Congratulations to classmates meeting forestry. Toasts and table jokes for meeting classmates. Appointment of the host of the event

Making moonshine and alcohol for personal use
absolutely legal!

After the end of the existence of the USSR, the new government stopped the fight against moonshine. Criminal liability and fines were abolished, and an article banning the production of alcohol-containing products at home was removed from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To this day, there is not a single law prohibiting us from engaging in our favorite hobby - making alcohol at home. This is evidenced by the Federal Law of July 8, 1999 No. 143-FZ "On Administrative Liability of Legal Entities (Organizations) and Individual Entrepreneurs for Offenses in the Field of Production and Turnover of Ethyl Alcohol, Alcohol and Alcohol-Containing Products" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 28 , art. 3476).

Excerpt from the Federal Law of the Russian Federation:

"The effect of this Federal Law does not apply to the activities of citizens (individuals) who produce products containing ethyl alcohol, not for the purpose of marketing."

Home brewing in other countries:

In Kazakhstan in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan On Administrative Offenses of January 30, 2001 N 155, the following liability is provided. So, according to article 335 "Manufacture and sale of home-made alcoholic beverages", illegal manufacture for the sale of moonshine, chacha, mulberry vodka, home brew and other alcoholic beverages, as well as the sale of these alcoholic beverages, entails a fine in the amount of thirty monthly calculation indices with confiscation of alcoholic beverages , devices, raw materials and equipment for their manufacture, as well as money and other valuables received from their sale. However, the law does not prohibit the preparation of alcohol for personal use.

In Ukraine and Belarus things are different. Articles No. 176 and No. 177 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine provide for the imposition of fines in the amount of three to ten non-taxable minimum wages for the manufacture and storage of moonshine without the purpose of sale, for storage without the purpose of selling devices * for its production.

Article 12.43 repeats this information almost word for word. "Making or purchasing strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their manufacture (mash), storage of devices for their manufacture" in the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses. Clause No. 1 informs: "The production of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine) by individuals, semi-finished products for their manufacture (mash), as well as the storage of devices * used for their manufacture, - entail a warning or a fine of up to five basic units with the confiscation of the specified drinks, semi-finished products and apparatus ".

* It is still possible to purchase moonshine stills for home use, since their second purpose is to distill water and obtain components for natural cosmetics and perfumery.

A reunion is a warm event that should be well organized. Before the usual gatherings at the table, it is advisable to include a festive program so that the memories of school and the meeting of former classmates turn into a memorable event.

Leading: Good afternoon, dear graduates. Only a year has passed and now you have returned to the walls of your native school as guests. During the year, you have had many events that you will gladly tell each other about. And our meeting opens with a gentle waltz.
High school students dance a waltz on stage.
Children go on stage to recite poetry.

Former graduate: Today we want to present flowers and an honorary diploma to our beloved class teacher (name, patronymic). Thank you for your help and participation in our school life! The diploma confirms that you have the following knowledge and skills:

Leading: Former students prepared a song for the class teacher.

Leading: Let's remember the early years. When you came to school, all together weighed 1320 kg. They were approximate, but still managed to break 2 window panes and 8 glasses in the school canteen. And you also covered 9 km of paper during your studies and received 3000 twos. You learned the ability to see what a classmate, sitting on 2 desks in front of you, writes, made a tattoo with scientific formulas on your knees and hands, so as not to fail the test. You learned to read sign language and understood sign language even better than normal. I propose to spend the past childhood with applause.

Dance number.

Leading: Let's do a little roll call:

  • Who managed to enter the university in our city?
  • And who studies in another city?
  • Who is the ringleader in the group?
  • Who did the additional study (courses, languages)?
  • Who managed to visit abroad this year?
  • Who met their love?
  • Are there those who have already managed to earn some money and earn their first money?

Leading: I also propose to plunge into memories and listen to poetry from the younger generation.

Leading: In conclusion, we will give the floor to the school principal.

Director's word.

Leading: Dear graduates, no matter how many years have passed since graduation, you will always be welcome at school. Come visit and don't forget your school. Graduates are invited to their classes for a sweet table.

A cool script for a high school reunion 20 years later

Evening in a cafe, classmates at the table.

Leading: Fate brought you together to study in the same class, for many years you lived the same life for all and together learned to overcome barriers. Let's raise our glasses to you classmates! Who wants to say a few memorable words first?
Graduate: It's been 20 years, quite a lot. But each of us, I think, remembers his desk, his friend and his class. Do you remember our trick in ... class? Then we got a lot of it. And, of course, everyone remembers our savior, the classmother (name, patronymic of the class teacher). Please accept words of gratitude from each of us, forgive our pranks and accept this bouquet.
Gives the class teacher a present.
The class teacher's speech.
Class.ruk .: I propose to appoint persons on duty so that the glasses do not remain empty.
The attendants perform duties, the feast continues.
Leading: In a circle I start writing work, the topic: "How to find me." Please provide any of your contact information.
Class.ruk .: And I propose to remember the alphabet. We will start toasts or congratulations in turn with each letter of the alphabet. I will begin:

Other options

Leading: Let's test the imaginations of our boys and girls. You will go out to the center of the table and each will take out one thing from the backpack. You need to convince everyone that the thing that you got out will certainly come in handy at school.

The portfolio contains such things:

  • Sunscreen
  • Screwdriver
  • Shoe covers
  • Children's car
  • Beanbag
  • Sponge
  • Medical mask

Leading: I ask the attendants to pour them into the glasses.
Leading: Let's sing together. But first, you have to collect the song.

The verse is cut in 2 lines.

Leading: The entertainment program is coming to an end, but it is too early for our graduates to leave the evening, because they need to talk a lot. Happy meeting you, graduates, 20 years later. The holiday continues!

Scenario of meeting classmates in a cafe 30 years later

Leading: 30 years have passed and now again we all gathered together at the festive table to remember pleasant moments and learn about the life of our classmates. Let's take a roll call.

Pulls out an impromptu magazine.

Leading: Do you have Leontyev? So, Belinsky? Ivleev?
After the roll call, glasses are filled and they are invited to make a toast to the head of the class.
Leading: Now let's refresh our memory and have a little quiz. Do not hesitate, raise our hands and earn points for ourselves.

  1. Who did Petrova sit with in the first grade at the same desk?
  2. Name the desk on which Belinsky was sitting?
  3. What did Ivleeva do at the break?
  4. What lesson did Lenontieva dislike?
  5. Who was Maslyakov in love with at school?
  6. What are the outstanding students of our class?
  7. Who was the main ringleader in the class?

Leading: Now let's talk a little. Remember our literature lessons? Let everyone tell us the name of their favorite book, but only in the format of the game "Crocodile", with the help of gestures.
Game "Literary Crocodile".
Leading: And now a toast to the friendliest class that could get together 30 years after graduation. For you, successful and talented.

Dance break.

Leading: I suggest singing any song about school in a group or in turns in karaoke. We can even split into teams and compete.
Karaoke with songs about school.
Leading: It's time for exams. I have tickets, they are not complicated, but it is advisable to answer them correctly.

Leading: I propose to drink to the successfully passed exams both in our school and in the school of life.

Dance break.

Leading: After the exams, graduation is traditionally held. Let's remember who was wearing what at the prom: guys - suit color and style, girls - fluffy or fitted dress, or suit. And you can check the photo from the graduation, which I have.
Classmates recall the outfits of former students.
Leading: Usually, prom is not complete without a waltz. Let's remember this dance.
A waltz sounds, classmates are dancing.
Leading: I would like to sum up today's results and highlight the classmate and classmate who showed themselves most vividly in today's competitions. We give them the title of King and Queen of today's meeting. I want to wish you to remember your school years, today's meeting and each other for a very long time, and the memories were only warm.

Cool scenario evening of meeting classmates 40 years later

At the entrance, guests are greeted by a poster "40 years later." A drawing paper is hanging on which you can leave your wishes. Alumni registration book, the cover says:

You must leave your email address, phone number, write your profession.
Leading: We solemnly invite to the hall those who, after leaving school, have already been able to do half the way. Meet the graduates (year of issue)!

Former classmates enter.

Leading: It is joyful to see your faces, which show that you are all yours and were once a friendly school family. Today you met to plunge into memories 40 years ago, when you left school doorstep into adulthood.
School pupils perform with the song "Childhood".

Children read verses:

Leading: And now we will learn a little about classmates. Those present should answer my question with the phrase:

Leading: Let's remember the school years. Let's look at the photo on the screen, commenting is allowed.

There are slides of scanned school photos.

Leading: I propose to solve the riddles.

The song "It's great that we are all here ..."

Leading: I invite graduates to speak. We expect from everyone a little information about ourselves and kind words about the school.

Graduates are speaking.

Leading: The floor is given to the director.

Director's speech.

Leading: Let's honor a minute of silence for those teachers who no longer exist.
Leading: This does not end the meeting, everyone is invited to the sweet table for a friendly conversation.

Songs alteration evening of meeting classmates

Toast homecoming evening

  • My classmates, how wonderful it is to meet after a certain time and remember their cheerful childhood years. No one can share past life memories like you, who also remember them clearly. Let's meet more often, so that, remembering youth, plunge into carefree memories and lift our spirits and rejuvenate our soul (even though it is not yet old here!).
  • I look at you and do not believe that everyone is already so mature and accomplished. Seeing you, I felt young and carefree. I raise a glass to the youthful souls of my classmates and to the wonderful tradition of meetings!

Video meeting of former classmates

To organize a meeting of alumni, you need to decide on the venue, the host and the organization of food (a table in a cafe or a sweet table in the school walls). An entertaining script is also needed so that guests do not have time to get bored. The feast is more necessary for personal communication of classmates. May the alumni meetings be long-awaited and memorable.

Gathering for a meeting with classmates, each of us experiences excitement and it seems that there are so many words and wishes that one would like to say to old friends and respected teachers that you don't have to prepare on purpose: everything will be remembered and will affect itself. But it is precisely this very excitement that can fail at the most inopportune moment and as a result, apart from a couple of traditional phrases, nothing will come to mind, and then it is offensive, because I so wanted to be at the top and be remembered by my classmates as eloquent, witty and resourceful.

Graduation Day greetings in verse will help you gain attention and surprise everyone in the room. Graduates are always connected by memories of their young years and common interesting stories that warm the soul for many years after graduation. Nostalgia for the past and gratitude for the past fill the hearts of graduates on such a day.

A toast at a classmate meeting should be simple in content. It should not contain high-flown speeches and deep, pompous thoughts. For this case, a poem is quite suitable, not very large in size. You should not offend anyone in your appeal, even if you had any conflicts at school. Speech should be kind.

Remembering school, we will smile again:
Forgotten swing, first love.
Disturbing silence during the test,
And the smell of sweet buns coming from the dining room;

Now we have matured, knowing our worries:
Family and children, tiredness after work.
But again, here we are together today,
As in distant childhood, we laugh heartily ...

Today at a meeting of alumni, among such relatives and persons, I would like to ask forgiveness from our teachers for all of us. After all, we spoiled their nerves in order and shaken their health. May your work be easy and bring you only pleasure and joy!

I am so glad to see you all here. As I see, time has beaten us all a little, but you know, despite the years that we have lived apart from each other, I can never forget those wonderful times of hopes and dreams that we spent together. Let's drink to those wonderful days and to these wonderful people.

Everyone says that school years are the happiest. And indeed it is. I will always remember with joy how I ran to school, how I skipped classes, how I told my mother that I had a headache so as not to go to lessons. Now it seems like child's play, something special, funny. Thanks to everyone who came to the alumni meeting!

Today is such a wonderful evening, one of the evenings that allows you to return to school years and remember all that was dear to us when, how well we spent carefree days, how wonderful and kind we had teachers. Let's raise a glass for the fact that there are such evenings of meetings and so that at least every 5 years we can see each other!

This is the day, this is the meeting,
I am glad to you all friends,
Graduates for you,
I drink to the bottom now!

I wish to get together more often
I wish everyone health,
I wish you not to get lost anymore
Prosperity for all and all good!

I wish you all good luck, happiness,
I wish you to live without problems,
I wish you not to be upset,
Forget about all the insults!

It seems that until recently we only got together at school desks. We were noisy, bullying, somewhere rude and condescending. But still, we had the main advantage - mutual assistance and support. I am very glad that after so much time we still have it. And there is also free access to alcohol, so raise your glasses to real friends!

Dear friends! Years later, we all came together again. Everyone already has their own concerns: family, kids and work. But no one will forget about our second home - the school. The time spent here is priceless for me. You are my second family. With tears in my eyes, I remember these wonderful days with you. Let's drink to have more reasons to get together!

Dear classmates, how great it will be to meet and plunge into school life again, remembering teachers, funny moments, who copied from whom, who was in love with whom, who pulled whom by the pigtails ... It's like returning to childhood again. So let's meet more often, so that, like this, sitting together and remembering our school past, plunge into carelessness and rejuvenate our soul, although it is not old in our country.

Do you remember how we cried when it was time to leave? And these were tears of joy and happiness. How many happy moments we have experienced together. Today there is no less excitement. Each of us now has a different, new life. Let's drink to have more smiles, laughter and enthusiasm in this life!

My dear classmates! Today we are gathered here to remember youth and sweet school life. Although we are now almost old people, I still wish that our pleasant memories of school never dissolve in our souls and hearts! For us!

We are one big family. And even though time seeks to distance us from each other, our relationship will always be warm and strong. I wish each of you personal happiness and great success. And of course, never forget the wonderful time we spent together at school.

I'm immensely glad to see you all. I look and see all the same childish and happy faces that can be called relatives. We lived a little life together. I remember those desks and the smell of ink, I remember the feeling of sticking gum and cigarette smoke in the toilet. How wonderful it was after all. I want to drink to all of you and wish you at least sometimes remember those joyful moments.

It's so nice to be back in the circle of classmates. It's great that we can remember our school days and pranks. Apologize for your behavior to the teachers and thank them, again, for everything they have done for us. Happy Holidays. I drink to school mischief, which we will certainly remember today.

Dear classmates! I am so glad that once I shared one class with you and the knowledge that our valiant teachers tried to drive into our heads! I want to drink to the health of each of you and admit that if everything could be returned back, I would not want to change anything! For you!

Yesterday, it seems, we were sitting at our desks, disrupting lessons and inventing nicknames for teachers. Of course, many have experienced dramatic changes in their families and lives, but having gathered here, we all feel like tomboy schoolchildren. Let's drink to this wonderful tradition of meeting and to all of us who support it.

Classmates - for all the years of study, they become relatives. You have common interests, occupations, you have your secrets. Then everyone grows up and disperses to all corners of the vast world, each in its own way. But it’s so nice to get together like this in your favorite class and learn how the life of each of us has changed. So let us make these joyful meetings regular.

We have not seen each other for a long time and each has its own path. Then, at the prom, no one knew how our life would turn out. In general, I want to drink to us, to the unpredictability and paradoxical nature of life, as well as to the fact that we are still friends and are even ready to get together at the alumni meeting.

What wonderful school years, how many unforgettable moments! Thank you for the fact that we have something to remember and someone to miss. I want to raise a glass to the teachers who have brought a part of themselves into our development. Thank you very much for everything!

There are comets that approach our planet every hundred years. Let's raise our glasses so that we meet the approach of the next comet in the same composition as today.

It is difficult to get an education: exams, strict teachers, and much more. But it is even more difficult to get a life education: how to be friends, how to love, how to help out, how to keep secrets ... So let's raise our glasses as a token of gratitude to each other for the wonderful years that taught us true friendship!

Graduates, hello to you all,
We haven't seen you for a long time,
And now fate brought me together again,
We are with you in this hall!

My friends, I wish everyone
So that everyone's dreams come true
I drink to the bottom for our meeting,
I wish everyone to smile!

It would be foolish to think that the people with whom you have spent, practically, side by side for 11 years, mean nothing for the flow of our life, as well as for the attitudes with which we sail along it. Let's drink to the accident that brought us together in the same class for several decades.

We met today
Everyone found time with you,
The years passed quickly
We've certainly matured!

But in our souls we are still the same
We are all cheerful, friendly,
And today I drink for us
For our glorious, wonderful class!

I drink to the meeting, to the good,
Let everythnig will be alright,
So that we always meet
In a day, in a year!

To be appreciated, cherished,
To keep our memory
To school for us to come
And they brought the kids!

And maybe even grandchildren,
Brought to our former class
So that they do not give up,
I drink comrades for you!

Years have passed, but we, friends, are united by the time of carefree childhood and restless youth, which flew like a swift-winged bird within the walls of our unforgettable school. Our memory will always keep this time as a wonderful part of our life.
Let's drink to the meeting!

I remember us as schoolchildren, and I can't even believe how adults and important we have already become. Seeing all of you, my classmates, I feel young at heart, I remember the most carefree times of my life, which are associated with school. I want us to get together like this more often and each time, seeing each other, remember what we were like before. Let's drink to the eternal youth of our souls!

Look, time is merciless: many of us have changed, they managed to get a family, they work, not knowing a nap for an hour. Let's see each other more often, not forgetting the youthful beauty.

Dear classmates! Despite all that life has forced us to go through, I am infinitely happy that after so much time, we can still gather at the same table and just remember all those pranks that we freaked out and the holidays that we organized. And plunge into those distant, but such carefree years.

We were a wonderful group, patterned students. Then they suddenly got confused: someone has now started a family, who have done business, and there are those who are still lonely. Let's meet together more often, share news and others. For the meeting!

We remember each other very green. Today, each of you has become a person. I am sure that your life has turned out exactly as you dreamed sitting at your desk. I want to wish you that you do not know boredom in life and continue in the same spirit!

The alumni meeting day, traditionally held on the first Saturday of February, is both a very joyful and a bit sad holiday. Joyful that, seeing the faces that have become relatives for many years of study, the soul returns to childhood and youth. And he is sad because time flies inexorably fast, and with each subsequent meeting it is felt more strongly.
The best beautiful short and funny festive table toasts with meaning - funny, hilarious, interesting and original for the company.

The alumni meeting day is a bright event. These are the memories of
school pranks and strong friendship, the first teacher and the first
a call, important exams and an exciting graduation. This is a chance to meet
with classmates and tell the news about yourself. Congratulations on this
a great opportunity!

Congratulations on a bright occasion for sincere meetings, memories,
laughter, conclusions, summing up, Happy Alumni Meeting! Let be
no matter how fate develops, everyone lives in their hearts
joy, peace reigns in the soul, happiness shines in the eyes, faith leads
yourself. Health, well-being, a serene future, a peaceful sky above

Someone with a mustache, someone with small bellies, for the place of funny
braids with hairstyles on the head, with smart faces and almost everything with
gray hair - these are my dear classmates. How good that
we gathered here, discarding all our affairs for later, temporarily adding up with
the responsibilities of responsible parents. Spinning like a squirrel in
wheel, stuck in the quagmire of life, we forget about everything and only
such meetings give us the opportunity to all together remember the carefree
school years and dreams that were destined to come true or not. Native
my classmates, may God grant you all endless happiness and strong
health for many years. Live positive, always smile and
may the news from you reaching us always be kind and

Congratulations on this wonderful event! I wish at least these couple
hours forget about your age and relive all those feelings
which have already been forgotten. May everyone really gather on this day
who has been associated for a long time. I just wish you enjoy the communication and
warm memories!

On this day, I want to remember the brightest moments from our
school life! How funny, naive and stupid we were.
I wish you to spend this evening cheerfully plunging into the past. Together we
learned everything: to love, to be friends, to act according to conscience. I wish everyone
fulfillment of desires, health and good luck!

It seems that recently we were the only ones sitting at our desks, waiting for a call on
change, they answered at the blackboard ... And now we take the children to the kindergarten and
school, we teach lessons with them remembering our school years. Let's give
promises to each other - never grow old in soul, stay the same
girls and boys who believed in miracles and sincerely loved
a life.

Today is the day of our meeting - the day of the meeting of graduates, guys,
who left the walls of their native school and went on the path of an adult
life. I think that each of us very often recalls the sonorous
change and funny school stories that instantly raise
mood and return us to our youth. I want to wish everyone
try not to miss our meetings, always remember about our gold
time and happy carefree time.

Today old friends got together again! To about life
chat and tell who is capable of what, what they achieved, about their
tell life, find out what's new with friends and remember the days
old! I would like to wish everyone a successful life, so that on it
only loyal friends and sympathetic people met, everything that was planned
but reality has come true, and what dreams come true. And let in
all your hearts, the spark of those pleasant joint
memories of old events. I wish you all peace, kindness, warmth,
happy days and fabulous nights, healthy parents and successful

On this February evening, inspired by the memories of wonderful
years of school life, I wish you to plunge back into those carefree days,
when you were children, forget for a while about your age, regalia,
status, social position, remember the wonderful moments of the first
love and carefree youth!

There is a great opportunity to plunge into the childhood world again. Let it go
you will be able to feel the same carefree, cheerful
and mischievous as many years ago. Have fun, rejoice, communicate.
Remember the most unique years of your life.

Congratulations and poems for the reunion 20 years later

As if our bell rang yesterday
Our sonorous farewell to school
Then we did not go with you to the lesson,
We wrote messages in albums.
As if yesterday was our prom
Dancing, dressing up, laughing and having fun
In the morning we returned home,
Everyone was happy, everyone was in the mood.
And now, who would have thought that we would meet
Twenty years later, at my own school,
Then we were all children,
We now have new roles.
Some of you have become a great father,
Someone already, maybe, spoils the grandchildren,
Someone remained the same youth
Someone is following the figure.
We have changed, we are adults
Many of us have mortgages,
But we were able to preserve our friendship,
True, now we are no longer children.
We have families, work, business,
But still gathered today
We can't forget school, friends,
Let's remember the past today.
Let's remember the exams, our glorious class,
All changes, lessons and plans
At school each of us dreamed
What he will grow up to become.
Let's remember the neighbor on the desk, calls,
Let's remember the very first teacher
Remember the answers at the blackboard
Let us remember our faithful elder.
Let's remember everything, we have an evening,
Although, we can meet more often,
Let's try with you friends,
For no reason we get together!

This date is twenty years
Oh, honestly, I can't believe it!
In honor of this date, our banquet,
We couldn't help but meet!
Today we will discuss
Than our life is full
And remember with nostalgia
The old days!
There will be many phrases today:
"Do you remember this?"
After all, we have so much in common
Moments full of light!
I'm finishing my speech
I want to raise my glasses
Thank you all for the meeting,
I missed you so much!

And remember, 20 years ago we were young and beautiful graduates,
we thought what would happen next and which way to choose. Today we
gathered again, and now each of us clearly knows that he
wants from life, everyone has already achieved a lot and built his own happiness, and
someone else is building. My friends, I want everyone
wish this was not our last alumni meeting, so that
every year we got together and remembered our fun school years,
our prom, beautiful dance, ringing laughter and loud changes.
Be all happy and successful guys!

20 years have passed
Since leaving school,
Here to meet childhood
We are back again.
Native corridors
They meet with silence
And it seems to us
We returned home.
Graduates at a meeting
They recognize each other
Sometimes not right away
In 5 minutes.
These meetings in memory
Will stay with us
Our friends, girlfriends,
Our matured class.

At heart we are all students
Happy meeting you! Graduates,
Let's remember together
How we all learned at 5,
And someone, however, and 2
Or barely 3 ...
Come on, what to list,
Let's celebrate the meeting!
And how many years have passed since then
How much water has flowed under the bridge?
Exactly 20 years passed,
But there is no sadness in us at all!

School, school, so recently
We stepped over the threshold.
20 years have already passed,
Experience, wisdom is our result.
May the meeting be beautiful
May we be carried away to youth
Let it give this evening
Rest for us from all worries.

We met in a friendly class
As many as 20 years later.
We remember our youth
We are smiling, but sad.
Let the connection between us only grow stronger
May everyone be lucky in life
We are the same as before
Two decades doesn't count.

Twenty years have passed so quickly
We didn't have time to notice
But during this period we are with you
Matured, matured,
And today will take place
Meeting of all graduates,
This holiday has been long awaited
Everyone was ready for it!

The guys met with you
After 20 years
Have already lived a lot
Joys, losses and troubles.
Let it be friendly, as before
Our lovely, noisy class.
Gathering in a glorious school
Let us have an excuse.

We have been with the school for a long time
Sweetly said goodbye
There was a lot of everyone
Various things happened.
Twenty years later came together
We are after parting,
Again with wonderful youth
Let's hold our hands together.

20 years have passed since then
As we graduated from school,
But today the conversation
It will flow, know, in a different way,
And not like the old people,
Let's remember jokes and undertakings ...
To you - love, beautiful words,
Everything to have what you wanted!

Thanks to the teacher at the alumni meeting in prose in your own words

Beautiful and kind, sincere and original words are great
thanks to the teacher, class teacher at the meeting evening
school graduates after 5, 10, 15, 20 years, wishes in prose from
former students in their own words.

Every year, on the first Saturday of February, former
classmates and teachers. In 2017, express gratitude in prose
dear school teachers and meet classmates can 4
February. (date, day)

Our dear, dear teachers!

We came to the homecoming evening today, bringing with us
feelings of regret and feelings of gratitude. Today, after
many (5,10,15, 20) years from the day of graduation, the realization comes
that the wonderful years spent within the walls of this educational
establishments keep the most pleasant memories of a bygone childhood. how
it is a pity that we cannot come here every day as before ...

And of course, we, now no longer your mischievous students, but serious
adults, we want to thank you, beloved teachers, for your knowledge,
thanks to which we now have prestigious professions, for your
wisdom, thanks to which good relations in the team have been preserved
our class, for your care and participation in all our affairs!

Low bow to you!

Lovely teachers!

Thank you for your pedagogical talent, for your spiritual generosity, for your joy
discoveries that you donated to your students. For a colossal
efficiency and creative attitude to their duties!

Prose gratitude in your own words

Dear (teacher's name)!

We got together again that day. Probably we are your boys and girls, we have grown a little more ...

And you, as before, look at us with care and love. For you
we will forever remain children. Thank you for the warmth of the soul that you are without
tired of giving us! For your wise parting words, which, like beacons,
lead us along the road of life.

We always remember you and say: "Thank you!"

Our dear, the coolest teacher (name, patronymic)!

No alumni evening is complete without major
people thanks to whom we all took place in this life - our

The teacher is an innovator and a keeper of traditions at the same time. Only
thanks to you, each new generation receives modern knowledge and
moves forward, and at the same time, thanks to you, everything is saved
most importantly, all the basics of parenting.

The work of teachers is a great work! Thank you (teacher's name)!

Our dear teacher, we thank you again!

You put so much effort into us, and how much you worried. We are not
could then understand and appreciate your work, sometimes they were stupidly offended, and
may have offended you. We now know that you were one of those people
who built our destinies, loved all of us sincerely, cared
gave invaluable advice. Thank you for your kindness!

How happy we all get together again, with the whole class, as if in
bygone days. How glad to see you again - our dear cool
leader (teacher's name)! And pictures of school days are drawn again,
when we were carefree, and you opened the way for us - the road of knowledge,
road to life.

We thank you for all your work - so hard and priceless,
for your wisdom and support. It is very important to us today.
Thank you, dear (teacher's name)!

Cool congratulations on the evening of the meeting of graduates 10 years later

Today we are in a hurry to school
Like 10 years ago
And their classmates
Everyone is glad to see.
Our girls have blossomed
Over these 10 years,
And next to them are men,
There is no trace of the boys.
Meet the classes with silence
Everyone sits at their desks,
What a pity that school years
Will not be repeated.

Not only school is behind,
Even the university!
But here we come again
After 10 long years!
We will talk a lot
The kindest, warmest words,
To make life happier
On this Graduate Day!

Dear graduates, 10 years have passed since we were
beautiful graduates and stood on the threshold of this school on the eve of
something new and joyful. Now each of us is independent,
confident and happy in its own way. I wish you all great success
undoubted good luck, great mood, and, of course, funny
memories of school years.

10 years have already passed,
Here we are together again.
Graduates met
Again in the old place.
How long have we lived with you
They believed and loved.
I want these years
We have not forgotten a century.
I wish to stay
Daring and young
Inspired by a dream
Bright and noisy.

How quickly they matured
We guys are with you.
10 years have already rushed -
They are rich in experience.
It seems like yesterday
Graduation walk
And about a difficult, adult life
We dreamed with might and main.
May the meeting be pleasant
Let the connection not be lost
Let everything that was asked
Come true quickly.

We said goodbye to school
Exactly ten years ago
And everyone gathered today
Everyone is glad to meet this
Let's remember today together
School, our graduation ball,
Let's talk with each other,
Everyone will be himself!

Ten years ago, guys
We left school.
But love for native land
We haven't pushed back.
I wish everyone well
Get together more often
To be young at heart
In our present.

May the years of school be distant
Happy meeting you, graduates!
It's been a long ten years
And again the class saw the light
Bright, mischievous smiles,
I heard the sounds of simple words.
I wish you all well,
So that the time for joy lasts!

Today every graduate
Of course, I'm glad to come to my class!
Girls are a colorful flower garden
And the boys have their own parade!
Yes, we have matured ... 10 years
Passed in the last call.
But there is no sadness and sorrow,
May all life be easy in the future!

Happy Homecoming Poems

Happy alumni meeting
I want to congratulate you.
And I wish from the bottom of my heart
Such bright phrases:
More optimism in life
And a lot of happiness ahead.
There is a lot of health in the body
And pure, sincere love!

Graduates, graduates,
The years of study are far away.
We have changed, matured
They flew from the alma mater.
I wish each of you
In a family of great happiness,
We were at work so that success
And there are a lot of achievements.
Don't forget those friends
With whom all youth has rushed.
So that they are close people
So that connections are not lost.

Graduates, friends, my family,
How glad to see you at this hour.
You've become all serious
But once ... first class.
How good it is for us to meet today
On this occasion, I congratulate you, friends.
I wish you well, hundreds of smiles
And just a bunch of stuff.

How long have we seen each other
How many winters and how many years
They didn't even really communicate,
Only: "Hello!" and hi!"!
Finally we are all together
As in the old days
We will discuss all the news
Who, than life is full!
Because on a wonderful evening
We're in the circle of school friends
Let's raise for this meeting
All glasses, hurry!

After many years we met
To say hello to each other again!
Our school remained in the memory
We always remember the teachings of the light!
Dear friends, congratulations
What we had to meet
I wish everyone happiness, health,
Do not regret what has gone away!
And look ahead, striving for the heights,
To put your hands on success,
Drive around in expensive cars
To love everyone and it is very cool to live!

After so many years we met again
I want to know a lot about all of you,
What study, work, family,
And even secrets that we cannot know!
Friends, classmates, I love you,
I sincerely give congratulatory poems,
I wish you to be very successful
Happy to give birth to sons and daughters!
Health, fun, good luck friends,
I wish you love and recognition!
So that youth warms everyone around,
Your home was warm, cozy and kind!

Here is a joyful moment
Here is our meeting.
Like many years ago
Our graduation party.
I wish from the bottom of my heart
Peace and quiet,
May bad weather and sadness
Never touched.
May life be joyful
Friendship will be true
Happiness is happily living
At the root of our destinies.

Somewhere our previous years?
Is there something ahead?
So let's share our hopes
Let's look at each other.
Joy, pride, impressions ...
We are one like no one
Our friendship continues
Enough for another hundred years.
Let's meet with a noisy bunch
Many, many more times
Our release - I'll tell you what I think -
The best, no embellishment!

Let's raise our glasses, dear friends!
For the long years that we lived together;
For ups, downs and memories -
Let our desires come true!
Let life reveal its horizons
And carpeted the path!
To loud applause from Fortune
We will go with each other's support!

Today is a joyful and very bright day,
After all, we all gathered together again,
How many different themes we have in common
Again, we all merged together.
Let's remember all the old days
All our school and childhood moments
And life was so carefree and bright
Filled with happiness and fun!

Congratulations at the meeting of graduates classmates poems

How many years have passed, it's terrible to remember!

Fate shook us around the world

But to a meeting with your beloved school

We always gathered together.

Here are familiar faces

Beamed with smiles again.

And the soul calls us to have fun

Her love for school did not run out.

Congratulations to each other on the meeting

Classmates of a friendly family,

We remember those who for the evening

For some reason they didn't come now.

An exciting meeting of classmates -

The opportunity to meet childhood again.

One of the kind and sincere holidays,

That keeps our friends from forgetting.

Proud of graduates of different years

And the school that let us fly

And the team that works

We wish for many, many years.

I congratulate everyone who chose the time

I came to school, dropping everything.

Let's throw off the burden of years gone by

Let's be glad that fate brought us together.

My friends, graduates of the past years!

We grow up, but only from year to year

It becomes necessary from youth hello,

That he gathered us without looking at the weather.

The February cold won't blow out the fire

That in every heart kindled brightly.

After all, meeting childhood for you and for me

More expensive than the most priceless gift.

Today we sincerely congratulate everyone:

Teachers, old comrades.

Let our sonorous laughter sound again at school,

And our childhood will look through the gray hair.

Fast, time, classmates,

How many years have passed since then

As we sat at school at school,

Looking at the teacher at close range ...

How many paths have already been passed since then?

And there are no roads yet.

So after all, today we will remember everything,

How then he was not alone.

How much joy, fun,

How much selflessness, dreams.

May these beautiful moments

Never fade Bridges,

What now we have thrown into childhood

Never let them burn.

Remember the fall

Many years and many winters ago?

The past is leaving - it's true

And we don't need to be sad about him.

In childhood, the sun was radiant -

We will never forget this:

The school where we studied at the desks,

Strict as always teachers.

How much selfless joy there was

How many stupid, windy undertakings.

Let's sit, as before, classmates,

Let's be sad at that school table.

The past is gone, but not in vain,

Above, everything that has been has been given to us.

An exciting occasion today

After all, the meeting of graduates again,

And sad and a little difficult

After all, so much time has passed.

We have changed, matured

Everyone already has a family

But we remember how our eyes burned

And they were the main friends.

How nice to touch now

Pieces of the past again.

And return to childhood for a little bit,

And suddenly turn back time.

On this evening of meetings we are in a hurry again
Plunge into the school years.
School uniform and new smart bow
They always live in my memory.

We friends are older and wiser
Our children are schoolchildren themselves.
You feel everything more sharply over the years
Sadness about school. Day and night.

My dear classmates

My dear classmates,
How many winters have passed, how many years.
We are the participants of one song with you,
School chorus and verse.

In these classes, behind these desks
We are still sitting young
We also torture atlases with maps,
Also at recess we are loud.

May time not spare us
Scattered throughout the life of the year
Whatever the mirror says
Those days are with me forever.

Years passed and we got together

Years passed and we got together
On the day of the meeting of all graduates,
Who lost weight and who added
But that's a trifle.

After all, everyone is happy to see each other,
We have something to talk about,
Although our age is already solid,
Laughter and shouts flow like a stream!

And we will sit like this until the morning,
After all, we will not see each other for a year
Everyone has their own problems
But may we all always be lucky!

I look forward with hope

I look forward with hope
I make plans and move towards the goal,
A new day is coming outside the window
Gives us precious moments.

It's so great to raise children
Live life to the end filled
But sometimes I want so much
Plunge into the intoxicated past.

So let's remember
As we sat together at the desk,
How could they escape from school,
Walking along the park in a friendly formation.

So let's set the table
Let's call our old friends
And on the day of the alumni meeting,
We will remember the teachers.

Hello classmate

Hello classmate,
Hello graduate!
Years fly at the desk
Sitting completely out of the habit.
Our day comes in the year
He returns you to that
School dream ...
Calls in your mind
You remembered school days
And childhood is carefree
And noble youth ...
Lessons and assignments,
Successes, edifications,
You will remember everything on this day
Time will recede into the shadows.
We got together
The stories began -
Teachers, meetings,
Holidays, dreams ...
Remember the school years
Keep in your soul always!

The day of the meeting of all graduates is coming today.

The day of the meeting of all graduates is coming today.
Graduates all together again remember their studies.
All that seemed difficult and complex mistakes
Today they will remember again, but with a kind smile.
I hasten to congratulate you today with a wish
Do not forget the study days, all the meetings and partings.
Do not forget happy days and childish carelessness,
A study that seemed to us at times endless.
May happiness, joy and success accompany you everywhere.
I will never forget you, comrade-graduate.

Everyone gathered today

Everyone gathered today
I'm glad to see everyone.
We haven't seen each other for so long
School friends.

Have become adults already
Have changed, yes.
But in everyone's soul
School forever!

We will remember everything today:
How the door was broken
How the teacher spotted us
With a pack of cigarettes

And how we did not love
Checklists to write,
How perky we could
To skip lessons.

How could a teacher
Stupid dispute to lead,
Hated at school
Clean up, revenge.

And then how they cried
We're at prom
With ribbons and flags
Regretting one thing

It's time for us to say goodbye
And it's time to leave
And come back again
We cannot come here.

Today for a moment
We will return the past
And in this mood
We'll spend the evening.

Hello! Forget about the burden

Hello! Forget about the burden
Years past, my beloved class!
We're lost in time now
And let those close to us not look for

From everyday problems for the holidays,
Unfolding the scarlet sail in my soul,
We, fearing that they would not call us,
We rush to the warm childhood country,

Where dreams are sprinkled with bright splashes
Where are the blinding rays of happiness
Where we fool around with noisy squeals
And we lose the keys from the house,

Where are the confession notes first
In passionate feelings they are funny and sweet,
Where we were kind and faithful
And a childish soul is light ...

So let's never grow old
In this fabulous children's paradise!
And we'll try to see each other again
We smile at each other so
From the pages of!

We will meet in a merry crowd -

We will meet in a merry crowd -
Let everything happen one day in a year;
My class! We'll meet you again
And the rest is no longer important to us.

We'll be together like in the old days
Without unnecessary things in this world;
In the adult world, we are sometimes alone
But together we are when we are children again.

We are ready to support each other
In everything, to make our friendship stronger;
Since school years we will not lose the connection -
We are together and we don't need anything else.

Be healthy, beloved family!
Love to you, in all matters of luck;
I wish unity to all of us -
Let it be only this way and not otherwise.

Much has changed:

Much has changed:
Someone over there is dressed in fashion,
Another with the same haircut,
The third - has become more complete like.

Sailors go on flights
Lawyers are waiting for justice
Work hard abroad
Traders and programmers.

For someone life is a roulette
For whom - a romance of love.
Graduate meeting -
This is youth to remember a chance.