Pattern of men's panama size 58. How to make a panama from paper. Technology of sewing children's summer panama

This panama hat is suitable not only for men, but also for women who prefer a sporty style.

Look at the photo, Panama fits snugly on your head, so it won't fly off in the wind, wide brims reliably protect you from the sun, and denim and cotton lining are breathable.

The given size of the jeans panama pattern is suitable for sizes 58-60. If your measurements are more or less, you can adjust the size of the panama when trying on.

Build the details of the pattern on paper, there should be three of them: crown, margin and bottom; cut out.

Rip the old jeans at the seams, and cut the details: 1 pc. bottom; 2 children crown and 2 children. fields. Since the fabric I had end-to-end, I cut out a crown from 4 parts, instead of the required 2.

Do not forget about the seam allowances on each side of the part - about 0.7-1 cm.

Cut the lining along the upper details. For the lining fabric it is best to use natural fabrics - chintz, linen, calico, satin, etc. If the fabric is new, it must be washed and ironed with a hot iron to avoid shrinkage when washing the panama hat.

How to sew a men's panama hat from jeans, a master class

We sew the details of the crown from the main and lining fabric, iron the seams and, if desired, stretch them off.

We sweep the bottom to the denim crown. Trying on. If everything suits us, we attach it on the sewing machine. If you are not satisfied with the size, we sew or embroider at the seams, achieving a good fit to the head.

The seams, if desired, are removed.

We do the same with the details of the lining fabric.

We glue non-woven glue to the details of the fields made of lining fabric.

Sew the fields from the main and lining fabric on the short sides, iron the seams.

We sweep, and then we grind the edges of the fields along the departure on a sewing machine, cut the allowances to 3 mm.

Sew the upper edge of the brim, connecting the details of the top and lining.

We sweep, and then we sew on the sewing machine the fields to the details of denim (crown + bottom).

Make sure the side seams and the middle of the parts match!

Then we sew the allowance for the crown from the lining fabric with oblique stitches.

We make the fields of the panama with finishing stitches for the width of the foot.

That's all! As you can see, after spending quite a bit of time, everyone can sew a men's panama from jeans with their own hands.

So the warm season has come, sunny days, swimming, walking. The mood is high. So it's time to sit down at the typewriter and sew something new. πŸ™‚

I suggest sew a baby hat for a girl, which is just relevant for the season.

p.s According to the same scheme, you can sew a panama hat for a boy, we will reduce the width of the fields.

The process will not take long. And the result will be beautiful and delight you and those around you, and most importantly - protect your baby's head from the sun.


  • The main fabric is approximately 0.5 x 0.5 m square.
  • Thermal fabric to strengthen the margins 7 cm x 60 cm.
  • Threads to match or match the color with the fabric
  • Bow (flower) for decoration (optional)
  • Tools (typewriter, scissors, basting needles)
  • Pattern

The panama pattern can be easily drawn by yourself according to this scheme:

To build a pattern to the desired size measure your head circumference and divide by 3.14 (Og / 3.14 \u003d D) - this will be the diameter of the panama bottom.

The radius of the panama's fields is calculated by the formula:

R2 \u003d Head circumference / 2 * 3.14 + width of the panama brim (6-13 cm).

Crown - rectangle AB \u003d A1B1 - head circumference, AA1 \u003d BB1 - product depth (usually 9-10 cm.)

Solid geometry. πŸ™‚

How to sew a children's panama hat. Master class with a photo.

We cut out the details of the panama hat from the prepared fabric (according to this pattern):

Add 1.5 cm seam allowances.

Crown - 2 pieces with a fold

Fields - 4 parts

Panama bottom 2 parts

We sew two identical panamas.

1. Connect fields panamas along the side seams. Iron the seams. There will be two circles.

2. Connect the edges of the crown. Press the seam open.

Strengthen the panama hat fields with thermal cloth. Cut out according to the pattern WITHOUT seam allowances. We apply to the fields with the rough side down! PUT the iron on the part and hold it for 8 seconds. We alternately rearrange the iron to other parts of the part. Important: do not iron !!!

P. S. I have it made of two parts (technical situation πŸ™‚). But better with one single piece.

3. Attach the bottom of the panama hat to the crown (face to face) using a basting or needles. Stitch on a typewriter.

4. Connect the parts of the panama hat (brim and hat) together using a basting. Stitch on a typewriter.

5. Repeat with the rest of the details. You get two identical blanks.

P. S. The fields of the inner panama can be not reinforced with thermal fabric.

6. "Face to face" we put one panama hat into another.

7. We sew a seam in a circle. Leave a hole to unscrew the product.

8. We turn out our panama hat.

9. Close the hole. Iron well. Sew along the very edge of the panamas fields.

10. Sew on the flower (bow) by turning the front half of the brim to the cap.

We catch the model and try it on. πŸ™‚ Our panama the girl is ready.

See also,. Detailed master class.

If you have children in your family, then you know how you need a hat or cap in the summer to protect your child's head from the sun's rays. Try to sew such a children's panama hat with your own hands. Such a children's hat is quite suitable not only for a girl, but also for a boy. Such a panama hat model can be sewn even for your daughter's doll.

This free master class provides a pattern for three sizes of a children's hat and a complete description of the technology for sewing a children's panama hat with your own hands.

Video on how to sew an original women's (or for a girl) summer double-sided panama hat.

How to make a pattern for a children's panama

The pattern of this panama hat model is simple, and the hat itself will be sewn from only two identical parts. So that you can start sewing the panama hat, I am attaching a pattern of this panama hat for free. Pattern without allowances, do not forget to add them during the cut.

In order for you to have a pattern of this panama hat, you need a printer and tape.
If you have both, then select each image of the pattern and save them on the "Desktop" of your computer or in a special folder. Then open each image in any graphics editor such as "Paint" and print them at full size (100%).

Sizes: B - (solid line) pattern for a child of 12-24 months. K - (dotted line) pattern for a child 2-4 years old, C - from 4 to 6 years old

Note the 20cm (15cm) and 23cm points. These are the reference values \u200b\u200bneeded to check the pattern after printing on the printer. If, after printing the pattern, the lower horizontal of the left side is 20cm (right -15cm), and the vertical (the connecting line of both parts of the pattern) is 23 cm, then the size of the pattern is correct. If this data is slightly different, then you will need to adjust the print settings of the printer or expand the pattern in any way you know, for example, cut it (glued) vertically and horizontally and slightly push the parts apart.

Both parts of the pattern are glued with tape, then outlined on the fabric and this part is turned along the fold line. Allowances (1 cm) are added along the contour and cut out.

To avoid spoiling the paper, print this test square first. If its sides are 13 cm, then you can print the details of the panama pattern.

Technology of sewing children's summer panama

Sewing this hat with your own hands is not difficult at all, it is enough to cut out two identical parts of the hat from the same material or combine it as in my master class.
Then pin them together, or sweep them together with the right sides inward.

Sew these parts on a sewing machine along the curvy contour of the panama, with an allowance of 1 cm, as shown in the photo.
Be sure to leave a small area not sewn up, within 5-7 cm.

To make the panama hat look neat in its finished form, be sure to cut the sections concave inward, as shown in this photo. Cut carefully so as not to cut the seam.

Convex areas, on the contrary, need to be cut off. In this case, these curved sections will be laid out well.

How to turn out the panama hat correctly

Now you need to find the hole left unstitched and turn the panama through it over the face.

Turn it out more carefully so as not to break the connecting seam.

Here is such a panama hat, outwardly, somewhat similar to a stingray.

Finishing stitching along the edge of the panama

In order for the seam to lay out neatly and evenly, be sure to fasten it with oblique stitches after turning the hat inside out, as shown in the photo.

Iron along the contour of the panama, making sure the seam runs exactly along the rib.

The hole through which you turned the hat inside out also needs to be ironed, with the same allowance.

The hole will have to be sewn up manually, with neat inconspicuous stitches.

After that, you will only have to make one or two finishing lines along the contour of the panama.

Place the finishing stitch along the edge of the panama on the wrong side, 2 mm from the edge. If you are only going to make one line, you can step back a little more.

The edge of the panama hat, finished with two finishing stitches, seems to me to be more beautiful.

How to make button loops on a panama hat

On the panama pattern there is a buttonhole marking for each of the three cap sizes. Transfer this marking to the panama hat, mark the length of the buttonhole and sew the buttonhole on the sewing machine.

Now, with the help of a ripper, you need to cut the loops, taking care not to damage the loop threads.

How to adjust the size of the panama

If you make a mistake with the size of the hat, or your child grows up, the size of the hat can be easily changed.

To do this, it is enough to increase or decrease the distance between the buttons that you sewed on the back section of the panama.

This is how cute and original this hat will look on the back of your child's or doll's head.

It is better to put a soft cotton fabric inside such a hat.

In the heat season, or even just on the eve of summer, the safety of our and children's heads is relevant. Some protect them, covering them with a kerchief, some with a cap, some with a hat, and some just make panamas from the newspaper. Any ways are good!

In this article, we will consider how to sew a panama hat.

All calculations and pattern are suitable for head circumference 38, 42, 46, 48 and 52 cm.

If you look at the details of the pattern of a children's panama hat, you can see the dependence of the increase in size. You can also change the circumference of the head to 54, 56.

In the image of part # 3, you can see that the drawing is slightly cropped. It didn’t fit on A4 format, but it’s just as possible to finish painting it yourself. All 3 patterns are in A4 format. It is enough to print and cut along the required lines.

Materials for sewing a panama hat

Fabric 150 cm wide and 30 cm long for panama, non-woven fabric, 1 cm wide and 70 cm long ribbon for decoration.
Number of parts: 1- upper part of the crown (circle) -1pc, 2- lower part of the crown with a fold - 1pc, 3- fields with a fold - 2pc.
A fold is a dotted line in a drawing. This side of the pattern must be applied to the fold of the fabric.

Lay out on the fabric as shown in the picture, just add one more detail 3. Cut. 1 cm allowances.

Panama sewing sequence

1. Glue the panama details with non-woven fabric.

2. Sew back middle seam on the bottom of the crown. Seam width -1 cm. Iron the seams. If necessary, overlock their edges.

3. Chip off and sweep the top and bottom of the crown, slightly touching the bottom. Create machine stitch. Take out the basting. Overlock the slices. Turn the allowances to the lower part of the crown and delay with the finishing stitch.

4. On the panama hem, make the middle back seams. Iron the allowances.

5. Panama brim to connect face to face. Stitch outer cuts. Cut the seam allowances to 0.2-0.3 cm. It is advisable to iron them out with the tip of the iron - then the turned-out seam will be better laid out. Turn out the fields. Place finishing lines at the same distance from the edge of the brim.

6. Pin open sections of the brim to the bottom of the panama crown (face with face). Stitch, overlock the sections. Press the seam allowances on the crown.

7. If desired, the last seam of the seam can be closed with tape from the wrong side.

8. If no decorative tape is sewn on the front side, then at this stage it is necessary to top off the seam with a decorative stitch.
If you sew on the tape, then the line will lie along its edge. It is practiced to put a cord under the tape to adjust the width of the panama hat, but this is valid provided that the product is sewn from soft fabrics.

Also, this style of panama can be done in another way.

Here master class of sewing panama lined.

The next 4 pictures with sketches differ in different styles. Look closely, perhaps you will be able to decorate your product in a special way.

In preparation for the article, I studied a lot of material from the Internet. And since I only share a pattern that needs to be printed, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with other drawings that you can build yourself.

In the first drawing you can see that the margins are quite large. They can be either increased or decreased.

Let me remind you that there is such a technique to proportionally increase the details (sides and lines). You need to calculate one side, which you will know for sure in size and find out the magnification factor.

For example, the drawing says that it should be 16 cm, but only 4 cm is drawn (attach a ruler and measure). This means that in full size all dimensions (measured with a ruler in the figure) must be increased by 4 times.

And there is one more difference. In some patterns of panama hats, the central part is drawn round, and in others - oval. It's a matter of taste. It is better to take a closer look at the purchased models and decide for yourself which he likes best.
Each model can also be decorated with lace, as in this picture.

Here is a selection patterns of panama hats I did it. If you have any questions, ask in the comments. And we also considered how to sew a panama hat. And if your daughters like kerchiefs more, you can read the sequence of their sewing in this one. So, what remains is to look for the fabric and go to the sewing machine!

Oh yes, for those who do not have a sewing machine, I suggest the sequence of making a panama hat from a newspaper.

Create products for yourself and your family with love!