Cosmetics from oily skin of the face. Review of cosmetics for oily skin of the face: means, lines, brands. What to pay attention to

If you look in the mirror and see there a row pancake, this post is for you. In it, we will tell you how to properly care for oily skin of the face, how to deal with excessive skin fatty, how to choose competent products, and what errors avoid in care to not add fatty skin problems.

Types of oily skin

Cosmetologists call Seborine fatty skin. Seborrhea is two types.

    Thick seborrhea. The skin is thick, rude, embossed. Pores expanded and large, clogged with lard. The main problem is black dots, closed comedones, subcutaneous and acne.

    Liquid seborrhea. The skin is greasy and shiny, like a fresh pancake, smeared by oil. Pores are large, shallow and empty. Fat of them flows freely, the pores are not clogged. The main problem is the excessive separation of Sala.

In this post we will talk about skin care with liquid seborrhea. And in the following - about problem skin with thick seborrhea and a tendency to acne.

Purification of oily skin


Maxillic water is perfectly suitable for removal of makeup with oily skin. She is light, comfortable, does not leave the face of films and unpleasant sensations.

A good option for removing persistent makeup - hydrophilic oil. Do not be afraid to use oils to purify oily skin. They are easily dissolved both persistent makeup and skin fat. In this case, the hydrophilic oil is easily flushed and leaves the films on the face.


To wash it better to choose gels. They purify deeply and efficiently. Remember that cleansing should be soft. Avoid aggressive pavs (sulfates and soap). They violate the epidermal barrier and provoke dehydrates.

Pay special attention to gels with acids. Best of all - with salicyl. They deeply clean the pores and help to regulate the salo-waste.

For more thorough daily cleansing, use sponges and sponges. They, like a washbasin, must be soft. Lufa will not suit. Look for sponges from cellulose.

The main thing when using the sponge is the delicacy of the impact. Do not trite skin. The stronger you are touring the skin, the greater the risk of getting irritation and demolish the protective barrier. And it will provoke even greater saloon.

Do not forget to change the sponges more often, it is best - once a week. The exfoliating particles of the skin are digging on them, and the wet bath is a nutrient medium for microbes reproduction.

Never combine the demacid and washing. With oily skin, it is especially important to share these stages. One means is not enough to fully purify oily skin.


In addition to high-quality daily cleansing, oily skin needs competent deep purification. Fatty skin is usually thick and prone to hyperkeratosis (thickening of the upper horny layer of the skin). Therefore, competent exfoliation is especially important.

Toning oily skin

Fat Leather Lotions

Lotion is an excellent choice for intensive medical care. It contains active ingredients in high concentration. With greasy skin, look for sulfur, zinc, camphor, acid. Lotions with these components are removed excess skin fat, help adjust the activity of the sebaceous glands and matured.

Remember that lotions tend to contain alcohol. A large amount of alcohol is dried greatly. Therefore, use alcohol neatly.

Tonic for oily skin

Cream is a mandatory care product for any skin type. With oily skin, you often want to refuse him, but it is impossible to do this.

In addition to the main task of a face cream - to create a protective barrier on the skin and keep moisture, - home Mission Cream for Oily Skin - Restore Balance. The cream must regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands and molding the skin.

Who look for a label: Zinc, sulfur, camphor, calcium carbonate, acids, enzymes, rosemary, sage, gamamelis, chamomile, chamber, perlite, iris, algae, citrus.

Choose funds with the most easy texture - cream gel, gel, emulsion, fluid. Look for OIL-FREE (without oils) based on silicones, glycerin, scarlet.

Serum for oily skin

To more effectively deal with excessive skin fat, add to care and use them under the cream. Serum complement and enhance the action of the cream. Looking for balancing, sebliding, cleansing and gently exfoliating products.

In addition, with the oily skin, serum can replace the cream. Especially in the summer and in the heat.

Fatty Masks

    Clay masks. Must-had care for oily skin. They perfectly absorb excess fat and pollution and deeply clean the skin. Our favorite in the world of clay - Kaolin (White Chinese Clay). He perfectly removes the solidity and does not tighten and does not dry the skin.

  • Decorative cosmetics for oily skin

    With oily skin, it is better to use dry textures instead of cream.

    Be sure to take primers and Bases for Makeup. Choose those that are specifically designed for oily skin. They are needed to make mek fix it and not pull during the day.

    Tonal Funds Choose light, matting, on silicone basis and Oil-Free (without oils). Saturated textures on oils on oily skin will float.

    Powder With oily skin - Must-have. It absorbs excess fat and does not allow the skin to shine. Look for matting products. But do not hesitate. Do not pushing the face in eight layers.

    Pay special attention to the mineral powder. They are fine and not clog the pores. In addition, minerals have an additional healing effect. And special night powders help wake up with a normal face, and not a fatty pancake, for example, Larenim.

    Matting napkins - Another Must-had in the cosmetics of the owner of oily skin. They consist of special paper similar to parchment, with a subtle mineral spraying. When you apply such a napkin to the skin, the layer of minerals absorbs fat and leaves the skin fresh and matte.

    At the same time, matting napkins do not need to rub the face, it is enough to gut enough, so they do not damage the makeup. Use napkins during the day as needed to remove excess fat. And then slightly point the skin - and it will again become fresh and matte, as if you just werehed.

    The main bugs of oily skin care - the hobby of degreasing and disregard in moisture.

    Furious degreasing

    When a sulky pancake is watching on you from the mirror, I want to degrease it with all my forces. Therefore, we begin to use alcohol lotions and harsh cleansing agents with aggressive pavami, drag the skin to the scrub and throw out cream. It is not right.

    Aggressive skin degreasing leads to a violation of the epidermal barrier and dehydration. The skin is trying to restore the barrier and begins to synthesize fat even more. It turns out a vicious circle.

    Cleansing should always be soft, with any skin type. Avoid sulfates and soap.

    Do not run on alcohol, use it very carefully. In large quantities and with frequent use of alcohol, heavily dries the skin. It is more relevant with acne for disinfection and struggle with bacteria.

    Use of aggressive antibacterial components

    Cosmetic companies combine funds for greasy and problem skin with acne in one line. Therefore, often in them can be found triclozan.

    Triklozan kills both harmful and beneficial bacteria on the surface of the skin and distorts the skin pH. If in the means to treat serious forms of acne, it can still be justified, with liquid seborrhea without inflammation, it is absolutely superficial.

    Disregarding moisturizing

    Moisturizing for oily skin - Must. But this is the step that we miss first when we are struggling with excessive fat. When the skin is fat, it seems that the cream is not needed. This is mistake.

    Fat is not equal to moisture. In the oily skin a lot of lipids, they help keep a healthy epidermal barrier and hold moisture. But this does not mean that oily skin does not need moisture. It also needs.

    If the fatty skin is not moistened, it will easily become dehydrated. A feeling of dryness and struts will appear. And you are tortured to treat it. At the same time, oily and dry leather - the test is not for the faint of heart. No need to bring before.

    In addition, neglect of cream leaves the skin "naked" and open to external influences - the sun, wind, frost. This leads to premature aging and wrinkles. Who wrinkles?

    SPF protection disregard

    There is a stereotype that oily skin is not friendly with SPF, because all sunscreen fatty and dense. This is not true. There are many light creams with SPF, designed specifically for greasy skin. For example, in pharmacy stamps - Avene and Uriage.

    SPF for any type of skin of the face is MUST. And with oily skin, it is not necessary to be afraid of it.


      Oily skin is two species - with thick and liquid seborrhea. With a thick seborrhea, the main problem is scored pores, black dots and acne. With a liquid - excessive separation of Sala.

      With liquid seborrhea in care, use soft cleaning agents, peelings, scrubs, masks with clay. Tonic, lotions, serum and creams choose cleansing, balancing and matting.

      In decorative cosmetics, give preference to dry textures. Use the basins for makeup, powder and matting napkins.

      Avoid aggressive purification and strong antibacterial components. Do not neglect moisture and SPF protection.

    And how do you care for oily skin? Share wisdom in the comments.

    Stay with us and be beautiful.

    To new meetings on the air Larabarblog. ♫

To the drugs are cleaned, but do not overheat the problem skin and how to achieve a matte effect on the face? Beautyhack editors tried new leaving and share.

Moisturizing gel without oils Ultra Facial Oil-Free Gel-Cream, Kheil's

Tested Beautyhack Editor Natalia Kapitsa

I practically don't use the moisturizing creams for the face - the face begins to glisten from them as a narrow samovar. But the gel without oils Ultra Facial Oil-Free Gel-Cream decided to try - with the Kheil's brand I have a serious relationship: I love almost all of their means. There are no parabens, nor silicones, nor fragrances - all according to the laws of the "right" organic. I applied in the morning and in the evening after cleansing. The gel can be used under makeup, without fear that he "floats" in a few hours. Result: Moisturizing 5+, an excellent matting effect, radiance, no unpleasant adhesive film.

Price: 2200 rub.

Cleansing Gel Oil for Face Oil-In-Gel Foaming Cleanser, Armani Prima

Testing Anastasia Speranski Teautyhack Editorial Assistant

As soon as I hear about the appearance of a new universal means for cleansing the skin - immediately running. The multistage care is sometimes not enough time or forces.

What should be cosmetics for oily skin? To make the right choice, it is important to determine the criteria corresponding to the needs of the body. Overall skin is one of the options for the norm. To minimize problems, the correct care is important. When complying with simple rules, the skin's leather is capable of keeping a fresh look, without being subjected to such a phenomenon as early wrinkles. But in the pubertal period she can deliver a lot of hassle: greasy shine, comedones, acne, extended pores. In some cases, these problems persist and after 30 years. If fat is becoming a pathological nature, you should contact a dermatologist and an endocrinologist to eliminate serious malfunctional failures.

Get rid of comedonov

Before applying cosmetics for skin, it should be saved from various acne formations. Among them are comedones. This is a certain kind of cyst, which is formed by blocking the mouth of the hair follicle. There are two types: open - black dots, and closed - white subcutaneous balls.

Black dots acquire a dark color due to the oxidation of fats of the skin on the surface. This species is not dangerous to health.

The closed comedones in the form of white balls are located under the skin and do not have an open exit to the surface of the epidermis. Such conditions are favorable for breeding bacteria and fungi, so they need to be eliminated.

The reasons for the appearance of comedones are diverse:

  • changes in hormonal background;
  • the presence of diseases;
  • heredity;
  • improper nutrition;
  • bad habits;
  • toxic environment;
  • non-compliance with hygiene rules;
  • tablets, etc.

With black dots it is quite possible to cope on your own, today there are a large number of methods for eliminating this type of comments. And if there are white subcutaneous comedones, you must consult a specialist and undergo a course of treatment.

Cosmetic fatty skin care

To make decorative cosmetics well on the skin texture, it is important to choose the right tools. Cosmetologists recommend first to acquire one product from the series and test it. It matters not only the absence of a negative reaction, but also the presence of a positive effect. With satisfying a result, you can try the remaining tools from the selected line.

A full-fledged complex for fatty and problem skin must be multi-stage and include means for cleansing, tones, moisturizing and nutrition. To achieve the maximum effect, all procedures for cleaning the face and saturation of its useful substances are recommended to be carried out with a small interval, at least 10 minutes. This allows the tools at each stage of care to fully fulfill their functions and prepare the skin to the next procedure.

The main stages of fatty skin care

It is important to carry out all 5 stages in the care of oily skin. The first three of them are cleansing, the most important procedure for oily skin. Face cleansing should pay maximum attention. Toning, moisturizing and nutrition can also be ignored.

  1. Primary (surface) cleansing. At this stage, there is a purification from surface pollution and excess of the salted, which is especially important for fatty skin type. If this layer cannot be deleted in a timely manner, it turns into a graceful environment for the development of bacteria, which ultimately leads to the appearance of inflammation. For these purposes, the cleansing lotion or tonic is perfect. The popular component is salicylic acid, known for its antiseptic properties.
  2. Basic cleansing. Both gel, and washing foam - excellent options for oily skin, since they do not contain fat, and the seabol (surfactants) are effectively removed by fat. Penka has a more powerful effect than gels, due to the increased concentration of pavov. However, this makes them unsuitable for particularly sensitive skin. Gels with a matting effect control the work of the sebaceous glands.
  3. Deep purification. Remove the upper burner layer and clean the pores will help scrub, peeling or gommage. The first is the most rude in its texture. So that abrasive particles do not damage the epidermis, the use of the scrub is preferably limited to 1-2 times a week. Peeling has a more delicate texture, gommage does not contain solid particles. Before applying the funds of this group, it is recommended to pre-displeate the face. Too frequent treatments for deep purification are overcame, which leads to a decrease in its barrier function and more active work of the sebaceous glands. The use of these funds is also not recommended for inflamed areas.
  4. Toning. After cleaning, they must be closed, tonic are used for this. Their soft composition does not violate the acid-alkaline balance and prepares the skin to moisturizing. Creams better reveal their effectiveness after applying tonic means. Some of the tonic contain anti-inflammatory components that impede the appearance and strengthening of acne. Suitable for sensitive skin.
  5. Moisturizing and food. Regularly use too fatty creams are undesirable. The best options are a cream with a light texture and hydrogel, moisturizing skin, but not reinforcing its fat content. Fatty acids and vegetable extracts with antiseptic and astringent actions are useful, which are contained in the composition of funds. Many day creams make the skin more matte and can become a good basis for makeup. Masks will be useful to such components such as calendula, lemon, quince, cranberries, strawberries, apple, radishes, dill, mint, chamomile, grapes, clay. The main criterion in the choice of ingredients is the number of tubyl substances and organic acids.

The composition of cosmetics for oily skin

The most effective substance against fatty is alcohol, however, the use of funds with it in the composition should be limited and strictly dosed. First, excessive drying of the skin leads to an opposite effect - strengthening the work of the sebaceous glands. Secondly, alcohol only enhances irritation. In view of this, it is absolutely not suitable for sensitive skin. Inorganic dye oxychloride bismuth and dimethicone, liquid silicone, contribute to the blockage of pores and the appearance of acne.

Decorative cosmetics

Very often makeup blocks the beneficial effect of care cosmetics and exacerbates skin problems. To avoid this, it is important to pay due attention to choosing decorative cosmetics. First you need to make a list of funds that you need, and from the rest to refuse.

Oily skin should breathe that it is impossible under the thick layer of cosmetics.

Ideally, it is desirable to stop using the basics of makeup, a tonal cream and powder, to reduce the number and regularity of the application of the Ruman. If it is impossible, choose creams with a light texture. Dry shadows and eyeliners are preferred for eye makeup. Warming wipes for face will help remove excess fat.

Salon treatments for oily skin

From cosmetic procedures, those are most effective are those carried out in specialized salons.

Ultrasound cleaning

Ultrasonic facial cleaning is one of the most popular extinguishing procedures. It is capable of effectively and painlessly clean the skin, not traumating it. The skin is cleaned of external damage and dead cells of the epidermis, the swings of the sebaceous glands open, decreasing in size in size, the blood supply is improved.

Chemical peeling

All of them preference is given when only the horny or several first layers of epidermis is affected. Acids brighten the skin, align its tone and surface relief, stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin. However, even multiple procedures will not allow achieving such a result, as from one-time median peeling. Almost completely eliminates the horny layer of the skin and affects the deep layers of the epidermis. This procedure is able to remove small wrinkles, rid the skin from scars, pigment stains and a pedestal. Common peeling component is. Depending on the desired depth of exposure, 15% or 25-30% solution for oily skin is selected.


The procedure satures deep layers by hyaluronic acid, the necessary element for nutrition and cell division capable of suppressing the activity of the sebaceous glands, thereby reducing the fattyness of the skin.


In the mesotherapy session, the cosmetologist fills the skin with vitamins and microelements by injection directly into the problem area. Local anesthesia is helped to make a procedure less painful. Cosmetic companies Natura Bisse from Spain and Dermalogica from the United States have developed special feeds for oily skin, including therapeutic components. After the diagnosis, the specialist picks up an individual set, which will provide the skin professional and complex care.


Cosmetics for oily skin care must have a cleansing, antiberizing, drying effect. To enhance the effect of cosmetics, salon procedures should be carried out. For oily leather, the face is perfectly suitable chemical peels, ultrasound cleaning of the face, biorevitalization and mesotherapy.

Fatty skin facial is a fairly common problem for many people. The reason for this becomes hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands resulting from improper nutrition, metabolic disorders or hormonal background. Also, the cause of oily skin can be the use of incorrectly selected cosmetics.

Why is the right choice

If cosmetics for oily skin of the face is incorrectly selected, this may lead to the following consequences:

  • the appearance of dermatitis or allergic reactions, from which you can get rid of only with medication;
  • if cosmetics are not suitable for age, then it will not be necessary effect;
  • when applying incorrectly selected means, the activity of the sebaceous glands will increase, with the result that the skin will become more fat;
  • this in turn will lead to the fact that the skin pores will be closed, which will be an impetus to the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms and the appearance of acne and boils, on the site of which scars and scars remain.


Most creams that are used to care for oily skin perform several functions. They contain a combination of active substances of different spectrum of action.

These funds have:

  • anti-inflammatory
  • matting
  • keravgulatory effect
  • and also narrow the pores.

People who have bold skin prone to the formation of acne deterioration should be remembered that it will not be possible to get rid of this problem, but it can be kept under control using the inhibiting mechanism for the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

Types of cosmetics for oily skin

To care for oily skin, not only the creams help help adjust the work of the sebaceous glands.

Special attention is paid to cleansing, with the help of gels, lotions or thermal water. Also effective are masks, tapered pores and preventing the appearance of acne.

In specialized stores or pharmacies, you can purchase cosmetics from different manufacturers. But they are suitable for or not, it is possible only after use, since the reaction of each person can be individual.


Garnier cosmetics produce in France. It includes natural components.

To care for fatty and problem skin, the following means are used:

  • Mycelian water clean skin. It delicately cleans the skin, eliminates black dots and making the skin matte. It also removes pollution, helps to quickly remove makeup and does not require flushing. This is the perfect problem cleansing agent;
  • Cream clean skin. The equipment includes zinc and white clay, which have antimicrobial effects and regulate the production of skin salts throughout the day;
  • BB Cream Garnier for mixed and oily skin. This tool allows you to achieve a flawless look in a short time. The cream quickly eliminates the fat shine, aligns the tone of the skin and creates a protective layer on its surface, which helps to fight ultraviolet rays. In addition, he moisturizes the skin and gives her radiance;
  • Living moisturizing matting cream sorbet. The composition includes green tea extract, which positively affects the skin, retains moisture for 24 hours and effectively eliminates the fat shine, making the skin matte. The tool can be used under makeup;
  • Main care, moisturizing non-stop. The cream based on a buried, which, without overpowing the skin, makes it matte and eliminates an unpleasant fat shine.

Dead Sea line

The producer of cosmetics of the Dead Sea is Israel. At the heart of these dirt of the dead sea and vegetable extracts.

There is a special complex for the care of oily skin, which includes:

  • Mineral cleansing gel with vitamin E granules is used to moisturize the skin and removal of makeup;
  • Mineral Cleansing Tonic Cucumber Extracts and Aloe Vera. The tool has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and wound-healing effect. Prevents the appearance of acne and lines the skin tone;
  • Blessing matting cream with danaleeella and cucumber extracts. Well cleanses the skin, has a refreshing and antibacterial effect. The pores narrows, normalizes the production of skin saline, removes pigment stains, prevents the appearance of acne.


Vichu cosmetics producer is a French company. The basis of these funds water from thermal sources.

For oily skin, use the cosmetics of the following series:

  • Normoderm lotion. It is used for purification, the pores narrows and normalize the production of sebum. Eliminates bold shine and inflammatory processes;
  • Normoderm Active cream-concentrate. Regulates the process of operation of the sebaceous glands, narrows the pores, dries;
  • Normoderm Global. Moisturizes the skin, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, narrows the pores, prevents the appearance of acne.

La Roch Posay.

The French anti-agricultural cosmetics La Roch Posa in its composition contains water from thermal sources.

For oily skin, the following means use:

  • Effaclar cleansing mycelter solution. Used to purify the skin, prevents the appearance of acne;
  • Effaclar Fencing gel. Used for deep cleaning of the skin, narrows pores, prevents the appearance of acne;
  • Effaclar lotion for narrowing pores. Makes the skin smooth and matte, eliminates the oily shine, in a short period, the pores narrows, prevents the appearance of ravis;
  • Effaclar mat emulsion. The tool is used to moisturize the skin, it has an antifungal effect and makes the skin matte;
  • Effaclar H cleaning cream gel. Used to restore the dermis, cured as a result of the use of drugs;
  • Effaclar cream. Removes irritation and inflammation, moisturizes the skin, prevents the appearance of acne.


Nuxe cosmetics are produced in France. The basis of these funds by 80% is vegetable raw materials.

For oily skin, you can use the following tools:

  • Aroma-Perfectiom Cleansing gel. Helps clean the skin, narrow the pores and normalize the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • Aroma-Perfectiom means to eliminate defects. Narrows pores, eliminates the visible defects of the skin and inflammation, matures;
  • Aroma-Perfectiom Cleansing the thermo mask with the effect of new skin. Used to matting clarifying and cleansing the skin.

What to pay attention to

When buying cosmetics worth paying attention to:

  • cosmetics need to be purchased only certified in specialized stores or pharmacies;
  • when buying, you need to pay attention to the composition, since some components may be harmful to the body and cause an allergic reaction;
  • it is impossible to use cosmetics with an expired shelf life, since it can not only have a positive impact, but also harvest;

  • in order to avoid fakes, special attention should be paid to the package itself. It should not be damaged, with heated inscriptions;
  • cream or gel must be a homogeneous structure, do not flavor and contain additional enclosures (except those that are declared by the manufacturer).


Mechanism of action

Chemical active substances

Plant extracts

Antibacterial and antifungal agents

Miramistin, Triklozan, Sere, Trialicanban

Chamomile, calendula, green tea, rosemary, orange, juniper, kiwi, fir-toddes of burdock, cedar.


Nordigidogeneous, gamma linoleiac, linoleic, azelain acid, panthenol, bisabolol, Alanlan

Gamamelis, Sage, Linden, Lucerne, Salfa, Chamomiles, Aloe, Black Tree, Violets, Black Poplar


Glycerin Acid, Zinc, Retinol, Linoleic Acid, Azenoloic Acid

Green Tea, Cypria Crowded, Vasilka, Burning, Cedar, Pumpkins, Green Tea, Sabaly

Matting sorbents

Calcium and aluminum, clay, polymer granules, silicon

Reggeneration regulators of cells

Lipoic and Linoleic Acid, Nordigidogeneous Acid, Phosphatidylcholine, Retinoides

Avocado oil and ramp


Combination of amino acids with hydroxy acids, azelain acid, sulfur, bodhage

Papaya and Pineapple Enzymes


In order to avoid skin problems, it is worth avoiding the use of funds in which include:

  • dimeticone and bismuth chloroxide. These components provoke the appearance of acne;
  • ethanol. It dries the skin and provokes the production of additional amount of skin.
  • bentonite. This component prevents the breath of the skin, forms a film on its surface and clogs the pores, provoking the appearance of rash;
  • cerezin, which clogs the pores and for a long period remain in skin cells.

Means for makeup

People with problem and oily skin, it is necessary to pay special attention to the choice of decorative cosmetics:

  • when buying a tonal cream, you need to pay special attention to its texture, it must be dense and matte. For applying, you need to use spontaneity, not fingers, because you can provoke additional skin production;
  • pooh needs to buy compact, dense, without shine, on tone lighter skin. If it puts it on a tonal cream, the fat shine is eliminated and the skin looks shining;
  • if the skin is fat, then you need to use compact blush, because liquid or cream can enhance the selection of sebum;
  • shadows should be dry, not cream or liquid. Before applying, you need to apply in the eyelids;
  • instead of a liquid eyeliner, it is better to use a pencil, it is not so quickly smeared.

Video: how to make the skin smooth

The skin is called the most extensive organ of the human body, and as any other body, it needs to be attentive and care, which depend on the physiological features of the skin of different types. Classifications for which the type of skin is determined, several. But the most common defines types by skin, highlighting fat, normal, dry and combined. In this review we will talk exactly about oily skin.

This type of skin, which is characterized by a bold shine and noticeable broad pores. It is usually found in young people up to 35 years. A small plus of the owners of this type of skin can be called a significantly later appearance of wrinkles, since excess of the skin protects it from cutting. However, comedones, acne and acne are periodically appear on the oily skin, which can still be inflamed.

Holders of oily skin do not envy. Only they know how difficulty finding themselves with cosmetics, and making the right choice, you can get rid of oily shine, disguise acne, redness and extended pores. What kind of cosmetics for oily skin is optimal?

We make the right choice

Several tips with greasy skin holders:

  • pick decorative cosmetics suitable for the fatty skin,
  • incorrectly chosen means can harm the skin, scoring pores and provoking the bold shine;
  • to eliminate excess fat from the skin of the face, use matting napkins;
  • the use of antiseptic creams before applying makeup will help control the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • corve the makeup every 2 hours to avoid the appearance of oily shine.


Cosmetics with sericite content reduce pores and remove excess fat;

Tonal cream with kaolin clay binds the fatty skin;

Decorative cosmetics with a zinc oxide content has anti-inflammatory properties.

Pest media

Tonal creams and powders having a bismuth chloroxide and dimethicone, clog pores, and also contribute to the appearance of acne;

Means containing alcohol: Alcohol dries skin and forces the body to produce a fresh portion of the skin, in connection with which the skin can become even more fat.

Cosmetics for Makeup

Tonal cream is able to reduce the fat brilliance of the skin, align the tone, disguise redness and acne.

Use matte tonal creams with a dense texture having high stability;

Apply a tonal cream only with a sponium, since when applied to your fingers, you can trigger the selection of sebum;

For long-term conservation of makeup, apply a thin layer of the tone cream;

The tint of the tone cream should be on the tone of the leather color.

Compact, crumbly powder, applied over a tonal cream, can eliminate bold shine and give the skin fresh look.

Use the powdered texture powder and best matte compact;

Use the powder with a touch on the tone of the lighter skin;

Periodically update the powder layer in order to avoid the appearance of oily shine.


Use compact blush and avoid cream or liquid roots, because they increase the fatty skin;

For the application of the Rumyan, use a makeup brush, but not fingers and not a powder powder.

Makeup eye

For the stability of makeup eye, apply a tone cream and compact powder forever;

Use dry shadows, avoiding cream and liquid eyeshadow;

Do not use liquid liners, they can quickly fold off;

Eye pencil Use after applying a liner, and add shadows to fasten the color.

Remember these rules and look irresistible. Also remember that the type of your skin is genetically determined, which means that it is impossible to turn oily skin into dry any means. You have to take and love yourself and your skin, learning the right care for her.

Provide the skin comprehensive phased care, which consists of cleansing, tonic, moisturizing and nutritional measures;

Pick the cosmetics of one manufacturer so that they harmoniously complement each other, avoiding conflicts, unwanted irritations and problems;

For fatty skin, the cosmetics of the Dead Sea with the use of active minerals, extracts of therapeutic herbs and essential oils are perfect. The effective line of cosmetic products Garnier offers cleaning gels with antibacterial properties, anti-inflammatory tonic, moisturizing creams with salicylic acid and zinc oxide.

White clay, which is part of the daily cream of this series, has an adjusting effect on the sebaceous glands, and eucalyptus extract soothes the skin. The application of the night cream has a beneficial effect on the state of the epidermis, helps to recover, and the morning cleansing and toning make the skin of the face beautiful and shining.

In response to caring, attentive and correct care, skin of any type will respond with gratitude. Love yourself and the world around, because true beauty is in our place.