Blue color in clothes: color psychology and stylish combinations

string(10) "error stat" string(10) "error stat" string(10) "error stat" string(10) "error stat" string(10) "error stat" Good luck awaits people who know themselves. The blue color in clothes is loved by people who from an early age are accustomed to setting clear goals for themselves and stubbornly achieving them. The color of knowledge in youth becomes the color of well-deserved success in adulthood. All shades of blue (from sky blue to indigo) symbolize wisdom in deeds, balance in emotions and depth in thoughts. Blue suits people with high intelligence and ambitions.

The meaning of blue

Among the ancient peoples, the sky was associated with the divine, and the expanses of water with demonic forces. A sacred meaning was attributed to the blue color, so healers used it to heal the sick, and rulers and priests wore blue robes as a sign of kinship with higher powers. Thousands of years have passed, but human psychology has not changed much. Subconsciously, blue is associated with higher power, and is used in art therapy to restore mental health.

Psychology of power - control of emotions

The ability to control emotions and think clearly is highly valued among successful people. The blue color is considered "sobering", able to cool the ardor of the strongest feelings, extinguish unwanted passion. Women in heavenly attire are considered inaccessible, and men are balanced and sober-minded. Depth Admirers of sea or heavenly shades are distinguished by a tendency to deep reflection and self-immersion, peace and stability in desires. Modern psychology recommends wearing blue clothes in stressful situations, as well as during rest to restore peace of mind. Result The tendency to wear blue clothes means the desire for the fulfillment of desires, and not idle dreams. Dark shades of blue are chosen by a practical person, and light ones are preferred by a dreamer. Therefore, deep dark tones are suitable for business people, and light heavenly tones are creative. Luck The psychology of those who prefer the blue color in clothes is distinguished by independence, high education and inner harmony. Such people are accustomed to getting what they consider their rightful, so fate is often favorable to them.

Blue color in a modern wardrobe

Strive to inspire confidence in others, create a reputation as a serious and reliable person? Preferring blue in clothes will make your task easier. Blue is subconsciously associated with high moral principles and depth of thinking.

business style

Business people need high-quality suits in dark blue and light blue colors in their wardrobe. In the eyes of others, blue makes women more restrained, and men calmer. Balance is ideal for negotiations and work responsibilities. If the work involves constant communication, you need a light blue suit that will give the image a friendliness.

Study and professional growth

When choosing clothes for study or everyday work, it is best to opt for light blue and gray-blue shades. Decorative accessories and various combinations with other colors will help to give an image of lightness. White elements give elegance, brown - stability, and green, red or yellow - perky.

True aristocracy

Do you want to look bright, but aristocratic in a solemn atmosphere? Give preference to expensive outfits in blue colors. Women will be decorated with a luxurious plain dress in blue or dark blue. Suits made of dark blue, almost black and blue fabric should be placed in the men's wardrobe. However, light shades are also appropriate, subject to a strict cut.

The meaning of the basic shades of blue

Each shade of blue carries a charge of a certain energy. In a blue dress, a girl is associated with purity and innocence, and in dark blue - with wisdom and maturity. Knowing the meaning of shades is necessary in order to make the right impression with the help of clothes.


Celestial shades personify purity, help create a sublime image. Perfectly combined with white and gold. Associated with idleness, therefore in the modern world it is considered somewhat infantile and more suitable for women and children.

Light blue

An elegant shade, a must in the men's wardrobe. Suitable for important business meetings, social events, family celebrations and leisure. Light blue goes well with dark blue and black shirts, strict ties.


Neutral color, perfect for everyday work. With its help, it is impossible to stand out from the crowd, but it sets you in a serious mood, increases the ability to concentrate, and increases labor productivity.

Navy blue

Somewhat aggressive, but expensive color. Suitable for high-level business meetings, iconic social events, family celebrations. Men's wardrobe without dark blue suits will not do if the owner occupies a prominent place in society. Women should wear dark shades with caution, as they are associated with coldness.

Ink (black-blue)

Mystical blue. Black and blue is preferred in situations where it is important to look authoritative and extremely balanced. In inexpensive outfits, it should be avoided - ink fabrics are designed to create an atmosphere of luxury and absolute confidence in one's achievements. This color is associated with sharks swimming in the depths of the ocean.
The love of blue means wisdom and prudence. This color does not tolerate negligence - purchase clothes strictly for the chosen style, correctly combining with other shades.

Favorable blue color combinations

Blue clothing allows you to look bright, but restrained. Not surprisingly, the men's wardrobe usually abounds with blue things. Women are less likely to wear water clothes, because they know how blue does not like competition - it is difficult to combine it with other colors correctly.

Neutral combinations

Conservative colors never go out of style. In situations where it is important to look like a competent professional, it is worth giving preference to a combination of blue with white, black or gray. White Dark and gray-blue suits and dresses will become more elegant if you ennoble them with snow-white elements. Men can do this with shirts, while women can freshen up the look with jewelry and accessories. Black and gray Deep black and noble gray - perfectly complement any shade of blue. They are associated with a storm in the ocean and thunderclouds at sea, so this combination is suitable for work.

Calm combinations

Discussing a new project with colleagues, going to a meeting with friends or a date, planning a family celebration? Blue should be complemented with brown or green. Brown Various shades of brown are associated with the coastline, the safe harbor. This value should be used in complex negotiations, where it is important to avoid protracted discussions.
Green Blue and green is a classic nautical combination. Great for weekends, soulful dates and friendly dinners. A gray-blue suit or dress with a green addition in the form of a tie, shirt or scarf look sophisticated and testify to the depth of feelings.

A little extravagance

Connoisseurs of blue sometimes want to look bright. Two "loud" colors - red and yellow - will help to make a shocking impression. Red
The archaic meaning of red is inextricably linked with blood and a violent desire to live. In combination with blue, the outfit gives the wearer the image of a person who is absolutely confident in himself. Do you want to show that the influence of society is alien to you and you know what you want from life? Feel free to combine blue with red!

Yellow Associated with summer holidays at sea, therefore suitable for informal meetings. The positive influence of yellow balances the depressing notes of blue - this combination is worth using when you want to look energized and rested. It is advisable to use sunny yellow and avoid egg yellow if saturated blues are chosen. Light yellow is suitable for outfits in blue tones. The depth of blue is attractive, but you can not give in to the desire to completely immerse yourself in the shades of the underwater depths and heavenly heights. Blue can prevail in the wardrobe, but needs moderate contrasts.