Why hair glued down. Caution: Captures! What if the hair is knocked down in strands? List of assets that are worth looking for in cosmetics

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I achieved a result in a few years thanks to my patience and a hot desire to grow beautiful curls. If readers website Write to repeat this path, it will be much easier for them: especially for them I made a selection of useful tips.

19. Any comb - hair injury

Each time during this process, the integrity of the cuticle or the outer layer of the hair rod occurs. The use of poor quality solo leads to even deeper hair damage.

Remember that long hair must be combed carefully, starting with the ends and gradually moving to the roots. For thick curls, it is better to take a plastic brush with rare teeth (metal can provoke the formation of nodules). I try to minimize this process and comb only as needed. More often collect hair into the hairstyle so that they are not confused.

18. Shampoo can not be trimmed right on the head

You must first open the shampoo in your hands, and only then you should apply it to wet strands. If we rub shampoo right on the curls, it can damage them. When washing the scales of scales, located on the surface of the hair, are slightly rising. From friction, they will be even stronger from the rod, which will increase the risk of fragility and tolls of hair.

Therefore, it will be more correct to first fasten the shampoo in your hand and only then apply it to wet scalp.

17. Aloe - Powerful antioxidant and growth stimulator

Permanent friction about the pillow can damage the hair, especially if they are brittle, thin and dry. The collected hair is less subjected to breaks. Spit must be brazily braided and fixed with soft rubber band. You can not use fixation at all if the hair is long (like my photo).

Alternative to weaving braids - the use of pillowcases from satin fabric, according to which the hair will slide without damage. Naturally, the atlas should be made of genuine silk thread: on the fabric with the addition of synthetic fibers, the hair will strongly electrify.

12. The secret of the right use of sponsorless shampoos

These shampoos based on natural components are well suited for frequent use, but they are cleaned the scalp skin worse. All silicone components or other cosmetics can be completely riveted from the hair. Because there are no resortless shampoos, it is necessary to apply them in several approaches depending on the thickness of your hair.

When using such shampoos, it is necessary to use the peeling (scrub) for the scalp. Because when clusted skin fat and different contaminants, itching, dandruff and other hair problems may occur. Another option is to alternate the vigilant means with conventional shampoos.

11. Dindle hair with a hairdryer can be without much losses

Change shampoo, if after washing your head you feel itching, and also note the peeling of the scalp, the absence of the root volume and fast hair pollution. Moreover, it may concern both a new product and that you have been using for a long time.

Change the shampoo may be needed due to vibrations of the hormonal background. Pregnancy, childbirth, sharp weight loss, inflammatory diseases of internal organs - all this can change the acid-alkaline balance of the scalp and reflect on the state of hair.

6. It is undesirable to use the means for laying

Luck, gel, mousse and hair foam are not as safe as they say manufacturers who claim that their products do not glue their hair, give them to breathe, and even enriched with different vitamins.

It is especially dangerous when these funds fall on the scalp. If you used a large number of any means to lay and fix the hairstyle, then you must wash your head at night. In any case, try not to abuse them. Better and strengthen your hair so that they do not need active styling tools.

5. In some cases, we can feel pain in hair roots

Here are the main reasons for this phenomenon:

  • constant wearing the same hairstyle when the hair gets used to a certain position, and you suddenly change it;
  • the habit of tightening the hair on the top of the bunch, which is why blood circulation is broken;
  • dry skin of the head can provoke root sensations from the roots (you need to use special shampoos and masks for power);
  • inappropriate comb, which electrifies hair; ⠀
  • stress and problems with blood circulation (you can try to make a head massage);
  • refusal of the cap in the cold season: due to supercooling, the influx of blood to the bulbs is disturbed and there is an unpleasant feeling of the roots.

Greetings to you, dear readers.
Many girls suffer from the problem of skin knocking into separate strands. Is it so normal and what we will understand with it just now.

  • If the hair is knocked in strands in the wind or after removing the outerwear - It is absolutely normal.
Thin Slavic hair have the property "cling" by each other, forming these most strands.
What is in this case to do?
Complete hair. Everything. This structure and not change it, so it remains only to take it and love it.
For example, I love it looks like.

Tip: Give preference to care tools for the maximum easy texture. Dense and very thick butter-shaped masks in this case may exacerbate the situation, so it is better to use the products of light yoghurt-like (liquid) consistencies. According to my observations, such funds always more contribute to the scattering of hair than thick products.
  • Another kind of hair knocking in strands is damaged.
This may be as a consequence of changing the structure of the hair in view of clarification, chemistry and the usual cross section.

In this case, with a lack of care, the scales of the cuticle are not smoothed enough and cling to each other, forcing the tips in strands.
The first option is different from the second item precisely this criterion. If your tips are knocked down exactly strands - the problem is in cross section. In this case, it can be removed with the help of a haircut flavored or hard to start masked with silicone funds, which for the time of ways to glue, splitting on the hairs.

As an example, my photo after lightening the hair. Here my care has stopped working and until I picked up a new one, due to the lack of air conditioning and the lack of smoothness, the acquired porosity just forced the hair to be stuck in strands throughout the length.

We looked at 2 options when the hair is knocked down in the "alone" strands, if you can express it.

But also one significant reason that can contribute to such hair behavior to turn off.

What does hair turn off?

Captures hair - This is a "repealing" departure. It is difficult to explain on the fingers, because many still surprises this word, so I will try to explain the most accessible as possible that he is.
We all at least once came across a reputable in ordinary life. When you fly something so tasty, for example, a cake that you can not stop. You will fly this dryness and then you feel thirst and urgently want to drink food. This overload when there is not enough ease. The same thing happens with hair.
  • Why does it turn off?
From the oversaturation of care. Many say that oils rewind the hair, but I have never encountered it. No, it was, of course, a couple of times, when I was not well cleaning the oil, it remained on the hair and then they looked something like that.

But the subsequent washing of ordinary shampoo solved this problem.
For all the time the use of oils for 2 times a week on a permanent basis, I never have a real reality.

Therefore, I associate the phenomenon of the reinforcement with the action of silicones in cosmetic products. Silicons lay and over time begin to overload their hair, thereby causing that the same will turn off. Also, it depends on the structure of the hair, because thin hair with small care needs will be at times more prone to a reputable than damaged porous hair "greedy" for care.

How to understand that hair is fixed?

  • Hair is losing the crumbness and ease. If earlier the hair flowed, but sharply stopped doing it.
  • They begin to get back into separate strands, if they did not do before. Forming the so-called "icicles" instead of tips.
  • Become dull.
  1. If the hair dramatically lost his shine and became frosted, they began to be knocked out into the icicles and look after washing dirty, losing the former freshness and crumbuveness - it will turn off.
  2. Also, if you observe one sign of the listed - it will also turn off.

What to do with it?

You need to use shampoo for deep hair cleaning.

Deep cleaning shampoo from Belita - My unconditional favorite. It is very budgetary and at the same time extremely effective. It perfectly cleans the hair, flushing with them is all unnecessary - silicones, traces of laying, making them crumbly and soft. It is very important for me that he does not dry her hair. For damaged hair, it is very important.

It is more correct to wash your hair and then apply the most severe mask on them, or use an ampumen care.

This will "update" the ability of your hair to perceive care, erased all signs of restructuring and will return to them former freshness and ease.

Is it harmful?

Yes. The main harm causes the layering of silicones, which leads to fragility of hair.
Dull hair, losing its usual elastic properties, become vulnerable to damage and extremely prone to fragility.

How to prevent the reinforcement?

If you have silicone tools in your care, and if your hair is very thin and easily catch will turn off, even if there are no silicone care, you need to use a deep cleansing shampoo on a regular basis.
The frequency of use is selected individually and is 1-3 use per month.

If your hair is knocked down in strands not from the reinforcement, but from the structure, I can advise you one lifehak, which I use the part myself - to sculpt the hair.
About the safe way to make beautiful curls I have already written.

But even less costly in time way is to turn hair on pigtails. So, thin hair immediately acquire volume with crumbs and cease to be bored in strands. This hairstyle is my Mast Hav.

Also in this case, prefer the nutrient products of lighter textures and with a pair of oils, and not extensive their presence in the composition. Make focus on moisture, but do not forget that the hair also needs food (and in case of damage and recovery).

List of assets that are worth looking for in cosmetics:


Propylene glycol
Scarlet Vera
Extracts of algae
Hyaluronic acid
Liquid silk

If your hair is hopelessly confused before draftingly solve the problem with the help of a haircut, try using deep-action air conditioning or moisturizing oil. Leave this tool on the hair for an hour or even all night, and confused strands will be much easier to unravel. Perhaps combing the hair will still be difficult, but at least less painful and more efficiently than without air conditioning or oil.


Part 1

Means for hair

    Choose a hair product. To begin with, you should try the usual air conditioner if you have not done this. However, if the hair is too confused, you will have to search for other ways. Air conditioning deep action perfectly fills the lack of moisture in her hair and facilitates the combing process, and the air conditioner for unraveling hair makes them particularly smooth. Instead of these funds, you can use coconut, olive or argan oil, especially if you have small curls. If you do not like the feeling of oil on the hair, you can try spray to relieve combing.

    • Some people use mayonnaise for this purpose, but it often becomes the cause of an unpleasant smell and in itself much less effective than other means.
  1. Lightly moisten the hair. Moisten hair with water from a bottle with a sprayer or for a second to substitute the head under the shower or a tap with low water pressure. Most hair products need to be applied to wet hair, but do not wet the hair too much, as it will make them brittle.

    Wrap a hair in your hair. Pour the selected tool into the palm. If your hair is lower than shoulders, use up to two handfuls. Apply the remedy throughout the length of the hair, including tips. Rub it into each strand separately, and not all over the surface of the head immediately, otherwise the hair is confused even more.

    Wait until the tool is absorbed into the hair. An ordinary air conditioner will moisturize hair in a few minutes. Coconut or other oil for the maximum effect should be left on the hair at least 30 minutes, but not more than 2 hours. If you are using deep-action air conditioner, follow the instructions on the package, since for different tools the response time can be different, but usually they are left on the hair at least an hour, and in particularly complex cases - even at night.

    • So that the hair was lying carefully and did not climb into the eyes, put on the shower cap or plastic bag and tie it up with a rubber band. If you wish, on top of polyethylene, you can wear a tightly fitting cap to speed up the process.
  2. Follow your fingers the simplest nodules on the hair. Holding the remedy on the hair as much as you need, try to carefully disassemble the matted strands. Nodes or chopencies can sometimes be disassembled into smaller confined strands, acting on the side of the roots of the hair.

    • Do not count entirely unravel your hair at this stage. If they do not succumb to, try doing it with another confused strand.

    Part 2

    1. Use a comb with rare teeth. To cope with highly confused hair, a comb with large rare teeth is needed. Brushes and combs with small cloths will be stuck in her hair, so you either break your hair, or give away and crack them.

      • However, the teeth on a comb should not be too rare, otherwise small nodules will slip between them.
    2. Combate, starting with the tips. Always start combing tanks from tips. Return a few centimeters from the ends of the confused hair and make the comb in the direction down. Repeat the procedure until you free from all the chatins this part of the hair, then move the comb slightly higher. Continue until you choose your hair along the entire length. If long or thick hair is entangled, it can take a whole hour or even longer.

      Rim up hair to reduce pain. If you have a sensitive head of your head, keep the hair strand in your hands during combing. Take a strand between your fingers with a thickness of about the marker or adhesive pencil and overcap it so as not to pull the hair's hair from the head itself. Draw this part of the hair, and when you raise all the nodules on it, and move higher.

      If necessary, apply more air conditioning or oil. Add some air conditioner or oil to those chopencies that are not amenable to unraveling, and stick it with your finger. The tool will work as a lubricant: the hair will become more slippery, and they will be easier to pop up.

      Sleep the unnecessary chopenum with scissors. If strand of hair does not want to loyalty, despite all your efforts, you may have to break it. In one hand, take the scissors and open them, keep your hair more tight. Spend the lower blade of scissors along the bottom of the confused straight, after which you gently pull the hair to remove the freed strands.

      • If for some reason you did not comb your hair for a few weeks or even months, probably, the koltuni will be the best solution, since you can spend a few hours, to unsuccessfully trying to unravel them.
    3. Complete the procedure using the comb with frequent cloth or brush. Use a comb with rare teeth until you raise all the most confusing strands and chopencies. Then take a comb with frequent small cloths or a brush and unwrapping small nodules if they are still left.

      Rinse hair. When you raise your hair, wash the remedy that you applied on them. If you have small tight curls and, unraveling, you can divide them on strands, subtit each strand and rinse them one.

    Part 3.


      Use indelible air conditioning. Immoved air conditioner, as clearly from his name, will remain on the hair for many hours. He moisturizes his hair and smoothes the naughty and fastening strands after drying.

      Combing your hair while they are still wet, but not wet. Dry hair is very difficult to comb. At the same time, too wet hair is weaker and easily outdo it. Find the golden middle and comb your hair with a comb or brush after the shower, when they are still wet, but not wet.

      Before bedtime, turn your hair into a non-braid. If you wake up with confused hair, braid them into the braid before bedtime so that they are not so confused. Alternatively, you can collect your hair into a bundle.

      If your hair is easily confused, separate them on the wash on the strands. If you have curly, fluffy hair or other hair type, inclined to confuse, divide them into several sections and subtitle each separately before washing your head. Remove the hairpins from each strand in turn, when you wash your hair, and then fix them again, before you dissolve the next strand. This reduces the likelihood of strong confusion.

    • Oils and oils based on oils help to moisten the strands of the hair and make them easier to unravel. If you, on the contrary, want to use the means against the increased fatty hair, then at first there is hair, and only then use such a tool.
    • A good way to erase confused hair is to find the central koltun and gradually get small strands from it until it becomes less and less. However, this option requires patience and takes a lot of time.
    • It is not worth noting the weeks or for all months to leave the hair without combing or other care (for example, braided in pigtails), as this contributes to their confounding.
    • Once every two weeks use hair oil to prevent the formation of chatins.

This deep shampoo is included in the line of funds from Shiseido "Head Spa". Well, I can say that the name is fully justified - this is an amazingly soft relaxing floral smell, and the most important thing is that the hair becomes updated, incredibly beautiful. At the same time, I noticed a significant difference before and after having enough healthy hair (TTT).

Now about use. Shampoos marked "Extra Cleansing", "Deep Cleansing" are not intended for daily use, but to purify hair from silicones and styling, that is, as needed, and better - no more than once a week. It depends on the first of the first from the shampoo itself (there are particularly powerful capable of cleaning from heavy metals), and secondly, from how often you use silicone funds. If you stick to a natural care, make oil masks, then use once a month will be enough to clean the scalp.

What are these shampoos are good?

  • With the abundance of silicone care at some point, you may notice that the hair became dull and stopped pleased with the brilliance, the strands stick into the "icicles" ... I also encountered it. And why? Silicons are different: volatile, washes and immentable. The latter accumulate in the hair and practically do not wash away, lay on each other day after day, turn into flakes. And such shampoos are designed specifically to correct this problem.
  • The skin of the head seems to be breathing, you really feel how clean and fresh it is)) I felt a similar effect from salt peeling. By the way, accumulating on the surface of the skin fat, dust, styling can cause hair loss.
  • The hair is transformed, gloss appear, volume, crumbly.
  • Using shampoo per day before painting, you will notice much stronger shine than usual.
  • After such a shampoo, the effect of any masks is intensified

About shampoo and spa procedure.

I think each of us you need to relax at least once a week, dedicate the time to yourself with your beloved. I have this day Sunday - manicure, pedicure, fragrant baths and, of course, I do not tend your hair attention. Therefore, noticing the mark of the spa, I decided to use it on my day relaxation)) as it was:

  1. Washed hair with shampoo twice. At first, a massaging the scalp, I started foaming the hair cloth, paying special attention to the tips - they are greater than the remaining length of silicones. It is necessary to do it extremely gently, since the hair is most vulnerable in wet state. The hair immediately squeaked between the fingers, I never felt such a squeak of shampoo. That's what a deep cleansing means!))
  2. Slightly squeezed the hair, climbed a couple of minutes in a towel, then removed it and gently divided the hair with his fingers.
  3. Applicated an ampoule to restore.
  4. Dressed a hat, warmed a couple of minutes with a hairdryer and left to influence 20 minutes.
  5. Washed off cool water.

Hair dried and I am amazed by the result: an incredible silk gloss, a pomp, crumbly. The tips no longer sticked out, the species became much more healthy.

With delight, about the skillfully made evening hairstyles, according to the strength of emotions can be compared, only, horror that will cover you the next day before the combing procedure. The whole arsenal of cosmetics and professional techniques of stylists, in this case, will turn against your passionate desire to gain peace and the nun for their exhausted hair. And even the tips and recommendations of the girlfriends for some reason, in your case do not give the expected effect.

Causes of hair tolls
The culprits of this tragedy can be and your habit of walking with loose hair in the rain and wind, and laziness that did not allow you to comb your hair before washing, or to dry it, before tying them in the knot. Another reason can be repeated drapeting of hair for a new hairstyle without prior careful congestion. Get ready for tuning your mane if you have a curly, and before bedtime you will not braid it. There are, of course, the objective causes of hair dumping, with a long stay in the bed of severely ill, or a unique response of the hair structure on the unusual rigidity of water or the composition of the dye. In general, the question is how to comb strongly tangled hair, at least once, but stood before every woman, if, of course, she has no ultra-screwing haircut.

Ways to solve this problem
Five of them:

  • aggressive chopping in dry;
  • derivation using cosmetics;
  • cooling under a strong jet of water;
  • derivation using oils;
  • radical - Districting Koltun (lumps of hair, tightly knocked and sticking out of accumulated fat storms, dirt and dust).
What can the desired result?
If the hair confusion is not frequent, and you have lived with it for no more than a day, then by taking patience, with air conditioning, a balm or hair mask you can cope with this misfortune. It is worth only to perform the following conditions:
  • to begin with, getting off with rare and wide teeth;
  • moisten the hair with an immentable balsam;
  • collecting to start on strands, from the tip, gradually moving to the roots;
  • disassembled, so straight, make a massage brush to remove the remnants of torn hair.
It is impossible confused hair immediately, without treatment with air conditioning or balsam, to substitute under a stream of water. Hair absorbed moisture, will become hard and less elastic, that it will complicate your attempt to combing them.

Folk recipes instead of air conditioner offer to use a ray oil that is also useful for the hair structure. The effect of any result is laid at the prevention stage.

What you need to know and do that your hair is not tied up?

  1. Every day, several times combed them along the entire length. By the way, Tyrolean women were 100 times spent 100 times their hair hard brushed brushed, improving blood circulation at hair roots and distributing along the entire length of the secret of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Strip hair with a headdress from the exposure to the sun and bad weather. Quoted, most often, thin and dry hair.
  3. Complete the washing of the head using the air conditioner or hair balm. But do not forget to wash these funds. Be sure to calculate the hair immediately after washing.
  4. For the night, long hair is stuffed in braid or tie into the tail.
  5. Hand hair when doing homework.
  6. Do not use mousses, varnishes, sprays constantly.
Hair, undoubtedly, woman's natural decoration. They emphasize its attractiveness, create the effect of charm for the opposite sex. Their beauty in naturalness and health and with it can not be compared the sore of the most skillful stylist.