Who can claim the title of "labor veteran". What benefits are entitled to a shock worker of communist labor? Video - Awarding citizens the title “Veteran of Labor”

74-year-old Lidia Mikhailovna Bogatkina from Yekaterinburg contacted RG, who has been trying for four years to prove that she deserves the title “Veteran of Labor.” So far no success.

“For high performance in fulfilling the plan, I was thanked in 1965, 1967, 1968,” the pensioner leafs through the yellowed work book. - In 1973, they again expressed gratitude, awarded a certificate of honor and a prize of 15 rubles. In 1975 - again a certificate of honor, in 1983 - gratitude, in 1984 - a bonus of 10 rubles, and in 1985 I was awarded the distinction “Drummer of Communist Labor”. I thought that I could qualify for the title “Veteran of Labor,” but I was wrong.

In Lidia Mikhailovna’s hands is a time-worn work book, an official refusal to confer a title from the Social Policy Department for the Zheleznodorozhny District of Yekaterinburg and the publication of the Rossiyskaya Gazeta “Shock workers have regained the right to benefits.” It was this note that encouraged Lidia Mikhailovna, and that’s why it appeared in the editorial office.

I’m reading a journalistic publication: the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation decided that a worker marked with the sign “Winner of Socialist Competition” should be awarded the title “Veteran of Labor”. Meanwhile, Bogatkina was awarded the “Drummer of Communist Labor” badge.

Not on the lists

During Soviet times, these awards were almost synonymous. But in relation to the awarding of the title “Veteran of Labor”, the official status of the labor insignia is fundamental. According to the federal law “On Veterans”, the sign giving the right to be awarded the title “Veteran of Labor” must be state, departmental. This means that the decision on awards should be made at the level of the ministry or department. This was manifested in the fact that certificates for such signs were signed by the heads of ministries and departments; the corresponding stamp was placed on the crusts. Despite the fact that the decision to award a worker the title “Winner of Socialist Competition,” which is discussed in the journalistic publication, was made by the heads of the plant and the trade union committee and was certified by the trade union seal, in terms of status this badge was actually departmental. According to the regulations on the badge, the Supreme Court noted, employees were, indeed, awarded it by enterprises, but on behalf of the ministry. This means that this is a departmental award. Therefore, the Supreme Court decided, the elderly woman should be awarded the title “Veteran of Labor”.

The title “Drummer of Communist Labor” was also awarded not by ministries and departments, but by enterprises. But was the title actually departmental and at the same time actually a departmental award? There is some debate about this. One thing is clear: the title is not included in the list of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation on departmental insignia taken into account when assigning the title “Veteran of Labor”. This list is used to guide the subjects of the Federation, to which, from a certain time, the powers to confer the title and finance benefits for the holders have been transferred. That's why the Department of Social Policy of the Zheleznodorozhny District refused Lidia Mikhailovna.

In the case of Bogatkina, assigning the title is not yet possible, because her insignia is not included in the corresponding list, says Tatyana Kaparushkina, an employee of the department of family policy and social guarantees and benefits of the district Department of Social Policy. “She wasn’t the only one who faced this problem. Sometimes you see one after another in the work book about the award of a bonus, while the employee was offered a title instead of a monetary incentive. “We needed money more, and we didn’t consider insignia to be something important,” the older people explain to us. But now everything has changed, and those awards that they refused would now give them a chance to receive the title “Veteran of Labor” and the corresponding benefits.

Retroactive reward

Meanwhile, older people who find themselves in a situation similar to Lydia Mikhailovna still have a way out. As Tatyana Kaparushkina notes, “the deadline for submitting departmental awards, both at the federal and regional levels, by management at the place of work is not limited.” This means that a pensioner can today turn to his former employer and ask him to assign a title that is contained in the mentioned list, or to recognize a person’s conscientious work with a departmental certificate - after all, it can also open the way to the desired title. Moreover, we immediately found two departments where such work was put on stream.

It turns out that in the Ministry of Defense, personnel officers themselves are looking for former employees who were noted but not awarded 10, 15 and 20 years ago. These include people noted for the liquidation of Chernobyl, military operations in Afghanistan, Chechnya. But if a pensioner is worried that they will forget about him, then he must himself find in the archive documents confirming his successes in the service and provide them to personnel officers, proving that he is worthy of a departmental insignia.

If the award was then replaced with a cash bonus, our specialists will analyze the situation and, most likely, will award the person the insignia he was entitled to,” says Central Military District press secretary Yaroslav Roshchupkin.

One more example. Former employees of the nuclear industry have not received the title “Veteran of Labor” for five years. The fact is that the insignia “Veteran of Nuclear Energy and Industry” was legally departmental until Minatom was transformed into the Federal Atomic Energy Agency Rosatom, and in 2006 into a state corporation. The Smolensk nuclear power plant was the first to win the case. The judge recognized that the state corporation is the legal successor of the agency and awarded the pensioner the title “Veteran of Nuclear Energy.” However, judicial practice on this issue in different regions of the country’s Federation was different, so in 2011 Rosatom achieved the inclusion of the concept of a departmental mark in the law on state corporations. Now retired nuclear workers are being restored to their rights throughout the country.

We recently awarded several dozen awards to our employees. A person must work at a nuclear power plant for a certain period of time,” said Ivan Medvedev, head of the human resources department of the Beloyarsk nuclear power plant. - A situation similar to the story of Lydia Bogatkina can arise in our country if a person has changed nuclear energy enterprises several times. We do not see the full length of service, and the employee did not take care to provide us with the necessary documents on time. If he does this, we sum up his length of service from different places of work in the nuclear industry and then legally award him the title he deserves.

Search for an employer

Consequently, her former employer could have contributed to the successful completion of Lydia Mikhailovna’s troubles! We tried to find him. It turned out that everything is not so simple. The pensioner did not work in a large government agency, such as the Ministry of Defense or the Prosecutor's Office, and not in a large state-owned enterprise. She was awarded the insignia when she worked at Sverdloblknitwear. In 1992, this enterprise was transformed into Novinka LLP; in 1993, Bogatkina left there. Was Sverdlobltrikotazhbyt part of a departmental structure or was it a non-state enterprise?

To answer these questions, you need to find a successor company. We contact the Pension Fund and the Tax Service of the Sverdlovsk Region with a request to provide information entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities about the legal successor of the company. The answer, alas, is not reassuring: Novinka was liquidated, the legal address of the successor company is unknown. It is not clear to whom and where to contact the pensioner with a request.

Alas, the path to the title “Veteran of Labor” through a former employer is rather impossible for Lydia Mikhailovna. Therefore, the last chance remains is to apply to the court.

How the court will judge

Holders of the “Drummer of Communist Labor” badges have already applied to the courts of different cities of the country with a request to oblige the social security authorities to award them the title “Veteran of Labor.” As a rule, the courts refuse. Mainly because they do not see the title as “departmental”, they interpret it as “an additional measure of moral stimulation for participants in the movement for communist labor, regardless of the departmental affiliation of the organization (enterprise)”, or indicate that the departmental insignia “Drummer of Communist Labor” "is not a departmental award. However, many lawyers believe that the majority of “Shock Workers of Communist Labor,” in addition to possessing this badge, have a lot of indirect evidence of their right to the title “Veteran of Labor”: certificates of honor, entries in work books about awards for conscientious work, announcements of gratitude ( definitely about Bogatkina!). Therefore, lawyers believe, it is necessary to try to substantiate your right with a set of evidence that convinces the court that the sign “Shock Worker of Communist Labor” was awarded to the plaintiff precisely as a departmental award.

According to the Sverdlovsk Regional Court, from time to time the courts of the Middle Urals consider claims from pensioners with a request to assign them the title “Veteran of Labor”. As a rule, decisions in these cases are made in favor of citizens. Despite the fact that the percentage of appeals from the Ministry of Social Protection is close to one hundred, decisions on claims are practically not cancelled. True, the claims from the “Shock Workers of Communist Labor” have not yet been considered in court. But lawyers emphasize that the judge considers each case individually, so everyone has the opportunity to win.

That is why, having enlisted the support of the Academy Bar Association, we decided to help our heroine achieve the coveted title through the court: we prepared a corresponding lawsuit. This is not a quick thing, so let’s sum up the interim results for now.

The experience of the military and nuclear scientists shows: if a pensioner worked for many years in a state, departmental structure, he was in good standing there, but at one time, alas, he was not awarded a departmental insignia for conscientious work or a departmental diploma, which are taken into account when assigning the title “Veteran of Labor” "; Moreover, if this department still exists, then, perhaps, the most optimal path to the coveted title is through the archive and personnel department of the native department.

If the department has been transformed, it is necessary to find its successor and contact him with the same request.

If the organization was liquidated, then it is necessary to go to court, which, in fact, will be the case in our case. RG will definitely inform you about how the consideration of Lidia Mikhailovna’s claim will proceed and how it will end.

On a note

See the list of ministries of the USSR.

See the list of departments under the government of the USSR.

For a complete list of ministries and departments of the Russian Federation, see.

For a list of departmental insignia taken into account when awarding the title "Veteran of Labor", see.

The shock movement began in the early years of the Soviet five-year plans. This word comes from the expression “impact work”, that is, work done with great enthusiasm, dedication, efficiency and effectiveness. In order to stimulate citizens of the union state, the authorities introduced the concept and awarded individuals who distinguished themselves in the labor field with a corresponding award, called “Shock Worker of Communist Labor.”

A comrade who demonstrated his remarkable achievements received the honorary title of drummer, badge and certificate. If the recipient's behavior subsequently changed for the worse, the award winner could be deprived of the title and the right to wear the badge. The shock movement gave rise to healthy competition in the ranks of Soviet citizens, but at the same time, there were dissatisfied people.

The fact is that the labor feats of some became an “obligation” for others. That is, if Comrade S. set a certain record in his industry, demonstrating high speed of work and efficiency of the operations performed, then everyone else had to strive for this indicator, applying even more effort in the labor process. And the previous production standards became “yesterday.” Thus, if someone did not keep up, his salary was reduced.

In general, the shock movement had enormous ideological significance, being a powerful incentive for all workers of the Soviet Union. Persons who achieved success in the labor arena were awarded not only with a badge, title and diploma, but also with material encouragement in the form of valuable gifts or cash bonuses. And those who were awarded the title of drummer more than once could count on serious state awards and an invitation to leadership structures. Soviet propaganda exalted its shock heroes, making them “idols” and role models.

The expression “Stakhanovites” alone is worth it! Those who received this designation were filled with pride and received awards. And the term itself comes from the name of the miner Stakhanov, who received the highest state award for his labor achievements. In addition to Stakhanov, one can name the names of many other shock workers who received honors from the Soviet government, but in general, the award in the form of the “Shock Worker of Communist Labor” badge, the price of which was selfless work for the benefit of the development of the union republics, was quite common among the masses. Thousands of Soviet citizens were awarded the title of drummer, and today the attributes of past achievements can be found in grandmother’s chest or mother’s box.

Badge “Shock Worker of Communist Labor”: description

During the years of Soviet power, there were many varieties of the “Drummer of Communist Labor” badge. They were awarded to employees of individual enterprises and sectors of the national economy. It is difficult to describe all existing badges, but along with such diversity there was also a universal or, as it is also called, a single badge “Shock Worker of Socialist Labor”.

It was manufactured at various factories in the USSR, so certain design features varied somewhat among different manufacturers. In general, the principle of the approach to creating the icon was as follows:

  • or an aluminum base coated with cold enamels;
  • or an alloy of copper and brass coated with hot enamels.

The single icon itself was a vertical rectangle, the base of which was a triangle (pentahedron) turned in the opposite direction. At the bottom there was an emblem of a hammer and sickle framed by a branch. Above them was the inscription “Drummer of Communist Labor.” The upper half of the badge was occupied by an exhibition with a portrait of Lenin on a red background on the right and a panorama with a construction site, a field and other areas of employment of people at the five-year plans on the left. The two images were separated by the trail of a rocket soaring upward, which was located at the top of the icon.

In addition to this single version of the badge, which is quite common and often found in amateur and professional collections, there is another model without a clearly defined affiliation to a particular industry. It is made in the form of a red banner, which depicts a globe with the emblem of a hammer and sickle. Above the planet was the inscription “Drummer”, and at the bottom of the flag - on a ribbon, the second two words of the title of “communist labor”.

Shock worker of communist labor today

Our story about the “Drummer of Communist Labor” badge, the description of which is given above along with the history explaining the appearance of the title and badge as an appendix to the title, will be incomplete without an assessment of the role that the badge plays today. Some citizens of the former USSR still keep the badge along with other awards and symbols of their past life. Others do not attach importance to the ID they once received and the small plate with Lenin’s image. Life is different now, but the spirit of the past still hovers in the ranks of modern Russians and residents of the CIS.

Interest in the USSR award badges does not subside for two reasons. Firstly, as long as there are collectors (and they always exist, as long as there is history), the demand for certain badges, including the Drummer of Communist Labor, will be stable, even despite the fact that the “Drummer” is by no means a rarity, and it is found quite often (in the collections of some citizens there are even 20 copies of the badge). Secondly, today such a badge can serve as a cute, unassuming souvenir that is given to friends, relatives and colleagues as a joke. The recipient will definitely appreciate your sense of humor and subtle parallels with the past.

During the Soviet era, one of the types of rewards for conscientious work was the awarding of various signs and badges. Of course, for a Soviet citizen, receiving a memorable gift was no less pleasant (especially if the gift related to a “shortage”), but being awarded an insignia was no less pleasant, since most often the award procedure took place in a festive and solemn atmosphere in front of many people .

The movement for a communist attitude to work began in the late 50s. The movement was led by the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the Central Committee of the Komsomol. If we talk in general terms about the goals of this movement, it turned out that a participant in the movement (that is, any person) should be an example in all spheres - at work, at home, in society, a certain standard of a real Soviet citizen.

Perhaps today it looks somehow funny, but in those days when money was not at the head of human values, it was communist labor that made it possible to restore the economy of our country after the Great Patriotic War and create the industrial and social basis that we still use today.

When a worker was awarded the title of “Shock Worker of Communist Labor,” a special sign and certificate were issued. The sign was of a single established pattern, although various industries had their own professional signs. I have this sign in my collection:

A key place in the design of the sign is occupied by the portrait of V.I. Lenin on a red cloth. To the left of the portrait is a miniature that brings together the main directions in the economy of the USSR - agriculture and heavy industry. Just below is the inscription “To the Shock Worker of Communist Labor” and a crossed red hammer and sickle. The sign is attached with a pin.

I think many of you have this sign that you either earned or got it in some way. Awarding such badges was not a one-time event. One person could receive up to a dozen such signs in his entire life. It was also envisaged that the title of shock worker of communist labor would be deprived for obscene behavior and poor work results, but I don’t remember such cases.

The sign was produced over several years at various factories. For this reason, several (about two dozen) varieties of this sign can be distinguished. There are practically no collectors who collect these signs by variety. The variety option does not have much impact on the final cost of the sign.

As a collectible, the sign “Shock Worker of Communist Labor” is of little interest to anyone. A circulation of tens of millions reduced its collectible value to a minimum - only about 10 rubles.

The value of this badge today is not great as a reward of the USSR - no benefits are granted for owning the badge “Shock Worker of Communist Labor”. Today this sign is only a memory of labor during the USSR.

A drummer is a worker who demonstrates increased labor productivity. This concept originated in the Soviet Union during the first five-year plans.

Badge "Shock Worker"

The word is associated with the expression “impact work,” that is, work with full effort, focused on exceeding established standards and deadlines. The expression “shock brigade” was also common. “Shock worker of communist labor” is an official honorary title, supported by the presentation of a certificate and badge, as well as a cash bonus; In the future, more significant incentives could follow.

Badge "Shock Worker"

The Soviet government knew exactly the tools to stimulate citizens for labor achievements for the benefit of the Motherland. This is confirmed by the “Drummer of Communist Labor” badge, the price of which today is quite low due to the large production runs of badges during the years of Soviet power.

Feats of the drummers and their awards

The shock movement began in the early years of the Soviet five-year plans. This word comes from the expression “impact work”, that is, work done with great enthusiasm, dedication, efficiency and effectiveness. In order to stimulate citizens of the union state, the authorities introduced the concept and awarded individuals who distinguished themselves in the labor field with a corresponding award, called “Shock Worker of Communist Labor.”

A comrade who demonstrated his remarkable achievements received the honorary title of drummer, badge and certificate. If the recipient's behavior subsequently changed for the worse, the award winner could be deprived of the title and the right to wear the badge. The shock movement gave rise to healthy competition in the ranks of Soviet citizens, but at the same time, there were dissatisfied people.

Varieties of the “Drummer of Communist Labor” badge

During the years of Soviet power, there were many varieties of the “Drummer of Communist Labor” badge. They were awarded to employees of individual enterprises and sectors of the national economy. It is difficult to describe all existing badges, but along with such diversity there was also a universal or, as it is also called, a single badge “Shock Worker of Socialist Labor”.

It was manufactured at various factories in the USSR, so certain design features varied somewhat among different manufacturers. In general, the principle of the approach to creating the icon was as follows:

or an aluminum base coated with cold enamels;
or an alloy of copper and brass coated with hot enamels.

Description of the “Drummer of Labor” icon

The single icon itself was a vertical rectangle, the base of which was a triangle (pentahedron) turned in the opposite direction. At the bottom there was an emblem of a hammer and sickle framed by a branch. Above them was the inscription “Drummer of Communist Labor.” The upper half of the badge was occupied by an exhibition with a portrait of Lenin on a red background on the right and a panorama with a construction site, a field and other areas of employment of people at the five-year plans on the left. The two images were separated by the trail of a rocket soaring upward, which was located at the top of the icon.

Denoting an employee demonstrating increased productivity. The word is associated with the expression “impact work,” that is, work with full effort, focused on exceeding established standards and deadlines. The expression “shock brigade” was also popular. “Shock worker of communist labor” is an official honorary title, supported by the presentation of a certificate and badge, as well as a cash bonus; In the future, more significant incentives could follow. The shock movement was an important means of ideological influence. The names of the shock workers who achieved the most impressive results were widely used by Soviet propaganda as role models (miner Alexei Stakhanov, locomotive driver Pyotr Krivonos, tractor driver Pasha Angelina, steelmaker Makar Mazai and many others), they received the highest government awards, they were nominated to elected bodies authorities, etc.

The attitude towards shock labor and shock workers among Soviet workers was twofold. On the one hand, a sincere desire to achieve high results in professional activities evoked respect. On the other hand, an increase in the productivity of some workers soon had a negative impact on the earnings of others, since established production standards naturally increased and wage rates decreased.

Drummer of the Five-Year Plan


  • Resolution on a single all-Union badge “Drummer of the Ninth Five-Year Plan”
  • Resolution on a single all-Union badge “Drummer of the Tenth Five-Year Plan”

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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