How to surprise the child for a birthday in the morning. What to surprise the child: the most unusual events. Hair end or flying oatmeal

Who does not like surprises? If the surprise is good, then anyone, of course, will be happy to him. And when it comes to a child's birthday, then unexpected gifts will be very appropriate. Children love all new, and in such a special holiday as a birthday await something supernatural. Parents who do not want to disappoint their child will have to work out.

Of course, this is only a gift for a child is something unexpected, and for his mother with a dad behind a surprise, careful and long-term preparation is hidden.

Preparatory stages before the beginning of the holiday

How to start in planning issues? First of all, you should decide whether there will be a surprise and a gift to one whole, or it is still different things. Then you need to find out what I would like to get a birthday book on my birthday (and that he has already received before). If there is no specific option, it is worth considering the range of interests of the child, i.e. What areas of activity are fascinated. After analyzing this information, you can proceed to compiling a list of gift activities.

Why do you need a list? It is desirable to consider as much options as possible, to identify their pros and cons. Then it will be easier to choose the most promising. In the end, it will be necessary to leave 2-3 basic, and already choose one key one. The rest will become the role of spare, in case of some unforeseen changes.

So, what surprises can you think up to please the birthday girl?

1) Festive room design.

During his life, the child gets used to the parental home, and gradually loses interest: after all, each thing or subject of furniture is already carefully examined, feeling, and perhaps even tried to the tooth. What, in this case, can you surprise such a sophisticated and experienced traveler researcher?

The answer is simple - you need to prepare a festive surprise: while the birthday room is still sleeping (or left the house for a walk), create a solemn environment - to decorate the room with balloons, ribbons, garlands, posters, photos, flowers, toys. Here is allowed the widest field for experiments. You can make a festive wallpaper, create shapes from balloons, arrange a laser show using a special device, and the like.

Especially surprising and delights the child the design of the room in the form of a submarine, a spacecraft, a tropical island, a magical forest, a medieval castle or some other location. It will fit well into the thematic scenario.

2) Mysterious game, or try to become a detective.

What do children love most? Of course, - play! This is something else and you can take full advantage. First you need to come up with a series of tests and riddles, and then you can hide prizes, and arrange an adventure for a child.

The essence of the game is simple, but at the same time very fascinating: using tips, hints, pointers, as well as guessing all sorts of riddles, the birthday man must move to the main prize. In addition to the main gift, intermediate can come across in the game.

3) Unexpected guests.

What can a child expect unusual during the birthday celebration? Exquisite treats, solemn congratulations, long-awaited gifts ... But how will he react if his favorite fabulous character will look at him in the midst of a festive event?

Congratulations from Winnie Pooh, a giant Shrek, or a cheerful clown - this is not only an amazing surprise, but also the mass of positive memories.

The role of such a character can successfully play a guest animator, or someone from acquaintances with the skills of communicating with children. If necessary, the corresponding suit can be rented or buy.

4) a blockbuster of its own production.

Can the young birthman assume that a whole film will be filmed in his honor? Unlikely. But to realize such a masterpiece is quite forces to his own parents. All you need is a little imagination, creative mood, as well as any digital device with a camcorder, plus a computer for mounting the material and the subsequent demonstration of the film.

The main, most interesting and simple idea is to make a documentary for a birthday room. Can be recorded on the video greetings from all relatives, add wishes of happiness and success from various fabulous heroes, walk with a camcorder in the "Places of Combat Glory" (for example, tell the child, where he was born, where his mom and dad wedding, in which store He bought the first diapers, etc.)

5) Amazing journey, or 80 minutes around the world.

For urban residents, contact with nature is quite rare. Therefore, as an unusual surprise on a birthday, you can organize a train per city, or in some picturesque corner. It can be forest, park, river beach, rural farm, lake for fishermen, picturesque waterfall, mountain resort, sea coast, etc.

Special pleasure gives children contact with animals. Ride a ride on a real horse, pour a good-natured dog for the ears, stroke a kitten or feed the ducks and swans in the pond - a real adventure for a child.

Modern children are difficult to surprise. They have toys that would cause cultural shock from their parents in those times when they themselves were children. Smartphones and various gadgets also significantly expand everyday reality. Virtual worlds give abundance and almost unlimited possibilities. Is it possible to surprise a child surrounded by the most unusual things?

When does a child need new and unusual?

Of course, we are talking, first of all, about holidays and the day of birth in particular. At such moments, fresh and unusual impressions are especially important, because they will certainly be remembered for life. Surprise the child - does not mean to spend a lot of money on some exotic toy. On the contrary, modern children are filled with sophisticated toys and devices, so often quite very simple things to cause a child delight.

What can be done during the birthday cooking?

A very simple idea that always works - sticking a huge leaf of Watman with a colorful decorated congratulation on the ceiling above the ceiling. You can do this either while the baby sleeps, or during the evening reception of the bath - returning to the room with the light off, the baby will not notice a surprise. Waking up in the morning, the child will most likely be delighted.

If a gift intended for the baby is not very large, then you can use an old-kind reception with its room under the pillow. Primary, but children always pleases.

Room decoration with large balloons, folded in the form of animals, colors and other objects, will also be very useful. For example, huge flowers from the balls height from an adult are popular with popularity. See such fabulous flowers will be very nice to any baby.

The next stage is the organization of the holiday. In order not to make a mistake, it is best to find out in advance in a child, no matter how he wanted to celebrate his birthday. It is better to do it in advance so that the baby managed to forget about your question, and that the festive event becomes a surprise for him.

Thematic parties with the participation of favorite heroes will be delighted with birthday and his guests. Games like a search of treasure or a gift, it is better to spend the baby with friends - then everyone will truly have fun.

Another idea that is guaranteed to remember the child for life is an unexpected journey. This trick requires a certain preparation, but believe me - the final effect is worth it. Depending on the possibilities, you can arrange an unexpected journey both in another city, and just in an unusual place. Make sure that the child did not have other plans and while walking, offer to collapse from the usual road and after some time to declare the baby that you were going online right now. Spontaneity will make this moment unforgettable.

Opinion expert

"Everyone loves surprises, but children are particularly susceptible to them. The surprise must be pleasant and appropriate, and for this you need to know in advance what is interested in the child that most of all fascinates it lately. Knowing it, you can make a child with minimal cost and turn your birthday to an unforgettable holiday. "

Specialist online store "Daughters-Son"
Leonovich Julia


Despite the fact that modern children get more and more unusual and technically advanced gifts, they remain sensitive to simple signs of attention and that care that is not related to complex or expensive things.

In the fall, children are not so many reasons to be on the street, as in the summer, when the pretext for a walk could be just good weather. Now, more and more, the kids are held at home, and we, parents, have to manifest the wonders of ingenuity, inventing what to take a bored child.

To make it easy to facilitate the choice, "World 24" offers you several ideas that are safe and easy to organizations, and invariably cause delight in children of any age - from 3 to 93 years. There is no difficult details for their incarnation - almost everything you need for experiments is in any apartment.

Focus with balls

You will need: Air ball, soda, vinegar, bottle with narrow neck. Instead of a ball, you can take a rubber glove - it will be more effectively

What to do: Put two or three soda spoons in the bottle, keep the ball at the ready. Gently add a spoonful of vinegar and quickly pull the ball on the neck.

What happened: The ball is inflated! Everyone knows that if the vinegar is mixed with ordinary soda, there will be many bubbles and hissing. In this case, carbon dioxide is distinguished. We "caught it" and saw him, increasing in volume, inflates the ball.

Match phone

You will need: Two plastic cups (or match box), match, thread

What to do: Grow the bottom of the cups and stretch through them back. At its end, fasten half the matches. Give two children around the cup, and throw them on such a distance so that the thread stretched. Now let one say something in his cup, and the second is listening at this time. Then - on the contrary.

What happened: The vibration of the voice speaker's voice is transmitted over a thread and reaches the surface of a cup of listening. It should be borne in mind that the thread, stretched between two cups, should not touch any objects, including the fingers with which they are kept. It is necessary to explain that if the thread touches some subject, the vibration is transmitted to this subject and does not apply further.

Fountain from the ball

You will need: Normal ball, water

What to do: Fill the ball with water from under the tap, and immediately squeeze and twist it with the neck. Then (better above the bathroom) loosen the neck and watch the water fountain beating from the ball up.

What happened: Everything is very simple. Water in the ball is under pressure, and wants to get rid of him. Since the neck of the ball is narrow, and the ball is elastic, and its walls are put on the water, then when leaving the ball, the water is not just poured, but fountains.

Failed ball

You will need: Ball, Water, Lighter

What to do: Fill the ball with water about one third. Then add it to the usual size. Now try to set fire to the ball in the place where the water is. The ball, despite the expected "babes", does not burn and does not burst!

What happened: This is because the water "quit" with its temperature flames from the lighter and does not give warm the ball before he burst. If you try to bring the flame to the dry part of the ball, it will burst. Keep in mind, it will be wet!

Singing glasses

You will need: Glass or glass with thin walls, water

What to do: A glass of filled with water approximately halfway, wet the fingers with water and led along the rod of the glasses. The better and thinner glass - the easier it is easier to remove the sound. It is necessary to drive enough quickly, but not much crushing.

What happened: You will hear the sound - a glass of "dries"! And if you fill a few glasses with different amounts of water, you will notice that they will have a different sound in height. In addition, when it sings a glass, waves can be noticed on the surface of the water, similar to those that are obtained if you throw pebbles into the water. If there are many water, even splashes may appear!

Hair end or flying oatmeal

You will need: Air ball, child with soft and long hair, oatmeal, plate

What to do: At first to lose the ball about the head of the child and see how the hair stood on end! Then bring the ball to the plate, on which dry oatmeal is scattered.

What happened: Oatmeal begins to fall up and adhere to the ball. If you lose your head again, the power of magnetization will increase, and the new serving of oatmeal will fly up. The process is called electrical. A small object (oatmeal or light hair) acquires an electric charge due to friction, that is, electrification by friction occurs, and the forces acting at the same time are called electrical forces. Experience shows that two bodies that are electrified by friction on each other are attracted.

Flying tea bags

You will need: Tea bags, scissors, matches or lighter

What to do: We cut off the top of tea bags, pour tea and put empty sachets on the stand and set on fire. When they can do, they suddenly take off up.

What happened: What remains of the rooted bags is very easy, and warm air carries it up.

Live Rainbow

You will need: Paper towel or napkin, markers of different colors, water in tanks

What to do: Cut off the strip from a paper towel (and the napkin is suitable), we draw on its short part of the point with different markers, omit the end to the water and follow.

What happened: Water, absorbed into the porous paper, as if "flowing up", asking the napkin to the flowers that we painted. It turns out a beautiful "rainbow". Children find out how water behaves with paints and materials.

Lava lamp

You will need: Water, glass high glass or bank, food dye (or ordinary juice, cherry or orange), pill tablet aspirin, sunflower oil (or any vegetable)

What to do: Fill the jar with water, tinted with her dye, then in top of the oil layer (it should not be very flat - the more, the better). Now throw a pill tablet in the jar and observe.

What happened: The tablet dissolves, highlighting bubbles that are fond of tinted water and mix it with oil, forming bizarre colored balls. This is something like a lava lamp. Children are usually from such a delight.

Running clips

You will need: Clips, magnets (can be removed from the refrigerator), a piece of cardboard

What to do: put the clips on the cardboard, and then press the magnets and moving them to it

What happened: The clips "came to life" and began to run around the cardboard! We explain to children that the magnet attracts the iron from which the clips are made. And, of course, we give every child to try to control the magnets themselves.

Orange fire

You will need: Corks from oranges, candle

What to do: squeeze the orange crust over the candle

What happened: The sparks turned out - the essential oils are so burning, which are contained in the sister.


You will need: Plasticine, cardboard, plate, vinegar, dishwashing, soda, dye, glass jar of baby food or any other small glass container, minor rubber or plastic toys.

What to do: From the cardboard to make a cone (grind the edges of the stapler or glue), cut off the top of it, put on the jar. We glue the plasticine cone, forming a volcano, the "crater" of which coincides with the edges of the jar. We establish a volcano on a plate and, if there is a desire, we put around small toys (which will be a victim of eruption, and they will need to save). In the jar, we smear two spoons of soda, add a food dye and a dishwashing agent. We proceed to the main point: when children all gathered near the volcano, pour a little vinegar to the crater - and the reaction went!

What happened: A rich color foam begins to go out of Zherla and pour all animals in the midst of eruption. They should be urgently saved, evacuate and miss. Kids are delighted!

Text and Pictures: Olga Bobrovskaya

15 ideas how to make a child a surprise

The wizard work is easy and nice. Call children's delight and surprise is pleasantly doubly. Of course, gifts can be made and just like this: buy on the road a doll, a kinder surprise or a bottle of soap bubbles and at home to hand with the words: "This is you." But how great when children's faces are illuminated by delight from an unexpected surprise and a non-standard way to prevent him. How can you surprise the child and make the presentation of the gift to the memorable?

🎈 Card Prize

On small leaves, you need to draw recognizable interior items of your home (about 10-15 cards for one quest). The first one is depicted, for example, a poster with an alphabet is given to a child.

Carefully reading and discovered the corner of the second card for the alphabet, the child sees the following drawing on it: a table lamp in the children's room. A third card is found under the lamp. And so on: from the room to the room, from the card to the card. In the last place, the baby is waiting for a hidden gift.

🎈 gift under the pillow

Many parents put New Year's Gifts under the Christmas tree, and another way to surprise the child - put a gift for a pillow. This is such a magical feeling: in the middle of the night or immediately after waking up the hand to grop under the pillow a pleasant rustling bundle.

🎈 Half birthday

Children are always waiting for a special cake on their birthday.

And what if you note 3.5 years or 5.5 years of symbolic half of the cake? Such an unusual congratulation, which no one expects most often will never come true.

🎈 Searches of treasure

This surprise is a good birthday entertainment option. And you can, armed with a predetermined card and hiddenly hidden by the tasks, go to find treasures in the forest, a park or own garden.

Tasks can be confusing or simpler: jump on one leg 10 times, count how much it will be 8 + 7, guess which fairy tale found a striped cap or a lowing with a face drawn on it.

🎈 "Cold-hot"

You can play your bunch with a gift both on a festive day, and without a calendar reason, when you offer the baby to find a new book or a straw with strawberries, which a familiar forest bunny passed for him.

🎈 room decorated with balloons

Balls - always win-win and raising the mood option. Decorate with the doorway or ceiling with them, throw the room with a lot of balls until the child sleeps.

Waking up in the morning, the birthday girl will immediately feel the presence of the holiday. And the day, which began with joy, always promises to be awesome.

🎈 Chest with small gifts and goodies

If you leave for a child for a few days, leave a set of things in advance for each day of your absence, which kid can take himself.

Attach a note with the instructions, and so every day you will virtually attend nearby and remind yourself. Take advantage that the children love to deploy gifts very much, and wrap each surprise in bright packaging.

🎈 Advent Calendar

The traditional Catholic calendar with small surprises for every day can be accommodated not only for Christmas or New Year, but also for the birthday or the beginning of the summer holidays.

The option of such a calendar can be envelopes on the wall in which cards with a surprise for every day of the week preceding the upcoming event: a trip to the amusement park, a hike in a pizzeria or a note with pleasant, good words.

🎈 Delivery to the door

Letters and parcels love to get everything. And if you arrange delivery surprise? You can agree with a friend who, who pretend to be a courier, will deliver the box right in the hands of a small addressee. And you can send the departure of the real mail, with a stamp and receipt. What will happen inside, you decide for yourself.

One of the options that guarantee the effect of surprise and joy is a bunch of balloons, which is well attached by the scotch for the bottom of a spacious box and when opening with a multi-colored cloud, soars up, but it does not fly anywhere, but only pleases the little birthday boy. Such a surprise is not forgotten.

🎈 Who is lucky?

Usually this entertainment is implemented in a big friendly company, when the owners of the parties are in advance in the cake whole nut or prunes without bone.

When the cake is cut into pieces, it turns out that someone got a nut or dried fruit and some of the guests are lucky. Nuts can be prepared by several. May the lucky ones be more!

🎈 Surprise from food

Of course, it is rather a way to entertain the arrival. Here are parents and manage to turn bread, tomato, cheese and olives in a sandwich bird from the game "Angry Birds" or to fry an egg in a mold in the form of a flower or star.

🎈 Hello from vacation

Being traveling, send a postcard to the child's name at your home address. When you return, it will be a pleasant surprise after a few days to get it.

🎈 pick up a child early from kindergarten or arrange a day without school

We all remember rare days when parents managed to leave the work early or take the ran down, and they suddenly appeared before a quiet hour and took us home or walk. It was one of the highest happiness.

🎈 Miracle tree

This is an idea for spring. As soon as in the spring, the leaves are blooming on the trees, children begin to be interested in when apples, plums and cherries grow up so that they can eat.

So that the expectation of the crop is not a volatile, arrange a cottage surprise. While the children are sleeping, decorate any tree or shrub candies on threads or wrapped in transparent packaging biscuits on ribbons. The kids will be surprised when, focusing in the garden, they will notice the treats blossomed during the night.

🎈 Unexpected journey

One such surprise is described in the book "Happy Girl Growing" Nina Schnirman. In one of the episodes, Mom offered a little Nina to spend dad to the station at his regular business trip to Leningrad. And when the conductor has become to declare the conductor to leave the train, the parents confessed that they prepared a surprise for her daughter, and that they would go to Leningrad together. What was the delight! Of course, for such a large-scale and grand in all sense of surprise, parents must be confident in the positive reaction of the child and the absence of his other plans. In this case, without warning, we can roll home from the usual road and go to the bank of the River to launch the heavenly lanterns. Or instead of a planned hike to the store go to your favorite ice cream cafe. Or wake up the baby in the morning with ready-made suitcases and declare that from today kindergarten is canceled, because you are all going on the sea.

We all know how important the little man to know the new and unknown. Many parents are trying to surprise and please their kids in all ways. But is it easy to do it if modern children have everything or almost everything. Remember how you rejoiced in childhood a new toy or bike? In the time of total deficit, even a minor trifle caused delight and surprise. Today everything has changed. Shelves of stores die with bright boxes: the range is huge and the next machine or doll is no longer able to force the baby with an ecstasy and joy to study a new acquisition. What to do parents who are looking for opportunities to interest their little researchers. Impairment and imagination will come to revenue. There are a lot of simple ways and techniques that you may not even guess who can make the baby are not just surprised, but also with joy to participate in the process with you, receiving new impressions and knowledge. All of them, at first glance, very simple, but believe me, your fidget will definitely like to know what he has never seen before.
So, let's begin.

1. Make an air cloud for a child.

Is that possible? We all know that the clouds float across the sky and get them unlikely to succeed. However, everything is easier than it seems. It is enough just to put a piece of soap in the microwave oven and in a couple of minutes you will get a snow-white air cloud.
Important: For a similar trick, only soap brand "Ivory Soup" will suit. It has the ability not to be sinking in water due to air bubbles. It is these bubbles that provide the effect that is described above. From ordinary soap cloud, unfortunately, you will not succeed. Another point: before put the soap in the microwave, check the bottom of the bakery paper.

2. Merry drawings using hands.

If you do not own the art of drawing with full, and there is a creative stump, then this method will surely fit. Teach a child to draw with the help of hand imprints. It is enough just to dissolve the paints and, with your palms in them, create unusual images on paper. The result depends on your imagination: add parts, trying the characters with funny faces - in a word, experiment.

3. Rainbow fan.

The spectacle that exactly fascinates your child if not for a whole day, then at least for a while. Fan blades show off in different colors (better than markers). Wait for work well dry and turning on the fan, enjoy an unusual spectacle. Let the baby choose the color yourself and paint the items.
Important: Persistently follow the child when the fan will work. Curiosity can make him stretch the handles to his own work. Therefore, this entertainment can be carried out only under adult supervision.

4. Make an unusual toy together.

With the help of a balloon and flour, you can make a baby new friend. If you want a toy to get more durable, take a mittens or a small bag. Fall off the flour into the ball, tie tightly - everything, the new fun is ready. Let the child himself draws the toy face face and gives a multicolored rope that will mimic her hair.

5. Buy home swings.

Hang in the children's pendant swing. This, it would seem, a simple idea will necessarily like the kids. Swing, without leaving the house, is not a dream!

6. Edible bowls.

We all know that there is no dishes. However, you can surprise your child and make edible chocolate bowls with it, which then can be fill. Such dishes are made easier than simple: it is necessary to melt chocolate and to dip in it an inflated balloon. Then a spoon pour a bit of chocolate on the parchment (it will be the basis of the future bowl) and install the ball from above. Wait until the chocolate fulfills the chocolate (it is better to send blanks in the refrigerator). Then the needle burst the ball. Do it very carefully so as not to damage the finished products.

7. City in a simple cardboard box.
If you have if you have a large and spacious box, then it can be a great basis for a separate baby Mirka. It is enough just to draw in the box the corresponding "infrastructure": roads, trees, houses.

8. Amazing paints.

You can make unusual paints with which the baby will be able to draw interesting paintings. Mix the hair gel, food dye and various decorative elements (for example, sequins, confetti or minor sequins). Amazing textural patterns that can be created using such paints will also like creative kids.

Another interesting kind of child painting is the take-out volumetric paintings. Paints for them are prepared by the following way: in a suitable dish, you need to mix on the tablespoon of pancake flour and fine salt. Then make a mixture with a small amount of water and paint with food dye. Work with such paints is better with thick brushes and dense cardboard. Finished pictures need to be immediately placed in a microwave and dry there (10-30 seconds). As a result, bulk and bright drawings are obtained.

9. Labyrinth.

A simple way to make a labyrinth for children - chaotically pull a long rope. It is important to find a suitable narrow space where items necessary for fixation.

10. Sea in a bottle.

In order to appear in ordinary plastic, real sea waves appear, you do not need to fly to the warm shores. It is enough just to pour on 1/3 of the water, pre-tinted with food dye in blue. The remaining 2/3 spaces fill in vegetable oil. We supplement the resulting seascape with small shells, pebbles, toy fish and sparkles. Then the bottle needs to be reliably close. It is important that children cannot open it, so it is better to strengthen the lid with the help of glue. Now the bottle is enough just to tilt to admire the movement of marine waves.