Wall decoration in a group for the new year. Kindergarten decoration for the new year. Photo gallery: ideas for decorating the front door to the group

Decorating a nursery for the New Year is an exciting and rewarding activity. After all, only children are able to rejoice, not because it is so customary, and not in order to please someone. Not. The joy of children is sincere, not for show. Therefore, I want to create such small miracles for them more often and more. And the New Year is not a reason? And you can do it yourself. Don't believe me? See a photo of an already decorated children's room, get ideas and take action.

For room decoration for the New Year you can choose any style. The main thing is to be festive, beautiful and ... safe.

  • For the safety of the baby, the New Year's decor must be hung at such a height that the child cannot reach them.
  • Toys, decor should not be glass. Plastic, styrofoam, fabric, wood are the materials you should prefer.
  • Make sure that the decoration does not consist of small details. After all, everything sparkling, new and strange just wants to be sucked into your mouth.
  • Electric garlands should be checked, or even better to probe, so that there is no short circuit.
  • Electric garlands can be replaced with paper.
  • If you are planning to put a Christmas tree in a children's tree, secure it securely, you can even tie it to the battery so that it does not accidentally fall.
  • You can decorate the Christmas tree with paper, knitted or fabric toys. And we will share ideas and photos.

Advice! Think in advance, or better, draw on a sketch or create a visualization map using a photo of how it will look children's room interiordecorated for the New Year. But you need to decorate it when the child falls asleep. So that, when he wakes up, he or she finds himself in a fairy tale.


Are you a responsible mom who volunteered to decorate the kindergarten for the New Year, a teacher who is entrusted with this solemn and festive mission, or just a lover of handicrafts who will gladly help make the child's second home beautiful in New Year's way? In all these cases, our kindergarten decorating tips and ideas come in handy. We have collected the coolest ideas, so stock up on material, there is still time to prepare everything.

We decorate the walls

For the New Year's wall decoration to the maximum, the following materials and tools will be needed:

  • colored paper;
  • colored cardboard;
  • felt;
  • tapes;
  • twine;
  • christmas balls;
  • twigs;
  • cones;
  • paints;
  • scissors;
  • pVA glue;
  • tissue paper;
  • glue gun;
  • ruler;
  • patterns and stencils.

Given this entire list, what can we do? Paper applications on the wall, for example, a Snowman made of several round white balls, a Christmas tree, paper garlands, snowflakes, garlands with felt toys, garlands made of natural materials. Decorating a group for the New Year may look something like this:

From white paper you need to cut openwork circles, prepare a hat, eyes, a mouth, and from felt you can make a carrot nose.

A tree is made in approximately the same way. Attach the parts with tape. The garland can be made from rectangular narrow pieces of paper or from round timber that needs to be sewn with a typewriter.

From wooden sticks for the wall, you can create a whole installation - a voluminous Christmas tree with balls, bows and children's toys. Complete the composition with an electric garland and hang it somewhere on a narrow wall.

Twigs can be collected with the children outside. You can even give a task to parents so that they, along with the children, bring a Christmas tree toy for decoration.

The walls can be painted. If, of course, management allows and you feel the talent of an artist. Although you can always use a stencil and paints, which are then easily washed off from the glossy surface of the wall.

The stencil must be carefully cut with nail scissors and use the paint from the spray can. Use a combination of paint + paper + felt and other materials to create an interesting New Year's composition on the wall.

We paint the windows

How to decorate a kindergarten for the New Year? Use windows! To begin with, you can paint them. Use glass paints or folk remedies:

  • water;
  • toothpaste;
  • natural dyes.

In a small amount of water, you need to dilute a few peas of toothpaste, add the necessary natural dye and feel free to paint the windows in a group. The drawing will last all the holidays, and if desired, it is easily washed off, usually with water.

Or you can use a regular children's drawing stencil and a dishwashing sponge.

We decorate windows and windowsill

Do not forget that in addition to painting windows, you can also decorate them with various garlands, decorate curtains, and also use a window sill. Various paper installations with garlands are a great option for decorating a group for the New Year.

On the windowsill, you can arrange a whole exhibition of New Year's works of children.

A window in a kindergarten group can also be decorated with ribbons, cones and fir branches with Christmas tree decorations. Use any ideas and materials that come to mind for decoration: acorns, chestnuts, walnuts, bows, beads, paper snowflakes, flowers made of paper in silence. In our articles, we have repeatedly told how to make flowers from different types of paper, take ideas into service for decorating a kindergarten for the New Year.

We decorate with paper flowers in silence

Making a Snowman from disposable cups

Children love voluminous figures so that they can approach, touch, take pictures. For the New Year, a Snowman made of plastic cups can become a decoration in the garden. Stock up on materials:

  • plastic cups - 200-300 pcs.;
  • stapler;
  • black paint or material for eyes and buttons;
  • orange material or nose paint;
  • red paper for the mouth;
  • scarf;
  • christmas decorations.

First, you need to make a base of plastic cups - connect them together in a circle of the same diameter as you want the Snowman to be in volume. The cups are easily connected with a stapler.

You need to lay out rows of glasses on top of each other, creating a dome. Connect with a stapler not only adjacent glasses, but also rows.

Step by step, you will need to make two or even three of these domes. After that, the Snowman needs to be decorated, to give him, so to speak, a human face. You can use colored glasses, they can be dyed, you can use fabric, Christmas tree decorations or colored paper. You can put a garland in the middle of the product so that the Snowman shines beautifully - here is the decoration of the kindergarten group for the New Year.

By the same principle, you can make Santa Claus or come up with some other character. Twist, think, maybe you can make a symbol of the coming year - a dog from plastic cups.

How to create holiday shapes out of cardboard

But not from ordinary cardboard, but from such, in which electronics are brought, shoes are sold. In general, you need a very thick brown cardboard. Let's make it, for example, a deer.

You can also use plywood for deer or elk, but then you need a little more resources - a jigsaw and strength. To assemble such a figure, you will need a stencil.

You need to carefully cut out all the parts and cut the grooves so that you can later assemble the installation. You don't even need glue to work. You can use a simpler design to decorate the group for the New Year and not waste a lot of time.

And literally from three parts you can make such a deer:

Decorating a group for the New Year in kindergarten does not have to be pompous, using all possible materials. Sometimes it is enough to fix just such a simple cardboard composition and hang several stylish garlands and the group will already be transformed.

We decorate the stairs

We did not take into account one more field for activity - these are stairs. Decorating for the New Year in kindergarten can be placed on the flight of stairs or the handrails of the stairs themselves can be decorated. And here rain, and decorative Christmas-tree branches, and ribbons, and bows with cones can be used. We have picked up some interesting ideas in the photo:

Natural materials look luxurious - twigs, berries, cones. Of course, you need to take into account the fact that the decoration is being prepared for a kindergarten, where there are many mischievous people.

Take the following option as an example - simple, but very elegant. Use plastic or stuffed toys.

We decorate cabinet doors

You can beautifully decorate the cabinet doors - such a decoration of the group for the New Year in the garden can become its hallmark. For each cabinet, you can sew a boot made of felt or any other material, you can create beautiful wreaths from available tools, New Year's compositions based on wooden photo frames.

New Year is a wonderful holiday filled with magic and expectation of happiness. On the eve of a joyful event, kindergarten teachers turn into real designers and inventors, because their task is to decorate the group room in a beautiful and original way in order to give preschoolers positive emotions. To create an elegant interior, material costs are not at all necessary - a creative approach, imagination and love for children are enough. And the best jewelry and crafts are usually handmade.

The importance of creating a New Year's Eve atmosphere in the group

As you know, the anticipation of the holiday is no less exciting than the holiday itself. Especially if it is such a wonderful celebration as a New Year's party. Before this event, children should come to kindergarten with joy, the anticipation of the coming magic should accompany them constantly. That is why the teacher decorates the interior of the group with shiny garlands, snowflakes, rain, funny characters that correspond to the theme of the New Year. In the creation of this beauty, the teacher puts a part of his soul, fully using his creative imagination.

In preschool institutions, contests are often held for the best decoration of the group for the New Year.

For a festive decoration, a teacher may need a variety of materials: "rain", tinsel, colored paper of different textures (plain, velvet, glossy), cardboard, cotton wool, gouache, stained glass paints (for painting windows and mirrors).

For design work, the teacher will need different materials, including colored paper of different textures

Decorating a group is a rather troublesome task (although this fuss is pleasant), so it is better for the teacher to draw up an approximate plan of his actions in advance, highlight the priority and secondary directions of his work.

  1. The main stage of registration. These are the key interior details that will take the most time to complete. This includes decorating windows with snowflakes and other protrusions, painting windows and mirrors, installing a small Christmas tree (usually artificial) in a group, or creating an image of it (on a wall or door).
  2. Elaboration of smaller details. Creation of congratulatory posters (they can be purchased ready-made, but it is much more interesting to do it yourself, especially together with older preschoolers), hanging garlands, "rain" (under the ceiling, on a chandelier, decorating indoor plants, cabinets, piano), placing parents' crafts (as is correct in the dressing room).

We decorate the door

If the theater begins with a hanger, then a group in a kindergarten starts from the front door. The decoration of this part of the interior must be considered. This can be an original New Year's wreath made of tinsel or other materials.

A beautiful New Year's wreath can be made from ordinary cardboard

The composition will be complemented by snowflakes (purchased or homemade), decorative shiny sweets, artificial spruce branches, images of Santa Claus, a snowman, etc.

Photo gallery: ideas for decorating the front door to the group

Spruce branches immediately add a New Year's flavor Using paper geometric shapes, a white door can easily be turned into a snowman
The image of a Christmas tree can appear everywhere Snowflake framing looks very delicate

By the way, some elements, only small in size, can also be used to decorate the locker room doors. Only you need to attach them higher so that children do not accidentally rip off the decor elements.

Beautiful window decoration

A very important part of the group's New Year decoration is window decoration. After all, when children go to kindergarten in the morning, they always look at them. Beautiful drawings and appliques are sure to cheer up children.

The most popular window decoration is gluing snowflakes cut out of white paper. But here the teacher can show imagination and not just attach individual elements, but create a whole composition, a small fairy tale on glass. For example, to depict an episode from the famous fairy tale by G.-H. Andersen's "The Snow Queen", in which a cold beauty releases a huge snow cloud from her hand.

The window is decorated based on the Snow Queen fairy tale

Another original option is a small house at the bottom of the window, from the chimney of which instead of smoke comes a whole cloud of snowflakes.

A very original idea - a huge cloud of smoke from openwork snowflakes

In general, snowflakes cut out of paper represent a vytynanka (openwork applications). However, other objects, objects and even entire compositions can be skillfully cut out of paper. All this looks great on the windows on the eve of the New Year. For example, a beautiful horse that seemed to gallop from a fairy tale, Santa Claus flying across the sky on a sleigh with reindeer, a snow-covered village. You can even arrange a New Year in the underwater kingdom at the window. There are a lot of options here, the main thing is to connect imagination.

Photo gallery: ideas for protruding windows in a group

A whole fabulous story unfolds on the window.Christmas window decoration in the original marine style
Difficult to perform, but very beautiful The graceful horse seemed to gallop from a fairy tale

Since the symbol of the coming 2018 is a dog, its image can also appear on the window glass. You can use these samples.

Photo gallery: vytynanka with a picture of a dog

A puppy is preparing to have lunch A rather complicated image for execution Beautiful animalistic composition Such a puppy will cheer up children Such vytynanka will help children remember dog breeds

You can decorate not glass, but a window sill, for example, by building a paper spruce forest on it. And on top, the composition will be decorated with an original garland of hanging toys.

A whole spruce forest on the windowsill

Returning to the theme of snowflakes that adorn windows, we note that they can be made not only from paper, but also from a variety of, sometimes unexpected materials: plastic bottles, spoons, cotton swabs, performed using the technique of plasticineography. Such crafts, of course, do not need to be glued to the glass - they are suspended from the cornice by a thin thread and flutter beautifully against the background of the window.

Photo gallery: ideas for creating snowflakes from non-standard materials

Plasticinography is made on a disposable plate Spoons are attached to the center of the snowflake Due to the voluminous shaggy center, the snowflakes resemble spiders Snowflakes painted on plastic are graceful and beautiful

Windows can not only be decorated with appliqués, various elements can be hung near them, but also painted with patterns. To do this, the teacher will need a set of stained glass paints specifically designed for painting glass.

To paint windows, the teacher will need stained glass paints

The technique of working with this material is simple and does not require special training. You can just draw some patterns or objects. So, for example, a snow blizzard looks poetic or just an elegant processing of the edges of the glass. Alternatively, you can use a stencil: the necessary figures are cut out of the paper according to the template and glued to the window using ordinary water (there should not be too much moisture). Paint is applied to the surface around the paper. Then the stencil is removed, and the finished picture is obtained.

Photo gallery: ideas for painting windows with paints

The drawing is very bright and colorful Large drawings occupy almost the entire surface of the glass Very delicate and poetic composition All characters are buried in snow, the composition is completed by falling snow

You can also paint mirrors with stained glass paints.

If there is a mirror in the group room, then it can also be beautifully painted with paints.

Video: decorate windows for the New Year

Christmas trees in a group of different materials

Of course, the teacher can put a Christmas tree in the group (artificial, since a live one is put in just a few days). However, it can interfere with the activities and games of children (distract their attention, especially if the group room is not very large), and there is always a risk that the kids will accidentally overturn it.

A more acceptable option is to create an image of a Christmas tree in the group in the form of an original image on the wall. The easiest way is to mark the tree outlines with a green garland.

Such a Christmas tree from a garland can be made in just a few minutes.

The garland can be electric. Moreover, such a tree should hang high so that the kids do not get it. The teacher himself turns it on from time to time.

Such a tree should be located outside the reach of children.

But you can go further and create unexpected original compositions. For example, you can cut a Christmas tree from a drawing paper, paint it green and decorate with portraits of pupils (the teacher conducts a photo session in advance). The children will be doubly pleased to look at such a New Year's tree.

The shiny Christmas tree is decorated with children's portraits in which they smile

A simple and original idea is to make a tree out of ordinary wooden knots. They are pasted over with colored paper and placed on the wall in a certain order.

The knots are simply pasted over with colored paper and are arranged in a certain order

A popular practice in kindergartens is the announcement of a mini-Christmas tree craft contest for parents. Moreover, here the main role is played not by victory, but by participation. The creation of such compositions contributes to the rallying of family members, and the parade of trees in the dressing room of the group will add a wonderful New Year's flavor to it.

Photo gallery: original ideas for creating a mini Christmas tree

Plastic forks convey the hairiness of spruce branches well. A tree made of mesh pieces looks charming, despite the fact that it is not green, but red. A tree made of green clothespins is simple and unexpected! Pasta is a universal material for a variety of crafts Modular origami is a long and painstaking work, but the result is always wonderful

Box for letters to Del Moroz

On New Year's Eve, many children write letters to Grandfather Frost with a request to bring them the most desirable gifts. For this purpose, it is a good idea to install a special mailbox in the kindergarten group. Of course, you need to make it yourself. Any box of a suitable size will do: it is pasted over with colored paper, tinsel, and decorated with toys. Then a slit is made - and the mail is ready. The box can be hung on the wall or mounted on a table.

Photo gallery: examples of mailbox design

Golden tinsel on a background of red foil looks spectacular The design of the box presents the attributes of Santa Claus - his red and white hat and belt with a wide buckle The box is pasted over with ordinary wallpaper, but looks festive due to snowflakes made of foil and shiny green balls

Children's faith in the fabulous Santa Claus is wonderful. Children can put letters in the mailbox that they will write at home with their parents. In the preparatory group, some children already know how to read and write: the teacher can help them leave letters according to a certain plan. First, you need to tell a little about yourself, your good deeds for the year, and then ask for gifts (only not very expensive ones, because grandfather does not like greedy children).

How to draw New Year posters

An integral part of the New Year's decoration of the premises is drawing and hanging posters. In the younger and middle groups, the teacher is engaged in this, while the older preschoolers will gladly take part in this work.

For work, you will need a Whatman paper, various materials for drawing and applique, themed stickers (for example, ready-made miniature snowflakes), tinsel for decorating the edges.

The content of the poster can be traditional New Year characters: Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, snowmen. You can also depict a picture of a winter forest with its cute inhabitants (bunnies, squirrels, etc.), Winter in the image of a beautiful woman in a blue dress (like the Snow Queen, only kind), an animal that is a symbol of the coming year. An interesting idea is to place photos of pupils on the poster: in the form of “Christmas balls”, funny gnomes or snowmen (the teacher conducts a photo session beforehand, putting on caps or clown round noses made of foam rubber for the children).

Photo gallery: ideas for creating a New Year poster

The children will easily draw Christmas trees and, together with the teacher, decorate them with snowflakes and other elements Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are made of simple paper parts. The original idea is to turn the children into little snowmen. let her be funny

Crafts and decorations depicting a dog - the symbol of 2018

The coming 2018 will be held under the auspices of a dog. Therefore, the teacher can hold a competition among parents to create crafts depicting this kind and loyal animal.

By the way, the management of the kindergarten can announce the same competition among educators. Each group presents its own creative work, and at the very end of the year the results are summed up with the presentation of symbolic prizes.

To create a craft, you can take the following interesting ideas as a basis.

Dog from nylon tights

To make an original dog, you need perseverance and at least minimal sewing skills. For work you will need the following materials.

  1. Flesh-colored nylon tights.
  2. Threads, similar in color, a needle.
  3. PVA glue.
  4. Doll eyes.
  5. Sintepon or other similar filler.
  6. Dark gray eyeshadow.

From a piece of nylon tights (30–50 cm long - depending on the desired size of the dog, because nylon stretches well) we make a blank - the head and body of the dog: we fill the nylon with padding polyester.

We stuff nylon with padding polyester

Using a needle and thread, we make out the nose of the dog, separating a small ball.

Separate a small ball and shape the dog's nose using a thread and a needle

We make cheeks in a similar way.

The cheeks of the dog are made in the same way as the nose.

To mark the relief on the cheeks, we make small stitches over their entire surface. Then we form the muzzle further: a fold behind the nose, eyebrows, the bridge of the nose (everything is done by folding the material and fixing it with threads).

All elements are formed by folding the material and fixing it with threads (the relief on the cheeks is formed due to tightening stitches)

Sew up the back, glue the eyes under the eyebrows.

After the back has been sewn up, glue the dog's eyes

We use eyeshadow for coloring the toy.

Realistically paint the dog's face with dark gray shadows

The missing parts (ears, paws and tail) are similarly formed from small pieces of nylon and filler. Ears and claws on the legs are also painted with shadows. You can put on a children's vest on the finished dog - it will become more cute.

To make the finished dog even more cute, you can put on a children's vest on it

New Year's dachshund made of salt dough

To create a craft, you will need the following material.

  1. Ready salted dough.
  2. Knife, rolling pin.
  3. Gouache, varnish.
  4. Paint brushes.

First, you need to draw a silhouette of a dachshund on paper, and then cut it out, removing small protruding details (ears and tail).

Ears and tail should be cut

The dough should be rolled out into a layer about 4 cm thick, a stencil should be put on the cake and cut along the contour (the rest of the mass should be cleaned up in the refrigerator). Use a wet brush to smooth out the angular sections, and moisten the dog's face well. Two small balls of dough are formed into ovals and placed on the top of the muzzle. Another ball will become a nose. With the help of a knife, the eyelids and the open mouth of the dachshund are marked. From a large piece of dough we make a long, wide ear for the dog: first, we form a sausage, and then flatten it along its entire length.

We form the eyes from small ovals, mark the eyelids and open mouth with a knife, attach the ear

We “put on” a funny hat on the dachshund (we make a triangle out of dough and tilt one corner to the side). With a knife or a toothpick we mark a strip of "fur" along the edge of the cap.

We make a hat from a triangular piece of dough, tilting one corner back and marking a strip of fur at the bottom

From the dough we also give a simple silhouette of a Christmas tree and sculpt it instead of a tail on the dog's back. With the help of a knife, we give the Christmas trees a relief. Place a garland of small balls under the Christmas tree, they are located at an equal distance from each other.

Add elements of New Year's decor - Christmas trees and a garland

The craft now needs to be dried, and then painted beautifully. We paint the body and head of the dog in a dark yellow color. Until it dries, we make the edge of the ear and part of the back darker, light brown. It is necessary to achieve exactly a smooth transition (which is why the yellow color should be still wet).

We paint the main part of the craft in a dark yellow color, and while it is still not dry, darken some parts

After the base has dried, paint the eyes and decorative elements. The finished dog is varnished. You can additionally glue shiny glue-based rhinestones on the tree and garland.

Such a dog can be hung as a toy on a Christmas tree It is easy to make such a dog out of an ordinary large cardboard box A simple craft made of cardboard folded in half A senior preschooler can easily handle the craft The highlight of the image - huge eyes with long eyelashes To work, you will need multi-colored yarn, a hook and a needle and thread Puppies turn out to be plump and funny The body of a funny puppy is made from a computer disk

Kindergarten is the social life of young children, they spend a lot of time there. And the teacher's task is to give the kids as much positive emotions as possible. And this is easy to do if such a magical holiday as New Year is approaching. Decorating the group room, the teacher creates the atmosphere of a fairy tale. To do this, it is important to focus on the windows, decorate the door beautifully, draw interesting posters for wall decor with the guys. An interesting idea is to hold a competition among parents to create a New Year tree and crafts with the image of a dog - the symbol of 2018. And, of course, we must not forget about such an important attribute as a box for letters to Santa Claus.

On the eve of the New Year The theme of jewelry is more relevant than ever. The question of how to decorate a group in kindergarten for the New Year with your own hands with photo tips worries not only educators, but also parents of children attending preschool institutions. You can decorate a playroom, a bedroom, a dressing room and even a corridor in a kindergarten. Everyone should participate in this process: educators, children and their parents.


You can decorate the walls:

  • traditional New Year's elements: snowflakes, stars, rain, garlands. You can cut snowflakes and stars yourself from colored, shiny paper.

  • figures of fairy-tale characters. Choose any one fairy tale and create a single composition from its heroes on the wall. You can make shapes yourself by cutting them out of paper. You can also use ready-made templates by printing them from the Internet.
  • new Year's boots or socks, attaching them along the entire length of the wall with tape or hanging them on a rope.

  • a Christmas tree drawn on a sheet of Whatman paper. Various materials can be used: foil, cloth, etc.

  • pictures of children or their photographs. Such jewelry will look very original.

By looking at the photo, you can better understand the idea of \u200b\u200bjewelry and choose something for yourself.


You can create a whole New Year's composition on the windows. Stick on the window, for example, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden riding on a sleigh driven by reindeer. Complement the composition with fir trees and falling snow. All this can be done out of paper. Decorating a group in kindergarten for the New Year with your own hands and creating compositions on the window, it is better to use printed templates, photos of which you can easily download here.

After you print the paper blanks, you will need to cut them out using a clerical knife. You can fasten a ready-made, do-it-yourself composition according to printed templates using tape or soapy water.

New Year is a bright holiday that carries miracles, beauty, and of course a fairy tale with gifts. Before the onset of the bright and beloved holiday by many, we begin to decorate the house, apartment, office, school and, of course, a kindergarten.

In kindergarten, groups can be decorated in different ways, you can make beautiful posters out of paper, you can draw a symbol of the coming year on them, it will be original and beautiful if you decorate the poster with sparkles.

It will be great if children help decorate the posters, let them dream up, choose a beautiful drawing and decorate with colorful flowers.

So that the group in the kindergarten is beautifully decorated, you can sit and think about future crafts. It will be beautiful if you decorate it with a Christmas tree or twigs. Spruce or twigs can be decorated with New Year's toys that can be made from paper.

It will look beautiful if you decorate a locker or shelf with New Year's crafts in a group. Ornaments can be toys made from cones. To do this, it is worth taking cones, piercing with an awl or a gypsy needle, piercing with beautiful shiny threads. Cones can be decorated with sparkles or rain.

Pine cones can be used to decorate a spruce, entrance doors, a chandelier, lamps, children's beds.

It will look beautiful if you make a fireplace out of cardboard or white thick paper. The fireplace can be placed under the window in kindergarten.

For a kindergarten, a New Year's composition is well suited, which can be made from cotton wool, cardboard, white paper.

To make the group in the kindergarten elegant and beautiful, you can decorate the windows with white snowflakes. Indoors, you can also hang various crafts from white paper, they will add beauty and give a New Year's mood. From one wall to another, you can stretch a fishing line, then hang New Year's toys on it. Such a garland will give the room an interesting and unusual look.

You can buy a large Christmas card, make a frame, and then glue Christmas toys to the picture.

You can make garlands from snowflakes and stretch them over the ceiling in the game room. Garlands can be made not only from paper, but from plastic bottles.

You can make beautiful crafts from balloons, for example, a Snowman.

You can make various New Year's crafts with children, which you can use to decorate the kindergarten, the main thing is that children also participate in making toys for the New Year.