Signs and old traditions of the wedding ring. So can wedding rings be tried on before the wedding? Is it possible to measure wedding rings

There are various signs about wedding rings, and those who are going to get married, who are preparing for a divorce or a second wedding should know about them.

In the article:

Signs about wedding rings

Wedding rings are a symbol of a happy marriage, therefore, considerable importance is attached to signs about them. Many people get married only once in their life - this is another reason for careful choice. Learn everything important about this subject in this article.

In the old days, wedding rings were considered a strong talisman that protected family happiness, kept spouses from all troubles. Therefore, they wore it almost without removing it. When this is done, the marriage will be lasting.

Signs do not allow girlfriends to try them on. This should not be done either before or after the wedding. So give your destiny or family happiness. When you can't get rid of an annoying friend, put the jewelry first on a table or other surface, but do not give it out of your hands.

You can't lose your wedding rings. It is believed that this leads to various troubles, quarrels, which can lead to divorce. Learn more about this superstition from the article on .

Superstitions about wedding rings concern not only the bride and groom, but also the guests at the wedding. When a girl or an unmarried man touches them, they will soon have their own wedding. People know about this superstition, try to follow it, but trust such close friends. There is a similar tradition with an empty jewelry box - it must be picked up when the bride and groom put them on. More often the witness strives for this when she wants to get married quickly.

Young people are warned about rings against dropping them randomly. This portends a lot of trouble in the future family life. When this happens, first thread a white thread through it, and then put it on. It is also trusted by the witnesses. If possible, they give the thread to the one who dropped the wedding symbol to burn with the words:

Burn the fire all my troubles and sorrows.

Also, such an ornament is not worn on a glove. When they enter the wedding outfit, they will first have to take off one. They wear it on the ring finger - it is associated with the Sun, like gold, which serves as a material for the manufacture of wedding rings.

What should be wedding rings - signs

Buying and deciding what to be wedding rings, as well as knowing will take on is the responsibility of the groom. He bought both in the same store at the same time. Now they are chosen together, but it is important to follow certain rules. There are separate beliefs about engagement, wedding, and divorced, widows' rings, see them below.

Be sure to purchase from the same store and at the same time. This symbolizes a life together, products from different places - to a quarrel and divorce.

Signs on how to choose wedding rings are recommended made from a homogeneous metal. It is undesirable to have carvings or inscriptions on the jewelry. It is believed that those who marry smooth, family life will also be smooth. The classic wedding ring, which was chosen by the grandmothers, had no carving, was not inlaid with precious stones. Such models are believed to bring happiness in marriage.

But rings with stones are gradually gaining popularity. This concerns diamonds. They are a symbol of prosperity and a happy life, and the material component is important. But there are those who associate them with "stumbling blocks" and therefore avoid such decorations.

Others prefer not to buy jewelry, but use those that belonged to their ancestors, and are also passed on to the next generation. When your parents or grandparents are unhappy together, do not take the rings from them. Jewelry from the wedding of those who have lived together for 25 years, whose marriage is a model of happiness, can bring happiness to the next generation. The best are the jewelry of those relatives who celebrated the golden wedding. They accumulate, which helps to create a strong, happy family.

Do not take the rings of divorced or widowed people for engagement, and do not try on - a sign with a negative meaning, which indicates a repetition of the fate of the owner of the jewelry. It is also impossible to remelt. Below you will find out how to deal with such rings so as not to harm your personal life.

The material for wedding rings is gold. But there are products made of platinum, silver, have their own audience and are also relevant. When you set a goal to save your future family budget and do not plan to spend money on a wedding, choose a piece of silver, which is cheaper than gold. But don't borrow jewelry from friends, especially when you're unhappy with your marriage. You risk spoiling your marriage, quarreling with these friends.

Wedding, engagement ring - signs

Engagement, or matchmaking, is an old tradition. It includes a formal marriage proposal to the future wife, a conversation with the bride's parents about the time and place of the wedding. In the days of ancestors, an engagement ring was rarely presented, but signs about it have been preserved.

This is usually worn before the wedding, but it is not necessary to take it off when the wedding band is on. Therefore, choose jewelry to match. Most often they are made of gold or platinum. Those who want to save money do not buy engagement rings, they are limited to engagement rings.

The engagement ring, according to signs, is inlaid with stones. It is good when diamonds are a symbol of happiness, prosperity and love; they also have protective properties.

Signs prohibit taking off the engagement ring before you start wearing the engagement ring - before the wedding ceremony. This is a symbol of the strength of seriousness of intentions, which deserves appropriate treatment. It is also allowed to be inherited, especially when they are happy in marriage. Like the engagement, it stores the experience that it will pass on to future generations.

Bad omens include losing your engagement ring. Significance, as with similar signs, about wedding rings.

Wedding rings are worn with wedding bands, so when choosing, consider how they will go together. But more often it is one ring - today they are trying to hold the engagement and wedding on the same day. It is believed that the wife is entitled to silver, and the husband - gold. No surface engravings or stone decorations. Like wedding bands, they are not filmed throughout life. Wedding rings are fraught with powerful magic that will cure illness, save from damage and preserve marriage.

Rings of widows, divorced - what to do after a divorce

Widows continue to wear wedding, wedding and engagement rings. But not on the right, but on the left hand. They do not pass on the rings by inheritance, so that the descendants do not repeat the fate.

When a widow remarries, she removes the rings from her first marriage. You can no longer use it, so as not to bring death to the new husband.

The most famous omen about engagement rings is that sleek designs guarantee newlyweds a smooth family life. Our grandmothers and mothers, judging by their betrothal, believed in this sign.

Many modern newlyweds no longer believe in it and choose rings decorated with decorative elements and stones. In the publication, we examined why you can't wear a wedding ring before the wedding and other signs regarding the wedding symbol.

Is it possible to measure someone else's engagement?

Wedding rings are symbols of a concluded marriage and amulets of spouses, capable of protecting from various adversities, envy and diseases.

Therefore, according to the existing belief, they should be worn without taking off and in no case should anyone be allowed to measure either before or after the wedding. The one who tries on the ring will be able to take away your family happiness and even destiny.

If you cannot get rid of the annoying girlfriend and do not show the ring at all before painting, then never pass her the engagement card from hand to hand... Remove it from your finger and place it on a table or other surface. Let her, after fitting, also put the ring on some surface.

Signs regarding wedding rings

Do not wear a gloved finger at the wedding ceremony. The bride, whose wedding image includes gloves, should remove them or just one on the right hand before exchanging the marriage symbols.

Sometimes when exchanging rings, the newlyweds drop them from excitement. The fallen engagement is very bad. She promises a lot of trouble, and possible separation.

You can neutralize the negative effect of omens. Before putting the fallen ring on your finger, thread a white thread through it. Such manipulation is trusted by the witness, which is agreed with him in advance. He comes to the ceremony with the thread prepared.

After the completion of the ceremony, the witness gives the thread to the one who dropped the wedding symbol, and he, at the first opportunity, will burn it, saying the following text: burn the fire all my troubles and sorrows.

Newlyweds buy new wedding rings for the wedding. Sometimes, in order to save money, parents give them theirs. It is recommended to accept the gift exclusively from parents who have lived happily and have already celebrated a silver wedding - 25 years of marriage. In other cases, it is better not to wear your parents' betrothal.

When the parents' marriage is not happy or there have been infidelities, the betrothals they donated should be melted down into jewelry... For example, earrings or a pendant. Rings of widows and widowers, as well as people who are divorced, should not even be tried on.

Putting a ring on your finger, you try on the fate of the owner. It is categorically impossible to accept it as a gift for the purpose of melting it into another product. Politely discard the presentation without picking it up.

Helping to build a strong family, consider the betrothal gifts given by grandparents who have lived happily in marriage for 50 years and celebrated a golden wedding.

Their marriage symbols have accumulated a sufficient amount of positive energy based on love, understanding, care and kindness. Such rings will become not only symbols of creating a new family, but powerful amulets for spouses.

Signs concerning guests

When an unmarried girl touches at a wedding, she will soon have a wedding. A single man who wants to start a family needs to touch the groom's engagement. Usually, close friends turn to the newlyweds with such a request.

An empty box of wedding rings has a similar effect. The one who first picks it up will soon celebrate the wedding.

Most often, a witness who dreams of getting married as soon as possible tries to take the box devastated by the groom. But the groom can give the box in the hands of the guest who asks about it in advance.

Features of buying and storing a ring before the wedding

According to ancient beliefs, in order to build a strong and happy family, both wedding rings you need to buy at the same time and in one place... Wedding symbols bought in different stores and on different days will lead to frequent quarrels and even divorce.

It is necessary to choose and try on rings with a positive attitude, faith in a good future and a strong marriage. The groom who pays for both rings will become the head of the family.

Before the wedding, both symbols are kept together. Before crossing the threshold of an apartment or house in which the ring is going to be kept, it is necessary to quietly say - for a good life, for a faithful family, amen.

There is one that allows you to tie the groom to the bride more tightly. The purchased rings are placed in a bag, and then filled with water and frozen.

Useful video

The secret of the wedding ring.

Rings in our lives.


There are many wedding signs regarding marriage symbols. Believe them or not believe it is up to you. But signs do not arise from scratch. For centuries, people have watched the dependence of the life of a couple on the actions taking place with wedding rings.

According to existing signs, they cannot be worn before the wedding and given to anyone to measure, either before the marriage ceremony or throughout the entire family life. We wish you a happy and strong marriage!

Looking at the stands of jewelry stores with many expensive jewelry, newlyweds often ask themselves the question: "How to choose the right wedding rings so that they not only fascinate with their beauty, but also bring happiness to their union?" A number of popular signs and superstitions come to the rescue! Believe in them or not, it's up to you to decide, but it's definitely worth knowing them. Therefore, the portal has collected for you the top 10 questions and answers to them regarding accents about wedding rings.

What should be wedding rings?

The rings of the young should be the same and smooth, without carving or inscriptions, which portends a calm and peaceful family life for the couple, filled with harmony and mutual understanding. And it doesn't matter if you give preference to wedding rings made of silver, gold or platinum, the main thing is that they have a smooth and even surface (the same sign applies to wedding rings).

Lovers of jewelry with stones come to the rescue of another superstition - diamond rings promise prosperity and financial well-being to young people.

Where and when to buy wedding rings?

It is better to buy wedding rings on the same day in one store, which promises the newlyweds the unity of their thoughts and souls in marriage. But with regards to whether it is possible to buy wedding rings in advance, there are no prohibitions, so feel free to go shopping for jewelry whenever you want!

Can someone else's rings be used as wedding rings?

Popular beliefs say that if you use other people, for example, your parents, as wedding rings, you can repeat their fate. Basically, if your parents live happily enough in marriage, then there is nothing wrong with that. If their union was not very strong, then it is better to abandon this idea and buy new rings for yourself.

But if your grandfather and grandmother lived in marriage until the golden wedding, then their rings can be used as wedding rings, because they have accumulated the strength of their ancestors and will become a real talisman for your family, attracting happiness to the house.

Sometimes spouses have the following question: "Is it possible to wear a husband's wedding ring to a wife?" There is no superstition about this, so if you want, you can do it.

The wedding ring fell on the painting - a bad omen or not?

It is believed that dropping the ring during registration is a bad omen, foreshadowing young troubles and misfortunes in marriage. If this does happen, simple actions will help to correct the situation: thread a thread through the ring, and then put it on your finger. And after the ceremony, burn the thread, saying the following phrase: "Burn the fire all our troubles and sorrows!"

Will touch the rings of the newlyweds - what is the omen?

It is believed that if unmarried girls and unmarried guys touch the rings of the newlyweds, then soon they will also fasten themselves by marriage.

Why shouldn't newlyweds touch an empty ring box?

According to one of the signs, the newlyweds cannot pick up a box without rings after the ceremony. But the one who takes this box, very soon, will also put on the finger of his other half a wedding ring. Why is it usually given to an unmarried bridesmaid or a free friend of the groom!

Can the ring be worn on a glove?

There is such a sign about the wedding ring of the bride, which says that you cannot put it on gloves, otherwise it promises the spouses life separately. Therefore, it is better to remove this wardrobe detail during painting!

Can I give rings to other people to measure?

According to popular beliefs and superstitions, you should not allow your wedding rings to be measured, since you thereby give family happiness to another person. If you cannot refuse such a request, then hand the ring to the person not directly into the hands, but put it on a table or other surface.

An even bigger ban has to do with someone trying to remove a wedding ring from your finger! Do not allow this to be done if you want your union to last for more than a dozen years!

To lose or find a wedding ring - what is the sign?

There are signs associated with a wedding ring not only before and during the wedding, but also after it. The loss of the ring foreshadows parting with your soul mate. This superstition is explained quite simply: wedding rings, like a husband and wife, are a single whole, and if you lose one of the rings, then the integrity of your union is violated, it can easily collapse.

What if your husband lost his wedding ring? Do not panic, because this is just a sign, and it depends only on you what your union will be. And many couples buy new rings after a while - you can do the same!

Sometimes it happens that one of the spouses has their wedding ring stolen. What do the signs say here? The interpretation here is twofold: on the one hand, this is equated with the loss of the ring, which means there will be an imminent rupture, on the other, they say that the jewelry has taken on some kind of negativity and took it away from the life of the owner. What interpretation to believe is up to you!

But finding someone else's wedding ring is fortunate! According to popular belief, this promises an early wedding for free guys or girls, and for those who have already found a mate, replenishment in the family, prosperity and prosperity in the family. Another question is that it is not worth bringing into the house and, moreover, wearing the found ring, because it absorbed the owner's energy, and you do not know if it was positive.

Is it possible to take off the wedding ring: what do the signs say?

According to popular superstition, wedding rings should not be removed, which will save spouses from envy and misfortune. Which finger to wear a wedding ring on? The nameless one, of course. It is believed that the "vein" of love passes through it!

It happens that the thickness of the spouses' fingers changes over time and the wedding ring becomes large. What if this happened? It is imperative to adjust the jewelry to the size, because, by tradition, happiness and love "run away" from the family through it.

The portal told you how to choose a wedding ring and how to wear this important piece of jewelry correctly so that it not only pleases the eye, but also make your union happy and long!


    The wedding ring is a symbol of endless love. It certainly stores the energy of its owner. Omens and superstitions enveloped the wedding ring from all sides. Starting with the fact that they cannot be passed from parents to children, especially if the parents' marriage has broken up.

    Believe it or not, the signs are a personal matter for everyone, but as the stories from life show, all the signs did not just appear.

    Purchase or how to choose the right wedding ring

    A superstitious person, in order to observe all the signs, must start by buying a product. When choosing, you must:

    • The smooth surface of the ring indicates a calm family life. Do not put inscriptions and engravings, do not program further life.

    • We give preference to expensive metals. It is a symbol of wealth (gold, platinum). By the way, platinum rings symbolize the strength of relationships.

    • The style and material of both rings must be the same.
    • Do not take other people's rings, even if they are very expensive. There is a small exception - these are parents, but in the case of their long and happy family life. Do not melt family heirlooms, their happiness will go away.
    • Both decorations are paid by the groom, but the bride can also make a choice.
    • After buying rings, before entering the house, say “For a good life, for a faithful family. Amen".

    In ancient times, two rings were bought for the future wife, one for an engagement, the other for a wedding. Later you can wear them in tandem. By the way, silver rings were also acceptable.

    Ring with a stone, which one is better to choose?

    If the choice fell on a ring with a stone, then there are also superstitions here:

    • Aquamarine - keeps the hearth from troubles.
    • Amethyst - lures happiness.

    • Turquoise - loyalty of spouses, happiness and love.
    • A diamond is a lasting marriage.

    • Pearls - prophesies long years of life.

    • Emerald - will bestow love, drive away bad thoughts.
    • Moonstone - protects from quarrels.
    • Opal - trust and sincerity between lovers.
    • Ruby is a protection from evil eyes and a symbol of long love.
    • Sapphire is the loyalty and purity of the love of the spouses. Protection against cheating.
    • Topaz - relieves mental suffering.
    • Zirconium will save you from melancholy.

    Signs with a wedding ring

    Signs about rings

    The ring is a talisman! Any ring is a protection for its owner, as it has a round shape. This form of the product in the old days was considered a guarantor of safety and protection from evil spirits.

    There was a belief that if the ring was lost or stolen, then several sins of the owner went away with it. And if the girl managed to find the ring, then she will soon get married. But you don't need to wear it!

    There is a sign that a gold ring helps relieve pain. If you have a toothache, you need to rinse your mouth with water, in which a gold ring was previously placed for 1 hour. In case of pain in the joints - walk them over the sore spot, and everything will pass.

    A crack on the product portends trouble or indicates damage to a person. Darkening on the ring indicates impending danger, or warn of the evil eye.

    People's omens and superstitions have been collected for centuries. Our ancestors carefully kept them and passed them on from generation to generation. Maybe there is something in them. Observing the signs is not so difficult, especially since ancient customs are now in vogue. All happiness, love and health!

    Interesting video compilation

    The wedding ring is the main attribute of the wedding ceremony, which opens the door to a new family life. All girls dream of a happy marriage, and a ring on a finger means that such a significant event has already happened. Therefore, every bride wants to show the whole world as early as possible that she has already found her family happiness by decorating her ring finger with a wedding ring even before painting in the registry office. But can you do that? Isn't this a bad sign? Will not such a rush harm family happiness?

    Why you shouldn't wear a wedding ring before the wedding

    In almost every corner of the world there are signs and beliefs associated with the betrothal of young people. According to them, the wedding ring on the ring finger symbolizes the loyalty of the spouses, now their fates are woven together. The presence of a ring on a finger is also a signal to others, especially persons of the opposite sex, that a person is tied by marriage and is not looking for a soul mate. But, before the official wedding ceremony, it is not customary to wear a wedding ring. What to do if the wedding is not soon, but you want to put on the jewelry right now?

    Some girls solve this problem very simply - they put the desired ring on their ring finger even before the wedding. Some unmarried and divorced women wear a wedding ring for the same reason: they don't want any relationship at the moment and try not to attract the attention of unwanted fans. The woman wears a symbolic adornment and feels more or less safe. In addition to divorced and unmarried women, women living in a civil marriage like to wear "betrothals".

    But there are also times when girls have doubts whether to wear a ring or not. If the relationship with the lover is not so reliable or the bride has envious people, is it worth it to tempt fate? Not worth it, many smart people think. There is a lot of trouble before the wedding, so you don't need to give yourself another reason to worry. Suddenly, indeed, because of such a trifle, the wedding will be postponed or something will go wrong. There is another pretty good reason not to wear an engagement ring before the marriage is officially registered. During the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds put on rings for the first time. This is a very joyful and exciting moment. Is it worth depriving yourself of such pleasure? Obviously not.

    Folk omens and beliefs with rings

    You can often hear from older people that putting on rings before the wedding is dangerous, this leads to various problems and troubles already during the wedding, and in some cases such an act can end the relationship. Also, people say that non-compliance with wedding beliefs can lead to an early divorce of the newlyweds. There are other signs associated with wedding attributes.

    • You can only wear your parent's wedding rings if their marriage was strong and happy. If mom and dad have already celebrated a silver wedding, then handing over the rings to children is even welcome.
    • Do not wear rings over gloves - not good.
    • Wedding rings in which the couple is going to get married should not be decorated with stones and carvings, they must be smooth.
    • After you have tried on the ring, you cannot give it to other women.
    • During the fitting, the ring should only be put on and removed by yourself.
    • If suddenly the wedding ring doesn't like it over time, choose another one for yourself, and be sure to leave the first one as a keepsake. Do not under any circumstances sell it or give it to other people besides children.
    • Try not to drop or lose marital attributes, especially before the wedding - this will lead to family discord.
    • You cannot accept wedding rings as a gift, you need to buy them yourself.
    • If a girl finds a wedding ring on the street, she will soon receive an offer.


    According to tradition, before the wedding (betrothal) two rituals must take place - matchmaking and engagement. The matchmaking rite is the acquaintance of the young with their parents. Then the engagement should take place: the groom proposes to his beloved, and they apply to the registry office. Usually the guy gives the bride a ring on the day of the engagement. It can be with a diamond or other precious stone.

    After performing these rituals, the young no longer hide their feelings. They begin to prepare for the upcoming wedding and wedding ceremony. A girl can put on a ring given as an engagement and show it to her girlfriends, friends, acquaintances immediately after it was presented to her. She will wear jewelry only until the wedding ceremony, and then put on the wedding ring.

    When to start wearing your wedding ring

    The wedding ring is put on only after the newlyweds have been declared husband and wife - earlier it is impossible. From this point on, they become spouses and can legally wear rings. If, of course, the girl does not believe in omens and really wants to put on the ring before registering at the registry office, no one can prevent her from doing so. But friends and family are simply obliged to warn her of the possible consequences. We also want to warn young people against rash actions. Do not neglect the traditions of your ancestors, be prudent.