Quotes about being true to your word. Aphorisms about fidelity. Quotes about betrayal

Yes, of course, a dog is a model of fidelity. But why should she serve as an example for us? After all, she is loyal to humans, and not to other dogs.
Karl Kraus

A certificate of his unconditional fidelity was signed by both masters whom he served.
Wieslaw Brudzinski

So what if he faithfully served one master? His master, meanwhile, served two masters.
Wieslaw Brudzinski

I kept my faith in different places just in case.
Gennady Malkin

I can't be faithful to a flag if I don't know whose hands it is in.
Peter Ustinov

Loyalty for a man is like a cage for a tiger. She is contrary to his nature.
B. Shaw

Titus Livy

A dog's loyalty is directly proportional to the quality of the food and the length of the leash.
J. Zbigniew Slojewski

The word “loyalty” has done a lot of harm. People have learned to be “faithful” to a thousand injustices and lawlessness. Meanwhile, they should have been true only to themselves, then they would have rebelled against deception.
Mark Twain

Consider as faithful not those who speak according to your word, but those who oppose what you say incorrectly.

Consider as faithful not those who speak according to your word, but those who oppose what you say incorrectly.

He who has never sworn allegiance will never break it.

Loyalty! It contains the greed of the owner. We would willingly give up many things if it were not for the fear that someone else would pick it up.

Loyalty has nothing to do with our will. Young people want to be faithful - and they are not, old people want to be unfaithful - and cannot.
Oscar Wilde

If there is no secluded place, no convenient time, no suitable lover, only then does a woman remain faithful to her husband.
Indian saying

He who loves for high moral virtues remains faithful all his life, because he becomes attached to something permanent.

If you want to be faithful, have true friends.

It is better to remain faithful to old friends than to make new acquaintances.
Hong Zichen

Be faithful to those who are faithful to you.
Plautus Titus Maccius

Among many friends, a person has few true ones.
Plautus Titus Maccius

There is only one case where we have nothing to fear from offending a friend - this is when it comes to telling him the truth and thus showing him our loyalty.
Cicero Marcus Tullius

Trust shown usually results in reciprocal loyalty.
Livia Titus

Trust is a sign of courage, and loyalty is a sign of strength.
Maria Eschenbach

A friend’s loyalty is needed even in happiness, but in trouble it is absolutely necessary.
Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

A faithful man conceals a matter.
Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon

Going into battle with an unfaithful army is the same as living with an unfaithful wife.

There is a higher friendship, based not on habit but on reason, in which a person loves his friend through loyalty and good will.
Aurelius Augustine

The loyalty of a coward or a fool is not a support for the master. The servant of the master will not betray him, If he has power, And he will not abandon the master in misfortune, If he believes in his exaltation. But when the ruler has already died, Who will continue his selfless service In gratitude for past mercy?

Who could not unite valor, intelligence and loyalty in his heart,
Those are the concubines of kings, and not true servants!

Betrayal now promises many benefits,
Devotion has become a feat for a person.

Intelligence and courage are an empty sound if devotion is forgotten.

Only the devotion of friends is the treasure of rulers,
It is more beautiful than all the riches of the world.
Pierre de Ronsard

No wonder women’s fidelity was given such great importance! Public good, public evil are associated with their behavior. Heaven or hell in a family is caused solely by the rumor that goes around about women, and the rumor depends only on them.
Pierre Augustin Beaumarchais

As long as a person remains true to himself, everything plays into his hands - the government, society, and even the sun, moon and stars.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

What inspires unwavering loyalty among members of secret societies is not so much the secret as the gulf between them and everyone else.
Hannah Arendt

Faith sanctifies the world. Loyalty attaches to him.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Love or respect for truth leads to fidelity.
Gabriel Honore Marcel

There can be loyalty only to a person, and not to an idea or ideal.
Gabriel Honore Marcel

Personal fidelity is creative fidelity.
Emmanuel Mounier

Happy is he whose house is decorated
The modest fidelity of a wife.
V. A. Zhukovsky

A few quotes about fidelity. What famous and famous people thought and said about this. Loyalty is just a concept. And also fate and life. Loyalty is something without which true love cannot exist.

In a broader sense, loyalty is personal devotion to a person or idea. This is constancy and following your promises and words, obligations and duty. Agree, there is so much meaning in one short word. And quotes from people who are not at all stupid cannot reflect the fullness of this very capacious word.

The ancient Greeks had two words that meant loyalty. “Alifia” – justice, truth, reliability, constancy, sincerity. And “pistos” – believer, true, faithful. Loyalty has its opposite - betrayal, betrayal and deceit.

And now,

A few quotes about fidelity

To be faithful is a virtue, to know fidelity is an honor.

Maria von Ebner Eschenbach

There are things that are worth being faithful to. For example, coffee.

John Galsworthy

Everything in this life, loyalty, friendship, love, can end in one terrible day, when a person finds himself on the brink, on the edge of the abyss of life, on the very edge beyond which there is only the unbearableness of existence, dirt, lies and meanness.

Sergey Yasinsky

Loyalty is like a wife. You always need to know who it belongs to.

Scott Becker "Warrior of Bloody Times"

You cannot rely on female fidelity; Happy is he who looks at it indifferently.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin “Arap of Peter the Great”

Loyalty is like air. You don’t think about her while she’s there.

Sergey Yasinsky

The bank called “loyalty” is a very serious bank. All you have to do is make one deposit on the side and that’s it - your account is closed.

From the movie “The Family Man”

François de La Rochefoucauld “Maxims and moral reflections”

A woman remains faithful in two cases: when she believes that her man is not like anyone else, or when she believes that all men are the same.

Konstantin Melikhan

Loyalty is the desire to always be the only one and always be there.

Sergey Yasinsky

There are feelings that can only be tested by time. And among them is fidelity to love.

Anne and Serge Golon “Angelique”

When you love, you don’t want to drink any other water except that which you find in your favorite source. Loyalty in this case is a natural thing. In a loveless marriage, in less than two months the water of the spring becomes bitter.


To remain faithful to an unloved person means to betray yourself.

Konstantin Melikhan

Womanizers are primitive to the point of nausea. They are looking for something new in each next woman. Loyalty is a talent. The talent to see a person in his uniqueness.

Sergey Yasinsky

Cheating with your eyes is the most pleasant way to remain faithful.

Frederic Beigbeder “Romantic Egoist”

An oath of eternal fidelity is the most frivolous and absurd oath, which even the most chaste man, even before the most beautiful of women, should never utter.

Giovanni Giacomo Casanova “Memoirs of Casanova”

Lifelong fidelity is an ideal that is unattainable in our time.

From the movie “Handsome 2” (Zweiohrkuken)

Loyalty is a worthy price for love.

Sergey Yasinsky

Etienne Rey

The measure of loyalty is action, not time.

Mikhail Weller “About Love”

It is strange to expect loyalty from a person who cannot even be faithful to himself.

Sergey Yasinsky

You can seduce a man who has a wife, you can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you cannot seduce a man who has a beloved woman!

Omar Khayyam

A woman in love would rather forgive a major indiscretion than a small infidelity.

La Rochefoucauld

Happiness needs fidelity, but misfortune can do without it.


Loyalty has no boundaries and is not measured in years. This category is intangible.

Sergey Yasinsky

We are constant either because we constantly find new qualities in our loved one that are worthy of love, or because we consider constancy a duty of honor.

F. La Rochefoucauld

Whoever finds chastity a burden should not advise it, lest it become the path to the underworld, turning into dirt and lust of the soul.

F. Nietzsche

Loyalty is not a feeling. This is the solution.

Sergey Yasinsky

The word “loyalty” has done a lot of harm. People have learned to be “faithful” to a thousand injustices and lawlessness. Meanwhile, they should have been true only to themselves, and then they would have rebelled against deception.

Mark Twain

I want to continue to live in a world where loyalty still exists, and vows of love are made forever...

Paulo Coelho

Loyalty is required by the happy. The unfortunate are content with a piece of black bread.

Sergey Yasinsky

Be true to yourself, and then, as surely as night follows day, loyalty to others will follow.

William Shakespeare

Why is infidelity a terrible sin? And who swore allegiance before the image of God? Who deceived God?

Sergey Yasinsky

I can't be faithful to a flag if I don't know whose hands it is in.

Peter Ustinov

Having committed betrayal, people, as a rule, perceive all natural troubles as punishment.

F. Iskander

He remained faithful to one single woman for many years... And then his wife found out about it...

Sergey Yasinsky

In fidelity there is a little laziness, a little fear, a little calculation, a little fatigue, a little passivity, and sometimes even a little fidelity.

Etienne Rey

The most common misconception is when all enemies are considered stupid, and friends are considered faithful.

Sergey Yasinsky

Loyalty is only necessary in cases where you lack love. If your love is strong enough, the question of fidelity simply does not arise.

"Gregory David Roberts"

Lifelong fidelity is an ideal that is unattainable in our time.

Trust shown usually results in reciprocal loyalty.

"Livia Titus"

Having ceased to love, we rejoice when they cheat on us, thereby freeing us from the need to remain faithful.

"Francois de La Rochefoucauld"

There are women who do not want to torture many men, and give everything to just one - this is female fidelity.

"Alfred Capus"

When you love, you don’t want to drink any other water except that which you find in your favorite source. Loyalty in this case is a natural thing. In a loveless marriage, in less than two months the water of the spring becomes bitter.


He who loves for high moral virtues remains faithful all his life, because he becomes attached to something permanent.


"François de La Rochefoucauld"

Loyalty is a quality that people have lost, but dogs have retained.

"Anton Pavlovich Chekhov"

Be yourself, wise, strong and striving to become better. Be natural, without unnecessary pathos and deception. Be true to your word and choice. What could be more beautiful?

"Roman Khoroshev"

If there is no secluded place, no convenient time, no suitable lover, only then does a woman remain faithful to her husband.

"Indian saying"

You shouldn’t expect unconditional loyalty from a beautiful young woman when you yourself have left and slammed the door.

"Oleg Roy"

You can be very faithful and not love. Sometimes loyalty can even turn out to be revenge, retribution for love.

"Alberto Moravia"

A woman remains faithful in two cases: when she believes that her man is not like anyone else, or when she believes that all men are the same.

He is a very loyal person, he does not forget people just because they are old, sick and cannot give him anything.

"Charlotte Link"

There are feelings that can only be tested by time. And among them is fidelity to love.

"Anne and Serge Golon"

A woman remains faithful to her first lover for a long time, unless she takes a second one.

"François de La Rochefoucauld"

It only took Michael a couple of seconds to realize that he had passed the test of loyalty. After all, he remained faithful to the most important thing in the Universe - love for his friends.

"Dmitri Blake"

To be faithful is a virtue, to know fidelity is an honor.

"Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach"

Personal fidelity is creative fidelity.

"Emmanuel Mounier"

Faithful wives console themselves in their fidelity, constantly repeating to themselves: “As soon as I want ...”

"Jean Rostand"

Constancy in love is of two kinds: we are constant either because we constantly find new qualities in our loved one that are worthy of love, or because we consider constancy a duty of honor.

"Francois de La Rochefoucauld"

In fidelity there is a little laziness, a little fear, a little calculation, a little fatigue, a little passivity, and sometimes even a little fidelity.

"Etienne Rey"

Those who are faithful in love only have access to its banal essence. The tragedy of love is experienced only by those who cheat.

"Oscar Wilde"

Loyalty in love requires abstinence, but only with its help can one learn the innermost charm of love.

"Rabindranath Tagore"

In this world I value only loyalty. Without this, you are nothing and you have no one. In life, this is the only currency that will never depreciate.

It is more difficult to be faithful to a woman who gives happiness than to one who causes suffering.

"Francois de La Rochefoucauld"

Loyalty in love, I think, is possible, although it is not easy, but jealousy is a feeling that has always plunged me into panic. I have known jealous people: it’s terrible, it’s always destructive, first of all for themselves. They suffer and suffer, and it ruins everything. It seems to me that jealousy, when the jealous person himself accepts it, moreover, defends it as a virtue, becomes a terrible illness.

"Françoise Sagan"

The bank called fidelity is a very serious bank. All you have to do is make one deposit on the side and that’s it - your account is closed.

True love helps you endure all hardships.

"Friedrich Schiller"

A man's fidelity changes as easily and often as a woman's gloves.

Honesty and loyalty are an expensive gift that you should not expect from cheap people.

"Bernard Show"

Happiness needs fidelity, but misfortune can do without it.


Tell me honestly: have you ever seen a woman in your lifetime who was sincere, faithful and constant? Did not see! Only old women and freaks are faithful and constant!

"Anton Pavlovich Chekhov"

Anyone who doesn't like dogs doesn't like loyalty.

"Heinrich Mann"

A marriage of convenience is better than a marriage without love. Worse than such unions can be a family in which love and loyalty are shown only unilaterally. Such relationships bring pain and disappointment to the one who loves.

If anyone asks why I loved the way I did, I will answer: because we were both faithful to each other. This is my only answer.

"Michel de Montaigne"

If a man cannot be faithful to one woman, he is at least true to himself.

"Vivien Leigh"

No matter how people swear allegiance, no one knows about loyalty better than a dog.

Loyalty for a man is like a cage for a tiger. She is contrary to his nature.

"Bernard Show"

Loyalty! She is the source of the owner's greed. We would leave a lot if we overcame the fear of the possibility that someone else would take it.

A woman remains faithful to her first lover for a long time, unless she takes a second one.

"Francois de La Rochefoucauld"

He who has never sworn allegiance will never break it.

"August von Platen"

An oath of eternal fidelity is the most frivolous and absurd oath, which even the most chaste man, even before the most beautiful of women, should never utter.

"Giacomo Girolamo Casanova"

Just as you are faithful to him, so he will be faithful to you and will not change you until the end.

"Charles Baudelaire"

Loyalty is the first of all virtues; fidelity gives unity to our life, otherwise it would fall apart into a thousand minute impressions, like a thousand shards.

"Milan Kundera"

Always trust your companion in love, but do not give him the opportunity to sin.

"Paolo Mantegazza"

Happy is he whose house is decorated with the modest fidelity of his wife.

"IN. A. Zhukovsky"

Loyalty and devotion - unfortunately, animals know much more about this than people.

Almost every woman would like to be faithful, the only difficulty is to find a man to whom she could be faithful.

Mom, do you know what a plus a dog has that crosses out all other disadvantages? A dog doesn’t first swear his eternal love to you and then jump on other people’s beds.

"Sasha Bely"

For every faithful woman, marriage is a kind of crusade according to her desires.

"Rinat Valiullin"

“Being faithful is a virtue; to know loyalty is an honor” (Ebner - Eschenbach).

Is it difficult to be faithful? It depends on who and in what respects. For example, a dog remains faithful to its owner, it is devoted to him, it appreciates him and waits for him. The real qualities of fidelity. But if we take the relationship between a man and a woman, then everything is more complicated.

They say that men are polygamous creatures, that they cheat on their significant other, wives, lovers, that they cheat with every girl they come across. But in my opinion, this is not the case. It all depends on each individual man, on each individual case, on upbringing and on conditions. Let's try to figure it out.

The man grew up in a decent family, he was not deprived of love, he is a responsible, handsome, decent person. Meets the woman he wants to marry. After the wedding, he realizes that this is not the woman with whom he could be happy: she is stingy, grumpy, a bad housewife, a bad mother, preoccupied with herself and her problems. What should he do? She can’t get a divorce, her upbringing doesn’t allow it. Treason, that's all that remains. He starts dating a woman who suits him, and they become lovers. And this can continue for several years, it will be like living in two houses. Advise his wife to come to her senses, change and give her husband what he lacks.

Let's take another example, when two people fall in love with each other, happy, passionate in bed, they can not part for hours. After some time, the passion weakened, the fire of love slowly died out, but they were already together. Misunderstanding of each other begins, nagging, mockery, scandals, quarrels. What will they do in such a situation? Change. And both, secretly, without remorse. This is vile and disgusting; betrayal of this kind should not be allowed in the family. It's better to get a divorce than to live in such hell. And having learned about each other’s betrayals, they can do anything in a rage.

Another situation is when one of the partners treats the other with disrespect: he nags him, compares him with others, showing the worthlessness of his existence, accusing him of all mortal sins, is jealous, humiliates him, tests his nerves. Such behavior will lead, sooner or later, to betrayal. Therefore, it is worth considering whether you want to have the status of being deceived.

By and large, all people are prone to cheating, both men and women. Men find it more difficult to tolerate the absence of sex, since they need “release” due to physiological needs. It’s easier for a woman; she can tolerate the absence of sex longer than a man. This is especially important when a woman is expecting a child; for medical reasons, she may be prohibited from having sex, but she will tolerate it so as not to harm the child. But if a man is looking forward to his child, taking care of his beloved woman, rejoicing with her that they will soon have a baby, then he will not be painfully worried about the lack of sex, but will simply wait.

When a person cheats, he gives a thousand reasons why he did it: “I cheated because my wife is making trouble and doesn’t want to be with me,” “I cheated because there are so many beautiful girls walking around me, and you gained a lot of weight after giving birth,” “ I cheated because I’m a man.”...That’s what’s on the tip of my tongue – “male.” But a rude word will not help here, unfortunately.

In order not to cheat on each other, you just need to love and respect each other, imagine what if they did the same to you. Loyalty must come from the heart and soul... Be faithful to each other!

These lines belong to the Austrian writer Maria Eschenbach. I cannot but agree with her words, because every prudent person who knows the value of himself, his thoughts and actions should feel loyalty to himself, to his family and friends, and, of course, to his Motherland. A person, in the depths of whose soul such a concept as fidelity has not arisen, is a person capable of change.

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“Loyalty and betrayal”... Today, this is perhaps one of the most pressing problems that worries humanity. The authors of many works also touch on this topic in their stories, novels and poems. For example, the epic novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace", novel by M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita", story by A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" and many others. This topic can be considered in several aspects.

To confirm my words, I would like to turn to the story of A.N. Ostrovsky "The Thunderstorm". The main character Katerina is going through a very complex emotional drama. Once in the Kabanovs' house, the girl hoped that she would live happily in love and harmony without lies and deception. But her dreams and hopes were not justified. The poor girl only endured insults and accusations directed at her. And from her husband she did not receive any support, love or care at all. Katerina can no longer live in such conditions, so she secretly runs away to her lover, Boris. The girl loved him with all her heart, but was too pure spiritually to commit such a terrible act as cheating on her husband. The heroine suffers for a long time, after which she decides to commit suicide. Did Katerina consciously commit the act? Can she be justified? It is very difficult to find the answer to these questions. Everyone builds their own relationships in the family and has the right to choose: to be faithful without receiving warmth in return, or to cheat, but to love and be loved. The author makes us, the readers, think that betrayal is, unfortunately, also present in the family, but makes us think that life should be lived in love and harmony, and not in lies. Works by I.A. Bunin's stories about love most often have a tragic end. The story "Dark Alleys" was no exception. The main character Nadezhda, in the depths of her soul, was able to remain faithful to her lover Nikolai, despite the fact that he rejected her feelings, calling this relationship a passing hobby. All this began with Nicholas's prejudiced attitude towards the lower class. And who would have thought that after so much time, a serf peasant woman would become the owner of an inn? Continuing to love, she could not forgive him for his betrayal. As a result, Nikolai understands that it was Nadezhda who gave him the best moments of his life, bitterly realizing that happiness was so close, but passed him by. The heroes part again for the second time - forever. And Nadezhda’s words sound scary that there is no forgiveness in her heart for the misfortune that she has endured for so many years.

Thus, loyalty is the most precious thing that can be given to a person. That is why being faithful is a virtue. After all, only she is the basis of true love and friendship.

Updated: 2017-10-16

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