What is a best friend? Best friend: is there such a thing? How to be a good friend

Best friend is a term commonly used by women to mean a friend with whom he has more confidence and special affection .

Typically, a best friend is someone with whom you have been friends for a long time.

Best friends often go through several situations, both good and bad.

A best friend is someone you can always trust, no matter the situation or moment, you know that he will be ready to help.

This expression is used from children to adult women to indicate the degree of friendship.

A best friend is someone who plays the role of a friend, is a kind of "adoption sister" who lives with the family and knows everything about her friend's life, for example.

In English "best friend" is best friend, but in English-speaking countries, best friends are often called BFF, which means "best friends forever."

Find out more about the meaning of BFF.

Having a best friend means having a voluntary and close social relationship. The behavior, attitudes toward friends, and values ​​that define friendship vary across societies and histories.

However, mutual aid, reciprocity and trust between best friends are traits that do not only exist in changing societies.

"Best friend" is a very dubious term because many people are untrustworthy and thus become an object of mistrust if true friendships actually exist.

Women often have many friends, but most know that among everyone there is a best friend who can be trusted at any time.

Having a true friend is true happiness. What do they say about best friends? Don't spill the water... or soul mates... Some people who believe in life after death actually believe that the best friend in this life was a best friend or loved one in one of their past lives. And that is why good friends understand each other well, as if they have known each other all their lives and even a little more...

Sometimes you really know your best friend your entire adult life. Many have been friends since school, some have been friends since college. It’s rare, but it still happens that when parents are friends, their children are also together almost from the very cradle. They don’t choose parents, but they even choose friends. We usually choose as our best friends a person who is somewhat similar to ourselves in terms of views, hobbies, interests, goals and at the same time the complete opposite of ourselves. Very often, men, best friends, listen to the same music, like to watch football together and root for the same team, but one prefers thin blondes, and the other plump brunettes.

It's always easy and simple with your best friend. It can be a lot of fun to be with him, since you have common memories, jokes and jokes. It’s not for nothing that they say that friends are like candles, that they make our lives brighter and richer. With a friend you can be yourself, you don’t have to pretend that you feel good when you feel bad and vice versa. Your best friend is capable of a lot for you, and can forgive you a lot. He can give you your last penny if you need money, or shelter you at home during marital quarrels. Moreover, true friendship is selfless. There are no words to describe the feeling you feel for a friend, it’s probably a mixture of love, respect and devotion...

But you also need to be able to make friends. It is important not only to receive, but also to give in return. It is important to be able to cherish these relationships until old age. It is important to never betray or use your friend, to always support him and treat him with understanding. Take care of your friendship...

What a small word

And how easy it is to say

And how much good, simple,

But not everyone can become one.

Friendship is a broad concept. As children, we consider everyone we interact with as friends. As we get older, there are fewer and fewer friends, only the most trusted and real ones remain. Best friend, what is he like? This problem worries those who so want to have real friends, but do not know whether they have any.

Who can be considered a friend

  • True friendship is tested over the years; you can hardly understand whether the friend next to you is real or just a friend until life teaches you a couple or three valuable lessons. Only difficulties, troubles, illnesses and even misfortunes show how a person really treats you. If your friend is with you only in moments of joy, at holidays and feasts, and if something happens, he is always not interested in you, then this relationship can hardly be called friendly.
  • Friendship usually begins at school or college, when we are still open and crave communication; later, finding a truly understanding person is much more difficult. We do not choose our parents and relatives, so the relationship between them is not always ideal. But we are free to choose friends, people close to us in spirit, with whom it is easy and pleasant for us, whom we love and appreciate.
  • Usually friends have common interests and hobbies, they always have something to talk about, and even if you don’t feel like talking, a pause in communication is not a burden.
  • What is a best friend? This is a person with whom you always have fun, he can cheer you up, support you when you are sad, entertain you when you are bored. But if trouble suddenly knocks on your door, a friend will certainly help you. He will lend you money, take care of your child, and shelter you if you suddenly have nowhere to live.
  • But friendship is not only about taking, it is also important to be able to give. Only if you yourself are selfless and honest, and do not demand anything in return, your friendship will be intact and unshakable. Take care of your friend’s feelings, help him, and he will reciprocate your feelings.

That's what a close friend is. Always remember this, and be grateful to fate if you have at least one such person.

The most important conditions for friendship are trust and respect. These feelings arise gradually and grow stronger over the years of honest relationships. People become friends based on common interests, but not every friendly acquaintance turns into a warm and bright relationship.

Friends in a person's life

It's nice to have a person in your life who will always support and help. A friend is someone whose authority becomes equal to his own. In other words, relationships between people are based on complete trust and the perception of essentially a stranger, becoming respectful as oneself. Such harmony is achieved only many years later after testing for responsiveness and assistance in certain situations.

Loneliness in the modern world does not bring positive results. A person without friends becomes a hermit and finds it difficult to take his place in a developed society. Even the most reserved introvert will find it unbearable if there is no one to have a heart-to-heart talk with, explain himself and hear banal words of support and understanding from the outside.

What is a true friend?

According to modern psychologists, the strongest friendships begin in childhood and adolescence. But as a person grows up, he loses hope that he can trust someone other than himself, and in some cases, himself. Most often, such speculation arises after betrayal by a friend. There are still good people left, and if one betrays you, it does not mean that another will betray you.

After disappointment, it becomes difficult to understand who can be called a true friend. Now people are accustomed to communicating remotely, without opening up to people and keeping all their most secret things to themselves. Such relationships are more like friendships, partnerships, or in the spirit of acquaintances, neighbors, and colleagues. For some, this style makes life easier, for others it complicates it. Remember that some friends or colleagues may become best friends, it's just a matter of time.

How to become a friend?

There are no barriers to true friendship. Those people who know who a friend is confirm this expression with sparkling eyes. It is not easy to become such a person; this will only happen if a person begins to experience sincere good feelings and sympathy. Friends should think for two, worry, sympathize and help in any situation.

Considering all the subtleties and understanding what qualities a friend should have, you should not forget about the other side of the coin. Close people are not only help in a difficult situation, but also sincere joy for a friend when he is successful. As many scientists say, it is much easier to survive grief and support in trouble than not to envy your friend in moments of true happiness.

10 qualities of a friend

It is not so easy to overcome the long journey of life alone. Even the strongest and most confident people definitely need support. Those who claim that they live well and without friends are deeply mistaken, because perhaps they have not yet felt that true and faithful friendship. Psychologists say that there are qualities of a true friend by which one can guess a person’s true intentions.

Negative qualities of a friend

The most terrible quality in friendship is envy. It is with her that a person will never be able to understand who a friend is. Such people only love to sympathize and empathize, but they will not be able to rejoice sincerely. The bad qualities of a friend are also arrogance and temper, selfishness and hypocrisy, and most importantly, cruelty, cowardice and indifference.

How to be a good friend?

Quality friendship does not require any great knowledge. Sincerity and support at any time are the best qualities in life. Take care of strong friendships from your youth, because time-tested people are practically incapable of betrayal. Understand for yourself who a best friend is, and then you won’t have to make mistakes in people. The main thing, remember, in friendship you need not only to receive, but also to give.

Incredible facts

Best friends occupy a special place in our lives.

They don't get the title of "best" out of nowhere.

This prize is won by them after a lot of joy, effort, hardship, communication and love.

A best friend, on the other hand, will defend your honor to the end because he knows the value of loyalty.

7. Buddies can be your supporters, but the best friend is the one who will always be there.

If you suddenly find your dream job, your friends may warn you about the competition you'll face as you fight for the job.

Your best friend will probably tell you this too, but he will be the one to encourage you. It will definitely highlight all the qualities, skills and experience that you can get in a new place.

8. Friends just joke, but best friends remember all the funny episodes with you

Your best friend remembers all your jokes and can retrieve them at the first opportunity. Friends most often have difficulty remembering small episodes, and often do not even remember them.

9. Buddies can help you, but your best friend is on call 24/7

You may be embarrassed to call a friend at 2 am if you are feeling very unwell, but your best friend will certainly help with advice.

Difference between friend and buddy

10. Friends often don't know how to keep secrets, but best friends can.

Often when you ask your friends not to talk about something, this does not happen, but with your best friend you are always sure that your secret is safe.

11. Friends will rarely tell you about your mistakes; best friends do this much more often.

Each of us makes mistakes in relationships, at work and in family matters. Friends will rarely agree to take on your problems, but the best friend will always tell you what went wrong and where, and will also help you avoid repeating the mistake.

12. Friends are always ready not to be in debt; the best friend does not think about profit

Be it material goods or services, a friend is always ready to pay and expects the same from you. This scheme doesn’t work with best friends; no one bills anyone.

13. Friends don't understand all the intricacies of your personal life, best friends understand very well

Your friends aren't willing to invest time and effort into you, so you often don't feel confident enough to share all the details with your friend. The best friend is a great listener, he remembers all the details: both bad and good.

14. Friends strictly keep track of time; best friends are more flexible in this sense.

Of course, punctuality is an important trait, but friends can often react very harshly to your being 20 minutes late. A best friend is relaxed and will find something to do with his time while waiting for you.

Friend, comrade or buddy?

15. Buddies are wary of your obsessions, best friends are accepting.

We all have obsessions. You should behave more carefully with your friends, because they may consider you strange, not fitting into some of their ideas of normality. Best friends just laugh it off when they hear about each other's obsessions.

16. Friends don't really like it when they hear the same things from you; best friends love repeating stories.

Old stories, anecdotes, some small funny stories... We think about all this when we communicate with friends, and we often carefully think through the conversation because we are afraid of repeating ourselves.