New year of the rooster. Rooster wishes a happy new year Original wishes a happy new year of the rooster

The best official congratulations on the New Year of 2017 - the year of the Fire Rooster for colleagues, subordinates, partners and bosses.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Please accept my most sincere and sincere congratulations on the New Year 2017!

May it bring joy, new impressions, hope and optimism.

Let it be different: bright and cheerful, romantic and dreamy, successful and purposeful.

Let the arrival of this year be met with the dearest and closest people.

Let the New Year 2017 be a great opportunity to continue your successful endeavors and a great chance for those who decided to start all over again.

Let the sad and sorrowful moments go into the past, and the best and most pleasant memories warm the soul with affectionate warmth all my life.

Let old grudges be forgotten, opening the way for new friendship and love.

Let your desires come true, your favorite work brings satisfaction, new knowledge and achievements.

Let the stars shine brighter, and the sun illuminate a path full of bright hopes, joyful events, peace and travel.

May each person find this year their own happiness, family harmony and home comfort.

Long live the New Year 2017, and may it bring us only goodness and light!

We congratulate you on the upcoming New Year 2017!

On this, the most magical holiday of the year, I would like to wish first of all the fulfillment of desires.

Indeed, on what other holiday do we sincerely believe in miracles and magic.

May the whole coming year be full of pleasant events, joyful meetings, new discoveries and only wonderful mood.

Let the news be good, acquaintances pleasant, business successful, and minor troubles.

Let your house be full of friends, love, smiles and warmth!

Let all your plans come true, health will not let you down, and loved ones will always be there!

Happy New Year!

When making plans for the coming year, we always hope for the best, dream, make wishes.

I would like to wish that everything you wished and made for the New Year came true!

So that you and your loved ones are healthy and happy, that good luck accompanies you in business, so that love surrounds and fills you and your home.

So that bad weather passes by, and the sun always shines overhead, warming and giving a good mood.

May this year be full of fulfilled hopes, fulfilled dreams, achieved goals and pleasant discoveries!

Happy New Year 2017 to you all!

Ladies and Gentlemen! On the eve of the New Year 2017, I would like to wish all the best. Let the coming year be full of new discoveries, useful and pleasant acquaintances, let it bring you self-confidence, strength of mind and health in the body and, of course, the achievement of your goals!

Reliability, stability and prosperity are the keys to the success of our cooperation! Congratulations on the New Year 2017! May the coming year be full of new plans, creative ideas, good news and financial success!

Dear friends, dear colleagues, 2016 was not an easy year, but together, being a strong team, we were able to cope with problems and impressive crises. On the eve of the holiday, I would like to wish you to observe the popular New Year's tradition: to throw away everything unnecessary from your life. Get rid of negative emotions, from petty troubles, from quarrels with loved ones, and the world will turn to you a completely different side.

Continue to confidently go towards your goals, implement original ideas, do your work with skill and love, because then going to the service every day will be much more pleasant! And do not forget that the Fiery Rooster patronizes the strong and courageous, those people who know how to selflessly work for the result!

I sincerely want to congratulate all my colleagues on the wonderful New Year 2017. May the year of the Rooster bring you joy, health, great happiness and family well-being. Let your material well-being only improve, but our team flourishes, grows stronger and develops creatively.

The Year of the Rooster in the Eastern (Chinese calendar) will begin on January 27, 2017 and will last until February 16, 2018. Do not forget to congratulate all your acquaintances, friends, colleagues, relatives, loved ones on the holiday.

Congratulations in verses for the New Year 2017

Night, garlands, trees, shine,
Square, music, subtext,
Round dance, game, festivities,
New Year's recognition!
The holiday that they were waiting for,
Let the year prophesy the best!
Someone from above, someone there,
We believe in it, you know yourself!
We meet a rooster
And all the verses and words
For him only in circulation,
So that in a new addition,
He would always carry us into life,
Only the best, only YES! ©

Somewhere a blizzard howls with anguish,
Snow carries rags in the fields,
It's all a natural urge
Broadcasts to us all life running!
And here is the leaf of the last year,
Turning over, we'll take a look at everything
Like a white field in the open,
Sowing time will fall for us.
To nurture, to reach,
To the best, to the stars
So that in the year that came to plunge,
We are fully and in full growth!
Let the year of the Rooster be glorious
May everyone and everyone be encouraged
So that it would be rewarded especially
For our good deeds! ©

We talked a lot, it was
And the winter blizzard circled
Times and years have changed
And there was only this symbol somewhere.
But the time has come
To create for him our year,
That the year of the Rooster will arrive
In the hope of making people happy!
Changing changes
And new in new performances,
What was so much anticipated,
What he dreamed, what he prophesied.
Let everything come true as it should
And it will be okay in our life,
Good only triumphs over evil
At ease and easy! ©

Funny congratulations on the new year 2017 (rooster)

Proud rooster bird,
This word cuts the ear.
Until you kick it
You won't see anything!
He will not budge,
However, it is not interesting.
Everyone has heard enough - knows
That our rooster does not fly
But strives to be the best
Dominate and Cover!
To be successful
To keep up everywhere,
Let according to those aspirations,
Will be in our New achievement,
Sung with "Hurray"
Happy New Year of the Rooster! ©

Coloring as if in overflow
Fire, water, grass, everything is there,
And his temper is so playful,
And you shouldn't go to him!
Didn't guess if, nevertheless,
Then we are talking about the Rooster,
And his year seems to go
Although, no, then for sure!
So congratulations on the year,
Everywhere and everywhere, they are countless,
And joy, true to the people,
A rooster looks like flattery!
And I congratulate you on the New,
And I wish you the best
May the year be your earthly paradise,
And let me be glad myself! ©

The cock year is about to
Waiting almost at the gate
To rush to us at once,
To those who did not even expect something!
But with only one thing though,
To get along with the rooster
I would live in peace and harmony,
To make troubles go home
And I would like to go to the house
So that we do with the cock! ©

Happy New Year of the Rooster to your beloved (husband) 2017

The interweaving of feelings and time is everything
What fell out, spent
My dear man is with you,
Only joy brings us and laughter!
And let the New Rooster year,
We will also meet you and me.
And together we will be in this world,
It doesn't matter whether it's winter or summer!
Happy New Year, dear,
May we continue to be happy! ©

We've been together for so long with you
It doesn't matter whether it's cold or hot
And our feelings cannot be conveyed
Do not break fate with fate!
And this year that comes to us,
It will not be the other way around,
The rooster will not change our course,
I know right away, in advance!
And I'm just waiting for the best
I congratulate and love! ©

Happy New Year of the Rooster to beloved (wife)

I love sincerely, frankly,
And let change everywhere
But you alone are sweet to me
My beloved wife!
And in the year that the Rooster came,
Be you as before, as always
Beautiful, affectionate, happy,
To be all the same beloved to me! ©

We have been living with you for a long time, dear,
And it all reminds me
I'm a kind of figurative confusion
Which chickens sometimes have ...
But the year that will change everything
I don't know, but I'm sure of that!
After all, that year of the Rooster is coming,
He will bring order to chickens,
So that in our chicken coop,
All the chickens were just class
So that the cockerel was found here,
So that he gave flattery to the chicken!
And congratulations are always
Would sound from a cockerel!
How beautiful you are, how smart you are
How foldable are you in life,
All in all, your wife
In the coming year, what a Rooster! ©

Happy New Year of the Rooster 2017 to parents

Who always sits above everyone else !?
Yes, yes, I'm talking about a rooster!
And it's not casual about him now,
After all, his year is just coming!
Parents with that year I
I want to congratulate myself,
Wish love, health,
Yes, and keep up with life! ©

Congratulations to colleagues with the Year of the Rooster 2017

We fuck up the amount of work
Non-stop is something
Like a rooster bites all the grain,
So all the tasks and the trail went out!
We made it through, we won
The banner of victory was hoisted
In the year of the Rooster we are renewed,
And to new goals, all the same aspirations,
May our common task
Only to win, and not otherwise!
Colleagues, with the year of the Rooster,
I congratulate you on my own! ©

General congratulations on the New Year of the Rooster 2017

Quite now, now and soon,
Wine glasses are brought together for everyone
And bells in all open spaces,
They ring in their own way of fun ...
That year brings us closer to us,
Time rushes by as always
And we still keep up with him,
We meet a new rooster!
We honor him everywhere,
In all villages and houses,
So that people live well,
How good luck on the path!
Here with him we congratulate you,
Once again wishing everything
That life won't make us a paradise
But more will bring that! ©

Happy New Year of the Rooster to friends

By spurring the time that is passing
He drives everything that was away
He raises a new throne,
To reach, overcome!
He is a proud bird, we know
And he is beautiful, always,
So we glorify the rooster,
At all times in the world!
And there is a reason, and it is global,
After all, his year is coming to us all,
So let him be without sorrow,
So that you know this in advance!
I congratulate and hope
For the best of the year for everyone
And also I still dare
Wish us a life without flaw! ©

The Year of the Rooster is knocking on your house -
A beautiful, bright, important bird.
May the whole year be fabulously lucky
And the Rooster will bite all the troubles.
May happiness be cried
Love, health overnight.
And with a light flap of bright wings
Fill life with goodness and peace.
Although he does not fly high,
But let it inspire you.
We will meet him with all the people
And together we will say: "Happy New Year!"

Here is the Rooster, master of the year
Already entered into its own rights.
I wish that the feeder
The whole year was full.
Let your money be stable
Chickens just don't bite
And successes and victories
They do not allow to relax.

Let the elegant and beautiful fire Rooster bring energy to you
to achieve the highest goals, will paint life with bright colors and
will warm your heart with the fire of love! May your family and friends be
healthy and happy, and you will drown in the sea of \u200b\u200bwealth and pleasure!
I wish you peace and joy of the soul, strength of the body and clarity of mind! Beauty and
adoration to you, warmth and understanding, happiness for the whole year and for the whole
a life!

Happy New Year
And with all my heart I wish
The cockerel so as not to peck,
And in business he accompanied,
He brought joy to your house,
Fenced off from adversity,
Stuffed his pockets with happiness
I would drive away all the bad weather

I wish you in the year of the Rooster,
So that your life is easy
So that he brings a bag of money
So that the wallet burst!
Let the carriage be healthy
A million bright moments
Wonderful days, great luck,
Gentle hugs, hot feelings,
Many smiles, laughter, jokes,
Kindness at any time of the day,
A sea of \u200b\u200blove and strong friendship -
Let him give everything you need!

Beautiful Rooster is a symbol of this year,
Wealth, luck and income!
Let there be a golden grain in the house
And happiness with good will come to you in addition!
May the year of the Rooster be the year of joy
Let's leave the problems in the outgoing year!
Let the rooster carry good news
At any moment he will support, save!
May joy always warm your heart,
And the year that has come comes true!

The rooster comes from the east is not easy,
And fiery, successful and beautiful.
So let the year turn out like this -
Cheerful and lucky and happy!
Successful everyday life, wisdom and strength
Let the Rooster give not to the lazy
And for those who have taken a lot on themselves,
He knows how to be always hardworking!
Let bright colors splash on love,
Will color everything around, and the heart too,
And life, like a new holiday, will blossom
And the whole year will be so good!

I wish that the Cockerel
Filled your wallet
Warmed your house with warmth,
So that things go on the rise,
We lived all year - feasted,
Didn't get sick, didn't get old,
And they had success in everything!

Hello hello
New Year!
The rooster's turn has come.
Let your "Ku-ka-re-ku!"
He will dispel sadness, longing.
There are no golden eggs.
Combat will raise the spirit
Let us have a Fire Rooster.

Hello Fire Rooster,
You are our best friend now
May luck love us
Let the laughter pour in millet,
Joy enters our house.

The rooster is already jumping up and down!
He, taking the Monkey under his arm,
Health, happiness to everyone.
He will give us money, save us from troubles.
Joy and peace, success, luck,
Excitement, victories, mood,
Fun and patience!
He will sing a song about love for us,
Everyone will find luck with him.

Rooster 2017

Happy new year of the rooster

The table is set, the tree is sparkling -
Celebrating New Year.
An important, sedate gait
Let the Rooster enter your house.

Fire rooster happy new year greetings

May the Rooster give happiness
Lots of money and love
So that everything that you dreamed about
They could bring it to life.

Happy New Year,
Let for many years to come
Fate will bring good luck
Will protect you from adversity.

May there be a lot of luck
And what is superfluous is for future use,
Take this kind,
Our New Year's rhyme!

Beautiful congratulations for 2017 of the rooster

New Year of the Rooster
We wish you well
And good luck and fun
And wishes of fulfillment!

We want to wish you health
And do not know troubles and sorrows!
May you be seventeenth year
Will bring a lot of happiness!

Cool congratulations for the year of the rooster

Let this New Year of the Rooster
All husks will be removed from life.
And joy and happiness will increase
And money will appear in your pockets.
Let luck and hope not leave,
Adversity, like last year's snow, will melt.
Let love and fun reign
And tomorrow you won't have a hangover!

Happy new 2017 year of the rooster

New Year is a fun holiday
Lots of laughter and candy.
Everyone congratulates each other
And there will be no more troubles.

A lot of money and goodness!
Let the bad weather bypass you
We wish you warmth!

Funny congratulations on the new year of the rooster 2017

The Red Rooster walks around the planet,
Shouts briskly, New Year heralds,
Wants to cheer up those in the year of the Monkey
He was infantile and slept constantly.
You can only hear everywhere "Ku-ka-re-ku!"
Well go all to the disco,
Drink and sing, walk, dance
Have fun, live a happy year!

Cool wishes for the new year of the rooster

Let the rooster not offend
Does not bite with a strong beak.
Let him just adore
And he distributes wealth.

Let your mighty wing
All problems will be swept away in an instant
And luck paired with happiness
In the new year will bring you.

Short congratulations on the new year of the rooster

I wish you success, luck and growth,
I wish you, like a bird, to soar with happiness!
Let the year of the Rooster be super simple
So that I would like to repeat it again !.

A short wish for the year of the rooster

SMS greetings happy new year of the rooster

Happy New Year,
I wish you all the best
To make life like in a fairy tale -
Long, bright and beautiful.

SMS wishes with the year of the rooster

I wish to say goodbye to troubles,
Launch into resounding fun
Let the Rooster in its year in the Firebird
For you, it will soon turn !.

Happy new year of the rooster in prose

New Year is a milestone holiday when we take stock
last year and set goals for the next. Let the next
New Year will be even happier than this year, and dreams will become
come true, may love surround with a gentle veil, and luck will smile
warm motherly smile!

Congratulations on the year of the rooster in your own words

This holiday of magic, gifts and smiles comes again
under the name New Year. I would like to wish that in the New Year
still a new life began, with new, only good
experiences, to realize the most cherished dreams and that everyone
the day was filled with warmth and love.

SMS Happy New Year of the Rooster 2017

Here is the Rooster, master of the year
Already entered into its own rights.
I wish that the feeder
The whole year was full.
Let your money be stable
Chickens just don't bite
And successes and victories
They do not allow to relax.

3 SMS - 184 characters

Happy New Year
And with all my heart I wish
The cockerel so as not to peck,
And in business he accompanied,
He brought joy to your house,
Fenced off from adversity,
Stuffed his pockets with happiness
I would drive away all the bad weather
Gave love, wealth, passion!

4 SMS - 225 characters

Happy New Year - Happy Year of the Rooster! Let this wonderful and
a beautiful bird will bring health to every home, to every family,
happiness, good luck. I wish you happiness for the whole year and for the rest of your life!

3 SMS - 179 characters

I wish that the Cockerel
Filled your wallet
Warmed your house with warmth,
So that things go on the rise,
Difficulties so as not to meet
We lived all year - feasted,
Didn't get sick, didn't get old,
And they had success in everything!

3 SMS - 195 characters

Hello hello
New Year!
The rooster's turn has come.
Let your "Ku-ka-re-ku!"
He will dispel sadness, longing.
Let him give wings for flight
There are no golden eggs.
Combat will raise the spirit
Let us have a Fire Rooster.

4 SMS - 207 characters

Hello Fire Rooster,
You are our best friend now
May your year be happy
May luck love us
Let the laughter pour in millet,
Joy enters our house.

3 SMS - 169 characters

May good luck come to the house
Together with happiness and goodness.
A funny cockerel
The bag will bring money.

2 SMS - 93 characters

Let the magic and fairy tale
Will present the New Year!
Rooster, dressed in red,
Will bring good luck!
Let the doors swing open
To success and wealth!
To love, hope, faith,
Good, fun, happiness!

3 SMS - 181 characters

Let the Rooster not offend
Does not bite with a strong beak.
Let him just adore
And he distributes wealth.
Let your mighty wing
All problems will be swept away in an instant
And luck suddenly with happiness
The New Year will bring you.

3 SMS - 200 characters

The important bird is walking
Everyone parted,
Bright fiery Rooster.
Comfort in the house, warm in the family,
To live honey-sweet,
And on a grand scale to be lucky!

SMS Happy New Year of the Rooster

"May all wishes come true"
May all wishes come true
And you will be lucky in life!
Let the bad be forgotten
And the best will come!
In the year of the Rooster of desire
Yours will come true!
Good luck, prosperity,
Health and love!

"New Year of the Rooster"
Rooster let the new year
Will bring a lot of laughter
In working days it will be okay
Everything in the family is stable and smooth,
Friends visit more often
With warmth, relatives warm
Eyes shine with happiness
And only from joy - a tear,
Words of recognition, compliments
Sound to you every day,
And let everyone and everyone envy
Success accompanies everything! "In the year of the Rooster, what to wish for?"
In the year of the Rooster, what can you wish for?
The fun does not leave!
Fight, live and win
There is always enough finance!
Receive more love
Knowing no denial!
It's great to live and not know troubles
So that in life there was everything at once! "The Year of the Rooster is a year of good"
The Year of the Rooster is a year of good
Let everything be in it in full
I wish a sea of \u200b\u200blaughter
Happy New Year!
I wish to receive everything
You must tame the rooster.
Meet this year with luck
And in a good mood! "I wish my daughter New Year"
I wish my daughter New Year
Good luck, joy and happiness!
Love so that there is a whirlpool
Let everything be in your power only.
Be a queen darling
Manage your life!
Live without knowing any worries
And never be discouraged! "New Year is knocking on the door"
New Year's is knocking on the door
It will be better, believe me
We will meet the Rooster,
What do I want to wish for?
To keep your health strong
Children were more often pleased
Everything was always arguing in business
And life would be like a dream! "The Year of the Rooster enters into law"
The Year of the Rooster enters into law,
What can I wish you now?
Let luck await
So that the excitement in the eyes is not gas!
Fate brings good luck
And only the best for you!
Let the dreams that mean a lot
Rather come true in destiny! "The New Year is coming!"
New Year is coming!
May you always be lucky in life
Let the Rooster present
The cycle of joys!
To make your dreams come true
And we lived without fuss!
To make life complete
Only happiness and goodness! "Beloved husband"
I wish my husband New Year
Success, loyalty and strength,
So as not to be afraid of the wind, cold,
To become wiser, my beloved,
Good luck, goals to achieve,
And have your opinion,
And every day to fall in love with me
And want happiness for the family! "The Year of the Rooster may be yours!"
Just take a step forward
On this best New Year!
Believe me, waiting for you there
Happiness, joy, new takeoff.
Feel free to be yourself -
Let the Year of the Rooster be yours! "Dear brother"
I want to wish my brother
So that all good things happen
In the Year of the Rooster to know for sure -
Bad things have stopped!
I want to wish well
And not to be sad, but to smile!
And a lot of happiness to wish
And fall in love with the best girls! "The liver is still one!"
For the coming New Year -
Fire Rooster
According to the tradition of all drinkers
We pour - and to the bottom!
New Year as a holiday is eternal!
Will definitely be welcomed!
Watch out buddy liver
There is still one in the body! "New Year is a wonderful holiday"
New Year is a wonderful holiday
And I want to wish you
The coolest impressions!
A whole year of worries not to know! "I wish you New Year"
In the New Year, I wish
To make everything come true in life!
Let success overtake
So that you succeed in everything!
Inspiration and happiness
Many victories in life!
And good luck to the present
And love for many years! "So that everything was fine!"
The year of the rooster is coming
What does he portend for you?
Many joyful smiles
And luck without mistakes
Many sincere friends
And innovative ideas.
And I wish more
So that everything is good! "Celebrate the New Year with love!"
Happy New Year!
In the house of clear weather for you,
The year will bring the rooster
Only joy without worries.
And fun and luck
Know - you will become richer.
Well, to bring health -
Celebrate the New Year with love! "Dear sister"
I wish my sister mine
So that the New Year gives good luck,
And many happy days
And the year was above all praise,
I want to wish you success
And in life - bold changes,
And never lose heart
And smile every day! "Beloved niece"
Snow covers your sorrows
New Year is knocking on your window.
I wish you, niece,
In a life of happiness, as if in a movie.
The Year of the Rooster may be good luck
Do not offend you in anything.
Remember that it cannot be otherwise.
Let love forever enter your home! "Let the rooster bring joy!"
Why do we love the New Year?
For the feeling of a fairy tale, a miracle.
And the New Year will be more successful.
What I wish you now:
Let the Rooster bring you joy!
And drives away all adversity,
And happiness will be all year round! "What can I wish for a friend?"
What to wish for a girlfriend?
Year of the Rooster - celebrate
Friends - do not forget!
Joy - to be!
Forget sorrow!
Salary - to grow
Love - to bloom!
Dreams come true
And most - do not relax! "Just behave yourself!"
New Year's is knocking on the door
What awaits you? Trust me!
There will be only one luck
Happiness and love to boot
Many bright, warm days
Congratulations from friends!
In general, everything will be fine
Just behave yourself! "Dear friend"
Girlfriend, New Year
In a hurry, in a hurry!
May all good things come -
I wish you from the bottom of my heart!
I wish to believe in miracles
Great love to you!
Let your eyes always burn
Success and dream! "Dear grandmother"
Year of the Rooster on all calendars!
What will he bring? I believe only happiness!
I want you, dear, to wish -
Let troubles and bad weather go away!
May all the best come, grandma!
Luck, success and health!
Dear, let the year be saturated
Good, prosperity, love! "Darling, the holiday is coming"
Beloved, the holiday is coming
It's time to celebrate the Year of the Rooster!
There are many events awaiting
And do not have to lose heart!
May all dreams come true
And you will be lucky in all matters!
I wish you great happiness
Remember - everything is in your hands! "Let everything turn out in fate!"
May everything work out in fate!
I sincerely wish
Good luck in the New Year to you!
Live without knowing worries!
Helping family and friends -
They love you so much!
Appreciate what you have and prosper!
And everything will be fine! "Congratulations!"
I'm in the year of the Rooster
I hasten to wish you luck
So that life is easy!
May everything work out for you
Dreams will come true!
Live with faith in the best
No more fuss! "Beloved nephew"
Nephew, in the year of the Rooster you
I hasten to congratulate, wish -
May your dream come true
What do you want to guess! "Today, happiness pours over the edge!"
May the coming 2017 year
Everyone, everyone that he wants, will bring:
Who wanted a family - to get married,
And who wants a child - let him be born.
Do you dream of wealth with all your soul?
So let great success await you!
And if you want to be happy, let
Today happiness pours over the edge! "The Year of the Rooster is the best year"
The Year of the Rooster is a good year
He will bring you happiness.
And believe that never
Trouble will not come to your house!
I sincerely wish you good
Happy New Year,
Two thousand seventeen times
I wish to smile! "New Year's bright colors"
New Year's bright colors
At this hour we wish you
In a life of joys and fairy tales,
To be judged by deeds.
Rooster year - flawless
I knocked on our doors
May good luck be eternal
Everyone has found happiness! "Beloved girl"
Beloved! May the New Year
Only happiness will give you
And I will protect you from adversity
And everything that you have in power
Bears good fruit
And you stay happy!
In a magical, fabulous love,
Swim in charm! "To the chief"
Chief, in the New Year
We want to wish
Only festive hassle
And do not lose your grip!
So that the gigantic power
Came to you this year!
We went to be happy
And not vice versa! "Wishes for a friend"
The rooster is a bright symbol -
We can laugh, but the strength cannot be taken away,
And everyone looks when we pass by -
Men are afraid of losing us!
Always be loved
I wish you vigor and strength,
And so that in the new years
The Lord gave good luck! "Girlfriend, congratulations!"
Girlfriend, congratulations
Happy New Year to you!
I wish you great love
With a prince, not a freak!
May the Rooster have a fun year
Only happiness will bring you
Let your account grow in the bank
And all adversity will go away with the Monkey! "Beloved wife"
I wish my beloved wife in the New Year
Always be happy and don't be depressed!
You will never forget, I know
Always give me affection and tenderness! "Wishes for Dad"
Here's the Rooster year, daddy, has come!
What would he portend?
May he bring you joy
A flight of thoughts, deeds and joy.
May luck be near - forever
And success - for many years
I wish to live and prosper
I wish not to know sorrows! "The Year of Significant Opportunities is Coming"
A year of iconic opportunities is coming
I wish, here, to win without difficulties
Hunger at night, sweets mirage!
For fresh makeup all day long!
Let the mischievous Rooster carry the mood
So as not to be boring to live, to be yourself!
So that warmth and light, a strong family,
So that friends such ... well, such as me! "Wishes for Mom"
The coming of the new year
Every house is now celebrating
A lot of happiness, health, care
I wish my mom today.
May this year bring good luck
Only the best in life will happen!
My mom is lucky in everything
After all, success is already knocking at the door! "Wishes for Dad"
Dad, the year of the Rooster has come
To make you happy -
I sincerely wish
Congratulations on your holiday!
He walks into the doorway
To be funny could
My father is dear
On this big holiday! "The New Year has come!"
The New Year has come!
Join the round dance!
Sing and dance songs
Yes, hurry up your desires
Make a guess. Rooster let the new year
Will bring you luck
To your cozy, warm home!
Happy New Year! Merry Christmas! "The Year of the Rooster is a year of success!"
The Year of the Rooster is a year of success!
May you be lucky in everything
May every day give joy
Pampering with its warmth!
Let fun reign everywhere
The laughter of friends does not stop
May my love warm
To make it warmer! "New Year is already on the doorstep"
The alarm clock cannot be heard
Sweet snoring is heard
The table is delicious food,
The dog sleeps without hind legs.
Under the foliage of a green tree
With bright bows it is unlikely
Gifts are waiting for their children -
They will surprise them all.
New Year is already on the doorstep
So let the New Year
Will be generous and not strict
Will bring good luck to everyone! "We want to congratulate you"
We want to congratulate you,
New Year is already knocking
Let it be unique
Let the best happen!
Your career growth, of course
Strives upward - up to heaven,
To workaholic endlessly
The door was not removed from the curtains.
The mood to only
It was the best and bloomed
And so much health for you -
How many no one has! "You will achieve everything!"
Let the Rooster bring you
In two thousand seventeen
Many beautiful, sweet girls -
And so that in reality, and not delirious!
That Lexus, Maseratti and Rolls-Royce
Languished in the garage of your luxury villa.
In short, so that you live like this,
You will achieve everything! And so that you have enough strength! "New Year has come and what?"
New Year has come and what?
We must have fun!
Let the magic happen
You can get drunk!
Let the Rooster come to you -
Will bring warmth and happiness
You will always be in the saddle
Love and passion to you!
May this New Year
Will be super successful!
Until then - a bottle in your mouth
Let the songs be sung! "Glasses are ringing for you"
Glasses are ringing for you,
And the bells are playing.
New year to the old after
Already stepping on the heels.
You make a guess to come true
Any desire immediately.
So that any grief is carried away
All good things remain with you! "Lucky for those who are not lazy!"
Rooster let the new year
It will be a perfect year -
Only happiness, no worries
Only in this way - and not otherwise!
May this New Year
All this will come to you!
Just don't forget -
Lucky for those who are not lazy! "The Year of the Rooster is Coming"
The year of the Rooster is coming
This is the year of smiles, kindness!
Everything else is husk
Let's spend it with benefit, hurray!
We wish you only good luck
Happiness, health to you and your family,
Let everything be so, not otherwise -
To make the year successful! "Beloved grandmother"
Beloved grandmother
Happy holiday to you!
Happy New Year
For you to be!
Let everything work out
Joy to you!
And well-being
Waiting in your destiny! "Beloved husband"
I hasten to congratulate my beloved husband,
From a pure heart I want to wish
So that you are happy with your life on New Year's Eve,
And so that you always remain calm:
Your rear is protected, everything is fine, darling!
You are the best, only, unique!
I wish you good luck in the New Year,
And so that you fulfill any dream! "To the beloved woman"
Today is a world holiday,
Wonderful New Year!
I wish you dear with all my heart -
May you be lucky!
Let your eyes always shine
Lovely my!
May the dream come true easily
Your cherished! "Happy Year of the Rooster to you"
New Year has come
I hasten to congratulate!
So that there are no worries -
I want to wish you!
Luck and happiness
Love and beauty!
And there is a lot of passion in life!
May your dreams come true! "Congratulations for Mom"
Mom, congratulations
Take mine!
In the New Year - luck
Happiness and love! "Congratulations for a friend"
I sincerely wish a friend
So that she was just happy!
And on New Year's Day, accept it as the truth
That all things will succeed! "Congratulations for my husband"
Happy New Year my beloved
I wish today
To be happy all year
So that you live without discouragement! "Congratulations for your girlfriend"
Darling, I want to say -
With all my heart I wish you well!
It's great to live, not to lose heart,
All year without knowing any problems! "Happy New Year!"
Happy New Year!
Let everything be as you dream
May health be strong
And let the family love! "Believe in a miracle!"
Believe in a miracle! And it will come!
Life will change for the better!
May only happiness find you
You can only believe in luck! "Live without unnecessary fuss"
In the New Year, let dreams
Will be performed!
Live without much fuss
Enjoy happiness! "Congratulations, accept"
Congratulations, accept
Happy New Year from me!
You go to your goals,
I sincerely wish! "The rooster is a special bird"
The rooster is a special bird
A famous symbol for a long time!
A lot of changes will happen
We will fight back all problems!
I wish you, my mother,
I'm in the coming year
So that you are the happiest yourself
And I will find a reason to please! "Friend, Happy New Year!"
Girlfriend, Happy New Year!
The rooster is already coming!
Let happiness come into fashion
And joy in life awaits!
Let it come true
Cherished dreams!
May there be a lot of happiness
Love and beauty! "Beloved husband, congratulations!"
Beloved husband, congratulations!
I wish in the year of the Rooster
To achieve goals,
And he smiled more often! "Darling, accept congratulations!"
Beloved, accept congratulations!
The Year of the Rooster comes into its own!
Achieve your goals
Let life shower you with success!
{!LANG-0b1a31d22c851f799ad8cef479d0f8f6!} {!LANG-05b8e6ea1131f41171a6ee2a683eae69!}
{!LANG-918c4ff049cfef45a5b01122cb19f26d!} {!LANG-590457afd466b03abdfab17a20047ebb!}
{!LANG-35d5fb4d2cc46232507c465a32928085!} {!LANG-8008329ebd253e3073ccb01608314ffa!}
{!LANG-42b31b9fda99d60165b58a55084a19dd!} {!LANG-2c45179a3701d6e11476d2696b8cc99b!}
{!LANG-3359fb60277e249b7e2a4e4e6038e400!} {!LANG-9d989f3e8415924f792299c5ef02680f!}
{!LANG-aad118047f60d763a96e46e153d47c75!} {!LANG-81b245a83a2cdf3b9cb7636175433ba5!}
{!LANG-af89f1c5bd8f0af901889013d5d38c89!} {!LANG-f96f71575c9eba50e8fd3f36968aa349!}
{!LANG-5ecd0dbdd9c7107e02ce9e358eb63100!} {!LANG-74227e7ceb5d9f4a3496501ef3efb03a!}
{!LANG-cddac22ee341f2eb7b99630355cd13ef!} {!LANG-98c6c72ad41e3ca2aace62caaa5bf70f!}
We wish you well
And good luck and fun
And do not know troubles and sorrows!
May you be seventeenth year
{!LANG-ca285178840d80e40dea562c074a17c2!} {!LANG-29c5b9d8089ed19440c778aaf5a48d8b!}
{!LANG-1a065c1004aa0b901e02eb610394a79b!} {!LANG-109566aee8c6b5d41eed455a3aeef377!}
{!LANG-acc67514b558eb45a929e8ef0a9ba161!} {!LANG-f0c4180a70f6543afe416a258f822df6!}
{!LANG-fbd0903e2e4068c4fa8d827d9773298c!} {!LANG-1469d4ece73ec28841b0182933f7d5bd!}
{!LANG-611cc392982d132c7a86cb2504c5a9c3!} {!LANG-1a704a6f1f075beaeae6c6a0fc39e400!}
{!LANG-a18b35d409d478ac1b233c208c2acb46!} {!LANG-4815d61d2b650a943fcc44385464feb9!}
{!LANG-680487fafd7bc4585012df5af23e5453!} {!LANG-80154cfad18d77f47ea089856c99a8ee!}
{!LANG-f34b0bdb7ddd2048ff68d7f8f633423a!} {!LANG-bbbe2b3cbefb8e2b0fbc222bb4602234!}
{!LANG-59013b82a6bee4d5ac001a7038f89b4a!} {!LANG-ab57a07271974dda4bf361dd2f97da47!}
{!LANG-bea8e9befecf36aac3653fc760f1ee56!} {!LANG-37782e374bfe4121babc2edb321a21cd!}
{!LANG-918ed9a1787dc0a0405a32fe8d1e3933!} {!LANG-7a525c5bc1805cb74c0ab69f33d3b32b!}
{!LANG-60e41e3941dacad63b72bb390cbe9c5e!} {!LANG-7f93a8d60bb4a10c5b7e0d342ee9bac8!}
{!LANG-8a87b5449cfc4bdd08dfd3ba21b368ae!} {!LANG-eb32dae4c89f559e1022639377710b19!}
{!LANG-651a6c845dbb361bce55b210b1632c50!} {!LANG-a1be253922f9d881c477923e609f1a1c!}
Why do we love the New Year?
For the feeling of a fairy tale, a miracle.
And the New Year will be more successful.
{!LANG-7575d4b424e82d8356c97baf477b2976!} {!LANG-14199f3506dcd1785715f9699880fc7e!}
{!LANG-a436630f3e8f7d117dc35879480d2049!} {!LANG-60a7a1f10587b711b6e370d68e593c5b!}
{!LANG-ad8abee9452e89bf35069f8a521a0855!} {!LANG-70d303850235f0adbeed2f514f24b499!}
{!LANG-1305099958256fb3c2f774a7655d9ee5!} {!LANG-a2ea93bfd746836a0c72e882ed282ae8!}
{!LANG-ae34a481961abff5bf8704b96f33b660!} {!LANG-0bad56560844c3bb6134e4e3282663e9!}
{!LANG-e69e15820420f8b264938d9c12852a59!} {!LANG-38fcf4e88a4a5af7d74d79271e001613!}
{!LANG-1ee82d4109b69142fa82a20435e1f6dc!} {!LANG-592a098f074a7c885180eba50465bdee!}
{!LANG-f70cdf8cc51fafca7a544bbe191b90fd!} {!LANG-f001ef6e6841e41168e52dda0945ff5b!}
{!LANG-ea47b6901c955afc47d535b7388b4334!} {!LANG-5939f562b8420b445535fc4bf54f154a!}
{!LANG-1cdb3ae9f08c544f2e2d5695d9c63766!} {!LANG-2e194458d77723bd6cb213601d0caa31!}
{!LANG-c1c9c478fadeaea9e34db83ed2f37e1b!} {!LANG-a60d13521400d5ee8988741114588cba!}
{!LANG-70cc7d88a9342b0430a011c9a4a87603!} {!LANG-821813257d077d4d6f76e230904390d4!}
{!LANG-1e6bbc983f5f472ad03cc60f0a2b980a!} {!LANG-7e7ca6e59ec3e4dc4650d9635ea36d45!}
{!LANG-616efb68e9523364f60156e6809dacbb!} {!LANG-1f6b9fdb7d390a763ed58b65eff387dd!}
{!LANG-8f967393e22a79c0d727ea2969cefa0e!} {!LANG-1807db8135f797feb43ed3dcf88ffb81!}
{!LANG-c2f95c1ab91d1791b378db9bb80a36de!} {!LANG-76183a3e6c8ce5c22072455ac67e1d68!}
Happy New Year to you!
Rooster let the new year
{!LANG-9bcf6f90fbf8166c6e53323816d51b1e!} "Wishes for Mom"
{!LANG-79d4f84966ba828e677cc89d28bdafc3!} {!LANG-e8bce02b837ab20feba4e266f5783d78!}
{!LANG-22974c66a112a17e7655d0437eee2ebc!} {!LANG-62d9e6b4c0d2d945a4b352b745fe1250!}
{!LANG-6aebf8b7ecc5fcae0b72036f887d6fb1!} {!LANG-2a4adf7edf76c02719dfc5051576723e!}
{!LANG-e4273c21593dcce65ea71a8a6ed68907!} {!LANG-8d0c3dfcaef1884fb51a56db7d1f6a92!}
{!LANG-96659bb4626f6519e18b21db97d6d92e!} {!LANG-f8b33a0e79f75b5ef4eeb37f52629e71!}
{!LANG-81a76a67a0873ea184db3892ab94113c!} {!LANG-2c6156183e97dc642835c37babc3da36!}
{!LANG-cbdabaa9a1b29fc73bfd111f13979208!} {!LANG-6fdd4611da98278406800bea0202ddc2!}
{!LANG-257a00c4e3e9dee6b4753932c5835149!} {!LANG-d7bc65318b25a471813ae2328c402778!}
{!LANG-6d6f4578adabdcb3a5ca0a878cae3b56!} {!LANG-e48f56407d3f1cf6eb1082a4ec0eb04c!}
{!LANG-2897ba9b3c2d7bd4a628f91812232f4f!} {!LANG-a7a90d184fd26a0a72b822625f5b5314!}
{!LANG-29710dd00f92cb2c6171015e82f68003!} {!LANG-df2b523d69503e68b7594064e3987ccc!}
{!LANG-3cd2cda5cfae0ccaa47fb61270a3b49d!} {!LANG-6b75c06cd5232a79f8f7b23cd985ab92!}
{!LANG-77d6c17e5636f37ed6c446e37e619117!} {!LANG-f2f60a13bc6551e5665f08df21bb005b!}
{!LANG-1eff67c597a2f60928eba53abb0d4def!} {!LANG-821813257d077d4d6f76e230904390d4!}
{!LANG-53b3755e79b39c916bf84c933543df6a!} {!LANG-8974fa7a17d73554f5d5b55e47f3d446!}
{!LANG-1c4e3362425206daede1bb9694ccecd7!} {!LANG-bf8cb3353f9b17e2735a646c8932cc16!}
{!LANG-12e8903fff32ba3f000c5f03d468f703!} {!LANG-3df00244997577eb0064cee4b6f4d1fd!}
{!LANG-49429a61f56bf5665c320c678c0ff50f!} {!LANG-453e328e7104702619cf50f7cdcfb56d!}
{!LANG-c5531fe2c7182192d84d3960f6efaa8d!} {!LANG-2b10f77551a0bb58514fa591a68463a2!}
{!LANG-3b0793d674ab01dada6be5207602b82f!} {!LANG-908c1be8bb0910e11833dc039641ad7e!}
{!LANG-213eeac7e0ed22da460dc74175c66ed0!} {!LANG-8033e6c904a4b58a8567dabc14a0ea68!}
{!LANG-2296fe0662eb9046c8a47fb3064338af!} {!LANG-37fe042631496d9078e8ce1744695109!}
{!LANG-172e2a6b2221236a5d7fc4f8a2a900bf!} {!LANG-94bca5a094183c4cbefd9735ff3a314f!}
{!LANG-c40f118cf93f6cab8ae8ff2f3a5ac311!} {!LANG-f488c8b29ea2ae021a72abf2f7cc1cff!}
Wonderful New Year!
{!LANG-77d3f8650fbd3e93b0e0fb37746e6da8!} {!LANG-2afdf2dd59b745e2877aaf415a4e6f41!}
{!LANG-ed62b8c3384319a200177f9cf2a3f995!} {!LANG-c801bba70fd746dd2eab5c4962b2f141!}
{!LANG-ef1c40491ca42b25b795de2ef5c71e1f!} {!LANG-a43dad9da7300718462787fb1fa23c18!}
{!LANG-4028906a992490d48332d5314eb22144!} {!LANG-c0deb4a185dc19471cafe2574ae928e7!}
{!LANG-c2ffb4d69c06f31c07027d917f91be11!} {!LANG-4545288d6f2780ded61ebec6fcc80cc0!}
{!LANG-605a205df5adcfe2c9353debdc628ab2!} {!LANG-b774aaeebf13fcdb37bd7b776c484e67!}
{!LANG-4df9554f4c00cefb0b640899ca8dc7c8!} {!LANG-ae6494b88376b0103363badf19a4aeb8!}
{!LANG-4b306016fa8d3a5ab57ec9142bb38c79!} {!LANG-19d1357a3dc3cce9b2a3d5bc3d2bb3d8!}
{!LANG-87c87eeebcb5e763b949dd60e32c5db0!} {!LANG-357ef3c482713b712a6564bebba24fef!}

















May good luck come to the house
Together with happiness and goodness.
A funny cockerel
The bag will bring money.




Let the magic and fairy tale
Will present the New Year!
Rooster, dressed in red,
Will bring good luck!
Let the doors swing open
To success and wealth!
To love, hope, faith,
Good, fun, happiness!

Let the Rooster not offend
Does not bite with a strong beak.
Let him just adore
And he distributes wealth.
Let your mighty wing
All problems will be swept away in an instant
And luck suddenly with happiness
The New Year will bring you.

The important bird is walking
Everyone parted,
Bright fiery Rooster.
Comfort in the house, warm in the family,
To live honey-sweet,
And on a grand scale to be lucky!





{!LANG-38763bb5505d2f9a97c0f41de4760ef5!} {!LANG-e861ae8425a1cda3e95bad163011a851!}
{!LANG-ae1428886a55c0ab378b2329e2cdc402!} {!LANG-09bdb8915ea494e7013567f856161660!}
{!LANG-7652fd0d000058b7d7319d4d9985e911!} {!LANG-3f8f1bed701826ce8a031255bbab216b!}
{!LANG-bcc86a6f1fa1ede622802d9be1e341b7!} {!LANG-66fe2bc7359dca3cd9ff4d8360a4928d!}
{!LANG-27a5153c7b413fca089cd3b4d800b02d!} {!LANG-e6d6bc3f4b1efc20d6620baa7251283d!}
{!LANG-0e669ccd37ebdc1d525bdecc5f2d333d!} {!LANG-c3f3e18155ec6b93d517e41012dd73bb!}
{!LANG-ea0582126e129e3a433bbcce835fe393!} {!LANG-a19df0d1dc308d93f6896a7db61db6c1!}



















{!LANG-822c5f8654ced6a0ba0f1c13e5874eb5!} {!LANG-0dfc46421c2a1f150c518667a18ee06e!}{!LANG-1a855e54e25236fb13c7cd58a886f91c!} {!LANG-7aeb12ad957d2bd61b44563458bdafc0!}{!LANG-2764ea983929c4ff776d9ea1dccff4bb!}



{!LANG-ca0e9c3668bbe648e48950210378d60b!} {!LANG-bf0d54608eece95729ee100f3721678c!}{!LANG-d22588a7e6d50c3c7dc8b32e6010eecc!}























The Year of the Rooster is knocking on your house -
A beautiful, bright, important bird.
May the whole year be fabulously lucky
And the Rooster will bite all the troubles.
May happiness be cried
Love, health overnight.
And with a light flap of bright wings
Fill life with goodness and peace.
Although he does not fly high,
But let it inspire you.
We will meet him with all the people
And together we will say: "Happy New Year!"

Here is the Rooster, master of the year
Already entered into its own rights.
I wish that the feeder
The whole year was full.
Let your money be stable
Chickens just don't bite
And successes and victories
They do not allow to relax.

Let the elegant and beautiful fire Rooster bring energy to you
to achieve the highest goals, will paint life with bright colors and
will warm your heart with the fire of love! May your family and friends be
healthy and happy, and you will drown in the sea of \u200b\u200bwealth and pleasure!
I wish you peace and joy of the soul, strength of the body and clarity of mind! Beauty and
adoration to you, warmth and understanding, happiness for the whole year and for the whole
a life!

Happy New Year
And with all my heart I wish
The cockerel so as not to peck,
And in business he accompanied,
He brought joy to your house,
Fenced off from adversity,
Stuffed his pockets with happiness
I would drive away all the bad weather
Gave love, wealth, passion!

I wish you in the year of the Rooster,
So that your life is easy
So that he brings a bag of money
So that the wallet burst!
Let the carriage be healthy
A million bright moments
Wonderful days, great luck,
Gentle hugs, hot feelings,
Many smiles, laughter, jokes,
Kindness at any time of the day,
A sea of \u200b\u200blove and strong friendship -
Let him give everything you need!

Beautiful Rooster is a symbol of this year,
Wealth, luck and income!
Let there be a golden grain in the house
And happiness with good will come to you in addition!
May the year of the Rooster be the year of joy
Let's leave the problems in the outgoing year!
Let the rooster carry good news
At any moment he will support, save!
May joy always warm your heart,
And the year that has come comes true!

The rooster comes from the east is not easy,
And fiery, successful and beautiful.
So let the year turn out like this -
Cheerful and lucky and happy!
Successful everyday life, wisdom and strength
Let the Rooster give not to the lazy
And for those who have taken a lot on themselves,
He knows how to be always hardworking!
Let bright colors splash on love,
Will color everything around, and the heart too,
And life, like a new holiday, will blossom
And the whole year will be so good!

I wish that the Cockerel
Filled your wallet
Warmed your house with warmth,
So that things go on the rise,
Difficulties so as not to meet
We lived all year - feasted,
Didn't get sick, didn't get old,
And they had success in everything!

Hello hello
New Year!
The rooster's turn has come.
Let your "Ku-ka-re-ku!"
He will dispel sadness, longing.
Let him give wings for flight
There are no golden eggs.
Combat will raise the spirit
Let us have a Fire Rooster.

Hello Fire Rooster,
You are our best friend now
May your year be happy
May luck love us
Let the laughter pour in millet,
Joy enters our house.

The rooster is already jumping up and down!
He, taking the Monkey under his arm,
Health, happiness to everyone.
He will give us money, save us from troubles.
Joy and peace, success, luck,
Excitement, victories, mood,
Fun and patience!
He will sing a song about love for us,
Everyone will find luck with him.

Rooster 2017

Happy new year of the rooster

The table is set, the tree is sparkling -
Celebrating New Year.
An important, sedate gait
Let the Rooster enter your house.

Fire rooster happy new year greetings

May the Rooster give happiness
Lots of money and love
So that everything that you dreamed about
They could bring it to life.

Happy New Year,
Let for many years to come
Fate will bring good luck
Will protect you from adversity.

May there be a lot of luck
And what is superfluous is for future use,
Take this kind,
Our New Year's rhyme!

Beautiful congratulations for 2017 of the rooster

New Year of the Rooster
We wish you well
And good luck and fun
And wishes of fulfillment!

We want to wish you health
And do not know troubles and sorrows!
May you be seventeenth year
Will bring a lot of happiness!

Cool congratulations for the year of the rooster

Let this New Year of the Rooster
All husks will be removed from life.
And joy and happiness will increase
And money will appear in your pockets.
Let luck and hope not leave,
Adversity, like last year's snow, will melt.
Let love and fun reign
And tomorrow you won't have a hangover!

Happy new 2017 year of the rooster

New Year is a fun holiday
Lots of laughter and candy.
Everyone congratulates each other
And there will be no more troubles.

A lot of money and goodness!
Let the bad weather bypass you
We wish you warmth!

Funny congratulations on the new year of the rooster 2017

The Red Rooster walks around the planet,
Shouts briskly, New Year heralds,
Wants to cheer up those in the year of the Monkey
He was infantile and slept constantly.
You can only hear everywhere "Ku-ka-re-ku!"
Well go all to the disco,
Drink and sing, walk, dance
Have fun, live a happy year!

Cool wishes for the new year of the rooster

Let the rooster not offend
Does not bite with a strong beak.
Let him just adore
And he distributes wealth.

Let your mighty wing
All problems will be swept away in an instant
And luck paired with happiness
In the new year will bring you.

Short congratulations on the new year of the rooster

I wish you success, luck and growth,
I wish you, like a bird, to soar with happiness!
Let the year of the Rooster be super simple
So that I would like to repeat it again !.

A short wish for the year of the rooster

SMS greetings happy new year of the rooster

Happy New Year,
I wish you all the best
To make life like in a fairy tale -
Long, bright and beautiful.

SMS wishes with the year of the rooster

I wish to say goodbye to troubles,
Launch into resounding fun
Let the Rooster in its year in the Firebird
For you, it will soon turn !.

Happy new year of the rooster in prose

New Year is a milestone holiday when we take stock
last year and set goals for the next. Let the next
New Year will be even happier than this year, and dreams will become
come true, may love surround with a gentle veil, and luck will smile
warm motherly smile!

Congratulations on the year of the rooster in your own words

This holiday of magic, gifts and smiles comes again
under the name New Year. I would like to wish that in the New Year
still a new life began, with new, only good
experiences, to realize the most cherished dreams and that everyone
the day was filled with warmth and love.





Happy New Year,


Happy New Year,



Happy New Year,














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The Year of the Rooster enters into law,
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{!LANG-e1734517069f691ae0bc621ecea5addc!} {!LANG-2c50c2d5c288006e1e10fd963d57f0a7!} »
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{!LANG-2b623af2b9bb159aa94d9d05c7704a59!} {!LANG-baeba394f17b59965bd129ca6fc7fe12!} »
Cherished dreams!
No more fuss! {!LANG-2f42d8bec5485bbc09e6535334ed1868!} »
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