Happy Birthday Congratulations Born in May - Woman, Man, Girl. Happy Birthday Congratulations Born in May - Woman, Male, Girl Born in Victory Day

This holiday is the property of a whole country, this is the courage, valor, honor and courage. Thanks to our heroes, we have a peaceful sky above your head, we will never forget their feat. I want to wish you good health and well-being. Happy holiday! Date added:
March 12, 2015

I congratulate you on the whole heart since May 9th.

This holiday is of great importance for every resident of our country. We remember all the horrors of war in the heart, bitterness and loss of our great-grandfather. But this victory is a symbol of honor, courage, courage and valor of all heroes. Happy holiday! Date added:
March 12, 2015

I want to congratulate you on the day of the Great Victory.

This holiday combines losses in itself and the enormous joy of victory. Honor and glory to the eternal heroes who gave us a peaceful sky above their heads. Let you accompany only victories and happiness. Happy holiday! Date added:
March 12, 2015

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the day of the Great Victory.

This holiday, which we meet with tears in your eyes, but with joy in my heart. This day, when we are glad to our heroes who gave us a long-awaited victory. Happy holiday! Date added:
March 12, 2015

I want to congratulate you on the day of the Great Victory.

This day brought the whole country the feeling of freedom, peace and happiness. Of course, this holiday we can not imagine without our heroes, which we give a low bow. I wish you victories in life, happiness and success. Date added:
March 12, 2015

Victory Day - Real Holiday

He reminds us of
What is not worthwhile to live only sweeter,
Today we remember about the past.
The whole country was then in ruin,
All the Soviet won the people!
And his victory - in the power of the Spirit,
Let your spirit let us down! Date added:
April 4, 2015

Thank you, take congratulations!

Today is the Victory Day - your holiday!
Thanks for love and mental,
Thank you, you have the grandchildren!
Thanks for the opportunity to be loved,
Children give birth, love to create and live!
Allow this day unique,
For what you have thank! Date added:
April 4, 2015

Happy Victory Day Congratulations

In the ninth bright May day
I wish the sky peaceful
And nearby - sincere people! Date added:
April 4, 2015

In this sunny May Day
Congratulations to you, our friend,
Let the sun warms you
Let not be on the heart of the rain,

Let the breeze lead you away
Let the thunderstorm leave all the sadness,
Let the camomile flowers, Gardenia
For you in this your birthday!

Maiden days came -

Maiden days came -
Lilac blooms and whisper birch.
Celebrate your birthday you
In her hands holding beautiful roses.

Heat spiritual and affection
Trust, love and kindness,
Let in life there will be all yours like a fairy tale
And finally dreams come true!

May wonderful days give us one beautiful right

May wonderful days give us one wonderful holiday ... And this holiday is your birthday! Let not only today, but also always, the world pleases you with new colors, let the supporters and friends always be near, and those things for which you will be able to be one hundred percent.

What we celebrate today

What we celebrate today
In this May warm day?
Birthday! Fill
We are half the glasses!

Let let go fun
Your good eyes
There will be life let the song,
Good would love fate!

In the warm mas you were born

In the warm Mai, you were born,
Our birthday story
And that's what you got
Like spring venice.

In you tenderness from spring,
From her - the purity of the gaze,
Well, the thoughts are full
Summer summer pattern.

Be the same you always
Be always beautiful
Let it go from the path of trouble,
In life, be happy.

Those who were born in May

Those who were born in May,
I want to notice, very lucky!
His guests always meet
In nature with kebab.

Under the kebab soon to congratulate,
And you want to wish you:
Easy life to edit
So that all problems were anything!

Say that if May

Say that if May,
So - you will be launched.
Well, you are in the dreams of fly -
Miracle is justified.

This month, in the spring,
Mature for a year.
Happy Birthday to You.
Life so that without tight.

Joy let, luck, laughter
In the house live.
Let the success pursue.
And sadness melts.

Happy Birthday, May Sun

Happy Birthday, May Sunny,
From the soul, congratulate you!
Drink wine to the donkey himself,
Hug away all girls loving.

All today is allowed
You do not even think to rob.
Spend this evening great,
Even if you have to blush.

May is the radiance of sun rays, the first thunderstorms with abundant rains and irons of rainbow, the riot of greenery, the tenderness of excellent primroses. It is said that those who were born into light in May, all their lives will be launched, but these are completely unreasonable prejudices. In fact, May gives people who appeared on the world in this beautiful month, tenderness, beauty and latitude of the soul, the ability to enjoy life and resistance to frost and testing. And to celebrate the birthday of your May birthday's birthday was filled with a good mood - a great gift for him will be a beautiful congratulation born in May from our site. Please your close fun and beautiful congratulations - and we will reveal with you.

It is not necessary to be sad on this day.
Well, let run the year.
Birthday, as a reward,
Dear us always!
In this holiday, certainly
You take gifts!
Compliments, congratulations
Let him brings the month of May!
In this wonderful spring day
Be fresh, more than ever!
Among noise and fun
Forget you about year!
Let them fly the arrow
Stay - Young!

As usual on this day, spring,
All colleagues, relatives, friends
You are in a hurry to congratulate on your birthday,
As a big, friendly family.
How many years? It is not decent to us.
You are always my soul
Your mood is excellent,
You never see gloomy never.
So let the spring on this day
Happiness to you, health wish,
Youth eternal, mood,
Live a hundred years and only for "five"!
In order for guests in the house,
So that friends came to you again,
To heartily talked toast
About hope, loyalty and love!

Nature was late with congratulations,
Did not dissolve the leaves on this day
But I have a hurry to congratulate on the birthday of birth,
And even in the soul always blooms lilac.
In our work, we wish everyone victories
In family life - peace and rest,
Health, forces for hundreds of years,
Spring is doubly, and youth are three times.

If you were born in May,
Then ride in the tram,
Sun smile you
For gifts and flowers!
There will be many congratulations
And funny poems.
Month of May carries
Many joyful troubles!

Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday!
In this nice day of spring
You wishes not to read
All intimate is in them!
And most importantly - to spring and love,
Always excited the feeling and blood!
To be sulfur
Not eclipsed and every day,
Only sunny was!

Hot Sun is cape
And murmur streams around.
We invites us today
The best friend!
On this warm spring day
At (name) - Birthday!
Raise toast for friendship
And you wish you friendly:
Be this (oh) cute (oh)
Business (oh) and energetic (oh)!
Do not hurt, do not lose heart
About depressions do not know!

Let you not know in May you
Neither fuss nor tape
Let the birds, stars and flowers
Cherish, penetrate you.
Do not refuse kindness
From the world of bright beauty,
From joy and purity -
Live your beloved and loving.

Let this day remember you
As a blessing roses
Like a glitter of my green eyes,
Let it be eternal May,
Spring settles in your soul
And will be loud laughing your
The radiance of your eyes will never fade.
Let only only the sun shine brightly,
But sometimes rains will pass.
And on this day - your birthday

Let flowers and the sun of May
Will be near all year round.
Happy birthday, dear!
Life is light, without worries.
Without disease, tears, excitement
In the morning, in the evening, - always,
To be in a good mood
Even cloudy when.

Bunny, child native,
As a fairy in a fairy tale came to us,
You were born under the sun of May -
Let your life be brighter.
Grow healthy, smart, bold,
And let him shine invariably
Your happy star

The third month of spring is one of the most wonderful months of the year. The trees are already covered with foliage, migratory birds begin to twist the nests, and all living things think about love and about the continuation of life. Happy Birthday Congratulations, who were born in May should be made more like recognition in love. Born this month will definitely like this congratulations, as it is thin and elegant nature.

It is best for solemn speech to choose a beautiful verse with a mandatory mention of love. Of course, a gift must be chosen to become a solemn speech. There will be no extension bouquet of flowers or a beautiful trinket.

In May, celebrate this birthday!
Give you a holiday, eat treats!
Like spring you bloom
Trouble and sorrows do not know!
Sun shines, congratulates you!
Drops of noise, everyone fun!
Joyful, cheerful be,
About the fun do not forget!

Spring and May, chirping birds,
About the birthday sing!
With a great date congratulated!
Love, hopes only wish!
Blossom and smell like flowers,
Big, all the necessary kindness!
Shy like a bright star
In the sky you always!

Lucky, who is born in May!
He will be glorified three times!
The grass grows and the sun bakes,
Here is the birthday of the moment the moment comes!
Many gifts, smiles, colors!
And the birthday girl is ready for a feast!
In a clear day of happiness we wish you!
And happy congratulations!

Spring has come, life is brighter!
On the courtyard drops, rings a blizzard!
Let on the day of the jam of the snow melting!
Let friends get friends!
It will be a bright holiday, will be ringing laughter!
Let in all matters, success awaits you!

What wonderful month May:
It has aromas and blossoms!
Dreams will all come true
In a wonderful May Birthday!

I wish a lot of clear days
And the sea of \u200b\u200bjoyful moments
Only good news
And hundreds of bright impressions!

Once in the May day is born lucky,
Then let all your life protect you
Spring radiant warmth
And bright colors of the Cold May,

And so that it was breathing cheerfully and easily,
Love, create and never start,
Let somewhere in the sky blue high
All the angels are watching and smiling!

Eh, lucky to be born in May! After all, it is time for the sun, warmth and youth. People born in May are always cheerful, smiling and young. I wish you so that all my life is filled with the May warmth, and in the soul, incessantly sang birds. Happy birthday, sunny man!

Born in May - here it is lucky!
Around everything green and blooms,
You congratulate you on the May Day of Birth,
Let happiness, like spring, will come to you!

Let Flowers, as if happiness signs,
Will give a sea of \u200b\u200bwonderful beauty,
Love let bawed like poppies,
Let's be flourishing like gardens!

With the May Sun, with bird singing
Your birthday came to us.
This month, year from year,
All nature flourishes.

Let your life, like in May,
It blooms everything, without fading.
Joy in the heart let him live
Let the soul always sings.

In May, all born are beautiful.
Easy is in them, the reconcileness of being.
Yes, they are in something powerful,
But with all your heart they love the whole family.

There is no strong grief with them,
Provided the rear and will come in difficulties.
Let your long-awaited birthday
Sea congratulations will be presented to you!

I sincerely wish the positive,
To be near faithful friends!
Life let it be successful and happily
And all the difficulties in the way will not be in vain.

Everything blooms and smells in May,
Nightingry sow
Happy Birthday!
Happiness, laughter and love!

And everything is more:
Wishes from friends
Bunch of whole gifts,
Smile fun.

What will want - to achieve
And the dreams come true.
And so that new aspirations
Began to be found.

Let your May Birthday
It will be beautiful, as if May:
It will give only heat, flowering,
And life is wonderful, like paradise!

I wish my heart sang,
Like spring nightingaws!
I wish you happiness without limit
And millions of bright days!

Birthday in May Day -
How beautiful it is!
In the yard, tulips bloom,
And in the sky it is clear!

Joy, colors, fun
Wrone on the birthday!
Let Nature awakening
Raises the mood!

Probably no month a year,
Which can compare with mare beauty.
And therefore I will come to the conclusion -
Such people can only be born in May.

I congratulate my May Day with the May Day.
And I understand that in the soul of your spring
I must, probably, too, May.
Let it never end.

Love let it be infinitely tender,
Like petals of the first all colors,
And the joy in the heart will become a serene
From in spring pleasant, sweet words.

In this bright and warm day of May,
Let the sun light your way
Happy birthday you congratulate you
You are happy so always
To gently smile shine,
And in the eyes to be joy,
And fate - so that you helped you
And I brought health to you,
So that love - was only mutual
Guarded you from adversity
Let life will be hospitable
Positive will bring you!