When the alumni meeting takes place. Alumni meeting day: why some ignore it, while others do not When is the alumni meeting day


Lead 1: Good evening!

Lead 2 : Hello!

Lead 1:

There is a special day in February.

Light, sunny, big.

The day the school meets

All my graduates!

Lead 2:

Graduates of different years, beloved teachers!

We are happy to greet you!

Lead 1:

Welcome to meeting evening

To my home school tonight.

Lead 2 : Here and again, our school hospitably opened its doors to you.

Lead 1 : After all, school was once your second home. Remember?

Lead 2: Let's greet each other with loud applause!

Lead 1 : And now only those who are in a good mood are applauding!

Lead 2: Those who are happy to meet friends!

Lead 1 : And now stormy, prolonged applause to our teachers and guests of the holiday!

Lead2: In a word, we greet everyone gathered in this hall.

Thank you for coming to the holiday,

They brought the warmth of their hearts with them.

Lead 1:

Friends in class and school

You will see your teachers again.

Today, like many years ago,


"Welcome! We are glad to see you!"

Lead 2: With love and gratitude, we are glad to welcome veterans of pedagogical work, teachers who have retired, who have devoted their entire lives to the school and its students. We welcome those who today work in our school and not in our school, giving their children talent, soul and heart, and for whom the school has become a second home.


Lead 2: Dear teachers! A vocal number performed for you

Lead 1: We dedicate this evening to all those present in this hall, and to all those who, due to the current circumstances, could not come, or come, but their thoughts are with us. We are glad to see familiar faces in this festive hall!

Lead 2: Do you know everyone?

Lead 1: Yes of course! On their faces it is written - their own! Creative, positive and communicative are immediately visible! Because they all graduated from the Komsomol school!

Lead 2: And how great it is that they all gathered here today!

Lead 1: Remember friends and first love, teachers and your desk, remember the exciting trill of the school bell

Lead 2: After all, each of you was waiting for her sometime .. True, for the most part from the lesson, and very rarely to the lesson!

Lead 1: We are also waiting for this call today, it will start our holiday!

(Bell. School bell is ringing)

A primary school student enters the stage without an announcement


What's going on at our school ?!
I can't make it out!
They say that today is a visit
Uncles - aunts will come to us.
They call them so strange
However, sooner or later
I will understand this too.
Here you are, uncle, tell me
And do not pretend to be.
Why are you going to school?
What do you expect from this meeting?
(Passing the microphone to the graduate in the hall. He answers .)
Give the microphone to that aunt.
You are at school, not at work.
You are direct to my question
Give your answer simple.
Graduate response )
I liked the answers,
Say hello now.
I will urgently grow
To school to come big.

Lead 2: Dear graduates!Shcola in your memory is bright classrooms, this is a chalk board, strict teachers.

Lead 1: A diary lost somewhere, parental notations, and first love ...

Lead 2: For a long time, girls, you played classics,
Did the boys play their football?
Classmates have dispersed around the world
And the train of childhood is gone forever.

Lead 1: Forgotten forever children's fun,
But how do you want to play pranks at times!
Celebrate all school holidays noisily,
And with a friend
souls talk ...

Lead 2: What is it about, because we are all adults,
What holidays? - Family, work, home ...
Only at night, on a virtual island,
You and Odnoklassniki are in the world again!

Lead 1: But let's not talk about the sad things, but now everyone will play a greeting game together, we will ask you questions, and those to whom they relate should answer in unison: It's me, it's me, glad to see everyone here, friends!

Lead 2: Do you remember? Let's repeat everything together:(slow) This is me, this is me, glad to see everyone here, friends! So here we go!

GAME "It's me, it's me, I'm glad to see everyone here, friends!"

(the presenters ask questions in turn)

1. Who does not betray the roots,

glorifies the native village,
Praise, honor and honor to you,

who settled here?

2. Who built himself a house,
celebrated housewarming in the house
and now he lives in it,
having lived through this fun?

3. There is nothing more beautiful in this world -
than live in your own apartment!
Who is the owner?
Who is the lucky one? Who is the hero?

4. Who became a mom and dad a little light,
Whose children are more than 10 years old?

5. We continue about children
heroic families -
Who, mind you, not melting,
The large family?

6. Who is still single,
Who holds his tail with a pipe?
who wish happiness,
To create a family faster?

7. Live and learn
who has such a life?
Are there students among you?
Who is this, answer now?

8. Who is on the site, on the famous,
Adorable classmates,
Is he trying to find everyone?
Who's online?

9. Who, despite life's burden,
I found the opportunity, the means, the time,
And I'm very glad today
To return many years back?

Lead 1: Dear graduates, now we invite you to return to the past and remember your school life. We ask you to answer our questions:

    A place that students do not like to go to. (Board).

    Surprise on the teacher's chair. (Button).

    Dating club for parents and teachers. (Parent meeting).

    Flat globe. (Map).

    Album for autographs of parents. (A diary)

    From 2 to 5. (Assessment).

    The place where children serve 11 years. (School).

    Signal to the beginning and end of torment. (Call)

    School-wide president. (Director).

    Every class has it. (Board).

    All teachers are looking forward to it. (Vacation).

Lead 2: Dear alumni, the deputy headmaster of the school welcomes you

(Speech by the head teacher)

Lead 1: The pride of our school house is the graduates. They are all different, but for all of them there is a place in the huge heart of our home. Graduates always come back here, because it was at school that they left a piece of their heart, said goodbye to their bright and carefree childhood.

Lead 2: We are glad that graduates of different years have come to us today. You are all equally dear to us. But there are those among you who have this anniversary year!

Lead 1: The honored guests today are graduates who graduated from school 5, 10, 15, 20 years ago!

Lead 2: Let's welcomethe youngest graduates of the school jubilee 2013. Are you glad you could come to us? We are also very glad to see you.

(On-screen Photo release 2013)

We ask the graduates of 2013 to rise fromthe price - let them tell us if their dreams of going to school have come true, and, of course, if they miss their home school!

Entering the stage of the 2013 Edition.

Your class teacher and first teacher are proud of you. Applause to your awesome moms!

Lead 1: We congratulate you on your 5th year of graduation. We have a surprise for you! 5 years ago, at your high school graduation party, you enclosed your letters with a dream about the future in this envelope. We hand you this envelope, today you can compare your reality with those dreams that you dreamed about 5 years ago.

(Handing the envelope)

Lead 2: Can I ask you a few questions?Please share with us how your life went after school.

- Do you miss school?

- Did you manage to go where you dreamed?

- Did you tear out pages with bad grades from your diary?

- Did you like to perform on the school stage?

- Have you been an example for your classmates?

- Have you had to disrupt the lessons?

- Razgildyay and a poor student - is this about you?

- What event at school do you remember the most?

Lead 1: For you, we have prepared a musical entertainment "Let's Remember Music". You needguess what song is, put your words into lines, and sing it.

(Take verses of your favorite school songs, print in large letters, cut the text into words. To each graduate)

Bravo! You sing beautifully !!! Thank you, and now I think you have something to say to your teachers.

Lead 1: Dear teachers, what can you say about the graduates, what they were like at school?

And a photo for memory. We ask you to take your seats in the hall!

Lead 2: All of our graduates had different fates. Different paths have been chosen. Among them are doctors, builders, executives, teachers, lawyers.

Lead 1: Representatives of working professions, entrepreneurs, athletes, law enforcement officials. And each of them is a person with a capital letter.

Lead 2: And now - the most exciting moment, because we want to greet the oldest graduates of the anniversary tonight - this is the 1998 edition! This year is exactly 20 years since they graduated from our school!

(On the screen Photo of the release of 1998)

The first teacher of the graduates of 1998 - class teacher. Unfortunately, they cannot attend the evening of the meeting today.

We invite graduates to the stage. We really want to knowhow did your life after school turn out. What profession have you chosen?

(Graduates' word)

Lead 1: We have prepared for you a blitz poll on candor.

Have you ever had to hide with a cigarette around the corner of the school?

Have you ever gambled in your lessons?

Have you ever wanted to burn your school journal?

How often did you run away from school?

Did you cheat homework?

Did you put buttons on the chairs?

How often did you fall in love?

Did you sleep in class?

Did you spy in the locker room?

Did you use cheat sheets?

Could you perform a feat for the sake of love?

In which subject did you get the top five?

What did you like most to eat in the school cafeteria?

Did you carry your classmate's portfolio when you saw her off after class? Do you remember her name?

Do you remember, dear graduates, what games you played during recess?

What lesson did you run from?

What is your favorite place at school?

Lead 2: Thank you dear heroes for your frankness. And now we will teach you a lesson in the surrounding world, the theme of which is"Hat geography".

What is the name of the country that has the name of the headdress?(Panama )

Whose striped cap?(Pinocchio)

Name a hero who always got into unpleasant stories, did not know how to do anything except brag and wore a huge hat with brim?(Dunno)

This lady always had a slingshot with her and wore a black hat?(Shapoklyak)

Wonderful! What would you like to wish for your teachers, classmates and school? Thank!

Lead 1: Dear teachers, so many years have passed, what can you say about the graduates, how do you remember them?

(Teachers voluntarily talk about graduates)

Allow me a photo. We ask you to take your seats in the hall.

Lead 1: 15 years have passed since the prom, we are glad to welcome the anniversary edition of 2003.

(On-screen Photo release 2003)

The class teacher of the 2003 graduates was.

On this day, we cannot but recall the first teacher who devoted her life to school, Nina Petrovna Lyzhina, who, to our greatest regret, is no longer with us. I propose to honor her memory with a minute of silence.

Lead 2: Dear heroes of the day, graduates of 2003, we ask you to go on stage, you have the floor!

EXIT on the stage of Issue - 2003.

This year it is 15 years since you graduated from your home school. You had a unique opportunity to tell the whole world in secret about yourself, what are you doing now?

Did you correct the deuces in your diary?

Did you spy on your neighbor's tests?

Did you hide your diary from your parents?

Did you break windows at school?

Are you capable of a noble deed?

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Do you remember your classmates' birthdays?

Lead 1: Dear ladies and gentlemen, or simply our graduates, Do any of you have a craving for poetry? Whose poems do you like to read the most? So, for you, lovers of POETRY, the next task is to come up with a quatrain, well, or a small verse, with the following words:

SCHOOL, DIRECTOR, TEACHER, CLASSMATS and for everything about everything you have one minute. Ready?

Please, your answers.

(read poems)

What would you like to wish your teachers and classmates?

Lead 1: I think educators have something to say about your graduation.

(Teachers voluntarily talk about graduates)

Lead 2: Thank you, dear graduates. And by tradition, a photo for memory. You can take your seats in our hall.

Lead 1: 10 years flew like birds ... But how much can be done during this time, for example, serve in the army or graduate from college and finally get married or marry. Applause for the 2008 anniversary edition.

(Photo 2008)

And we are pleased to give the floor to the graduates again. And we invite the graduates of 2008 to the stage!

ENTRANCE on stage Release - 2008

10 years ago the last school bell rang for them!

The first teacher became a second mother for them. Class teachers,

1. Having received an invitation to the evening of the meeting, what sensations did you experience, what thoughts came to you at that moment?

What was your favorite subject in school? Why?

2. Who was your favorite teacher?

3. What did you dream of becoming when you were in school? Has your dream come true?

4. Who influenced the choice of your profession?

5. Do you like your profession?

6. What would you wish the graduates of 2018?

7. Do you have bad habits of smoking, exercising, arguing with superiors, coming to work on time?

8. Do you continue to communicate with your classmates?

9. Have you lost your sense of humor?

10. What is the most vivid memory of your school life?

Lead 2: We offer you a small competition called "Memory Test"!

Which song or poem starts with the following question words?(options are possible)

- Where? ("... childhood is leaving")

- Who! ("... invented you")

- Where from? ("... firewood")

- Where? ("…It was")

- When? ("... let's leave the schoolyard")

- What? ("... you greedily look at the road")

Lead 1: And of course, you have something to say to the teachers after 10 years.

Dear teachers, you have the floor, how did you remember our graduates, what they were like at school?

(Teachers voluntarily talk about graduates)

Thank. For the school archive photo for memory. We ask you to take your seats in the hall.

Dear teachers, alumni, please accept musical congratulations

Lead 2: Dear graduates! Many years have passed since your graduation parties, and we have just got our hands on statistics from them and not only!

And now we will announce them. And so, according to the statistics bureau of graduation balls, at each of your graduations was:(in turn)

Not less than 5 kg of cosmetics. And all these kilograms fit on the faces of your beautiful classmates!

At least 10 liters of perfume. That's how much the boys poured on themselves to please the girls.

Each girl came to the prom with her purse. And the total weight of all the bags was 100 kg. While our girls went to school for lessons with bags, each of which weighed only half a kilo!

1000 millimeters per hour! This was the speed of thinking the boys had when they were told that there would be no lesson and you had free time!

When the teacher asked who wanted to go to the blackboard, the average height of the raised hand was 30 cm for girls, while for boys it barely reached 30 mm.

60 km per hour! It was with such a speed that the boys of our school ran into the cafeteria!

10 steps per hour is the walking speed for a lesson!

100 - that is how many smiles you gave each other every lesson!

Lead 1: These are the statistics provided to us!

Lead 2: Looking through the photos, we were pleasantly surprised that whole generations study at our school.

Lead 1: And today in our hall there are graduates, children who study at our school. Therefore, there is no doubt that school love is eternal. Are there such graduates in our hall? We ask you to stand up. Applause for you!

Lead 2: Eh, to start all over again ... But time cannot be returned. Only memories remain in the memory.Each of you will forever remember your school years.

We invite you to plunge into your school years today. To do this, we invite 5 graduates to the stage.

(Graduates exit)

Lead 1: Please tell me, have you attended a theater club?(Improvisation)

Imagine that you are actors in a theater group and you just have to play with what you hear.

Characters: Grandfather, Baba, Horse, Bull, Goat


“Once upon a time there was Grandfather and Baba. They had no children, but there was a farm: a playful Horse, a mighty Goby, and a playful Goat. Every morning, Grandfather and Grandma went out into the open field, to get their beloved cattle, and to knead their old bones. Grandfather and Grandma were doing exercises, And the Horse, the Goat and the Goat ran alongside, pinched the grass, and played with each other. Once, Grandfather bent over, but he grabbed his back - he could not straighten up. The grandmother approached, the masseur gently did it to him, and then rested her knee on Grandfather's back, he straightened up. To celebrate, Grandfather hugged Grandma and began to scratch behind the ear of his pets, the Horse and the Bull. With pleasure, the Horse began to neigh loudly and beat his hoof, and the Goby twirled around and mooed invitingly. From these sounds, the Grandma began to hiccup, and the Goat winked hysterically at everyone in a row, and the Horse and the Goby tried to butt playfully. Grandma, looking at her playful Goat, also decided to remember her youth and gently pushed Grandfather. So they frolicked, and then decided that it was time to finish the fairy tale and leave: Grandma took up Grandfather, the Horse for Baba, the Goat for the Horse, and the Goat for the Goat, and dancing merrily, they went to invite everyone to dance. "

Lead 2:

Applause to our actors!

Dear graduates! At your prom, you promised not to forget your school and your teachers, who were always by your side. We say “thank you” for coming this evening, which means that you kept your word. It's great that you don't forget your native school and come here. Here you are always remembered, loved and expected!

Take the performance of the Selyavi dance group

Lead 1: Today, communicating with each other, you say the words: "Do you remember ...?"

Of course, you remember the hikes, interesting evenings, and school pranks, and your teachers.

And we hope that our evening will remain in your memory.

Lead 2:

Thank you all for again

You came to the meeting,

The warmth of their hearts

Brought with you!

Lead 1:

But in exactly one year we will be glad to see you again inwallsour home school.

When graduates meet in a year, they kiss and hug….

- When they meet in five years, they hug and exclaim: "Bah, what people !!" and immediately go somewhere together.

After 10 years - they smile broadly and say: "How many years, how many winters !!!" and share news with interest.

After 20 years, they greet each other on the run and say: “We need to get together somehow” and run away without making an appointment.

Thirty years later, they almost sincerely say: “You look great” and immediately start talking about grandchildren.

After 50 years - they open their eyes wide and in response to the greeting they ask: "Who are you?"

I want to wish you that in 50 years you will be happy with each other, as in the first years after graduation! "

Lead 2: The holiday ends, for a good meeting

You can't finish without a song

At the moment of parting

Let's sing goodbye

Until next time friends!

(Final song “It's great that we are all here, gathered today)

Lead 1:

The evening of the meeting does not end there,

It continues in your former classes!

TOGETHER: Until next time!

Full moon (or Full moon) is the phase of our natural satellite, repeating every 29 days, in which the Earth is located exactly between the Moon and the Sun. The visible lunar hemisphere is 100% lit at this point, so the lunar disk looks completely round and shines very brightly.

With a full moon, the moon is visible in the sky all night, since at the same time it rises simultaneously with the sunset, and sets, respectively, simultaneously with the sunrise. Sometimes, at the moments of the full phase, our satellite falls into the shadow (or penumbra) of the Earth, and then lunar eclipses can be observed. By the way, during 2020 there will be 4 lunar eclipses (as well as 2 solar eclipses - total and annular). In order not to miss these entertaining astronomical events, subscribe to.

The full moon has a significant impact on the behavior of living things, in particular people and animals. The effect of the earth's satellite on plants is also noticeable, so the phases of the moon should be taken into account when carrying out any gardening work.

With this in mind, it is important to know when will there be (by months) the full moon in 2020... Below we give the dates on which the full moons occur for each month of 2020, as well as what time they will be (the time is indicated everywhere in Moscow).

Dates and times of the onset of the full moons of 2020 (numbers / hours / minutes):

* 10 January 2020 at 22:20 - January full moon.
Simultaneously with this full moon can be observed.

* 9 February 2020 at 10:35 - the February full moon, with which the 2-week meeting in China ends , and also noted Lantern Festival (which is an official day off in China).

* 8 April 2020 at 05:35 - April full moon. Coincides with the second Super Moon in 2020.

* October 2, 2020 at 00:05 - the first full moon in October.
* October 31, 2020 at 17:50 - the second full moon in October.

Note that in 2020, the tradition of celebrating the New Year according to the old style turns 102!

Time of the beginning, maximum and end of the lunar eclipse on January 10, 2020:

The first lunar eclipse of 2020 will occur on the night from Friday 10 January to Saturday 11 January 2020.

The time of the beginning, maximum and end of the lunar eclipse on January 10, 2020 is the same for any place of observation.

The eclipse of the moon will last 244 minutes and 35 seconds. It will start on January 10, 2020 at 20:07 Moscow time, and end on January 11, 2020 at 00:12. The maximum is at 22:10.

That is, at what time the lunar eclipse on January 10, 2020 will be visible:
* start time - 20:07 Moscow time.
* maximum - 22:10 Moscow time.
* end time - 00:12 Moscow time.

May holidays.

Since the weekend from January 4 and 5 has been moved to May, they do not extend the New Year's holiday. Therefore, January 8, 2020 is the last day of the New Year holidays, and thursday 9th and Friday 10th January 2020 - working days.

That is, Friday January 10 in 2020 is a working day or a day off:
* January 10, 2020 is a working day.

Earlier we wrote in detail:

The school years are long gone.
They cannot be returned for anything, never.
We have matured and slightly older
But, as before, the soul is young.

We, seeing familiar faces again,
Let's remember how easy it was for us then,
How I did not want to cram and learn.
We thought it would always be like this in life.

And we are heartily happy about this meeting,
All those children remained in my heart.
May this evening be kind to everyone
Let no one be sad today!

How nice to see those
With whom we were friends in our youth,
With whom we grew up side by side
We spent time together.

Each of us is no longer a child. We have matured, everyone has their own way, but we will never forget a wonderful time - this is school time. You always want to return to that happy and carefree time, where you are still small, and there are still many interesting and unexplored paths ahead. We went through a lot together - we got to know the world, studied, cheating from each other, fooling around, making friends, growing up and falling in love. This is invariable in our memory. I wish you in the present the same childish and carefree joy, ease, purposeful decisions and great happiness. Let that which has not yet been achieved be sure to come closer to you!

The years passed quickly
We all scattered in all directions.
But tonight this evening,
We met with you, friends!

And again familiar faces
Painfully dear eyes.
I wish we all have fun
Like children, forgetting about business.

May the evening be joyful
And happiness will come to everyone.
May our wonderful meeting
We will return a piece of childhood.

Events are not forgotten
Long gone school years
And, bound by an invisible thread,
Sometimes we send warm greetings
To each other to get together again
And again to look into my eyes
Remember your studies with a kind word,
And something important to say.
Once we were different ...
Someone is no longer with us ...
But we have not forgotten at all
Long gone school years.

There is something to remember for us today
After all, many years have passed.
And my beloved school
Our bow and our hello.

Taking the first step from here
Scattered in all directions.
There are no girls and boys -
There are madam and gentlemen.

Dear people -
Everyone has been calling for you for a long time.
And so I want to return
At least five minutes to school.

It's good that there is such a date
And there is a reason to see, to gather.
Our class - it is worth a word,
We continue to enjoy our friendship!

Thanks to the teachers for their care,
For teaching me to value friendship.
We keep getting together
This means that it is important, it is necessary!

We are great, we appreciate the years of school
And we are glad to every fleeting meeting.
Over the years, wisdom comes to us
But childhood remains with us forever!

We all come from childhood, of course
Well, ours passed side by side.
We studied, grew up serenely
And rushed to school lesson.

We, like birds, then scattered
Build nests, seek vocation,
And, after so many years, I am pleased
It's like becoming a schoolboy again.

Many kids are growing up,
Someone made a career for themselves,
Someone looked at the world not from a book, -
The twists and turns are different in fate.

I wish we meet more often
To be healthy, to find happiness.
May success, love and support
Together they walk the path.

School years rushed away
They can never be brought back
But how do you want to
We look into childhood.

For an hour, for two, at least a little

Every year, on the first Saturday of February, a bell rings at schools in our country, and not boys and girls are on the doorstep, but quite mature respectable men and beautiful ladies. This day is called Alumni Meeting Day, when pupils who have long graduated from school, having said goodbye to their youth, come back to their home walls to see familiar faces, find out the one with whom they sat at the same desk for 10 years, hand over flowers and shower them with words of gratitude to their beloved class teacher.

The evening of the meeting reminds of youth, first love, first confessions and kisses, notes through desks, a blackboard rubbed with soap, and buttons on the teacher's chair. Even years later, coming to school, former students seem to immerse themselves in childhood, make promises to each other, exchange news. Someone brags about how he went abroad, someone how to raise children, do business or creative work. The whole atmosphere of the holiday is saturated with memories and everywhere sounds "Do you remember?", "How are you?", "Where do you live?", "Do you have children?" etc.

Reunion Day is a tradition that has passed from one school generation to the next. At the same time, a funny and sad holiday shows us how fleeting time is, how years fly by and people change. And with each celebration it is felt more and more. But on the other hand, such an event is an excellent reason to see again former friends, girlfriends, deskmates and just spend a pleasant evening in the circle of once close people.

Alumni meeting day 2020 - congratulations

There was a school somewhere far away
Many years have passed since then
When life was light and easy for us,
When I met a spacious schoolyard.

And now we will meet, friends,
And we will remember our youth!
I wish you good luck on this day
And wish you good health!

Pour strong wine into glasses
And we will remember the teachers!
Ah, it's a wonderful school time!
Today we will talk about her!

No more tears, no more words
I want to congratulate
All graduates today
We were like family!

Yes, many years have passed since then
How we graduated!
But years are just rubbish
When hearts are full

Cheerfulness, cheerfulness, kindness -
The soul wants to sing!
I'm happy to see you friends
Look at you all!

Today we finally meet
We are former graduates!
We touch each other with glances,
Lights shine in the eyes.

We had so much in common
Though we were not alike!
I know they were all good
And everyone was born for happiness!

My congratulations
Let you, old friends,
Warmth, luck awaits in life,
Always be happy!

Homecoming evening - 2018

Location: assembly hall of the school MAOU secondary school in Krasny Klyuch

Guests of the event: alumni 1983, 1988, 1993,1998, 2003, 2008, 2013, veteran teachers.

Necessary equipment: projector, laptop, sound equipment of the assembly hall, requisites for competitions.

“Here, every step in the soul gives birth to

Memories of the previous years. "

A.S. Pushkin

The school bell rings

Choir of teachers perform the song "Home"

IN 1: Good evening, dear graduates!

AT 2: Hello dear teachers!

IN 1: For the umpteenth time, our school has cordially opened its doors to you.

AT 2: We are glad to welcome you to our traditional evening of meeting, in our hall, because the school was once your second home.

IN 1: Let's greet the guests of the holiday and teachers who are always waiting for them with loud applause!

AT 2: She knows every corner here,

She spends days and evenings at school.

But it is necessary - so it picks up the nights,

But it is necessary - and at all until the morning.

We just wonder

How you can keep up with everything.

Apparently, soon it will have to

Already, six hands for her to get hold of.

IN 1: We invite you to the stage with a welcoming speech from the school directorElvira Rafailovna Maksyutova.

The beat sounds

School director's speech

The beat sounds

IN 1:So let it not cease in your hearts,

Let it sound and thrill again

An ageless school waltz -

The symbol of the prom night!

AT 2:Dear friends, 10th grade students are dancing for you, welcome.Waltz

IN 1: There are many professions in the world. The labor of a miner can be measured in tons of coal mined, and the labor of a doctor - in the number of patients cured. How to measure the work of a teacher?

AT 2: I think I know how to measure the work of a teacher!

IN 1: What do you suggest?

AT 2: A teacher's work can be measured by the number of graduations. Dear teachers, let me take a short interview with you.

The beat sounds

(The presenters go down to the hall and interview the teachers. Then they return to the stage and continue.)

The beat sounds

Questions: 1. How many years did you work at school?

  1. How many issues did you have?
  2. What was your most memorable release?
  3. What can you wish the teachers who are now working at the school?

AT 2: Thank you very much and bow to you, our dear teachers, for your hard work!

IN 1: To you, dear veterans of pedagogical work, and to you, teachers who are

are currently working in the field of education, dedicatedmusic number:

the song "Music is pouring" will be performed by the group Tuning Fork

AT 2: Today in our hall there are graduates-jubilees, for whom

school life ended 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 years ago. Will greet them with thunderous applause.

IN 1: And I ask graduates1983 year go up to the stage.Class teachers Maltseva Lyudmila Mikhailovna, Tregubova Anna Dmitrievna.

Graduates, please introduce yourself. Tell us a little about your graduation, express gratitude to your teachers.

(word to graduates)

IN 1: Dear graduates, the time has come to recall the knowledge gained in the Russian language at school. Now each of the graduates will receive one of the letters. Then I will guess the riddle, and your task is to line up with letters in hand so that you can read the answer to it.

AT 11... For many years we dreamed about this,

And for so many years this has been represented,

We have a large-scale event:

Gathered friendly and beloved CLASS.

AT 2... And three decades is a lot,

And we often missed each other.

And now hearts beat in unison

And here we are together, as if it is a DREAM.

IN 1.Lessons, theorems, Komsomol,

Shooting range, skiing, physical education, basketball.

And sitting for 45 minutes is melancholy.

And unwashed awaits you ... BOARD

AT 2... And the first love cannot be forgotten

Sometimes I even wanted to howl.

And nothing came into my head:

Sat, dreamed, sad, looked out the WINDOW

IN 1... Let there was not then what is now,

And we didn't know what a raskolbas was.

We didn't eat snickers, mars and twix

But they tried to find the IKS in the equations.

AT 2... And now everyone has their own life

Work, home and new friends.

But the start was a general, collective take-off.

And everyone was whispered of luck to the CODE.

IN 1... And we all had to solve it,

Even if there were no losses, there were some problems.

Let someone for money, someone rich in soul,

But everyone has found a priceless treasure.

AT 2... And looking at each other, we are glad

Not everyone is here today, alas,

But we are participants in a grandiose meeting.

Hurray, everyone! Dear CLASSMATS!

AT 2: Thank you graduates. You have coped with the task with dignity and can take your places.

IN 1: Dear teachers and guests of the holiday, sings for youYusupova Ilyana "Your eyes"

IN 1: You parted for a long time,

Scattered in all directions.

Remained only in memory

These years are forever.

AT 2: And again you are drawn to school,

This is very important to you -

Conversations, funny laughter,

Sadness and joy in half.

IN 1: We need meetings like this

To keep my heart warm.

And solemn speeches

Better to just postpone.

AT 2: We need a sincere conversation

And the radiance of kind eyes

Both wonderful and magical

The evening is where you are loved.

IN 1: And we invite graduates to the stage1988 years and class teacher Roza Munavirovna Kobeleva.

AT 2: Good evening, graduates. Introduce youreself. Tell us what you are currently doing. What would you like to wish your teachers?

(a word to the graduates, at the end of the stage, the presenters leave them on the stage, the number of graduates is necessary for an impromptu scene)

IN 1: Dear graduates, we offer you show your talents and stage an impromptu scene. Now we will distribute the roles, the presenter will read the text, and your task, as soon as you hear the mention of your character, should quickly and artistically shout your line.

Characters and replicas:

1. Years of Study - "Oh, flew by!"

  1. Exams - "Where can you go without us !?"

3. Graduate - "Yes, I am!"

4.School - "We will learn everyone"

5.First Love - "I never rust"

6. Classmates - "Hello, buddy!"

7. Graduation - "Hurray! Let's walk! "

IN 1: One of the June days, a GRADUATE of one wonderful SCHOOL realized that he was starting a new life. Behind 11 years of STUDY, exhausting nerves EXAMINATIONS, First school LOVE and friendship with CLASSMATES. The GRADUATION evening came. Everyone was happy about this: the SCHOOL and the teachers who were with the GRADUATE for all the YEARS of STUDY and the parents who, after successfully passing the EXAMS, breathed a sigh of relief and, of course, all CLASSMATS. The guys at the GRADUATION looked solemn and elegant, and the girls present at the GRADUATION were simply dazzling, but the most beautiful GRADUATE was his First LOVE. After all, the First LOVE is always the brightest for all GRADUATES! And GRADUATION is one of the best holidays in life!

And although a lot of GRADUATES have passed at the SCHOOL for all the Years of STUDY, this GRADUATION ball for GRADUATES, GRADUATES and SCHOOL was the best GRADUATION in the world!

AT 2: Thank! You have coped with all the tasks with dignity. We ask you to go to

their seats in the auditorium.

AT 2: Meet, on stage _Mirgazetdinova Guzel Ramazanovna.

IN 1: Graduates are present in our hall1993 of the year. The class teachers are Tatyana Alekseevna Oleneva and Lyudmila Vladimirovna Mamaeva. Under the stormy

applause we invite you all to the stage.

AT 2: Good evening, graduates. Introduce youreself. Share your memories of school and say your thanks to the teachers who taught you.

(word to graduates)

IN 1: Dear graduates, now you will receive balloons containing notes with various tasks. Your task is to burst the ball and complete the task.

1 task. Remember the tales in the title of which there are numbers (“Three

piglet "," Three bears "," The wolf and the seven kids ")

2 task. Name 3 words, as many as possible, which begin with the letter A and

end with the letter Y. (Acacia, army, astronomy, academy)

3 task. Sing the verse (or chorus) from the Russian national anthem.

AT 2: Thank! You have done your job brilliantly! You can take your seats in the auditorium.

IN 1: You know, dear graduates, modern schoolchildren still have problems that have not yet been resolved.

AT 2: I wonder what problems are we talking about?

IN 1: Well, first of all, a universal method of cheating from under the teacher's nose has not yet been invented. Secondly, why, when Socrates in the 5th century BC said: “I know that I don’t know anything,” he was called a genius of philosophy, and when a schoolchild says this phrase to a teacher, he thinks quite the opposite. Third, the catastrophic lack of time. Schoolchildren complain that there are only 24 hours in a day, they just have time to go to the section, hang out with friends, and they always miss a few hours for lessons.

AT 2: And I propose to invite the release to the stage1998 year and find out how they solved the problems of school years!Class teachers Asadullina Gulziyan Salyakhetdinovna and Kasyanova Lyudmila Gennadievna.

IN 1: Introduce youreself. The floor is yours, graduates.

(word to graduates)

AT 2: Dear graduates, we invite you to take a quick survey: we answer the questions in turn.

IN 1: 1. What institution admits illiterates? (school)

AT 2: 2. What is the name of the time interval between holidays? (fourth)

IN 1 : 3. What is the name of the time out at school? (turn)

AT 2: 4. A number in a class magazine? (estimate)

IN 1: 5. What is the name of the drawing tool? (compass)

AT 2: 6. What is the name of the help given in a whisper? (hint)

IN 1: 7. What was the name of the most famous nanny of the most famous Russian poet? (Arina Rodionovna)

AT 2: 8. Formula of water? (H2O)

IN 1: 9. Signal to the beginning and end of the torment. (Call)

AT 2: 10. School-wide president. (Director).

IN 1: Many thanks! You have easily dealt with tricky questions! You can go to your seats in the auditorium.

AT 2:Dear teachers and guests of the holiday, welcome on stageNatalya Mansurovna Bolshakova.

IN 1: It was the turn of the graduates2003 years to climb the stage. Class teachersAsadullina Gyulziyan Salyakhetdinovna and Pleshkova Nadezhda Pavlovna.

Introduce youreself. Tell us a little about your graduation, thanks to the teachers.

(word to graduates)

AT 2: Dear graduates! We have collected a portfolio for you, while completing it with subjects that are not related to the educational process. Your task is to convince those present of the need for these subjects during school hours.

IN 1: Thank! We made sure that you are practical people and that every little thing is always necessary for you in something. You can go to the auditorium.

AT 2:The time has come for the graduates to take the stage2008 of the year! Class teachers Rubtsova Tatyana Gennadievna, Yakhina Zemfira Khalyafovna.

Introduce youreself. Say a few words about the school, teachers.

(word to graduates)

IN 1:For you, dear graduates, we have prepared a special task. Now we will test your knowledge of mathematics. Be very careful! So, the conditions of the problem: 20 people were on the bus. At the first stop 2 people got off and 3 people got in, at the next one - 1 got off and 4 got in, and at the next - 5 got out and no one got in. After passing half a kilometer, the bus stopped again, and another passenger got out. Attention question: how many stops were there along the route of the bus?

Answer: 4 stops

(graduates complete the task)

AT 2: Many thanks! You can take your seats in the auditorium.

IN 1:And we are in a hurry to invite graduates to the stage2013 of the year! The class teacher is Mamaeva Lyudmila Vladimirovna.Introduce yourself, tell us about the most vivid memories of school years.

(word to graduates)

AT 2:Surely you loved going to school discos and you had favorite hits to which you danced. Now we invite you to listen to musical excerpts and guess the name of the songs.

(hits sound, graduates complete the task)

IN 1: Many thanks! You have easily completed the task and can take your seats in the auditorium.

AT 2:Dear graduates, we have prepared a surprise for you - our school film studio has selected the most interesting shots from your school years. Attention to the screen.

Slideshow Show

IN 1: The evening ends, but a good meeting

You can't finish without a song.

AT 2:Meet on school rock scenenELL MORE group.

final song performance

IN 1:Thank you all for again

You came to the meeting,

The warmth of their hearts

They brought with them.

AT 2:And we say goodbye to all of you. "Until next time, friends, and goodbye!"

List of used Internet resources:

  • https://serpantinidey.ru/
  • https://znanija.com/
  • http://scenariilandia.ru/

Scenario Homecoming Evening