Daughter of Julia Proskuryakova. Igor Nikolaev showed his favorite pictures of his four-year-old daughter. Veronica is a long-awaited child

It's hard to believe, but October 27, 2019 marks 41 years already. In honor of his daughter's birthday, the composer and author of many hits flew to Miami, where the eldest daughter lives, the site says.

New photo of Igor and Yulia Nikolaev

A new shot appeared in the artist's microblogging, in which he and his daughter against the background of the Miami city infrastructure. The father and daughter look happy and pleased with the meeting. They are separated by a whole ocean, however, and it is not an obstacle for an important date in the life of Igor Nikolaev.

41-year-old Yulia practically does not change. For at least the past few years, she has been following the same style and adhering to the chosen image. Everything is the same radiant, light, kind, as before.

The subscribers joined in the congratulations, wishing their relatives to see each other more often, and also expressing their admiration, as they prove by their example that, no matter what happens in the family, it is very important to preserve the harmony of relations between parents and children.

Recall that Julia was born in marriage with the first wife of Nikolaev, Elena Kudryashova, with whom, by the way, he sat at the same desk during his school years. In 1991, the marriage broke up, as the musician met Natasha Koroleva. However, he tried his best to maintain a good relationship with his eldest daughter.

Congratulations from stepmother

It is noteworthy that Igor Yuryevich managed to build harmonious relations with his eldest daughter not only himself, but his wife Yulia also maintains contact with her. At the same time, it should be noted that in this situation, the age difference between Nikolaeva and Proskuryakova is only four years. Nevertheless, the artist herself arrived in Miami to congratulate her stepdaughter on her 41st birthday, signing the publication with touching words to the breed:

“Yulenka !!! Our beloved and dear girl, happy birthday to you !!! Let your life be decorated with the most beautiful lilies in the world ... love, rejoice, reach new heights in your work, and we ... we will always be there !!! Happy Birthday!" (Spelling and punctuation of the author preserved, editor's note).

Julia Proskuryakova with Igor Nikolaev and their little daughter Nika spent several days at Disneyland. They were accompanied by the artist's eldest daughter, 40-year-old Julia. On her official page on the social network Instagram, Proskuryakova published several photos taken during the trip.


Actually, one picture was the reason for the critical reviews of subscribers. In the frame, a close-up is captured sitting Igor Nikolaev, and Yulia Proskuryakova and Nika snoozed next to them. "Disneyland lovers with @igor_nikolaev_music))) and #yulianikolaev #father with many children," the singer wrote.

Subscribers drew attention to the last hashtag and literally bombarded Proskuryakova with questions if she was pregnant, regarding it as a hint. When the artist said no, she was literally hounded for not knowing the expression "father of many children." Then the singer, apparently, ran out of patience and she was justified. "Lord! Yes, this is a joke ... that you have a sense of humor! Just like a teacher in the classroom. I know how and what is considered, not small already (hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the author are preserved. - Ed. .) ", - said the annoyed Yulia Proskuryakova.

The artist also shared her impressions of Disneyland. "In general, we liked it, only a lot of people and hot), and so), of course, Nika is delighted !!!" - said the singer. By the way, here too netizens found something to complain about. Some did not like the fact that the daughter of Proskuryakova and Nikolaev moved around in the amusement park in a wheelchair, they say, is already a big girl.

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Publication by Julia Proskuryakova (@uliaveronika) Apr 26, 2019 at 3:07 PDT

We met with Yulia and asked the young mother about what has changed in the couple's life since then.

Fascinated Pugacheva

Literally everything has changed! - Julia admitted. - I am internally transformed. I have finally fulfilled my most important function. It seems to me that this is the main thing a woman should strive for. This does not mean at all that the world is closed only on the child, but every woman should become a mother.

- Is Veronica a long-awaited child?

Sure! We tried to conceive her for 10 years. But it still didn't work out. And then one day before the New Year I dreamed that I had given birth to a child. I saw it very clearly, in every detail. I remember how in a dream I asked to bring me a baby as soon as possible to feed him. I was so worried that my child was hungry. I have memorized every detail around. Perhaps it was what is called a prophetic dream. And a year later it all happened again, only in reality.

- Did you have to somehow alter your schedule?

Yes, absolutely. I had to change a lot in order to spend more time with my daughter. I always feed only myself - I don't trust mixtures. Need to study with Veronica, read. My daughter learns everything very quickly.

- Have you returned to work yet?

It's hard for Igor to drag all of us alone, so I have to help him. But we have assistants - grandparents, and we also hired a nanny. By the way, Alla Borisovna (Pugacheva - Ed.) Also loves to babysit her daughter, she already predicts a scene for the baby and is ready to play music with her. They hit it off quickly. On the occasion of the christening, Alla Borisovna presented Veronica with wonderful pendants in the form of angels.

"The first days we were afraid for her life"

Veronica was born very weak, but now she has caught up with her peers. Photo: Instagram.com

- How do you bring up your daughter?

We talk, we sing lullabies. All our leisure is our daughter. Now she is already beginning to pronounce the words: give, show. Every day there is something new.

- Veronica was born prematurely, did it make adjustments to her upbringing?

The baby came to us in Jurmala ahead of time: the birth caught me on vacation, and I gave birth in an ordinary state maternity hospital. In general, I was planning to give birth in Moscow, but Veronica decided otherwise. At first, she could not cry due to insufficient lung volume. It was hard for us to see it, she was so tiny and helpless. It was necessary to wake her up and feed her 8-10 times a day. We kept records of weight and height every day. For quite a long time, Veronica was fed only with special hypoallergenic products, they did not take it out into the open air, they literally blew away dust particles. Fortunately, Veronica turned out to be strong, she tried, fought for her life. And now all this is over, now she does not lag behind her peers, however, she still does not eat everything. They say that premature babies really want to catch up with others in all respects, and we saw it ourselves.

- Who does the baby look like?

When she was born, it was a copy of Igor. And now, by facial expressions, emotions, it acquires the features of all family members.

- Does he recognize you on TV?

Yes. She is very fond of the song "SMS" (she is sung in a duet by Yulia and Igor Nikolaev. - Ed.). When dad sees, he rejoices, squeaks, smiles and immediately shows with legs and arms: "Dad, hello!"

- How did your relationship with Igor's eldest daughter develop?

Julia is a wonderful person, responsive and kind. When we started meeting with Igor, she was the first to approach me, congratulating me on the New Year. Gradually we began to communicate, correspond, call up. She helped me to understand a lot about Igor, I often turned to her for advice. As a result, we became great friends with her.

- Who is your main family member?

Of course, a man. I just don't understand women-led marriages.

37-year-old Yulia Proskuryakova and 59-year-old Igor Nikolaev little daughter is growing up Veronica, which is about to turn 4 years old. Star parents do not hide the heiress from the fans, but on the contrary - they gladly share in their personal blogs everything that happens in the life of their daughter.

Photo: Instagram @uliaveronika

Veronica is not the only daughter of Igor Nikolaev. The musician first became a father when he was 18 years old. Daughter Julia the first wife gave him Elena, with whom he studied at school together. By the way, despite the big age difference, Nikolaev's daughters communicate well. When the little girl comes to visit Yulia in the USA, where the latter lives, the composer's eldest daughter happily teaches Veronica how to play the piano.

And today the happy father shared a family video: the older sister sent Nika a gift from America, and in the video Nikolaev, together with the younger heiress, unpack a huge box. However, the musician did not show what kind of gift Julia had prepared for her sister:

THE FIRST GIFT 🎁 from America 🇺🇸 Veronica was sent by her older sister, my eldest daughter Julia They love each other very much! ❤️ 10 days more until the birthday, but the mood is already festive!) 💥😍 - Igor signed the video.

Fans are also eager to find out what was in the big holiday bag, and they hope that soon the star dad will show a gift:

Intrigued! 🤔

And what's in the bag? "Very interesting"

Wow😍 sorry the video is short😍🔥

And recently Igor Nikolaev showed how the little one is a hooligan when he falls asleep in the middle of the day. After waiting for dad to doze off on the couch, Veronica crept up to him and pasted a butterfly image on her cheek.

This is what happens when you accidentally fall asleep on the couch during the day!) - Nikolaev signed the video.

By the way, Veronica is not only a hooligan, but also pleases her parents with her talents. The girl loves to dance, sing, paint, sculpt from plasticine, and most importantly, she already speaks excellent English. Julia and Igor hired a nanny for their daughter, who is a native English speaker. The girl communicates with the governess and even translates her words for her parents. Veronica is also not indifferent to sports: not so long ago she started playing golf!

Today, October 8, Veronica Nikolaeva turned four years old. Her star dad has published her favorite pictures of the baby. On one of the shots, Nick, as the musician and his 37-year-old wife Yulia Proskuryakova affectionately call her, enthusiastically wrote at a creative mirror stand in Jurmala.

In another picture, Veronica posed in a denim suit with a toy in her hands. In the third photo, the baby was wearing a unicorn headband. In the last picture, the artist looked with a smile at the girl he was holding in his arms. “Favorite sun !!! Four!!! Veronica leaves her “autograph” on the Mirror of Love. Happiness, love and peace to you, daughter, ”the artist shared.


The singer has an eldest daughter, Julia, who will turn 41 in October. She lives in the USA. Julia began her singing career, but later received a medical degree and works as a doctor in Miami. She gets along well with dad's young wife Julia and loves her little sister. A popular artist shared a video in which he and Veronica unpacked a huge box with gifts, which the older sister had sent for the baby in advance from abroad.

Posted by (@igor_nikolaev_music) 29 Sep 2019 at 12:18 pm PDT

Igor Nikolaev and Yulia Proskuryakova try to devote all their free time to their girl. Star dad often walks with Nika and personally gives her music lessons. The girl and her parents were warmly congratulated by stellar colleagues and family friends, among whom were Valery Syutkin, Igor Krutoy and others.


The couple recently celebrated their ninth anniversary of marriage. Singer