Masquerade costumes from scrap materials. The benefits of recycling - clothes made from plastic (video) Dinosaur and cowboy made from boxes

The flowers themselves were cut out using various patterns. Flowers were made both from the bottom of the bottle and collected from petals cut from the main part of the bottles. The edges of each petal, leaf, and curl were processed in the fire of a candle. Flowers are unique and inimitable.

The paints used for painting should not curl up on the plastic. It is necessary to cover from a distance, in a thin even layer, preferably in the open air.

The feces were made from a rectangle, folding it on one side to form a flower cup. Covered with white and yellow paints. The base of the flower was well glued and attached to the wire.

The frame of the dress was welded to order according to the model's measurements. Additionally, wire was attached around the entire perimeter for attaching flowers. Painted white.

A composition was created separately to decorate the top. A master class on how to make it was given earlier.

Creating such a dress is a labor-intensive process. Every detail in it is made by hand. A large number of blanks of flowers, petals, leaves, curls are needed. When the flowers were assembled onto the frame, small LEDs were inserted into the centers of the flowers and attached to a battery. Remember New Year's garlands? The principle is similar. In such a dress you can “shine” even at night!

The variety of products is amazing. These are glasses, boxes, children's toys, organizers, chandeliers and many other useful and beautiful things. But the most elegant products made from plastic bottles are flowers of various shapes and colors, similar to natural and decorative, for holidays and gift decoration. How to make flowers from a plastic bottle, see our master class.

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To work we will need the following tools:

- plastic bottles of various sizes

- paints for painting different colors

- scissors

- glue gun

- candle

- matches

— marker for CD discs

We cut off the bottoms of the bottles with scissors - these will be blanks for the flowers. Then with a marker we draw an outline along which we cut out the flower.

From the remaining part of the bottle, cut out petals and leaves of the required size.

To give a beautiful shape to the details, we singe the edges over a candle. And we narrow the corner that will be attached to the stem, holding it over the candle with two fingers

We paint the resulting blanks in the colors we need. You can paint with paints from cans, brushes, even nail polish, i.e. any paints that will not curl on plastic.

Now you can collect large flowers. Using a glue gun we collect white petals (for the base I took a cardboard circle with a diameter of 2 cm)

MOSCOW, September 14 - RIA Novosti, Victoria Salnikova. RIA Novosti continues a series of publications about people who organized production in Russia.

The fashion industry is turning towards ecology and ethical consumption. H&M launched a program to collect old items, and sports brand Adidas presented sneakers made from recycled waste from the bottom of the ocean. The trend has reached our country. The first Russian eco-oriented brand GO Authentic was created by Moscow designer Olga Glagoleva and the head of the consulting firm Authentic Investments Natalya Isaeva. They work with recycled plastics and handcrafted fabrics.

Does environmentally friendly mean expensive?

Eco-friendly clothing is not a cheap pleasure. Olga and Natalia’s first collection “Home” included five sweatshirts made from recycled plastic, each of which costs 11,200 rubles. If a buyer brings and returns five plastic bottles, Olga gives a 20 percent discount. The designer insists that her items are bought once and for all.

"We make timeless things, they don't go out of style. We don't have seasonal collections like most brands. Nobody needs 68 dresses, each of which is worn once - you buy a thing when you need it, and then constantly you wear it. In this context, it’s not that expensive. But, of course, it’s easier for someone to go to the mass market and buy a dress that you’ll throw away in a month or a season,” says Natalya.

Common Home

GO Authentic consistently advocates for conscious consumption and recycling. Plastic is a resource that doesn't have to be thrown away.

Originally from the USSR: how a Muscovite launched Soviet machines throughout RussiaRIA Novosti begins a series of publications about people who organized their production in Russia. The first hero is Muscovite Alexey Vlasov, who produces shoes on Soviet machines and factories.

“We make sweatshirts from plastic, but you can create anything from it: refrigerators, slates, windows. We want to show that environmental is an alternative. It does not interfere with creating modern and interesting things, but at the same time using technologies that do not harm the planet ". You need to act locally - from your entrance and apartment. The more globally a person thinks, the less he thinks about the cigarette butts that he throws at his feet. And he walks along this street, and not on another continent. With the help of textiles we speak about such stories - about small things, behind which there is something big,” says Olga.

Recycled plastic fabric is soft and durable. The material is not yet produced in Russia, so Olga and Natalya order it from China.

© Photo: courtesy of Go AuthenticCollection "Home" by Go Authentic brand

"The collection reflects our attitude towards excess and excessive consumption. We assembled a five-meter collage of photographs and magazine clippings, which were transferred to fabric. This is the second side of the concept - there is so much produced in the world that nothing new needs to be done. You can take it and transform it what we have is to live for some time without harming the environment,” said Natalya.

Olga's collection also includes children's clothing. The designer taught for a year at a Montessori school (a special teaching method based on the development of independence in a child), where she told students about production. During class, each of the girls created a dress. There are ten of them in the line.

“We took organic cotton, dyed it with plant extracts, then transformed the children’s drawings into patterns and made hand embroidery from them. Each dress was designed by the girls themselves; the adults only helped them sew them,” said the designer.

© Photo: courtesy of Go AuthenticCollection "Home" by Go Authentic brand

Pajamas for Björk

Olga and Natalia’s brand is just entering the market, so it’s too early to talk about profits. To date, GO Authentic items are presented in four stores in Moscow, two online stores, as well as in Barcelona, ​​St. Petersburg and London. But there is already a first VIP client: one of the outfits will soon go to the singer Björk.

“Living consciously and environmentally in our country is expensive and inconvenient. You buy water in a plastic bottle, use it and throw it away. It’s the same with garbage in houses and apartments: we throw batteries, paper and a head of cabbage into one bucket. Acting consciously is extremely inconvenient , because you need to organize space at home for separate waste collection. In yards, as a rule, there are no necessary bins, so you need to find where to take this garbage. It’s difficult, confusing and expensive. In the West, it’s different: you leave the house, on one side "You have a container for receiving batteries, on the other there are bins for separate waste collection, and across the road there is a container for receiving old clothes. In Russia there is no system. But if everyone lives consciously, then eventually it will appear," Natalya is convinced.

A pleasant event unexpectedly appeared - a masquerade ball! You don’t have the time or money to order from a tailor shop or run around the shops looking for original costumes! What to do?! Well, firstly, calm down, secondly, remember that we can do everything with our own hands and thirdly, look around. What do we always have a lot of at home? Right! Plastic bottles, newspapers, garbage bags, boxes. From this we will make the most original carnival costume with our own hands.

Mermaid or kikimora

The most beautiful place in a plastic bottle is the bottom. We cut a lot of them at once. They will decorate the hem of the dress, the bodice, and you can use them to glue together an original crown. For a mermaid or kikimora costume we will need green bottles.

After cutting off the bottoms, you still need to cut off the necks, and then carefully and evenly cut the rest of the bottle lengthwise into three equal parts. Burn small holes in the narrow part and gather them on a cord into a garland, which will become a skirt. Glue, sew or staple the bottoms along the edge of the skirt.

It is better to make the bodice of the dress by covering an old T-shirt with green plastic parts. But the crown can be assembled from lush feathers cut from bottles and attached to a hoop or ribbon.

Princess of Flowers

The standing skirt for this costume is made from a wire frame. Any thin fabric can be stretched over it. This is where the difficulties end and the creative part begins. Cut petals from bottles of different colors, collect them into flowers and attach them to the skirt. Cut half-liter bottles in a spiral and attach the “serpentine” to the skirt.

A boy's costume can be made from scrap materials by simply tying two plastic bottles together and attaching them upside down to the astronaut's back using straps. To make our jetpack functional, glue red-orange patches simulating fire into the necks with your own hands.

Helmet, hat, crown

The largest plastic bottles are simply specially produced in order to make various headdresses from them for a hero, an alien, a king, a gentleman, a puss in boots, etc.

The photo shows how to make these hats. Cut out the fields from thick cardboard.

Costumes from…

Dress made of leaves

It is quite natural to go to an autumn ball in a dress made from autumn leaves. To create such a masterpiece with your own hands you will need few resources: just a piece of fabric or an old dress, a large bag of maple leaves and glue.

Take garbage bags of two colors, cut them into one continuous sheet, and build a costume... for example, rain.

Dresses made from improvised materials turn out amazing. Few people know that bags, even the largest ones, are glued together so tightly that they can be inflated like balloons. Inflate 15-20 bags and attach them to a long skirt in several rows. The world has never seen such a gorgeous princess.

You can, on the contrary, not inflate the bags, but cut them into fringes, and then sew them on with lush red flounces.

Queen of newspaper prints

If you have stacks of old, read newspapers lying around waiting for the next repair, it's time to put them to work. See what kind of royal dress of the Lady of the Seal you can make with your own hands. All you need to do is take a printed sheet, fold it in half for rigidity, roll it into a bag and attach it to the skirt in any way. The assembly procedure is the same as in the autumn costume.

Dinosaur and box cowboy

A great dinosaur costume can be made from boxes. You can fasten the parts with a stapler, glue or tape. This requires imagination and engineering.

Another carnival costume for a boy is a cowboy on a horse. The horse's face can be made from the same plastic bottles. It’s a pity that it’s difficult to dance in circles in such outfits, and you can’t invite a girl to a waltz, but a gift for the best costume is guaranteed.

The most profitable outfit is the alien dress. Yes, because no one knows what he really looks like. Come up with whatever you want, cut it with your own hands, glue it, draw everything your imagination allows. To indicate that you are wearing an alien costume, simply attach an antenna to your head and paint your face green.


The cloud suit is made of padding polyester. Take a white cloth or an old pillowcase.

Cut a hole in it for the head and sew in lots and lots of white synthetic fluff. White tights will complete the look.

Second life of things

Natalia Vodianova became the face of the H&M Conscious collection, and pink became its calling card. The company has been promoting eco-fashion for six years. The H&M chain of stores even accepts unwanted clothes for recycling and production of new models. Another affordable brand, Topshop, does the same.

Eco-line H&M Conscious

Where did eco-fashion begin?

The Swedes and the British are not pioneers in this topic. Perhaps, Jean-Paul Gaultier was the first to bring clothes made from garbage onto the catwalk: in the 80s, he presented a high-tech collection with plastic bags, trash cans and tin cans. However, then his goal was only shocking. Conscious use of waste to produce clothing began only in the early 2000s.

Gaultier Hi-Tech collection 1980/81

Stella McCartney has been committed to ethical principles since the founding of her brand. She does not use natural leather or fur, has abandoned harmful dyes, and has a lot of organic cotton in her collections.

Stella McCartney at the presentation of her new collection at Abbey Road Studios

Sports for the environment

At the instigation of Stella McCartney in 2009, Adidas joined the fight for the environment. She created an eco-friendly line made from recycled polyester fibers, and at the end of 2016 introduced a new collection made from organic plastic together with Parley, an organization dedicated to protecting the ocean environment. T-shirts made from this material are worn, in particular, by players of Bayern Munich and Real Madrid.

FC Bayern midfielder Javi Alonso wearing an Adidas Parley T-shirt

And they're not the only ethical sports brand. Top football teams and clubs from all over the world play in Nike uniforms made from plastic bottles.

Charles Denson, Nike's chief brand officer: “Producing fabric from plastic bottles requires 30% less energy than producing it from virgin polyester fibers. But even saving energy is not the main thing. To make this mold, we used 13 million plastic bottles that would otherwise sit in landfills for centuries.”

Brazil national team player Neymar in Nike uniform

Other eco-trends

However, eco-fashion does not rely on plastic alone. Her followers also use organic and natural materials: jute, soy, wool, silk, bamboo or hemp and corn fibers, as Armani does. Genuine leather is replaced with vegetable leather from Hevea juice. The main principle is that the material should decompose on its own and not become garbage.

This also includes the use of natural dyes without pesticides. Or, for example, “washing without water,” which preserves fresh water supplies on earth. The famous jeans manufacturer Levi's uses dry stones instead of 42 liters of water required to wash jeans in production.

Celebrity eco-fashion advocates

Bono and Ali Hewson

U2 frontman Bono, a renowned human rights activist and green activist, created the ethical clothing brand EDUN with his wife Ali. The company's main production is located in ecologically clean areas of Africa. In addition, this is an income opportunity for the local population.

Emma Watson

Emma showed off her commitment to eco-fashion at the 2016 Met Gala, wearing a Calvin Klein and Eco-Age dress made from recycled plastic bottles on the red carpet. Even the zippers were made from recycled materials, and the inner lining of the top was made from organic cotton.

Meryl Streep

Meryl Streep's golden dress made from recycled plastic from Lanvin was lucky: she won her third Oscar in it. But fashion critics recognized it as one of the worst outfits of the 2012 ceremony.

Let's join the eco-movement

And finally, some simple tips for those who want to become a supporter of reasonable consumption and are ready to make a feasible contribution to protecting the environment.

Wear things for a long time

Try to remember that quality is more important than quantity. If it is possible to sew up a torn item, do not throw it away. For example, growing cotton to produce a pair of jeans requires about ten thousand liters of water. Think about it, do you really need a new pair?

Don't throw things away

There are many ways to give things a second life: give them to those in need, take them to a second-hand store or recycle them. Especially if these are things made of polyester - a material that almost does not decompose.

Don't neglect second-hand shopping

Get involved in the cycle of things not only as a supplier, but also as a consumer. Moreover, you can often find much more interesting things in thrift stores and stores than in the mass market.

Choose ethical brands

We talked about just a few designers fighting for the environment. Every year there are more and more of them. Responsible consumption also means knowing what clothes you wear.

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