How to properly appreciate the ports - a step-by-step description. Is there any life without spitting? What fabric is better to make a port

Wearing socks in chromium boots or krza is very problematic. Already a few days later, due to the very coarse composition, socks are erased and come to unusable for use. Another thing is the ports. Few think about what they should be, what are their advantages and disadvantages. What should be the size of the ports? This will be discussed.

History of Ports

Ports from antiquity are associated exclusively with the army. They take his story from ancient Rome, where Roman soldiers used them. For many, the ports are associated exclusively with Russia. They brought them, judging by many sources, Peter the first. Indeed, the ports are an ancient element of Slavic clothing. They used them both when wearing boots and then when the shoes were lapties.

After graduating from the Great Patriotic War, the ports were adopted for everyday use in all countries of the USSR and the Warsaw Treaty. Today, they began to give way to socks, primarily due to the replacement of personnel shoes.

Size and composition of army ports

The size of the ports in the army according to the statute - 45x90 cm. The material from which it should be done is different. It depends on the time of year. Summer portals in most cases consist of cotton, but in the winter it uses a cloth made of cotton and wool in an equal percentage ratio. Also in the latter can be used bike. This fabric is not cooled at the edges, it is solid, so that there are no seams and scars that rub the legs. What size should be spoiled, we already know. Now consider their advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of Ports

The advantages of portites include their durability and ease of use. In the manufacture, you can use any material that falls at hand. The main thing is that the size of the soldiers' ports responded to standards. Wearing the ports is an order of magnitude less than that of the socks, because more loss places can be changed to less worn.
The most obvious their dignity is fast drying. The port has the property very quickly dry. And the most important thing is their dignity that will have to be quite by the way with the debt and long-term wearing shoes in hot weather, this is versatility. Portylight can be easily flipped over the wet side, and dry - inside. Due to this, the skin on the feet is almost always dry. When shoes fall into the water, wet only the top layer, and the inner is still warm, which is especially important in cold climatic conditions to preserve the health of the soldier. Even the useful properties of the spheres can be attributed to the fact that it fills more space in the shoes, which goes solely for the benefit of the feet. We highlight the main advantages of the ports: durability; convenience; Fast drying; Do not harm legs (with proper use).

Disadvantages of Ports

The shortcomings can be attributed to the size of the ports, because they are much more socks. Also, they are much more difficult to wear, rather than a sock, which can be pulled out very quickly. Inactively, the reliable ports can lead to scuffs on the skin. And if you use it for a long time, then more serious consequences. The port is inconvenient to wear out shoes, which makes it use appropriate exclusively in shoes.
So, the main disadvantages can be attributed: size; leaves scuffs on the legs (with incorrect winding); Disadvantage of use outside shoes.

Rules when winding

Rightly wound portion - a security deposit. If this is not done as it should be, then you can get a lot of inconveniences and problems. With incorrect winding, the port is constantly sliding, which is very preventing the rapid and convenient movement. Therefore, it is so important to do it correctly, observing the norms. It is believed that the wound of ports is a whole art that you study solely with time. First of all, it is the size of the ports. It must comply with the standards. First of all, you need to pay attention to the size of the ports. It must comply with the rules. Foot should be inspected for the presence of wounds and damage. It also should not be wet, necessarily clean and dry to prevent the penetration of dirt. In summer, use a lining insole. The port is placed on a flat place or smoothly stretched with hands (if the winding is produced on weight). The foot is closer to the right edge, after that the front climb the foot wrapper from above, at the same time smoothing the resulting folds. The same corner is dyed under the sole and remains in this position using the free end, which is tensioning with the other hand. After that, carefully spread all the folds and the full turnover wrapping the foot and sole. The most important thing when winding is turned out - do not leave any folds. After all, it is they who serve as the appearance of scuffs and corns on their feet. The portyanka certainly has a large number of advantages over socks, which recently displaced her soldiers from life. It can be said that her era comes to an end. In this article we found out which size of the ports meets the requirements, how to wear them properly.

Probably, this day few people can remember. Two years ago, in mid-January 2014, or rather, the 16th, it was announced that the Russian troops would no longer use the spots, completely moving on wear. This is the third major attempt to get rid of ports. The first was committed during Peter I, the second during the years of Soviet power, in the 70s of the last century, and the third - today.

From different sources you find out that the universal winding appeared during the time of Peter I, and maybe long before it. There is also a version that the Roman legionnaires watched their feet with slices of fabric. One of the ports refer to 79 to our era: it was found during the construction of the Metro Roman Station, and then passed to the memory of the then president of America. Eh, well done, a good hint made: to know where the Russian spirit comes from.

Remember: there is a Russian spirit, there is rules there. By the way according to V.I. Gal, "Pilot - g., A piece, cut part of it (port), especially on the ports. MN. Wrappers, onuchi, under shoes, 1 1/2 ARSH. on foot".

And also, they say some historians, during the primitive-cave age, people thought of winding their legs with slices from the dead animals. So it is possible to get to Adam with Eva: at that time, someone was wounded by something. The ancient warriors always had a view other than civilians, and they admired the views of the old and small, who saw the fighter. Which was their reliable defender from numerous enemies attacking the country. In order for the warrior to overcome numerous marches, uniforms and clothing should comply with these combat missions and do not interfere with the way.

The concept of "Ports" today is a Russian ethnocultural phenomenon, since the ports began to play an important part of the life of the Russian army, to personify the special defendance of her life and, in the end, this is one of its symbols, the birth of which began under Peter I.

Well, we really love Peter choose as a starting point. Most likely, the wise king, seeing such a light and reliable means of clothing for the military, pointed to the obligation of the introduction of portites in the Russian army to prevent numerous frostbizes, sweepers, reliably protect soldiers in multi-day transitions.

Although there is a completely opposite version: Peter did not want to see his soldiers in the peasant portites and ordered the opposite - to introduce in the army to the Dutch manner of stockings. But this novelty did not fit due to numerous injuries and inconvenience associated with hosiery. Therefore, the Feldmarshal General Grigory Potemkin-Tavricheic in 1786 has achieved the Great Signature from Catherine on a decree on the return of the ports to the army.

« Spacious boots before the stockings have the benefits that in the case when the legs are wrapped around or standing, it is possible to throw them off immediately at first convenient time, wipe the leggings of the legs and, of them, again, the dry end, in the speed of shifting and protect them from dampness and chills"(Potemkin. Opinion about the uniform of Russian troops. Russian archive. Volume 3, 1888).

Even then, the lowest prince understood that when walking in boots, the sock was knocked down, the leg "walks", which leads to damage to the leg.

The picture of the lesions or victories was detailed. With Pavel I, I tried to put on the feet of stockings again, but nothing good did not come out of this.

The second time for the idea of \u200b\u200bcomplete replacement of spots on socks in Russia was returned after more than 200 years, in the 70s officials of several departments - the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Defense - calculated the costs of the transition to a new type of uniforms and considered it economically inappropriate, because it turned out, that one soldiers needed to issue depending on weather conditions 20-40 pairs of socks instead of one pair of portites.

Thus, the ports left alone for another decade. They, spit, have become an integral part of the usual household life of a soldier.

Why loved the ports? For their versatility and durability. After all, the fabric from which they were made was the highest quality and was produced on the best Russian textile factories on a special military order. By the way, the flannel liked the consumers so much, which became particularly popular and in demand, and Russia took about in the middle of the 19th century the fifth place for the production of this type of fabric.

Gradually it turned out that the ports are better to have two types: for winter - flannel, for summer - cloudy. It is Peter I attribute authorship on the mandatory introduction of flannel ports in the army. Initially, the fabric was purchased mainly in England, but then the sovereign demanded to reduce the number of purchased foreign cloth and establish its own production on an industrial scale. This was done in 1698, when the first manufactory appeared in Moscow, which first produces the rude cloth for the army, and then mastered the release of other types of fabric.

The flannel took root in the army for a long time because in terms of its qualities perfectly "coped" with the load that a simple soldier could withstand only thanks to many ways, significantly facilitating his mother-in-law. The flannel is pleasant to the touch, perfectly absorbs moisture, woolen flannel does not burn, and tweys, long retains its thermal qualities.

During the First World War, the ordinary composition of the Russian army was supposed to have three pairs of portites in its reserve. Already then they were distributed on summer and winter. For the summer, "Cleazovyovy", which were made from hemp or linen canvas, and from September to February, according to the Charter, the soldier was obliged to wear "Sukonny" Portites: they were sewed from a half-wool or woolen fabric. Often, such a port has rubbed his legs and therefore, at first weathered on the leg of the summer port, and then - winter. But it was uncomfortable and many soldiers gladly began to wear flannel portals.

German soldiers also used the ports (Fußlappen). Also, German, French and English soldiers dressed so-called overhead leather leggings, reaching the middle of the tibia, but these devices did not protect the feet of the soldier. And from this military ammunition, the French had to abandon due to the fact that numerous stub complaints, injuries, high pollution of gutters passing water and dirt went from the troops.

War is not a podium. Therefore, the British, which found themselves in Sudan, South Africa and India, were forced to adopt a new way of winding a foot from the local population. In particular, Sipia was actively used by Patta, with translation - "Ribbon". This narrow long tissue of Indian soldiers turned their feet from the ankle to the knee. The British Already by the beginning of the twentieth century, thus dressed almost all of their army, though seeking the word "PATTA into English manner" Puttee ". Well, the valiant soldiers of the British majesty to leave the word hated enemy in their lexicon. British merchants earned on military supplies Multimillion Barshi: For example, only the company Fox Brothers & Co Ltd has released 12 million pairs of windings.

Often, the soldiers used the ports as a winding when the shoes were dressed.

The French also used the ports, calling them a "Russian stocking", and the Americans called them "clothing for the leg."

But some foreign historians prefer to keep themselves in today's ideological struggle. For example, the Englishwoman Catherine Merridale said that "Ports - shame of the Russian army" after writing by his amazing, just a blatant book about Ivan. So daskvilknik, that I don't even want to quit it: it is disgusting in its essence, well-known ideological stamps that Madame-historian just stole that Madame-historian, who have just stole themselves to observe and distort the truth about the Great Patriotic War. And so I wanted madame-historian once again to mild, so she clung to the ports, excluding the "delete" button from her head, the British also actively used the ports. True, during the Second World War, they did not pass multi-kilometer marches, did not freeze in the field, did not drive away from the Germans. It all started it all began, so they are tightly, so clean in the English socks from one hundred percent wool.

I think I think why they so hate all Russian, why from year to year the tantrum on Russia continues in a particular format? Why? The answer is obvious: maybe because you will write a little about yourself. Wrote Madame-historian about Churchill that he was a dictator and destroyed his soldiers in war: after all, he also gave orders, and the British died on numerous fronts. So no, did not write. The book would not have been released for any money, but about Russia - please write how much you get. I did not like the sphew! And I like the ports. I have always watched with interest how my uncle was going to work with a cold Siberian winter and necessarily put on top of the socks neatly widespread and dried above the stove of sparse, wrapped with their leg like a pupa.

Many Russian women have a lot of associations with the word Piadtec and the Russian man in the house smelled. But the socks with an admixture of chemical fibers do not warm the leg, rubbish, and during the war, when it was impossible to choose the desired size to accurately, the portals helped to fit the boots on the leg, did not rub it to the bloody corns.

In fairness it is worth noting that in the Russian army there was no unanimity about this.

During the First World War, the ports have become a symbol of social bundle between the ordinary and officer composition. If during the years of the Great Patriotic War, they said that "in front of the bath broom and port is all equal," then, if reading a passage from the story of Georgy Dumbadze "Portyanka", the times of the First World War is acutely a difference between soldiers and officers:

"The ports for the whole of my life imposed an indelible impression. The first time I learned about their existence, seeing rectangular pieces of matter with brown spots, which my father's grandmother was very artistically turned his legs. Private Bronislav Yakubovsky, indeed, was a master of his case. The father even once again asked Bronislava to demonstrate his art before the friend of the Father, Colonel Kostevich. "

And then the author describes how deeply its process of winding and wearing ports is shocked: some nobles with squeamishness belonged to this type of ammunition, considering themselves to wear a portcloths for themselves, although they were forced to do it in the cadet of youth.

However, as soon as the fighting began, these the most squeamish Russian nobility officers appreciated the port tunic.

They recognized these foreigners who worked during the First World War in Russia. One of them is the American Surgeon Malcolm Groor recalled: " When the legs are wetbed, the soldiers rewind the ports so that the wet part falls on the caviar, and dry - on the foot. And their legs were again dry and warm».

Thousands of soldiers escaped the so-called trench foot syndrome, arising "with a long-term exposure of cold and dampness; This type of frostbite occurs at temperatures below about ° C. First described in the period of the 1st World War, 1914-1918 in soldiers with prolonged stay in raw testers. In light cases there are painful numbness, solidity, redness of the skin stop; In cases of moderate severity - serous-bloody bubbles; In case of severe form - the death of deep tissues with the addition of infection. "

During the Great Patriotic War, Port-dia has become an integral part of the uniforms of Soviet soldiers. And although today is often found on the forums of the allegation that Piadteka is a purely Russian invention, and the Germans went in woolen socks, it is not true. The Germans wore ports, woolen or flannel. Moreover, if you see a list of outfitting of German soldiers, it turns out that along with suspenders (nosträger), sports jerseys with stripes (Wehrmacht Orel or Eagle Police, Sporthemd), Black Satina Cowards (Unterhose), authorized socks (strmpfen) and other uniforms, spars (Fußlappen) stand on 13th place.

The main distinguishing feature of the German Ports was that they had the shape of a square (40 x 40 cm), unlike the rectangular Russian port.

The Germans have made even a special instruction form: "How to wear a port tanks", which said that there should not be any seams on the port, they should be made of woolen or cotton flannels.

The ports were, by the way, are very popular among German infantrymen who called the ports of the "foot rag", "Noga Indian."

According to this, the formulation was conducted on learning recruiting the ability to make the correct winding of the foot. If it is wrong to do, it can lead "to the general discomfort or pinch the leg," says the instructions. Many say that the windings most often used old soldiers who have passed the first world war. But young soldiers used them as well. Although some of them lacked patience.

When the process of winding Karl Vegan (former prisoners of war, soldiers of the 352th division was asked to describe it, he said that he did not like to spend time on turning his legs to spoil, although many old people wore them, especially when kilometer marches were upcoming. But not every German considered as Vegan. Hans Melker, Grenader of the 68th Rifle Division recalled:

« Phatechika! (laughs) Oh, yes, I forgot about them. You wrap in them the leg like this (shows). I did not wear socks for a long time because they were quickly wearing, and I had no patience all the time to darken. Although my mother sent a set of sewing from home, but I decided to give it to my friend. I always changed my nice homemade tobacco socks, food, magazines and other things you need. I still feel bad when memories about it. After all, my mother knitted socks for me and even embroidered my name on all things that she sent me to the front. Seeing such care, many of my comrades envied me and said that they would also like to get such care from his mothers so much.

I remember one case when I gave another pair of homemade socks to my friend, and he pulled his head and wounded in the chest. When it was found, then his legs were worked out, shoes in presented socks with my name on them. The commander decided that I was killed and came to us to find out. But I was alive. Instead of socks, I wore than the ports. They did not wear a long time. There is one secret. It was necessary at each winding the heel not in the same place, but in different parts of the port. We called cabbage windings because they smelted badly when they were not yet erased».

Especially Germans saw the spots in the summer, when socks were wearhed. And some Luftwaffe pilots also dressed the ports.

Another soldier defeated Germany Alfred Becker out of the 326th Infantry Division, when he was asked that he wore a winding or socks, replied that during the years of the Russian winter over the socks, the spots were wounded for additional heat.

By the way, you can still find ads on some German sites for the sale of ports 1944 release.

The Germans severely straightened with Soviet prisoners of war, which tried to make a similarity of the portions from the remnants of paper bags - they were mercilessly beaten for such attempts.

Gradually determined the size of the soldiers' port. And again I will say that the size of the ports was different, although some people still believe that their size is 45 x 90. This is far from the case. In different years, there were state norms on the manufacture of portites.

In 1978, the ports of summer from Sarzhi Stern Whoring, Article 4820, 4821,4827 were manufactured according to TU 17-65-9010-78. The density of the tissue was at such a technical setting at least 254-6 / 210-6, the tensile strength of at least 39-4 / 88-8. The size of one half-photo -35 x 90 cm.

In 1983, there were changes: for example, the summer ports were manufactured at TU 17 of the RSFSR 6.7739-83, according to which the size of the finished couple was 50 x 75 centimeters.

In 1990 (notice - restructuring, market) The width of the ports decreased by 15 centimeters: from 50 to 35 centimeters, and the quality of the fabric worsened. For example, if you read TU 17-19-76-96-90 on the ports of winter cloth from the cloth of a portal art. 6947, 6940, 6902,6903, it turns out that their composition will be different: 87% of wool, 13% Capron. The tissue density is at least 94-3 / 93-5, the tensile strength is at least 35-4 / 31-3, and the size of one half-eyed - 35 x 75Santimeters.

Today on some sites you can find ads for the sale of ports, where other dimensions are also indicated. As a rule, the authors offer themselves to make themselves the ports need size, cutting them into two parts. Here is one of these ads: " The cloth is 180 cm x 57 cm. The web is cut into two parts of 90 cm x 57 cm on their own. Such large parts of the canvas were made to create more air pockets to maintain heat in the shoe of the military personnel. Bike (flannel), 100% cotton. Very soft, well absorb moisture. New. Made in USSR».

A special demand is used by the ports made in the USSR, since the fabric from which they are made, differs in their quality - the method of weave the threads was then different, allowing to produce more dense material. " Real Summer Army Ports. The cloth 90 cm x 70 cm. The web is cut into two parts of 90 cm x 35 cm on their own. 100% cotton. Very dense fabric, well absorbs moisture. They differ from the Russian - the way of weave the thread and, the main difference, is the tissue density. New. Made in USSR».

After army demobilization, many generations of Russian men are firmly and forever introduced into their own vitality wearing the ports.

The ports have become a chassis and for many other groups of people who are not directly related to military service. Hunters overcoming kilometer segments of the path appreciate the ports for their unpretentiousness, tourists who do not lie on the side, and make their ways in the forests understand that boots and ports are an excellent combination to overcome obstacles.

At one of the selling sites, Portites in 2014 cost from 49 to 170 rubles in one pair, in 2015 the price for the ports was the lowest - about 50 rubles. The highest price - 147 rubles for one pair of portions offered dealers of textile companies in August 2013.

One of the chairmen of the veterans council in the Lipetsk region proposed to put a monument to Russian port. And in the Tula region, veterans in the course of the reconstruction of hostilities taught schoolchildren with the ability to appreciate the ports.

Whether we forget about the port? Unlikely. Well, refused from the ports in 2008 in the Ukrainian army, and what happened?

That's right or not, the time will show, but the unequivocal positive reaction to this accomplished fact is not yet. And many will support me, saying that Piadteka is a kind of symbol of military life, preserved throughout the age-old history of military development. And so simply get rid of it is impossible: all the same experienced fighters, hunters, tourists and other people who understand all the subtleties of their affairs will wear a portcloth and teach it, it would seem like a simple case, their sons.

That spheres will finally go like a terrible dream from our army

I do not know when it will be in reality, but at least a statement made. Earlier in the Ministry of Defense, they were announced that they were alike without spoofans, they were nowhere in the army, they are more optimal than nowhere. I think so about it reasoned those who did not serve in the army, because only recruits are tormented in Portites. The senior appeal is without them.

For whom the army is a riddle, I will explain what it is. Type say goodbye to the phenomenon.

10 facts about the ports and army

1. The port is rectangular (approximately 35 cm x 90 cm) a piece of warm and durable fabric, which is used instead of a sock.

2. Previously, the ports were wore with legs or boots.

3. In order for the port is not unwound when walking and running, it is necessary for a special way (tightly) to wind up. Wash the port tunic follows from the leg sock and certainly "out", and not "inside" so that when walking it does not come down and did not rub the leg. The foot in the port is practically wrapped in two layers of the fabric, which is better preserved heat, and with short-term contacting, only the outer layer of portites is wetted into the water.

4. The ports are two species: summer and winter. Summer ports are made as a rule from cloth, or from cotton (depends on the manufacturer), winter - from the bike or from the tissue of 50% cotton and 50% wool.

5. Palsyanka in some cases is better than sock (especially in habitat). The fabric does not applied along the edges and does not stitch from individual pieces - the seams and scars will not rub the leg.

The advantages of the ports:

  • it dries faster;
  • it is easier to make it from handicraft pieces of matter than to sew sock;
  • it is wearing less sock (as it can be changed in places more wearing areas with less wearing);
  • one way to put the shoes tightly put on the leg.
  • when wearing boots, the port is helps to preserve the health of the foot of the foot.

Disadvantages of spheres:

  • it is much more difficult to wear than sock;
  • its dimensions are superior to the sink dimensions;
  • inactively, the reliable ports can lead to the reinforcements.

    6. In the army, the ports do not leave in the boot, they are usually hanging on a stool (on the crossbar) to ventilate. In the bath days they are collected centrally and give new, postimated.

    7. Olderizing usually do not use portages, it is believed that they are for recruits. Socks are considered a violation of the authorized form of clothing, the officer who has noticed a soldier in the boots in socks in principle can declare the recovery of a soldier for violation.

    8. The ports in the army are usually erased in special washing machines, after which they dry and smooth also centrally, machines.

    9. Most often, the recruits fall into Lazareza precisely because of the corners caused by the knocked ports.

    10. Stores are stored in a special room, which is called "Capterka". There the owner is the ensign. Often helping the head as a capield allow someone from the sergeants. In the Capterka, in addition to the ports, clothing and boots are stored.

    (Facts are assembled on the basis of personal experience + with Wikipedia)

Phatetec - most often a rectangular piece of fabric to wind up legs, outdated analogue of socks for boots, noodles, on-site.
For different seasons, it is possible to use different ports: in winter - bike or woolen, and in the summer - cotton or cloudy.

Sizes of Ports

Some people believe that the size of the ports is 35x90 centimeters. But it is not. In different years, there were different state norms for the manufacture of portites.

In 1978, the ports of summer from Sarzhi Stern Whoring, Article 4820, 4821,4827 were manufactured according to TU 17-65-9010-78. The density of the tissue was at such a technical setting at least 254-6 / 210-6, the tensile strength of at least 39-4 / 88-8. The size of one half-eyed - 35x90 cm.

In 1983, there were changes: for example, the summer ports of the plants were manufactured according to TU 17 of the RSFSR 6.7739-83, according to which the size of the finished pair was 50x75 centimeters.

In 1990, the width of the ports decreased by 15 centimeters: from 50 to 35 centimeters, and the quality of the fabric worsened. For example, if you read TU 17-19-76-96-90 on the ports of winter cloth from the cloth of a portal art. 6947, 6940, 6902,6903, it turns out that their composition will be different: 87% of wool, 13% Capron. The tissue density is at least 94-3 / 93-5, the tensile strength is at least 35-4 / 31-3, and the size of one half-eyed - 35x75Santimeters.

Today on some sites you can find ads for the sale of ports, where other dimensions are also indicated. As a rule, the authors offer themselves to make themselves the ports need size, cutting them into two parts.
A special demand is used by the ports made in the USSR, since the fabric from which they are made, differs in their quality - the method of weave the threads was then different, allowing to produce more dense material.

Advantages of Ports

  • It is easy to wash them, because you do not need to comply with pairs and sizes as with socks
  • They dry quickly
  • These can be used boiling and other types of washing
  • Pals differ less susceptibility to wear
  • In the case of sparkling, you can use its dry edge
  • Portylight, if necessary, easy to do yourself. For it, any piece of fabric of the appropriate size is suitable.
  • Ports are well preserved heat.

Disadvantages of Ports

  • Compared to the sock, the port is much more complicated.
  • The learning process is much longer. According to the rules established in the Soviet Army, the rules from the soldier needed to learn how to wind up the ports in twenty seconds.
  • Umpriation when winding can entail the appearance of scuffs and serious irritation of the skin of the legs. To avoid this, you need to know how to properly appreciate the ports.
  • It is impossible to wear outside the shoes as a sock, the ports are unwinding and the leg remains bass;

Before winding the ports, it is necessary to spread the matter on a clean and smooth surface. This condition for those who have no experience in winting the ports. Who knows how to perform this procedure on weight, must straighten matter and pull in the hands.

There are several ways to wind up the ports. Below is the one that was used in Soviet and then the Russian army.

Obligion left leg It is made similarly to the right with the appropriate variety of the hands of the ends of the port.

Here, just in case, both ways are in one picture.

What nuances should be taken into account when winding spars

  • The ports should be wound tight. Otherwise, the appearance of painful blisters is provided. Often in the army in order to avoid heavy exercise, some soldiers of the ports were deliberately wounded freely.
  • If winding is performed inwards, it is possible to knock down the port while walking. Therefore, the coercion procedure must be performed, starting from the sock outside.
  • If the port is on the leg is fixed correctly, it will be better to keep warm and misses moisture. If the legs are wetted strongly, it is recommended to use the dry end of the port, which is wrapped up. After some time, the wet face of the fabric will dry, and it can also be used. Thus, during the wetting feet, the ports is not necessary.
  • Ports are not recommended to sew or coat. The presence of extra details on the tissue can entail rubbing and irritation of the skin of the legs.
  • If the port is on the foot fell, it can be used, winding the leg with the other side.
  • During winding, it is recommended that there are no coarse folds, chances and scars formed, because when walking, they are able to strip their feet.
  • If the ports are used in the summer, it is necessary that for each pair there was a contribution insole. In case the shoes are too big, the ports can slide. They will remain in their place if the fabric fits tightly to the Kizz boogue. You can achieve this by choosing a larger piece of matter under the port tunic.

Portals in the German army of the 40s (Finnish-German Options for winding ports in the boot)

During the Great Patriotic War, Piadteanka became an integral part of the uniform of Soviet soldiers. And although today is often found on the forums of the allegation that Piadteka is a purely Russian invention, and the Germans went in woolen socks, it is not true. The Germans wore ports, woolen or flannel. Moreover, if you see a list of outfitting of German soldiers, it turns out that along with suspenders (nosträger), sports jerseys with stripes (Wehrmacht Orel or Eagle Police, Sporthemd), Black Satina Cowards (Unterhose), authorized socks (strmpfen) and other uniforms, spars (Fußlappen) stand on 13th place.

The main distinguishing feature of the German Ports was that they had the shape of a square (40 x 40 cm), unlike the rectangular Russian port.

The Germans have made even a special instruction form: "How to wear a port tanks", which said that there should not be any seams on the port, they should be made of woolen or cotton flannels.

The ports were, by the way, are very popular among German infantrymen who called the ports of the "foot rag", "Noga Indian."

According to this, the formulation was conducted on learning recruiting the ability to make the correct winding of the foot. If it is wrong to do, it can lead "to the general discomfort or pinch the leg," says the instructions. Many say that the windings most often used old soldiers who have passed the first world war. But young soldiers used them as well. Although some of them lacked patience.

In order to close the ports around the foot correctly, first need to choose the appropriate size and tear the flap. It does not need to be sewed or cozy - otherwise these seams and seals will lead to painful discomfort.

The size of the port is implied sufficient length to wrap it by a foot twice. Standard - 35/90 cm, which is relevant for the legs of any adult man.

Wrapping ports produce such steps.

  • The canvas are stripped with even flap on Vope either on the floor.
  • The left stop put on the left edge, the right - right.
  • An indent is about 20 cm - it should be enough to cover the top of the foot.
  • The foot is placed not in parallel to the edge, but a slightly at an angle - the fingers are deeply inside, the heel is closer to the duck so that the front corner remains more.
  • The front short edge of the external arch of the foot, taking it after the corner, they throw a slightly diagonal on top of the fingers, completely covering them.
  • The remaining tail is refilled under the foot arch, stretching the canvas.
  • The inner side of the foot lift the rest of the flap and it is stretched well.
  • From the front side, the fabric is wrapped on a foot and hardened on the fingers, smoothing the folds, - so form a sock.
  • By one hand holding a stretched rear short corner, the remaining part of the flap is winding around the foot around the foot, so that the canvas came out in the area of \u200b\u200bthe foot arch and completely wrapped the heel.
  • The wound layer is thoroughly straighten, and the rest is stretched upwards.
  • The residue in the hands twist, changing its ends in their hands, - this will allow you to fix the winding on the heel.
  • The free stretched part of the flap makes the turn around the legs, allowing the minimum folds of the foot.

It will be expected to pull the tip, fill it over the inside of the inner side of the shin - and the port is ready.

From what can make a port

Any flap from natural fibers will go. In winter, it should be a warm bike or a half-go, in summer - cotton, army canvas, linen batist, sitherium, even the usual sheet. The main thing is that the leg remains dry and warm, despite the weather and the season.

Not suitable as a portion of blended, artificial threads and synthetics - they do not absorb sweat, it is bad to boil either chlorination, and with a sock can lift, staining the feet, if the fabric was originally color.

Our army, like many countries, had until recently, summer and winter variations of this accessory, have not switched to army shoes with socks. But where it is still used because of the climatic features of the boots, spitting and so on in honor.


No wonder this invention, despite the 21st century, is still in honor - they have plenty of advantages over the highest socks.

  • Under boots, socks are pretty quickly abrade, and the ports are withstanding friction about the coarse pieces of the boot, therefore wear out not so quickly.
  • The wet ports in the unfolded form are easy to dry - it will not take as much time as the drying of the socks.
  • They are easier to wash for the collective - not required after sorting over the pairs.
  • They can be boiled and processing with chlorine.
  • In the case of wetting, it is impregnated with moisture only the outer layer - it can be rewinded on the go, thus avoiding the cold and the supercooling of the feet.
  • If a flap of the flap to the hole goes out, the port is similarly rewinding - now injury from friction is not terrible.
  • With a long-term march, competently wound flaps will not slip, but the elastic socks does not always withstand.
  • In the cold, the double layer of warm fabric will better protect the legs from the cold, and the sweat will absorb sweat faster, leaving the feet in dryness.

There are also significant inconveniences - its winding requires time and skills, and when removing the shoes, the stop will remain bare, because it will not work out on foot as a sock.