When the border guard day is celebrated in Belarus. Traditions of honoring in Belarus

Belarus marks the day of the border guard. Border troops are an important component of the army of any state. The security of the country depends on their combat capability. Border guards are the first to take a blow if hostilities begin.

history of the holiday

The history of the holiday begins since 1918. On May 28, border guard was established. Since 1958, this day became an official holiday - the Border Guard Day. Modern Belarus has retained the date of the holiday in memory of the heroism of the border guards.

Forever in memory will be the feat of the border guards who took the battle in 1941. He was the first to accepted night doses, guarding the border, with a length of about one thousand kilometers. The border areas turned into front-line. The Germans, in the first minutes of war, to break resistance, applied artillery, tanks and aviation. Although the superiority was on the side of the enemy, the personnel of everyone retreated only by order.

A separate page of the history of border troops - Defense of the Brest Fortress. The Austrians attacked (not the Germans, as many people think) at 4:30 minutes (Moscow time) in 1941. This was preceded by a powerful shelling, as a result of which the connection was interrupted, the warehouses, water supply were destroyed, large losses suffered a personal composition of the garrison. Scattered parts of the defenders of the fortress fought for a whole month. The world fame received the phrase of a unwitting hero, scratched on the wall and dated July 20, 1941: "I am dying, but I do not give up." The fortress fell, but became a symbol of courage. The feat of defenders served as an example of Soviet soldiers, inspired new feats.

Holiday today

Today, this holiday celebrates everything that, one way or another, is associated with border troops: the current and former border guards, their relatives serving staff. Mandatory official events - laying flowers, wreaths to monuments and obelisies of the dead border guards, the presentation of the diploma, the awards particularly distinguished, often by May 28, the assignment of military ranks are timed.

Among the former border guards are spread in fountains and songs under the guitar. There are no weekend in existing, so they often meet a holiday on duty.

The meaning of the holiday is to emphasize the importance of border troops for the security of the country, to save the memory of the dead and those who honestly performed their duty.

As part of the celebration, which began on Sunday morning, the border guard officers and border guard officers laid wreaths to the obelisk of Victory in the capital. Then a solemn procession was held on the island of courage and grief, where the border guards gave tribute to the memory of the fallen commercialists.

On this day, festive events are held in all regional and district cities of Belarus, which deploy military units of the border service bodies. Traditionally, veterans-border guards, cadets, cadets, existing military personnel and members of their families take part in them.

Congratulations on the Border Guard Day adopted as current employees, and ending their service for the protection of the state border. Typically, on this day, the perpetrators of the celebration gather with their families, arrange a feast or leave for the city.

Border guards reliably ensure the inviolability of the Belarusian state, President Alexander Lukashenko said in his congratulations on the Border Guard Day.

"I cordially congratulate you on your professional holiday - the day of the border guard! Loyalty to the best traditions, the desire to increase their everyday hard labor on the protection of the frontiers of the Republic of Belarus has been and remain important areas in the current generation of border guards," says.

The border serve was created 99 years ago - May 28, 1918 according to the decision of the Council. In addition to Belarus, the border guard day is celebrated in Russia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

An integral parts of any state is not only the population, its own army, a monetary unit, but also the territory. Its limits are determined by boundaries. Estimation of the centuries of their protection against the encouraging of the conquerors did the life of citizens safer. Many countries paid special attention to the arrangement of its limits.

So, in ancient China, a large-scale work was carried out to protect against tribal raids. The result of the works was the Great Wall, stretching for thousands of kilometers. She became the first line of defense of this southeastern empire, and nowadays the monument of military and architectural thought.

Such structures are found at the Central American tribes of the Indians, fiercely conflicted with each other, but in a much more simplified performance. The border becomes the front edge of protection in the event of an invader state attack.

Armed units engaged in the protection of the country's limits, is customary to be called border guards. On the organization, interaction and structure, they are identical to the regular army or are part of it. They are dedicated to a professional holiday.

Who celebrates

The event is considered to be their all who relates to the border troops or passed on their emergency service, as well as auxiliary personnel, relatives, close and friends. He also celebrates teachers and students of specialized educational institutions of the Federal Security Service.

History and traditions of the holiday

The day of the border guard takes his beginning during the times of the Soviet Union, when border guard was created on May 28, 1918. She was renamed troops and began to obey the USSR state security committee. After the emergence of the Russian Federation, the agency applied to various power structures, but the date of the professional holiday was preserved.

The event collects for solemn tables of defenders of the country, as well as everyone who has a relationship. In the waters of urban fountains, the symbolic bathing of military personnel, which have become a reminder of the holiday. The memorable event is accompanied by the sounds of songs under the guitar about a difficult share of the profession, congratulations, toasts, wishes of the world and well-being.

On the day of the border guards of Russia 2020 pass the ceremonies of the colors to the grave of an unknown soldier, memorial boards and monuments to those people who died or accomplished a feat, standing on guard of interests of fragments. High-ranking officials congratulate the sign for many events, send letters. Command presents valuable gifts and gratitude. Extraordinary titles and raises in positions are obtained especially distinguished employees.

About profession

Border guards carry out the protection of the state border on the sea and land. Their obligations include hindrance to the illegal crossing of the country's limits, its defense in the event of an attack, control and passing of citizens, detention of violators, interaction with other authorities. The tasks of this profession include conducting reconnaissance activities in the interests of the protection of sovereignty.

To become a border guard in the Russian Federation, it is necessary to undergo an urgent service (upon call) or finish educational institutions of the FSB of the Russian Federation. The fleet is also attracted to the performance of the protection functions of the territory, the economic zone and shelves. The military must master the weapons, the material and technical base, to know the charters, laws, regulations and instructions, use communication tools, equipment for observation.

The divisions comes special boats, patrol vessels, aircraft, armored cars that allow you to carry the service. Border guards have a special form, the distinguishing features of which is a headdress in the form of beret or a cap of light green color, a vest with stripes of white and olive color, epaulets, as well as a chevron (sleeve sign) with a symbolism of the Russian state.


    Border guards, you are forever guard,
    We take care of our and sleep.
    We have a helmet congratulations ours
    And also - our globe.

    You wish you health and strength
    Pie and observation eyes.
    Waiting for good homes, cute
    And your favorite wives of all of you.

    Take congratulations
    On the day of the border guard!
    I wish fun
    And the health is excellent.

    I wish weakness,
    True friendship
    On the border of order
    And a quiet service.

What is the day of the border guard day at 2021, 2022, 2023

2021 2022 2023
May 28 PT.May 28 Sat.May 28 Sun.

Each year on May 28, the personnel of the border troops of the Russian Federation celebrates its professional holiday - the day of the border guard.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 30, 1993, the Federal Border Guard Service of Russia was established. The date was taken from History: On May 28, 1918, the Decree of the Sovnarkom established the Border Guard of the RSFSR. At the same time, the main control of border guard was created.

It is interesting that in addition to Russia, the border guards and other post-Soviet countries celebrate on this day: Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Ukraine. This is done as a sign of respect and admire the feat of the Soviet Union soldiers who defended their country from the invasion. By the way, Russia is a country that has the most points of contact with other countries - the Russian Federation borders with 18 countries. No more state of the world has so many borders.

On the border you served
Motherland, depreciation.
And now you deserve
Praise in life.

Border Guard Dear
We respect you.
And today, in your holiday,
We congratulate you.

We wish you
Forces, Health and Love,
So that the world is on the whole earth.
Your life you take care.

The border guard is proudly!
You cost you firmly
Our land is guarding,
Do not know sleep at all.

I wish this day
Forces, cheerfulness,
Peace, happiness in the life of personal
And the salaries are superotect.

Congratulations on your professional holiday - Border Guard Day! I wish the promotion, great achievements, courage, courage, valor, justice and strength. Let the work be enjoyable, there will be no vanity and conflict. I wish the personal growth, security and faithful friends. Happy holiday!

There is one important day in May.
From all other days it is different.
After all, this day does not sleep the soul,
The border guard remembers about the service.

Who remembers the posts,
And someone passed the outfit.
But grateful to you,
Bow to you, refrigerant guys!

Let the world be on you,
All borders will be calm.
There will be no wars, Siren and Min,
And in the sky let the birds fly.

Health to you, loyal friends.
Let the dream be calm, strong.
Love wives and mothers
Your kids will be successful.

And with the holiday of you from the soul.
You are our pride, our glory!
After all, the border guard is life,
And your life is the look!

Strong, bold and brave,
Border guards our fearless.
You are worthy of respectfulness,
All praise and admiring.

And during the night, that without sleep,
Thank you to the whole country.
With your day we congratulate
He wanted to health strong!

Everyone wish you to congratulate
In this moment and at this hour.
The border guard notes
The day of the year is only once!

Courage, luck, strength
Let them always be with you.
Health so that you have enough
Back for a long year!

There is a profession such -
Happiness is homeland to store.
This is the mission of the Holy -
The boundaries of the country serve.

I congratulate today
Our border guards!
Those who day and night in the ranks
Hull soldiers.

I wish you friends,
Forces and courage,
In families - peace and heat,
Fidelity oath.

Let all borders be on the castle,
Only heart and soul will be open.
Wish who on the main border
Calm, hoping covered.

After all, the border guard is pride for the country,
Support and state protection.
Let them be solar warm days
And the service will be interesting, bright!

Border Guard Day - All Wishes You:
Let it work out as much as you need.
And let him not think to penetrate the enemy,
He will rebuff give boldly, friendly!

Happy Border Guard I congratulate you
And the service is light, I wish you without alarm.
To work joy brought,
So that failure passed by.

I still wish I on promotion service,
Good luck, limitless luck.
So that everything is what you need for happiness:
Love, health, respect and friendship.

Always the border under control,
And the enemy does not pass here.
All border guards today
From us special honor.

We congratulate you on your day,
You always be alert,
Under your valiant protection
Lives calmly the whole country.

Border Guard - Non-easy service:
She is dangers, alarm is full.
The look as the frontier, it is very necessary
Keep away from spy and enemy.
Scouts of someone else's country do not overcome obstacles,
And the reinstatets do not make two steps.
Always guarding the birthplace they, where necessary
The depreciation is carried, harsh and simple.
Fortress of the Spirit and the same nerves!
Different friends you - smart, very faithful!
Successes in your business unchanged!