The retirement age for the police in Belarus. Is contract service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs included in the length of service? Colonel: On average, the military has a pension of half the salary

For us, as an investigator, he eliminated the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and visited a special operation in Baku. But after 19 years of service, he was forced to resign. The year before last, he began to draw up a pension and it turned out that his 19 years were not included in the insurance experience, which means that he can only count on a social pension of 90 rubles. And even then at 65 years old.

The Ministry of Labor then only shrugged its shoulders: such legislation, nothing can be done. They say, a long time ago there is a concept of insurance experience - this is the period of work when you or instead of you paid insurance premiums. And it depends on its value whether a person will receive a labor or social pension. Yes, in fact, the concept of length of service has existed since 2006. But literally over the past few years, it has grown from 5 to 15 years. And according to the law, it will grow even more: every year for 6 months, in the end by 2025 it will be 20 years.

At the same time, service in the army, study in universities and colleges, as well as postgraduate studies, doctoral studies, and so on, parental leave, service in the police and other law enforcement agencies, and much more are not included in the insurance experience.

After the Belarusians began to retire under the new legislation, there were also those who fell into the so-called "insurance experience trap" - people whose general experience allowed them to retire and apply for it, but they did not have an insurance experience enough.

- You have lived all your life with the feeling that you need 5 years of insurance experience, and suddenly it became necessary 16. And it is often unrealistic to modify this difference, - say human rights activists of the public association “Belarusian Helsinki Committee”.

This is what happened to Ivan Nikolaevich, who, after 19 years of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, resigned to take care of his sick parents. He had about 10 years of insurance experience without service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This was not enough to receive even the minimum old-age pension. This means that he could only claim a social pension of 90 denominated rubles, and even then in five years.

According to the Ministry of Labor, in a similar situation, already at the time of the extension of the term, there were more than 1000 people and every year their number is growing.

Human rights activists have tackled the problem of the insurance experience trap. They applied to the Constitutional Court, the Ministry of Labor and the Parliament.

- We proposed to introduce a transitional period, “first aid targeted” for those who find themselves in a similar trap. Moreover, to assign a proportional pension, even if the insurance period has not been fully worked out, - note the human rights activists of the “Belarusian Helsinki Committee”.

The Constitutional Court noted that during the transition to the new legislation, "the legitimate expectations of citizens should be met as much as possible, including by defining a reasonable transition period to provide citizens with a real opportunity to comply with the amended requirements of legislative norms." The Constitutional Court also added that it is necessary to provide for the adjustment and introduction of socially significant activities for the state and society into the work record.

As a result, the legislation was revised. And since yesterday, a new presidential decree of June 29, 2017 No. 233 "On pension provision for certain categories of citizens" came into force.

- Yes, Ivan Nikolaevich is one of the few who will be able to receive a labor pension, not a social pension. We have already sent the documents for registration, - says the head of the labor department of the Lida regional executive committee Andrei Mimish. - The insurance experience for him and all servicemen who did not go on a military pension has been reduced to 10 years. And Ivan Nikolaevich has already worked it out.

What has changed in the law?

- The innovations mitigate the position of some vulnerable groups in the future, but at the same time do not completely solve the problem of the insurance service trap, - explain in the BHC. Human rights activists have compiled a special table to show what changes have occurred in the legislation and what has remained the same.

New rules for pension provision before decree No. 233 (until 01.08.2017) After decree No. 233 (after 01.08.2017)
Some people fell into the trap of seniority due to the fact that there were no exceptions or transition periods for those who, during the period of innovations, reach retirement age, have a sufficient amount of insurance experience according to the old rules (at least 5 years), but do not reach up to the insurance experience established by new decrees. This is primarily about those people who, in the dashing 90s and after, survived as best they could, without official employment. These people cannot receive either an old-age pension on a general basis or a social pension. The situation of these people has not been improved in any way. The only way out of the situation would be the introduction of a transitional period for people who will soon reach retirement age.
People who have been carrying out socially useful activities for years (for example, caring for disabled people of the 1st group) fell into the trap of insurance experience and were deprived of their right to a pension. The fact is that the state makes an entry for them in the work book and pays money, but does not count their work in the insurance period. People do not have time to collect the required period of insurance experience (16 years in 2017, then more). At the same time, according to the law, caring for a disabled person of the 1st group cannot be combined with any work. The logic of socially useful activity has been taken into account in some way. Periods of socially useful activity are still not included in the insurance period, but the period of the insurance period for such people has been reduced to 10 years. True, at the same time, for such people, the total length of service has increased. For women - at least 35 years, for men - at least 40 years. While for other categories (who have enough insurance experience of 16 years in 2017), the total work experience is 20 and 25 years for men and women, respectively. Thus, the decree made pensions for this category of citizens fairer and softer, but the problem has not been completely resolved, since an increase in the total length of service for many may be an obstacle to the appointment of a pension.
The situation of people who were caring for a disabled person of the 1st group or a person who had reached 80 years of age was complicated not only by the trap of insurance experience, but also by the fact that after reaching retirement age they could not receive a care allowance, even if they were not assigned pension due to lack of insurance experience. The decree eliminated this conflict. Now these people can continue to receive the care allowance until the social pension is granted, and this period is counted towards their total length of service.
Inequality has arisen in relation to military personnel, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, law enforcement agencies and persons equated to them. While these people serve, the state as an employer does not pay insurance premiums for them. If they leave before reaching the term of service (which is 20 years), they will be charged a pension on a general basis. This means that, for example, a principled police officer, being dismissed after 19 years of good service, will have to find a job and have time to develop an insurance experience of at least 16 years today. The position of servicemen, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, law enforcement agencies and persons equated to them is improving. Their service life still does not count towards the insurance period. If these people, for any reason, do not reach the departmental pension and will be dismissed earlier, in order to receive a pension on a general basis, they will need to gain 10 years of insurance experience, and not 16 or more, as it was before the adoption of decree 233. You also need to collect and minimum total length of service: 20 years for women, 25 years for men. Service time is included in the total length of service. Moreover, such a relaxed approach will only work for those people who have served for at least 10 years.

Pensions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018: will there be an increase, the latest news Important Insurance pension: insurance pensions Former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who continue to officially work in the civil service are entitled to receive insurance pensions. To do this, the following conditions must be met:

  • reaching the generally accepted retirement age;
  • the presence of at least 9 years of insurance experience (for 2018);
  • availability of at least 13.8 pension points (for 2018).

According to the transitional provisions of Article 35 of the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions", the value of the PKI required to establish an old-age insurance pension is subject to a regular annual increase by 2.4 points until it reaches 30 points by 2025.

Will there be an increase in pensions for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Belarus in 2018

The cumulative part of pensions was frozen, payments on it can be received only after the final termination of employment. Regarding the pension accrual for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The satisfaction of law enforcement officers who have completed their official labor activity has been under the close scrutiny of the country's leadership for the past four years.
The legislative acts adopted by the President as a result were supposed to increase the pension by 10%. But not immediately, but in six stages. The latest decisions of the president suggest that the pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 will be calculated in points, which are calculated monthly and later converted to the ruble equivalent. The number of points directly depends on the level of salary.

Will the pension for military pensioners be increased in Belarus in 2018?

Pensions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018: will there be an increase, the latest news from the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018: will there be an increase, the latest news Reorganization of the pension system In subsequent years, the labor pension underwent a transformation, which was divided into an insurance and a funded part. It was assumed that the retirement age will not increase. It was also planned to introduce a mechanism that would stimulate citizens to later exit to.
Pensions in Russia 2018 Pensions in Russia 2018 Site search The principle of accrual in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 will also change. Presumably, the cash allowance for the security forces will grow significantly, but by how many percent and in what time frame is still unknown. But it is already clear that in order to obtain it, it will be necessary to work in the corresponding bodies a little more than now, the amount of time.

What awaits retirees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018

How the pension system of payments for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs works now The deep economic crisis that hit the production and financial systems of many countries, had the most negative impact on Russia. The cost of energy resources collapsed, foreign companies limited their investments to a minimum and even liquidated some of the projects already working on the territory of the Russian Federation. The state had to adapt to the new realities of life and introduce a regime of austerity in budget money.

The implementation of an unpopular measure began with a reduction in a whole list of social benefits and limited the indexation of pensions to many categories of citizens. But, despite all the difficulties and problems, they did not cut the material support of the security forces, but, on the contrary, tried to keep it in the same volumes.

Increase of pensions for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus in 2018

This is a fairly large amount of pension payments, because in other areas people receive much less. It is not surprising that today many Russians are striving to build a military career, because despite the everyday inconveniences associated with serving in the army, a citizen who has successfully coped with all the hardships of a military man's life can expect a comfortable old age. Also, the Deputy Defense Minister recently noted that there is no exact information about additional payments to military pensioners so far. It is possible that the positive situation in the economy will allow the state to increase the income of its citizens. By the way, the coefficient that is needed in order to determine the size of a military man's pension has been 72.23% of the military salary since January.
Military pensions will be increased in 4 stages: when and how much payments will increase

  • Attention No increase is foreseen for the month of March….

Ministry of Internal Affairs pensions in 2018: will there be an increase, latest news

Indexation of pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 In the summer of this year, the Interdepartmental Working Group under the Office of the Security Council prepared a draft development strategy for the Russian Federation for 2018-2024. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has become the central figure in the direction of “Improving the Defense Capacity and Security of the State”. The proposed changes should affect almost all departments, which will also affect pensions.

One of the proposals is to issue driver's licenses and passports to civilian agencies - Rosreestr, Ministry of Justice. Accordingly, the employees of the department who previously dealt with these issues will leave the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and will no longer be able to count on military pensions. Most likely, employees of the forensic department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will lose their special status.

Police pension in 2018: will there be an increase

The same applies to law enforcement officers who, having retired on the basis of seniority rather than age, decided to continue their labor activity. Taking into account all payments, according to the government, the size of pension payments is quite sufficient. Head of the Ministry of Finance Anton Siluanov The previous procedure for calculating pension allowances for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will continue to operate in 2018.
According to him, when calculating payments, the total length of service, length of service, as well as allowances for special cases will be taken into account. The new rules will apply to persons who have retired for seniority after January 1, 2016.

Military pensions in Belarus in 2018

But for this, experts are convinced, the Russian economy must stabilize. A detailed analysis of the inflation rate shows that there was no real increase in pension provision, even if the government announced an increase. The dynamics of the inflation rate in Russia for 1991 - 2016 can be presented in the following table: Table: Dynamics of the inflation rate in Russia for 1991 - 2016 * Dynamics of consumer prices by groups of goods and services (month to the corresponding month of the previous year,% ** Dynamics of consumer prices by groups of goods and services (month to the previous month,%).

According to the data provided by the Bank of Russia and the Statistical bodies, the monthly breakdown of inflation in 2017 has the following tabular expression: Table: Monthly breakdown of inflation in 2017 In addition, the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs itself is subject to changes. In particular, the traffic police is being disbanded.

What awaits pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 in Russia

Increase in 2018 for pensioners of Belarus In Belarus, a labor pension is accrued to citizens of retirement age who have constantly made insurance contributions for 17-20 years. If these conditions are not met, then the pensioner will receive a social pension, where the retirement age must be at least 60 years for women, 65 years for men. These requirements do not apply to people with disabilities. The following categories of citizens can receive pension payments: Pensions in Russia 2018 Site search The principle of calculating pensions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 will also change.

Presumably, the cash allowance for the security forces will grow significantly, but by how many percent and in what time frame is still unknown. But it is already clear that in order to obtain it, it will be necessary to work in the corresponding bodies a little more than now, the amount of time.

Pensions in Russia 2018


The increase in military salaries in 2018, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation announced an increase in spending in the next three years. At the initiative of the government, the lion's share of the budget increase was to go to increase the salaries of military personnel. According to the adopted budget, along with pensions, the salaries of the military were to be increased. This change was supposed to affect over 2.5 million citizens of the Russian Federation.

It was planned to carry out a 4% indexation of salaries. Accordingly, with the increase in salary, social benefits for old age should have increased. How will the pensions of the Belarusian military be increased? Perhaps you will be interested in: Eugene → Sat, 06/01/2018 - 08:07 # 1 Maybe enough to deal with verbiage already? Yes, in 2012 there was a significant increase in the official salaries of military personnel and, accordingly, pensions.


Today, there are two main types of payments: length of service and disability. By length of service: These payments can be counted on by persons with a military experience of at least 25 years, as well as persons with a cumulative length of service, whose military service is at least 12.5 years at the time of its completion. Officers of the Russian army who left service due to the age limit of 45, and persons sent to the reserve due to organizational and staff changes, can also count on seniority payments.

On disability: Only those persons whose injury was received at the time of serving in the army of the Russian Federation can apply for this type of pension. Former employees of the army of the Russian Federation can apply for a military and civilian pension.
Belarus in 2018 Military in Belarus in 2018 In order to receive them, it is necessary to fulfill certain conditions: Every year the government of the country indexes pension payments. Indexation applies to all social payments, including pension allowances for military personnel. Military pensions in Belarus in 2018 In order to receive them, certain conditions must be met: Annually, the government of the country indexes pension payments. Indexation applies to all social payments, including pension benefits for military personnel. The latest news on the increase in pensions in Belarus in 2018 The latest news on the increase in pensions in Belarus in 2018 The retirement age for the local working masses According to the current legislation, residents of a neighboring country must work a 15-year period to be eligible for payments from the state.

Ivan Nikolaevich Snitko is 61 years old. Last year, the man decided to apply for a pension. But it turned out that he could not apply for a full-fledged labor pension. Service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs was not included in his insurance work experience, which just affects the size of the pension.

- I went to serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs since 1973, just came from the army and began to work there, - Ivan Nikolaevich told - He served as a district police officer, inspector and even an investigator. Eliminated the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, was on special operations in Baku. We were also forced to go there. It took three days there. He worked until 1992. Then he left, my father and mother were disabled, I had to inspect them.

- As a result, I got 30 and a half years of work experience. That is, I actually have the right to retire from the state, - explains the man. - But when I began to collect documents and draw up, it turned out that my 19-odd years are not included in the insurance experience.

As a result, it turned out that Ivan Nikolaevich had an insurance record of about 10 years, and this is less than necessary. According to the law, for Belarusians who applied for a pension in 2015, the minimum insurance period is at least 15 years.

- And this means that only a social old-age pension will shine for me. Not the usual 2.8 million, but 800 thousand a month, - says Ivan Nikolaevich. - When I found out that these 19 years are not included in the seniority for calculating a pension, I was shocked. I don’t understand how and on what basis they didn’t include my experience in insurance? It turns out that I have worked, I paid the debt to the state, but in the end nothing will shine for me? The pension is the same as those drunkards who have worked for a year or two in their lives ... Of course, this is insulting and unfair.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection knows Ivan Nikolaevich's situation. But they say that this is the law.

- The conditions for assigning a labor pension in the general pension system are the same for all citizens: both for civilians and for former military personnel, - Larisa Yashkova, Deputy Head of the Main Pension Department of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, explained to - As for the insurance experience, it is formed by the periods of work with the payment of mandatory insurance contributions to the pension fund. Accordingly, this length of service cannot include periods of other activities when contributions were not paid: the time of military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other law enforcement agencies, childcare, receiving unemployment benefits, training, etc. (note that in the presence of the required insurance period and the right to a labor pension, the indicated periods of activity "do not disappear": they are included in the total length of service).

The requirement for a minimum insurance period for the appointment of a retirement age pension (at least 5 years) appeared in the legislation back in 2006 and is justified by the fact that it is from the proceeds of insurance contributions that the payment of current labor pensions is ensured.

According to the current legislation, in 2016 the required insurance experience is 15 years 6 months, and starting from January 1, 2017, it will increase annually by 6 months to 20 years by 2025. That is, for those who will retire in 2018, it will be 16 years 6 months, in 2019 - 17 years, and so on.

Unfortunately, Ivan Nikolaevich has a documented insurance record of nearly 10 years. And the law does not allow him to be assigned a retirement pension. At the same time, upon reaching the age of 65, he will acquire the right to a social pension.

Let us remind you that this year in Belarus the decision to increase the retirement age to 63 years for men and 58 years for women. It will be raised in stages: starting from 2017, every calendar year for 6 months.

On the Day of the Unity of the Peoples of Russia and Belarus, April 2, information on the provision of pensions to residents of the Union State is essential. Pension provision for citizens of the Republic of Belarus who have moved to the Russian Federation for permanent residence, and for Russians in Belarus, has some peculiarities. It is regulated by a special Treaty that takes into account numerous nuances. This agreement is one of the most elaborated, aimed at protecting the pension rights of residents of the former Soviet Union, according to the Pension Fund.

The international agreement between the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation on cooperation in the field of pensions has been in effect since March 29, 2007. It is based on the proportional principle. Each Contracting Party assigns and calculates a pension (excluding social pension) based on the length of service acquired in its territory. At the same time, the periods of service until 03/12/1992 (inclusive) are taken into account by the party in whose territory the person permanently resides at the time of applying for a pension.

Under the Agreement, citizens of the Russian Federation and citizens of the Republic of Belarus residing in the territory of one of the states, as well as members of their families subject to the legislation of the parties, have the right to labor pensions.

When determining the right to a pension, it is possible to summarize the experience worked out on the territory of one state with the experience worked out on the territory of another. In this case, the calculation and confirmation of the experience is carried out according to the legislation of both states.

The length of service acquired after March 13, 1992 on the territory of third countries, including the former Soviet republics, is not included in the insurance and general length of service.

The Treaty gives citizens the right to choose: either to assign and pay a pension under the laws of one of the states of which they are citizens, or by applying the provisions of the Treaty. Your choice must be confirmed with a statement. It is final and not subject to revision.

The largest number of “Belarusian pensioners” live in Ivanovo. The PFR Office in Ivanovo, Kokhma and Ivanovsky District pays 24 labor pensions to citizens of the Russian Federation, including those assigned according to the norms of an international Treaty, and 1 to a citizen of Belarus living in the territory of the Russian Federation.

And for those who are far from service, it is difficult to understand! In the army, people do not see families for months: exercises, business trips. The military man was told today: "After dinner, you are leaving there" - and he left. And try to send a civil one! - the former military man explains his position. Minsk resident Oleg, a militia colonel in reserve, treated the reduction coefficient with understanding: - Theoretically, from an economic point of view, everything was done correctly, and the scheme has already been worked out in Russia. But I would like there to be no coefficient, - the man emphasized. Oleg does not name his pension, but notes: "Former police officers have pensions of both 250 and 300 rubles." Of course, it all depends on the requests, but living on one colonel's pension is possible - especially if you continue to work. - Most of the retired police officers do this, - said Oleg.

Military pensions in Belarus in 2018

  • If a soldier was the only source of income in the family, then minor children or disabled dependents who were in his care are paid a survivor's pension.
  • A citizen who received a disability group during service or within 3 months after dismissal is entitled to a pension. If problems appeared later than 3 months, but it is proven that they are related to the service, then the pension is also paid.

    In order to receive a pension, you need a medical opinion

The prospect of increasing the pension allowance of servicemen in Belarus will depend in the future on the state of the economy during 2017, on the level of the subsistence level established for each category of the population.

How will the pensions of the Belarusian military be increased?

In Belarus, a presidential decree revised the pensions of servicemen, employees of paramilitary organizations and members of their families. An adjustment coefficient was introduced for these payments, which will restrain their growth.

FINANCE.TUT.BY asked pensioners who previously worked in the Armed Forces and internal affairs bodies whether their pension is enough for them and what they think about its revision. Photo: Daria Buryakina, TUT.BY. The photo is illustrative. Until the end of this year, as it was announced during the direct telephone line of Defense Minister Andrei Ravkov, the servicemen are planning to increase their salaries.


Accordingly, the pensions of the military will also grow (as well as employees of the internal affairs bodies, the Investigative Committee, etc.). But their growth will be limited by the adjusting factors introduced by presidential decree No. 314 on September 1.

I must always be ready, I have no right to turn off the phone, as I am performing the task entrusted to me. And every soldier does this. He took the oath, and this imposes on him responsibility.

These are somewhat different things compared to what citizens in other spheres do. The deputy draws attention to what is happening in the armies of our closest neighbors: for example, in Belarus a serviceman receives no more than 75% of his salary, in Russia - no more than 85%.
Igor Martynov calls the difference in money quite tangible. Still, the deputy considers it possible for a military man to live on his current pension in Belarus. - On average, the military in Belarus receive a pension from 300 to 600-700 rubles. In principle, we also have those who receive less money.

But everyone has their own requests. If someone wants a more dignified life, money is naturally not enough.

Military pensions will be increased in 4 stages: when and how much will payments increase


Pension system of Belarus All citizens of the Republic of Belarus are recipients of pensions. In addition, citizens who live in the country permanently have the right to receive pension payments.

In 2017, 2 types of pensions were established at the state level: social and labor, including military. In order to receive them, certain conditions must be met:
  • Social - it is received by disabled citizens: disabled children or disabled children.
    The category of social pension payments also includes payments to families upon the loss of a breadwinner.
  • Labor is charged after a citizen reaches a certain age, and is formed at the expense of employees' insurance premiums. The employer is obliged to deduct monthly contributions to the pension fund for them.

Military pension in Belarus 2018

When calculating a retirement pension, the length of service is taken into account. Every year the government of the country indexes pension payments. Indexation applies to all social payments, including pension benefits for military personnel.

The country has a program on the basis of which the citizens of the country can accumulate additional funds. These services are optional. These opportunities are provided by insurance companies.

If a citizen chooses any insurance company for savings, then his employer must make contributions to this fund for him. Types of pensions in Belarus 1. Old age The retirement age of citizens of Belarus has been preserved since Soviet times and has not changed since then: men - 60, women - 55.

For services to the state Pensions to citizens who have been awarded state orders and titles are administered by the government. On the size of pensions for military personnel The minimum old-age pension in Belarus is focused on the level of the consumer basket and is 25% of its average.

The old-age pension is calculated at 55% of the average monthly earnings in the country. Its size is influenced by the amount of earnings, the presence of experience in excess of the prescribed norm, the sphere of the employee's professional activity.
The sphere of pensions for military personnel is regulated by state laws. Allowances for the military are accrued according to the same parameters that are provided for civilians: length of service, old age, loss of a breadwinner, disability. The size of the minimum allowances for the military is 1,474 thousand Belarusian rubles, in terms of Russian money, 4,422 rubles.

On average, the military in Belarus receive a pension from 300 to 600-700 rubles. "Deputy of the House of Representatives, Colonel Igor Martynov calls the use of a correction coefficient of 0.83" the right step. " - The pensions of servicemen and representatives of power structures are slightly higher than the pensions that everyone else receives. In order to balance this gap, this is the right decision, I don't see anything like that here, - the deputy expresses his opinion.

Photo: At the same time, Igor Martynov supports the fact that, as a result, the pensions of the military and employees of paramilitary organizations will still increase: in the service they endure psychological and physical stress. - Let's compare the working day of a person in uniform and civilians. As a military man, I can say that he (a working day. - Approx.

ed.) does not start at 8 o'clock and does not end at 17.00. It starts at 8 am and ends at 8 am.

Military pensions in Belarus 2018 fresh data

The old-age pension is calculated by counting approximately 20% of the average salary and adding 25% of the country's consumer basket. In December 2014, the president issued a decree to increase the retirement allowance of military personnel.

It entered into force on 01.01.15. The size of the indexation of the military allowance was made in November and December 2015 by 12.9% of the average subsistence minimum of the civilian population - 1,567,810 BR (4,703 Russian rubles). The total indexation amounted to 202,247 BR (606.7 rubles).

From 01.01.16 in Belarus, a new base salary of 1 320 000 BR (3960 rubles) has been established. Taking this figure into account, the salaries of servicemen are determined by rank and position.

Based on this, the pensions that military pensioners have are subject to recalculation. For the first half of 2016, the base part increased in March, but indexation was not carried out.

At the same time, the size of their pensions for August 2017 cannot be lower than the size of the pensions paid in July 2017. The implementation of the norms of the Decree will ensure a systematic, starting from September 1, 2017, an increase in the pensions of military personnel and employees of paramilitary organizations in amounts comparable to the growth pensions of other categories of citizens of Belarus The official website of the President says: "The implementation of the norms of the Decree will ensure a systematic, starting from September 1, 2017, an increase in the pensions of military personnel and employees of paramilitary organizations in amounts comparable to the growth of pensions of other categories of citizens of Belarus." You need to understand that at first they will lower it by 17%, and then within 2 years in four stages they will raise, restore to 1 (unit), to the previous level. As it becomes clear from the document, this phenomenon is temporary and will be valid until July 2019.