How to protect your face from frost in winter and provide proper care. Anti-frost creams

Why is cold so dangerous for our skin? It is clear that very cold air can lead to frostbite, but this is rather an extreme case. What besides this? The fact is that wind and frost dry out the skin of the face, it begins to lose elasticity and tighten, in addition, sudden temperature changes (heat indoors - cold outside - heat indoors - cold outside) disrupt the functioning of the sebaceous glands. And here they are - all the problems are obvious (in every sense of the word): redness, irritation, inflammation. What should winter skin care be like to keep it fresh and beautiful?

Washing and cleansing

1. The first thing to do at the beginning of winter (or better at the end of autumn) is to replace hard gels and alcohol tonics for washing with softer and more gentle products. Suitable cosmetic milk with mineral oils, cream for washing with aloe or ginseng extract, soap-free foam with green tea or alcohol-free lotion.

2. You should not wash your face with hot water - warm water (room temperature) is better, and even better - herbal decoctions based on sage, chamomile and calendula. They perfectly soothe and soften the skin. In addition, during the winter period, give up wiping with ice cubes at home; let them wait in the wings until spring returns.

3. Scrubs with large exfoliating particles will also have to wait for warmer weather: instead, soft peelings will come to the rescue, for example, useful and effective gommage. Gommage is a cream mask that dries into a thin film and is removed from the face along with particles of dirt and dead skin. Simply put, this is a very gentle peeling that cleanses and renews the skin. It is enough to use gommage 1-2 times a week.


4. The opinion that you cannot use moisturizers in winter is a myth. The truth is that they should not be applied to the face less than 1-2 hours before going outside. Bottom line: you can and definitely should use them, but only when you are not going to walk in the cold.

5. In addition to all kinds of creams, use cosmetic oils to moisturize and protect your facial skin: cocoa, avocado, jojoba, shea or olive (apply it in the evening after cleansing procedures).

6. By the way, thermal water can be useful to you not only in summer. Heating systems make indoor air too dry, so if you can't increase the humidity (more on this below), moisturize your skin with a bottle of thermal water (spray directly onto your face over makeup).


7. Still, during the cold season, the main product in your cosmetic bag is not a moisturizer, but a nourishing “winter” cream. Thick, greasy and with special skin nourishing substances. What should be included in a nourishing cream?

  • Hyaluronic acid (creates a protective film on the skin);
  • vitamin A (nourishes and rejuvenates);
  • vitamin C (restores skin, heals);
  • extracts of green tea, chamomile, calendula (relieve inflammation, irritation, soothe the skin);
  • natural oils (protect the skin from drying out and dehydration);
  • UV filters (protects against harmful sun rays).

8. And, by the way, about UV filters. Don’t think that you don’t need UV protection products in winter, because you do! Ultraviolet radiation threatens our skin at any time of the year, even when it’s almost minus 30 outside. Therefore, when buying a nourishing cream, be sure to pay attention to whether the important letters SPF are written on the jar (a degree of 15–20 is enough).

9. Don't forget about homemade nourishing masks. There are dozens of folk recipes at your disposal, here are a few of them:

  • for oily skin - kefir-curd mask. Mix a tablespoon of kefir with a tablespoon of cottage cheese and a pinch of salt; apply for 20 minutes, rinse with water;
  • for dry skin - yolk-honey mask. Mix one yolk with a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of olive oil, whisk the ingredients, apply to the skin, rinse with water after 20 minutes;
  • for normal skin - banana. Mash 1/4 banana, beat with a teaspoon of nourishing cream (take an inexpensive product), add 3 drops of lemon juice and olive oil; Apply to facial skin for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.


10. If in summer we advise you to lighten your makeup to the very minimum, then in winter it’s the other way around - do not skimp on cosmetics, apply it gradually and efficiently. A layer of primer, foundation and powder will protect your skin from frost and cold wind. But don’t get carried away, otherwise your beautiful makeup will begin to resemble a clown’s war paint.

11. Try to use less dry cosmetics, give preference to heavy blush, liquid eyeliner and eye shadow. Such “creamy” cosmetics will add another protective layer to the skin of the face.

And don’t forget to protect your lips, use special balms, look for their full list in the post.

Good Habits

12. It is believed that you need to drink as much water as possible in the summer, but there is no talk about winter. Meanwhile, in winter a person practically does not feel thirst, but the real need for water does not disappear anywhere. Drink 1.5–2 liters of still water a day, and then your body and, accordingly, your skin will not suffer from dehydration.

13. When you come home after a long walk in the cold, do not rush to sit near the warm air conditioner, heater or fireplace. They will begin to dry out the already cold-dehydrated skin at double speed, and unpleasant irritations and red spots may appear on it. Start warming up at room temperature, and then gradually move closer to the heat source.

14. As you already understand, dry air is harmful to our delicate skin, and if you do not want to age prematurely, your task is to maintain optimal air humidity (at least at home) in every possible way. The easiest option is to install a humidifier. Don't want to spend money? Then place a wet towel on the radiator or place several vessels with water around the apartment.

15. It’s trite, but the key to healthy and beautiful skin is proper nutrition. Eat more healthy foods: nuts, avocados, fatty fish, seafood - and it will be easier for your body to survive this winter.

16. And lastly: if you notice that your skin has become too dry, has begun to peel, large red spots have appeared, and no cream can cope with at least one of these problems, make an appointment with a cosmetologist or dermatologist. Believe me, maintaining youth and beauty is not so difficult if you think about your health in time.

Winter is a wonderful time of year: snow-white landscapes delight with their magnificent beauty; With trembling hearts and impatience, we await the approaching celebration of a merry New Year and a magical Christmas. At first glance, the picture is simply wonderful. But behind all this joy, we should not forget about the insidiousness of severe frosts, winter cold and cold northern winds that await us outside, and at home - about the adverse effects on the skin of dry air, which is formed in the rooms thanks to working electric fireplaces and thermal radiators. That is why our skin in winter requires constant increased attention, special care and careful treatment. This applies most to the skin of the face. It’s great if you already know how to protect your face from frost, but if you still haven’t, try following the tips below.

  • To prevent your facial skin from becoming dry, flaky, and prematurely aging in winter, alternatively, at this time of year, use only nourishing creams made from natural oils with vitamins and minimal hormone content.
  • But there is another option: since it is strictly not recommended to use moisturizers immediately before leaving the house, you can safely swap your day moisturizer with a night nourishing cream. A thick, nourishing, rich cream enriched with vitamins will reliably protect your face in the cold, and a moisturizing cream will benefit your skin when you are at home in a room with a dry microclimate.
  • In winter, you should wash your face with warm or room temperature water, or even better, wash your face with herbal decoctions of calendula, chamomile, sage or linden. Decoctions perfectly soften and soothe the skin. You should forget about washing with cold water and wiping your face with ice cubes until warm days arrive; in winter, such procedures will negatively affect the condition of the skin, leading to its depletion.
  • You should apply makeup (nourishing day cream, foundation, powder, etc.) to your face half an hour before you go outside.
  • In the evening, after the makeup removal procedure, be sure to cleanse the skin with gentle, gentle creamy peeling products, one of the varieties of which is gommage (gomme - translated from French as “eraser”). Thanks to such peeling products, the facial skin is cleansed of dead skin particles without being injured at all. After performing the peeling procedure in winter, it is not recommended to leave the house for at least ten hours.
  • Cosmetologists advise not to use foam or gel when washing your face in winter, since the skin becomes especially sensitive at this time; replace them with cosmetic cream or milk.

  • Regular nourishing masks will do your skin a good service in winter. The mask should be nourishing, and not cleansing, whitening or moisturizing. Dry and sensitive skin especially needs a nourishing mask, so it should be done at least twice a week, and for oily or combination skin it will be enough to do a mask only once a week. Nutritional masks are characterized by the presence of fat, yolk, cottage cheese and honey in their composition. But you should be careful with honey, because if the blood vessels on your face are dilated, using honey in masks is not recommended. Before you start applying a nourishing mask to your face, you should first apply any nourishing cream to your lower eyelids.
  • Don't forget about lip care in winter. It is during this period that lips can easily become chapped and chapped. Under no circumstances should you wear moisturizing lipstick in winter. Use lipsticks that are more suitable for the winter season - nourishing, fat-based, containing vitamins A and E. Special balms are also excellent protection for lips in winter. But not every balm is suitable for use in cold weather. Give preference to balms with SPF, which reliably protect lips from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, frost and wind, and also help heal small cracks that have formed on the lips. But balms with menthol, phenol and salicylic acid are not recommended, as they dry out the lips.

Try to use cosmetics from the same series from any of your favorite brands that are suitable for your skin type. When using products from the same series at the same time, you will get a greater effect, since their effect on the skin will harmoniously complement each other.

As you can see, our tips are quite easy to apply. They are united by one property - they are all aimed at restoring the nutrition of the skin of your face and reducing the adverse effects of winter weather on the skin.


How to prepare your skin for the winter season, see below:

Low temperatures negatively affect the health of the skin; it can cause redness, inflammation, and peeling. Therefore, in winter, at the beginning of spring and at the end of autumn, you need to be especially careful when planning to go outside.

The website in today's article will reveal several secrets of how to protect your skin from frost and cold wind. You will learn which cosmetic products are best to use for this, how often you should use them, and, most importantly, what you can actually use to prepare them yourself at home.

How to protect your facial skin from frost

This is possible due to the inclusion of glycyrrhizic acid, mangosteen and jabara fruit extract in its composition. I recommend using this tool as follows:

  1. Before going out into the cold, lubricate your face with the contents of the tube.
  2. Distribute the mixture evenly.
  3. Massage your skin.
  4. Wait until the cream is absorbed.
  5. Do not use it in the eye area.

What to do for oily skin

If the temperature outside is below 0, you should definitely use creams with cryoprotectors. One of these and, in my opinion, quite good, is Mirra.

It has the following effects:

  • improves blood circulation in tissues;
  • prevents dehydration of the epidermis;
  • gives skin elasticity;
  • puts in order metabolic processes in the dermis;
  • protects the face from the aggressive effects of cold wind and sub-zero temperatures.

To achieve this effect, the cream must be applied to areas of the skin unprotected by clothing in the cold in the morning. This should be done in a thin layer, evenly distributing the mass over the surface. It does not require rinsing, just let it absorb. The cost of Mirra cream is approximately 600 rubles. It will be especially useful for those with dry skin.

From folk remedies, in my experience, olive oil, which has a bright moisturizing effect, really helps. To do this, apply it to the face in the morning, leave it for half an hour and then wash it with cleansing foam.

How to protect your skin from frost if it is dry

It is naive to believe that dry skin does not need moisturizing in winter. Rain, high humidity, snow - all this does not help it in any way, moreover, they even harm, injuring the epidermis.

  1. Melt the beeswax - about 30 ml.
  2. Heat jojoba oil – approximately 10 ml.
  3. Squeeze the juice from 2-3 young aloe leaves.
  4. Measure out 10 ml rose water.
  5. Mix all ingredients.
  6. Let the composition sit for at least a day.

After the mixture becomes thick, beat it with a blender and use it an hour or two before going out into the cold. Since it will turn out to be quite liquid, I recommend applying it with a brush. For it to take effect, 10-15 minutes are enough, after which the product is washed off with warm water and wiped off. The remaining cream will need to be poured into a glass container and stored in a warm place, out of reach of children. It perfectly soothes inflamed and irritated skin, relieves redness and moisturizes.

How to protect your hands from the cold

First of all, I recommend buying good gloves for your hands. They must be sewn from dense materials that do not allow air to pass through. It is best if wool or sheepskin is used. This applies to both the external and internal sides of the product. The main thing is that there are no synthetics that irritate the delicate skin.

During the cool season, you should also be sure to use special protective hand creams. They should be oily, with a moisturizing effect. Good options, in my opinion, are products such as Vichy Essentielles (400 rubles), Garnier “Intensive Hand Care” (200 rubles) and Natuderm botanics “Ginkgo and Sea Buckthorn for Mature Skin” (190 rubles).

If none of the suggested remedies are suitable, I suggest using Vaseline. It perfectly moisturizes and is especially useful for cracks. You can also prepare a warming ointment from the following ingredients:

  • olive and coconut oil (50 ml each);
  • beeswax - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vitamin E in the form of an oil solution – 5 ml;
  • Vaseline – 10 ml.

Combine all the ingredients, bring them to a boil and let them cool. So that the finished cream can be absorbed, I recommend using it 2-3 hours before leaving the house.

That's all the main effective ways to protect your skin from frost in winter!

Cold and frost cream- This protects the skin from bad weather and provides the necessary care in winter.

The entire skin of the body needs care in winter, but exposed areas especially require attention - the face and hands. If you can put gloves on your hands, thereby protecting them from frost, then your face is exposed to chapping and is practically not protected by anything. That is why it is necessary to choose a good cream to protect your face from cold and frost.

Important! It should not only protect the skin from adverse weather factors, but also take care of it. In order for the weather cream to be beneficial, it must be selected separately for the hands and face.

For face

The face is the most unprotected part of our body; in summer it is exposed to ultraviolet radiation, in winter – to cold and wind. It is exposed to many harmful factors, which is why the skin here ages much faster. To maintain youth, first of all it is necessary to take care of and replenish the lack of necessary elements. We also must not forget about protection, especially from frost and chapping. Anti-chapping cream will help keep your skin healthy and youthful for a long time.

Cold creams for the face have special properties - they create a protective barrier and saturate with necessary substances. The film retains moisture and heat in the cells. Thus, the water on the surface does not crystallize, and the skin is not injured or dried out. Protective face cream against frost should be nourishing and rich.

Recommended composition. Nutritious oils or fats, vitamin complexes and plant extracts must be present. In addition, a dense barrier is provided due to the content of silicones and synthetic components.

For hands

Hands are exposed to frost and wind no less than your face. Even though we can protect them by wearing gloves or mittens, the skin still dries out and weakens, especially in severe frost.

Fact! Your hands are colder than your face. This is caused by the fact that the hands lack the protective lipid layer that is present on the face.

Our hands are exposed not only to cold, but also to household chemicals, street dirt, and most of all come into contact with water. Therefore, they need constant and complete care, as well as good protection in the cold. Anti-cold hand cream will protect your hands and prevent them from chapping and frostbite. Frostbite cream for the face and hands must be used half an hour before going outside.

For children

Delicate baby skin reacts strongly to exposure to low temperatures. As soon as a child goes outside, a light blush appears on his cheeks. Children love to play outside for longer, but no parent wants to expose them to frostbite. There is a solution - just apply weather cream half an hour before your walk. will help protect the child's skin - eliminate redness, peeling and dryness.

Recommended composition. Baby cream for winter should contain natural fats and oils. Mink and badger fats are very useful, as well as eucalyptus, mango, and cocoa oils. Panthenol and allantoin perfectly protect and heal. The product must be hypoallergenic - this quality is mandatory for children's creams. There should also be no dyes or fragrances.

For men

Not only women and children need skin protection in winter. Frost and cold wind do not spare even rough men's skin. Therefore, men also need to use anti-cold cream for their hands and face. Very often on store shelves you can find universal products that are suitable for the whole family. However, cosmetologists recommend using a special men's cream for winter, designed specifically for the characteristics of the male integument.

Important! Such products not only contain protective components, but also provide excellent care. In addition, products for men contain special perfumed fragrances, so you will smell like a man's perfume rather than a feminine scent.

Good cold creams

This product is suitable for both children and adults. With it you can protect the skin from chapping, redness and dehydration that occur as a result of frost and wind. Does not cause irritation or allergic reactions. Contains vitamin E, almond oil and shea butter, as well as panthenol.

Approximate price: 150 rub.

Perfectly protects the face, does not cause irritation or allergies, and does not clog pores. Provides gentle care, prevents redness, dryness and flaking caused by adverse weather conditions. Ideal as a base for makeup.

Approximate price: 150 rub.

Cool Men moisturizing winter cream for men

Helps moisturize dry skin during the cold season. Ideal for men, contains a perfumed fragrance. The composition contains extracts of seaweed, bamboo, guarana, caffeine, panthenol, allantoin, ceramides. These components not only fill the skin with moisture, but also saturate it with essential vitamins and microelements.

Approximate price: 65 rub.

Vitex “Winter care” hand cream

The product effectively protects the skin of the hands during the cold season. The special formula prevents the appearance of cold allergies, microtraumas, and redness. Contains natural oils.

Approximate price: 65 rub.

Our expert says - Dermatologist, cosmetologist Svetlana Zhukovskaya.

Let's start with washing

Set aside soap (even gentle cream soap), cleansing foams, and alcohol-based lotions until it warms up outside. Even ordinary water is not suitable for washing. During these months, it is important not to disturb the protection that the skin itself creates against cold and dryness - the so-called hydrolipid mantle.

Replace washing with cleansing the skin using cosmetic milk, alcohol-free lotion, and soft tonic. The first product contains mineral oils that do not dry the skin and do not aggravate dermatological problems. And non-alcoholic tonics and lotions are non-aggressive and gentle on sensitive skin.

Be careful with hydration

Do not think that cold rain and wet snow moisturize the skin; on the contrary, they injure it. And moisturizers, so beloved by many, are dangerous in frosty weather.

Of course, it won’t lead to frostbite, but the moisture contained in the cream, when frozen, becomes “prickly” and scratches and spoils the skin.

There is another danger: in the dry air of an apartment, some ingredients in moisturizing jars behave criminally. They know how to attract moisture, but in dry air there is nowhere to get it from, so these substances begin to draw moisture from the deep layers of the dermis. The result is that the skin dries out.

Exceptions are hyaluronic acid and chitosan, since at the same time as moisturizing they cover the surface of the skin with a protective film, which does not allow water to evaporate. Although here you need to be careful: it is better to apply products with these ingredients at least an hour before leaving the house.

It is best to use all other moisturizing creams before bed, an hour before you go to bed. It’s good to apply them directly after an evening shower - while your skin is still damp.

During the day, you can spray thermal water from a can on your skin, directly on top of your makeup.

Delicious menu

Many women believe that at sub-zero temperatures, the skin produces enough oil to protect itself from the cold.

This is partly true: during these months the skin becomes denser. Its cells produce a thick and rich sebaceous secretion, which is beneficial in cold weather: sebum is a barrier from wind, dryness and frost. But cosmetologists believe that such natural protection is not enough: the skin needs additional nutrition.

The most delicious thing for dry and normal skin is, of course, cream. Replace your usual day creams with nourishing ones, they have a richer texture, the recipe contains active ingredients, oil, vitamins and minerals. But, unfortunately, this composition (spermaceti, lanolin, beeswax) provokes comedones and acne, so nourishing creams are not suitable for oily skin. She prefers light creams with unsaturated fatty acids.

If the skin has difficulty surviving the cold (the face looks sleepy, pale, gray, roughness and unevenness are noticeable), provide it with enhanced nutrition: retinoids, antioxidants, plant extracts, cedar oil and jojoba oil. After such a diet, she will look radiant and feel smooth to the touch.

Nine rules from a cosmetologist

1. In cold weather, choose a cream not only with vitamin E, but also with vitamin D.

2 . If you are prone to spider veins, use vitamin K creams.

3 . For very dry skin, you can add a little moisturizer to a drop of foundation, mix thoroughly and apply 30 minutes before leaving the house.

4. In sub-zero weather, you should not apply makeup with dry cosmetics; it is better to use heavy blush, liquid eyeliner and creamy eye shadow. Just before going outside, dust your face with a thin layer of loose powder.

5. Try to drink as much water as possible: it will help the skin normalize the functioning of sebaceous cells and survive the cold.

6 . Buy a humidifier. The device normalizes the “weather in the house.”

7. Even if you are cold, try not to take too hot a shower or bath. The higher the water temperature, the drier the skin becomes.

8. Do not rub yourself after water procedures with a hard towel, but gently pat your skin with a soft one.

9. It is better to postpone active lifting procedures, a course of mineral masks based on algae, as well as moisturizers with collagen until spring, when the skin will need intensive hydration after the cold weather.

On a note

  • At different times of the year and for different skin types, they select their own masks. In summer, moisturizers are more often used, in winter - fortified and nutritious. It is better to do the mask 1-2 times a week, 1-2 hours before bedtime and apply night cream immediately after it.
  • Masks for dry skin necessarily contain fats (agave oil, wheat germ, avocado, almond and peach oil, lecithin, spermaceti).
  • Masks for oily skin contain substances with astringent and anti-inflammatory properties (extracts of tea tree, pine needles, birch buds, cucumber, lavender, rosemary, propolis).