How to choose a dumble and carry it with pleasure. What is warmer - fur coat or sheep, what is better for the winter? When it is better to buy a bunch

With the onset of winter it is time to think about the purchase of a sheep. Dublinka looks much elegant than a jacket jacket. Especially appreciated the advantages of a lady's bread, a lot of time spent driving.

However, so that sheepdowns please you with their qualities not one winter, you need to take it seriously to buy it. Today, many poor-quality, "glass" sheepskins, who come into disrepair literally in a month or two after they began to wear.

To avoid such an unsuccessful purchase, we have gathered together the most important nuances that should be paid attention to. It will take some time, but you do not want to give money for a cold and uncomfortable cheekbone?!

1) Skurk

The surface of the coat must be smooth and smooth. Spend on her hand - rough sections should not be felt altogether, only a pleasant smoothness. If scratches, chances, glue or fat are found on the surface of the skins, - do not buy, such a suicide will bring such a dubbing.

Sharply squeezed in the palm of the supublenka and let go. A qualitative thing must quickly take the old look, without traces of crumples.

Put the thing up with an invalion and forgive the thickness of the fur throughout the surface: it must be uniform on all sites.

Do you want to wear a coat covered with a water-repellent layer? Correct solution. Consider this layer: it should be thin and uniform, not sticky. You can check how well the thing repels the water, simple, but reliable way - if the water drops onto her surface, it will roll, without leaving a wet trail.

2) Fur.

Check how neatly combat the fur. The main thing is that it does not "shake" and was not combed in different directions, otherwise, any clothes, reliating under the sheep, will constantly bother. It is very uncomfortable!

Fur in branded dublinska does not have proper. The thickness of it is uniform, and if you imperceptibly run the bunch of fur, he will not remain in your hand.

Take a piece of white cloth with you to the store or market. It will come in handy to determine the uniform painting of the future purchase. Just a white rag on the fur in different places - a good thing will not give away and drops of their paint, and therefore you will be insured from divorces on a new china after the very first rain or snowfall.

If the fur on the coat is glued - after the exposure of moisture, such a fur coat "will fall asleep" and will lose the form. Determine the presence of glue is simple enough - you only need to shake the coat and listen. If the manufacturer stuck fur - you will hear an unpleasant hollow.

The seams in high-quality coat are almost invisible, they are well hidden under the fur. No hairs of fur should be "captured" in the seam, otherwise the fabric will quickly burst, spoiling the appearance of the product.

3) cover

Having tried with a sheepskin, button and raise one hand up. If the second shoulder remains in its place and did not twist, it means everything is in order, the thing is stitched correctly.

A model equipped with slit pockets must be checked for the subject of care of the edges of pockets. Their corners should be firmly and securely fixed, otherwise they will quickly break.

If you prefer a richly decorated thing, you will be sure that the elements of the decor are not glued, and are sewn to the sheep. Glue - the thing is unreliable, hitting the rain or snow, you can not count the pair-troika flower.
By the way, natural coat, made of sheep furs and suede, is far from being so practical and convenient, as a modern river or kansas - they do not differ in appearance from the skin, but they are impregnated with special compositions that allow preserving the properties of the coat for a long time. The only minus - such things can not be handed over to dry cleaning.

4) What kind of paws to choose?

The material used to sewing the sheepskinok is called fur velor. It is for information.

So, the most high-quality fur velor is produced in Russia and in Turkey. Russian and Turkish sheep have a thicker skin, as well as the most thick fur. Yes, such covers are somewhat heavy, but they are much longer than everyone else. Yes, and they warm you much better, so that for the cold northern regions, natural coat of a thick fur velor is the most.

By the way, the thick veul is not adapted to a complex crumble. This means that it is impossible to sew an elegant bunch of such material. If you are attracted to a complex sophisticated cut and many decorative details, "give preference to Spanish or French fur velor. It is softer and light, it often produces surprisingly beautiful things of elegant cutting. But - Caution! - In the frost, unfortunately, such a sheepskin is considered inappropriate upper clothes.

Lightly "PSIK" are considered lightweight models that are sewn from gentle shkins of lambs - sheepskin coats, jackets and jackets. Such things are practically nothing weigh, producers cut fur and cut off the transverse layers from the skin to make a thing as easy as possible.

Be careful in pursuit of fashion - such an adorable thing will decorate, but it will not protect from the cold!
Even if you really like white color - do not buy a snow-white coat. She walils very quickly, and instead of pleasure will bring you sadness.

Try to buy a bunch in the store, and not on the thing market. Here you will be able to provide a quality certificate, and this is still a guarantee.

Caring for Dublin

You can't wash the sheep. The optimal cleaning option is using a soap foam, which contains the minimum number of alkali.

To remove a bold spot, wroll with a solution of oxalic acid. You can sprinkle a stain with a talc, which after 5-10 minutes should be gently shaken. From the suede surface it is recommended to consider fat stains with chloroform, gasoline or another solvent. You can use these tools only if you are absolutely confident in the strength of the dye.

Never sushi wet herbs on the battery! It must be carefully hanging on her shoulders and put in a well-ventilated room. The thing should dry at room temperature.

Let the upgrade serves you faith and truth, protecting from the cold and giving a good mood.

Today, the question of the choice of herbs is very sharp: a wide variety of skin and fur selection, various brands, conscientious and not very sellers.

1. How to choose a fit of the figure?

Choosing a silhouette of the model, it is important to take into account the age of a woman. Young, energetic girls you can safely acquire a sheepskin in the style of Causual. Such models are popular in the new season. Adult ladies are fitted under the belt or direct styles. Women with lush forms should pay attention to the slaughtered models.

2. How to choose your size right?

After trying on a coat, turn, move with your hands in different directions - the clothes stitched under your size should not to flex the movement.

Standing in front of the mirror, lift one hand and see how the sheep will lie on another shoulder. If the thing is high quality, the shoulder does not move, but will remain in the same place.

Women's sheepskins should not be right - in the future you will not be able to wear a warm sweater, sweater or jacket under it.

3. What coating is better to choose: suede or leather?

Suede suckers are less afraid of scratches, but more watered from rain or wet snow. And leather products are much easier to carry wet weather, care for them is much easier (it is enough to wipe the wet cloth). Fashionable now is the coating "Microller", it has a beautiful calm shine, but besides that, also protects the skin from scratches, rain and wet snow is afraid, and it is easier to be cleared of contamination.

4. What length to choose?

For girls who go in winter in jeans, leggings or trousers, models are suitable for the middle of the hips. If you drive a car, it is worth paying attention to the shortened covers jackets. Women preferring skirts and dresses, it is better to buy a bunch of knee or a little lower.

5. From what fur is better to choose a bunch?

Most of the sheepskin coats made from sheepskin. But there are sheepskin coats from the goat, Kangaroo skins, etc. Sheepskin has many varieties and varieties that depend on the breeds of sheep, dressing, coatings and colors. Popular sheepskins also include Tuscany covers. These products made from the lambs of the Tuscan breed, very warm, beautiful, lungs and comfortable.

6. What color to choose and how to evaluate the quality?

The classic color in the production of coats varies between two main - brown and black. Such colors are held long, do not fade and perfectly combined with any other color.

To check the quality of the color, swipe the white napkin on the surface of the product. With low quality on the napkin traces will remain.

7. How not to guess with the price?

Do not chase at low prices in order not to pay twice. A good, high-quality model cannot cost less than 400 dollars.

High prices for covers usually hold from September to December. In the period from December to February traditionally set discounts from 20 to 40%. In the summer, on the sale you can buy women's sheepskin coats in general in general.

8. Where is it better to buy a bunch?

A high-quality thing should be purchased only in specialized stores. However, in order to choose to choose her bunch, which is suitable for all indicators, you will have to travel a lot of boutiques. Much more convenient to shop online. In a short time, you can learn a huge range, compare styles and prices. The cost of goods in online stores is definitely lower than in stores.

9. How to distinguish an artificial coat from genuine?

Spend your hand on the surface. If the coating is not a leather, then the track will remain on the high-quality thing, which will then disappear. Look at skin cuts. Too white or too dark color should alert. In addition, the surface surface of the present skin cannot be smooth, and the thickness of the skin will be different in different sections.

Putting on a sheep, give up bags on the shoulder - they will wipe and scratch its surface. Approximately once every two weeks you need to process the surface with water-repellent sprays for the skin and suede. Promotional bunch is better to hang on the hanger away from the battery. After drying, the stains clean the brush and a light rubber eraser.

Quickly fly warm days and unnoticed frost. Therefore, you need to think about how to choose a sheep. The modern market offers a huge selection of various insulated jackets, down jackets, coat and coat. Of course, each person chooses clothes in their preferences. However, experts are advised in 2018 with special attention to look at herbs.

Do not forget that Dublenka has always not only emphasized the financial well-being of its owner, but also perfectly showed warming qualities. It can also be noted that on the background of the abundance of fur coats, the sheepskin is capable of standing out by its elegance. Therefore, devote our article to the topic, how to choose a natural coat and correctly evaluate the strength characteristics that have it.

How to choose a bottle of genuine leather?

Today, the modern range of sheepskins offers a wide variety not only by the parameter of the appearance, but also by the quality parameter. In the past Soviet times, no one doubted this type of clothing, as it was manufactured under strict control and with the condition of compliance with state regulations. Today, the situation has changed and the representatives of weak gender must be owned by certain knowledge to choose high-quality coat and later not to be disappointed in the purchase.

In order not to be disappointed as this type of clothing, it is worth examining the councils of specialists. That's what they say:

  1. Fur velor (the outer side of the product) to the touch should be soft and have a homogeneous pile.
  2. The outer surface of the product must have a grapple-effect property, that is, from the touch of the finger should be kept a clear track.
  3. Before purchase, it should be carefully examined by the facial surface of the coaches for the presence of scratches, spots of fat and salt, paint splits, glue spots. If they are detected, the product is not worth buying.
  4. If the product coating has water-repellent processing, the surface to the touch should not be coarse and sticky. Check how the coating of the coating of the coating from the water contact can be used if you wash any water coating section.
  5. The edges of the product and all its corners should have impeccable treatment, the seams must be shut down with two lines.
  6. A low quality of the sheep will talk to the seams, curves lines, folds, gripping villi.
  7. A good coating after compression is easily and instantly aligned. Therefore, it is a product to stop before buying.
  8. Dublinka should not have an unpleasant smell. This will be evidence of poor-quality raw materials, poor dye or non-trial skin.
  9. If there will be many vile in the hands of a pile of pile from buying should be refusedSince the lady in the near future will be disappointed as fur.
  10. Buying a bunch, you need to learn the label. A solid sewing factory will indicate on the label composition of the product, origin, operation rules, and methods of cleaning. Also, at the request of the buyer for high-quality products, the Seller will always provide a quality certificate.

    How to choose a warm sheep on the winter?

    Most often, young fashionable, buying a bunch, watching only her cut, absolutely not paying attention to the thermal insulation properties of this option of the outerwear. In our country, foreign models are widely popular today thanks to their extraordinary design, color, light weight and comfort in the sock.

    Sheepskin coats made by Russian masters, more dense and heavy, and in appearance they are often inferior to foreign options. This is due to the use of old lecturers and imperfect technologies. Domestic technologies, in contrast to foreign, ignore European raw materials processing rules to increase skin sacrifices.

    Therefore, if you need a warm cochlery, you need to look at the length and thickness of its fur, on the uniform of the haircut. The best quality is demonstrated, made of sheep skins. It is this fur that is able to effectively warm at sufficiently low temperatures and ensure high wear resistance. The only lack of sheep furs is overweight.

    Popular today are suckers made from the skins of the Tuscan lamb. For the price they will be more expensive than domestic products, but their high cost is justified by a beautiful design, thick fur and excellent heat-saving indicators. The negative side of Tuscany is the need for a permanent combing of fur (it is necessary to do it so that it does not fall).

    If the buyer has not yet had a good quality sucking experience, then in a large assortment you can easily be lost. Therefore, before buying a sheepskin, it should be aware of the memory of the criteria for which you need to watch to make a mistake not to get to the fake. So:

    1. On the coating should not be viewed folds and chances. In such cases, sellers explain that folds will disappear during socks. This is not true. Genuine leather does not mean in the chances, even if it was folded for a long time.
    2. Natural thing has a water-repellent effect. Water, falling on the natural coat, flows from her surface, without absorbing. If the trading seller does not allow to try the skin on water-repellent properties, it means that it has something to hide.
    3. Uniform color. In daytime lighting, the front side of the outerwear should have a homogeneous shade. If the quality is bad, light and darkened divorces can be viewed. The edges of the circumcised skin must be scratched close to the fur.
    4. High-quality dye. To make sure that the coat will not be lifted, follows the white piece of fabric in the water with a white piece of fabric (nasal handkerchief). If the tissue was painted in the color of the coat, then it is necessary to refuse immediately.
    5. Fur quality. High-quality fur coating should be long and be represented in one color. After a thorough inspection, it is possible to try on a looser. It should be remembered here that the product should not fade movements and make a tight face shape.
    6. Free fit - An important moment, as it will allow winter to pry under the upper clothes a warm sweater. The comfortable product during the tilt and when picked up hands will not make crack or rustle.

Over the years, natural coat continues to remain one of the most relevant things in the cold season. And it is not surprising - it is good in frost, and in crude weather, and in the cold wind, and therefore, it can be considered universal and such popular upper clothes. So that the sheepdown gladly served for a long time and answered all your requirements, it must be chosen correctly.

How to choose a suicide coat - materials.

The warmest and wear material from which she was sewn, the fur velor from various sheep's skins (usually Russian and Turkish) is considered. Dublinks from this material are considered the most durable, durable and endless, but at the same time the most severe. They have dense skin, very thick, smooth fur - in such clothes it is difficult to freeze even in the extreme north. A feature of such suckers is simple, relatively cut, as it is difficult to reproduce any of the thick sheep and intricate the skins. For these purposes, the Spanish fur velier is more suitable, from which the famous thin, Italian suckers sew.

This material is lighter and soft (usually, the skins of young lambs are used with delicate skin and a medium-sized fur). For strong frosts, such a coat is not suitable, but it will be extremely elegantly to look as a lightweight option for a warm winter, or a popular image of modern autoede. Italian and other European suckers (Spanish, Austrian) are usually very elegant, sophisticated, often complex cut, which is beautifully emphasized and gently beats exciting bends. But it should not be forgotten that the heat of such products is determined, often, not the thickness of the selected skin, but above all - the length and thickness of the inner fur coating.

How to choose a sheepskin coat - details.

In order for the sheepdown to delight you for a long time, when it acquisitions, be sure to pay attention to the following points:

On the front side there should be no scratches, spots, fatty plates, traces of glue or paint.

Hair cover throughout the entire inner surface of the coat should grow in one direction (usually from top to bottom). If the direction of the pile is versatile and chaotic - this means that the details of the product are chosen and are connected incorrectly. After dry cleaning, such a coat, most likely hees, and will lose its original form.

The seams in good, high-quality covers should be even, neat, without folds and grip (it should not be seen from the front side of the tissue joints on the sleeves and other parts).

Spend your hand on the front side of the sheep. If it remains clear, visible traces - in front of you a quality and natural thing.

The coat must also be checked for the presence of water-repellent coating. To do this, you should drop on it with clean water - if the drop rolled, then the coating is high-quality. And if you have absorbed - such a sheep better not
acquire: in a short time, being in conditions of raw weather, it will certainly get wet and darken.

Pay attention to labeling and labels. You should trust only those labels that contain comprehensive information about the manufacturer, care and operation. Do not forget that some covers are not subject to chemical cleaning.

Trachematically, pay attention to the freedom of movements and the convenience of cut. If you feel some discomfort, or the coat sits not quite exactly, lags behind the back - this item should not be purchased.

High-quality coat, also should not have a sharp chemical smell.

Sometimes, you can find a cheaper deterioration option - with an artificial basis with a fur. Such covers are sufficiently heavy, but at the same time they do not hold inner heat and do not repel moisture. In order not to be - pay attention to a reasonable price, as well as require the seller the appropriate quality certificate.

Properly chosen sheepskincake is able to give you a feeling of warmth, comfort, comfort and security, and the successful purchase of beautiful and high-quality winter clothes will give you great pleasure and, together with the mass of bright, joyful and pleasant minutes.

Dublinka is the type of outerwear, which from the winter in winter does not leave our wardings and is ready to save us from the winds and frosts even when all the rigorous flocks turn out to be completely unsuitable for our harsh January!

Therefore, whatever it is offered on Milan podiums, in our conditions - yes there will be a sheepskin! And since this thing is not for one season, you first need to know how to choose a sheepskin.

This will tell about this site.

What kind of sheep better to buy?

Natural coat - very warm and durable thing.

Sew a sheep's sheep or goat skins. Accordingly, the upper part, with the fur, turns out inside, and the internal, suede - outside, with the front of the product.

There are several technologies for processing the skins, which allows to obtain a cooler of different quality - thickness, heat and softness.

Fur velor, Dublfei (actually treated under cutting and tailoring the sheepskin material), is thick and dense. From this sew domestic Russian sheepskins, as well as British and Australian. Its advantages - heat, high wear resistance, that is, this is a real material for the winter.

And cons - smaller plasticity (so the models of the coat of this material are usually simple in the roll) and greater weight of things. If you think about what is better, fur coat or sheep, then these options can stand on heat!

Spanish fur velor is a thinner, soft, gentle to the touch. Italian and French suckers sew from it. These products are more diverse on the shadows and block details.

However, if there is a question, how to choose a suicide for the winter, it is unlikely to suitable outerwear, because such a suicide is quite thin, and it is causing before.

The most expensive and high-quality - Tuscan suckers. How to choose a sheep of Tuscany?

Tuscan lamb wool from the inside of the coat is a long, soft, slightly wavy. The product itself is light and plastic. Vors should not get out - this is exactly marriage! Sometimes the Tuscan material is used to sewing the details of the coat - this is in itself a defect, if the seller honestly warns about combining. Well, the price, of course, in this case below.

There are still materials Kansas and Krak - this is when the upper part of the sheep is impregnated with a special composition making a suede similar to the skin. The advantage of such products is not impregnated with moisture in the rain or wet snow, wear strength increases.

However, they can not be handed over to dry cleaning.

How to choose high-quality coat?

When buying a sheepskin, we pay attention to what:

  • How sits. Should sit good! Do not go to raise your hand or turn to the side! If you breed your hands a little and in the armpit area, the provision is low, i.e. Many free sleeves - most likely, you need to try less. But it is not necessary to buy a bunch "in the appearance" - let it be possible to wear a warm sweater and wipe the scarf.
  • Does it matter? The real coat (neither the fur nor the upper velor part) is not at all. If there are chances, traces of folds are a poor-quality product. When buying is worthwhile, it is necessary to smat some part of the product - it should straighten yourself without any consequences!
  • What to the touch of a whin? Soft, smooth, without roughness and sections with some other texture? That's how it should be. Defect - any spots (even barely noticeable), roughness, rigidity.
  • Fur inside. It should be all the same - that is, one length and texture of the pile. Vors must lie on one side. How to choose a sheepskin coat so that the fur is high-quality - you need to check the absence of "lycin", shortly cutting sites, they should not be even on the seams and in armpits!

  • The larger the part, of which the covers are sewn, the more expensive and better. Cheaper coats sew from rectangular flaps.
  • Water-repellent properties. A good high-quality coat is not soaked with water (of course, if it comes to a walk under the snowfall, and not about a torrential rain or to scatter the product in the basin). A drop of water falling onto the sheepskincks must slip with it.
  • Seams. Smooth, without defects, double. The weak place of handicraft or poor-quality factory coats - divergent seams (most often it happens in armpits).
  • Quality of staining. Check such. It is necessary to take a white tissue (handkerchief, for example), moisten and rub the coat. In no case, the fabric should not paint! You also need to look at the painted fur: if there is a white base in the samples, between the fur, this is a poor-quality painting, spraying, which can be uneven passed in a dry cleaning or washing.

Sometimes the girls have a dilemma - what is the best, down jacket or sheep? Both things can be sufficiently warm and comfortable for, but the coat, undoubtedly, looks feminine, luxurious and more expensive!

And for the advocate of animals, there are cheap artificial oblans, which may not look worse than natural!
Author - Dasha Plinka, site www.Syt - Beautiful and successful

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