Sectional yarn model. Jumper for baby from yarn of sectional dyeing with knitting needles. What to tie out of the sequeling yarn

Often you can find that anyone is not a smooth-colored yarn called melange. But not all the pedestrian yarn is a melange. One of these pedry threads is the yarn of sectional dyeing. I want to pay special attention to the sequeling dye, consider its properties and characteristics of knitting from such yarn.

Knitting from the yarn of sectional dye allows you to make both a pedestrous canvas and striped, which you can not say about knitting with melange thread. Knitting from the melange yarn allows you to make only a pedestrous canvas.

To obtain the yarn of sectional dyeing, the yarn is painted after spinning. Color palette, as well as the length of the color segment may be different. But there is a certain rule: even if the color section is different, the color alternation should always be repeated.

The sequeling yarn allows the needlewomen to get a huge variety of patterns without using a variety of multi-colored clubs. But it should be noted that it is very difficult to knit from such yarns, because when you start knit from the yarn of sectional dyeing, you will often be able to predict what picture you will have in the end. Even the symptoms of the sample will not always be able to help you with it.

The length of the color segment of the segment dyeing is divided into:

  • Fine-section yarn;
  • Medium-section yarn;
  • Long-section yarn.

The short length of the color segments allows you to get a variety of geometric shapes when knitting. Such yarn behaves unpredictable. It is difficult to repeat the model from the magazine, there are often sloppy stains in an inappropriate place. The color solution in symmetric details is obtained as notymmetric, the side seam is clearly visible in the product. When changing the number of loops, the drawing is distorted. Randomly scattered color spots sometimes spoil the silhouette of the product.

Long portions of color segments when knitting make it possible to get stripes. Such yarn behaves quite predictably.

It should be noted that knitting from the same tangle gives a different result in the drawing when crocheted or knitting.

What to pay attention to when buying sequeling yarn

FirstlyOf course, you need to pay for the length of the color segment, because the color pattern of the future product depends on this large scale. The shorter the color segment, the pestreage it turns out. With long color segments, the product will be striped.

When choosing yarn be sure to consider that you are planning to knit from it. The fine-section-section and medium-section yarn will suit small products such as scarves, caps or children's things. The medium-section and long-section yarn will be good for the COFT and sweaters, various capes, as well as for Palants and Shalee.

Secondly, pay attention to the ratio of color segments in the MOTKE. Different colors in the serpent can have different lengths. If a preference is given to some one color in the ball - it has a longer segment or more often repeats, then in the product this color and will set the tone of the entire product.

ThirdlyIt is advisable to acquire the yarn of sectional dyeing in large motges, as well as pay attention to the direction of color change of color when saving in the scenes. It will all allow you to make an inconspicuous transition from the email to the MOTK.

Rules for knitting from sequeling yarn

From the yarn of sectional dyeing, you can knit from the usual smooth-colored yarn, without thinking about what pattern it will turn out in the end. In this case, the pattern may be chaotic, giving the item originality and uniqueness.

But if you want to get a certain pattern, then when knitting should pay attention to some rules when working and complying with them:

  • All tangles must be swept in the same color sequence.
  • To eliminate the possibility of distorting the pattern in symmetric details, start them to knit them from the same color section.
  • In order to obtain intended color stains in the product, carefully examine the length and sequence of alternation of color segments.
  • In order to choose a more successful drawing for the product, tie a few samples, starting each with a different color segment. This will help you to reduce the risk of getting a murmable patterned ensemble.
  • After you selected the optimal pattern of the pattern, you need to adjust the pattern of the product under the pattern of the pattern. Often sectional yarn sets the product model. Therefore, do not take the product with a very complex cut and with predetermined color effects. The simplest details are rectangular details of the back, shelves and sleeves.
  • If the calculated parts width turns out to be not a multiple number of rapports, then slightly narrow or vice versa expand the part. Try to play with the transfer of the side seam for the rapport reject: slightly narrow the back and expand the fad. At the same time, do not forget to adjust the premium too.
  • Often causes a certain difficulty exactly the first row, since it is difficult to adjust the desired turn in the right place. Therefore, it is better to dial the number of loops more (about 15-20 loops more) than needed, and the excess tail is subsequently removed.
  • Keep track of the color section of each new tangle. Start knitting from a new tangle every time from the same color, even if it is necessary to remove the whole color rapport.
  • If the thread has a marriage in the form of a note, break, elongation, or on the contrary, shortening the length of the segment of the segment, then it is better to remove the defective rapport and start from the next.
  • Small failures in the pattern (approximately 1 - 3 loops) can be compensated by knitting density: to penetrate the loops of the tight or free. Due to the grinding of the canvas, it will be unnoticed.
  • With the change in the number of loops when the pullout, the prugi, the Gorlowin arise certain difficulties. For beginner knitters, it is desirable to take a model with rectangular prures and necks. Reducing the breakdown and the neck are made by multiple rapeplop. This allows you to save the pattern. If the neck is too wide, it can be corrected by various types of finishes, for example, make an additional strapping, add a lace, add a bar, etc.
  • The sleeves is better to knit rectangular with a width of a multiple drawing frame.

Prepare circular knitting needles and sequid dyeing yarn. We will knit such a wonderful top.

The size:36-38/ 40-42/ 44-46.

You will need: 350/400/450 g yarn SMC Cotton Bamboo Batik, color number 00083
2 pairs of circular spokes number 3-4

Patterns and types of loops

Pattern: Persons. R. and erased. R. elm. according to the scheme. In elevation R. elm. Double p. And Nakida is elevated. reception remaining p. Elm. in drawing.

Nakid expands the rapport on 1 p. In the 2nd p., Then on 2 p. In each 2nd p. Elm 1-5th r .. Rep. 3 times 6-13rd r. And 4 times the 14-21st r. \u003d 61r., Rem. 22-25th r. to end.

Chrome. P.: In Nach. R. CH 1st p. Persons. reception, thread at work, at the end of r. elm. Last n. Persons. reception.

CH P.: 1 Persons. p. in persons. r., V. R. CH 1 p. Ozn. reception, thread before work.

UB. 1 p. In Nach. PIC. R.: Elm. chrome. F ... n. persons reception. 1 persons. P .. pull sn. p. via stayed.

UB. 2 p. In Nach. Persons. R.: Elm. chrome. F ... n. persons reception, 2 persons. p. Vm, stretch out p. via stayed. 1 or 2 p. In Nach. izn. R.: Elm. chrome. F ... p. Ozn. reception, thread before work. Persons. or erased. Liriam 2 or 3 P Vm.

Knitting density 10 x 10 cm \u003d 16 p. X 32 p. Pattern.

Note. Elm, starting from the lower edge of the neckline (the direction of elm. Designated on the drawing of the pattern by arrows). Vyaz. Item item in the sequence that is indicated by the numbers on the drawing of the pattern. Detail 1: beginning. elm. C is p., Details 2-6 - Nach. elm. With persons. R. To complete the details 2. 3 and 5, remove the corresponding part on the 2nd round knitting needles, leaving the remaining n. On the 1st circular spice.

Completing of the work
Back:nach elm. From the details 1. Dial 7 p. and in the 1st elevation. R. elm. chrome. P .. 5 is broken P. Krom. P. Prod. Perform a pattern trail.
way: chrome. P .. 4 times remove. Rapport, 1 double p., chrome. P. At an altitude of 17 (18.5; 20), cm (\u003d 55 (59; 63) p.) From the set P \u003d 219 (235; 251) p. on the needle - the detail 1, elm. Detail 2 trail. way: chrome. p. and next. 54 (58; 62) p. Simultaneously execute UB. For the formation of a brachial bevel trail. way: in start. track. Persons. R. UB. 1 (2; 1) p., As shown, then UB. In every 2nd p. * S time of i p, and 1 time 2 n *., Rem. 5 times from * to * (UB. In each 2nd p. 2 p. Then * 3 times 1 p. And 1 time 2 p. *, Rev. 5 times from * to *; UB. In each 2- m r. * 2 p. and 2 times on 1 p. *, Rev. 7 times from * to *, then 2 more times 2 p.). At the same time in the beginning. 1st elevation r., or in 56th (60-m; 64-m) p. To fulfill the UB. 1 p., then in every 2nd p. 23 (24; 25) times on 1 p. Close the last 2 p. Elm. The second shoulder beep \u003d part 3 is symmetrically at 55 (59; 63) p. Run UB. For the brachial bevel in the beginning. izn. P .. Perform a break in the beginning. Persons. R. Elm. The remaining 109 (117: 125) n. lower edge of the back. Next, start. elm. From the details 4. At the same time elm. Double p. In Nach. R. and sn. p. At the end of the r., Prib. 1 chrome. n. on both stor. \u003d 111 (119; 127) p. In nach. Each faces. R. and erased. R. UB. 1 p. and Elm. 1 Nakid on both sides from the central p. At an altitude of 12.5 (10; 7.5), cm (\u003d 40 (32; 24) p.) From the beginning. Details 4 elm. The first 55 (59; 63) n. in the beginning. R. For details 5 trail, way: from the right edge of the UB. 1 p. In Nach. Each faces. R. At the same time Elm. Persons. reception chrome p. At the end of r. The lower edge of the Top Vm. with before. P .. Until 3 p. Elm. These 3 pp persons. reception of VM. in the next. Persons. R. Cut the thread and stretch through the remaining n. For the detail 6 of the lower edge of the back, close the 1st p. \u003d Central p. Back to NCH. 1 persons. r., then elm. For part 6, symmetrically 55 (59; 63) p. Further, way: in the beginning. Persons. R. UB. 1 p., As shown in the end of those. R. elm. Persons. Reception p. Vm. with before. n. Total height in the center of the backrest 65 cm.

The manifold of yarn allows the craftsmen experiment and create unique things. Modern numbers are many items that differ in composition, color and properties.

The sequencing yarn can be attributed to fantasy due to interesting, and sometimes unexpected color solutions. Such yarn is good because you do not need to select and combine colors for the product.

Sections stained with one color may be short or long, which allows you to control knitting. From the yarn (section yarn) with short sections, it turns out a bright, slightly motley canvas. Such a thread is ideal for knitting children's things or accessories - scarves and caps. Large sections fall into the product with wide, well-combined bands.

Knitting from sectional dyeing yarn can be performed as a crochet and needles. Depending on the selected tool and the technique of work, the canvas associated with the same thread may look different.

Manufacturers of sequeling yarn

Knitting from yarn (sectional yarn) always begins with the choice of the thread of the perfect composition and color combinations. Fortunately, the options are many - almost all major yarn manufacturers produce the section "Sectional". The most famous of them:

  • Alize Burcum Batik. 100% acrylic (100 g / 210 m). The thread is ideal for children's knitting and for owners of sensitive skin, prone to allergic reactions. The yarn is very soft, nice to the touch, does not creak and does not twist in the process of work. Pleases with noble color combinations.
  • Alize Angora Gold Batik. 10% Angora, 10% wool, 80% acrylic (100 g / 550 m). Thin, tender fluffy thread of sectional dyeing. It turns out light airplanes, shawls, dresses.
  • Vita Cotton Coco Print. 100% gas pool mercerized cotton (50 g / 240 m). From this cotton threads are wonderful summer things. Winning just looks in lace and openwork patterns. Color combinations as if specifically designed for bright things for spring and summer.
  • Magic. 100% wool (100 g / 200 m). Without this thread, winter knitting will not cost. Of the yarn (section yarn) of this brand, very warm and beautiful things are obtained. It is suitable for creating bright stylish cardigans and sweaters, hats and scarves, socks and verges.
  • "CITEKS". "Chrysanthemum Print". 40% mohair, 60% acrylic (100 g / 350 m). The yarn from the domestic producer is ideal for knitting openwork chalets and potatins with a smooth flower transition.

What to tie out of the sequeling yarn

Needlework magazines and thematic sites offer a variety of schemes for which you can perform knitting from sectional yarn. Models differ in complexity and shapes, but even simple execution of some models due to the complex staining of the thread makes things with original and stylish.

From the "Sectional", not only beautiful large things, such as dresses and jampers, but also small accessories, such as sets of caps and sneods, knitted golf and socks. For small products, the yarn with short sections is more suitable, for large - long.

Knit Bakatus

Knitting from yarn (sectional yarn) is better to start with a simple product, for example, a very fashionable bucks now. On it, colored sections will reveal the most favorable way due to its triangular shape.

Bakatus can be associated with the needles or the original product in the style of Bosnian knitting. The scarf begins to knit from one edge, gradually expanding, and then shortening the rows where the bucks narrows.

Items can be started with the center, gradually expanding each "wing" of the bucks. The finished product can be decorated with tassels or fringe.

Openwork sweater knitting knitting of sequeling yarn

From the yarn of sectional dyeing turned out to be an openwork sweater with knitting of interesting shelves

Openwork sweater with spokes with zigzag holes in the pattern

The size: European, 38.
Materials: 4 Mokea yarn fio Cisne Cake (100% acrylic, 100 g. / 250 m.), Spokes No. 4.
Knitting density: 20 loops * 28 rows \u003d 10 * 10 cm.

How to check 2 together facial right: I will enter the right back to the second, then in the first loop and insert two loops together face for the front wall.
How to check 2 together facial left: Remove the loop, 1 facial, then throw the removed loop on the past.
Double diversity: Remove the loop, to peel the two next two loops together face right, throw the removed loop on the past.

Openwork sweater knitting, job description:

Back: Dial 81 loops.

Knit exactly 16 rows.

Before: Dial 81 loops.
Knit a rubber band 1 facial / 1 native - 6 cm.
Further knit: 8 loops of the handling viscous, 65 loops pattern according to the scheme, 8 loops of the handling viscous.
At an altitude of 12 cm. Start falling on each side on one loop in every 14m row - 4 times.
Knit exactly 16 rows.
Start adding on each side one loop in every 14m row - 3 times.
At an altitude of 42 cm. Close for the armor on each side in each second row 1 time 5 loops and 2 times 1 loop.
At an altitude of 10 cm. From the premium, we close for the neck of the transfer of the central 15 loops.
The parties to knit separately, continue to close the neck from the neck in each second row 1 time 3 loops, 1 time 2 loops and 4 times 1 loops.
At an altitude of 20 cm. From the premium, we break all the loops.

Sleeve: Dial 81 loops.
Knit a rubber band 1 facial / 1 native - 8 cm.
Next to knit: 1 loop with a handful viscous, 39 loops pattern according to the scheme, 1 loop with sweating viscous.
Add on each side on one loop in each 10m row - 12 times.
New loops knit with a handful pattern.
At heights 48 cm. Close on each side in each second row 1 time 5 loops and 11 times 1 loops; in each third row 6 times 1 loops; Again in each second row 1 time 2 loops and 1 time 3 loops.
Close all loops.

Assembly: Sew all details.

Dimensions: 62-68 (74-80/86-92) 98-104

You will need: yarn (100% cotton; 125 m / 50 g) - 150 (150/200) 250 g of white-green-blue sectional dyeing; Spokes number 3.5 and 4; Long circular spokes No. 3.5; 3 Small buttons with a diameter of 1 cm.

Rubber (Spokes No. 3.5): Alternately 2 facial, 2 irons.

Main pattern (facial surface, knitting needles4): Facial rows - facial loops, invalible rows - invalous loops.

Drinking: Facial and invalid rows knit facial.

Knitting density: Facial smooth - 22 p. x 28 r. \u003d 10 x 10 cm.

Important: Model knit two tangles for better colors distribution. To do this, from each tangle to lies alternately by 2 p.

Back: On the spokes number 3.5 dial 60 (68/76) 86 loops and tie 2 cm with a rubber band. Then go to the knitting needles number 4 and knit the main pattern. After 15 (18/21) 23 cm from the initial row, close on both sides for the preach 3 p. And in each 2nd p. Close on both sides of another 3 x 2 p. \u003d 42 (50/58) 68 p. After 25 (30/35) 39 cm from the initial row, close the right 30 (36/42) 50 p., and on the remaining 12 (14 / 16) 18 p. Check another 1.5 cm for the plank. Then all loops close.

Before: knit as a back, but with a neck. For this, after 22 (26/31) 35 cm from the initial row, the average 12 (12/14) 16 p. And both sides finish separately. First, continue to knit at 15 (19/22) 26 p. On the left edge \u003d the end of the row. To round the neck at the beginning of each facial row, close 1 (2/2) 4 x 2, and 1 (1/2) 0 x 1 p. After 25 (30/35) 39 cm from the initial row, the remaining 12 (14 / 16) 18 p. Shoulder. Then continue to knit at 15 (19/22) 26 p. On the right edge \u003d the beginning of the row. To round the neck, close at the beginning of each irons, 1 (2/2) 4 x 2 p. And 1 (1/2) 0 x 1 p. At the same time after 23.5 (28.5 / 33.5) 37.5 cm From the initial row to continue to knit for the strip of handling viscous and in the 1st p. Perform 2 buttons holes as follows: 2 (3/4) 5 p., 1 Nakda, 2 p. Slice together face, 4 p., 1 nakid, 2 p. Slit together facial, to penetrate the remaining loops. In the involve row of the Nakida to lie face. After 25 (30/35), 39 cm from the initial row to close the remaining 12 (14/16) 18 p. Shoulder.

Sleeves: On the spokes number 3.5 to dial for each sleeve 38 (42/46) 46 loops and tie 2 cm with rubber band. Then go to the knitting needles number 4 and knit the main pattern. For sides, the sleeves add in every 8th p. (Alternally in every 6 and 8th r. / In each 6th p.) Alternately add in each 4-6th p. from elaborates from both sides 4 (6/9) 13 x 1 p. \u003d 46 (54/64) 72 p. 13 (19/22) 26 cm from the initial row to close on both sides for the open-sleeves of 3 p. and In every 2nd p. Close another 3 x 2 p. After 18 (21/24), 28 cm from the initial row to close the remaining 28 (36/46) 54 p.

Assembly: Details stretch, moisten and let dry. Plank left shoulder to put under the bar transition and pinch. Right shoulder seam perform mattress seam. Insert the sleeves. Side seams and sleeve seams perform mattress seam. For the crystal plank on the knitting needles No. 3.5 evenly to dial 76 (68/72) 76 p. And knit 1.5 cm with a rubber, while at the beginning of the 1st p. Perform the 3rd button for buttons as follows: 2 p., 2 p. Slit together face, 1 nakid, penetrate the remaining loops of the row. In the next row, the nakid to check according to the pattern. Then all loops close the drawing. Sew buttons.