Purple color in clothes and psychology

Violet occupies the last place in the rainbow and the color wheel due to the fact that human eyes are not able to see shorter radiations. At the same time, purple is the result of the fusion of complete opposites - red and blue.

Purple is the hardest color in the rainbow. In ancient times, it was believed that a violet flame descends from heaven to Earth, which in its meaning is higher than ordinary white light. People appreciated shades of purple, but not everyone was worthy of this color, because before dyes of such shades were rare and very expensive.

Perhaps that is why he is credited with many properties. Purple helps people with certain diseases, as it has the ability to calm down. He is also credited with the ability to improve and restore vision. People suffering from myopia need to continuously look at this color for 10 minutes a day, and their vision will improve.

In addition to helping in the fight against diseases, purple helps in the spiritual struggle, protects against dark forces, and gives supernatural powers. And this color also has a connection with intuition and helps to blur the boundaries between the material world and the world of subtle energies. Perhaps that is why purple is considered the most mystical and mysterious color. Let's look at photos of the most diverse manifestations of this beautiful color and think about what benefits it can bring to our lives.

If you are tired of clothes of your favorite and proven shades, try to create an image in purple or at least add its shades to accessories. This can have a positive impact on the subconscious mind, mood and various areas of our lives.

Purple color is usually referred to as "cold" shades, but in fact, not everything is so simple. Ideal pure colors can be found in the pictures. All colors flow into one another, therefore, in clothes and accessories, purple can have both cold and warm shades. This must be taken into account when creating a new image.

Girls with a warm color type of appearance should choose clothes with warm shades of purple. Also, keep in mind that the material can change the temperature of the shades. Matte, suede textures give warmth to things, while shiny materials make colors cooler.

Purple color in psychology personifies the complete unity of opposites and denials, until complete dissolution in each other. As we already know, purple appears due to the merger of opposites - red and blue. Perhaps that is why purple is so mysterious and magical.

Psychologists are trying to show the whole world how deeply they understand the human soul and the essence of being in general. But in fact, most psychologists are not satisfied with their own lives, but they will never admit it, because then there will be few people who want to listen to their instructions and pay for consultations.

Therefore, one should not take the statements of psychologists about the purple color too seriously. Some of them claim that this color is adored by homosexuals, others attribute the passion for purple dresses to sexually unsatisfied women or pregnant women. Someone recommends this color for teenagers, while others, on the contrary, categorically forbid dressing children in purple.

When it comes to achievements and lifestyle, the opinions of psychologists are again divided. Some argue that purple lovers often achieve high goals in life, while others, on the contrary, argue that purple is the choice of losers from the very bottom of society. I don’t know where such a theory came from, but I have never met the dregs of society in.

Purple is the color of the unity of opposites so there are so many controversies associated with it. We should not forget about the variety of shades, which means that it is more correct to consider its meaning in psychology, based on a specific shade. Dark shades symbolize power and strength. Light shades are soft and gentle on the contrary ...

All people are different, but most likely the purple color is loved by individuals who are receptive to the spiritual non-material world. And pragmatic people, living exclusively by material values ​​and calculation, reject shades of purple.

Psychics and people of the holy life can see much more than the man of the world. For example, they can contemplate the human aura, which is the glow of energies around a person. If there is a lot of violet in the aura, then a person has a pure soul, free from worldly vices and passions.

Now most of us do not see the aura, but the day will come when the soul will separate from the body and all our deeds will become visible, then we will see our soul and will be able to check how true the statement about the divine origin of violet is.

purple eye color

Unfortunately, in nature it is impossible to meet a healthy girl with real purple eyes. You can insert lenses, correct the photo with the almighty Photoshop, but real purple eyes are incredibly rare, and are the result of some deviations. Militta has already talked about how eye color is formed in ...

Purple hair dye

With the help of modern paints, any girl can transform her appearance and dye her hair purple. Just before you decide on such a transformation, you need to decide on your expectations, because the resulting shade depends on the original hair color and paint.