Sunflower from a plastic bottle with your own hands - photo, how to do. Sunflower from plastic bottles do it yourself how to make a plastic bottle of sunflower flower

Crafts of sunflowers with their own hands will certainly hobble every child. Sunflowers are bright, expressive flowers that retain their attractiveness even after the fruits will appear - favorite children and adult seeds.
It is not surprising that these plants attract attention and cause interest in children who are glad to try to convey their images in their work.

This handful will be relevant for a kindergarten - sunflower can be made in various techniques, including such that does not require constant observation and assistance from an adult. The kids in a small group will be able to repeat the actions of the educator. For pupils of senior groups, you can organize on the topic, how to make sunflowers with your own hands, master class, and disclose several ideas in it to create unusual images.

Very bright and beautiful sunflower can be made of plasticine. In order to close the petals of the sunflower, we need to mix three colors of plasticine - yellow, brown and orange. Do not mix them into one mass. Let the bodies of each color persist, then the petals of the sunflower will look very impressive.

Brown plasticine cake decorate small cuts - this is a middle of the sunflower.

We glue the petals to the middle. We supplement the craft of green leaves. Sunflower from plasticine ready!

Figure "Sunflower"

Drawing its core, you can apply various branded rolling items - even a cardboard roll from toilet paper or paper single towels. And if you bend this roll from two sides, it turns out a great stamp for drawing petals: just do it in yellow paint and put the prints around the core. Look at what wonderful sunflower can be drawing using such a technique! The center of the sunflower we covered with glue and sprinkled with the most real black pepper. The drawing turned out volumetric and very natural!

Depicting flower petals, you can also give freedom to your imagination. For example, you can draw petals with a toothbrush. If at the same time make the core from the circle of black colored paper, it will be quite simple, affordable and more younger children, but an interesting snaps.

The leaves on the stem can also be drawn in an unusual way. For example, the original leaves are obtained from the fingerprints of children's palms made by green paint. The finishes of the palms can be drawn and the flower itself, using yellow paint for this.

Applique "Sunflower"

Decorate such a drawing of sunflower seeds, glued into the heart. To work with the application, too, there are various techniques. For example, as a basis for creating a bulk flower, you can take a disposable white paper plate. We glue a cardboard green stem and leaf to it, and we distribute yellow pointed petals in a circle. In the center of the plate, sappling seeds - ready! The kids gladly enjoy treating such a craft.

Seeds can not be satisfied, but glued into the center of the flower. If at the same time make it the petals volumetric, bent each of them in half, it turns out a spectacular applique.

Applique "Sunflower" from pieces of paper

You can make volumetric and the whole flower using for this slices of colored napkins or corrugated paper for packaging colors or scrapbooking. Cut the napkin or paper into small squares, ferment each of them in a lump and glue into the pre-drawn outflower circuit.

As a mosaic, spread the whole drawing with lumps.

If you want to make a little complicate, you can postpone with pieces of pieces of pieces of paper. Coloring bottom plates

Cut from the newspaper oblong leaves and stain them in yellow. Brown middle decorate black beads. We glue the green stem with the leaves.

Another embodiment of sunflower, make it in the form of a picture of a button.

Picture of buttons "Sunflower"

After watching the master class, the kids will be able to choose which technique of work they like more, and several techniques in one craft are desired. Having created such rich soil for creativity, teachers will only have to organize a place in order to place the obtained fruits in the most profitable way.

Surely, every craver, always wanted to make any subject of the interior with your own hands. But how to make it so that it is and beautiful and not too expensive, since many materials are now very expensive. Therefore, in our article we will tell how to make sunflowers from materials that will not require special material costs and be sure to be found in the economic chest of each needlewoman, with their own hands.

First, we offer to make sunflowers from plastic bottles, which will always be at hand. Such flowers are perfect for the decoration of the country's courtyard, flower beds, or a playground, as they are withstanding any weather conditions, giving sites, therefore, the original look all year round.

How to make from various materials sunflower do it yourself in MK

For the manufacture of such sunflowers you will need:

  • plastic bottles are desirable yellow;
  • donyshko from a brown bottle;
  • dragon glue;
  • scissors;
  • yellow enamel paint (in the absence of yellow bottles).

First of all, with the help of scissors, cut off from two plastic bottles of digs and necks, the third bottle needs to cut only the bottom.

After that, proceed to the formation of petals. To do this, cut the previously prepared blanks on the strips with a thickness of 3 cm, not at the edge of 1.5 cm. Of these strips, we simulate the petals of the future sunflower. One workpiece is ready. But to create a full sunflower, we will need three such billets.

If you have no yellow bottles, you should not be too desirable and lowered hands. In this case, you just need to paint the blanks with yellow enamel paint.

Further, we connect all three blanks together with the help of a dragon glue. The billet having a neck should be the latter, because in the future, it will be possible to attach the stem and material to it, which will seem suitable for you. After connecting the billets, cut off the bottom at the bottle of dark brown color and with the help of all the same glue, we glue it into the model of the flower.

Summer, bright sunflower ready!

Another excellent addition to your garden will be sunflowers from pumpkin seeds that are made very easily and quickly, and look just wonderful.

To work, you will need:

  • pumpkin seeds;
  • luke seeds;
  • old CD;
  • glue;
  • paper;
  • thermo pistol;
  • scissors;
  • acrylic paints;
  • brush;
  • colorless aerosol varnish.

So, proceed. To begin with, we put on white paper disk. After that, you need to depart the film on the pumpkin seeds and with the help of hot glue glue them in a circle of the disk, sharp nose up.

We score seeds with yellow paint and give them some time to dry. Further, we quickly miss the middle of the PVA glue and abundantly sprinkle onion seeds so that white paper is not visible. Finished sunflowers handling aerosol varnishes for better fixation of all parts. Let the flower dry. The work is completed, now you can arrange such beauty in any corner of your garden.

Also, very popular, is the creation of sunflower colors from the tapes. Such flowers can be performed in any size and can be decorated with them anything. Often, they are used in the ladies decorations, and sometimes in the manufacture of topiaries and various flower arrangements.

And now, we offer you a detailed master class on creating sunflower from ribbons with your own hands. For this work we will need:

  • 4 cm wide satin ribbon;
  • green Satin Ribbon 5 cm wide;
  • satin ribbon green 1 cm wide;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • candle;
  • plastic ball;
  • green cloth;
  • thermo pistol;
  • coffee beans.

Work is starting with the creation of petals. To do this, cut the yellow tape on the segments of 13 cm long and fold them in the middle at an angle of 90?.

Now the tape is folding the corner to the corner, so that the triangle turns out from above.

The lower tips of the petal are combined with a candle with a candle. These petals we need to do 24 pieces.

Similarly, we make sheets of sunflower from the green satin ribbon, only the length of the initial segment at the same time, should be 20 cm. Such sheets will need 3 pieces.

For leaflets of the bottom cap of the sunflower with a green centimeter tape on a length of 14 cm. Further, these segments must be folded in half, on the side of the fold line cut the corner with a soldering iron and deploy the petal. In the absence of a soldering iron, you need to fix the edges with the help of a candle.

To get a full-fledged leaflet, the lower edges also connect the candles over the flame.

Next, cut out from the cardboard a circle with a diameter of 12 cm and tighten it with a green cloth by collecting in its circumference on a thread. For reliability - we are lining.
now go to the fastening of petals. First, uniformly glue green narrow leaflets, and then between them are yellow.

The second round of petals slightly shift to the middle. All yellow petals should be placed in a checker. We do the same with the third number of petals.

Plastic ball with a diameter of 10 cm (for example, from the children's pool) in half and glue one half coffee beans. Insert a ready middle in sunflower. The flower is ready, if you wish, you can make a stem from the wire of a suitable size, wrapped with a green ribbon.

Actual video on the topic of the article

We offer more curious needlewomen to see an interesting video on this topic.

Julia Pyatenko

Dear Colleagues! I present you a very simple and beautiful version of manufacture of sunflowers To decorate the hall to autumn and summer holidays, which can also be used as attributes for dancing.

Motherial.: - Bags for yellow garbage on 50 liters - 1 roll;

Round filters for flower pots of black color (can be replaced with dense black material material, felt);

Machine sewing machine;

Black and yellow threads;

Scissors ruler, handle, chalk.

Deploy a roll with bags (As shown in the photo) and stake the strip of 4.5 cm wide for sunflows With a middle diameter from 10 to 15 cm 26-28 pcs. in two rows (13 - 14 pcs. for each row) and 5.5 cm for sunflows With the middle of a diameter of 20 to 25 cm 32-34 pcs. in two rows (16 - 17 pcs for each row).

Low part of the bands (with blue stripe) cut about 5 cm (This part is not useful to us). That's what we should get.

Deploy the workpiece and fold them twice.

The middle of the strip tie the node.

Fold "bow" twice, hiding the nodes under the petal as in the photo.

The front side of the petals will look like this:

The finished petals of the first row are sewn to the middle - filter (felt, slightly scabing the sideline of the petal for volume (We use black threads).

Then we sew a second row of petals, having them between the petals of the first row.

Clear the middle of the flower.

Practice "Zig Zag" Yellow threads.

On the back side, the flower looks aesthetic.

Council: If on the back of the middle sunflower Yet is thick and heavily sewn (it happens in flowers with a small middle, you can cut the ends of the petals in the middle, and cover the ugly cut parts with extreme petals.

We spread the petals and admire our sunflows!

Folders folded are convenient for storage: Compact, occupy a minimum of space, and if necessary, you can even wash them. To create these five sunflows I took only two evenings!

Publications on the topic:

Autumn gives many natural materials for adult and children's creativity - these are chestnuts, acorns. Pine is particularly popular.

Description: This master class is designed for children from 10 years and older, teachers of additional education and educators. Purpose:.

Dear Colleagues! Your attention is offered a master - a class of making a game material for children of junior preschool age.

For the autumn holiday, we needed puddles. I really wanted them to not slide on the floor. At this time just insulated the balcony and did.

Master class on making matryoshki from the cast material. E. Krysin: Wooden girlfriends love to hide each other, wear bright.

The long-awaited spring came! Spring, it's time for updates in nature, the earth wakes up from the winter hibernation, insects appear, the first bloom.

Today I suggest you make crafts from plastic bottles for giving. The country area is often used entirely under the garden-garden, and a single type of garden looks a little to the longing, reminding of our works. Therefore, we decided to offer bright high sunflowers. The garden decoration with such crafts will noticeably refresh the landscape, and will make it much more attractive and good.

Method 1:

We will need paint, wire, metal rod and fantasy. The main tool is scissors, sometimes it will be cheap.

From plastic sheets, which will be separated from the side of the bottles, cut out large petals. Their form can be different - we make big sunflowers from very elongated oval, and "kids" are more rounded. How many of them you need - decide on your own. Small enough 5-8.

Coloring petals in yellow on both sides. Someone will take advantage of the paint from the can, and I took the acrylic.

  • When the paint is dry, heated tille make neat holes at the base of petals. We sell the wire through these holes and connect the petals in the flower.
  • The remaining don is one of the bottles on the core of the sunflower. That it is figure, even more interesting. Color it in black or dark gray. Then thin wire with the petals.
  • From durable metal rods, we will make stems and paint them into green. The free ends of the wire with which the petals were collected and attached the core to them, carefully fasten the bud head at the top.

Crafts for gods ready! Sunflower from plastic bottles sprouted and ready to move to the lawn.

Method 2:

There is a way to make sunflower petals, without cutting each of them individually. Photos will clearly show you all stages of manufacture.

1. Cut the bottom of the bottle. The height of the cut-off bottom depends on the length of the petals you want to get. The longer the petals, the shorter the bottom of the bottle.

2. Cover the side walls with scissors by 10-15 parts along the bottle.

3. From the strips cut the petals.

5. It remains only to straighten the petals and secure on the cut-out bottom, painted in black.

Sit down the sunflowers

Where to "plant" these man-made garden flowers?

I propose to assemble a composition of several sunflowers of different sizes. Place it close to the recreation area. Put several barrels, pots, boxes - "hives". Great, if you will fly on your "apiary" a few bees!

By the way, in the next article I will tell you how to make crafts from plastic bottles for giving in the form of bees, large and small. Such a garden decoration will bring a lot of joy to children, and adults to smile more than once, looking at cute bees.

Want to decorate your garden with sunflower, which never starts - then browse this simple master class and create an imperious beauty with your own hands!

For the manufacture of such a wonderful, sunny flower you will need:

  • two and one and a half liter plastic bottles (fifteen transparent pieces, one brown and two green);
  • radiotechnical soldering iron with a subtle stale, or as its substitute a set of devices consisting of a gas burner, long nail and pliers;
  • old kitchen or tailor scissors;
  • coil thin copper wire;
  • tea bag;
  • set of acrylic paints;
  • stationery knife;
  • drawing bruster.


  1. A transparent bottle cut the bottom part and neck. The remaining plastic cylinder, cut along and deploy it into one rectangular canvas. Using a saucer as a template, cut a round blank from the middle part of the bottle and make one radial cut on it.

  2. Heat the soldering iron, or clamp a nail hat with pliers and split his end in a gas burner flame. Slide the edges of the cut on a round billet so that they are setting up a mustache, tightly clamp the connection and stalling the soldering iron (or nail) through the pillars of both PVC surfaces. After 2-3 seconds, when the edges of the holes are deployed and boiled together, remove the sting, and check the connection strength. For the reliability of fastening the edges of the cut, lock them back in 2-3 places.

  3. From the upper parts of transparent plastic bottles, cut the semi-finished ribs of the leaf of the sunflower. So that the petals had a beautiful curved shape, use the part of the plastic container for their manufacture, where it starts steeply narrowing to the neck. To do this, separate from the bottle of the bottom and the screw neck, and the remaining cup-like blank, cut on 6 segments with a length of 13-15 cm each. Scissors give segments the shape of pointed petals with a wide middle and a narrow base.

  4. Do a similar operation with 2-3 bottles, and in the end you will have 18 or 24 lower level petals, however, on this, the work on the production of the wreath leaves does not end - so that the sunflower turns out to be lush and beautiful it is necessary to equip it with three rows of petals. Therefore, before proceeding to the assembly of the flower, on the same technology, make semi-finished products of the 2nd and 3rd tiers of the leaves (their length should be 11 and 7 cm, respectively).
  5. Decaying the blanks of petals in size, turn on the soldering iron and, when it will warm up well, start with it (described in the first point in the manual in the manual) to secure leaves to the inner surface of a circular cone-shaped core.
  6. First, form the first row of the whin from the outwards of the petals. To do this, attach the leaves to the outer edge of the core, placing them in a circle close one to one and fixing in a predetermined position 2-4 touches of the soldering iron.

  7. The finished row of petals cover the golden yellow paint, when it dries, turn the second tier to the middle of the sunflower (this time already bent inside) of the leaves. This row is slightly closer to the workpiece - thus it will close the mounting holes of the previous level.

  8. After completing the formation of the second tier, paint it into yellow, and do the third row of petals in a similar way.

  9. With the help of the same saucer, cut two more plastic mug - one green, and the second brown. Green circle. Strip up to the middle, fold the pantic, put on the resulting cone-shaped blank on the back side of the whine and secure them between themselves in 3-5 places with a soldering iron.

  10. From the top of the green vessel (the one that with the neck) make the base of the sunflower - a color with the cups. To do this, make a bottle of 5 cuts on the sides and sharpen the edges of the segments, giving them a triangular-convex form.

  11. Attach the plain to the invalid of the whin, and at equal distances from the center of the sketch of the soldering iron, make two small punctures through both parts.
  12. Through the wires produced through the resulting holes, output its ends to the back of the sunflower, tie them there with a tight nodule and wrap the remaining excess around the helix of the bottle of the neck.

  13. Expand the flower face to yourself, on its core, impose a brown blank and weld it to the edges of the cone 3-4 with the soldering iron.
  14. For more likelihood, cover the heat of the sunflower of black paint, and on top of it, brown and dark yellow dots, draw the concentricly located rows of seeds.
  15. Secure the flower on the stick and install it in its garden.