How to invite a girl to date so that she agrees. How to propose a relationship to a girl. Hint at a future together, where you are already a couple in love

Having met online, people sometimes become not only good pen pals, but also a couple in love and even family. But when you do not communicate in person for a long time, it is not easy to decide on such a step as to invite a girl to date.

Girls are unpredictable - some like romantic courtship, bright signs of attention and a clear desire to win their heart, others are attracted by the similarity of interests, simplicity and light humor in communication. But the most important thing that girls of any type of character will certainly appreciate is sincerity, that is, a complete absence of falsehood.

In contact with


If you are confident in the sincerity of your feelings, this is still not enough for a girl to believe in them. Even if she has a counter sympathy for you, doubts will prevail over her to the end (some girls change their minds about going on a date at the last minute). Therefore, for the first step - an invitation - it is better to use the environment in which the girl feels comfortable - for example, to invite her to meet through the VK network (and not ask her phone to call).

If you have been chatting on VK for a long time, you probably have favorite topics for conversation or for exchanging links or pictures. Before inviting a girl to meet on VKontakte, think about how to do it beautifully, or at least cute, in order to make her smile and favor.

For example, if she was amused by your joke, you might remark: “We seem to be having a good time, don’t you think?”. If the answer is yes, you can add: "Do you want to continue the evening in such and such a park / cafe / cinema?". It will sound unobtrusive, but at the same time it will let her know that you are initiating a personal meeting.

Another way to beautifully invite a girl to meet on VK is to intrigue her with a gift: “I have a little present for you, can you tell me how I can meet its recipient?”. The gift in this case should not be too valuable, so as not to scare away, but not a perfect trinket, so as not to cause disappointment. A box of her favorite chocolates, a small stuffed toy, or one beautifully wrapped garden flower will do.

It should just be a nice token

Examples of phrases suggesting a live meeting

Young people are often overly nervous when thinking about how to invite a girl to meet in person. Many people think that there are some recipes or templates for correct phrases. In fact, they are not.

The main thing a guy should be guided by is common sense.

Therefore, words should not contain a heap of epithets, cumbersome quotes and the like drama. The more natural phrases sound to invite a girl to date, the better.


If you're the kind of guy who finds it easier to remember a couple of common phrases than to rely on a hunch, remember to start with what not to say. Examples of wrong phrases: “Let's date, because:

  • i have never met a girl like you in my life;
  • you are my ideal, which I have been looking for all my life;
  • my life has no meaning without you. "

Even if all this is true, the girl most likely does not want to date a guy after such an emotional outpouring. Firstly, they are perceived as bad play with a good mine, and secondly, who knows, it's better to keep him at a distance.

What phrases are correct to invite a girl to date? For example:

  • “I like you very much - it's always so easy with you, it seems we have a lot in common”;
  • "We are having a good time online, maybe we should see each other?"
  • “You don’t think that we have long ago become a little more than just friends, at least I hope so and want to meet with you.”

Do not memorize these phrases, memorized sentences sound fake, and the fear that you will forget them will make you indecisive, and this is not the best quality for a man. Just keep them in mind as an option.

If the girl is positive about jokes, you can do this.


If a girl is a lover of surprises, try to invite her to date in an original way. Play on her curiosity - write that you will hide a gift for her in such and such a place in such and such a square or park. Wait for her arrival and when she finds your message and present in the indicated place (which it may be, we have already said), suddenly emerge from an "ambush" (for example, from a nearby cafe). At least the first meeting will already take place.


There are girls who expect to be offered a romantic date. If your chosen one is one of those, send her from your address a beautifully designed letter of invitation to a date with the signature "secret admirer". Of course, she will understand that it is you, but the humor with which this proposal will be made will certainly appreciate.

For her to agree

There are no recipes that guarantee a girl's consent to a meeting. In order for her to agree to meet, it doesn't matter how you suggest it, it is important how she treats you. Therefore, you must be at least half sure, about the same as you are to her - trusts you, misses you. All these signs can slip in the correspondence, they are hard not to notice.

Do not overestimate yourself, arrogance is not the best friend of a young man in love.

You need to offer a girl a meeting when I’m almost sure that she doesn’t mind seeing you live: “I confess, I managed to get attached to you and dream of seeing you, do you mind meeting?”.

In my own words

The choice of phrases from your own vocabulary and the experience of communicating with a specific girl gives you huge opportunities. You already know her preferences, you have some secrets or jokes known only to you, you have developed your own style of correspondence. Based on this knowledge, you can find the most correct, necessary, and most importantly, your own words, which you only have to offer the girl, and she will answer by agreeing to meet. For example: “Do you remember that kitten that almost got hit by a car (in such and such a video)? My friends took him in, and you and I can visit him. "

Psychologists also admit this option: "When you are angry and say that you are ready to bite me, I dream of making you angry so that you come and bite." This may sound vulgar, but you shouldn't be afraid of any forward movement to dot the i's.

The main thing is that the words are spoken sincerely.

Under what circumstances is it better to do it

Sometimes a phrase, said out of place or at the wrong time, becomes a "point of no return" in a relationship that is barely warm. Therefore, choose the moment, how and when it is better to invite the girl to date:

The best moment - in the wake of the usual correspondence, when the topic is "cool evening, right?" it is easy to translate into the field of pleasant communication with her. Then your proposal will be both appropriate and, possibly, successful.

How to ask for a date

If you managed to invite a girl to date, and it turned out beautifully, then you probably think that you have a first date, on which a lot will depend. But what if she came to the first meeting just out of curiosity, and not as your girlfriend? How do you ask her out next time?

Obviously, the date should be a natural continuation of the first meeting, if both of you were comfortable. In this case, you can simply suggest: "Let's go somewhere else?"

If the girl made it clear that she was disappointed, or she initially had other plans, do not rush to despair and burn all the bridges. Perhaps she jumped to conclusions, and you still have a relationship, but later. The main thing is not to rush and insist.

The first date should not be taken as passing the state exam - be yourself, talk about what you have always talked about with her. There is no need to show that you are ready to jump for joy that she has come (even if you are ready). Rejoice quietly, be gallant, do not chatter incessantly, but listen to what she says, perhaps she herself will give a clue for the conversation. If the girl is silent, take the initiative into your own hands - ask if she has watched such and such a movie, if she likes such and such an actor, if she loves trips to the sea - and stuff like that. If you look closely, you still don't know each other much, so you can ask and talk about everything that does not go beyond the bounds of decency.

If you have absolutely no experience of communicating with girls, remember the main rule - you cannot behave as casually with girls as with your friends. Even if you have a friendly relationship, do not turn the girl into a boyfriend shirt. Many are frustrated by being rude, but girls who love being rude also exist. Therefore, it is impossible to give unambiguous and universal advice on how to communicate with a specific girl. Just try to get a better understanding of her preferences long before the date.

Any relationship should not start with cheating.

On a date, you can talk about everything that is pleasant to both of you - that is, about each other, so questions from "how was your day" to "saw your new photo, where are you?" appropriate. It is undesirable to ask about parents - who they work, about housing - what kind of apartment she has, and so on. You will find out this information later, and the first dates should be devoted to something more personal, concerning only the two of you.

There are situations when a girl does not seem to mind communicating with you, but does not let you get closer than all her other friends, tries to stop your attempts to get closer to her. There are several explanations for this behavior - for example, she still does not trust you or. Or it just keeps you in the so-called "friend zone" - the zone of friends, and nothing more. Such mismatches often happen in life, so do not be upset - there will definitely be a girl who will feel more affection for you than friendship.

Useful video

See what and how you can write to a girl on VK so that she will certainly answer:


  1. Close communication with a girl on the network often prompts a guy to take such a step as to invite her to meet live.
  2. If during the correspondence you managed to arouse the girl's interest in your person, you can be sure that she will agree to a meeting.
  3. You should not invent grandiloquent phrases or look for templates, how to correctly offer to meet, this proposal should be as natural as possible.

In contact with

If communication with the girl was short-term, you should not rush to the conversation. Better to be patient, assess the level of compatibility. And only after that, proceed to decisive action.

Before making an offer to meet, you should tell the woman about your attitude towards her. If she is convinced of the seriousness of the interlocutor's intentions, this will help the couple to get closer, and the girl to decide on a responsible step.

If a young man is ready for a conversation, then you should not waste time - it is recommended to immediately talk about your feelings. This moment should be special and remain in the memory of both interlocutors forever. Correctly chosen words will allow you to remember this event and return to it again and again.

So that the girl does not refuse, it is important to create the right conditions for the conversation. You can come up with something original. But if the interlocutor does not like surprises and extravagant behavior, preference is given to the classic way. To meet, you can book a table at the institution she would like to visit, or have a romantic dinner. In summer, you can go for a picnic, walk in the park. Choosing a date that is important to both, such as dating day or Valentine's Day, will set the girl up for a conversation.

A romantic attribute of communication will be a modest gift hinting at the feelings of a man and the future topic of conversation. For example, a bouquet of her favorite flowers. You can inflate a bunch of balloons or present a small teddy bear with a note in it.

A romantic letter is a way to express feelings for those who are embarrassed to speak in person. You can write it in English, if the level of knowledge of the guy and the girl allows it. Saying that you like a woman is easier on paper. You can hand over the letter during dinner and expect her reaction.

Teenagers can afford to send SMS “Let's date”. Adults should refrain from this method and decide on a face-to-face meeting with their chosen one.

Phrases for conversation

For a girl to agree to meet, the words must be sincere and come from a pure heart. It is important to use as few abstract phrases as possible: the guy should only talk about specific relationships.

First, you should talk about your feelings, and only then make an offer. In this case, one should avoid the pretentious cliches “I cannot live without you! "Or" You are the love of my life! ". Phrases should be simpler, for example, "I like you", "I want our relationship to grow into something more", "I have warm feelings for you." Women, regardless of age, love beautiful but simple speech.

If a man wants to be romantic, he should give up the formulaic words that he finds on the Internet. They will only alienate the interlocutor. Of the common expressions, one should give preference to the phrases “Be my girlfriend! "Or" Be my soul mate! ".

Openly suggesting sex is a common mistake that men make. With a high probability, the girl will immediately refuse, no matter what they say.

When it is seen that the chosen one is in love, the task is simplified, but even in this case, much will depend on the words that the guy will say. There are examples of phrases that can be used to offer a girl to date in a romantic and original way:

  1. 1. "I like you for a long time, I want to spend more time with you."
  2. 2. "I have more than just sympathy for you. Let's start a relationship."
  3. 3. "We have known each other for a long time, and I believe it is time to take our relationship to a new level."
  4. 4. "We've been friends for so long, I like you, and I want more."
  5. 5. I should have said about my feelings long ago. Let's meet?"

If a girl does not immediately agree to a relationship and asks for time to think, there is no need to "press" on her. An offer to a friend to date is fundamentally changing communication, so it will take her time to weigh everything.

Reading time: 3 minutes

How to invite a girl to date? This is the question that all guys invariably ask when they have problems or insecurities when dealing with girls. Also, the excitement of how to do it in the best way is characteristic of selflessly in love guys who want to be guaranteed to get a positive answer from the girl. The guy tries to make a beautiful proposal so that the girl appreciates how interested he is in her, how he loves her and how courteous to her.

How beautiful to invite a girl to date?

Let's consider three cases. The first is when a guy is pretty, but she doesn't like him very much, or she doesn't realize that she doesn't like it at all. In these situations, when the first impression is ruined or the previous communication did not work out - the guy can hope that the first phrase with the proposal to meet now will change something, he makes a bet on this phrase. It is worth taking a sober look here. Practice shows that an uninterested chosen one will not change the relationship even with the proposal to become a couple. Such a proposal would even constitute pressure on her, imposing moral obligations on her. She may be pleased only to communicate only as acquaintances, not closer, and it is inconvenient to refuse the fact that the guy is pinning his hopes on her. Here the girl will refuse, no matter how gorgeous a phrase or deed the guy may come up with.

The second situation is already better - when the guy and the young lady are already friends. Often, girls keep guys in so-called orbit around them, in the friend zone. The guy pays attention to the chosen one, looks after, maybe gives flowers, but at the same time the girl is not ready to go further towards rapprochement. By inviting a girl to date, the guy will most likely hear what a good, sweet person he is, but they should remain friends. She does not consider the guy as a man, a possible partner for love and relationships, maybe even has another object of her sighs. The guy's attention is still pleasant, and he becomes only a friend, remains in orbit. For a guy, it often looks like a transitional stage to a relationship. He is convinced that his chosen one has not yet considered him, did not understand how good he is, and, continuing to communicate in the format of friends, she will understand this and start dating him.

The third situation is when a guy is nice to a girl, and she is to him. A number of dates have already taken place, possibly kisses, while the guy is not in a hurry with actions, he is thinking about how to properly invite the girl to meet. However, you can look at it differently here. Why is it necessary to voice an offer to meet if the guy and the girl are already a couple? If you can see that they are attracted to each other. It remains just not to spoil anything, and just an unsuccessfully sounded proposal to meet can turn out to be such a curiosity. After all, when relations naturally develop, flow in the right direction, there is no need to add such officialdom to them. The guy can even make some kind of rearrangement in his head - instead of thinking about how to properly invite the girl to meet, set himself the goal of a series of pleasant dates that themselves will decide the question of starting a relationship, adding intimacy and strengthening communication. The fact that the lovers have become a couple will become clear to them and to those around them, when there is already a series of meetings that gradually turned into dating, they constantly spend time together, go to the cinema, come together to meet friends, meet new people, or even with parents.

However, if you still want to make such an offer, we will analyze the ways how to do it beautifully.

The shortest way is to just go up to the girl and prove yourself, calmly, it is easy to say that you like her and offer to communicate. And then get closer to her - hug, try to kiss, not be afraid to be active. After all, a super technician or one hundred percent correct actions that must be done in order for a girl to fall in love, in fact, do not exist. Nothing can replace natural presentation of oneself, one's pleasure from communication. You yourself are the main component of a relationship, and a beautiful proposal can only complement an already established pleasant image.

When you are successful in communication in general, then it will be easier for you to offer to meet that very only girl. Such characteristics of a guy as confidence, dominance, knowledge of what he himself wants, responsibility, the ability to evoke and switch emotions - in general, form a general picture, which causes attraction in the girl.

It would be a mistake to start doing too much for the girl or load her with gifts, just so that she finally changes to mercy and pay attention. A beautiful offer should not be a bribery, costs disproportionate to your current relationship. The main thing is that the guy should bet on himself. If there is a feeling that oneself is not enough - you need to take care of yourself, become interesting to yourself first, raise your self-esteem. But do not try to start as if paying the girl extra, compensating for your shortcomings with gifts and excessive servility. The most that a guy can give is emotions, and they are by no means proportional to the high cost of the gift.

How to evoke emotions of a girl? The most important thing here is to test them yourself and be able to convey them. To trigger an emotion, you need to feel it or come up with some non-standard action that will launch it. Therefore, it is important to understand which proposal to meet will be beautiful for the girl herself, will evoke her emotions. Understanding what a girl likes, what is happening in her head, in her soul is the key not only to a successful start of a relationship, but also to their harmonious development. Otherwise, the fact that the guy may seem beautiful and cost a lot of effort, the girl may not cause emotions, but, on the contrary, a simple act may amaze her.

When a guy himself feels an emotion, fully experiences it - he infects it and the girl. Therefore, it is so important to enjoy yourself, to be calm and relaxed at the moment of the proposal. There is a guy who is worried, experiencing negativity - no matter how beautiful the proposal he has prepared, the girl will also experience negative emotions.

How to invite a girl to meet on VK?

How to invite a girl to meet on VK? This can be either an additional opportunity, a convenient channel for verbalizing your sympathy, or your main way of communication.

If you communicate in reality as friends or even just acquaintances - through the social network, you can arrange a date with her. Moreover, for him there may be some kind of business reason, and the date will look like an ordinary meeting for study, work or interests with friends. At such a meeting, you can once again understand for yourself whether you like the girl so much that you now want to become a couple. And then think about how to invite a girl to meet on VKontakte in the best way, the way she likes it. After the date, even after a couple of days, in a calm, comfortable environment for everyone, you can continue communication by voicing your proposal in writing.

Gone are the days of standard sentences, formulaic humorous or romantic messages. Therefore, let your message be author's, simple and sincere - this is exactly what a girl who is not indifferent to you will appreciate. Tell her that even though you know each other very recently, you are thrilled to meet her. That you are not going to look for some poetry on the Internet, but speak from the bottom of your heart, how you are reaching for her, every day, literally thinking about meeting. And when you see, they are immensely happy. You can say thank you to her just for being there and ask if she will be with you. For a girl who wants to date you, this will be the best recognition, open, sincere and sincere. Your emotions will not go unanswered.

However, you may want to be original or even impress the girl. Perhaps she loves surprises, or you think that with a spectacular invitation, you are guaranteed to win her and her friends' favor. Then use one of the means of social networks, of which, fortunately, there are many! You can record audio or video for her, make a mini-quest or a game, connect her friends, even making a flash mob! Such vivid confessions will remain for a long time in your emotions and even longer - in your memory and in your notes. Perhaps even in her old years she will remember this romantic moment.

It even happens that you have not communicated with the girl in reality, but so far only on the social network, but have already managed to get to know each other well, you are sure that you want to continue your relationship. Here it is worthwhile to carefully weigh everything again, suggesting that you first meet and talk. If you are kilometers apart and there is no way to meet now, even though you are sure that you have met a kindred spirit - communicate via video link, get to know each other even better, discuss the possibilities of a relationship at a distance, and only then proceed to the proposal.

How to invite a girl to date so that she does not refuse?

A guy who is worried that a girl may refuse, or even, perhaps, who has already received a refusal from this or another girl, can be advised not to worry because, having studied the psychology of girls, he will be able to achieve almost anything with a high probability. If a guy really wants to build a relationship with a girl of his choice, he can do it when he does not give up, stopping efforts. Even if the girl initially refuses, does not take it seriously, does not want to hear about the relationship. The only question is the number of tests, which is not a problem for a purposeful young man, who does not react to refusal, but continues courtship and manifestation.

Girls really like it when they are sought, and they may even specifically refuse at first in order to further inflame the guy or weed out insecure boyfriends. When a guy is actively seeking a girl, it causes strong emotions in her, and here it is no longer so important, positive or negative. In any case, at this stage she already begins to become attached to the guy.

If you are experiencing an insurmountable refusal, use such a psychological technique as lowering the significance of the object. Imagine a girl you really like, without such a good make-up, in ordinary clothes, without status accessories and a retinue of friends, doing ordinary household chores - debunk her almost magical image.

Having broken it into parts, synergistically composing together a beautiful picture, which has such power over you, you will see in front of you an ordinary person who has the same fears and.

The offer to meet for you will not be so frightening, and even sound much more natural, respectively, with great chances of success. The girl will like how you communicate with her on an equal footing, and do not fawn in front of her, like the rest of the failed boyfriends. In an extreme situation of fear of rejection, it is even worthwhile to turn to the roots of this fear with the help of a psychologist - it will be found that the situation is not at all connected with the girl, but with personal destructive attitudes.

To overcome the fear of rejection, a guy needs to increase his own value, get evidence of success in relationships with girls. When you come up and you are denied, you get back proof, confirmation of your failure. Instead of being confident, you get the idea that even though I'm a good guy, girls don't like me.

You need to have something in your experience that will confirm your high self-worth, strong, which no one can take away. Based on your personal successes, knowing that the girl has something to love you for, you propose. Know your worth, find what exactly you respect yourself for, even to the point of writing down your merits on paper. Focus on the positive things in life. You will remember the girls you met, who you liked without noticing it. Ask your friends what attractive strengths they know about you. You will discover many new things for yourself, and this will add points to your confidence.

How to invite a girl to date in an original way?

Do you want to make an unusual offer? Today you have a lot of opportunities. If before there was even an inscription on the asphalt, today there are many means to express your feelings in an original, memorable way. Even professional agencies can help you make your dreams come true, they will quietly do most of the work, while you will be provided with the role of the main character.

You can organize the offer at the girl's house, which will enhance the effect thanks to the delight of relatives and neighbors. It can be an inscription made of candles or flowers, a serenade in your own performance in a comic amateurish style, or even with an invited accompaniment. Do you want to connect your friends to this? You can do a flash mob at her house, or, if the girl loves riddles, even a quest with a twisted plot, created especially for her. Already this girl will definitely not forget!

Also, all technical and media tools will help you. You can shoot a video message for a girl or even just a cycle of photos with a confession, sing and give the girl a song on the social network. You can even remain incognito if you are worried about the girl's reaction or do not know if she is free.

If you are looking for how to invite a girl to meet phrases, then an original and at the same time effective way to get closer will be to appeal to emotions, and not dry reasoning or an official proposal. Having become interested in how movie characters do it, you will see that an experienced boyfriend can simply note the beauty of the moon while walking, but do it in such a way that the girl will feel close to him, the desire to be with him, his ability to feel the beautiful and emotional sensitivity, which will automatically arrange it will be replaced by a positive answer to a question that has not yet been asked.

How to invite a girl to date phrases sometimes some guys still prefer to voice such as “let's switch to“ we ”,“ let's become a couple ”,“ will you be mine? ” They also have power, mainly for young girls or waiting to hear an invitation to start a relationship.

Let's give an example of a specific scenario for a creative proposal to meet. The guy had scheduled a meeting with a young lady to hand over books on the embankment and came in a suit with a tie and a boutonniere, which immediately alerted the girl, arousing her curiosity and perplexity. Without explaining anything, he hands her a player with headphones and asks to listen to music, turns on a romantic track and takes out a stack of prepared sheets from the books, on which he wrote a confession and an invitation to meet with his own hands, each word separately on a sheet and with design. It looked cute, especially against the backdrop of his serious suit. In the end, he wrote that if she refused, he would jump. If he agrees - too! And without waiting for her answer, literally without giving her her senses, he jumped into the water in a suit and swam away. He turned around, just swimming a little, and waited for an answer from the girl. Needless to say, the answer was yes.

In this example, the guy demonstrated self-confidence, willingness to act, creativity, ability to plan, control himself, create something with his own hands, not be afraid to be funny. After a positive answer, he swam out, tucked in a wet tie with an imperturbable face, and in boots full of water, went for the flowers and sweets hidden right there in the bushes. The girl cannot fail to highlight such an original and brave guy, discarding the courtship of other men.

Another example scenario might look like this. The guy calls or sends the beloved a message with an appointment for a specific time at an agreed place, being sure for sure that she will come. However, he himself does not appear at the appointed time, the girl waits, looks out at him and, already almost desperate, notices a poster with instructions to follow the white rabbit. She had noticed this strange man in a rabbit suit nearby for a long time, and now she ran after him. But the rabbit runs away and gets into the car at the end. The car drives away literally in front of the girl's nose, but she sees on the asphalt at the place where the car was, an inscription with the name of a cafe familiar to both of them. The girl hurries there, and behind the glass of the cafe she sees a sign "closed", which is being turned over before her eyes, on the other side - an arrow. She follows in the indicated direction according to the clues posted on the walls of the streets, and comes to a beautiful place in the park, where a boyfriend in love awaits her with confession. The girl experienced an emotional uplift and by passing the quest automatically proved her interest and desire to continue the relationship.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

When a guy is crazy about a girl, he unconsciously experiences fear, wanting to ask her out on a date. This is due to the fact that the young man is afraid of rejection, as a result of which his hopes and feelings will sink into oblivion. If you really want to pair with a lady of the heart, you have to take the risk. We have collected 3 effective ways: ordinary, non-standard and sincere. Let's consider each of them in order.

Method 1: Normal

Step # 1. Get to know better
Start a full-scale operation to get to know the object of adoration better. From now on, greet her at every opportunity, start unobtrusive conversations. Discuss the weather, animals, study. Choose neutral topics, try to keep her around for a while. Tell us about an interesting book you have read or share the release of new episodes of the popular TV series. Stay tuned.

If a lady of the heart studies with you at school or college and is constantly in the circle of friends, get to know her friends. So you will become closer to the girl and find the location of friends. This will be counted in the future. Come up to the company more often, talk with those present, but do not forget, the main attention should be paid to the object of sympathy.

Step # 2. Come up with a strategy

It is important to prepare in advance for the proposal and the possible consequences. A plan will help contain your emotions in case of rejection, but don't think so negatively right now.

Think in advance in what setting you will invite her to the first date, what you will wear, take care of interesting topics of conversation. Try to make sure the sentence doesn't sound frivolous, and practice your speech.

As a venue for a date, you can choose a cozy cafe without a large crowd of people. If you're sure the lady loves sushi, do some research on the city's Japanese restaurants.

The cinema is considered a banal way. First, make sure that the girl will like the movie, only then buy tickets. Otherwise, discard this option.

Step # 3. Stay alone with her
Wait for the time when the girl is alone. There is no need to embarrass her in front of strangers, inviting her to spend time together. Find the right moment and take action. The offer should be made after an unobtrusive conversation.

In cases where you cannot be alone, start a conversation with friends. Let her know that you would like to chat with her later. No need to be nervous, keep a positive wave so as not to scare the girl away.

Set up a non-romantic meeting place. For example, arrange to meet at the gates of an institute, workplace, or supermarket.

Step # 4. Focus on important things
You have already prepared the ground, it remains to wait for the meeting. When the girl comes to the appointed place, ask how the day went and what unusual happened. Make fun of her, but not rudely, then talk about your business. Perhaps you two have common interests, the discussion of which will not be superfluous. You need to relax the lady and carefully touch on an exciting topic.

Move smoothly to romantic overtones. Make it clear that you have a lot in common and you get along well. This topic needs to be brought up at the moment when a joke sounded that made you both laugh. Note the similarities in looks and sense of humor. Express yourself as usual, do not dramatize, but state the fact. Hit the girl in the head that you are a great game.

Step # 5. Express your feelings
When the lady confirms that you are great friends, offer her more. Admit your feelings, but don't press. Let her know that you want to see her as a companion and want to invite her to the first date. Speak sincerely, in a humorous manner, clarify that a refusal is not accepted. It won't look like pressure if you do it right.

The lady may fall into a stupor, do not be nervous, wait. If she agrees, exhale, smile, you can pick her up. Prove that you are serious. Even a peacock's victory dance will do if you wish.

In case of a negative answer, thank the girl for her honesty, express understanding. Don't ask questions or blame her.

Method 2: Non-standard

Step # 1. Make a connection
The way is to project a situation when a secret admirer is interested in a lady. The operation can only be started after personal contact. Start talking to her every day, joke and tease each other, evoke positive emotions.

You must be able to establish a conversation and make it interesting, make the girl laugh and feel comfortable. Show interest in her in terms of communication, but do not go overboard. Flirt, touch your hand, and bend over to hear the phrase better.

When all the points are completed, you can act on behalf of a secret admirer. It is better if the girl in the future guesses who she is. She must wait for further developments. Create a kind of game.

Step # 2. Write a letter
Add mystery to the courtship by throwing a romantic message to the lady. The letter is intended to arouse interest, but its content should not be too loving.

You can write a verse mentioning the girl's name, but you should not subscribe yourself. Write lightly with a touch of humor, avoid loud declarations of love.

Do not present yourself in the role of a maniac, stalking the victim for days and nights. Don't apply pressure. Do not forget about flirting, intrigue her so that the girl wants more.

Step # 3. Make a gift

After the first note reaches the addressee, and the lady starts casting glances at you, make a new move. Re-write your message and attach a small present. It can be a small rose or a Kinder chocolate stick. Place your gift in an envelope and seal. In the letter, match the girl with a beautiful flower or sweet candy.

No need to give expensive gifts like perfumes, bouquets of roses, or jewelry. Choose cute options that make her smile. Otherwise, courtship will look like bribery.

Pay attention to behavior. If a girl tears the envelope when receiving a message, stop courting. Whenever she begins to avoid you, clarify the situation and apologize. If everything is in order and the lady reads them with pleasure, continue.

Step # 4. Reveal your persona with hints
When communicating with a girl, gradually begin to reveal yourself. Don't talk about it directly, casually quote a phrase from a letter or ask if she loves "Kinder" (all girls love them). At this stage, you need to bring her to the point when you openly confess about feelings.

There is no need to delay the notes so that the lady does not lose interest. Treat her this way for 2-3 weeks.

Step # 5. Expose yourself
Write a final letter asking for an appointment. Choose a suitable place and clothing. Tell the girl the distinguishing features by which she can recognize you. Express a desire to meet with her by setting it out in the message.

Example: “Hi, it's time to give up secrecy and reveal your identity. I want to ask you out on a date. I will wait for a personal answer in the cafe "..." on the street ... ". It's done, we just have to wait. Buy a beautiful bouquet for her as a courting gesture. Present it in case of consent or refusal.

Method 3: Sincere

Step # 1. Become good friends
First you need to become buddies, it will take a while. The girl should feel safe and trust you completely. The risk is likely to be just a friend forever, but worth a try. Communicate in a common company, gradually getting to know each other.

Step # 2. Spend more time alone
There will come a time when you can easily communicate without third parties. Invite her to go to the movies or ask for help choosing a new shirt. Buy medication when she gets sick, and normally laugh and have fun without a hint of more.

Let her know that a new cafe has opened nearby, invite her to try their dishes. Go to a theater, exhibition, or entertainment show together. Pay for tickets, do not accept rejection, be gallant.

Step # 3. Make a gift
Give her a beautiful bracelet after a long period of your friendship, buy some delicious cupcakes or a box of chocolates. You can give gifts for no reason, saying that you want to see her happy. Buy a stuffed toy, call it by your name, let it become your joke. You can also give a lady a kitten or a parrot, thereby causing a storm of emotions.

Step # 4. Show sympathy
On the next day of spending time together, ask her to take a minute for a serious conversation. Get the attention and tell her you like her. Do not beat around the bush, express your thoughts clearly. Don't mumble, but don't press. Make it clear that the girl is an integral part of your life. For this reason, you want to take her out on your first real date with a delicious dinner and lighted candles.

To invite a lady of the heart on a date, use one of the options provided. The classics of the genre are suitable for shy young ladies. The role of a secret admirer is suitable for girls with a sense of humor. The sincere method will work for young people who do not have much experience in relationships. Build contact, maintain a positive attitude, and proceed with caution.

Video: how to invite a girl to date

As a preface, I will note that I am always against memorized templates and prepared material. Therefore, do not use the material in this article as a magic pill.

Always learn to generate the right words yourself.

1. Initially, it is better not to hint, but to speak as it is (the girl is not a telepath)

The best thing is to always tell it straight and as it is.

For example, tell her: “ You are cool. You are super! I like you!»

  • Tell her why you chose her over the other ladies. And then then she will feel chosen by you! And then she will feel special to you! And it's super attractive and powerful.
  • Better not to hint, but to speak directly! The girl is not a telepathic person and cannot read minds.
  • Thus, you remind yourself why you have every reason to be with her, and how she touches you. This is where motivation and confidence comes from.

This is the first point on the topic of how to tell a girl that I like her.

2. If you are really attracted by her appearance (hairstyle), voice it

For example, you can compliment her hairstyle if she's really cool:

  1. « I like your hair».
  2. « Wow, I love your hairstyle!».

3. Hint at a joint future, where you are already a couple in love

You can use phrases to project your future together, where you are already a couple in love:

  • « What are you doing on February 14th?».
  • « What are you doing for Valentine's Day next year?».

These are such subtle hints of sympathy for the girl.

4. You can compliment her on being cute if she's really cute.

Compliments about what kind of girl is cute, you can think of different and a lot.

If she's really cute, that shouldn't be a problem.

If only because she reads from your face the charm of her femininity.

For instance: " You are so cute. I will definitely give you a New Year's present».

Thus, I am not worried about how to hint a girl that I like her.

5. Let her know what is happening to you inside because of her

You can tell her about it implicitly, thereby creating a kind of intrigue.

« Why are you doing this to me?"- ask her this, thereby making it clear that she is very attractive to you.

6. Hints about her style at the beginning of dating

« Hello i like your style"- you can start your acquaintance with these words.

I'm talking about a case when a beauty is completely unfamiliar to you, and you take the first approach to her.

7. Offer to play funny roles like in a novel, voice your script

« Let's play a novel where you get pregnant from me and then we have to get married"- with this phrase you invite her to play different roles on funny topics.

Having said something like this, I no longer ask questions about how to make it clear to a girl that I like her.

8. Use this phrase to show sympathy for her and emotional closeness.

« Do you want to be my soul mate?"- a phrase of sympathy for her and emotional closeness (an example of an opener for starting a conversation with a stranger).

In no case should you say these words from the position that you cannot live without her, and she supposedly will somehow complement you.

9. We compliment her and blame her for it at the same time

« You're so cool and pretty. What are you doing to me?“- I compliment her and blame her for it at the same time.

For example, these words close the dilemma about how to admit to a girl that I like her.

10. Be as close to her as possible

« I want to be close to a nice girl"- say this if she does not understand what is happening, and you sit down closer to her.

Thus, she better feels your condition, it is transmitted to her. It also happens in cases where the guy knows everything about.

11. In case you want to invite her to meet

Let us examine the question of how to hint a girl about a relationship correctly.

  1. It is not necessary and not at all necessary to hint about a serious relationship.
  2. A relationship will only begin when you spend the night in bed together. And you need to think about them only after that. Not before.
    Therefore, it makes no sense to offer to meet before that!
  3. To a girl I like, I usually say that I want to see her more often. It is not necessary to copy my words word for word.

It goes something like this: “Listen, you are cool and I feel good with you. Let's see each other more often and have a great time together! "

Then I usually ask which days she is more often free.

I never have a problem with how to tell a girl that I like her and offer to date.

For those who want to confess their love to her

For those guys who ask questions about how to tell a girl that I love her.

First, ask yourself:

  • Have you slept together before, or did you have nothing? If not, it is foolish to rush into such statements.
  • Do you want to tell her this because you do not feel self-sufficient and think that the girl will somehow complement you?
    If the answer is "Yes", then most likely sooner or later she will leave you.
  • Is this feeling mutual in your feelings?
    If the answer is “No,” then why rush to make such statements again? It is better to say your approximate words as in the 11th paragraph just above, or run and choose the words that suit you from all 23 points.

For those who want to confess their love to their passion, you should remember and realize the following.

A woman doesn't want to be an adventure, she wants to go on an adventure with you. She wants to go to a more significant and bigger event than herself. Otherwise, if your focus is entirely on her, she loses interest in you, and you become in need of her eyes.

Remember this, so you won't need phrases about how to hint to a girl that you want to date her, and remove all doubts.

12. Invite her on an adventure with you

« Do you want to go on a date? Do you want to start an affair with me?"- it's better to say to an unfamiliar beauty when you just saw her.

Thus, you invite her on an adventure.

And I say this not even with the aim of inviting or calling her somewhere, but simply finding any reason to start a conversation with her.

This is all done playfully and the words should correspond to your condition, that is, should be.

Otherwise, this item will not work for you.

Then you can continue the conversation by changing the topic to any other topic.

13. Using jokes with bed hints

« I just posted on facebook that you and I were making love"- rapprochement through positive emotions and humor.

Ideally, there should be no filters at all. Know everything about communication and life in general.

14. Be the chooser, not the one who is chosen

« I choose you, I like to communicate with you"- with this phrase you show that you choose her.

15. If you see her for the first time

« I just saw you and could not help but approach"- use when approaching a stranger.

You don't have to be mega-charismatic to know everything about.

16. Tell her that she is better than all the other women around

"I like you more than those girls" - and point at any random girls nearby.

One more words as a supplement to the discussion of the topic on how to tell a girl that I need her, beautifully.

This can be done both in the club, if you just met her, and on a date.

17. Jokes about the wedding and her mother

"Can I call my mom and tell me that I met my wife?" - hints of your marriage as a joke.

18. We voice our feelings and feelings towards her with humor

There is such a strong chemistry between us, like in the series "Breaking Bad" - voice what you feel about her with humor.

It is always better to talk about your feelings for her in your own words without memorized text.

Thus, you will pump this ability in yourself, you will not need any prepared material and you will know everything about that.

19. You don't have to give a reason why you are attracted to her.

“I am really drawn to you. I do not know why"- voice your strong attraction to her.

20. Let her know what she wants to be with the most.

"I like to be with you more than friends." - you chose her among others and you want to be with her most of all.

21. Kiss her

On the question of how to hint a girl for a kiss:

  • Proceed from the position that you give a kiss, you don't take away.
  • I usually kiss myself and never verbally do not ask permission.
  • If you initially positioned yourself correctly, then there will be no resistance to the kiss.

How did I do it

I had a case when one woman deliberately began to dodge my kiss. Initially, I did everything right and saw no reason to resist.

I didn't want to play these cats and mice and immediately said directly: “ I want to kiss you".

To which she replied: “ What if I don't know how to kiss?”(And everything became immediately clear).

To which I replied: “ I will teach you".

And there was no more resistance. It's so easy, without any games and other nonsense, you can hint a girl at the first kiss.

Video with my approach

In addition to the topic, I decided to show my video where I meet a hot woman in a shopping center.

In it you can clearly see what I wrote about in this article.

It also contains answers to the topic of how to tell a girl that she is beautiful in your own words.

On finding a topic for conversation with women on dates I site.

22. Use the role reversal token

A feature of changing roles between you and clues for a joint future:

  • "If you take me on a date, where are you taking me?"
  • "Where will you take me on our date with you?"
  • "Stop seducing me" - a sly phrase with a change of roles, with which you will absolve yourself of responsibility.

Even if it is not she who seduces you, but you her, but it will remind you that you are a man and a woman.

23. Subtle, non-repulsive words about her figure and face at the same time

"Take your chest away, hide it from me, I only want to see your beautiful face."

Here is such a compliment to her figure and appearance at the same time, helping to confess her sympathy in a girl, you can give.

Key Points to Remember

  • You let her know that you make her stand out from others and why you like her.
  • When you talk to a girl about your sympathy, you look straight in the eyes.
    It is foolish to look away, look away and speak to nowhere.
  • Keep it as simple as possible!
  • Be silly, don't be serious about everything.
  • Enjoy the process.
  • When expressing yourself, don't try to impress.
  • Don't be afraid to touch and touch her. She herself is waiting for this.
  • Never regard your openness in liking a girl as weakness. It's always a plus and it's strong, but at the same time, don't think that she will immediately float after your words and want you.
  • Be honest and congruent. Say what you think (don't forget about adequacy).
  • Let your emotions come out and they will attract her.
  • Don't focus on prepared words! Let yourself say ugly, but from the heart.
    And these will be your better words than borrowed from someone or prepared in advance.
  • Do not try to mimic James Bond or another movie hero from the movie, voicing his cool phrases.
    It will turn out to be only a cheaper and unnatural copy of the movie hero, whose life you still cannot live.
  • The best thing you can do is to be your best self.
  • You need to understand that many of the phrases were spoken in a state of flux, and you don't need to wait after these phrases for unrealistic reactions from the woman and quick acceptance.
    In any case, you need to continue communication and not depend on prepared phrases.
  • The sooner you let her know how you feel about her, the better.
    The longer you wait with how to show sympathy for the girl, the more awkward it will be later.
  • Talk about your sympathy in places where there is no social pressure and unnecessary judgmental views of people. Better alone.

Why the Internet or SMS are the worst ways to show sympathy and feelings

If this is the first time you want to confess to a girl about your sympathy and intentions, then never do it over the Internet.

Better ask yourself: "What prevented you from doing this in your first minutes of acquaintance at the meeting?"

What prevented you from hinting to the girl that you like her when you saw her for the first time?

Why the internet is so bad for this:

  1. Girl can read your message and just walk out from online mode, without even answering your deep lines about crazy love.
  2. On the Internet, very beautiful women sometimes several dozen men write letters of declaration of love on social networks per day.
    Do you want to be one of those gray fans?
  3. All the sincerity and honesty of your sympathy, you can convey all the openness to a woman only through your gaze when meeting eye to eye. But not through the monitor.
  4. A woman may think that you are dissembling or just kidding after reading your message. And already there is a wrong positioning and a wrong understanding of you.