Beryl diadem brief content. Beryl Diadem.

Arthur Conan Doyle

Beryl Diadem.

© Schtengel V., translation. Heirs, 2015.

© Edition in Russian, Design. LLC "Publishing" E ", 2015

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- Look, ka, Holmes, - I said. - Some crazy runs. I do not understand how relatives are released this unattended.

I stood at the vaulted window of our room and looked down, on Baker Street.

Holmes lazily rose from the chair, got up with my back and, putting his hands in the pockets of a robe, looked out the window.

It was a clear february morning. The snow dropped yesterday lay a dense layer, sparkling in the rays of the winter sun. In the middle of the street, the snow turned into a brown dirty mass, but on the roads he remained white, as if he had just fell. Although the sidewalks have already cleared, it was still very slippery, and pedestrians on the street were less than usual. Now on the street throughout the subway station, only one person was located to our house. His eccentric behavior and attracted my attention.

It was a man of fifty years old, high, solid, with a wide energetic face and a representative figure. He dressed was rich, but not catchy: a brilliant cylinder, a dark fruit from expensive material, well-stitched light gray pants and brown leggings. However, all his behavior resolutely did not correspond to his appearance and clothing. He fled, he also jumping up like a person who was not accustomed to physical exercises, waved his hands, shielding his head, his face was distorted by grimaces.

- What about him? - I wondered. - He seems to be looking for some kind of home.

"I think he hurries here," Holmes said, rubbing his hands.

- Yes. I suppose he needs to consult with me. All signs are obvious. Well, I was right or not?

At this time, a stranger, breathing heavily, rushed to our door and began to pull the bell convulsively, heading the whole house with a ring.

A minute later he ran into the room, barely translated the spirit and gesticulating. In his eyes, he was hidden such a grief and despair that our smiles went out and the mockery gave way to deep sympathy and pity. At first he could not express a word, only swinging back and forth and grabbed his head as a man, brought to the verge of madness. Suddenly he rushed to the wall and hit her head. We rushed to our visitor and dragged him to the middle of the room. Holmes sat the unfortunate in his chair, he sat down opposite himself and, poured him on his hand, spoke so softly and soothingly as no one, besides him, did not know.

- Have you come to me to tell you what happened to you? - he said. - You tired of fast walking. Calm down, come to yourself, and I will gladly listen to you what you have to say.

A stranger took a minute or more to catch her breath and overcome excitement. Finally, he spent the scarf on his forehead, squeezed her lips strongly and turned to us.

- You, of course, considered me for the crazy? - he asked.

"No, but I see that the misfortune crashed with you," Holmes replied.

- Yes, God sees! The trouble is so unexpected and terrible that you can go crazy. I would sentencely, although there is no single speck on my conscience. Personal misfortune is happening with everyone. But at the same time both, and even in such a terrible form! In addition, it concerns not only me. If it is not immediately found out of my distress situation, one of the most significant people of our country may suffer.

"Calm down, sir, I ask you," Holmes said. - Tell me who you are and what happened to you.

"My name may know you," the visitor said. - I am Alexander Holder from the Banker's house "Holder and Stevenson" at the trainer Street.

Indeed, the name was well familiar to us; It belonged to the older companion of the second to the value of the Banker's company in London. What led to such a miserable state of one of the most prominent capital citizens? We looked forward to answering this question. Huge effort to Will Holder took himself in his hands and began a story.

- I understand that you can not lose a minute. As soon as the police inspector recommended me to contact you, I immediately hurried here. I got to Baker Street to the subway and ran all the way from the station: for such snow kebsions move very slowly. I generally move little and therefore I died. But now it has become better, and I will try to set out all the facts as short as possible and clearer.

Of course, you know that in banking a lot depends on the ability to successfully invest money and at the same time expand the clientele. One of the most favorable ways to invest funds is the issuance of loans for solid provision. In recent years, we have managed a lot in this regard. We are touched by large sums of noble families under the provision of paintings, family libraries, services.

Yesterday morning I was sitting in my office in the bank, and someone from the clerks brought me a business card. I shuddered by reading the name, because it was no one else, like ... But, perhaps, even you, I will not decide to call him. This name is known to the whole world; The name of one of the most high-ranking and noble parts of England. I was stunned by the honor rendered to me, and when he entered, I wanted to express my feelings to a high visitor. But he interrupted me: he can see, I wanted to settle the thing unpleasant for him as quickly as possible. - Mr. Holder, I heard that you provide loans.

- Yes. The company gives loans under reliable guarantees, "I answered.

"I absolutely need fifty thousand pounds of sterling, and moreover, immediately," he said. - Of course, such a small amount I could lend from my friends, but I prefer to make this loan in business order. And I have to do it myself. Of course, you understand that the person of my state is inconvenient to interfere in this case of outsiders.

- Let me find out what time do you need money for? - I asked.

- In the future Monday, I will return a large amount of money, and I will yield to your loan with the payment of any percentage. But it is imperative to get money at once.

- I would be happy to unconditionally give you money from my personal funds, but this is a rather large amount, so you have to do this on behalf of the company. Elementary justice with respect to my companion requires me to take a business precautivity.

"Otherwise, it cannot be," he said, and picked up a square case of black Safian, who before putting on the table near himself. - You, of course, have you heard of the famous Beryl Tiam?

- Of course. This is the national heritage.

- Completely right. - He opened the case - a magnificent piece of jewelry was conquered on a soft pink velvet.


Arthur Conan Doyle
Beryl Diadem.

Look, ka, Holmes, - I said. - Some crazy runs. I do not understand how relatives are released this unattended.

My Friend Rose Lazily From His Armchair and Stood with His Hands In The Pockets of His Dressing-Gown, Looking Over My Shoulder. It Was A Bright, CRISP February Morning, And The Snow Of The Day Before Still Lay Deep Upon The Ground, Shimmering Brightly in the Wintry Sun. DOWN OF BAKER STREET IT HAD BEEN PLOUGHED INTO A BROWN CRUMBLY BAND by The Traffic, But at E Eder Side and On the Heapad-Up Edges of the Foot-Paths IT Still Lay As White As When It Fell. The Gray Pavement Had Been Cleaned and Scraped, But Was Still Dangerously Slippery, So That Here Were Fewer Passengers Than Usual. InDeed, from the direction of the Metropolitan Station No One Was Coming Save The Single Gentleman Whose Eccentric Conduct Had Drawn My Attention.

I stood at the vaulted window of our room and looked down, on Baker Street.
Holmes lazily rose from the chair, got up with my back and, putting his hands in the pockets of a robe, looked out the window.
It was a clear february morning. The snow dropped yesterday lay a dense layer, sparkling in the rays of the winter sun. In the middle of the street, the snow turned into a brown dirty mass, but on the roads he remained white, as if he had just fell. Although the sidewalks have already cleared, it was still very slippery, and pedestrians on the street were less than usual. Now on the street throughout the subway station, only one person was located to our house. His eccentric behavior and attracted my attention.


It was a man of fifty years old, high, solid, with a wide energetic face and a representative figure. He dressed was rich, but not catchy: a brilliant cylinder, a dark fruit from expensive material, well-stitched light gray pants and brown leggings. However, all his behavior resolutely did not correspond to his appearance and clothing. He fled, he also jumping up like a person who was not accustomed to physical exercises, waved his hands, shielding his head, his face was distorted by grimaces.

"What on Earth Can Be The Matter WITH HIM?" I ASKED. "HE IS Looking Up At The Numbers of the Houses."

In the collection of the "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" many stories of very famous, such "on the hearing", but this does not apply to them. And in vain, since, in my opinion, this story is much stronger than the "secret of the Bosko Valley", confirms the words said more than once: where everything seems obvious, in fact everything can be more confusing and difficult. Here, as in the "secret of the Boskom Valley", Holmes will have to reveal the disclosed matter, but here the guilt of a person who placed in custody looks even more obvious! Although, again, this is exactly this evidence and pretty eyes, making it out of sight of obvious inconsistencies - and the eyes of the great detective are not missing such things! This case looks easier, but in reality it turns out more difficult. And here, finally, the author goes to deceive the reader - after all, if a person in the stories about Holmes looked unpleasant or suspiciously, he turned out to be "bad", and the girls in these stories were always charming and innocent ( Even Irene Adler in his own way innocent and accurately charming). And then once - and everything went differently.

Spoiler (plot disclosure)

Arthur, who was not very pleased with his father (otherwise he would not think that Arthur was capable of a crime), turned out to be quite a noble and honest person, and the nice and kind niece Mary was involved in the crime. However, this unexpected deception of expectations was in proportion to 2 to 1 - after all, looking to the description very slippery and able to manipulate other Sir Barnwell really turned out to be the main scoundrel.

It must be said that there were no very amazing events here, it's not abounding with something so mysterious, but at the same time everything is so without the help of Holmes himself can guess and reveal it. And the work of Holmes himself does not look something incredible here, does not look such a female logical conclusions, but it seems with something professional, classic, such a clear random work - and it is somehow surprisingly vital, nice. It is still worth saying that the story did not lose the laws already noticed by me - amazing patterns.

Spoiler (plot disclosure) (Click on it to see)

So, for example, the criminal here also remained unpunished and even received money for his crime! No, maybe the author simply left this story underwritten, and Sir Bernwell still went back to prison, but we didn't see this! And this is at which once, the criminal remains unpunished - it seems that the main thing here was to release an innocent prison, and not punish the scounding of the crime of the crime ... somehow it is very strange, even something unpleasant. And secondly, yes the ending of the story looks positively on emotions, but the criminal was without punishment (and even in his own, receiving money!), And what is the most interesting, here is one of the greatest jewels in England, but as a banker will now be Explain to your highly partner who is spoiled? - But she is spoiled! And why will it cost him now?

This is how it seems to be more and positive everything is over, but it is worth a departure from emotions - and very sad questions arise.

Yes, and, by the way, it seems that the famous phrase Holmes sounds for the first time: "If you eliminate everything impossible, then no matter what will remain, it will be true." Here it is from ...

Rating: 7.

One of those stories that was very impressed in childhood, so even after many years, the details are well remembered. But how was not remember? The mysterious name "Beryl" (of course, it sounds much elegant than "emerald"). Love, and even prone to self-sacrifice, yes, from the side of a man, a family tragedy ... such an impressionable girl's heart is not impossible to remember.

Rating: 10.

Very severe tests sometimes fall on one person. So in this story, there were two misfortunes in this story, and then it was also added to the third: they broke down to the diadem, he quit with her son, thinking that he wanted to steal her, and even a niece that became an old man as a daughter escaped.

Rating: 10.

What are the good stories about Sherlock Holmes besides the wonderful image of the great detective and witty tangled plots? And they are good by creating the atmosphere of Victorian England, as not surprising, after all, the author described modern events for himself. And the point here is not in cabs, pubs and gas lamps. People and their actions - this is what determines the era. "Beryl Diadem" shows us people who no longer meet. The banker who took home the deposit, his son, ready to take on someone else's guilt, the banker's niece, who obviously who did not know the joint training in school and was pronounted naive.

By itself, the detective story is quite simple and calculated by the modern reader easily, this is not a pedestrian tape. " But since we remembered her about her, it is surprising that Holmes could not break the toe into small pieces, because he was able to disperse a chockerel at his time, and this should be more complicated.

I read the reviews, I want to say a few words in defending Berylovoy Tiarema. She could well be emerald, but cost expensive. First, we do not know the cost of precious stones at the time. Secondly, the diadem could represent the artistic value, which is clearly above the value of the materials. No one considers the price of "David", based on the price of the marble that went to its manufacture. Thirdly, judging by the status of the crown of the face, she could well be a thing with a story that in turn could multiply to increase the cost.

Well, for sure, the banker should not have arisen difficulties with the return of the diadem, if he found the detective, then the jeweler in London the end of the last century could not just find it.

Rating: 9.

The name of the story (or the current conversion tradition) causes extreme irritation. Beryl has at least 11 varieties; The price of most of them is three kopecks in the market day. I would at the scene of Holdera nor Pensa would have given secured by this jewelry; And the Holmes is not engaged in the search for lost pins? Only emerald and aquamarine belong to the precious stones of the I category; At the same time, each emerald is beryl, but not every Berill - Emerald. What is the problem - to call or translate as an "emerald diadem"? "I don't understand, just every time rereading, starting with negative."

February month; Year is not specified. In "full chronology ..." is argued that 1882; But the motivation is extremely weak. Allegedly, Watson "was surprised" by the invitation of Holmes to take it with him \u003d the story of early. However, there is nothing in the Russian translation; There is one line - and there is no "surprise." So, year is unknown (in Wikipedia, by the way, 1886 is specified; why is completely incomprehensible). I see only one thing - Watson has not yet moved from Baker Street; Weddings with Mary Mostchen - was not; The action takes up to the "sign of four", exactly dated 1888 - the reader can choose 1882 or 1886, or any other year before the specified one.

The tie is quite a classic, with a curious change - the client to Holmes does not come, but resorts, with wild speed; sets out its story; The interest of Holmes and the Great Detective, along with his chronicler, arrive at the place of action. The plot will not express at all - he is curious; The story is short; So read who has not read yet. I will set out those moments according to which I evaluate the story.

I learned that from the window of the house on Baker Street 221b the metro station is visible; None in any other story this moment is noted. This is a plus.

Holmes studies traces and evidence, and not just reasoning - it is a lot of advantages. In general, Holmes here, as usual, shiny; So it's not why.

But there are subjective minuses.

1. The villain avoided well-deserved penalties. Moreover, he also enriched at the expense of the victim. But this is not enough! He also also caused huge moral damage to Alexander Holder, made him suffer. Big minus; I do not like it. And, in particular, there is no registry; That is, the retribution of the villain never overtakened.

2. Family members of the Holder behave exclusively with the idle way - that Arthur, that Mary. I can hardly believe what behavior is possible; Only with the amendment to the fact that the case was in the XIX century - when everything was different than now.

So, the story is excellent! Early! Holmes is excellent! Watson is not bad. Counted two minuses, so - 8 points.

Rating: 8.

The plot of course is simple and the actions of the predictable heroes are predictable.

Again, love, family quarrels, discords are involved in the story. This is all interesting, but not very intriguing. With a special interest, I read the pursuit of the criminal at the end when Holmes clarified all the details of the case, did not expect ... And as many, I had a question about the broken diadems, like that of the holding, it was not particularly worried. Moreover, she was her and doubt, I doubted that such a precious thing can be aligned without any visible defects, but about the broken part I am generally silent ...

Rating: 8.

Again Conan Doyle demonstrates a strong readable mid-level detective. Everything is generally predictable. Agree: if a person had all the foundations to steal the diadem and took it almost political, then his innocence is completely understood. Otherwise, why would there be a vegetable garden and Sherlock Holmes called? It is interesting to conceive the image of this criminal, but it does not appear (only in the stories of other characters).

Rating: 7.

Family drama is very penetrating, although he read at one time too stubbornly noble seemed to me the son of a banker. Could all be disclosed, but an aristacratic honor, you see, and even maiden. Now nothing will understand this.

Rating: 8.

Sometimes it seems that the action of the story about Holmes occurs in the world .... Let's say so, not completely smart people. Start with the fact that

Spoiler (plot disclosure) (Click on it to see)

Arthur Conan Doyle

Beryl Diadem.

Look, ka, Holmes, - I said. - Some crazy runs. I do not understand how relatives are released this unattended.

I stood at the vaulted window of our room and looked down, on Baker Street.

Holmes lazily rose from the chair, got up with my back and, putting his hands in the pockets of a robe, looked out the window.

It was a clear february morning. The snow dropped yesterday lay a dense layer, sparkling in the rays of the winter sun. In the middle of the street, the snow turned into a brown dirty mass, but on the roads he remained white, as if he had just fell. Although the sidewalks have already cleared, it was still very slippery, and pedestrians on the street were less than usual. Now on the street throughout the subway station, only one person was located to our house. His eccentric behavior and attracted my attention.

It was a man of fifty years old, high, solid, with a wide energetic face and a representative figure. He dressed was rich, but not catchy: a brilliant cylinder, a dark fruit from expensive material, well-stitched light gray pants and brown leggings. However, all his behavior resolutely did not correspond to his appearance and clothing. He fled, he also jumping up like a person who was not accustomed to physical exercises, waved his hands, shielding his head, his face was distorted by grimaces.

What about him? - I wondered. - He seems to be looking for some kind of home.

I think he hurries here, "said Holmes, rubbing his hands.

Yes. I suppose he needs to consult with me. All signs are obvious. Well, I was right or not?

At this time, a stranger, breathing heavily, rushed to our door and began to pull the bell convulsively, heading the whole house with a ring.

A minute later he ran into the room, barely translated the spirit and gesticulating. In his eyes, he was hidden such a grief and despair that our smiles went out and the mockery gave way to deep sympathy and pity. At first he could not express a word, only swinging back and forth and grabbed his head as a man, brought to the verge of madness. Suddenly he rushed to the wall and hit her head. We rushed to our visitor and dragged him to the middle of the room. Holmes sat the unfortunate in his chair, he sat down opposite himself and, poured him on his hand, spoke so softly and soothingly as no one, besides him, did not know.

Have you come to me to tell you what happened to you? - he said. - You tired of fast walking. Calm down, come to yourself, and I will gladly listen to you what you have to say.

A stranger took a minute or more to catch her breath and overcome excitement. Finally, he spent the scarf on his forehead, squeezed her lips strongly and turned to us.

Of course, did you consider me for the crazy? - he asked.

No, but I see the trouble with you, "Holmes replied.

Yes, God sees! The trouble is so unexpected and terrible that you can go crazy. I would sentencely, although there is no single speck on my conscience. Personal misfortune is happening with everyone. But at the same time both, and even in such a terrible form! In addition, it concerns not only me. If it is not immediately found out of my distress situation, one of the most significant people of our country may suffer.

Calm down, sir, I ask you, "Holmes said. - Tell me who you are and what happened to you.

My name may be known to you, "visitor said. "I am Alexander Holder from the Banker's House" Holder and Stevenson "on Trednidl Street.

Indeed, the name was well familiar to us; It belonged to the older companion of the second to the value of the Banker's company in London. What led to such a miserable state of one of the most prominent capital citizens? We looked forward to answering this question. Huge effort to Will Holder took himself in his hands and began a story.

I understand that you can not lose a minute. As soon as the police inspector recommended me to contact you, I immediately hurried here. I got to Baker Street to the subway and ran all the way from the station: for such snow kebsions move very slowly. I generally move little and therefore I died. But now it has become better, and I will try to set out all the facts as short as possible and clearer.

Of course, you know that in banking a lot depends on the ability to successfully invest money and at the same time expand the clientele. One of the most favorable ways to invest funds is the issuance of loans for solid provision. In recent years, we have managed a lot in this regard. We are touched by large sums of noble families under the provision of paintings, family libraries, services.