talk loudly or scream, actively gesticulate, try to defend his point of view, get involved in disputes or fights.

In the most severe cases, drunk people completely lose control over themselves and the situation.

They may commit inappropriate actions, and due to memory lapses the next day, they do not always remember what exactly happened.

It is important to understand that such a person will not calm down on his own. He urgently needs the help of loved ones or doctors.

Types of aggression

Psychologists note that heavily drunk people behave differently. Aggression is common to many, but it manifests itself in different ways. For a clearer understanding of the problem, experts have identified several types of such a condition, each of which differs from the others in its features:

Psychologists say that serious aggression of any type has its reasons. It can be a head injury or a mental disorder. An existing problem is aggravated under the influence of ethyl alcohol, and the person himself loses control over his actions.

Self help at an early stage

Experts say that inaction can be a fatal mistake, so you can not ignore the signs of aggression. It is important to learn to recognize its approach in order to provide timely assistance at home.

Alcohol does not provoke fits of anger in an instant. People get drunk gradually. Initially, adrenaline releases into the blood improve mood, so a person becomes cheerful and joyful. It seems to him that all problems are easily solved. He wants to communicate with other people, even if he is initially modest and shy.

Further, the drinker becomes confident in his abilities. He easily joins in disputes, often provokes them himself and actively expresses his point of view. When trying to doubt his innocence, the first outbursts of anger arise.

He can respond sharply and loudly, take offense at those who disagree, interrupt and prove that only he is right. All these are the first warning signs, which, unfortunately, are often ignored. According to psychologists, action should be taken already at this stage.

If someone in the company of drinkers has begun to show aggression, but has not yet moved to physical actions, you can try to help him yourself.

The first and main action is to limit the further use of alcohol.

An increase in the concentration of ethanol in the blood will provoke even greater problems that are already unrealistic to solve at home.

An aggressive person should not be left alone, as anger can easily pass from strangers to one's own person. With such people you need to talk about abstract topics. It is required to make every effort to divert attention from the subject of the dispute. You can talk on any pleasant topic, discuss good and positive memories. Gradually, the anger will soften, and the person will more easily make contact.

It is better if only one close relative or friend is in the room with the victim. Everyone else should leave the room so as not to provoke new conflicts. If the aggression began to go away, you need to win over the person.

It is important to agree with his opinion, listen, understand and show your support. In most cases, this tactic allows you to cope with mild bouts of anger in the early stages.

When to see a doctor

Aggression among drunks quickly increases, so help at home is not always appropriate. If the anger is too strong, then it is better to immediately contact the doctors. This will avoid serious consequences that threaten health and life.

Doctors will help if, in addition to changes in behavior, there are physical symptoms. So, you should pay attention to the general condition of the person. Signs of deterioration include:

Even if the attack of aggression has passed, but the listed symptoms persist, there is still a danger. The risk remains high that anger and rage will resume, and the drunk himself will try to get into a fight with the people present.

Doctors warn that ethyl alcohol provokes excitation of the nervous system due to an increase in the concentration of adrenaline in the bloodstream, but this condition does not persist permanently. The central nervous system simply does not withstand the load and at some point turns off. This is evidenced by confusion of speech, delirium, hallucinations. The victim later loses consciousness. This situation also requires emergency medical attention.

The actions of the doctors who arrived at the call will depend on the specific situation. As a rule, the drunk is taken to the hospital. If excessive aggression is shown, he is given sedatives or safe tranquilizers. In other cases, the patient is given a dropper with substances that accelerate the excretion of ethyl alcohol and its oxidation products from the body.

Follow-up treatment

Doctors are sure that not every drinker begins to show aggression. Many who have gone over alcohol simply turn off and fall asleep, and the next morning they begin to deal with a hangover. If the problem manifests itself, there may be a mental disorder.

This means that there is a high likelihood of recurrent attacks, and alcohol is not always needed to start them. It is realistic to avoid this if you immediately identify what provoked the disorder. This may be a long-standing psychological trauma that can be corrected with the right approach. For this reason, doctors are strongly advised to consult a psychotherapist or psychologist for advice. This measure is intended to prevent a repetition of the situation in the future.

In addition, people prone to aggression, it is better to stop drinking alcohol or strictly control the amount of alcohol consumed. One glass of quality wine will not cause harm, but if drinking has become a habit, you need to start a fight.

There are many effective ways, including drug coding or a number of psychotherapeutic techniques.

When to Call the Police

An aggressive drunk is a danger to himself and others, so all measures must be taken with caution. He probably does not control his behavior, so at any time he can go to physical actions. For this reason, doctors advise to be ready to immediately call the police.

Law enforcement officers are needed if a drunk begins to threaten anyone present.

It is required to seek help if an aggressive person picks up heavy or sharp objects. He can injure himself or others.

In some cases, the situation comes to serious bodily harm or physical violence. Doing something on your own is extremely dangerous, because a person does not control his emotions.

As a rule, police officers come to such calls quickly. They manage to disarm the drunk without unnecessary actions and take him away. Most often, further medical assistance is required in order to remove intoxication or withdrawal from hard drinking.

When contacting the police, one important rule must be observed. An aggressive person should not notice the call for help. It is better if the call is made from the next room or from the street. In this case, you need to try to divert the attention of a drunken conversation.

Mistakes when interacting with a drunk person

Calming down a drunken aggressive person can be difficult.
Many who encounter this for the first time make a series of mistakes that lead to the worsening of the situation and its complete exit from control. Experts call the most common of them so that people can avoid negative consequences.

So, you can not argue with those who show aggression. This is a direct way to increase anger and provoke a fit of uncontrollable rage. Further, the drunk becomes uncontrollable, and it is no longer possible to cope with him on his own. He will refuse to make contact with those who tried to defend their point of view. There is a high probability of a fight with subsequent injuries or injuries. The only way out in such a situation is to call both doctors and police at the same time. You can not get involved in a fight, argue, shout. A drunk person will perceive this as retaliatory aggression, which will anger him even more.

There is an effective, but very risky way to calm a raging husband or wife out of control. According to him, you need to offer another drink. This will give you time. In this case, someone else should call an ambulance or police, depending on the situation. The method is dangerous, since it is impossible to predict a person's behavior after the next dose of alcohol.

No need to try to give a person a sedative. Even safe tinctures, when combined with alcohol, can provoke an unpredictable reaction. The combination of sleeping pills with alcohol is fraught with loss of consciousness and cardiac arrest. Medications can only be used by doctors who have arrived on a call.

True aggression after drinking alcohol occurs infrequently. Do not confuse it with excessive excitement or increased emotionality. The latter situations are easily manageable.

It is almost impossible to calm an aggressive person at home, so there is no need to be afraid of medical help. Doctors know exactly how to deal with such patients. In some cases, the help of the police is required. Sometimes this is the only chance to save your own health and life.