Congratulations on February 23 to motorists. Congratulations to the driver. Congratulations on the anniversary of the man driver

See also:

Cool congratulations on February 23

Protected by Art. 1301 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Dear men!

Dear men!
Let any girls
Will be glad to be with you
And they would not be called goats,
So that everyone smiles at you
So that everyone tries for you
And so that you do not become conceited
And so they remained!

Congratulate a guy, a man, a friend, a friend, an acquaintance
February 23

Protected by Art. 1301 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Congratulations to the men - our glorious halves!

Since February 23
Congratulations, men!
The earth rests on you -
All seas and all peaks!

You are heroes, there are no words,
After all, without you there will be no world,
Live 200 years
Defending the honor of the uniform!

This is not an easy debt
We won't leave you without love
We'll bake you a cake
Let's put 23 candles!

May you be so many years old
Externally, heart and soul!
Former grandfather does not age
Even if with gray hair!

May you be healthy,
And don't drink mountain beer
Running will be ugly
When are your fees?

Since February 23
Congratulations, men!
Smile at us, love
Half of our life!

Congratulate "men", "man", "friend", "brother".
February 23, men

Protected by Art. 1301 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

The guys who went through all the attacks

The guys who went through all the attacks
Both combat and study,
Who guarded the warehouse in the dark
The enemy did not sneak in so that
Those who are barriers and hardships
endured along the way
I wish you a happy birthday
Men in their earthly journey.
You passed the test with honor,
What the army sent you
Sharing with a friend in the "lair"
Pie one in half.
I wish you that life is a cheat
Gave you only the joy of the day,
So that dexterity does not go to "no",
So that there is no end of fire!

Congratulate everyone
congratulations, since February 23

Protected by Art. 1301 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

In whatever army he served,

In whatever army he served,
The twenty-third is your holiday.
You grew up in the army, came to life
I rode in a tank and KRAZ.

You know how the sand creaks
Under the beret during the day and dark at night
And what is the term of service,
And it's hard to wait like mail from home.

All with the twenty-third of February -
Happy men in uniform.
Happy holiday, my friends,
Let's pour the cups again!

Congratulate everyone
congratulations on February 23

Flashing kilometers
Beckoning beyond the horizon
I congratulate the driver
Since February 23.
I wish you a holiday for men
Good luck to you,
To be met at home
The hugs of loved ones.
Let the road run
Among forests, fields
May the sky be peaceful
Above your head.

Drivers, congratulations
On the twenty-third day from us!
We want to enjoy life
So that fate takes care of you everywhere.
We wish you endless health
Diseases never come.
We wish you joy with love
For many wonderful years.

Dear driver, congratulations
Happy Defenders of the Fatherland Day to you!
I wish you safety on the roads
And everything that the soul so desires.
Let order reign at home
Let love live in the soul
Let prosperity grow
Well, happiness excites the blood.

February 23rd
We celebrate now
And country drivers
We must congratulate together!
Anyone who often drives
Dark night, bright day
We heartily congratulate you
And with all our hearts we wish
To work easily
And always lucky in everything!
Your work is interesting
So not a nail to you and not a rod!

Congratulations to the driver on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Driver! You look ahead.
Is there a maze? And you drove.
We congratulate you on the 23rd,
We wish you well.
The roads are always straight for you,
Let there be many weekends

Congratulations on the twenty-third,
My driver is dear!
I always want to rush forward
Follow your dream!
Enjoy every moment
Steer confidently!
And advance in your career
So that incomes grow up!

Drivers, I congratulate you on the holiday,
Be always proud of your deeds,
Success in work, good health,
Live easy and inspired.
Joy, light, prosperity in life,
The road was to be flat and smooth,
Let passengers see protection in you
Good luck to you a lot and an enviable life.

Let the engine growl to glory
I wish not joking
Dear our driver,
Happy twenty-third of February!
May health only grow stronger
The easy way is waiting for you
And fate whispers in your ear
“All right!” Be happy!

You always know the way
And rush to help.
You are the defender of the country
We need those!
February twenty-third
I congratulate you!
Be healthy and happy
Long and beautiful life!

Driver! You look ahead.
Is there a maze? And you drove.
We congratulate you on the 23rd,
We wish you well.
The roads are always straight for you,
Let there be many weekends
Fair wind, cool steering wheel,
And so that everything in life is normal!

Driver, congratulations
Today is February 23rd!
I wish not only in a car
You be the first - at the helm.
I want to be the first everywhere
So that all things can be done quickly.
I want steel nerves
May all your dreams come true for you.

Congratulations to drivers today.
After all, you are not in vain turning the steering wheel.
You, too, now, we all glorify
On a special day - February 23.
We wish you inspiration and good luck,
So that the path is always only easy.
Let happiness come into your life in addition
And your special ardor will never go out!

Beautiful congratulations to the driver on February 23

From February 23
I send you congratulations
I want to wish, driver,
Peaceful I am dear to you.
So that you hold the steering wheel firmly,
Confident in the brakes
And you didn't get carried away
On steep turns.
Kilometer after kilometer
Let it lie under the wheels
And bypass
You let the storms and thunderstorms.
Drive, luck and luck
May they be friendly with you
And may the sky be peaceful
Over the roads of the country.

Turn the steering wheel - is that really the case?
Turn on the music and you rush forward.
You overcome kilometers boldly,
And the 23rd is celebrated by the people.
We wish you the beauty of the roads,
Reliable brake threshold,
Comfortable body, brakes are in order,
May your path be
Smooth, joyful and smooth!

Behind the wheel you mean a lot
And God forbid the military road,
You will pass it with courage,
save your homeland!
Congratulations on February 23
I wish with all my heart.
You have neither a rod nor a nail,
Let the road be peaceful!

You are the driver, you are the warrior
Warm words are always worthy!
You will stand behind your relatives,
You will not leave your homeland in trouble!
Congratulations on the twenty-third
I wish you
So that the car does not break,
A lot of joy in fate!

On February 23,
I want to congratulate you not in vain,
My driver is so kind.
I'm safe with you!

Behind the wheel, the road winds
You are constantly on the road.
Let the bad go
Well, the engine rumbles.
I want to live without traffic jams.
Live beautifully slowly
With all my heart I congratulate
Happy February 23rd!

You are the driver - just super,
There are no equals behind the wheel,
From the bottom of my heart I want to congratulate
I have a wonderful day for men.
Happiness, joy, success,
Good health in the body
Stay by all means
Guru in his classy business.

See also:
Comic congratulations to a colleague
Congratulations to the boys on February 23
Congratulations on January 1 - New Year
Congratulations to girlfriends on March 8
Anna Akhmatova poems
happy birthday poems
Congratulations to a colleague, boss, boss
Comic poems about builders
love sms
Congratulations to the dentist

Congratulations on February 23 comic
To the sappers of our souls!
Communications of our thoughts!
Artillerymen of our frontiers!
Scouts of our thoughts!
Marshals of our desires...
This holiday is dedicated!

Congratulations on February 23 comic
There is a reason to congratulate you
On a February day, in the middle of winter,
Just because you are a man:
We are proud to be a defender!
Close your chest, if necessary,
Girlfriends, children, sister and mother
And you will not miss the enemy herd
In our house - beat, rob, kill!
You will pay for freedom with blood.
And - life ... The enemy will be defeated!
Fatherland all with great love
Thank you for that!!!

Congratulations on February 23 comic
Even though you haven't served yet,
You are persistent, strong, not capricious,
Eye - vigilant and firm - hand,
Defender of the future Fatherland!
After all, if there is a war
Bring fire, devastation into our house,
You won't stand aside
Protect your mother, sister, friend!
And to win again
You be healthy, smart, vigorous:
Study diligently - on "five"
And do more sports!

Congratulations on February 23 comic
Tankman! Congratulations
Happy Day of our strong army!
We live, only loving you -
You are terrible to the enemy with your fire!
You, keeping loyalty to the oath,
You will be the winner again! -
Tank armor keeps you
And our big love!!!

Congratulations on February 23 to dad
May trouble not meet you.
Well, if you meet failure along the way
That fate - the villain surrender
You will be able to find.
Winning and in trouble
And in his great work
Breaking down all barriers
Never discouraged
The stronger sex is always ahead
Suitable for a clear purpose.
Don't forget the weaker sex
Love us, respect us!
It will be difficult to live without us,
Uncomfortable, boring, boring.
After all, your ancestor Adam
Could not live in paradise without ladies!

Congratulations on February 23
Your turn, as they say, -
No wonder the glasses are heard ringing.
To shine brightly gold
Lieutenant's brand new shoulder straps!
So that from now on in life, as on the march,
Everyone kept the balance like that,
So that a marshal comes out of a lieutenant
Or at least a general!

Congratulations on February 23 comic
They escort the guys to the army,
As if in the forty-first to the war,
And again, how many years in a row,
The boys break the silence with a song.
And again, like many years ago,
Mothers cannot be kept from tears:
After all, these future soldiers,
So many deadly thunderstorms await!
That's why it's louder than the alarm,
Drowning out the song and steps
Mother's lips say:
"Help them, God, help!"

Congratulations on February 23 prose
On such a great sunny day
Defenders of the Fatherland, father-in-law,
I'm not too lazy to repeat about pride:
It's good to have you in the world!
Grandson goes to school, granddaughter squeaks,
Daughter at work, mother-in-law at the stove.
Who to all of them from enemies - a sword and a shield?
My father is strong, it's only you!
Defeat the devil and satan
Rockets, bombs - will be a bummer.
You will make the country flourish
With your mind, warmth and kindness!!!

Congratulations on February 23 comic
And I'm immune to evil -
Diseases, years, even death,
All stones - by, bullets - by,
Do not drown me, do not burn.
All this because near
Worth and saves me
Your love is my joy
My protective armor.
And I don't need another armor
And a holiday - every weekday.
But, without you, I'm defenseless
And defenseless, like a target.

Flashing kilometers
Beckoning beyond the horizon
I congratulate the driver
Since February 23.
I wish you a holiday for men
Good luck to you,
To be met at home
The hugs of loved ones.
Let the road run
Among forests, fields
May the sky be peaceful
Above your head.

Drivers, congratulations
On the twenty-third day from us!
We want to enjoy life
So that fate takes care of you everywhere.
We wish you endless health
Diseases never come.
We wish you joy with love
For many wonderful years.

Dear driver, congratulations
Happy Defenders of the Fatherland Day to you!
I wish you safety on the roads
And everything that the soul so desires.
Let order reign at home
Let love live in the soul
Let prosperity grow
Well, happiness excites the blood.

February 23rd
We celebrate now
And country drivers
We must congratulate together!
Anyone who often drives
Dark night, bright day
We heartily congratulate you
And with all our hearts we wish
To work easily
And always lucky in everything!
Your work is interesting
So not a nail to you and not a rod!

Congratulations to the driver on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Driver! You look ahead.
Is there a maze? And you drove.
We congratulate you on the 23rd,
We wish you well.
The roads are always straight for you,
Let there be many weekends

Congratulations on the twenty-third,
My driver is dear!
I always want to rush forward
Follow your dream!
Enjoy every moment
Steer confidently!
And advance in your career
So that incomes grow up!

Drivers, I congratulate you on the holiday,
Be always proud of your deeds,
Success in work, good health,
Live easy and inspired.
Joy, light, prosperity in life,
The road was to be flat and smooth,
Let passengers see protection in you
Good luck to you a lot and an enviable life.

Let the engine growl to glory
I wish not joking
Dear our driver,
Happy twenty-third of February!
May health only grow stronger
The easy way is waiting for you
And fate whispers in your ear
“All right!” Be happy!

You always know the way
And rush to help.
You are the defender of the country
We need those!
February twenty-third
I congratulate you!
Be healthy and happy
Long and beautiful life!

Driver! You look ahead.
Is there a maze? And you drove.
We congratulate you on the 23rd,
We wish you well.
The roads are always straight for you,
Let there be many weekends
Fair wind, cool steering wheel,
And so that everything in life is normal!

Driver, congratulations
Today is February 23rd!
I wish not only in a car
You be the first - at the helm.
I want to be the first everywhere
So that all things can be done quickly.
I want steel nerves
May all your dreams come true for you.

Congratulations to drivers today.
After all, you are not in vain turning the steering wheel.
You, too, now, we all glorify
On a special day - February 23.
We wish you inspiration and good luck,
So that the path is always only easy.
Let happiness come into your life in addition
And your special ardor will never go out!

Beautiful congratulations to the driver on February 23

From February 23
I send you congratulations
I want to wish, driver,
Peaceful I am dear to you.
So that you hold the steering wheel firmly,
Confident in the brakes
And you didn't get carried away
On steep turns.
Kilometer after kilometer
Let it lie under the wheels
And bypass
You let the storms and thunderstorms.
Drive, luck and luck
May they be friendly with you
And may the sky be peaceful
Over the roads of the country.

Turn the steering wheel - is that really the case?
Turn on the music and you rush forward.
You overcome kilometers boldly,
And the 23rd is celebrated by the people.
We wish you the beauty of the roads,
Reliable brake threshold,
Comfortable body, brakes are in order,
May your path be
Smooth, joyful and smooth!

Behind the wheel you mean a lot
And God forbid the military road,
You will pass it with courage,
save your homeland!
Congratulations on February 23
I wish with all my heart.
You have neither a rod nor a nail,
Let the road be peaceful!

You are the driver, you are the warrior
Warm words are always worthy!
You will stand behind your relatives,
You will not leave your homeland in trouble!
Congratulations on the twenty-third
I wish you
So that the car does not break,
A lot of joy in fate!

On February 23,
I want to congratulate you not in vain,
My driver is so kind.
I'm safe with you!

Behind the wheel, the road winds
You are constantly on the road.
Let the bad go
Well, the engine rumbles.
I want to live without traffic jams.
Live beautifully slowly
With all my heart I congratulate
Happy February 23rd!

You are the driver - just super,
There are no equals behind the wheel,
From the bottom of my heart I want to congratulate
I have a wonderful day for men.
Happiness, joy, success,
Good health in the body
Stay by all means
Guru in his classy business.

See also:
Tsvetaeva's poems
-Sms to your loved one
- Toasts to the leader
Comic congratulations to a colleague
Congratulations to the boys on February 23
Congratulations on January 1 - New Year
Congratulations to girlfriends on March 8
Anna Akhmatova poems
happy birthday poems
Congratulations to a colleague, boss, boss

Congratulations to the driver

Cars rush on the ground,
Bogatyrs are driving
You're no stranger to road dust
Today Peter, tomorrow you are in Tver.
Neither a nail nor a wand - we say.
Happiness, health and good luck
We want to wish you today.

Congratulations on the anniversary of the driver

You, hot and cold,
In mud and snow
Behind the wheel - steering wheel,
In "anti-headlight" glasses!

We wish you happiness
Life without dilemmas
To day and night
There were no problems!

Congratulations on the anniversary of the driver

Blown by violent winds,
Bathed in summer rains
The mileage of the wheels is spinning,
And the driver in the country walk!

Today in road halts,
And in the boxes of native garages,
Drivers pour a hundred
Celebrate the day of the holiday!

According to the wishes of "led"
Parliament established the holiday.
And on this day, drivers, -
Do you want - do not you want -
But let's take three hundred grams
For the driver!
To spite all any devils -
You are always lucky, driver!
So that the dream always comes true
And the car doesn't break down!
And so that your driver-brother
He was healthy and rich.
Let on winter or spring flights
There will be no traffic police problems, -
The traffic cop will be fat, kind,
Driver - sober, smart, peppy!

Congratulations on the anniversary of the man driver

Cars, cars,
Your whole life has been filled!
You know everything about them
You can fix and caress your car!

You know how to do it on "5"!
Auto could probably respect you,
If you could feel
And now, let me congratulate you, auto-beast!

Congratulations on the anniversary of the man driver

Not everyone can sit at home
You have always been attracted to the way-road.
You are driving a car - like on a throne,
So only a few love the track.
You chose a difficult job
It is for those who are courageous, free.
Congratulations on the Day of the motorist,
God bless, as the people say.

How many hours did you spend
Driving a car?
As a driver you are an eagle
The hawk is like a man!

Let your car
Serve you right!
Signature ride your style
Pleases immensely!

Comic congratulations to drivers

He gives at a meeting not a palm, but an elbow,
Afraid to get your hand dirty with oil,
In his car, he strives to touch every bolt,
But he recognizes the disease in his car by the sound.
No more happiness for the motorist
How to fix a car without a service station,
And, like applause for an artist,
His reward? - Reanimated car!

Comic congratulations to drivers

You are at the wheel like at home
The road is your life
And the tracks are smooth and familiar
I wish the driver.
Health, happiness and success,
On the road only fine days
Accident-free run
Throughout life!

Road users -
Happy last Sunday in October!
And you - even more so: in your position
This day will not be celebrated in vain!
Let me pay tribute to you today
Without lofty and loud phrases:
Happy motorist (and road builder!)
We are in a hurry to congratulate you on this day!

Congratulations on the holiday of the driver

More and more cars every day -
Literally the whole country was filled.
How hard it is to drive
In the fog and slush, at night and during the day!
Bus drivers, taxi drivers,
It is not easy for you to serve now.
We want to congratulate you on your holiday
And wish you a happy journey.
And those who help you in your work -
Repairs cars, releases flights, -
We also congratulate you on this holiday,
We wish them to work conscientiously.

Congratulations on the holiday of the driver

And go to the ends of the world
It doesn't matter what, but leave,
To voiced - "Your ticket!" -
Echoed to the ear.
To not hear the squeak of the brakes,
By car, flying with a rocket,
Maybe someone will write to me -
Oh, to get to the end of the world!
No car, but there is a bus
I did not get, sorry, to the ends of the world -
I ask the controller to
Let me go, stowaway...

Well, friends, let's walk together!
Today the holiday drove everyone!
The day of the one who rode
Three times more than I went!

So live easy and simple!
Have fun, bloom, get fat!
Plus keep an eye on the rear axle
And a gearbox!

Funny congratulations to the driver

You are the best driver
And your cap
Sticks out of the car confidently.
Lightly and casually touching the steering wheel,
You drove the roads unmeasured.
The wheel and then you boldly twist,
I want a reserve of braking distance!

Funny congratulations to the driver

Keep your hands firmly on the steering wheel
Under the steady sound of the engine,
After all, every day on a long journey
You have to go again.

On a festive day, wish you
We want a lot of everything
Nail and wand not to meet
And the wind is crazy to you.