Strawberry hair masks are the queen of desserts at the service of beauty. Unique cosmetological properties of strawberries Strawberries for hair reviews

Nature is the best medicine. For several years now, I have preferred the gifts of nature instead of expensive care products bought in a store and a pharmacy. Over and over again, emptying my wallet, I bought expensive creams from advertised companies. After 25 years, small mimic wrinkles appeared around the eyes, but not a single remedy helped me, whether it was a cream for 1500 rubles or for 100 rubles, and sometimes I bought the whole line-the effect was zero. I can't be lured by loud slogans like "100% natural cosmetics!" or "Thanks to our miracle cream, you will get rid of wrinkles once and for all."

Natural cosmetics, this is the kind of cosmetics that you can eat. IMHO)))) Of course, you can't get rid of existing wrinkles, but it is possible to make them barely noticeable and prevent their further appearance, as well as noticeably improve complexion, get rid of age spots, they help me it is homemade masks and creams. Today I want to talk about strawberries.

A bit of history... Strawberries have been used as a remedy since the time of Hippocrates, and its correct name is "garden strawberries". In the 14th century, the French used it as an aphrodisiac. But the taste was appreciated only in the 18th century. In Russia, under Alexei Mikhailovich, Trifon was the main gardener, he then treated the little future Peter I to this miracle - a berry. In the courtyard, strawberries came to everyone's taste and then they were ordered to grow them in the Tsar's botanical garden, and then they were cultivated throughout Russia. To this day, strawberries are a favorite delicacy of adults and children.

And what a delicious and aromatic jam is obtained from these berries!

Useful properties of strawberries. It is one of the five berries with the most beneficial properties. It contains substances that have a beneficial effect on the skin and hair. And therefore, its application in cosmetology is widespread.

  • It is very rich in retinol (Vitamin A), which has an anti-inflammatory effect, without tightening the skin and saturating it with moisture.
  • Folic acid, forming an invisible protective film, protects the skin from harmful environmental influences, including ultraviolet rays.
  • Vitamin C blocks free radicals and fights premature aging. In terms of the amount of vitamin C, strawberries overtake citrus fruits.
  • Biotin (or vitamin H), one of the main beauty vitamins, is involved in the synthesis of collagen.
  • Potassium regulates the moisture level in the cells.
  • Calcium improves the appearance and condition of the skin, and together with vitamin C participates in collagen synthesis. Serves as a building material for new cells.
  • Iron, zinc, phosphorus, copper, silicon, etc.

It is useful to use strawberries for vitamin deficiency, has a diuretic and diaphoretic effect. Due to its low calorie content, it can be used as a dietary product, is an antioxidant and slows down the aging process.

Strawberries retain their beneficial properties even in frozen form, so I freeze myself a couple of kilograms of berries for cosmetic purposes and pamper my skin on cold winter evenings.

Harm to strawberries. It is undesirable to use berries for people suffering from peptic ulcer and gastritis, diseases of the joints. Since strawberries are allergenic, care should be taken when giving them to young children.


I have dry skin, and this skin is more prone to aging and therefore my motto is to moisturize, moisturize and moisturize. It is better to apply the mask on cleansed skin, otherwise useful substances will be poorly absorbed through dirty, clogged pores.

But it should be remembered that dry skin can be irritated by the acids in it, so it is necessary to use it with oils. I take almond.

▼▼ Mask recipe for dry skin ▼ ▼


  • an allergic reaction to strawberries, as well as other components of the mask;
  • close location of capillaries to the skin surface;
  • the presence of open wounds on the skin of the face.

Mash 2-3 berries, add 5-6 drops of almond or any base oil.

Since I want to get rid of the age spots, I add 2-3 more drops of lemon oil.

Apply to cleansed skin. Relax for 15-20 minutes.

▼▼ Skin whitening strawberry mask recipes▼▼

  1. Mask with kefir... Mash the berries, mixing with 0.5 tablespoon of flour, add a tablespoon of kefir. Apply for 10 minutes.
  2. Sour cream mask. Mix berries and one tablespoon of honey and sour cream. Suitable for oily to combination skin. Do not apply before sun exposure, otherwise it will have the opposite effect.
  3. Lemon mask. Mix berries and one teaspoon of lemon juice and sour cream. Apply for 10 minutes.


▼ ▼ Acne mask recipes ▼ ▼

  1. Mask with lemon and protein. Half a tablespoon of lemon juice, 3-4 berries, the protein of one egg, a teaspoon of honey. Apply a couple of times a week for two months.
  2. Glycerin mask... Squeeze three tablespoons of berry juice, mix with a tablespoon of glycerin, soak the mixture in gauze, and apply it on your face, trying to avoid the skin around the eyes. 20 minutes.


▼ ▼ Mask recipe for oily skin.

Mix half a tablespoon of white clay with strawberry juice, until a mass of sour cream consistency is formed, apply for 15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water. This mask will help eliminate oily sheen.

But strawberry masks are not only good for the skin, but also great for hair. They give life shine, revitalize hair, nourishing them with useful vitamins and microelements. Depending on the effect that you are going to achieve, simply add the necessary ingredients to the berry gruel. For example, to combat oily hair, you can add white or blue clay, lemon juice, grapefruit, bergamot and eucalyptus aromatic oils. For strengthening and nutrition - honey and an egg. For dry hair and getting rid of split ends, you can add aromatic oils Ylang-ylang, Jojoba and Sandalwood, base oils (I prefer almond) Apply for 20-30 minutes.


▼▼ Teeth whitening with strawberries▼▼

This action cannot replace professional whitening, but nevertheless, when you want and have the opportunity, you can resort to this procedure.

Mash a couple of berries by mixing with half a teaspoon of baking soda. Apply to a soft toothbrush and rub in in a circular motion. Or just take the berries, move them along the surface of your teeth, lightly pressing down to get juice. Leave it on for 5 minutes and brush your teeth. This will especially help lovers of coffee and strong tea, but do not get carried away with this procedure, as the acids contained in the berries can damage the enamel of the teeth.

Be beautiful and healthy .ツツツ

After the winter period, our skin needs special care and nutrition. Natural masks play an important role in this matter, since only they are able to compensate for the lack of vitamins.

Among them fruit, vegetable, berry masks are very popular. Strawberry mask is especially relevant in the spring-summer season. We want to tell you how to correctly use this berry.

Useful properties of strawberries

Masks made from fresh strawberries, while caring for skin and hair, have a rich arsenal of beneficial properties due to the components of the berry itself. What exactly are strawberry masks useful for?

First of all, we are talking about the fact that strawberries, by their nature, are a unique skin whitener. Thanks to vitamin C and a number of acidic compounds, strawberries are able to hide areas of pigmented skin, as well as freckles.

The properties of strawberries are such that they can be used regardless of your skin type. Together with sour cream or yolk, the berry has a nourishing effect and saturates dry skin with the necessary minerals. Mixed with honey, strawberries tighten pores and reduce skin shine.

If you have inflammatory processes in certain areas of the skin, then strawberry puree mixed with curd mass will help soothe problem areas.

It is very good to use a light mask of strawberries diluted in mineral water for lip care. Such actions will ensure proper hydration of the lips, as well as allow you to maintain clear lines and beauty for a long time.

The mixture of strawberries, honey and cream is very beneficial for the whole body. Such a mask will moisturize the skin and keep it in the best possible condition, and can even be used as a scrub if flakes or bran are added to its composition.

Finally, in winter, instead of artificially created strawberries, you can and should use frozen cubes of natural strawberry juice: with this ice you should wipe your face every day in order to refresh it.

Facial skin care with masks

The simplest, but no less effective compared to other masks, is regular strawberry puree. The recipe is really simple: you need to knead the strawberries and apply the resulting puree to your face. It is recommended to hold the mask for 15-20 minutes and then wash off. Despite the elementary composition and quick preparation, such a strawberry face mask is universal:

  • if you have oily skin, first apply strawberry juice to your skin;
  • if the skin is dry, then it should be lubricated with vegetable oil.
  1. one hundred grams of strawberries;
  2. 1 tablespoon sour cream (you can replace it with heavy cream);
  3. if desired, half a spoonful of honey.

All these ingredients are mixed and applied in a thin layer to the problematic area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. As soon as the mixture is dry, apply a second layer and wait again to dry. Then wash off the mask with warm water, and apply a moisturizer to the skin.

In addition to this option, there is another one: two tablespoons of strawberry mass are mixed with one spoonful of cottage cheese and applied to the face. Daily use of such a mask will relieve skin inflammation and provide it with a healthy color.

The most popular mask recipe for oily skin is a mixture of strawberries and whipped protein. It is applied to the face (it is also possible on the neck), held for about 15 minutes and then washed off with warm water.

For lovers of folk recipes, we offer the following way to get rid of skin shine:

  • ? pour spoons of white clay with strawberry juice until a thick mass is formed;
  • the resulting mixture is gently applied to the face;
  • after 15 minutes, the mask must be washed off;
  • it is better to use cool water when rinsing.

Dry skin needs nutrients, and therefore a mask that is sufficiently saturated with them should be used. For example, you can mix strawberry pulp with chopped berry leaves. Applying such a mask to a cleansed face promotes the rapid penetration of substances necessary for dry skin. We recommend using this mask every 2 days.

For daily care of normal skin, we recommend using the following mixture:

  1. ? glasses of kefir;
  2. several large strawberries;
  3. some salt.

In salted kefir, alternately lower the berries and then rub them over your face. In this case, the strawberry will also have a "scrubbing" effect. It is possible to use such a scrub with dry skin, but instead of kefir, you will need to use corn or olive oil.

Hair masks

The beneficial properties of strawberries can fruitfully affect the condition of your hair. Let's share some recipes:

  • If you have oily hair, mix 100-150 grams of strawberries with the yolks of two eggs and 60 grams of blue clay. Apply the mixture to your hair, put on a plastic hat and wrap your head in a thick towel.
  • In the case of dry and brittle hair, the strawberry mass is poured with warm kefir and left on the hair under a cap and a towel for one hour.
  • To prevent hair loss, make a mixture of mashed strawberries, one egg, grape seed oil, and burdock oil. Then rub it into the scalp and leave it on for half an hour.
  • You can also use strawberry masks to nourish your hair. The most effective in this case would be a strawberry banana and honey mask. Applying this mixture to your hair two to three times a week will give it a healthy, radiant color.

Of course, the number of all mask recipes is not limited only to those listed above. In magazines, special editions, on the Internet, you will find a great many different ways to use strawberries for skin and hair care. However, we tried to acquaint you with the most accessible and at the same time effective options, and therefore we will be glad to hear your feedback on the results of using certain masks.

We bring to your attention a video on the preparation of an original face mask using strawberries.

Strawberries are a favorite berry since childhood. Ripe, juicy, sweet ... Oh, how one dreams of fresh strawberries in winter! And with what pleasure we gobble it up in the summer - with cream and sugar ... By the way, this popular berry is very good as a hair mask!

Strawberries are the main enemy of old age

For its useful qualities, strawberries are among the three leaders among berries. Only sea buckthorn and blueberries are ahead of it. And its most valuable property is a large amount of antioxidants, which, as you know, perfectly inhibit the aging of the body.

That is why this summer berry is so zealously used in cosmetology! Creams, lotions, shower and wash gels, soaps with strawberry extract are very popular among the fair sex. Everyone knows how well masks made from fresh strawberries work on the skin. But, not everyone knows that you can make your hair happy in this way. And this is a big omission. Because masks featuring strawberries are a great way to make your hair look luxurious.

First, the antioxidants already mentioned above. Penetrating into the upper layer of the epidermis, they have a rejuvenating effect.

Secondly, the nutritional effect - the bulbs, like their mistresses, eat strawberries with pleasure. And as a result, they heal, which has a positive effect on the appearance of the hair.

Well, and thirdly: the degreasing properties of strawberries. It soothes the sebaceous glands, therefore it is simply irreplaceable when caring for oily hair.

Experts emphasize that strawberries have a beneficial effect on any type of hair. And they recommend to practice masks with this berry to all women who want to have healthy, beautiful and obedient hair.

Strawberry masks with different effects

Down with fat, hello volume!

For the mask, take the yolk - 1 pc., Almond oil, honey and strawberry juice - one teaspoon each. Mix everything well, apply it to the hair, rubbing the mixture into the scalp especially carefully. You can even massage her slightly. Leave for 20 minutes, rinse with plain water (with shampoo) and rinse with acidified water (you can use lemon or apple cider vinegar). To do this, dissolve in 1 liter of water or 1 tbsp. l. vinegar, or juice of ½ lemon.

Against dryness, in the name of shine

Jojoba oil - 1 tsp., Strawberries - two berries, natural yogurt - two teaspoons. We turn the berries into mashed potatoes with a blender, mix with the rest of the ingredients, apply the mixture to the hair. We are waiting for 20-30 minutes. We wash my head, as usual, with a decoction of chamomile, linden or nettle.

Restoring colored hair

Grind 200 grams of strawberries into gruel, add 20 g of olive oil and the yolk of one egg. Apply to hair, leave for half an hour. We wash my head with shampoo.

For curls

Strawberry - 200 grams, olive oil - 20 g, yolk - 1 pc. Grind the berries. We gradually introduce the remaining components into the gruel. Stir the mixture thoroughly. Rub it into the strands and cover the head with something warm. The mask will give elasticity and strength to the hair.

Baldness mask

Knead a few strawberry berries with a fork (4-6 pcs.), Add grape seed oil - 1 tbsp. l., burdock oil - 1 tbsp. l., and an egg - 1 pc. Mix all the ingredients and apply the mixture to the scalp. We warm with a hat and a towel. We keep it for 20-30 minutes.

Strawberry banana food

3-4 large strawberries and one banana are turned into gruel. Add olive oil. Apply to hair. We wrap the head with a towel. We are waiting for an hour. Wash off with warm water.

Basically, the range of strawberry-based masks is extremely wide and you can make up the mix yourself. The only thing that experts advise to take into account is that strawberries must be fresh, and berries must be intact. This is really important.

For the beneficial properties of strawberries, see this video:

Our today's article will appeal to the fair sex. After all, we will talk about the usefulness of strawberries.

And so, each girl always carefully monitors her appearance. The main trump card at all times was beautiful and thick hair. But nature has not rewarded everyone with them, so we decided to give some tips on how to improve the condition of your hair and find out if strawberries are good for your hair?

Strawberry hair mask

Are strawberries good for hair? We'll find out now. To prepare this mask, we need: 8 strawberries and a tablespoon of mayonnaise. First you need to chop the strawberries, it should look like mashed potatoes. Then we mix our consistency with mayonnaise. The finished strawberry hair mask must be applied to the hair with massage movements along the entire length. Then we wrap it all with polyethylene and leave it for about 20 minutes. Remove the film and wash off the strawberry mask from the hair.

Strawberry mask for curly hair

Required ingredients for a strawberry hair mask: 200 grams of strawberries (always fresh), 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil and yolk. First, grind the strawberries until puree (preferably with a blender). Then gradually add olive oil and yolk. Mix everything thoroughly. Apply the mask along the entire length of the hair and wrap it in plastic. After 20 minutes, wash off the strawberry mask from the hair, first with water, then with shampoo.

Yoghurt mask with strawberries for hair

To prepare a strawberry hair mask, we need to take the following ingredients: yogurt (2 tablespoons), 1 tablespoon of strawberries, half a teaspoon of jojoba oil. All components are thoroughly mixed together. Then we apply a strawberry mask to the hair, spreading it along the entire length and wrap it with polyethylene. We wait until 20 minutes pass and wash off the mask from the hair.

Useful hair mask

We should take the following ingredients: yolk, 1 teaspoon of almond oil, a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of strawberry juice. Mix the components thoroughly and apply to the hair, keep as usual for 20 minutes. Then you need to rinse your hair and rinse with acidified water. To make the water acidified, add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice to 1 liter of water. This strawberry mask is perfect for oily hair.

As it has already become clear, the main ingredient of all hair masks is strawberry. This berry is one of the most useful in its composition. As you know, it is she who is among the top three in terms of her usefulness. Its competitors are sea buckthorn and blueberries. So if you are the owner of curly hair, then it is the strawberry that will always help keep them in shape. This applies in principle to any type of hair. Believe me, strawberries are very useful for hair.

Strawberry hair masks - not the most popular means among Russian beauties, although such an attitude is absolutely undeserved. It is the strawberry that gives the hair the nutrition it needs, hydration and saturates it with vitamins. If you have never made such masks before and do not know how to prepare them, then our article is a real find for you.

Now we will tell you some of the most effective recipes by which you can prepare useful strawberry hair masks. After several applications of these funds, you will notice a difference in the condition of your hair. Is thick, well-groomed hair still your dream? Then proceed to turn it into reality with our help.

First recipe... For it, you will need one tablespoon of mayonnaise (preferably homemade) and 8 medium strawberries. Crush the berries thoroughly to make a smooth puree. Mix them with mayonnaise and apply to hair, gently spreading over the entire length. Place a shower cap and warm towel over your head. Wash off after 30 minutes in warm water and your favorite shampoo. After the mask, it is useful to rinse your hair with a decoction of chamomile or water acidified with lemon juice.

Second recipe... With it, you can significantly improve the condition of oily hair and give it the desired lightness, freshness and volume. For the mask, you will need one yolk, one teaspoon each of almond oil, strawberry juice and honey. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, then apply to the hair, paying special attention to the scalp (it is recommended to massage it a little while applying the mask). Leave the strawberry hair mask on your head for twenty minutes, then wash off with warm water and shampoo. After the procedure, rinse your hair with acidified water (with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar).

Third recipe... Another one with which you can restore shine and health to dry, damaged hair. For her you will need: one teaspoon of jojoba oil, two medium strawberries, two teaspoons of natural yogurt. Chop the strawberries in mashed potatoes, mix with the rest of the ingredients. Apply the mask to hair for twenty to thirty minutes, then rinse thoroughly with warm water and shampoo. Rinse your hair with infusion of medicinal herbs (chamomile, nettle, linden). Try