DIY fashionable jewelry for children. Crafts for girls - the best ideas for creating jewelry for girls of all ages (110 photos). Hairpins made of satin ribbons

Girls' sense of beauty develops from childhood. Their love of beautifully dressing themselves and the world around them gave rise to many ideas for creativity. Let's look at the basic set of jewelry for a girl.

What to consider when choosing jewelry: basic rules

A loving mother knows her child's tastes. She should help choose jewelry for the girl, based on her preferences. You should not buy something against the child’s wishes.

You can assemble a universal jewelry box for a girl. All accessories must be suitable for daily use and for special occasions.

If we talk about earrings, then you should purchase at least two options - regular studs and long ones with stones or rhinestones.

The safety of the child is paramount. Select jewelry exclusively from high-quality and harmless material.

If you look at photos of jewelry for girls, you can see the following trend: for little girls, polymer products (simple and bright) are more often purchased, and for teenagers, more complex compositions are purchased.

Of course, the star of the party is the child, so don’t forget about the decorations for the girl’s birthday. You can buy or sew a costume of your favorite cartoon character, or use a win-win option - a princess dress.

How to decorate a girl's room?

What could be better than a cozy room in which a child can take a break from everything. There are several rules to follow when decorating a girl's room.

Choose furniture of the right size - bed, chairs and table. Children grow quickly, so it is recommended to choose a sliding bed, adjustable chair height, etc.

You can create the decor yourself, for example:

  • decorate the walls with drawings of your favorite cartoon characters;
  • arrange a photo rack with family photos;
  • attach shelves for small trinkets or book collections;

If the child likes to draw, then select a part of the wall with washable wallpaper.

Don't add too many details to the room. This will only distract the child and scatter his attention.

What must be in a girl's room?

A girl’s room must include the following areas:

  • sleep – a comfortable bed with a properly selected mattress;
  • work - a desk of suitable height;
  • storage - hangers, shelves and various stands;
  • beauty – boxes with accessories and cosmetics;
  • relaxation - a soft chair or hanging swing;
  • dressing room - a closet for storing all outfits.

Decoration with living plants

It is important that there is fresh and clean air in the room. Living plants will help you cope with this task.

The corner near the window is perfect for creating a “living corner”. You can plant ordinary flowers or small trees in pots. Plants such as ficus and orchid will fit perfectly into the overall concept of the room.

Choosing a color scheme for a room

The color scheme plays an important role when decorating a room. Here you should listen to all the girl’s wishes so that the room is as comfortable and cozy as possible.

Calm bed colors that are not too conspicuous are best suited. Many girls love pink, but don’t overdo it when decorating a room.

It's better to make a few pink decorations than to paint the whole wall with it.


By looking at photos on the Internet or master classes on creating jewelry for girls, you can easily and simply make something special for your child - be it decorating a room or a wardrobe.

By listening to the girl’s wishes, you will make her life brighter and more beautiful.

Photo decorations for girls

The human head is one of those places that needs to be decorated with special attention. Looking good is actually not that difficult. You can even make some hair decorations with your own hands.

1. Crystals

A stylish decoration, to make which you will need a classic clip, a small piece of leather, good glue and beautiful crystal stones.

2. Stars

An ordinary bobby pin, decorated with an intricate design of wire and star beads.

3. Pearls

Pearl jewelry is one of the trends this season, so why not decorate your hair with it? In addition, decorating a bobby pin with artificial pearls is very simple and literally anyone can do.

4. Bright threads

You can make an ordinary comb stylish and bright with the help of colored threads.

5. Stylish headband

A stylish headband that can be made in just five minutes from old beads and a hair tie.

6. Pearl combs

A delicate hair decoration that can be easily made from pearl beads of different shapes and two small combs.

7. Chains

Making a beautiful decoration for any hairstyle is very simple, you only need two combs, pliers, a few chains and a little diligence.

8. Letters

Metal letters, which can be purchased at an arts and crafts store, will help you make ordinary bobby pins bright and stylish.

9. Flowers

Ordinary stilettos, decorated with foamiran flowers.

10. Bright colors

The easiest way to update your bobby pins is to paint them with bright nail polishes.

11. Thin lace

A charming headband that can be made from a small strip of lace and a thin satin ribbon or elastic band.

12. Wire

To make this unusual tiara you will need wire and a set of shiny beads.

13. Neckerchief

You can decorate your bun or ponytail with a bright neckerchief or bandana.

14. Shibori ribbon

Exclusive hair clip with a flower made from shibori ribbon and beads.

15. Spikes

You can decorate an old hoop using large spikes, which can be purchased at a sewing store.

16. Branches

Thin branches can be turned into an unusual hair decoration. You need to wash and dry the branches well, paint them with spray paint and attach them to the invisible one with glue or thin wire.

17. Funny ears

For a themed party, you can make a funny headband with cat ears. You can make such a headband using an ordinary thin hoop, thick wire and glue.

18. Pom-poms

A fashionable headband with pom-poms can be bought in a store, or you can make it yourself. The basis should be a regular thin headband, to which bright felt pom-poms will be attached using glue.

In continuation, we will tell you about the secret ingredient for incredible hair shine.

Any woman must be able to create comfort at home with her own hands. This is what a girl’s mother or grandmother teaches her in childhood. You can independently create home interior elements, useful systems for storing jewelry or cosmetics, and also make bracelets, earrings, and necklaces. With unique accessories, the girl will stand out among her peers.

And joint creativity in the circle of a female family group will bring needlewomen closer and add more warmth and mutual understanding to their relationships. Let's look at crafts for girls that you can make with your own hands.

Do it yourself

For needlework, a girl will need a variety of materials that can be easily found at home. You will probably get scraps of fabric, buttons, beads, and even seed beads.

If something is missing for a craft, you can buy what is missing at a craft store.

Always start your creative journey from a simple to a more complex model. It will be more convenient for a girl to work with large parts. Therefore, take care of purchasing large buttons and beads.

Try not to use sharp pointed objects. Instead of a needle and thread, you can use fishing line or wire.

Hand decoration

Any young fashionista will be pleased with a unique piece of jewelry that she will make herself. Paper crafts for girls will be the most accessible.

Young fashionistas are attracted to beads of different colors and sizes, which are beautifully intertwined with each other. A bright bracelet will attract the attention of friends and will also delight your family. When you do something with your own hands, you put a piece of your soul into your creation.

If you are interested in the activity, you can improve your skills in creating colorful bracelets and give them to friends and relatives. This gift will delight connoisseurs of contemporary art.

There are many different ornament weaving patterns available. Over time, the girl will be able to come up with bracelet patterns herself. Such a hobby can become a lifelong pursuit and bring good income.

Organizer for small items

Let's create an organizer for small things, and you will no longer have to look for them throughout the house.

We will use paper of different colors, a pen, scissors and glue, and we will also need some string.

To make it more fun, choose your favorite animal. We trace his head on a piece of paper. There should be two such details. The ears and nose will complement the model, and the eyes will be completed.

You should glue the two muzzles together, but leave a small gap, simulating a pocket. Glue the ears and nose onto one side.

To conveniently hang the organizer, we make two holes in it and pass a rope through them. Now the small items storage system is ready.

Owl pocket

A pocket in the shape of an owlet will look original. In such an organizer you can place hair bands, brooches, and bracelets. To create an owl, cardboard, a piece of material, and even leather can be useful.

Paper beads

Girls can decorate themselves with whatever they want. The simplest decoration can be made from paper. A long chain of paper beads will look like a creative idea.

Shiny decoration always attracts attention. Therefore, you should choose glossy paper for beads. Oriflame catalog pages are perfect.

Cut the sheets into strips about one centimeter. For variety, you can cut out long triangles or diamond shapes. Wind all the pieces one by one onto the fishing line. To secure the beads, glue the ends of the paper together. Get creative with alternating different beads.

Paper necklace

You can roll balls from the same glossy paper. Make them different sizes. You will need a sharp awl. Each bead should be pierced in the middle. String such parts onto wire.

You can make one decoration for yourself, and give the second to your best friend. Such a symbolic connection will bring friends even closer together.


Can you imagine Cinderella without her beautiful tiara? Of course not. Has your little princess dreamed of being Cinderella at least once? Treat your girl with a fabulous accessory. Childhood is a time of miracles and fairy tales.

To create a tiara you will need cardboard, a children's headband, a can of silver paint, scissors and glue.

We cut out a patterned triangular shape from cardboard and spray-paint it with silver. For decoration, you can also add rhinestones, beads, and sparkles. We glue the finished structure to the rim. The princess' tiara is ready.

Holiday table decoration for a girl

Every girl loves to receive flowers as a gift. It will be doubly pleasant for a child if the bouquet is made of sweets. Depending on what the girl likes, it is possible to make a bouquet of jelly or lollipops.

Such a sweet bouquet can decorate a child’s holiday table.

To create crafts, buy jelly bears and marmalade with sugar. It is advisable that everything be multi-colored, then the composition will look more fun and rosy.

We lay out the cling film and put the jelly on it, forming a flower with petals. We stick a wooden stick into the central marmalade and tie the film around it. This is how the first flower turned out. The following ones are made according to the same scheme.

We collect flowers in a bouquet and place them in a mug or vase.

The girl and her guests will definitely be pleased with such a sweet treat.

Entertainment for girls at the holiday

Every girl believes in predictions, magic and magic. Create a fun game for girls with your own hands.

The prediction cube will give funny answers to questions, which will amuse the girls. Look at the photo of crafts for girls - one of the options for such a cube.

Scheme for creating a prediction cube

First, you'll need some imagination to come up with a list of fun little answers that will universally apply to any question. Try to make them funnier and more original in meaning.

Gift from diapers for a girl

For a young lady, a month's supply of diapers would be a practical gift. Just giving a package of diapers will be awkward.

An excellent solution would be to create a craft from diapers and decorate it with ribbons, beads, and gift paper for the girl.

Cake for baby

A gift in the form of a multi-tiered cake will delight the birthday girl and her parents.

Each diaper should be rolled into a tube and placed on the first tier of the cake. Tie them together with a wide, bright ribbon. Do the same with the next tier, but make its radius smaller. You can make two layers or add a third.

To fasten the structure, insert a baby bottle into the center.

To decorate, create improvised flowers from socks, mittens and hats. The result will be a real work of art.


You won’t want to disassemble such a householder into parts and use it for its intended purpose. A gift can remain a decoration for a child’s room for a long time.

For the owl's body, twist the diaper into a candle shape. It would be desirable for it to be thicker. To imitate eyes, we will make two smaller spirals. You will have to secure the craft with napkins, tape and an elastic band.

The eyes can be formed from hairpins, and the ears can be decorated with mittens or socks.


The girl will also like children's transport. Roll two diapers into wheels. Between them you can fasten a small towel or bib on top, after rolling it into a tube.

This way we will create a crossbar and a bicycle seat. The handles are created from sliders twisted and threaded through the front wheel. For a complete picture, place a bear cub on top.

Bouquet for a young schoolgirl

A primary school student can safely make a decoration for her windowsill. This bouquet will not need to be watered. But we’ll tell you later how a girl can make a craft.

Let's take egg cells, scissors, gouache and wooden skewers. Cut out all the cells of the tray. We cut each of them evenly in a circle, creating petals. You will have to trim them, giving them a more rounded shape. Color it in colors to suit your mood.

If you find rhinestones or buttons at home, you can decorate the core with them. Place all the flowers on sticks and place them in a vase or flower pot.

Always choose carefully what crafts you can make for your girl. When creating crafts, do not insist on your version of execution.

Give your child free rein to her imagination, and she will show what she is capable of. In such a matter, it is only important for an adult to guide the child in the right direction.

Photos of crafts for girls

An image thought out to the smallest detail is the key to a good mood for any woman. Everything should be perfect - clothes, shoes and accessories, chosen simply and tastefully. Particular attention should be paid to hairstyle, which should be in harmony with the outfit and complement the entire image.

From the article you will learn the following information:
— How to make DIY jewelry for girls;
— Beautiful hoop with your own hands;
— Original DIY hair clips;
— Ribbon jewelry: individuality and economy;
— VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS: How to make hair jewelry with your own hands.

How to make DIY jewelry for girls.

To decorate a girl's hair, you can use all kinds of hairpins, elastic bands, headbands, ribbons, miniature and original hats. Unfortunately, it’s not always possible to find an accessory in stores that would fit perfectly into your look, but don’t despair and run all over the city looking for a hair clip in the right color. You can make hair jewelry yourself at home, taking into account all the nuances and wishes.

How to make DIY hair jewelry for girls if you are new to this business . There is no need to immediately take on complex elements and compositions; first experiment with ordinary hair ties. Using silicone glue, they can be decorated with rhinestones, ribbons, beads and original small objects. Show your imagination, do something that you can’t buy in a store. The same can be done with a hair hoop.

Plastic hoop You can completely cover it with fabric and decorate the top with all sorts of decorative elements: stones, ribbons, small cute bows.

Beautiful DIY hoop

If you have enough imagination and perseverance and inspiration, try making hair jewelry with your own hands. For girls, such decorations bring great pleasure, because the item is made the way they want and it does not require large expenses. As a rule, at home you can make do with improvised materials.

For example, using large beads and satin ribbons you can build a beautiful and original hairpin. Tie a single-layer or two-layer bow from a ribbon, and arrange large beads in any order; depending on the color, they can be sewn on or glued with silicone glue.

The resulting hair decoration remains to be attached directly to the hairpin. Hairpin blanks can be found in a specialized store.

Original DIY hair clips

Recently, girls' hair decorations made from ribbons have become very popular.

Ribbon jewelry: individuality and savings

Remember the words of the song: “Mom told me, straightening the white bow...”? Simple bows are a thing of the past. They were replaced by intricate decorations made from ordinary ribbons, but by giving them an interesting shape, decorated with intricate fittings.

Those who are well acquainted with the technique of ribbon embroidery will really like a related area - making jewelry from satin ribbons. This hobby will be especially useful for mothers who have little fashionistas growing up.

Make your own hair decorations for your beloved girl, - what could be better? After all, ready-made jewelry is not cheap. And the cost of self-made jewelry will cost approximately two times less. In addition, the decoration can be made in the required colors, with fittings suitable for the occasion. As they say, an individual approach. Your princess will not go unnoticed at a children's party!

Jewelry made from ribbons is most often used to create hairstyles. You can attach them to a hoop, hair bands, and various kinds of hairpins, most often these are the so-called “crackers” and “crocodiles.” You can also decorate clothes with bows and flowers made from ribbons. But don’t think that such decorations are only appropriate on children’s clothing. An original brooch made of ribbons will be a wonderful addition to an outfit even for an elegant lady.

Such decorations are also used in the interior. Here everything depends on your imagination. For example, fabric flowerpots for flower pots, decorated with ribbon fantasies, will become a real highlight of the interior.

Read the most popular article in the section:
Why cut the ends of your hair and how to restore hair growth.

And also you can combine the technique of ribbon embroidery with the production of voluminous jewelry from ribbons. There will certainly be applications in everyday life: these are sofa cushions, a cute box for storing jewelry, and a banal pincushion.

The modern range of products on this topic is so diverse that new ideas will come to you at the sight of colorful ribbons, stamens and leaves, beads and all kinds of decorative elements. In many stores, products are divided into different areas for convenience. For example, school themes, marine, music, etc. For children there is a huge selection of accessories depicting their favorite heroes and characters.

Where will you start? In any case, the product will be original and unique. And it will also contain a piece of your soul. And this is the most important thing!

In this article we tried to cover the topic for you: .

We hope the information was useful and relevant for you to use in your life. Always stay on top, thank you for your attention, women's online magazine website

“Being perfect is easy!”

Making gifts for girls with your own hands is a real pleasure! After all, here you don’t need to be afraid to go overboard with decor and bright colors.

In this selection you will find the most interesting crafts for children that can be made for the holiday or for no reason. Traditionally, we have collected master classes in different techniques so that every craftswoman can find something suitable for herself. All lessons are on our website “Women’s Hobbies”. To go to MK, click on the photo or title.

Handbags and accessories

Every girl needs a handbag, or better yet, several. Believe me, a young fashionista will be no less happy about such a gift than a new doll. Choose from three children's bags the one that you can make as carefully as possible.

If you are a beginner needlewoman, then stop at the cute one. You don't even need a sewing machine for sewing - all the parts can be joined by hand.

If you feel the strength to make an original gift for a girl with your own hands from genuine leather then let it be.

You will have to tinker, but the bag will turn out to be good-quality and durable.

Can you knit? Then collect the remaining yarn for the hero of the occasion.

You can give schoolgirls a hand-made one. The author of the master class used out-of-fashion jeans as a material. Although you can use any fabric as a basis.

A simpler, but no less beautiful one is suitable for storing pencils and pens.

For those who sew without flaws, we have a spacious one. A good way to recycle pants that are about to be thrown out of the closet.

Everyone has a player or a phone, and a common problem is headphone wires getting tangled. Hand-sewn - an ideal gift for a girl 7-10 years old. The holder will strictly protect your wired headset and help you keep your bag or briefcase organized.

Fashion jewelry

Girls have been drawn to jewelry since childhood, but if it’s too early for them to wear massive jewelry, it will fit perfectly! By the way, there you will also find a tutorial on making necklaces with the same flowers. There is no fear of losing felt decorations in the garden or yard while playing.

Just a little wool is needed to felt a miniature. This brooch is suitable for a coat, handbag, hat, or warm jacket.

Wrong again? Watch the manufacturing master class. An ideal gift for summer and the best accessory for a trip to the sea. Suitable for hairpins and elastic bands.

Felting is not the easiest craft, but the toys in this technique are practically “alive.” If you are not ready now, come back to this MK later and be sure to learn how to felt from wool.

For those who do not know how to sew, knit or felt, there is a simple technique for making original toys as a gift with your own hands. Chenille wire was originally invented for completely different purposes, but creative people found more useful uses for it. The girl won’t even find any signs of technical chenille.

And one more simple craft - one that can move and dance. It is recommended to make such a bird for a preschool girl.

Every girl’s dream is to make one as a gift with your own hands from light plasticine or air-hardening polymer clay. Our fashionable girl is holding a handbag in her hands. The outfit is made in a nautical style.

The same plasticine or clay makes cute toy animals. For example, like this one. It is unlikely that he will leave anyone indifferent. The material hardens, you can safely play with the cat. , you just need a few Raffaello chocolates. This presentation is more original than a regular factory box.

If you wish, you can make a whole set by purchasing a simple children’s set of spoons and forks in the store. Typically these sets include 4 items.

We hope that this original selection of master classes on making gifts for girls with your own hands will help you please your little one or your friends’ daughter. We are sure that you will enjoy the process too.