Pattern of children's panama with fields. Summer hats. Panama. Materials for sewing children's panama

Cap and panama-four-piece
Wedge Width = Head Circumference: 4 + 1 cm

Building a wedge pattern:

wedge pattern


For a cap, it is necessary to cut out a visor, the width of which is equal to the width
wedge. The insert for the visor can be cut out of a plastic bottle.

Wedges to grind in pairs, on one of the wedges to make a semicircular
hole, which is processed by turning, after inserting
decorative elastic band (strings, plastic clasp).
Sew a visor to the opposite wedge.
Process the bottom with a facing. Lay a relief line along the bottom.

If the top fabric is light, then similarly, you can cut out the lining from
calico, fold the top (with a visor) and the lining face inward and grind,
leaving a hole for turning.


Cut off 3-4 cm from the bottom of the wedge pattern.

Sew the wedges in pairs, on one of the wedges make a semicircular cutout, which is processed by turning.
Cut out a bottom facing with a width of 6-8 cm and a length equal to the girth of the head with
allowance for a loose fit (4 cm) plus two lengths of ties (15-20

Fold the facing in half lengthwise, facing inward. Stitch to tie length
making them at the ends with a bevel. Turn out the facing and process the bottom with it,
combining the ends of the semicircular neckline and the beginning of the ties.


If the width of the fields is 3-4 cm, they will be sloping, with a larger width, the fields will be bent upwards.

Add the width of the field to the height of the wedge.
With this radius, draw a semicircle from the highest point of the wedge. This will be the bottom cut line of the margins.
Cut off the field pattern as a separate piece.

Cut out the fields in the amount of 4 parts with a fold (2 upper and 2 lower).

Stitching the side seams, the fields are folded face inward. To the top
fields put a lining of coarse calico. All three parts to grind on the outside
contour. Turn out the fields, straighten the seam and sweep it. By fields
lay several parallel lines with an interval of 0.5 cm.

Panama, brim and facing fold face inward, cut outward and grind.
Turn the panama inside out, iron the facing inside out. On the bottom of the lining
lay a seam, at the same time grabbing the sections of the wedges and panama fields.

cap and panama-six-piece
Wedge Width = Head Circumference: 6 + 0.7cm
Wedge Height = Head Circumference: 4 + 2 cm
Building a wedge pattern:


It is sewn similarly to a cap of four wedges. Visor insert is better
use the finished one, and on its basis make a visor pattern.

You can determine the width of the visor by the formula: "head circumference divided by 4 + 1 cm".
A semicircular cutout for the fastener must be made at the junction of two wedges opposite from the visor.


From the highest point of the wedge with a radius equal to the height of the wedge, draw
semicircle to the intersection with the sides of the wedge. It will be
the line of the bottom and the line of the inner cut of the margins.

Add the width of the field to the height of the wedge. Draw this radius
semicircle from the highest point of the wedge. This will be the bottom line.

Cut off the field pattern as a separate piece. This will be the third part for building the main pattern of the field.
Cut out the fields in the amount of 4 parts (2 upper and 2 lower).
It is sewn similarly to a panama of four wedges.

panama flower pattern

To build a pattern of petals, it is necessary to determine the central
wedge point along the bottom line. From this point with a radius of "half the width
wedge + 1 cm” draw a semicircle. This will be the bottom edge of the petal.

From the top point of the wedge with the radius of the height of the wedge, draw a semicircle to
intersection with the side cuts of the wedge. This will be the bottom cut of the wedge.
Continue the line further to the intersection - this will be the inner cut

Cut off the petal pattern as a separate piece. Cut the petals into
the number of 12 parts (6 top and 6 bottom). Upper petal details
glue with interlining.

Fold the top and bottom petals face inward and stitch along
bottom cut. Turn the petal inside out, straighten the seam and sweep it.

Fold the petals in front of each wedge so that the edge of one is on the edge of the other and stitch.
Treat the bottom of the panama with a facing or lining.


Pattern Width = Head Circumference + 20cm
Height = Head circumference

The general scheme of the model:


Blocks are placed in pairs at an equal distance around the circumference, radius
which is equal to half the circumference of the head with an allowance for free fit
2 cm

A cord is threaded into the blocks, its ends are fixed with clamps.

In the hot season, or even just on the eve of summer, the safety of our and children's heads is relevant. Some protect them by covering them with a scarf, some with a cap, some with a hat, and some simply make panama hats from a newspaper. Any way is good!

In this article, we will consider how to sew a hat.

All calculations and pattern are suitable for head circumference 38, 42, 46, 48 and 52 cm.

If you look at the details of the children's panama pattern, you can see the dependence of the increase in size. You can also change the girth of the head to 54, 56.

The image of part #3 shows that the drawing is slightly cropped. It did not fit on the A4 format, but it is also possible to finish it yourself. All 3 patterns are located on A4 format. It is enough to print and cut along the necessary lines.

Materials for sewing panama

Fabric 150 cm wide and 30 cm long for panama, interlining, ribbon 1 cm wide and 70 cm long for decoration.
Quantity of parts: 1 - the upper part of the crown (circle) -1pc, 2 - the lower part of the crown with a fold -1pc, 3 - the fields with a fold -2pc.
A fold is a dotted line in a drawing. This side of the pattern must be applied to the fold of the fabric.

Lay out on the fabric as shown in the figure, just add one more detail 3. Cut out. Allowances 1 cm.

Panama sewing sequence

1. Glue panama parts with interlining.

2. Sew the back middle seam on the bottom of the crown. Seam width -1 cm. Iron the seams. If necessary, overlock their edges.

3. Chip and sweep the top and bottom of the crown, slightly fitting the bottom. Lay machine line. Take out the note. Overlock the cuts. Unscrew the allowances to the lower part of the crown and postpone the finishing line.

4. On the panama fields, complete the rear middle seams. Iron the allowances.

5. Panama fields connect face to face. Stitch outer cuts. Cut the seam allowances to 0.2-0.3 cm. It is advisable to iron them with the nose of the iron - then the inverted seam will be better laid out. Turn out the fields. Lay finishing lines at the same distance from the edge of the fields.

6. Pin the open sections of the fields to the bottom of the crown of the panama (face with face). Sew, overlock cuts. Iron the seam allowances onto the crown.

7. Optionally, the last sewing seam can be closed with tape from the wrong side.

8. If no decorative tape is sewn on the front side, then at this stage it is necessary to sew a seam with a decorative stitch.
If you sew on a ribbon, then the line will lie along its edge. It is practiced to put a cord under the ribbon to adjust the width of the panama, but this only works if the product is sewn from soft fabrics.

Also, this style of panama can be done in another way.

Here lining panama sewing master class.

The following 4 pictures with sketches differ in different styles. Take a closer look, perhaps you can decorate your product in a special way.

In preparation for the article, I studied a lot of material from the Internet. And since I am only sharing a pattern that needs to be printed, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with other drawings that you can build yourself.

In the first drawing, you can see that the fields are quite large. They can be both enlarged and reduced.

I remind you that there is such a technique to proportionally increase the details (sides and lines). You need to calculate one side, which you will know for sure in size and find out the magnification factor.

For example, the drawing says that it should be 16 cm, but only 4 cm is drawn (attach a ruler and measure). This means that in full size all dimensions (measured with a ruler in the figure) must be increased by 4 times.

And there is one more difference. In some panama patterns, the central part is drawn round, and in others, oval. It's a matter of taste. It is better to look at the purchased models and decide for yourself which ones he likes more.
Each model can also be decorated with lace, as in this picture.

Here is a selection panama patterns I got it. If you have any questions - ask in the comments. Yes, and we also considered how to sew a panama hat. And if your daughters like scarves more, then you can read the sequence of their tailoring in this one. So, what remains is to look for fabric and go to the sewing machine!

Oh yes, for those who do not have a sewing machine, I propose the sequence of making panama hats from a newspaper.

Create products for yourself and your family with love!

The long-awaited season of the year is not far off - summer. During the long winter days, we all missed the summer sun so much. I want to bask in its warm rays as soon as possible.

But, despite this desire, one must always remember that solar energy is fraught with danger. It is especially important to protect our children, because enjoying the summer weather, they are ready to spend playing outside all day long. How to protect children from such an insidious sun?

Of course, the main protectors are hats. They protect the heads of the kids, covering them with themselves. Summer hats are diverse. These are caps, scarves, berets, baseball caps, bandanas, hats, and of course panamas. It is the children's panama that our today's master class will be devoted to.

Surely every girl has a little dream to have in her wardrobe a large selection of panama hats, for every summer outfit. Our master class will help mothers or grandmothers make this wish come true, as it is very easy to sew a Panama hat for a girl with your own hands. To do this, you only need to choose the right matter and you can get down to business.

So, what materials and tools will be needed in order to sew a summer panama for a girl? And not just a panama hat, but a double-sided panama hat, thanks to which its functionality increases.

Materials for sewing a children's panama hat:

  1. Textile. For summer children's clothes, always choose fabrics with a natural composition, as only such material will protect babies from the sweltering heat. In this master class, we will show you how to sew a double-sided panama hat, so you need to prepare two pieces of fabric, 30 cm each, with a width of 110 cm. When choosing a material, pay attention to the quality of its coloring so that the fabrics do not “shed” later when cutting. It is advisable to select a fabric with a similar composition in order to avoid shrinkage of one relative to the other. For the same purpose, before cutting, the fabrics must be subjected to decatization, that is, washed or steamed.
  2. Sewing threads in tone.
  3. Needles, pins.
  4. Tailor's chalk or disappearing fabric marker.
  5. Scissors.

Panama (panama) pattern with fields for a girl:

The next thing to prepare is a panama pattern. Print it out on A4 paper and cut it out.

If you plan to use the pattern repeatedly, we advise you to transfer it to ordinary plastic wrap, as it is more durable than paper.

How to sew a panama hat for a girl with your own hands - a master class with a photo:

So, having prepared all the details of the pattern, you can start cutting out a children's panama hat with fields. Lay out the fabric in one layer and use pins to secure the top part of the crown (piece #1). Observe the direction of the share thread. Circle with chalk, remembering to transfer all control marks.

Cut this piece out with a 1.5cm seam allowance.

Now fold the fabric in two layers.

And pin the pattern of the lower part of the tulle (detail No. 2) with pins, aligning the detail with the fold line of the fabric. Don't forget to transfer the part alignment marks.

Cut out this part with the same allowances as the previous one.

In the same way, cut out part No. 3 - panama fields.

This is the finished detail for one side of the panama. From another piece of fabric, you should cut out all the same details for the second side of the panama.

Fasten the lower part of the crown of the panama folded in half with pins to prevent the fabric from shifting.

Sew a seam on the sewing machine, stepping back from the edge of 1.5 cm.

Seam allowances must be ironed out.

In the same way, a seam is made on the crown of the second (red) side of the panama.

Now connect the lower part of the crown with pins to its upper part, while aligning reference mark A on both parts. If you are not used to using pins for basting, you can sweep these parts with hand stitches.

This is what it looks like from the inside.

Sew these parts on the sewing machine, leaving a 1.5 cm allowance.

Delete the note. Unscrew the allowances on the bottom of the crown panama.

Turn out the resulting part.

To fix the allowances in the desired position, lay the machine line along the seam, at a distance of 3 mm.

Do the same with the red (second) part of the children's panama.
Now let's prepare the panama fields. To do this, fasten the parts folded in half with the right side inward with pins.

Sew a seam with a 1.5 cm allowance on the sewing machine.

Also iron the allowances in different directions.

The fields of the second side of panama are performed similarly.

Fold the finished fields of both sides of the panama with the front sides to each other. Fasten with pins.

Sew the margins on the sewing machine along the outer edge.

To remove excess thickness, cut the allowances close to the line.

Turn panama brim right side out.

Iron them well.

Now the fields must be stitched along the outer edge at a distance of 7mm. This is necessary to fix the layers. If you want to give panama fields additional rigidity, then you can lay a few more lines in the same way at a distance of 1 cm arcs from each other. But we decided this time to leave it as it is.

Fix the open inner sections of the fields with each other using hand stitches.

At the bottom of the crown of the red side, also lay a line of hand stitches. By pulling the ends of the thread, gather it up a little, while evenly distributing the folds.

Connect with pins panama fields and tulle (red) as shown in the photo. Don't forget to align mark B.

Then sew on the sewing machine.

Iron the allowances towards the crown.

On the second (green) tulle, iron the allowances along the lower cut to the wrong side.

Insert this part of the tulle into the already prepared panama, aligning the wrong sides. Connect them together with pins or sweep with hand stitches.

Turn out panama.

Sew the tulle to the panama fields.

Reversible children's panama is ready to delight your little girl. If desired, it can be supplemented with some kind of removable decoration.

3. Cut out the fabric according to the resulting patterns, adding one centimeter to the seams. First you need to grind the sidewall, then sew the bottom. After that, the edges of the panama must be processed, and the most important part, the fields and the upper part, must be sewn to the panama. Decorative embellishments (ribbons, embroideries, beads) will be used to decorate the panama, determining its purpose: beach or casual.

A flirty hat is a must-have addition to a plain or colorful summer dress, sundress, trouser suit. It will not only protect you from the sun's rays and overheating, but will also serve as a wonderful accessory, giving your image a touch of romance. Sew summer hat suitable for your outfits, you can do it yourself.

You will need

  • - tracing paper or pattern paper;
  • - scissors;
  • - needle with thread;
  • - lace ribbon 3 cm wide, 120 cm long;
  • – main fabric 55 cm;
  • – lining fabric 55 cm.


1. Use a pattern of a summer hat, the top of which is sewn from wedges, it will fit your head tightly. Transfer the pattern to the tracing paper. Draw on it two concentric circles with a diameter of 18 and 37 cm. Cut out the central circle and cut the paper along the outer circle. These are the brim of the hat. Make a wedge pattern - draw an equilateral triangle with a base of 8.8 cm and a height of 17 cm. Slightly round its sides. Cut it out of paper - this is the wedge of the crown of your hat.

2. According to the patterns from the main and lining fabric, cut out 1 part of the fields and 6 parts of the wedges. Take a thread with a needle and sew the wedges together first from the lining fabric. Try it on and make sure that the top of the hat fits you. Adjust the top according to the volume of the head. Sweep between the wedges of the main fabric. Sew all the seams of both parts on a sewing machine. Delete the note. Iron the seams carefully, smoothing them in both directions.

3. Fold the top of the hat and brim inward with the right side, baste them together. Do this for the parts cut from the main fabric, then their lining. Sew around both pieces on the sewing machine. Delete the note.

4.Turn the lining fabric piece inside out and place it inside the main fabric piece. Baste them to each other in a circle, along the seam connecting the top of the hat with its fields. Sew on the sewing machine the fields of the hat in the form of concentric circles, first along the seam, then stepping back from the connecting seam by 2 cm. Make 5 such circles, not reaching the edge of 2.5 cm.

5. Fold inward 0.5 cm the edges of the hat from the main and lining fabric. Insert a lace ribbon between them, baste it, and then sew the edges on the sewing machine. Remove the basting and iron the brim of your new hat. If desired, you can attach an artificial flower to it or tie a long scarf made of thin chiffon around the crown.

So the warm time has come, sunny days, swimming, walking. The mood is high. So it's time to sit down at the typewriter and sew something new. 🙂

I propose sew a baby hat for a girl, which is just right for the season.

p.s According to the same scheme, you can sew a panama hat for a boy, we will reduce the width of the fields.

The process won't take long. And the result will be beautiful and delight you and those around you, and most importantly - protect your baby's head from the sun.


  • The main fabric is approximately a square of 0.5 x 0.5 m.
  • Thermal fabric for strengthening the fields 7 cm x 60 cm.
  • Threads in tone or in harmony with the color of the fabric
  • Bow (flower) for decoration (optional)
  • Tools (machine, scissors, basting needles)
  • Pattern

Panama pattern can be easily drawn by yourself according to this pattern:

To build a pattern to the desired size measure the circumference of your head and divide by 3.14 (Og/3.14=D)- this will be the diameter of the panama bottom.

The radius of the panama fields is calculated by the formula:

R2 \u003d Head circumference / 2 * 3.14 + panama field width (6-13 cm).

Tula - rectangle AB \u003d A1B1 - head circumference, AA1 \u003d BB1 - product depth (usually 9-10 cm.)

Solid geometry. 🙂

How to sew a baby hat. Master class with photo.

We cut out the panama details from the prepared fabric (according to this pattern):

Add 1.5cm seam allowances.

Tula - 2 parts with a fold

Fields - 4 parts

Panama bottom 2 parts

We sew two identical panama hats.

1. Connect fields panama along the side seams. Iron the seams. You get two circles.

2. Connect the edges of the crown. Iron the seam.

Strengthen the panama fields with thermal fabric. Cut out according to the pattern WITHOUT seam allowances. We apply to the fields with a rough side down! We put the iron on the part and hold for 8 seconds. Alternately rearrange the iron to other parts of the part. Important: do not iron!!!

P.S. I made it in two parts (technical situation 🙂). But better with one solid part.

3. We attach the bottom of the panama to the crown (face to face) using a basting or needles. Run on a typewriter.

4. Connect the parts of the panama (field and cap) together using a basting. Run on a typewriter.

5. Repeat with the rest of the details. You will get two identical blanks.

P.S. The fields of the inner panama can not be strengthened with thermal fabric.

6. “Face to face” we put one panama into another.

7. We make a seam in a circle. Leave a hole to turn the product inside out.

8. We turn out our panama hat.

9. Close the hole. Iron well. Sew along the very edge of the panama fields.

10. Sew on a flower (bow), turning the front half of the fields to the cap.

We catch the model and try it on. 🙂 Our Panama ready for a girl.

See also . Detailed master class.