Fishtail rubber bracelet. How to weave a fishtail rubber band bracelet on a slingshot How to make a fishtail rubber band bracelet

One of the most favorite types of weaving is the fishtail bracelet made from rubber bands. Why it is called that way is not a question; just look at the pattern that is formed by the interlacing of rubber bands. But it’s not difficult to explain why it’s a favorite: the weaving is so light and uncomplicated that little children of 3-4 years old also get involved in handicrafts and enjoy making cute jewelry for themselves and their mothers (and in this way they perfectly develop fine motor skills and train their little fingers to the letter). Our master class shows in detail how to weave fishtail elastic bracelets. And if anyone has any questions, ask them in the comments, we are always happy to answer them!

So, to weave a fishtail rubber band bracelet, you will need:

fork loom (we have a large loom, but this is for ease of photography; weaving on a “fork” is quite convenient);

figure eight clasp;

elastic bands for weaving.

This slingshot is an indispensable tool for weaving a fishtail.

I suggest weaving a rainbow fishtail, dividing the elastic bands according to the colors of the rainbow in black or white. Accordingly, you will need rubber bands of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. If, in addition to blue, there is also blue, great - there will be a real seven-color rainbow!

How to weave fishtail bracelets from rubber bands: job description

We put the first rubber band (black) on the slingshot in a figure eight, twisting it in the middle, like this:

Then we put on two more (red and again black) in the usual way, without crossing.

We pull the left edge of the lower (black) elastic band with a hook, place the hook to the left and remove the loop from the post:

We do the same with the right edge - and our elastic band is removed. Weaving has begun!

In the usual way, we put an orange elastic band on both posts.

We hook the bottom red elastic band and remove it from the left, circling it around the slingshot column, as we did with the black elastic band.

The same thing happens on the right side. We put another (black) elastic band on the slingshot. You probably already understand the principle of weaving a fishtail bracelet.

Now we remove the bottom black elastic band, pulling the loops on the left and right and removing them from the posts of the slingshot, leaving them as if hanging on the elastic bands put on top.

Now it’s the turn of the yellow elastic band. We put it on the slingshot, and then throw off both sides of the bottom, orange, elastic band.

We continue weaving by putting on another elastic band and dropping the loops of the lower elastic band put on the slingshot onto it. We follow the order of the colors of the rainbow.

Our “fish tail” is already emerging:

We weave a bracelet of the length we need.

Let's move on to attaching the fastener.

When we have already woven a cord of the desired length, we stop adding new elastic bands, but throw off the loops of the penultimate elastic band upwards in the usual way.

There is only one rubber band left on the posts. Carefully remove the bracelet from the slingshot, holding the open loops with your fingers. Theirs together.

And fix it with one side of the figure-eight fastener.

We attach the tail of the bracelet to the second part of the clasp.

As you can see, weaving a fishtail bracelet is very, very simple. And also - very quickly!

Happy creativity!

Eva Casio specially for the site

The fishtail is the simplest and cutest rubber band bracelet as far as I can tell. 😀
Braiding a fishtail takes the same amount of time as braiding, but looks much better. It will only take you 10-15 minutes to complete it.

What you will need

  • Rainbow loom set or any other set with a machine
  • Rubber bands
  • C-clips
  • Hook from the set or any suitable one

If you bought a kit for weaving elastic bands rainbow loom bands, indicated above, then you do not need to buy anything additional; you already have everything you need.

Let's start weaving

This part is fun because it's easy 😀

At the bottom elastic band, which is a figure eight, remove the left edge from the peg and throw it over the top two elastic bands. Repeat the same with the right side.

Now put a new rubber band on the pegs.

Continue the cycle by sliding the bottom elastic over the top, all the while adding more elastics to the top. Do this until the length of the bracelet matches the circumference of your wrist.

The main secret of weaving a fishtail bracelet is that you should always have 3 elastic bands on the pegs. Except for the first elastic band in a figure eight, all the others are positioned normally.

Grasp the bracelet by the last loop and remove it from the pegs. Never let go of the last link!

We remove the excess and fix it

3 ratings

Fishtail rubber band bracelet one of the simplest bracelets that are woven from colored rainbow elastic bands. It looks very nice and everyone will like to wear it. Weaving a fishtail can be done using a loom, on a special slingshot, on a table fork, and even on your own fingers.

This master class discusses the option of weaving a fishtail bracelet on a machine. This option is the most convenient, of course, if you have the necessary machine, since both hands remain free, and removing the elastic bands with a hook is much more convenient than with your fingers.

Read in this article:

What you will need to weave a fishtail bracelet:

  • elastic bands of two colors (in this case, yellow and blue) in the amount of about 50 pieces;
  • S-shaped clip clasp;
  • hook;
  • machine.

How to weave a fishtail bracelet from rubber bands?

To begin, place the machine in front of you with the open side of the posts facing you. All rows of columns must be on the same level (not staggered). Fishtail braiding is performed on the two outer columns.

Take a blue elastic band and put it on two posts, twisting it in a figure eight.

Next, put on, without twisting, the yellow and then the blue elastic band. Subsequently, when braiding a fishtail, alternate the colors of the elastic bands. You can also use three or more different colors. At the same time, weaving is done in the same way, you just need to alternate the rubber bands evenly to get a beautiful effect.

Now take the hook from the set. Grab the bottom blue elastic band on one side with your hook and pull it up, releasing it between the posts.

Repeat the same steps on the second side. The order in which this step is performed does not matter in this weaving, that is, you can always start from the left column or from the right, as is more convenient. It should look like this:

Lower all the elastic bands below. Place the next elastic band of the desired color on the posts.

Now hook the bottom yellow elastic band again, first on one side,

and then on the other.

Continue weaving until you reach the required length of the bracelet.

How to finish weaving a fishtail bracelet?

At the end of weaving, you should have two working elastic bands left on each column.

Remove the bottom one by pulling it out in the middle with a hook, first on one side, then on the other.

Now change the half of the remaining elastic band from one of the posts to the other. Like this:

Hook the S-clip with one hook onto both sides of the elastic.

Use the second hook of the S-clip to hook the initial rubber band, which was a figure eight. Remove the bracelet from the machine.

Wear your finished bracelet with pleasure and subscribe to new master classes!

Watch a video master class on weaving a fishtail bracelet on a machine.

How many varieties of Fishtail bracelet do you think there are? You can make completely unusual weaves from rubber bands. This is a regular fishtail, a double, a triple, and a reverse fishtail... and many, many other types. Today you will find out what kinds of bracelets with fishtail rubber bands are made, and how to make them?

In this article we will show all the possible weaving of fishtail elastic bracelets. We'll tell you what you need for weaving, as well as how to weave bracelets.
Let's start with the simplest fishtail bracelet.

How to weave a simple fishtail bracelet from rubber bands

This is a very simple weave, which results in a stylish thin bracelet made of elastic bands. You can weave 3-4 of these thin bracelets, and then intertwine them together - you get one big thick bracelet.

You can weave a simple Fishtail bracelet on a classic loom, on a small Monster Tail loom or on a slingshot. For weaving you will need 2 posts, and you can use them on any instrument. It’s up to you to choose how to weave this bracelet; the result will be the same bracelet. For weaving, you can choose elastic bands of one color, alternate 2 or 3 colors, or weave from all different elastic bands.

The fishtail bracelet weaving pattern is very simple.

1. We throw an elastic band over 2 columns in a figure eight.
2. Throw on the second elastic band without twisting it in a figure eight pattern.
3. Throw on another elastic band without twisting. If you weave from two colors, then alternate elastic bands.
4. Throw the bottom elastic band right and left into the center.
5. Throw on the next elastic band, throw off the bottom one.
6. Continue weaving until the desired length.

Another variety, more complex weaving, is the double fishtail. If a simple fishtail is made on two columns, then a double fishtail is braided on 4 columns. Therefore, you can weave this bracelet both on the classic Rainbow Loom loom and on the small Monster Tail loom.

You can make your double fishtail elastic bracelet two-color, one-color, or weave it from all elastic bands of different colors.

Watch how to weave a double fishtail in the video:

Triple fishtail braiding - triple fishtail

An even more complex type of fishtail weaving from rubber bands. The bracelet has a second name - triple fishtail. This bracelet is woven on 6 columns. If you want to make a wide bracelet, then a triple fishtail is perfect for you. You can make the bracelet a solid color, use alternating 2 or 3 colors in the bracelet, or use all different colored bands in the bracelet.

You can see all the patterns that can be made on a triple fishtail bracelet in our article -. There you will also find videos and weaving patterns for this bracelet.

Triple fishtail braiding - triple fishtail

Quadfish or fishtail - how to weave?

Let's complicate our weaving! Now you know how to weave a simple fishtail bracelet, you can make a double and triple fishtail from elastic bands. But this is not all the varieties of fish tail made from rubber bands. There is even more complicated weaving! This is a Quadrofish fishtail. How to weave such a bracelet?

Quadrofish fishtail is a bracelet made of elastic bands, which is woven on 4 columns. This makes a circular bracelet. And there is another type of round fishtail bracelet - Hexafish, which is woven on 6 columns.

You will find a detailed weaving pattern for the Quadrofish and Hexafish bracelet in our article -.

The Rocket bracelet is a type of fishtail weave. You can make this adorable cute bracelet in a variety of ways. And on the classic Rainbow Loom machine, and on the small Monster Tail machine, and on the slingshot. Only 2 columns are used in weaving.

You can watch the video on how to weave a Fishtail Rocket bracelet:

An original weave with a marine theme - the Fish Skeleton bracelet. You cannot make this bracelet using a slingshot, because you need 4 columns. But you can weave it on a classic Rainbow Loom loom or a Monster Tail mini loom.

It turned out to be a very beautiful combination of colors - the base of the bracelet is black, and there are multi-colored elastic bands on the sides. White or other colored rubber bands will look just as beautiful as a base. On the sides you can do not all different colors, but just one contrasting one.

Video of weaving a fish skeleton bracelet from rubber bands:

Six-link fishtail - slingshot braiding

A very beautiful and stylish bracelet made of rubber bands. He's slingshotting! And you can see how to weave it in the video:

Inverted fishtail - how to weave on a slingshot?

You can weave very cute bracelets on a slingshot. Such original weaving can only be achieved with a slingshot. The same two columns as on the machine, but the slingshot is more convenient to hold in your hand. Therefore, all fans of the marine theme in lumigurumi, pay attention to the weaving of the bracelet - Inverted fishtail.

That's how many varieties of fishtail rubber band bracelets there are. Now you know how to weave simple and complex fishtail bracelets. Create, fantasize, weave.

With love, Editorial Board

“Fishtail”: technique and subtleties of weaving an elegant accessory.

Among the many existing patterns for all kinds of fashionable bracelets made of rubber bands, which, by the way, are becoming more and more popular every day, the “Fishtail” weaving technique occupies not the last place. This bauble combines ease of execution and elegant appearance. Made in the best traditions of minimalism, it is undoubtedly able to emphasize the individuality of its owner.

In the master class presented to the attention of needlewomen, the process of weaving a “Fishtail” in a cheerful, summer style using rainbow tones will be described, which does not require extraordinary skills. To create such a bracelet, you will need:

silicone rubber bands in eight colors (another color has been added to the standard “rainbow” color scheme - pink, for a smoother transition from purple to red);
the most common weaving machine is the “Slingshot”;
hook (the simplest plastic one is quite suitable);
clasp for connecting the bracelet together.

Stage 1. To begin, take one red elastic band and twist it from the first column of the machine to the second. What comes out is something that looks like the number eight flipped horizontally. Subsequent rubber bands will simply be thrown on - no more need to twist.

After the red one, you need to take an orange elastic band; it should be put on top of the red one.

Stage 2. At this stage, the simple process of recreating the “Fish Tail” begins. The principle of weaving is this: each time the elastic band located at the very bottom will be thrown into the middle of the machine, and the elastic band of the next color will be put on top.

And so, the lowest (red) elastic band is thrown to the center, first from the right and then from the left column. To make it convenient to pry off the rubber bands, you should use a hook.

The initial loop is already ready - the beginning has been made. Next, take a green rubber band and throw it over the yellow one.

The next one in line is a blue rubber band, put on the “Slingshot”.

Thus, the fishtail will be woven to a length that is sufficient to fit around the wrist.

Stage 3. And so, the required length has been achieved, which means it’s time to complete the bracelet. You don't need to add any more rubber bands. First, the bottom purple rubber bands are removed from the “Slingshot,” followed by the pink ones. There will only be one rubber band left on the “Slingshot”, which now holds the entire structure. It is this rubber band (it’s red) that needs to be thrown onto any of the columns, after which the fastener is attached to it.

The edge of the bracelet on which the clip is attached can already be removed from the machine. Next, you should go to the very beginning of the bracelet and find the first rubber band. By pulling it a little, the second side of the S-fastener is fixed.

Having gone through the simple stages of weaving, summing up the results, so to speak, we get such a wonderful bracelet.

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo 2.

The final look of the craft. Photo 3.