Light holiday: Easter embroidery cross. Embroidery Schemes for Easter Eggs Embroidery in Cell Pictures for Easter

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For the sixteenth of April, all Orthodox believers will celebrate one of the most significant holidays - Light Easter. Following the religious tradition, millions of Ukrainians will come to the temples to consecrate their Easter baskets. Everyone knows that putting there you need painted eggs, rosy cake, as well as products. which will be eaten by the whole family during a festive lunch or dinner. And one of the mandatory elements of such a basket. It is he who is the symbol of those threads that the mind and love gossip. In addition, the thread is a symbol of eternity of life, infinity. In this article we will tell you in detail that it is an embroidery of the Easter towel.

What should be the right towels for Easter?

The towel must embed the household house with his own hands, it was then, while retaining the heat of the hands, he will carry the right energy. But if you can't or do not have time to embroider the towel, then remember these simple rules - they will help you choose the right trench in the store:

  • only natural fabric. Of course, the best option is a domain canvas, but you can choose cotton and flax.
  • cross-stitch. Only so, even if the towel is embroidered with the type of machine. Carefully consider the drawing: it should not be printed.
  • drawing with festive meaning. This is a thematic towel, and he must tell the story of the joy of resurrection. The mandatory element is the embroidery of the letters of the KH (you can "Christ"). Also on the roasting can be depicted candles, cakes for Easter and Pyancakes.
  • the drawing should be small. In addition, he should not be in the center of the torn. It is believed that this is a place of God, which cannot be occupied.
  • the best colors are a combination of black and red. So accepted for a long time. However, the use of gold and green is currently allowed.
Photo of the towel at Easter look below.

Trench symbol

As we have noted above, the main colors of the Easter towel - black and red. Black, as we know, the color of the other world, death. And red is a symbol of protection, approval of life. This is blood that was spilled in the struggle for his native land. Only in our time the symbolism expanded. If when embroidery you will use gold or yellow, then know that they denote the heavenly fire. Blue is an obvious symbol of peace of mind and cleansing. You can use green, however, in very limited quantities. He denotes youth and flowering of life - spring.
Now a few words are directly about the drawings. In your Easter towel, painted eggs must be depicted. They are a symbol of eternal life and revival. Also try to embroider a beautiful Easter cake, which is easy to guess, an explicit symbol of fertility.

Such canonical Orthodox towels - no other images have long been applied to them. However, today you can see the rabbit or chickens with a chicken. Know that these motifs are borrowed from the Catholic Church.

Embroidery of the towel for Easter: what regulations should be remembered

So, you decided to embroider the towel on Easter with your own hands. Even if you have a little time, do not rush - you can start work only on Thursday. Before embroidery day. Choose a natural fabric and be sure to be in a good mood - positive energy will necessarily be transferred to the product.

As for the sizes of the towel, there are no strict restrictions. Standard size is: thirty centimeters wide, and seventy long. But each value should be divided into seven - following the sacred Scriptures, this is the number perfectly.

The canvas should be solid, which means to decorate the mere race cannot be cut off. Nevertheless, the edges can be decorated with fringe or tassels. Threads for wool are best used from silk or wool, but cotton and flax will also rise.

Rehend to the process very carefully: the trench must be as neat as possible, which means that the exhaust should be beautiful. It is believed that the front side is embroidered for a person, and the exhaust - for the Lord. Sew the roaster preferably with one needle.

Pushnikov for Easter Cross: Russian or Bulgarian?

You can embroider with a cross in two ways: there is a Bulgarian cross and Russian. Russian is performed as follows: The needle is conducted on the left side to the right then the thread is fixed in the cell corner, and is carried out in the opposite angle diagonally. The puncture is done, and then the needle moves into the third angle of the cell. We do not fix the thread, but we are diagonally in the opposite corner. Ready! How to embroider Easter towers with a cross, look in the diagram below.

The Bulgarian Cross embroidered completely differently. It is more complicated, since there are two more additional crossed lines. Such an embroidery, as a rule, is not evaluated from the inside - they look only on the front side. How to embroider the Bulgarian Cross Orthodox towel for Easter, look in the scheme.

Embroidery for Easter Cross: Step-by-step instructions

Embroidery of the crossheads in Easter: Schemes

We tried to choose not banal pictures that will turn your trench in a small artwork. Choose cross-stitch patterns for Easter to your taste.
Scheme 1.

Scheme 2.

Scheme 3.

Scheme 4.

Scheme 5.

Scheme 6.

Scheme 7.

Scheme 8.

Scheme 9.

Scheme 10.

Embroidery for Easter: Rushnik do it yourself

You will need:

  • fabric for embroidery for Easter (flax or cotton, if there is no possibility to make a dominant canvas);
  • threads "Mulina";
  • silk threads and white cotton;
  • family;
  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • embroidery scheme for Easter (your taste).
We start work:
  • to begin with, cut off the cloth a piece cut the piece of fabric you need. On each side of the side you need to make an approximately one centimeter. The harvesting of the Easter towel is ready;
  • additionally, the tissue is processed using loop stitches;
  • now we can start finishing the lower edges of the future towel. From the Niza Rushnik, we retreat two and a half centimeters and make a single twist. As for the threads that are under measure, they need to be pulled out;
  • the top edges of our towel decorate the same principle;
  • the roaster will turn out even more festive if the edges will additionally be decorated with a double twist. Retreat from the edge of the mere race at least half a centimeter, and repeat the actions;
  • as soon as the edge of the edges of the Easter towel completed, boldly proceed to creating a picture. This can be embroidery with threads, or an embroidery beaded for Easter - it all depends on your abilities and desire;
  • recall that the pattern is not desirable to post in the center - best on the edges. The center is the place of God;
  • lITERA "KH" on the Easter Rushnik are required. Embroider them best with gold metallized threads;
  • our rushnik is ready! It remains only to wash, dry and rejuvenate.

Embroidery on Easter: a few more schemes

Do you know anything interesting about how to embroider an Easter towel? Share with our readers in the comments under this article!

Easter embroidery is not only traditional embroidered towers covering. With the help of beautiful embroidered patterns and fantasies, you can make an incredible. If you like to embroider, in our selection you will find cute cross-stitch schemes for Easter 2019, as well as photos embroidered for inspiration.

Embroidery schemes for Easter, which used to portray mostly cakes, church dome and other Orthodox attributes, in recent years have been enriched with motifs from Western Christian: Yellow cute chickens, funny Easter bunnies, bright painted and spring flowers. It makes festive attributes even lighter and joyful, like the holiday itself.

Embroidery decorate everything that can be done on Easter: tablecloths and, pushers and scarves, which are covered, caps for. The shards themselves can also be made of the fabric and decorate embroidery on Easter theme. And also toys in the style of Tilde, paintings, various panels, bookmarks for books and even decorative pillows.

We offer you the ideas of Easter embroidery for inspiration, as well as a selection of beautiful festive patterns of patterns that you can download and use to create an easter decor and do it yourself for friends and loved ones.

Ideas for embroidery at Easter 2019

We offer several embroidery ideas in Easter so that you know how you can use the Easter patterns with a cross and stroke.

Cute souvenir toys in the style of Tilda, and become excellent.

Decorative embroidered panel in the form of eggs with spring motifs. If you perform it in a large format, it will decorate the room. The mini-version can serve as a keychain or.

Decorative panel with careful performance looks very effectively and stylish. The motifs with Easter bunnies will be very by the way in the children's room. Make such a panel into the frame and get an easter picture.

You can also decorate a beautiful embroidery. Such a handmade gift will have to do with everyone - both friends, relatives, and the defector.

And of course, you should not forget about the most important attribute of Easter - the pushers and napkins, which are decorated with manual embroidery.

Such simple patterns with Easter bunnies are suitable for beginners and for children who want to learn to embroider.




Cross Embroidery Schemes at Easter 2019

Cross embroidery schemes for Easter are usually not loaded with complex details. If the crossing of the cross is your hobby, you still have time to make some cute souvenirs and quite practical things, such as there are on these photos.

We have chosen for you some interesting embroidery ideas for Easter. Download and proceed to needlework!

Easter cross embroidery scheme

Cross Embroidery Scheme "With Easter!"

We hope you liked the schemes of Easter Embroidery for the towers, napkins, paintings, decoration of Easter eggs and other decorations. Easy to you needlework and bright holiday!

Easter (Greek άάσχα, lat. Pascha, from the Jewish IVR. פסח - "passing by"), also - Resurrection of Christ - ancient Christian holiday, the main holiday of the liturgical year. Installed in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In the present, his date on each specific year is calculated on the lunar and sun calendar, which makes Easter with a passing holiday.

Collected some schemes and ideas of embroidered Easter eggs ...

... Determine the size of the schemes yourself ...

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Embroidery with a cross on an Easter egg

How to embroider an easter egg cross?

So, proceed to work on embroidery:

1. Well wash the egg under warm water. After a thick and sharp needle, pierce two holes in the shell - tiny on the sharp piece and slightly more on the stupid. You can increase the size of the hole using manicure scissors, but this work is practically jewelry, you need limit accuracy.

2. Wake up the needle inside and tear up yolk. Then we take clean dishes and pour the contents of the egg. If it goes badly - bring to the lips and Danche in a small hole - a squirrel with a yolk will easily stop out. So that the future handicraft does not smell, we rinse well and dried with a shell.

3. Remove the measurements from the eggs in height and width using a roulette or meter. We got the size of about 8x14 centimeters.

4. We divide the width in half and cut the rectangle from the thin napkin with dimensions of 8x7 centimeters. We make it to the egg and, watered with water, carry the droplets on paper so that it, wet, is evenly located in shape. Delay the work before drying.

5. Using a ballpoint handle, the line in the circumference, a conditionally separating egg for two halves. So, as shown in this photo.

6. Now we pretend how the drawing should be placed to calculate its maximum permissible size, and then remove the napkin and cut the markup. We get an accurate pattern for embroidery. While it can be postponed.

7. Now choose a drawing for embroidery. We will be killed on the egg here's so cute and very simple chicken. We make an embroidery scheme. For the Taurus, we will use yellow and orange moulin, and for the beak and legs - brown.

8. Next, proceed to embroidery chicken, naturally embroider with a cross.
9. At the next step, we apply a paper blank to the finished embroidery and cut the cloth in the form of the workpiece. We pay special attention to the location of the embroidery, chicken should be strictly in the middle.

11. Then tightly shoe work in a paper napkin and leave to push. The canvas evenly accurately placed on the egg.

12. When the paper napkin dried, we carefully weaken and apply along the edge of the canvas thick layer of the moment.

14. After some time we return to work. The fabric stuck neatly and evenly. The paper was glued to the embroidery, carefully remove it.

15. On the opposite direction, we make the same embroidery and do the same. Of course, you can come up with something more interesting so that the egg is not the same on both sides.

16. To hide the sverstands of the seam, we select and lingify the decorative braid in the tone.

17. Several final strokes so that our exercise has gained a finished look: leg and pink bow. The leg insert neatly in the hole located on the stupid part of the Easter egg. Now you can close the egg in the flower pot and wait for the holiday.

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Pleasant creativity !!!

Easter is the greatest holiday of Christian peoples. On this day, go to visit each other and give gifts. We will delight native and close embroidered Easter rabbits, Easter eggs or just paintings made to this great holiday. There are many different schemes in such an interesting type of embroidery. It is not difficult to master them if there is time and desire.

Ideally, the towel should be seized by the hostess at home, then he will bear positive energy and heat. To make the right Easter towel, you should remember some tips.

What should there be an Easter towel:

  • The main colors that should be on such a tower are black and red, but now many are still used gold and green;
  • It is necessary that the drawing does not occupy more than a quarter of the canvas and was not located in the center, as this is the place of God;
  • Such a roaster is thematic, so it must bear the appropriate meaning (the letters of the WF or Christ are resurrected, embroidered drawing of pussy, candles, an easter mouth);
  • Rushnik needs to be made only from natural fabrics, ideally homesobal canvas, but you can also use cotton and flax.

Easy the Easter towel is needed in a relaxed atmosphere and with a good mood so that it is positive energy.

Embroidery with a cross for Easter: how to make a trench

To embroider the Easter Rushnik with their own hands, work should be started from Thursday. The day before you need to fast. The canvas need to choose natural. The size of the towel can be any.

Usually an Easter towel embroider such dimensions:

  • Length - no less than 70 cm;
  • Width - about 30 cm.

All values \u200b\u200bmust be multiple 7. This number according to the Holy Scriptures is perfect.

Cutches are not decorated with measurements, the towel must be solid. At the edges you can apply a fringe and brushes.

Accuracy in embroidery - first of all. The exhaust should not be worse than the front side. Many believe that the front side is embroidered for people, and the starve - for God. It is desirable that the towel is embroidered with one needle.

If there is no time to embroide the large towel, you can make a small napkin. Thumbnails on such a canvase are depicted in the same way, but not in such a large size.

Symbols of the Rushnik: Embroidery cross of Easter motifs according to the schemes

The main two colors for the Easter towel - black and red. The first symbolizes blood shed blood for its land, protection, life statement. The second symbolizes the otherworldly peace and death. Together, two colors seem to depict the painting of the crucifix and the resurrection of Christ.

Additional colors for embroidery can be:

  • In a small amount, green - symbolizes youth and spring;
  • Blue - symbolizes peace of mind and cleansing;
  • Golden and yellow - symbol of divine wisdom, heavenly fire.

Easter eggs must be placed on the embroidered towel, symbolizing eternal life and revival. Kulich must also be depicted - Easter bread, symbolizing fertility, in Christianity - a symbol for replacing the Old Testament to the new one.

The imagination of the current designers does not end. On the towers, you can very often see the Easter rabbit and chicken.

Where you can use easter embroidery with a cross

Embroidery with a cross on the topic of Easter can be applied not only for the towers. The schemes of Easter Embroidery, which were previously depicted mainly church dome, cakes and other Orthodox attributes recently enriched with Western Christian Easter motives: rabbits, yellow chickens, still life. If a person loves to embroider a cross, his fantasy opens a huge space.

Embroidery can be decorated with different materials:

  • Caps for shards;
  • Scarves and tips that will cover the Easter basket;
  • Napkins and tablecloths for the Easter Table.

There are many different ideas of crafts for Easter: Soft toys in Tilde style, decorative pendants, bookmarks for books, different panels with Easter motives that will become a great gift for Easter for loved ones. Beautiful soft toys made in Tilde style will decorate a festive table and become the perfect decor for the room at Easter.

Usually, the Easter Embroidery Scheme with a cross does not have complex details. Everything should be simple and moderate.

At Easter eggs paint or dress in an embroidered cross caps. This is a very original and non-standard idea for pussy. You can make an embroidered panel in the shape of an egg, its subject can be spring. Little crafts can be a bookmark for a book or keychain. If neatly embroider decorative panels, it will have a rather stylish and spectacular look. The motifs with an Easter bunny are ideal for children.

Spring masterpieces: Easter embroidery cross (video)

Easter is the main Christian holiday. People are preparing not only on spiritual, but also on the household level. Easter embroidery with a cross - quite a long tradition. Embroidered towers decorate the whole house and a festive table for Easter. For beginners embroidery, the cross may be a very simple occupation, which can turn into a fairly interesting hobby.