Circles for children from 2. Registration in circles, sports sections, houses of creativity. Center for Continuing Education "Young Motorist"

Responsible parents strive to give their child as much as possible from the first days of his life. By the middle of preschool age, the issue of additional education becomes relevant. Which sections for children from 3 years old are the most useful and safe? We will try to understand this question and find the correct answer to it.

What do sports centers and schools offer to three-year-olds?

In most continuing education centers, the smallest are offered courses in four directions. This is general development, circles of arts and crafts, music and dance classes, sports sections. Most parents opt for the latter category. Physical activity is good for every little one from a very young age. At the same time, at the age of three, you can choose the kind of sport that best suits the character and temperament of a particular child. What are the most popular sports sections for children from 3 years old? These are light and artistic gymnastics, fitness, yoga, team sports games, martial arts, swimming, choreography and various dance styles. Each area has its own pros and cons, as well as distinctive features.

Artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, acrobatics

In many cities of our country there are artistic gymnastics sections that accept children from 2 years of age for training. Of course, such circles do not have much in common with the professional sport of the same name. Gymnastics for children from 3 years old - a section offering a program aimed at the general development of the child's body. Training in serious exercise usually begins no earlier than 4-5 years of age. Why is the basic course useful? In early childhood, it is much easier to form a beautiful posture. In addition, gymnastics helps you achieve good stretching. This sport is useful for the development of plastic movements and grace.

Team sports

Football, volleyball, basketball, hockey and other team sports games have a positive effect on the development of all muscle groups. Active kids will especially like these sections for children from 3 years old. Team sports are good for the child's psyche as well. Constant communication with other children develops communication skills. The kid will definitely meet new friends in his team. The main task for parents is to choose a sports game that suits the interests and temperament of the baby. Almost all sports in this category develop dexterity, coordination of movements and speed of reaction.

Dances and choreography

Without exception, all babies react positively to cheerful and rhythmic melodies. Having heard the music, the child smiles, begins to play and dance. For this reason, dance sections for children 3 years old are very popular. Dancing is considered one of the least dangerous physical activities. Classes in choreographic groups bring the kids incredible pleasure and a lot of positive emotions. Dance sections for children from 3 years old develop creative thinking, help to fully master their own body language. The advantages of regular dancing classes are graceful posture, gracefulness and flexibility of movements. Any choreographic direction develops a sense of rhythm. This means that in the future it will be easier for a child to learn how to play musical instruments or sing.

Martial arts for the little ones

Sports sections for children from 3 years old, based on various types of martial arts, are quite popular. Aikido, karate, wu-shu and other disciplines harmoniously develop all muscle groups. Don't worry about your child's safety. At the basic stages of training, special attention is paid to warm-up and dynamic exercises. Kids do not participate in fights and cannot harm themselves or each other. The benefits of such exercises are great: in the process of training, endurance, reaction speed, agility and flexibility develop. Such sections for children from 3 years old are also useful for their spiritual education. Any system of martial arts teaches a child to be brave, fair and use his own strength only when attacking.

Classes in this category are suitable for kids with any type of temperament and temperament. Timid children can really open up and believe in their own capabilities. Little fidgets, on the other hand, will be able to direct their energy in the right direction. Many Eastern practices are also useful for developing concentration, the ability to control your attention.

Swimming and other general strengthening sports areas

Many parents believe that it makes no sense to choose some kind of profile sport direction until the age of 5-6. This opinion holds. But you should not leave the child without physical exertion and developmental activities. For the complex development and strengthening of muscles, you can choose some kind of universal sports direction.

At three years old, you can enroll a child in the pool. Learning to swim is not only interesting, but also rewarding. This skill will definitely come in handy in adulthood. Exercise has a positive effect on the formation of a healthy posture and harmoniously develops all muscle groups. The swimming section for children from 3 years old can be visited 1-2 times a week. Some sports clubs offer joint activities for moms and children.

How do you choose your ideal section?

When choosing a sports club for a child, it is important to consider its availability. It is very convenient to visit the continuing education center, which is a 10-minute walk from your home. But regular trips to the other side of the city can tire a child quite a lot. Even the best football section for children from 3 years old will surely not like your kid if it takes more than an hour to travel. It is helpful to start by finding out what clubs and sports clubs are available in your area. It will not be superfluous at this stage of the choice to clarify the schedule of classes and their approximate cost.

Most likely, only a few sections will seem most convenient to you. One of them should be chosen, taking into account the interests and characteristics of the child's character. See which games your little one enjoys the most. Already at the age of three, you can notice that one child prefers to dance and have fun, while the other picks up the ball whenever possible. Active kids are best suited for active team sports and dancing. Calm children should try swimming and martial arts.

Physical development without harm to the psyche and health!

Isn't it too early to send your child to sports at the age of three? According to experts in early development, this age is ideal to start attending additional classes. The most important thing is not to be mistaken when choosing a specific center and to organize the order of its visit correctly. Almost all circles and sections for children 3 years old offer to attend 1-2 classes per week. Make sure that the baby does not overexert himself. If your child goes to kindergarten, it makes sense to pick him up early on the days of visiting the sports section. Do not schedule any extra recreational activities on your workout day. If you feel unwell or noticeably tired, it is better to skip classes. Young athletes should receive extremely positive emotions while visiting the sports center.

If the child does not want to go to training, it is pointless to force him. It makes sense to think about moving to another section. At three years old, the child is still too young to attend more than 2-3 different circles. Do not seek to occupy him "all at once", it is better to devote time to one or at most two directions. It is a big mistake for parents to make the baby fulfill his own dreams. If your child doesn’t enjoy your favorite sport, let him make his own choice. It is quite possible that the first section will become the kid's favorite hobby for life. Now you know that you can start organized sports activities as soon as your child is 3 years old. Which section to send the baby to, it's up to you.

The first techno-working in Russia is also an educational platform. The Labe provides training in computer programs for drawing and 3D modeling, organizes master classes in 3D printing, 3D scanning, and working with laser machines. By the way, in most cases "Laba" is designed for adults - people come here to work on 3D printers, plotters, milling machines and other sophisticated equipment. According to the co-founder of Laba, Maxim Pinigin, any idea can be realized in the techno-working, “from a stool to a satellite”. Regardless of the age of the inventor.

For children, the center works in several areas, such as invention, entrepreneurship, speech technology and even SMM.

Myasnitskaya 13, building 20

From 7000 rubles

Astronomical circle at the Planetarium

The Astronomy Club of the Planetarium is the perfect story for space-obsessed kids. Here you can learn everything about the solar system, planetary motion and types of telescopes. Children independently conduct observations of the moon and stars, go to the observatory and get acquainted with the astronauts. The course of lectures, designed for three years, is given by astronomers, professors and students of Moscow State University.

In order to enroll in a circle, you must fill out a form on the Planetarium website (recruitment begins in mid-August) and go through an interview. Planetarium staff advise not to delay: there are always a lot of people who want to take courses.

Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, 5, building 1

Is free

DEZ No. 5 at the Moscow House of Amateur Creativity

The elephant fish, the cat-lantern, the wolf-bench, the glaze - in the studio of the architect Mikhail Labazov they do whatever they want. Thanks to the teachers, children's fantasies take shape and color, begin to move, glow and make sounds. Here they create from metal, fabric, polyethylene, turning these and other materials that are not always suitable for installations into art.

Every year Mikhail Labazov chooses a certain topic on which the studio members work. Under what sign will 2018-2019 be held? unknown, but in "DEZ No. 5" they have already created "Pictures with conveniences", "Kind signs", "Super things", etc.

Everyone, without exception, is recorded in the studio. The founder of the studio is sure that all children are geniuses from birth, you just need to help them to reveal their creative potential. That is why the waiting list can stretch over several years.

B. Ovchinnikovsky lane, 24, building 4

Is free

Fundamentals of Maritime Affairs at the Moscow City Children's Maritime Center. Peter the Great

One of the oldest nautical clubs in Moscow, where boys and girls are taught to knit knots, understand Morse code and the structure of a modern ship. Here you can touch the boat with full sailing gear with your hands, see the models of ships and vessels, hold the sextant, magnetic compass and turn the steering wheel.

The training cycle is designed for several years. For the first two years, children learn what a boat is, learn to communicate using a flag semaphore, shoot pneumatic weapons and swim in a pool. Older children can choose a direction - from ship modeling and radio communications to navigation and ship mechanics. And regardless of age, everyone is studying the history of the Russian fleet, aesthetics and naval training.

But the most interesting thing in the studio is practice. The center has its own coastal base at the Khimki reservoir and a training flotilla. Starting in April, the children, together with the teachers, have been repairing ships, putting in order the sailing equipment in order to go sailing in summer, including on long-distance routes.

Leningradskoe highway, 56a

Is free

Moscow Palace of Pioneers on Vorobyovy Gory

One of the oldest and most famous children's centers offers over 2,500 programs. And here you can find not only a standard set like dances, chess and fine arts. There are studios of various directions - from cynology, karting and handball to a studio of sculpture and zoopsychology. The most popular are aircraft and ship modeling, robotics, web design and clay pigeon shooting. And the most famous is the song and dance ensemble named. Lokteva.

It is very easy to get into the studio of the Palace of Pioneers: it is enough to register the child on the portal of the City Hall. Most of the sections are free.

Kosygin, 17

On request

Big Children's Choir named after Popov

Yes, yes, this is the same choir that performed the famous Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Beautiful Far Away and other children's hits of the USSR and modern Russia. The collective, created in 1970, was once called the Great Children's Choir of Central Television and All-Union Radio. But later it was renamed in honor of Viktor Popov, who led the team for 38 years.

During the existence of the school, more than 2,000 works were recorded, many records were released in Russia and abroad. The choir still remains one of the most famous in the world: children from all over the country dream of getting here. Recorded into the choir only after several stages of auditions. In addition to talent, a true love of music and perseverance will be required: rehearsals take place 2-3 times a week, and concerts and recordings are held almost all year round.

Degtyarny Lane, 7/1

Is free

Math circles from the creative laboratory "2 × 2"

The main value of the Twice Two creative laboratory lies in its teachers. In the math circles of the center, people who are in love with numbers and formulas work. They manage to infect children with a passion for the exact sciences: the average score of pupils in mathematics at school is 4.58, they often win prizes at city and Russian Olympiads.

In order to study in a circle for free, you need to go through several interviews. Only the most mathematically capable are accepted here.

There are many locations and they sometimes change - it's better to learn separately

Is on a free basis

House of Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth (DNTTM)

The branch of the Palace of Children's Creativity on Vorobyovy Gory boasts a rich set of scientific fields - from robotics and paleontology to astronomy and robotics. There are 12 programs in chemistry alone.

Special attention in the House of Creativity is given to children interested in technology. For example, there are several radio electronics courses in the center. In the beginner's circle, electronic circuits are soldered and simple electronic devices are created. On the course "Radio Engineering" they study radio-electronic constructions, and on the lessons "Entertaining Electronics" they teach to read and make simple circuits.

Donskaya, 37

Is on a free basis

Engineering Center of the Museum of Cosmonautics

Why is a plane or rocket flying? How does the universe work, who can go into space and what is a spacesuit for? In the Engineering Center of the Museum of Cosmonautics, you can get answers to thousands of questions. Last year, the Cosmic Detachment club was opened here, where, in addition to theoretical knowledge, you can pass psychological tests (almost like astronauts!), Work out on the SOYUZ-TMA docking simulator and get a test cosmonaut certificate.

And for those who prefer to work on Earth, there is a three-year program of the Vostok design bureau. Future engineers will become familiar with the basics of electrical engineering, computer programming and 3D modeling, learn how to work on a breadboard, read and draw electrical circuits, and write codes.

Prospect Mira, 111

3000 rubles per month

Center for Aesthetic Education of Children and Youth "Museion" at the Pushkin Museum im. Pushkin

Enrolling children in Museion is a dream of any educated Moscow parent. There are several studios in "Museion". For the smallest (5-7 years old) there are family groups where kids are introduced to art and taught to “read” pictures correctly. Older children can be sent to ceramics (grades 2-5), prints (11-15 years old), numismatics or archeology (grades 5-8) and computer graphics (9-13 years old). Everyone is invited to family meetings and talks about art at the Museion, but most circles are enrolled after the interview.

The sale of season tickets to the Museion children's circles will begin on August 23 at 11:00 Moscow time only on the museum's website. There will be no sale at the box office that day. At the box office, the sale of the remaining season tickets will begin the next day, 24 August.

Kolymazhny lane, 6, building 2

3500 rubles for an annual subscription

Circle "Young researchers of nature" at Moscow State University

Political science, languages, chemistry, physics, mathematics, journalism - more than a dozen courses for schoolchildren have been opened at Moscow State University. One of the most interesting is the Young Nature Explorers (UIP) group, which has existed for almost 20 years.

The club's program includes 182 theoretical and 228 practical training hours. In addition to classes at the biology faculty, the students spend time at the Zvenigorod biological station of Moscow State University, go to multi-day field environmental practices. So, this year YIP members traveled to Mordovia, Abkhazia, and last year they returned from Western Mongolia.

To join the circle, you must prepare a report and answer at least 2 questions in biology from strict "old" members of the club.

Leninskie gory, 1, building 12

Is free

Children's Opera Studio of the Musical Theater. N.I. Sats

It's not easy to get here: they are credited only after a competitive listening (song, dance, verse). At the same time, preference is given to children who go to music schools, sing well and feel free in public. Studying in the studio is not limited to musical notation, the basics of stage movement, dancing, lessons in acting and theater history. Younger artists are involved in performances on an equal basis with adults. They also have serious work - classes in the theater are held four times a week, and during the period of rehearsals and performances the load increases.

Prospect Vernadsky, 5

Is free

Children's lecture hall at the Museum of the East

The Oriental Museum hosts lectures for children and adolescents on Saturdays and Sundays. You can buy a one-time ticket, or you can buy a subscription. By the way, this is one of the most budgetary options - a single ticket costs 50 rubles, and an annual subscription costs 600 rubles. Each course of lectures is designed for a specific age. Preschoolers are told about oriental tales, myths and legends, from Indian Ganesha to the Chukchi Peliken. Children 8-12 years old are offered lectures on travel, where they will learn about Siamese cats, the snow lion and the feathered serpent. Students from 10 years old can take a classic, serious course in the history of art of the East from Ancient Egypt to Mexico. Those who are especially advanced can also come on Saturdays to listen to lectures on Japanese medieval music or Indian Tarang dance (from 12 years old).

Nikitsky Boulevard, 12A

600 rubles for an annual subscription

Museum of entertaining sciences "Experimentanium"

The museum presents more than three hundred interactive exhibits with which you can and should interact: jump, twist, launch and collect. The exposition is divided into thematic zones dedicated to the main areas of physics - mechanics, acoustics, optics, magnetism, etc. Children here can see sound, paint with light and even visit the only water installation in Russia. You can walk through the halls on your own or with an excursion.

Experimentanium regularly hosts interactive classes and educational programs for all ages. The most important and favorite project of Experimentanium is a series of lectures “Scientists for Children”, which is designed for teenagers from 10 years old.

Science shows and master classes are held in the museum every weekend, holidays and holidays.

Leningradsky prospect, 80, building 11

Is on a free basis

Video art, animation and design at the National Center for Contemporary Art

Regular children's classes and studios of the NCCA are held in the historic house of the artist Polenov from the beginning of the last century, next to the main building.

In the animation studio, training is designed for three years, during which time children will be taught to understand the basics of computer graphics, sounds, time-lapse shooting and various animation techniques. At the end of the year, children create a series of animated short films.

In the sculpture and ceramics workshop, you can try different types of clay and different ways of working with it, learn how to work on a potter's wheel and bake finished sculptures in a kiln. Children take small creations home, and those that are larger become part of the overall sculptural composition.

The NCCA also has a video art workshop, where you can try yourself in the role of operator, director and editor. Teenagers from 10 years old are accepted there. They are introduced to the masterpieces of cinema and video art and are given practical tasks, after which at the end of the year everyone makes their own video.

Audio workshop - sound art and sound design, as well as other areas of artistic work with sound. Children will learn to create their own audio projects. There is also an art studio - here the emphasis is on contemporary art. There are design classes and a theater workshop. In addition, the NCCA has a studio for autistic artists, which is generally a terrible rarity.

Zoological, 13, building 2

From 2500 rubles for 4 lessons

Center for design creativity "Start Pro"

The center is called "Children's Skolkovo": Start Pro has one of the best scientific bases in the country. 6 laboratories have been opened here, in which about 60 programs are presented. For example, in Entertaining Mathematics they teach how to solve complex puzzles, in the LabVIEW Graphical Environment - to create robots and develop simple applications, and in Stroymaster - to work with tools, natural materials and metal.

Yes, and no boring lectures: the teachers of the center know how to talk simply about the complex, turn science into a game, and boring school subjects into exciting quests.

Protopopovskiy lane, 5

Is free

Center for Continuing Education "Young Motorist"

This is the most provocative children's center in Moscow: for example, they are allowed to drive motorcycles here from the age of 8! Young riders are taught the basics of motorcycles, taught to repair equipment and provide first aid in case of accidents. Both equipment and motorcycles are provided by the center.

In addition, there is an opportunity to learn everything about the device of the car, learn the rules of the road, and even take an exam on traffic rules.

Although most of all, children respect the practical part of the classes: they put them behind the wheel at 12 years old. Pupils drive karts, take part in rallies and win prizes in Russian car competitions.

Korneichuk, 55a

Is free

Young Railroad Club at the Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

If your child loves trains, you should take a closer look at the courses at MIIT. In the classroom, children learn the history and structure of railways, study the composition of electric locomotives and carriages, get acquainted with the rules of "railway traffic" and railway professions. Every summer in Kratovo, near Moscow, the pupils of the club will practice on the Small Moscow Railway. The guys can try themselves in the role of a controller and conductor of a passenger car, a track fitter and even a machinist.

Bonus: successful completion of studies at the club gives the right to preferential enrollment in MIIT, all other things being equal.

Obraztsova, 9, building 9

Students in grades 5-8

Is free

Children's Center for Scientific Discovery "Innopark"

An ideal format for those who have not yet decided on their preferences. The Innopark provides short courses that tell interesting stories about the world of science and technology.

In total, the center has developed 3 programs. So, you can choose "Science in the palm of your hand", where children will get acquainted with physics, biology, chemistry and geography, as well as conduct experiments, or sign up for one of the two courses "Robotics".

Teatralny proezd, 5

From 2700 rubles for 4 lessons

Digital home

3D scanners, 3D printers, powerful computers, neurotechnical equipment - “Digital House” resembles an exhibition of the achievements of modern technology. True, in this "museum" you will be allowed to touch any exhibits with your hands.

In the center, you can do robotics - on the basis of Lego Mindstorm EV3, Lego WeDo and Arduino constructors, the guys assemble both the simplest models and technically complex devices. Another popular area of \u200b\u200bthe Digital Home is 3D prototyping. In practice, children learn to work with the latest machines and even create unique objects themselves.

Kooperativnaya, building 3, building 6

From 4000 rubles per month

Architectural lessons for children at the Museum of Architecture Shchuseva

There are many activities for children at the Museum of Architecture. There are purely architectural ones, where they study scale, composition and volume, there are classes in ceramics, mosaics and carpentry, there is an academic drawing and even a school of architectural photography. All classes include theoretical and practical parts. For example, in the course "White Stone", children will first be told everything about the white-stone architecture of Moscow, and then they will be taught how to process blanks from white stone and create a white-stone relief. Some courses are short-term and are designed for 4-6 lessons. As a rule, such passes are sold out very quickly. Other classes run throughout the year and you can buy both a season ticket and a single ticket for them. Classes begin in late September - October.

Vozdvizhenka, 5/25

250-500 rubles per lesson

Young Geologists Club at the Geological Museum named after Vernadsky

The Geological Museum is one of the oldest scientific museums in Russia, the same age as Moscow University. The Young Geologists Club is a circle for those who are seriously interested in the structure of the Earth and its geological history. Throughout the year, university teachers and graduate students tell children about geology, and during the holidays they take them to practical classes. On weekends, children go out on walks in the vicinity - they go to see the carbonate karst in Ramenskoye or fossils and deposits of the Jurassic period in Bitsevsky Park. At the end of the first year of studies, beginners are initiated into Young Geologists and given a special badge and uniform. The club is accepted only from 9 years old, and for kids (from 6 years old) "Scientific Adventures" are open - they talk about interesting natural phenomena in an interactive form. Classes are held in the museum building on Mokhovaya Street.

There are three types of subscriptions in the studio. The basic subscription is designed for beginners, in which the first half of the lesson is devoted to the book and its author, and the second is creative, where you can express your impression of the book you just read in different ways. Older students can choose either a literary workshop, where they will be taught how to correctly express their thoughts on paper, write essays and essays, or theatrical - where storytelling is taught - the art of oral storytelling.

Prospect Mira, 30

500 rubles per lesson

Circle of young naturalists at the Zoological Museum of Moscow State University

KYHN has been working since 1982 according to a special author's program and it is one of the most authoritative biological circles. The circle of young naturalists is designed for those who have already decided on their choice of profession and are aiming at the biology faculty of Moscow State University, therefore they are taken there only from the 7th grade. Many students become winners of competitions and olympiads in biology, and after admission they continue their scientific work at the department. So the preparations there are quite serious. Theoretical studies are necessarily supported by practical trips. During the year, young naturalists go to three practices in the Moscow region and a couple of times a year they go to other natural zones - to the Astrakhan deserts, to Karelia or the Crimea. In practice, children conduct research, conduct observations, and study the habitats of animals, plants and fungi. Admission to KYUN takes place in September on the basis of a competitive interview.

You can take a separate course, for example, Little Bookworm English for kids, where children sing, play finger games and read English books.

The museum also has the opportunity to enroll in the Science Non-School program, where they ask questions, learn the secrets of life on our planet and the structure of the world. You can send your child to the creative course “Art in Questions and Answers”, where children understand what art is and try their hand at different genres, or choose a theater studio in English.

Obraztsova, 11, building 1

From 4000 rubles per month

Entertaining archeology at the Museum of Archeology of Moscow

On weekends at the Museum of Archeology, younger children can participate in the role-playing program "Playing in the Past" - visit a mammoth hunter and try to strike a fire, try on the role of a medieval merchant or turn into a craftsman. Schoolchildren will be more interested in classes in Moscow archeology, which are designed for a six-month course. On Sundays, archaeologists and museum staff tell the audience about the cultural layer, archaeological sites and excavations, as well as about the entire archaeological history of Moscow from ancient burial mounds to the Middle Ages. Children will learn and see what they lived, what they ate and what Muscovites played several centuries ago. You can also take a family pass and go to class with your child.

Manezhnaya square, 1A

450 rubles per lesson

All caring parents have the same question of where to send their five-year-old child. It is very important to be guided not by your preferences, but by the wishes and abilities of your child when choosing a sports or developmental section. If you choose something that the child does not particularly like or does not suit his capabilities, your child will simply not just throw you the chosen circle soon. We are not saying that you need to follow the lead of your baby, since children at this age cannot yet figure out their desires on their own. But still, the child's opinion must be taken into account.

Another thing that is very important in choosing a circle is the territorial location of an educational school or section. After all, a long time is very tiring, as a result of which you yourself will soon abandon this venture. Yes, it is the parents, not the child. Practice shows that mostly adults refuse long trips. In addition, this act may negatively affect your child, as he may think that sports are not an obligatory thing that can be abandoned at any time.

From this it follows that the expensive section should take no more than 40-50 minutes. If not, try to find something closer to your home. At the age of five, a child should have time for both entertainment and socializing with friends. If this is a schoolboy, then the cost to the section should be minimal, since he also needs to do his homework.

Which sports clubs are accepted from 5 years old?

All parents want their child to be healthy and strong. For this, most parents send their child to sports clubs. The choice of the sports section must be taken seriously, because some sports and enhanced activities can negatively affect the health of the baby. As such, there is no specific age for sports, everything is individual. You need to take into account the physical abilities, health and wishes of your child. The main thing is that before the start of the first grade, the baby has already passed at least six months - a year for the sports section.

When choosing a sports club, you should not be guided only by your experience, for example, you wanted to go to football as a child, and your parents signed you up for gymnastics. Therefore, you, in turn, enrolled your child in football. Or maybe your child will like gymnastics. So, be sure to take into account the desire of the baby, his capabilities and state of health. And now let's talk in more detail about the sections to which children from 5 years old are taken.

Gymnastics. It is recommended to give a girl from 4-5 years old to gymnastics, while a boy from 5-6 years old. It depends on the development of the child, everyone knows that girls in most cases develop a little faster than boys. Physical fitness is also an important part of this sport. Be prepared for the child to be asked to pull up on the bar, do a few squats, test the child for flexibility, etc. If we are talking about health-improving gymnastics, then no physical training is required here, only the desire of your child.

If you do not know where to send a hyperactive child, then gymnastics is for you. It will also be useful for children with problems with.

Team sports (these include football, hockey, volleyball, etc.). In the team sport section, children from 5-6 years old can be given, depending on their physical fitness and development. This sport is useful in that it improves the functioning of the lungs and heart, and also helps to strengthen the visual and musculoskeletal system. The child learns to work in a team and correctly express their emotions. In addition, reaction and speed are improved. The only drawback of team sports can be the high risk of injury.

Martial arts... As you already understood, here we will talk about karate, sambo, boxing, etc. Children from 5-5 years old can be sent to the martial arts section. This sport is suitable for almost any child, regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl. Also, the character of the child does not matter, since everyone finds something of their own.

With the help of martial arts, the child learns endurance, quick reaction and flexibility. Also, this sport allows you to throw out your emotions and negative feelings. As for health, martial arts have a health-improving effect. The only drawback may be the possibility of injury.

Swimming. You can give your child for swimming from 3-4 years old. This sport is the most useful for young children, it has practically no contraindications, the only thing is a reaction to poor-quality water in the pool.

Firstly, swimming has a positive effect on the health and body of the baby. With it, you can strengthen the musculoskeletal system and improve blood circulation. Swimming exercises improve the nervous system. Secondly, this sport is very useful for children with myopia, scoliosis and obesity.

If your child is crazy about playing in the water, then this sport is for you. In addition, some sports are contraindicated for some children, so swimming can be a good substitute.

Dance Sport. A child aged 5-6 years can be given to dance. They are recommended for boys and girls who have scoliosis or are overweight, as dancing helps to improve posture and shape. The only contraindications may be diseases of the musculoskeletal system and myopia.

Developing study circles and preparation for school

Now let's talk about developing study circles that specialize in the study of foreign languages, classes for the development of logic and thinking. As for English, everyone understands perfectly well that this language is necessary for every person in today's modern world. Therefore, it is worth giving a child to English from childhood. You ask, at what age is it better to send a child to English? So, the sooner the better.

The fact is that children aged 3-4 years postpone knowledge of English in the hemisphere in which they have knowledge of their native language. While in adults, the acquired new material from English is deposited in a completely different hemisphere. Therefore, if a kid starts learning English from an early age, then he can become as dear to him as Russian.

Therefore, at the age of 5, you can safely send your child to English courses. Just take your choice of school and teacher very seriously. Take an interest in the experience of the teacher himself, if he has previously dealt with older children and he does not have practice with five-year-olds, then you should not trust him with your child.

For children of five years of age, a circle is perfect LEGO training. LEGO learning contributes to the rapid development of children, helps to improve logic and intuition. Through play, the child learns to solve various problems, and also involves mental and physical activity.


For children of this age, a fine arts club is well suited. For example, in drawing lessons, a kid develops a good taste and, moreover, expands his horizons. The kid will learn to be observant, which will be indispensable in primary school.

In addition, drawing helps children express their feelings and emotions on canvas using various colors. In addition, art classes bring joy and pleasure to the kid.

Molding... Children not only draw in fine art classes, but also sculpting. This will allow the baby to develop thinking and imagination, in addition, the baby improves hand motor skills and develops the eye.

When a child turns 5 or 6 years old, parents start thinking about choosing a sports section. In the variety of different types of training, it is difficult to choose an option that will not only please the child, but will also strengthen his health. To make informed choices that are safe for your little one, check out our guide to sports choices for preschoolers.

Health benefits for children

Before giving your child to the sports section, go with him to see a specialist. In this case, it is better to choose a doctor at a sports club rather than a district pediatrician, since the therapist does not always know the specifics of certain types of loads. Only with the approval of a doctor can you plan your training schedule.

  1. Any serious problems with the respiratory or circulatory system may be a contraindication to active sports. If your child has high blood pressure, an irregular heart rate, or bronchial asthma, exercise therapy is ideal.
  2. When choosing a sport, consider the existing chronic diseases of the child. If the kid sees poorly, neither contact types of martial arts, nor such outdoor games as volleyball, basketball or football are suitable for him.
  3. If the crumb often catches a cold and is difficult to tolerate diseases of the respiratory system,any sports that require prolonged contact with cold air are contraindicated for him, be it skiing, skating or hockey. Swimming in the pool is not suitable for those suffering from chronic tonsillitis and sinusitis. Children with diseases of the genitourinary system should refrain from water sports.
  4. At the age of 5-6 years, children should not go in for those sports that can lead to improper muscle formationin case of improper training. Such sports include, for example, badminton and big.

You should not force your child to exercise intensively from preschool age. A fragile growing body reacts negatively to excessive loads caused by an incorrect training regimen. If the child gets tired quickly, is capricious for no reason, is easily distracted and does not sleep well, think about reducing sports activities or changing the coach.

Any outdoor activity can be beneficial for your baby's health, but it can be improved if done outdoors. It is outdoor activities that will bring your child the maximum benefit. Perfectly strengthens the immune system and swimming in the pool.Sports activities that take place in spacious, well-ventilated areas are always preferable to small gyms without a hood. This is the opinion of the expert Julia Ermak, whose video you can watch on our channel.

What to look for when choosing a sports section?

  • Firstly, the child must have a desire to play sports.Figuring out which section is right for your preschooler can be difficult. Show him videos of various sports, explain the rules and benefits. This will help the baby to decide.
  • Secondly, consider the physical and psychological characteristics of your preschooler.If he is short, do not try to give him to volleyball or basketball. A chubby child should not be given to or. Such activities will only root complexes in the baby's psyche due to the fact that you put him in a deliberately disadvantageous condition.
  • The successful choice of the section also depends on character of the child... Sociable kids will have fun playing as a team. If your baby loves to be in the center of attention, athletics classes are suitable for him, because the victory will not have to be shared with anyone. For closed and shy children, individual sports such as swimming, tennis, gymnastics will be an ideal choice.
  • The third important factor when choosing a section is good coach... He must combine both teaching skills and knowledge of child psychology. Not always a renowned athlete can find a common language with children and create a comfortable atmosphere for their development. Take a class with your chosen coach before you enroll your child in a group. Chat with the mothers of other kids who are already working with this trainer and get their opinion.
  • Consider and the location of the sports school. Ideally, it should be close to home or kindergarten, so that the child spends less time on the road and can quickly get home from training. On the other hand, location should not be a factor if the sports or coaches of the nearest children's sports club are not suitable for the child.
  • remember, that some sports require significant equipment costs. For example, if your daughter is going to participate in dance competitions, she will need shoes and costumes. If you are not ready for additional costs, choose sections that do not require special equipment.

Which sports section to choose for a child 5-6 years old?

  • Swimming- one of the most gentle and beneficial sports for children. Children can swim from the first days of life, so at the age of 5 or 6 years nothing will prevent them from starting to visit the pool. When choosing a pool, pay attention to the attitude of the administration towards the medical certificates required for admission to the water. Before buying a subscription, you should also study the condition of the sports complex, the temperature of the water and the quality of its purification.
  • For active, sociable boys, classes or basketball, or volleyball... All these sports have a general strengthening effect on the growing body, strengthen the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, develop dexterity and increase the reaction rate. Playing in a team also develops communication skills and facilitates better adaptation in a new team. On the other hand, team sports can be very traumatic, and therefore the costs of quality equipment will be required: comfortable sports shoes and protective equipment.
  • Martial arts, be it or oriental martial artswill allow the child to throw out excess energy and gain useful self-defense skills. Contrary to popular belief, such sections are suitable not only for boys, but also for girls. Martial arts develop dexterity and coordination, increase reaction speed. Breathing practices of martial arts serve as the prevention of colds and calm the nervous system. The high risk of injury can be minimized by using protective equipment.
  • perfectly develops flexibility and grace, guarantees good posture. Such activities are suitable for artistic children who like to express themselves in motion. For a less traumatic alternative to gymnastics, you can choose sports or ballroom dancing.
  • Any disciplines athletics strengthen muscular and skeletal systems, develop agility, speed and strength. However, monotonous workouts can quickly get bored with kids, therefore such sections are suitable only for really enthusiastic and purposeful kids.
  • Winter sports, such as and, strengthen the immune system through hardening and develop endurance. These sections are suitable for babies who can easily tolerate the cold. The disadvantages of the classes are the high injury rate and the solid cost of the equipment.
  • suitable for ambitious babes who love to win. The exercises will improve coordination and dexterity, strengthen the musculoskeletal system and the respiratory system. Unfortunately, the cost of training is usually very high.

Experts are sure that the optimal age for the beginning of creative and physical development is 3-4 years. It is during this period that the child shows interest in one or another type of activity. Parents can reveal the talents of their baby, the main thing is to listen to his desires in time and correctly assess the possibilities. All children are talented: some draw beautifully, others show good results in sports, and still others have excellent hearing. But many parents do not know where to send their child at 3 years old. The variety of different circles and sections at the same time amazes and delights.

Parents should, from childhood, reveal the talents of the baby and develop the baby in directions that are interesting for him

Basic principles for choosing a mug for a small child

The main thing that loving parents must do is make the right choice. Many sections start accepting children from 3-4 years old. There is no need to rush to give the baby to the first circle that comes across. Ask your child what he wants to do.

You should choose a circle for a small child close to home, otherwise a long tedious journey will discourage the crumbs from any interest in visiting him. Some sections provide trial lessons. As spectators, observe what is happening around, and then ask the child for his opinion.

Sometimes the kids, after a couple of workouts, refuse to attend the section again, parents should not force him to go against his will, you need to talk to the child and find out the reason for the whims. If the coach makes a lot of comments or the crumbs do not always succeed, you need to cheer him up and make it clear that over time the desired result will be achieved.

Selection by type of temperament

A baby at 4 years old sometimes cannot independently make a choice in favor of one or another section. Take a closer look at its character, it will be easier to determine the direction. Quiet, calm children will not be entirely comfortable in an acting studio; overly active kids are better off trying their hand at dancing or sports. A thin, puny boy will not be able to fully train on an equal basis with everyone in wrestling classes.

Psychologists tend to argue that the type of temperament affects the success of a child in a particular type of activity:

  • Overly active kids who are constantly on the move and often come into conflict with other children are of the choleric type.
  • Sanguine people are able to control their emotions, they are strong-willed and purposeful.
  • Calm, balanced and a little slow children are phlegmatic, they can concentrate on a certain type of activity for a long time.
  • The fourth type is melancholic, such children are often capricious, quickly irritated and unable to overcome difficulties.

Do I need to send a baby to a section at 3 to 5 years old?

At the age of 3-5, everything is easy for a child: any information is perceived as a game

We all know from history that a mandatory attribute of the upbringing of young nobles was their all-round harmonious development. Children from noble families attended music, dance and foreign language lessons.

According to physiologists, visits to any sections by a child of 3-5 years old can activate physical activity. At this age, any training is easy for a child. Many eminent athletes started their sports careers from an early age, but you need to understand that the baby can be injured during training. His physical condition may not meet the required criteria in the chosen sport.

Sport sections

Most children love active games, so they are happy to attend sports sections. In training, they strengthen their health and get positive emotions. Sport develops such beneficial qualities in a child, such as:

  • endurance;
  • willpower;
  • agility;
  • striving to achieve the set goal.

Each child is individual, so it is necessary to take into account his developmental characteristics.

It is better for parents to show the baby to the doctor before he starts classes. If there are no contraindications for practicing this or that sport, and the child is ready to start training, you can safely trust him in the hands of professional trainers.

Team sports

Playing basketball, football, volleyball, hockey and any other team sports is a good physical activity for a child. Such games allow children to quickly adapt in society, they learn to interact with each other and work in a team.

Visiting such sections will allow squeezed children to relax and find good friends. If, on the contrary, the child is active and sociable, then team play will give him a lot of positive emotions. He will be happy with the new opportunity to prove himself.

Martial arts for toddlers

Martial arts such as karate, aikido, wu-shu, taekwondo, etc. increase the speed of reaction, train strength, endurance and dexterity. In addition to physical activity, martial arts introduce children to the philosophy of combat. Children learn the basics of doing it:

  • the use of force is only possible in the case of protection;
  • the weak need to be protected;
  • you can't get into a fight first.

Martial arts train the strength and dexterity of kids, educate character

If your child finds it difficult to stand up for himself, then doing this will help him feel confident. An active baby will learn to control his emotions and will be able to direct energy in the "right direction".


Gymnastic exercises can give the child flexibility and plasticity. By training, the baby develops endurance, hones coordination of movements and maintains good posture. Children can start classes as early as two years of age.

Speaking about professional gymnastics or rhythmic gymnastics, parents need to understand that in this sport the child needs to be ready for serious physical activity. He will have to train often and a lot, while injuries are inevitable. At the same time, it will be useful for all children to visit the sections where a general warm-up is carried out, and the trainers develop the baby's body flexibility.


Perhaps the only sport that is suitable for both boys and girls, regardless of their age and physique, is swimming. During training, the baby uses all muscle groups, and the risk of injury is minimal. Contact with water hardens the body. Parents can safely take a child who has learned to swim with them to a river or sea.

Swimming is a sport that engages all muscle groups

If a child is professionally engaged in swimming, then over time, some muscle groups, in particular the shoulder girdle, develop disproportionately. Girls become "broad-shouldered", but if the training is carried out no more than twice a week, then there is nothing to worry about.


By attending a choreographic circle, children get a lot of pleasure from their classes. They communicate, perform special exercises, develop creative thinking and learn how to properly control their bodies. If training takes place on an ongoing basis, then the child develops an elegant posture, he becomes graceful and plastic. Regardless of the chosen choreographic direction, the baby develops a sense of rhythm.

Developing circles

The kid can be sent to developmental circles, starting from 3-4 years. There are many directions:

  • modeling;
  • painting;
  • application;
  • music and singing;
  • acting skills.

Many toddlers are seriously addicted to singing.

By attending such circles, the child will be able to develop his creative and cognitive abilities. By deeply engaging in singing and music, you can achieve good results in the future. Of these children, creative personalities often grow.

Vocals and Music

Music accompanies each of us from birth. In every preschool institution, children from an early age are taught not only to listen, but also to hear music. A pleasant pastime forms an understanding of beauty in 3-5-year-old children, develops hearing, a sense of rhythm and mathematical abilities. In the classroom, the child not only improves his creative skills, but also learns discipline. Attending music and vocal lessons will leave an indelible mark on the life of a young talent.

Applied craft mugs

Most kids love to paint. In this way, kids develop fantasy, imagination, spatial thinking and fine motor skills of the hands. Applique and sculpting can also interest the child.

Applied arts circles help children to quickly learn to distinguish shapes, determine the shape and color of objects. Painstaking work makes the child become more attentive and accurate. In the classroom, kids "wake up" hidden talents.

Theater Club

As a rule, theater clubs host children from 5 years old. By this age, the child should speak well.

In acting classes, kids are taught to relax and not be afraid of the audience. By participating in theatrical performances, the young actor learns to control his emotions and express his own thoughts and feelings. The formation of personality takes place, memory and attention are trained.

Does the choice of a circle depend on the gender of the child?