High birthday greeting guy. Beautiful spiritual congratulation to a friend

Very often, men do not know what to wish for a birthday. Music congratulations to men are unlikely to be, they just won't tell you. But they also want spiritual congratulations or poems in their honor with meaning. What if the birthday girl is a man, then wish him nothing to say beautiful and pleasant? Or so, a couple of missed words? No, we are confident that men also love poems congratulations on birthday and waiting for them. And we will help you find exactly the verse that will suit your man.

poems with the meaning of happy birthday man

For each man for his birthday
Words are different and weight have their own ...
Wish him a lot: fun, adventure,
But the main thing is that his life would not be empty.

Let the goals - are achieved, dreams are recreated again,
The desires are replaced, in the eyes of the hill burns.
Good luck let them happen, and everyone let admire,
And an angel behind the shoulders from trouble always keeps.

congratulations on your birthday man verses

On the birthday of men
Congratulations are simple
And for the fact that there are reasons
Rise toasts ...

Or toasts, it is not important
The birthday name would only have
Honest, smart and brave,
A faithful husband and a kind son.

The best dad, friend is excellent,
In general, we all - sample,
Many happiness in the life of personal
Be glazed for hearts.

The rest you will attach,
I wish everything yourself!
We know clearly - it's you can
And we believe in you, know!

poems happy birthday man to tears

What do men want
Not always known to us!
Can you fly to the tops?
Or equally to be gods?
Choose what you wish
On the birthday of Birth, you can do everything!
It will be like that - you know that.
After all, your desire
There is a law, to strive to him
Will you and heaven,
Help all achieve

brief congratulation happy birthday man

The best man is the best recognizable,
Wished happiness and big love
On the birthday of this one let all expect,
All dreams and plans will come true.

Poems congratulations on your birthday man friend

You have become older for a year, and therefore -Mudrey,
The experience of life is replenished pretty.
Take congratulations from us quickly
We tried to be nice.

What you need - you know only you
Commission to your wishes.
Let all dreams come true in your life,
All aspirations and expectations.

Happy Birthday! In the soul, save your light,
Lot the road in bad weather ...
Every day, as a gift from life, meet
Enjoying the moments of happiness.

Happy Birthday,
My only man,
Doubt your power
I did not give me the reasons.

I wish you happiness,
Incarnation of all plans
Our feelings always
There will be your credo.

My favorite person!
I wish you happiness
And in the beautiful this day
Happy birthday congratulations.

Let everything come true in fate
That your soul wishes
Let a great success come
And nothing grieves.

I love you honey,
Amazing man
Life with you as a paradise garden,
Without you, she is a desert.

My man, my brave hero,
Strong, brave, insanely beautiful,
On the birthday of joyful yours
I wish again to be happy!

Never regret anything
Nothing on the way is not afraid
A day coming bravely watch
And his whole life enjoy your life!

Happy birthday, my beloved,
The sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness I wish you
Life is sweet, like a chocolate cake,
So that the dream is embodied any!

So that friends are always next to
And good luck to you went,
Patience and strength were added
And love in your heart lived!

With all my heart I want to congratulate
You, Favorite, Happy Birthday!
Let my love will give
You success and inspiration!

Let your days flow quietly
In a happy thieves carefree,
Like free blue stool
Rivers wide full-volume.

I wish you health,
Mighty and excellent strength
I want to in this life for a long time
My love kept you!

My native, indispensable,
Kind, sincere, beloved,
Let the fate pisses you
Light plans draws.

Let not be in life boredom,
And luck runs in hand.
Money with the arrogance of huge
We climb into your pocket immodestly.

Let the career without obstacles
Will advance above.
We will become powerful, business,
Happy Birthday, dear!

Not the first day with you are familiar
Waters have long leaked.
In your arms, I like at home
And I got comfortable and warm.

I wish you all my heart
All in the life of joys and benefits,
And happy birthday congratulations
Of who in life is my lighthouse.

I wish you a bodily cheerry,
Love and the world in the soul.
I always have it interesting to me
At every new turn!

You are ready to give
I am a million kisses,
You are my favorite, my hero,
You only were born for happiness.

Be fixed with the body and soul,
The vertices boldly conquer
And then coming home,
With me perfectly rest.

My favorite, on the birthday of birth
I wish I want a lot.
To live you, flourish,
As for the sinus of God.

To live your health
The strongest awarded,
So that luck smiled
And always loved you.

So that friends did not betray,
So that parents are in order
So that we live with you
Together mercy and sweet!

From the heart today these
Accept, my cute, congratulations!
Be everyone's happier in the world
Take pleasure from life!

Let all the plans fulfill
Always work on the result
So that there were full pockets
You always have money!

Let your life bearing with happiness,
Successful will be the path of earth
Let my love gives
And passion, and tenderness, and peace!

I wish you great health,
Either trouble nor the chase not know
On trifles do not be upset
And never lose heart!

As the rulers in the kingdom of jungle,
Lord of all animals.
We will find you in Google,
You are a man from blood.
Mountains will be subject to the mountains.
Views of women are not dangerous.
Congratulations, like those trophies,
Decorate galleries!

Grow children and be healthy
And provide a family
In the fire of love burn with his wife
Raughty and loved ones and relatives,
Will be held years - do not wait for peace
In motion is always
And let them go with you in life
Good luck, peace and kindness!

Dear our jubilee,
You are an excellent copy.
Man with a big letter
And we dedicate to you these lines:

Congratulations on the Round Date!
We wish to celebrate with Azart,
In a circle of proven friends
With the light of wax candles.

Let happiness accompanies you,
With good luck goes
Health is strengthened
And the profit is multiplied!

Our jubilee is a strong man!
Dosto many you awards.
To live well and stable,
Overcame the border barriers.

Let the pleasure of life
In the eyes sparkles every day.
Gives a mood, immaculately,
Win the highest level.

What to wish you an anniversary?
Consider that the way in life just started
Let the hair all thinner and white ...
No ... Years do not mean anything in fate!
As in twenty years, cheerful, slim be,
Know: Spirit, and not the body we support! ..
And the first girl do not forget
Congratulate too with a wonderful anniversary!

Congratulations on the anniversary of a man in verse

Always a man decorated
Mind, power, good deeds ...
From these virtues hardly
Fate at least something went around.
We wish many years of health,
In minutes sadness not to rush,
In the family find a support of happiness,
Always, in the whole man be!

All men like wine
Anniversary of them only colors,
At this age it is time
Put stamp: "flammable".

Silver in whiskey glitters,
Charm, smile, glance hardness,
Mature age as a magnet
How a glass with sweet poison ...

Hey, go down from Heaven to Earth,
We understand, there will be shock,
It's just our joking
Poetic poem.

Today holiday - anniversary
Beautiful man
And one hundred friends will gather
Not without reason.

We will gather wish
You in the life of summer,
And your anniversary to celebrate
We will be before dawn.

After all, you are worthy of all praise
From us, and respect,
And therefore we collected
Your holiday, birthday.

Be cheerful and happiness drunk,
Always love fate
And so that friends do not forget
Those who are always with you.

All sadness today you are bold
Unfortunately, throw away:
Today, in the glorious anniversary,
You congratulate your guests,
Spouse, children, all relatives!
Smiles shone brightly.
About the anniversary! Of a day
We were looking forward.

Let the worship be fulfilled.
Please accept our congratulations:
Health, strength and prosperity!

Today I took and came,
Dozens of years this instant
You waited, you believed, you lived!

Taste the sweetness of the anniversary
Go ahead for 10 years
And we will help, as we can -
Support a festive buffet!

You are young, promising and beautiful
You are already proud of the team,
Going work in your hands,
Labor to your quality is the highest sign.
On the birthday of birth, colleague, congratulations,
Let only happiness and luck waiting for you ahead,
Let work brings inspiration
And life is personal - pleasure.

All under the power of young always
Enthusiasm, energy you will be enough for many years,
Although in the team you are new
But the affairs of your great connoisseur.
Accept, colleague, from the team of congratulations,
In his nice birthday,
Let the dream always come true,
Let the career growth rises for the clouds.

Today celebrates birthday,
Our colleague is a young guy,
All compliments to you and congratulations,
And health whole hundred pounds.
Let go luck with you never part
Let spring in the soul always sings
Let everything be perfect at work,
We wish you happiness and prosperity in your life.

Our colleague is Birthday,
The whole team prepared congratulations,
Let work argue in hand
Let everything be fine in all your affairs.
You wish you joy and happiness
Let the wind damage all the bad weather
Let the road will always be light
Let it be a favorable fate.

Let the sun illuse your way
Let your satellite become good luck.
Your friends with you keep up
So that you have never been granted with them.
Today the day is the same as yesterday,
But not for us, because we all remember the dates.
In your anniversary, we will scream "Hurray"!
We always be happy to be with you.

Congratulate a man with an anniversary mentally

You are beautiful, as if Apollo,
You are strong as the Roman gladiator.
You reached your in the life of Avalon,
Where are you king, king and emperor!
Be always the same energetic
And always hold on top,
Loving whether it is optimistic,
Happiness and good luck in your destiny!

We want to congratulate the anniversary,
You, our best friend.
And wish you today:
Have friends reliable circle
Machine new model,
Forces a lot - for bed,
Miscelly more and health
Huge mansion on the sea
Whatever the plans come true
What would be in the career only swell
Whatever the eyelids are long yours. "
Let's drink for you, hero!

Very suitable reason
For a man's jubilee
In the dance gather everyone again:
And relatives and all friends.
From the soul to have fun
Sing, joke and dance
Sadness forever to say goodbye
Congratulations to take.
Aside we did not stay
Also want to wish
So that your dreams come true.
Be beautiful, healthy, love.
Begin rich and cool.
And under the toast of a black sip
Do for you want
Fasten to congratulations!

All sadness today you are bold
Unfortunately, throw away:
Today, in the glorious anniversary,
You congratulate your guests,
Spouse, children, all relatives!
Smiles shone brightly.
About the anniversary! Of a day
We were looking forward.
So with the holiday, the head of the family!
Let the worship be fulfilled.
Health, strength and prosperity!

Such a rare birthday
Today I took and came,
Dozens of years this instant
You waited, you believed, you lived!
Taste the sweetness of the anniversary
Go ahead for 10 years
And we will help, as we can -
Support a festive buffet!

Happy birthday, man,
I thank fate,
For a smile, voice gentle,
For a cherished dream.

I wonder everything in you,
Attract me to everyone
I am glad that among women
I chose me at all.

Happy Birthday Congratulations,
Every day I love stronger,
I wish a lot of happiness
And you are idol!

I once was lucky
Become your wife,
Together we are with you for a long time,
Associated fate

Although there was a lot of years,
With marriage,
You are beautiful, like an athlete,
This is not by chance.

Be always healthy,
You are an example for many
Flourisy called enemies,
You are worthy!

Today is your birthday,
It can not be noted
Sit at the festive table
Your relatives, grandchildren, children.

Man you are our dear
Love you will not stop
And congratulations to you
We are not tired of reading for a long time.

Be happy you, healthy be,
Let all be wishes,
Do you want us to wish
Good luck in all endeavors!

Happy birthday congratulations,
I wish you from the heart
Be healthy and happy
For friends, indispensable.

Let a success accompanize
Children can hear laughter
In your small family,
I want to tell you,

There is no more beautiful man
For friends and colleagues,
Let sorrow and trouble
Reading like sneeze!

Happy birthday, cute,
Happy holiday you
Let sorrow, bad weather
Will be walked.

Let everything be in life,
What can you dream about
Your loved ones
I want to wish

Let everything you dream,
Will be at times
And there will be no on the way
Interference and thunderstorms!

There are many people in the world
But such as you do not meet,
Day with fire do not find
And the pen does not describe.

Be so not change
Never change
Happy birthday, dear,
Will be in the family rest!

Happy holiday,
Happy Birthday,
I wish you happiness
Happiness without end.

Let be sad,
And sadness all
Let not be empty
You have in your shower.

Happy birthday cute,
Happy holiday you
We are forever!

On holiday this light,
We want to wish
Many words beautiful
To tell you.

Nice you man
True friend and husband
Although you did not break
Money in life Kush.

Happy birthday, cute,
Dear you are ours
To not happen
We know, do not betray!

Happy Birthday,
My handsome, my hero.
You, boyfriend, flawless,
Do not get bored with you.

I wish you more strength
So that in my arms I wore
So that often surprised by a surprise,
So that gently, loyally loved.

Favorite, congratulations,
Let your dreams come to life
I am congratulations to send
Let be joyful days!

Let it be calm in mind
And everything is supposed to be easy,
Happy birthday congratulations,
And let everything be fine!

Happy Birthday sweetheart,
Strong and healthy be,
Let a happy planet
Denote in life path.

Let him carry you with friends
Hears let my love,
Wanted to win
Goals put again and again.

My favorite, happy birthday,
Let him live in the heart of joy
To make fun way
You always kept.

So that friends appreciated you,
And in the affairs waited for luck,
Every year you, my dear
Was successful and richer!

With you on the edge of the world
With you at least where,
Favorite, beautiful,
Happy Birthday to You!

You're wonderful,
So be always
The most happy
Do not be painful!

Be the most important
And dreams embody
Troubles and evil
Do not let out!

Happy Birthday! I wish the achievements,
The most joyful, exciting moments.
And I wish you only with me to be
Only with me this happiness is divided!

Positive, my favorite, be trying,
Do not be offended on some trip
Continue to love me
And the warmth of your soul is always given!

My favorite guy
You became an adult,
Became for a year you are more paint,
I waited for this day.

You are the owner's destiny
All in your hands,
I wish you,
So as not tortured fear!

So that you have fun
Was successful all
For the better sought
So that sounded your laughter!

Birthday celebration important,
This is a significant date.
I congratulate you with her
Very happy and glad.

My favorite i wish
For you, great happiness,
So that there was time in life
And for business, and for passion.

To achieve success
And the dreams carried out
To stronger all the girls
You loved me alone!

I wish the winner
In each be a battle,
I wish you a cute strength
On this birthday.

Be always in excellent form
Get enough sleep
Before the obstacle
Just do not give up.

For me you are a winner,
You are my fade.
Be always with me nearby
More and not necessary.

Favorite my, catch the rhyme,
Such, good congratulations,
He will bring you good luck
And happiness will be rewarded in addition
Will give ease, magic,
And make sure that you are lucky!
He will bring you good
Then everything will be fine
He is always healthy, always
I love you insanely me!

Let life sometimes be difficult
But you have in this world.
And I know that not alone,
And you with me near here.

Let the new year that comes to us
Perform all your dreams.
Let the hairs fall
With your lovely head.

Let you not find you sadness,
And he will not overtake the trouble.
I want to be together with you
My beloved, always always.