Fur cleaning agents at home. How to quickly clean the fur at home. Proper storage of fur

If the fur hat, a fur coat or vest with time was covered with spots and got it, it is necessary to clean it + this can be done at home. In addition, the products made of fur are recommended to be cleaned at the end of the season before removing them for storage. The method of cleaning will depend on whether the product is made from natural or artificial fur. Natural fur coats are made of mink, chinchillas, foxes, fox, etc. They are not suiced, so when cleaning should be taken special caution. Clean the artificial fur is somewhat easier. But when choosing cleaning products will have to take into account the color of the product.

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    Methods for cleaning natural fur

    Products made of natural fur are more expensive and require special care. In order not to spoil your favorite fur coat, you only need to use proven funds for cleaning.

    When choosing a cleaning composition, it is necessary to take into account from which fur made a product. The fur coat or vest can be made of mink, sand, rabbit, chinchilla, etc.


    Fur Sands is a fairly common material for the manufacture of fur coats, hats and other wardrobe items. It can be cleaned with hair shampoo. For this you need:

    • pour shampoo into the container and breed it with a small amount of water;
    • moisten in the resulting rogue without a pile;
    • wipe the entire surface of the product or processed it from the spray, the pumping solution is ranked there;
    • after purification, wipe the fur in the direction of the pile of a clean dry cloth or paper napkins.

    It is advisable to take a shampoo designed to purify the wool of pets (cats or dogs). It acts delicate than the usual one. Instead of shampoo, you can use a liquid detergent intended for wool or silk.

    In addition, the initial shine and purity can be returned to the fur coat from the sands, using the ammonia alcohol. It will take:

    • mix 500 ml of warm water and 1 teaspoon of the ammonia;
    • wet the resulting solution with a sponge for dishes and squeeze it;
    • process fur, moving on the pile;
    • then you can additionally go through the product with hands, evenly distributing the cleaning composition;
    • after 5 minutes, you should take a clean wet sponge or cloth and erased from the pile of the residue of the solution;
    • after that, the surface must be wiped with paper towels or napkins.

    It is impossible to wet the fur strongly, otherwise it will lose a presentable look. Therefore, the sponge is necessary to press well.

    The length of the fox fur is considered pretty big. Therefore, after drying, you need to carefully comb your hand with hands or a comb with frequent teeth.

    Listed cleaning methods are suitable for products from fox fur (Chernoburki).


    No less demand are products from mink fur. To brush such a coat or cap, you can use this method:

    • mix 9% vinegar, alcohol and water in equal parts;
    • evenly distribute the composition on the pummue with the help of a sponge or a soft brush for cleaning clothes;
    • then wipe the fur dry.

    If, after applying these agents, a specific smell remained on the product, it can be signed on fresh air.

    Sometimes an unpleasant gloss appears on the fur coat. It can be removed in this way:

    • to 500 ml of water Add 1 tablespoon of ammonia and 3 tablespoons of a cook salt;
    • apply a mixture on the plots, moisten the cotton disk;
    • after 5-10 minutes, wipe the region with a clean sponge, slightly moistened with water;
    • then remove moisture residues with a dry cloth.

    After that, the product must be hanging on the shoulders in a well-ventilated room and wait for complete drying. At the same time it is necessary to monitor that the straight sun rays will not fall on it. Otherwise, the pile will become brittle, dim and will lose its properties. In addition, it is impossible to speed up the drying process using batteries, electric dryers and other hot air sources.

    Rabbit or Muton

    Rabbit fur is less complicated in care. Therefore, for its cleaning, you can use all of the above methods.

    In addition, it is possible to clean the fur coat from a rabbit or mutona using bran.

    Stages of the procedure:

    • walk along the surface of the product slightly damp sponge;
    • pour bran into the container;
    • it is a bit to warm them in the microwave and pour into contaminated areas;
    • throw pile with hands;
    • when bran is cooled and get dry, you should gently shake them with a brush.

    If a fur coat or a vest from rabbit fur was covered with dust, you can knock it out by the usual knocker for carpets.

    Algorithm of actions:

    • take unnecessary but clean sheets;
    • moisten it with water and squeeze;
    • wrap the product into sheets;
    • choose dust knocked out.

    As a result, dust and dirt will remain on wet fabric, and the fur will again become clean and brilliant. This method is also used for cleansing from dust fur coats from muton.

    It is impossible to knock out too much, otherwise it is possible to damage it, but at the same time the strength of the blows should be sufficient so that all the dust moves to the sheet.

    On the rabbit fur is similar to the wool of goats, nutria, wolf and raccoon. Therefore, they can be brought in the same way.

    Chinchilla, otter

    Clean the natural fur chinchilla, otter or ondatra can be sand. After all, these animals in the usual medium clean their skin in this way.


    • take pure river sand, which can be purchased in a shopping store or in construction companies;
    • pour it into the container and warm in the microwave;
    • hot sand pour on problem areas, laying out the fur product on a flat surface;
    • slightly grate it into the pile;
    • after cooling the sand you need to shake.

    If the contamination has not been removed immediately, the procedure can be repeated several times.

    How to clean artificial fur?

    Not everyone in view of personal beliefs or limited funds can afford to wear products from natural fur. The exit from the situation is to buy fur coats from artificial fur. The products from this material are now very difficult to distinguish from natural, but at the same time they cost much cheaper.

    So that such things served for a long time and always remained in good condition, you need to care for them. To do this, it is worthwhile to brush an artificial fur from dirt and appearing spots.

    Machine wash

    A small fur coat from artificial fur can be wrapped in a washing machine. But at the same time it is necessary to comply with such rules:

    • get all the contents from pockets and fasten them;
    • if there are decorative elements (buttons, rivets, etc.) on the product, it is desirable to turn it inside out;
    • the spin should be disabled;
    • the program must be chosen a delicate suitable for washing wool or silk.

    Drown such fur coats as well as natural fur products.

    Washing powder

    If individual specks appeared on an unfulstly fur, you can remove them in this way:

    • dissolve a small amount of washing powder in warm water;
    • handle contaminated areas with a prepared solution using a cotton disk;
    • after purification, wash the soap film with a wet sponge.

    Powder with bleaching properties can only be used if the fur is light. On a dark or color vault from such an application will remain divorces.


    Clean the artificial fur from fat spots will help the usual means for washing dishes and starch.


    • mix dishwashing liquid with starch to consistency with liquid sour cream;
    • the resulting mixture is applied to the stain;
    • wait for the drying of the composition and consider it an old toothbrush or brush for cleaning clothes;
    • water with a damp cloth.

    The dishwashing detergent is effectively fighting with fat, and the starch absorbs him quickly.


    From the solar pollution you can get rid of glycerin and alcohol.

    Cleaning stages:

    • mix in capacity in 500 ml of water and medical alcohol;
    • add there 2 teaspoons glycerin;
    • mix the composition thoroughly and moisten the cotton disk;
    • lose contaminated places;
    • then rinse the fur with a damp cloth and wipe off with a dry cloth.

    If after that the smell of alcohol remained on the product, you can wipe the purified area with soap solution.

    Purified gasoline

    If the fur of non-human origin began to glove over time, you can use the purified gasoline, which is poured into the lighters. In no case can not be applied. Otherwise, the fabric will remain an indelible fat stain.

    Mode of application:

    • apply a bit of purified gasoline on a rag or cotton disk;
    • problem areas;
    • immediately wash the substance, the fur of the fur with a clean damp cloth.

    If after that the product remains stain from gasoline or unpleasant smell, you need to prepare a special solution. To do this, 1 tablespoon of citric acid is added to a glass of warm water or squeeze the juice of half of fresh lemon.

    By the same way you can get rid of the gloss on pockets or collar.


    Wood sawdust helps to clean the artificial fur. To remove even solar pollution, they are mixed with purified gasoline. It will take:

    • fall asleep sawdust in the container and pour a bit of purified gasoline there;
    • leave for several hours so that they are pretty soaked;
    • grasp the mills obtained by the mixture;
    • after 5-10 minutes, shake the sawdust with a brush and thoroughly wipe the fur with a clean damp cloth.

    After the product is left in the fresh air so that the smell of gasoline is weathered.

    Cleansing light fur

    A more thorough care requires fur of light shades. It is necessary to clean it more often, as all pollution on such a material is more noticeable.

    In addition, over time, somewhere snow-white fur turns. Therefore, it will be necessary to use substances with bleaching properties.

    Soda and alcohol

    You can whiten the yellowed fur at home using this way:

    • mix 600 g of medical alcohol and 200 g of food soda;
    • mix the sponge with the resulting solution and wipe the veil;
    • after cleaning, washed off the composition with a pure damp cloth.

    In no case cannot use this method to remove stains from dark or colored fur. Otherwise, the pile will swell, and there will be a divorce.

    If the fur is present only on a small section of the jacket or sheep, care should be taken to make the peroxide on the main part of the product. The shelter itself from pollution is brushed with a special brush for suede and nubuck.

    Hydrogen peroxide

    Perhaps the most famous means for self-whitening of various tissues and materials is hydrogen peroxide. To return the whiteness of natural or artificial fur with this substance, it is necessary:

    • connect the peroxide with water in equal proportions;
    • the prepared composition pour into the pulverizer;
    • process fur, spraying solution;
    • wait for the product drying and accurately fasten the pile of crest with small cloths.

    If the fur is covered with a solar yellow raid, you can strengthen this recipe by adding a bit of a bit of ammonia alcohol to the mixture. To get rid of the smell after cleaning, you will need to hang the product on the shoulders and leave it outdoors.


    A gentle method for cleaning white fur - the use of semolina.


    • heat the semolina in the microwave or in a frying pan without oil;
    • pour it on the product and lose, making movements like with manual washing;
    • when the yellowness disappears, it is necessary to consider the remains of the cereals with a brush;
    • at the end, the fur coat should be thoroughly shake.

    It is important not to apply an excessive force when cleaning, otherwise you can damage the villi.

    Instead of Manka, other bulk substances can be used: flour or starch.

    It is possible to restore the appearance of your favorite fur coats with the help of girlfriend. In order not to spoil the thing, it is necessary to act carefully and test the cleaning compositions on a small area before use.

Products made of fur, like any other wardrobe items, periodically need to put in order. Of course, not everyone knows at home. Most often we appeal to specialists. Clean fur products can be cleaned in special establishments, such as dry cleaning. But at present, dry-cleaning services are quite expensive and affordably not everyone, and it is also unknown how to contact such institutions with your things. In order to be confident that with winter things everything is in order, there is nothing better how to clean the fur at home.

But for this, of course, it is necessary to learn several practical advice to bring the upper clothes in order. For example, cleaning is conditionally divided into three types: cleaning fur hats, colverters and outerwear (fur coats and coats). And each of the types of products requires special care. But there are also universal advice that are suitable for any of them:

  • It is necessary to prepare a mixture of vinegar, water and alcohol in the ratio of 1: 1: 1, and then the brush gently apply it to the fur in the direction of the growth of the Village. After that, the mixture is necessary to get into a clean cloth.
  • It is necessary to warm up wheat or and then apply them to the fabric. After that, carefully consider them with a brush. Then you need to shake and smooth the fur product.
  • To get rid of oily spots on the things of their fur and the fluff, it is best to use gasoline. It should be applied with a subtle layer along the growth of long fur, and against the growth of short fur porce.
  • How to clean the fur at home without using gasoline? You can make a mixture of ammonia and salt in a 1: 3 ratio (can be measured by a teaspoon). Then the mixture add to ½ liter of water. It is necessary to process the fur with the resulting solution. After that wipe the wet rag.
  • There is nothing easier, how to clean the fur at home, using the usual hair shampoo: one tablespoon is diluted with a liter of water. The resulting solution should be cleaned the fur product, but very carefully, so as not to wet the megrin, otherwise you can spoil the fur thing.
  • If the fur is in with any stains, you can use medical and ammonia alcohols for cleaning it in an equal ratio. After applying the solution on the fur, it is necessary to wipe it with a wet rag and dry carefully.
  • Get rid of spots of various kinds perfectly helps a mixture of ammonic alcohol, salt and pure water in a ratio of 1: 3: 50. After processing the furs, the product is wiping the product with a pure damp cloth, thoroughly dried and combed.
  • If the fur is not contaminated with spots, but just dusted, it is necessary to cover it with a wet rag and knock out. By this way, you can use if you do not know how to wash
  • To give the fur glossy shine, you need to wipe it with a rag, pre-dipped in acetic extract. The same effect can be achieved if it periodically moistened the fur product by glycerin.
  • Fixed fur enough to return the original condition and appearance. It should only wipe the fur with alcohol, smooth, and subsequently comb into the growth of Village.

During cleaning the fur, it is necessary to remember the rules of safety when working with toxic and highly smelling substances, such as gasoline, and acetic solution. All work should be carried out only in a well-ventilated room away from heating devices and flammable materials. It is also forbidden to smoke during work on cleaning the fur products and be near the smoking person, because the fur is a lightly smelling material flammable from the slightest spark for a split second.

Observing these rules and advice, you will remain not only satisfied with the results of the work carried out, but also save money.

For the interior design of the room, the skins of various animals are often used. They also sew clothes and shoes, use in car salons as covers. After time, such things need cleaning, because they are contaminated and lose their attractive appearance.

Care requirements

Among the fur products are in great demand, things are used from sheepskin. Baranov fur is widely used, because it has thermal insulation properties and a good sock, inexpensive for the price. The condition of such fur will depend on its quality. Barber wool is formed from 3 types of hair: down, transitional and accelers. The finest is considered the fluff because it is hollow inside. Intermediate hair has a core. Axis is a rough fraction of wool, but it necessarily has in the sheep skins of any breed of an animal.

After the slaughter of the ram, the primary processing of fresh skin is performed. Then the various methods of canning are then applied before sample. The skins are treated with special means and stacks in the mine at a certain time.

Such natural fur is often used for the production of blankets, carpets, lining for outerwear, shoes. For interior decoration Sheep the skin of the chairs and sofas or just on the floor. A large range of products offer various hypermarkets. For example, in Ikea affordable prices and good selection of fur rugs. All these products have been kept their beautiful view for a long time. But after the time on the wool you can notice the traces of pollution. In such a state, they cannot give heat and pleasant sensations.

How to clean the fur sheepskin at home, worries many who have products from this material. So that you should not ask for such a question, you need to know and stick several demands for the care of sheepskin:

  • daily shaking in the fresh air, balcony or staircase cell will help to get rid of surface pollution;
  • cleaning dry vacuum cleaner every 2-3 days;
  • the use of special cleaning products for carpets and fur.

If used on the floor of the sheep of the skin, then it needs to be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner not only from the front side. It is also necessary to clean its foundation. Cleaning procedures It is recommended to perform at least 1 time per week. All of them are simple and occupy a little time.

Other methods of cleaning the pile of fur should also be applied to eliminate dust and other contaminants. They will help eliminate unpleasant odors, restore the elasticity of the base of fur.

How to clean the sheepskin

At home for manual cleaning Fur rug can use two available and easy ways:

  • dry;
  • wet.

With minor contaminants, a dry method of cleansing the fur surface is perfect. He will help those who care about how to clean the sheepskin white. It is necessary to decompose the product and clean it first with a vacuum cleaner. Then take starch and sprinkle a pile. Starch should be rubbed with hands on the pile. Such a procedure should be repeated several times until the fur is completely cleansing. After that, the product should be shaken to remove starch residues from it. The final phase of cleaning - Combate the fur with a brush with a hard pile. Such manipulations are recommended to be carried out as the fur surface is contaminated.

It is also used by ordinary wet cleaning, but for it it is necessary to have a means for carpet products or things from natural wool. For this in big pelvis Or the bath is gaining warm water and a special means add to it. After that, you can download the product, seeing 30 minutes.

It needs to be carefully wrapped with his hands to move away light pollution. If there are more persistent, then they are better to be processed purposefully. Then the thing should rinse, but only in warm water. Temperature drops during washing will negatively affect the appearance of the material. In their pure and pile, you need to decompose the skin horizontally and getting into a terry towel. After that, you can sit in a natural way. Be sure to periodically shake the thing and slightly stretch it to avoid deformation.

Machine wash

This method is the easiest and easy. However, it is suitable if the product is not too large in size, and it can be downloaded to the washing machine. For this washing, only detergents intended for woolen things are used. Other funds are not recommended to apply.

For washing, it is best to use several modes: a delicate, manual or profile. Temperature should be at 40 ° C. To press the product, the drying mode should not exceed 600 revolutions. It is advisable to use an additional rinsing cycle during washing.

After washing, the fur rug can be dried in the usual way. When it becomes dry, it must be combined using a special wire brush for fur.

Whitening and removal of stains

When the top of the sheepskin is white, it is more exposed to pollution. It can easily be spots, as well as yellow. More serious problems will be helped to cope several ways with the use of submitted means. Many women are now worn. Not everyone wants to take them into a dry cleaning, so they are interested in knowing how to clean Cygaik at home. Cygaica is the sheep fur of a certain breed, which is cut and then paint.

Strongly noticeable stains are well eliminated by a mixture of ammonium alcohol with cold water. You need to take these components in equal parts, moisten a sponge in solution and apply to stains. If the contamination is old, then you can use stains or a special powder-stain pressure for fur.

Fur dullness will help to remove the kernels of walnuts. They need to grind, wrap in gauze and rub the pile to the appearance of shine. Such a means helps to restore the color and give brightness to the fur product.

If the yellowness appeared, it can be removed using hydrogen peroxide. It is necessary to make a solution of 1 liter of water and 2 pt spoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide. They need to wash only the surface layer of the product to whiten it. It is impossible to rub deeper in order not to spoil the skin.

The leather layer is polluted together with the pile. Potato cleaning will help to return the sheepskin. They need to be thoroughly rinsed and squeezed well. Then cleaning to chop in any way. Finished cleaner to distribute a thin layer on the surface and brushing. After that, remove everything with a dry cloth from it.

Lost softness Fur is applied to a mixture of 1 chicken yolk and 1 pack of vaseline. The leather part is treated with a homogeneous composition, after which the remnants of the means are removed. Lost elasticity can be achieved using water glycerin.

After such cleansing procedures, the product must be dried and then comb. Only in this form they can be used further. It is not recommended to dry the products made of fur on the radiator or with a hair dryer.

If an extraneous smell appeared, the fur was poured or kept, then in this case the rules for the care of products are not complied. With proper care, you can count on a long service life of natural and warm fur things.

ATTENTION, only today!

Before you begin cleaning the fur, you need to make sure that the fur is really dirty. It is possible to find out this using a regular hair dryer by sending a cold air with a stream. If fur patches are easily and freely lifted, it means that it is clean. If the fur under the influence of air does not inflate, this indicates that many dirt and dust and dust and the fur product accumulated on it and the fur product needs cleaning.

In ancient times, crushed bran and wood sawdust were used to clean the products made of fur. This method is relevant and in our days, especially since it is absolutely safe and environmentally friendly. Estate the fur product on a flat surface, evenly crumble sawdust or bran, and then start energetically rub the fur with a brush. When the fur is blissing, just gently shake the sawdust with your hand.

How to clean a light fur

Light fur has a property with time to yellow, losing its attractiveness, so it takes it much more often. There are several effective ways to clean the white fur coat or another product from light fur. One of these methods can include cleaning of fur with semolina, wheat or starch flour. To achieve a better result, a breakfast or flour is recommended to preheat in a frying pan up to 80 degrees. The main thing is that the ingredients are not burned for cleaning, otherwise dark spots can remain on the white fur.

It is possible to return the primordial appearance to the yellowed fur, just rubbing it with a 5-percent solution of hydrogen peroxide. If the first time it was not possible to remove the yellowness, then the procedure should be repeated several times.

Clear light fur in can be cleared with another effective means. To make it preparation it is necessary to mix corn or potato starch with gasoline to a homogeneous consistency. This method is perfect for cleaning individual heavily polluted places (for example, fat spots, felling collar, etc.). Apply the prepared mixture into a polluted area, carefully wrap, then remove the cleaner with the fur with the brush. To get rid of the specific smell of gasoline, for a while, post a coat to ventilate the balcony.

How to clean other fur products

Update the old fur will help an emulsion cooked from potato cleaning. To do this, they must be pre-crushed in a blender or skip through a meat grinder, and then add a small amount of ammonia alcohol to purification. Receive the resulting means on the fur product and well sweete the brush, after which you carefully remove the mixture and extend the fur.

Clean the fur with a long pile (for example, fur sand or fox) can be used using a conventional table salt. To do this, put the product on the horizontal surface, sprinkle it with a shallow salt and walk on the fur with a brush. If the fur coat or cap has strong contaminants, then use the saline solution - for its manufacture 3 h. Salt alcohol and 1 h. Supply of ammonia alcohol must be diluted with a liter of water. In the cooked solution, moisten the brush and carefully clean her the fur product.

Remove the fat stain with fur will help a solution of salt and ammonia, cooked in. For this, in half liters of water, dissolve 1 hp alcohol and 1.5 tbsp. Spoons of cook salt. Wipe the contaminated portion with a brush pre-dipped in saline solution.

If the product is made of artificial fur, then it is much easier to clean it - it is enough to wipe the fur with a casket cooked from washing powder and water.

How to return the fur shine

The easiest way to return the fur product to the fur product is to comb your metal comb with small cloths. If you do not have a metallic comb, you can use another method - wipe the fur with a sponge dipped in a solution from the cutlery and alcohol.

Acetic essence will help to give a fur coat and beautiful glitter. Moisten a sponge or tissue napkin in it and wipe her fur on the pile. Since acetic essence is very caustic, then the cleaning procedure must be carried out in protective gloves.

Make a fur brilliant with the help of a conventional walnut. To do this, grind nuts in a mixer or blender, wrap them in a gauze bandage and wipe the fur. After the nut oil is absorbed into the frame structure, it will become smooth and brilliant.

Fur things, be it fur coat or collar, cozy and attractive, they warm us in the cold season, give joyful emotions, decorate and allow every girl to feel irresistible. During our grandmothers, gorgeous fur products did not lose their gloss for years, but in the modern city of the fur is very quickly dirty, which is associated with the complex ecology and the presence of impurities in the air. Fur who lost its appearance can be handed over to the dry cleaning or clean at home.

Features of the material

Cleaning the fur is necessary in order to deliver natural fibers from abrasive (dust and dirt), settling on them and absorbed into natural oils covering each naval. At the same time, the long presence of pollution can lead to abrasion of fur and truly crying results in the form of bald and proper. That is why the speeds are recommended to clean the fur at least once a year, preferably in the summer, when things are not in demand for socks.

In cases where the owner of fur smokes is to clean the fur and in the middle of the winter season. Regular cleaning with appropriate methods and proper care can really help extend the service life of fur things.

Which way it is possible to clean the fur at home, largely depends on its type and category. The product can be made of smooth or fluffy fur, for example, a fur coat is made of nerve either from mink. Accordingly, there will be different ways to clean such things. Among the fur is distinguished by long-wave, for example. Raccoon, Chernoburka, Redhead Fox, Lynx and Sands, requiring a slightly different approach to twitter than a short-sighted fur, such as mink or beaver.

Another significant difference is the cost of things. Cleaning rabbit fur coats or products from nutria and fur manto from a sable also requires a different approach to at least for considerations of practicality.

What can be cleaned?

Some wise experiences of the hostess recommend cleaning fur products by ammonia or hydrogen peroxide. Perhaps during our grandmothers, these funds were fairly effective, but in modern conditions they are small, since the chemical composition of dirt in a modern urbanized world becomes richer than day by day.

Also changing the means of furs, for this apply Enough powerful emulsionswhich partially remain in the finished product and can enter into a chemical reaction with ammonia alcohol and peroxide, making a pile dry and brittle.

Therefore, modern feeders from all vintage cleaning methods are recommended to date today only the use of salt. It will be suitable such a way for low-cost fur, for example, rabbit, sheepskin or nutria, whose cleaning is a pity to spend significant amounts.

This method is to fall asleep very contaminated fur with a large amount of salt (on a fur coat can get to a kilogram of this substance). Then the product is left for 12 hours, after which they carefully dispel. Together with salt, dirt and trash that accumulated in the fur is moving. This method is simple and daishev and, at a minimum, is not able to harm the fur product. But he will not help return the coat of the initial shine, although it will make it cleaner.

With different complex compositions of homemade, specialists do not recommend experiments and recommend applying for cleaning and care for expensive fur or certified drugs or shampoos intended for humans or animals.

Today in our country, cosmetics for the care of fur, which is called the greatest fame BioFur.These drugs are positioned by the manufacturer as gentle and hypoallergenic products for the care and cleaning of natural fur.

The effects of Biofur giveradate contamination of all species, ranging from street dirt and ending with such complex stains like blood or traces from yolk eggs. Also Biofur eliminates the unpleasant smell, fat shine and hurry. This tool is suitable for all fur, including such expensive, like a sable or chinchilla fur, but it has a fairly high price tag. The volume of the purchased bottles is enough to clean the martial fur coat demi.

BioFur includes 3 cleaning emulsions:

  1. Penka for cleaning especially dirty spots;
  2. Medium intensity cleaner;
  3. Fur reducing agent.

Also in the set is a brush for machining fur, calcination, a terry napkin, gloves and gloves.

Method for cleaning fur with Biofur:

  • Especially strong contaminants are processed by soap-foam, which is applied to stains with a brush; It is not necessary to rub too diligently so as not to destroy the structure of the pile;
  • Leave a means for 2-3 minutes for exposure, then rinse it with a wet napkin, without allowing the blotting to the methris;
  • The surface of the fur coat is completely cleaned by spraying the cleaner, and it is necessary to withstand a distance of 15 cm from the surface of the fur;
  • Leave the sprayed remedy for 30 minutes for exposure, then washed off with a wet terry cloth, not allowing the wetting of the Mebra, because in this case it is possible to shoot it with further drying;

  • After cleaning, the coat should be either decomposed on a flat surface, or hang on the mannequin; The use of a hair dryer in order to accelerate the drying process is categorically prohibited, as it will lead to deformation of the product.
  • During drying, the fur need to shake as much as possible and to read the calculation attached in the kit.
  • Fully dried fur is treated with a spray that restores it brilliantly, after applying it, it is left for about 3 minutes, then removed with a wet napkin and dried a fur coat again.

Quickly and correctly clean the fur product will help such funds as:

  1. Cleansing emulsion Netbril-O Concentrated (France);
  2. Glitter FINIS / TCHB / TCCB / Parva-Cremie (Germany).

It is possible to apply such funds to everyone without exception to furs, from Tuscany to the doodle.

Netbril-O Concentrated Emulsion has the cost of 1290 rubles, the volume of the bottle is 250 ml . It follows to use it:

  1. Dilute with alcohol in proportion 1/3, make it best in a blender.
  2. Apply to the fur product with the help of a sponge.
  3. Leave a thing to dry in a straightened state, not forgetting to shake from time to time.

Shine Finish / TCHB / TCCB / Parva-Cremie Created for rapid cleaning of fur having an average degree of pollution. In addition to purification, this tool is recommended to be applied as a finishing coating that protects fiber fiber from sticking dirt, fat and moisture penetration.

In addition, the emulsion of the shine finish / TCHB / TCCB / PARVA-CREMIE can be used as an antistatic for fur with a long pile, for example, fur of a raccoon, black furry or lynx. The cost of 250 ml is 1,300 rubles.

The use of this tool is quite able to any girlfriend:

  1. Emulsion is applied to the fur with a spray;
  2. Exposure time is 10 seconds;
  3. Fur is calculated against the pile;
  4. The product is thoroughly shake and hangs for drying on the volumetric shoulders.

In the event that the fur thing has strong pollution and felling spots, it will help dry width cleaning. However, it is not necessary to use conventional sawdust, which can be purchased on a construction panel. To clean the fur, special varieties of wood are required that do not waste juice, and even more so resin, and having a soft texture that cannot damage the fur. Such solids, for example, Esu or Tor Cleancan be purchased for 750 rubles. The weight of one packing of such sawdust is 400 g, it is enough to carry out several cleaning procedures.

The method of cleaning the fur with sawdust is suitable for all fur products, excluding long-haired fur Tuscany, a volumetric doodle, as well as the Karakulch, since the surface pattern can be disturbed.

Mode of application:

  1. It is necessary to impregnate the sawdust with Netbril-O concentrated emulsion, trying to create a soft but not liquid cleaner;
  2. The resulting agent is rubbed into the fur, especially contaminated spaces are wiping several times;
  3. The maximum impact time is 30 minutes, after which the sawdust needs to be removed, thoroughly embroidering the product;
  4. The wet product is unfolded on a flat surface or hanging on a mannequin for drying natural way;
  5. In the process of drying, the fur is calculated and shakes to give it an attractive form.

How to wash?

The most uncomplicated for cleaning are small-format fur, for example, fur pomphon on a hat, which does not require any particular relation to himself. It does not even need to disappear from the hatch when washing, naturally, in the case when the washing is carried out manually.

For the best result you should use gel detergent.Sew such a cap is best on a three-liter glass jar, turning it down the neck so that the wool is not deformed. It is not recommended to wash in a washing machine, because in this case the product is inevitably stretched and lost volume.

A small inset of fur, which is fastened to the laying down down jacket or jacket, can also be detached at home manually with the use of gel agents for wool, for example, brands "Lask" or Zooshampuny. It is important to press the fur strip well every time after washing and rinsing. This can be done by turning it with a tube and then already squeezing with hands.

You can also press a similar insert in the washing machine, having rolled it into any volumetric material, for example, in an old towel. In this case, when the moisture is, the moisture will turn out of fur into the fabric, as a result, the fur will dry faster.

For drying, the fur must be straightened, carefully combing, put on a soft basis and periodically shake all the time until it dries. As a result, the fur edge may have a slightly rigid member (in the event that it was not well allocated enough), but this can be corrected, from her fingers to a soft state.

The appearance of the fur will be at the same time and it will look like a new one.

The fur of a larger volume is not recommended to wash in the literal sense of the word. It must be remembered that pressing large products made of natural fur in the washing machine cannot be due to the danger of their deformation. And when drying the focus of fur (Mebra), it is naturally becoming like cardboard paper most often, i.e. it becomes rigidness and fragility. As washing, you can carry out surface treatment with foamed shampoo, while acting with maximum caution, so as not to wet the megrin.

In the machine you can wipe the lining from a dirty fur coat so that after cleaning the fur thing outside to make it clean and inside. After drying and ironing, the lining is installed on a thing either by its own or in the repair workshop of fur products.

How to get rid of yellowness?

Often quite well-preserved light fur loses the attractiveness from what begins to yellow. Such a fox, lynx and black fur fur, as well as flaming mink fur. To eliminate such unpleasant manifestations, you can apply a reducing agent tool from the Biofur series. The manufacturer advises to process this reducing agent. With frequency every three monthswithout waiting for the product to appear yellow.

In the case when light fur is already glad, it can help such a tool like Magic Snow. With it, it will be possible to update white fox fur, minks or bright tips on the fur of the Chernoburki. The use of it is very simple and does not cause any difficulties.

Mode of application:

  1. Connect the means with a solution of hydrogen peroxide 1 to 4, mix thoroughly, creating a homogeneous consistency;
  2. Hang the fur product on the shoulders or decompose on the table if the collar processing is carried out;
  3. With the help of a pulverizer, spray the composition on the yellowed fur;
  4. Leave for complete drying, reading fur and shaking from time to time.

In order for the fur product does not lose external attractiveness for a long time, you need to correctly care for it. This is especially true when the fur coat or the collar fell under wet snow and began to look unattractive in connection with the flushed pile.

In this case, it is necessary immediately to return home well to shake the fur to remove wet drops. Then it should be combined with a special brush or calculating with rare teeth and leave on her shoulders, without placing in the closet until complete drying. From time to time you need to shake the fur and calculate again. Thanks to this, the fur coat dries without chances, graziness and deformation.

Also important is the storage of fur products. In order for dust not to settle on them at a time when they are on storage, fur coats, caps and collars need to be removed into covers. At the same time, inside each cover there should be a means of moth, and the length of the cover should be sufficient for the free location of the product.

About how to care for fur, see the next video.