Mother's day prose adults. SMS congratulations on mother's day in prose. Short and sincere SMS congratulations on Mother's Day. Small verses for telephone messages

Mom, kind, gentle and radiant, I congratulate you on the holiday, mother's day! May this day once again remind you of my love, give tender hugs and words of gratitude. I wish you only health, long life. May you never be discouraged and your eyes not wet with tears. Always stay the same beautiful, young, sensitive and caring. Know that you are my best!

Beloved mommy! Happy Mother's Day and hug you tight. You are the best, wisest, gentlest, most beautiful mother in the world. I love you because I have you, because you are exactly what you are. I wish you eternal youth, unfading beauty and only a benevolent disposition of spirit. I kiss you and hug you! Let's celebrate this holiday together and go where we have long wanted.

All mothers, both future and present, I congratulate on Mother's Day! Thank you for your tenderness, care, sincerity and a huge all-forgiving heart. You are the dearest and most beloved women on the whole planet. Mom - in this word the warmth of the sun and the caress of a warm wave. Happy holiday, our dears!

Happy Mother's Day and from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you sincere hugs and strong kisses for children, fun ventures and sincere conversations, happy hopes and true luck, family happiness and striving for well-being. I wish children to be the true meaning and joy of life, to have many successful dawns and good news on the way.

Happy Mother's Day. I wish you to meet every day with a kind smile and a bright dream, bright hope and indefatigable enthusiasm. Let the children love, appreciate, hug, kiss, delight and give a whole world of miracles and delight. I wish you well-being in your family and true pride for your children!

It's no secret whose hands are the warmest, whose heart is the kindest, whose arms are the strongest - these are all our mothers! On such a day, I want the love they radiate never be ignored and all children, young and old, always appreciate it!

Happy Mother's Day. For every mother, the main thing is that the child is healthy, so I wish you and your beloved child good health. For the rest, let, no matter how old the child is, wherever he goes, let your prayers and your love lead him along the paths of good luck, peace and kindness. I wish you to always feel like a beloved and happy mother!

On this special day, unlike anything else, we wish all women to feel the joy of motherhood, to all mothers of immense and immense love! You give the future, you are inspiration!

Being a mother is a great happiness, gift, joy, but also a lot of work, anxiety and self-giving. Let your eyes do not know tears, your hands do not get tired, your heart does not hurt for your children, but your soul will be calm. Let care, love and warmth return to you a hundredfold, life will be long, happy and healthy!

Dear mothers, this day is a great occasion to express to you our admiration, love and respect, to bow before your sensitive and responsive mother's heart. Thank you, dear ones, for your everyday feat in the name of the happiness of us, your children. Be healthy and protected by God for many years.

Already this weekend, May 12, Ukrainians will congratulate their wonderful mothers on their main day. We have already published touching ones, and now we suggest you choose an unforgettable and soulful SMS in verse. They will definitely make Mother's Day 2019 for your loved one memorable, full of positive emotions and sincere tears of joy.

Mother's Day is one of the most touching holidays, the day when you want to tell your mother the most sincere and tender words for love, kindness and affection. A touching SMS congratulation on Mother's Day in verse will help with this intention.

Opening my eyes for the first time
I only see you alone.
You are the best - I know that.
And I even know why.

I wish you a bright holiday
Do not think about the past years -
They, according to all signs,
Wealth. Take care of them.

May good luck visit you
And the kindness of relatives.
And it couldn't be otherwise
With my beloved mother!

Thank you for everything on mother's day:
For the caress of hands, care and anxiety,
For this world, beautiful dawn
And the first step along the road of life,
For tenderness, boundless love,
For kind words and patience.
Thank you, I say over and over again
You are my angel, without a doubt.
Let there be only good in your life
Let the sun shine brightly over your head!
You are - and my soul is warm,
My only, the best in the world!

Mom is the beginning of all beginnings
A pier of love and wisdom,
Light of kindness and understanding,
A symbol of labor and creation.
On mother's day I wish you
To keep the warmth of the soul for a hundred years
Health, happiness without suffering,
Live richly and without troubles!

Mom's hands are warm.
Mom's songs are tenderness and affection.
Mom will drive away the universal evil
And turn life into a wonderful fairy tale!

Mommy dear, an angel from heaven.
I congratulate you on this holiday
May your life be full of miracles.
I love it very much. Your little son is a prankster.

Mother's Day is a great holiday
There are so many poems about mom.
And still, there are not enough words to express
My gratitude, my love!
Thank you mom I tell you
And heaven only ask for one thing
I ask them for your health,
I want your home to be happy!

Words of gratitude and appreciation for everything that every mother does for her child can be expressed not only by congratulations on Mother's Day in verses. Happy Mother's Day wishes for an adult daughter, maybe Happy Mother's Day 2019 congratulations in prose. Simple, but beautiful and sincere words can reach even the very closed heart.

Today is Mother's Day, and the eyes of all mothers in the world shine in a special way, because they are congratulated by the dearest people in life - their children. We sincerely congratulate all mothers on the holiday and wish them happiness, a sea of \u200b\u200bsmiles, inspiration and, of course, patience, because without him it is not easy to carry the honorary title of "mother". Take care of yourself and be happy, and we, in turn, will protect you from troubles and disappointments. Happy holiday, our caring doves!

The very first word that caresses the ear until the end of life. The most gentle and caring hands. The kindest and most sympathetic heart. On Mother's Day, I want to wish you, dear mom, real happiness, long life, excellent, good health, understanding and devotion in the family. May tears never run down your cheeks, and pride for us, your children, burns in your chest.

Happy mother's day to my mother! Let me say words of gratitude and love to you. My dear, thank you for your affection and tenderness, for long, sleepless nights, for your worries, for your concern. For always giving herself without reserve to us, for the words of parting words and blessings. Be, my dear, happy and healthy for many more years, may your eyes not know tears, and the hands of hard work. I love you very much, dear, priceless my mom!

"Mom is the first word, the main word in every destiny." The lines from this song tell about the closest and dearest person in the world, about you, my mommy. On your holiday, I want to wish you a million smiles and always good mood. Let our failures not upset you, we will definitely give you a reason to be proud of us. May your health allow you not only to look after your grandchildren, but also to put your great-grandchildren on their feet.

Mom, kind, gentle and radiant, I congratulate you on the holiday, mother's day! May this day once again remind you of my love, give tender hugs and words of gratitude. I wish you only health, long life. May you never be discouraged and your eyes not wet with tears. Always stay the same beautiful, young, sensitive and caring. Know that you are my best!

Congratulations on Mother's Day in verses do not leave mother indifferent, because there are not enough congratulations in the world to express admiration for mother's work. But this does not mean that you can leave mom without congratulations on Mother's Day.

We also publish SMS congratulations on Mother's Day to mom, short, which can be sent by phone.

You, mom, are my best friend!
And there are simply no secrets from you,
We know so much about each other
After all, we have been together for many years.

Today, mom, is your holiday
Thank you for all the good
Let peace reign in your soul
Health, happiness, I love you!

There is simply no better mother in the whole world!
You can always find the answer to my question.
Happy mother's day, I congratulate you
Love, kiss, hug tight!

On mother's day I wish you
My dear mommy,
Live a vibrant life, prosperous,
Always hoping and loving

To make your eyes shine
So that you smile more often
And to give strength
Your beautiful dreams!

I am my dear mom
Congratulations today
I kiss your hand
And I sincerely wish -

Always the same mom, be
Cheerful and beautiful.
After all, this is the essence of life -
So that you are happy!

I sincerely congratulate you
I am happy with my mother's day
I wish you good and peace
We will come to the light!

Happiness is when mom is near
And it's bad - when mom is not there!
Affectionate and kind look
You protect me from troubles.

On your holiday, I wish you
Less worrying for no reason
Happiness so that without end and edge,
And never to have wrinkles!


Your smile warms me up
Smile often!
Your eyes shine with goodness -
Stay like that!

You love me without looking back -
So be happy yourself!
May everything be always in order
The best mom!

Photo:, open sources on the web

Mom is the most dear and reliable person in anyone's life, because it was she who surrounded us with love and care, affection and attention from the very birth. Therefore, on such a wonderful holiday, it is worth congratulating your beloved mother in a special way, hugging her, kissing and whispering pleasant words in her ear that personify love, care, gratitude.

Darlike picked up touching and beautiful congratulations on Mother's Day in prose that will help you convey all the feelings, emotional state, in relation to your loved one. You just have to choose and learn. Please your mom, give her a whole day, because she is so looking forward to this, especially on the holiday of all mothers.

Mommy, I congratulate you on Mother's Day! I wish you good health, love, warmth, joy, good mood. Thank you for your tenderness, care and support. You are the kindest, affectionate, sweet, wise mother in the world. I very love you!

Dear mommy! I congratulate you on a holiday, which, perhaps, is not in every calendar; with a holiday, about which, perhaps, not everyone knows. This is unfortunate, because it deserves to be the most important date in the series of all red days. After all, this is Mother's Day, the day when each of us is obliged to honor the dearest, closest, most dear person in the world - our mother! All the words of all languages \u200b\u200bin the world are not enough to express to you, my dear mommy, all my gratitude, tenderness and love, and therefore I just say to you: Mom, thank you for being there!

You are a real, excellent mother - you give everything to your children without a trace! I congratulate you and wish you to receive from them what you deserve - great, sincere love, boundless gratitude and deep respect! May there not be a single day in your life in which you are not loved, understood and accepted for who you are! Beauty and inspiration to you, joy and great happiness!

Mommy! Please accept my congratulations on Mother's Day. I don't have enough tender words to express all my love for you. You are the closest and dearest person to me, who will always support in difficult times and share the joy. I want to wish you good health, happiness and success in your business!

Mom is needed every day. Mom is tenderness and support, forgiving and unconditional love. This day is dedicated to you, but my heart is always with you. And let your heart never hurt! Let your eyes never cry! Let your tenderness never run out! May every day bring you joy!

Every year in Russia, in the last week of November, a touching holiday is celebrated on Sunday, which everyone loves so much both the fair sex and children of all ages, because this day is called Mother's Day. This unusually tender, full of love and affection, celebration was included in the top five most beloved according to the survey results.

Therefore, we suggest that you not only choose a congratulation in prose, but also send it to your beloved mothers through social networks to bring joy and a smile on this day.

Dear Mom, I congratulate you on Mother's Day. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your care, love and wisdom, for your patience and kindness, for your ability to always listen, help, understand, give good advice and come to the rescue. I want my children to be like you - their beautiful young grandmother. After all, your wisdom and love of life fills our home and our souls with warmth and joy. How many holidays did you give us, how many delicious treats your skillful hands have prepared. Thank you mommy for everything! For a happy childhood, for a beautiful youth. Thank you for being and always there. Be healthy and happy, dear!

My tender, dear mommy! I congratulate you on the most wonderful holiday in the world, Mother's Day! I bow before your daily work for me, every minute care and excitement. Every time I part with you, I leave you in my heart. And I know for sure, as long as you are around, I will be fine.

On Mother's Day, I want to say thank you to my mother, who not only gave me life, but also taught me to appreciate it, look at the world openly and affably, fight for her happiness and never lose heart! My dear mom! You are for me an example of a real woman, beautiful both in face and soul! I wish you unlimited happiness and love!

Darlik has prepared for you not only congratulations for mothers in prose, but also very beautiful ones, which will no doubt please your dearest woman, delight her and leave this day in memory for a long time.

Warmest congratulations on Mother's Day. My dear, I hug you tightly, I wish you from now on to be the happiest! And cry only with great joy. I will try not to upset you much, because you experience any setbacks ten times stronger than me, and probably this is motherhood. I'll be fine, don't worry, I remember your advice. I will try to choose the right paths. Be there, guide me, share warmth and advice, you will always be needed!

Happy Mother's Day! I wish you to have an infinite number of reasons for pride in your child, have unlimited patience, show wisdom in raising a worthy person, never face adversity and illness, be a happy woman and a friend to your child! Kindness, understanding, comfort, love, harmony!

Mommy, congratulations on Mother's Day. You gave me life, warmed me with your love and affection, you are the closest person to me. The kindest, gentlest, caring, beautiful, wise, my mom! I want to wish you good health and great happiness, I love you very much.

Everything that is beautiful and light in me is all thanks to you, mom! You have always inspired and encouraged me with your kindness, patience, optimism and faith in me. All thanks will be too few to explain how much I appreciate everything you have done for me. Happy Mother's Day, dear. I love you!

Happy Mother's Day with all my heart. I want to wish you simple female happiness, which consists in healthy and successful children, a loving and faithful husband, a cheerful mood and kindness of soul. I wish you to remain a wonderful mother, a sincere and magnificent woman. May only luck, joy and prosperity come to your home.

Sweetheart, dear mother! Today I congratulate you, and I want you to always be as beautiful, wise and kind! Thank you for everything, and especially for your love! Happiness, health and long life to you! You are the best person for me. Happy Mother's Day!

Dear mommy, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on Mother's Day. May happiness always accompany you. Remain the same kind, wise and understanding, I love you very much. There is no person in the world dearer and closer than mom, and I never get tired of thanking you for what you did for me. Happy holiday, darling!

Mommy, dear, dear, beloved! I want to congratulate you on Mother's Day! You are the best mom in the world! I love you very much, I am proud of you and endlessly grateful for everything that you have done for my happy life. I want to wish you that you never get sick, that success is your constant companion, that you do not worry about trifles, and your kind heart always remains the same sensitive. With crazy love and gratitude, your daughter.

Mom, kind, gentle and radiant, I congratulate you on the holiday, mother's day! May this day once again remind you of my love, give tender hugs and words of gratitude. I wish you only health, long life. May you never be discouraged and your eyes not wet with tears. Always stay the same beautiful, young, sensitive and caring. Know that you are my best!

Mommy, you know, I'm a very happy person! I was very lucky, because I have always had you - gentle, affectionate, loving, the best mother in the world! You cooed over my cradle, did not sleep at night, rejoiced at every new gesture and word, forgave my pranks ... You took me by the hand to the first grade, you were proud, empathized, upset, laughed, reliving your school years with me. And so day after day, year after year. You tirelessly took care of me, bestowing the warmth of your warm mother's heart! Mommy, I wish you a Happy Mother's Day! You deserve all the best! I wish you to always think positively and remain optimistic! And I will try never to upset you! Know I love you very much!

There is a great feeling in this world, which is called motherly love. This feeling is not like any other. It comes to the expectant mother with the conception of her child. You just need to open your heart for him in time. Mothers always protect their children from birth. They never wish harm to their children, who can offend them with a harsh word. Real mothers know how to forgive and love their children like no one else in the world. Children take care of their mothers, because a mother who can give warmth, affection and coziness in the house, warm you with a kind word - one, the other will no longer be. It is worth remembering this and never forget to congratulate her on Mother's Day. May all mothers be happy on this day, and may the children be proud of them. Be happy!

You rocked me back in the cradle, gave me love and home comfort, quietly prayed, asked for something, and cried quietly, did not reproach me. Thank you - my mother for everything: for your care, for your support in difficult times, but also just for your great love. Happy Mother's Day!

Today is Mother's Day! It is very wonderful that such a holiday exists! After all, only thanks to our mother, we were born! Let us wish all the mothers of our planet, present and future, peace and kindness, happiness and confidence in the future, fulfillment of all desires, clear sunny days!

Since 1999, this touching holiday has become one of the most adored in every Russian family. On this day, sincere congratulations are poured into the address of beloved mothers and women who carry a baby under their hearts. Children of all ages prepare surprises for the holiday. Kids make gifts with their own hands and draw beautiful cards. Matured children visit their parents with gifts, flowers and useful gifts.

On this day, festive concerts, competitions, festivals, exhibitions dedicated to mothers are held everywhere. Soul films and holiday programs are broadcasted on television. Matinees and theme nights are held in schools and preschool childcare facilities. On social networks and forums, happy women congratulate each other, and loving children shower them with virtual bouquets, colorful pictures and beautiful poems.

The initiative to create a holiday in the Russian Federation came from the State Duma Committee for Women, Family and Youth Affairs. The chairman of the Committee, Alevtina Viktorovna Aparina, made a useful proposal to establish Mother's Day. The order on the establishment of Mother's Day in Russia was signed on January 30, 1988 by Boris Yeltsin, who was then the country's president. The date for the celebration was set for the last Sunday in November.

Unfortunately, the UN has not yet established International Mother's Day, so in different countries the celebration of the most beloved women falls on different calendar dates. In China, Japan, USA, Finland, Belgium, Canada, Ukraine and in a number of other countries, Mother's Day falls on the second Sunday of May for many years. On the last Sunday in May, it is celebrated in France and Sweden, in England - on March 22, and in Poland they come to mothers with gifts and flowers on May 26.

Motherhood is a great miracle. With the birth of a child, a lot changes in a woman's life, new priorities and tasks appear. Motherhood is not only bathing in love and joy, but also daily work. Let every mother feel loved, needed and protected. Let her know that at any moment she will find support and understanding among her family. Happy Mother's Day!

According to opinion polls, Mother's Day is one of the five most beloved and important holidays in many countries. There is nothing to be surprised at - it is difficult to find a person who would not honor his mother and would not be grateful to her for his birth.

America has its own history of the appearance of a touching holiday. Julia Ward Howe is considered its founder, who published the Mother's Day Proclamation in 1870. Unfortunately, her initiative did not receive universal support. Most likely, the reason for this was that Julia positioned the role of the mother only as a fighter for peace.

In England, back in the distant 17th century, it was customary to celebrate Mom's Resurrection, proclaimed by King Henry III. On every second Sunday of Great Lent, children who flew away from the family nest and worked in wealthy homes had to visit their parents with gifts and gifts bought with their own money. In honor of the maternity holiday, employers provided everyone with a legal day off.

Estonians greet with cloth flags hanging on city streets, and Finns lay flowers at the Worker Mother Monument in Helsinki. It is noteworthy that this monument was also erected on Mother's Day in 1996.

In the countries that were once part of the Soviet Union, the dates of one of the most emotional mass holidays also differ. In Belarus, the holiday is marked on the calendar on October 14. The Georgians, who are anxious about their mothers, congratulate their parents on March 3, and in Kazakhstan they do it on September 16 every year. In sunny Uzbekistan, Mother's Day is combined with International Women's Day and is celebrated annually on March 8, while in Armenia the unofficial, but popular among the people, Mother's, Beauty and Spring Day is celebrated on the Annunciation holiday - April 7.

Sweetheart, dear mother! Today I congratulate you, and I want you to always be as beautiful, wise and kind! Thank you for everything, and especially for your love! Happiness, health and long life to you! You are the best person for me. Happy Mother's Day!

In many countries, folk traditions and customs of celebrating Mother's Day have been preserved. For example, Americans pin carnations to their clothes, while the white innocent flower is chosen by those whose mothers are no longer alive, thus they honor their bright memory.

Mother's Day is one of those holidays that they are afraid to accidentally miss in the bustle of everyday worries. This holiday is dedicated to the most beloved and most important woman, who gave the opportunity to live and enjoy life. Officially, Mother's Day in Russia began to be celebrated in 1999, but the very first mentions of the holiday can be found in the history of the ancient world.

The veneration of mothers existed many centuries ago in ancient Greece. On one of the spring days, the inhabitants of this fabulous country worshiped Gaia - the mother of all gods. The ancient Celts honored the goddess Bridget on a holiday, and the Romans had a three-day March holiday, in which they sang the praises of the parent of their patrons, Cybele.

Those who have an amazing hearing, know how to see through and make it clear that they are unhappy with one look, and they are always there when it is bad and always know what to say or do. Who are the supermen? No, they're just our mothers. Happy Mother's Day!

[in prose]

Mother's Day greetings in prose

Mommy, I congratulate you on Mother's Day! This holiday is full of warmth, because all the children of the world congratulate the dearest people in the world - their mothers! It is not for nothing that they say that mother is a conductor between God and people, because it is thanks to her that everyone is born. I want to wish you, mummy, great happiness, good health, never get sick or grow old! Know that I will always come to your aid and help you cope with any situation! The main thing is to smile more often, because a mother's smile is the best incentive for a child who gives everyone a good mood! I wish you material well-being and great success in any business!

Sleepless nights and day-to-day experiences are the norm for you rather than the exception. You are sick of everyone with your heart and soul, you support, advise, admonish. I bow to you for this, mom! We always listen to your words, because they are worth a lot, as well as your invaluable concern. Be happy, healthy and smiling! And also, please, worry less about us. We are long-fledged chicks who have already taken the wing themselves and are ready for achievements and flights. And at the same time, our gratitude for your warmth and zeal is simply limitless! Be as light as a clear sky, warm as the sun, and tremulous as a doe! We love you very, very much, dear!

Today we celebrate a wonderful holiday - Mother's Day. And to you, as one of the most beautiful mothers, I want to wish you all the best. I want to wish you patience, I want to wish you joy, I want to wish you health and happiness. Let only warm words sound in your life, let dullness not affect your everyday life, and every day will be wonderful in its own way. Let the children delight you with frequent visits, call more often, and take care of you as much as you took care of them. To be a mother means to be strong, to be brave and to be dearly loved. And, apparently, for this reason, mom is the most valuable person for each of us. Congratulations!

Dear mommy! I congratulate you on a holiday, which, perhaps, is not in every calendar; with a holiday, about which, perhaps, not everyone knows. This is unfortunate, because it deserves to be the most important date in the series of all red days. After all, this is Mother's Day, the day when each of us is obliged to honor the dearest, closest, most dear person in the world - our mother! All the words of all languages \u200b\u200bin the world are not enough to express to you, my dear mommy, all my gratitude, tenderness and love, and therefore I just say to you: Mom, thank you for being there!

Mom, you know, I'm a very happy person! I was very lucky, because I have always had you - tender, affectionate, loving, the best mother in the world! You cooed over my cradle, did not sleep at night, rejoiced at every new gesture and word, forgave my pranks ... You took me by the hand to the first grade, you were proud, empathized, upset, laughed, reliving your school years with me. And so day after day, year after year. You tirelessly took care of me, bestowing the warmth of your warm mother's heart!
Mommy, I wish you a Happy Mother's Day! You deserve all the best! I wish you to always think positively and remain optimistic! And I will try never to upset you! Know I love you very much!

They say that love rules the world. We love, we are loved ... Sometimes mutually, sometimes unrequited. But there is love in the world that is not subject to anything: neither time, nor gossip, nor oblivion. This is mother's love. She accompanies us from the very first moment on this earth. We feel maternal love even before we are born. We grow up, we leave our home. But even at the end of the earth, we remember that somewhere far away, mother's warm hands and gentle eyes are waiting for us. My dear! Thank you for your selfless love. For your participation and experience, for your concern and care. Let a bright star light up over your house every evening! And every morning warm rays of the sun penetrate into your window! Live long, long, be healthy and happy!

Dear Mom, I congratulate you on Mother's Day. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your care, love and wisdom, for your patience and kindness, for your ability to always listen, help, understand, give good advice and come to the rescue. I want my children to be like you - their beautiful young grandmother. After all, your wisdom and love of life fills our home and our souls with warmth and joy. How many holidays did you give us, how many delicious treats your skillful hands have prepared. Thank you mommy for everything! For a happy childhood, for a beautiful youth. Thank you for being and always there. Be healthy and happy, dear!

Mom is a sacred word, it means the most dear person to us! But on Mother's Day, are we going to congratulate one mother? Of course not! After all, our grandmother is also a mother, and already with double experience. And there are also sisters, and aunts, and girlfriends, in general, all those women who have already experienced this true happiness on themselves - motherhood. For the sake of children, a mother is capable of what, it is believed, a person is not capable in principle. Her holy love serves as a guide and guardian for us throughout our lives. So let's congratulate all, all mothers in the world on this day, created in order to give words of love! After all, mom deserves words of gratitude for all her daily chores and worries. And the best reward for her is the success of the children. The highest calling of a woman is to be a mother. And may it always be so, may motherhood be the most important thing and the most important happiness for each of the women!