Belarus will raise pensions. Pensions in Belarus: increase, types, size. What will the promotion be

In Belarus, as in most other states of the former Socialist camp, 2 types of pensions are used: social and labor. The second type includes the military pension in Belarus.

Panoramic evening view of Independence Square in Minsk

Labor pensions in Belarus as a result of recalculation since August 1 have increased by an average of 10%.

Additional funds are accumulated in the funds of insurance companies, at the choice of the payer. The deductions themselves, at his request, are made by the employer from the employee's salary.

Several types of Belarusian pensions

In the Republic of Belarus, you can retire by:

  • Old age. According to the law of the country, women have the right to end their labor activity and receive monthly material remuneration at 55, men at 60. In some areas, the age threshold is lower (agriculture, textile industry, transport, etc.).
  • Loss of the breadwinner. Only those who are disabled or minors can count on this payment.
  • Disability. For those who are not disabled since childhood, it is important to have at least a little work experience.
  • Length of service. Representatives of some professions become retired not by reaching a certain age, but by the number of years worked in the field. The list of professions is approved by the government of the country.
  • Service to the country. This preference is given to holders of titles, medals and orders.

Learn more about pensions in Belarus from the video below.

Conditions for retirement of the military of the Republic of Belarus

Servicemen of Belarus retire on:

  • length of service;
  • disability;
  • for services to the fatherland;
  • old age.

To retire as a military man, you need to work, or rather to serve, in the field for at least 20 years. The age of a military pensioner is 45 years old (from 2033 - 48 years old).

Some categories of military personnel have the right to serve the country after reaching the retirement age. For example, colonel generals can remain in the ranks up to 60 years, colonels up to 50 years.

What affects retirement benefits

An important condition for obtaining a pension is permanent residence in the territory of the Republic. Pension payments are affected by the following:

  • experience;
  • salary received in accordance with the rank;
  • allowances;
  • salary received in accordance with the position.

In the Republic of Belarus, military pensions are raised annually. The indexation stated above applies to this category as well.

If, as a result of the fulfillment of a military order or 3 months after retiring to the reserve, a soldier becomes disabled, he has the right to receive a disability pension. In this case, the following conditions must be met:

  • military experience of at least 1 year;
  • age at least 23 years old;
  • residence in the country (permanent).

The decision to send a military man to retire for services to the state is made at the government level.
Standard accrual is made as follows:

  • Officers, contract servicemen, warrant officers and warrant officers with 20 years of service - 50% of the salary of the corresponding category. For each additional year, another 3% is charged, but not more than 75% in total. Upon retirement due to age or health condition - 60%.
  • With an experience of 25 years, if at least 12 years and 5 months of them falls on military service or service in the internal affairs bodies - 50% and for each additional year 1%.
  • With 15 years of service - 40% plus 3% for each additional year.

In 2020, the accrual scheme has changed somewhat.

Military pensions of the Republic of Belarus in 2020

This video compares the pensions of three countries.

In 2020, military retirees receive their pension in accordance with the changes that took place in September 2017. Pensions were raised for all categories of the population of Belarus.

Servicemen's pensions have been increased in line with the increase that affected all pension payments. According to the decision adopted by the President of the country, from September 1, a gradual increase in pension payments to the military will begin.

Recalculation of pensions

Until July 2019, pension payments will be calculated based on temporary adjustment coefficients. The recalculation will be done in 4 steps:

By the end of the year, it is planned to raise pensions in Belarus again.

The average pension in the Republic of Belarus before the introduction of amendments to the legislation was 398 rubles.

When introducing amendments to pension legislation, the government of the country was guided by the Russian experience, which can already be considered time-tested.

In Russia, the scheme taken as a guideline began to operate back in 2012. Then the president called the supplement to the pension in the amount of 240 Russian rubles insignificant and changed the figure to 1,000 rubles. Since 2012, the calculation of pension payments not only depended on salaries, but was also revised along with them. That is, if salaries were raised, the pensions of those who had already gone to the reserve were also raised along with them.

After a significant increase in military pensions, since 2013, only that share of the allowance that affects the calculation of the pension is subject to increase. Its annual growth is 2% or more, depending on inflationary processes in the Russian economy.

From January 1, Belarus will recalculate the size of pensions for military pensioners. The growth in payments will be approximately 6%, according to the publication of the Ministry of Defense "To the Glory of the Motherland".

The picture is for illustrative purposes only. Photo: Anzhelika Vasilevskaya, TUT.BY

As of January 1, 2018, the number of military pensioners was 77.1 thousand people.

According to the Ministry of Defense, as of January 1 of this year, the number of military pensioners in Belarus amounted to about 79 thousand people. For comparison: two years ago there were 82.8 thousand of them.

"The increase will ensure parity in the growth of the size of pensions paid for the length of service to military pensioners in comparison with seniority pensions for civil servants and retirement age pensions," the main financial and economic department of the Defense Ministry told the publication.

The department notes that the presidential decree of August 31, 2017 No. 314 "On the provision of pensions to certain categories of citizens" established a gradual increase in the size of pensions for military pensioners.

Recall that the base salary, on which the size of the monetary allowance of servicemen and the pension of the military depend, was last in September 2017. But the rise in pensions is an adjustment factor.

Thus, pensions were recalculated using correction factors in 4 stages: from September 1, 2017 - 0.83; from December 1, 2017 - 0.85; from July 1, 2018 - 0.9. From January 1 to June 30, 2019, this figure will be 0.95. From July 1, 2019, they intend to cancel the adjustment coefficient altogether.

In 2019, the authorities will noticeably increase the costs of paying salaries to public sector employees and pensions for military personnel. “In the structure of budget expenditures, the share of expenditures on wages and pensions of servicemen is growing significantly - from 35.3% to 37.5%. The wage fund is more than 12 billion rubles and is growing by 1.2 billion rubles, or almost 11% against the current year, ”said First Deputy Finance Minister Yuri Seliverstov, presenting the draft law on the republican budget in the first reading in parliament.

Meanwhile, Ukraine made a decision on the salaries of the military from January 1, 2019. In Russia, from October 1 next year, the pay of servicemen will increase by 4.3%, and military pensions will be additionally indexed by 2%. That is, the total increase in military pensions will be 6.3%.

Let us remind you that in Belarus earlier to revise the size of pensions for working pensioners from among the former military personnel. At the same time, since August 1, 2017, there was the duration of work experience with the payment of mandatory insurance premiums for citizens who for a long time (at least 10 calendar years) served in military service (service in paramilitary organizations), but are not entitled to a pension under the legislation on pension provision military personnel. The right to a labor retirement pension was granted to this category of citizens if they have at least 10 years of insurance experience and a total work experience of at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women.

A draft decree on increasing pensions has been prepared in Belarus. The document has already been submitted for consideration to the presidential administration. Minister of Labor and Social Protection Irina Kostevich announced this in parliament today.

The picture is for illustrative purposes only. Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY

- A draft decree has been prepared to increase pensions by 5.3%, - said Irina Kostevich. - If today, taking into account the increase in August, the average old-age pension is 374 rubles, then starting from November it will be 394 rubles, an increase of 20 rubles.

The Minister of Labor also described how the nominal growth rate of pensions will change in annual terms, taking into account the planned increase.

- According to estimates, we will have a nominal growth rate of pensions compared to the corresponding period of last year - this is 113.8%, and in real terms, taking into account the forecasted inflation, it is 107.9. Positive dynamics in the growth of pensions this year, - summed up Irina Kostevich.

Earlier, Prime Minister Sergei Rumas said that he was preparing a proposal to increase pensions by another 5%. According to him, if it is supported, then the growth of pensions in 2018 will be a record - pensions in 2018 will grow by more than 20%.

“Taking into account inflation at the level of 6%, this is a record growth,” stressed Rumas.

Answering the question when the pension will reach the planned parameter of 40% of the average salary, the head noted that pensions have been increased twice this year. However, so far the ratio between the average old-age pension and wages is 36.2%.

- It is impossible to solve this problem by the end of the year (to reach 40% - TUT.BY comment), for this it would be necessary to raise the pension by almost 50%, - the prime minister admitted. Rumas explained that the reason for this is the sharp rise in salaries this year.

Let us remind you that the average size of the granted pensions in the country as a whole in August amounted to 363.9 rubles. This is 2.2 times higher than the subsistence minimum budget for pensioners, which is almost 163 rubles. The real pension, which is calculated on an inflation-adjusted basis, rose 15.4% in August over the same period last year.

Now pensions do not reach 37% of the average salary in the country, although the authorities plan to raise this figure to 40% this year. For example, in the Grodno region this figure has already been achieved, in August it was 41.6%. And in Minsk they are still noticeably behind (28.8%).

By the size of the average assigned August pension, Minsk residents are in the lead - 387 rubles, and the residents of the Grodno region (356.9 rubles) are lagging behind. Minskers are also leading in terms of average retirement pensions (393 rubles) and social benefits (234.2 rubles).

The standard of living in each country varies in different ways. Often, the state of affairs in the state is also considered in terms of the level of pensions. Will there be an increase What percentage will there be an increase and when to expect it?

Raising the retirement age

It is obvious that the retirement age will definitely increase for both men and women. This will happen in several stages, once a year. Each time the retirement age will increase by 6 months. According to the same criteria, there will be an increase in the age for receiving preferential labor pensions and for length of service. In addition, the age of servicemen required for retirement will increase.

The President of Belarus tried not to talk about such things, since the elections were coming, and such discussions could cause public discord, violate the pre-election ratings. Will there be an increase in pensions in Belarus for those who have already entered it? What can these citizens expect? How does the government of Belarus, in particular, the president himself, Alexander Lukashenko, view this issue?

Depending on a number of conditions

Not so long ago, a certain event happened for those who receive pensions. Since December 1, 2016, there has been an increase in pensions in Belarus by 5%. But it did not cause much joy among Belarusians. Since, in their opinion, this increase turned out to be quite penny, and prices have grown significantly lately. As the head of the department of pensions and benefits Ilona Remneva explains, the amount of payments was different for each citizen. The thing is that there are a number of parameters when calculating pensions: what kind of payment a citizen receives (labor, disability or social), what was the amount of work experience and the level of wages before retirement. All this was individually reflected in retirement in Belarus. The increase, of course, was insignificant, so the pensioners were in frustrated feelings before the New Year, explaining this by the fact that this allowance did not matter at all for them, as if there was nothing.

Pension increase policy

As in many other countries, pensions in Belarus are paid from the state budget, and the funds go there at the expense of working citizens and their contributions. An increase in pensions in Belarus in January 2017 would lead to an improvement in the situation of pensioners, especially since a good increase in the base rate was planned. President Alexander Lukashenko has repeatedly stated this.

However, this did not happen, in January only the retirement age and the minimum length of service increased. The situation in the country is not the best: every year more and more Belarusians retire, and the working-age population is becoming less and less. In this regard, there is not enough budgetary funds to pay various types of pensions. For the same reason, the retirement age is being raised. But it is planned to increase it only until January 2022, then this process will not take place.

Pensions for various categories of citizens

There are several types of pensions in Belarus. The increase and their accrual as a whole also depends on a number of factors. A retirement pension is due to a citizen who, over a certain period, has deducted a mandatory insurance contribution to the appropriate fund. If a citizen has not developed such an experience, and he does not have the right to receive a labor pension, then he is paid a social pension upon reaching a certain age, which is equal to the subsistence level in Belarus. Citizens who receive a disability or survivor's pension are not included. Their calculation of social benefits is based on different criteria. Pensions in Belarus for people with disabilities and those who have lost their breadwinner are also being raised on an ongoing basis. But these increases are calculated from the level of growth in prices for products, other goods and services. Thus, the government of Belarus is trying to maintain an adequate standard of living for its citizens.

Demographic ratio

It is worth knowing that only people who have or live there on a permanent basis have the right to receive pension payments. The latest increase in pensions in Belarus could not compensate for the costs of citizens for various services and goods.

The demographic situation is as follows: the number of young people and the birth rate remain approximately the same, while the number of people of retirement age is growing every year. This is not the best forecast for the country's economy. Digitally speaking, there are about 66 working citizens per 100 pensioners. Accordingly, this ratio of pensioners will only increase further. Recently, more and more pensioners are working and receiving a pension, which significantly affects the financial resources of Belarus.

Military pensions

The increase in labor pensions in Belarus, which also includes the military, usually occurs several times a year. The accrual of military allowances is based on the same number of criteria as for civilians: old age, length of service, loss of a breadwinner or disability. If the soldier was the only able-bodied person and supported the family, then in the event of his death, the dependents are paid a survivor's pension.

If a soldier received a disability while serving in the army or within three months after leaving it, then he is also entitled to a pension. If the disability was received later than three months, but it is directly related to military service, then in this case the pension will be paid. Only for this it will be necessary to prove the relationship, to provide the conclusion of the medical commission.

Percentage of increase in pensions in 2017

Will it be in Belarus in 2017? This question, of course, is of interest to Belarusians. It all depends on the economic situation in the state, and the increase will still take place. It is only unknown how much money payments will increase. If in the first wave of increases it was 2-5%, then most likely the subsequent increases will not differ much from these indicators. Such indexation rates, alas, do not correspond to the current inflation. However, the government of Belarus encourages citizens by the fact that pensions will be paid without delay and all social guarantees will be preserved. An increase in pensions in Belarus can be achieved by a one-time payment, for this, funds have been allocated in the budget, but this option will only give a temporary result. The overall picture will not change anyway. Therefore, in 2017, great attention is paid to the pension reform.

Pension for working pensioners

The number of working pensioners, who simply need it in order to ensure a normal standard of living, is increasing every year. If we talk about an increase in pensions in Belarus for working pensioners, then it will be. But the indexation of these payments is not provided.

An increase in pensions for working pensioners is planned for August 1, 2017. If, for some reason, a pensioner quit his job, then he will simply need to submit documents to the relevant authorities, and his allowance will be increased taking into account all missed indexations. However, if after a certain period of time the pensioner gets a job again, the indexation of his pension will stop, but the size of payments will not be reduced, but will remain at the same level. Pensions for working pensioners will increase annually from August 1.

Places of work

Pensions in Belarus, increasing their level and indexation are all important topics for the citizens of this republic. However, where can retirees work? Where do I take them, where do they give jobs? It turns out that jobs like this exist and are some of the best. In 2014, a social poll of Belarusians was conducted, based on the results of which statistics were compiled.

This statistic suggests that almost every fifth pensioner works in the education sector, followed by approximately the same percentage of people who work in the field of utilities and social services, as well as in the health sector. This is followed by government and industry, and the list is completed by financial activities. A slight increase in pensions in Belarus is the result of the fact that pensioners go to work not only in the listed industries.

Compared to other countries

There is one more question that concerns not only Belarusians. But what if we consider pensions in Belarus at the world level? Raising these payouts isn't all that close to ideal. The following data is not indicated in exact equivalent, but well approximated to real figures. In Greece, the average pension as of 2015 was about 32,500 rubles, in Ukraine - 3,000 (due to the difficult martial law in the country), in Germany - 79,300, in the USA - 68,000, in Kazakhstan - 14,200, in Bulgaria - 8,000, in Lithuania - 19,000, in Estonia - 14,500, in Finland - 112,000, in Russia - 11,800, and in Belarus - 10,000 rubles. This is only a brief summary of pension payments in different countries, but it is not difficult to understand from it that these payments depend on the average salary in each country.

Through pension reform

It is quite realistic to guess that the size of the future benefit will depend on the size of wages and seniority, and the increase in pension in Belarus will depend on the economic situation in the country. Many pensioners, of course, are not happy with the payments they receive today, but it is very difficult to fix this situation. The state reports on how the percentage of price increases is noticeably decreasing, but the people say the opposite.

This trend can be seen not only in Belarus, it exists in many other countries. It remains to be hoped that, which begins in 2017, will be able to significantly change the situation of the elderly. Raising pensions in Belarus is of interest not only to them, but also to young people who also plan their future. They believe that when their time for retirement comes, the state will be able to provide them with a decent old age.

MINSK, October 16 - Sputnik.Pensions in Belarus may be raised from November 1, Labor and Social Protection Minister Irina Kostevich said in parliament on Tuesday.

"A draft decree has been prepared to increase pensions by 5.3%. If today, taking into account the increase in August, the average old-age pension is 374 rubles, then starting from November it will amount to 394 rubles," the minister said.

Thus, the average old-age pension from November 1 may increase by 20 rubles. According to the minister, the draft decree has already been submitted to the Presidential Administration.

Kostevich also noted that, taking into account all the increases, the nominal growth rate of pensions this year compared to the corresponding period last year is 113.8%. Real growth, adjusted for inflation, looks a little more modest - 107.9.

The increase in pensions in early October was announced by the Prime Minister of Belarus, speaking in the House of Representatives. He then said that if the government's proposal for a 5% increase in pensions is supported, then by more than 20%.

“If we compare this with the expected inflation, then this is a ratio that has not existed in the entire history of sovereign Belarus,” Rumas said then.

However, the government will not be able to bring pensions to 40% of the average salary this year, the prime minister honestly admitted. According to him, this task should be implemented by the government next year.

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