Why gets out and sticks out the navel of pregnant women? Why during pregnancy the navel can get out, darkest and become hot, what to do? Dark circle around the navel during pregnancy

Pregnancy changes the appearance of a woman. Increases the tummy, because the baby inside needs more and more space. Future mothers are often worried about the navel. The closer to childbirth, the more it gets out and modifies. It is quite natural that moms worry about why pregnant women get out of the navel.

The reasons

According to the observations of pregnant women, by 25 weeks the navel searches noticeably and discovers all the future mothers (see photo). Sometimes it seems that he is about to turn inside out. If a woman is thin, it is especially noticeable.

Many pregnant women have natural fear about the fact that the navel will not return to normal. Such fears are unnecessary. The fact that the navel seals in pregnant women is associated with the stretching of the muscles of the peritoneum, as a result of which the umbilical ring increases. After childbirth, it will decrease, and the navel will return to the previous state.

Sometimes a pregnant woman may notice that the navel darkened (see photo). Such changes are associated with hormonal changes in the body. They affect skin pigmentation, as a result of which the umbilical ring changes the shade. It is not necessary to worry about the fact that the navel gets out and darkened: a few weeks after childbirth, the skin color around the navel will return to the previous state.

Before the second trimester, the navel does not notice special changes in the form and color. However, if the future mother had an umbilical hernia, during pregnancy she could start growing. If you have had a given disease, and the navels strongly gets out during pregnancy, it is worth consulted with a doctor.

Is it possible to make piercing?

Pregnancy and piercing are not always compatible. Officially, the procedure for future moms is not prohibited, but piercing can cause serious complications during childbirth and stretch marks, which after the child appear to the light do not pass. If during pregnancy you stick out the navel, it becomes clear why you should not make piercing at that time. Leave the decoration for the period after birth and calmly take it out and give birth to a child.

If you decide to piercing during pregnancy, the cause of unrest often becomes bruised in the navel zone. Since the navel gets out, the skin around it becomes fine, veins and vessels can be shunning and even bursting. Bruise, if it does not bother, there should be no cause of concern if the piercing is made before pregnancy. But the lady in the position to go on this procedure is not worth it.

If the navel with pregnancy itchs and gets out, this indicates that the skin around it has become very thin and dry. To mitigate it, you can use moisturizing cosmetics, perfectly suitable cream from stretch marks.

The situation when the navel is getting out during pregnancy, quite normal. Some women see this advantages. So, the resulting navel indicates that your belly is growing, and the baby grows with it. This fact fully explains why the navel is getting out and sticks out.

If the navel hurts

Painful sensations and discomfort in pregnant women can be associated with the fact that the skin is stretched, the navel resells, and the child is growing inside rapidly. Sometimes it seems that the navel seems to be stretched from the inside. Such a process is quite natural, new sensations should not scare a woman.

As soon as childbirth pass, the navel returns to the previous place, and the painful sensations disappear. If you do not bother colic, high temperature, pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, then you should not be afraid of the discovering navel.

The reason is the fact that pain in the navel area is developing, there may be large physical exertion during pregnancy. The muscles of the abdominal press are strained, as a result, a woman feels pain, tingling. If the muscle tone is weak, the umbilical hernia develops, which is preserved after delivery. The more period, the greater the likelihood that this pathology will develop.

The hernia itself is not a dangerous disease. If a woman is wearing a bandage, performs the recommendations of the doctor, then nothing to worry about. When the hernia is developing, it is not worth lifting gravity and too load the body, because it will lead to the infringement of the intestine. This situation requires an urgent surgical operation, which is extremely undesirable during pregnancy.

If the pain in the navel area is insignificant and do not bother, you do not need to pay attention to them. They only confirm the natural changes in the body.

However, sometimes repellent and painful navel a sign of severe illness:

    Appendicitis in this case pain will spread to the right side of the abdomen.

    BCC infections are accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, high temperatures.

    Other diseases gasts.

    Gynecological diseases that during pregnancy often go to an acute form.

If a woman feels discomfort, she is better to ask for help to the doctor. Perhaps the situation is non-serious, and you do not need to worry. Laboratory studies will help to spend thorough diagnostics. However, it is very dangerous to carry out an independent course of therapy. It is better not to risk and trust a doctor.

Pregnancy strongly changes a woman. From the first week of gestation, her body becomes another. Changes occur with a future mother throughout the pregnancy, up to childbirth. These changes of many women in the position are scared more than please. Especially the appearance of the abdomen and navel is upset, which sometimes becomes not only non-psychic, but also painful.

How does the navel change over pregnancy?

Changes in Pup during pregnancy are associated with the growth of the abdomen. As a rule, in the first trimester, this part of the body does not bother. It closes the outward navel only after the 20th week of pregnancy. On this time, it acquires the form of a small button. Such changes are absolutely normal for all women. If the umbilical ring is slightly turned and does not cause pain, there are no reasons for concern.

The more stomach becomes, the more PUPs can be merged. This is explained by the physiological features of the body of pregnant.

Pump protrusion

Why cautious navel? When pregnancy in the late dates, the uterus fills the entire abdominal cavity, there are very little space, the umbilical collar is filled. If the future mother does not have excess weight, her stomach will not change much. In complete women, the PUP can succumb to stronger. "Hordes" often do not even face a problem when the navel got out.

Sometimes the slender mothers of the navel can begin to write down already in the first months of gestation. This is due to weak abdominal muscles. Changes in the navel occur earlier in women who wear the second pregnancy after recent birth. The reason for the fact that the PUP began to protrude, there is a multiplet or a multi-way. Such situations lead to an increase in abdomen.

Do not worry hard when the navel begins to differ in the color of the abdomen. Moderate pygmentation of the upping depression is the usual phenomenon during pregnancy.

Color change

Many women in the last trimester darkens the navel, and a dark band appears on the center of the stomach (more in the article :). Such changes are caused by hormones. Basically, in a couple of weeks after the birth, the darkening is completely, so you should not try to clean the dark skin.

In which case you need to worry? When the navel during pregnancy did not just darkened, but became blue. This is a possible sign of the presence of an umbilical hernia. The formation in this area may indicate other pathologies - cystitis, fetal fetal, appendicitis, bidding of the fetus. In this case, in addition to the bruise in the zone of the umbilical ring, discomfort appears.


An unpleasant feeling in the navel is concerned with almost all future mothers. They are associated with an increase in the size of the abdomen and the increased load on the muscle press. Because of this, pain occurs in the umbilical ring, which is very stretched. For this reason, a feeling of burning and it often appears in the navel.

The navel during pregnancy sometimes hurts because of the tension of the ligaments, which are located near the liver. Pain in this case are short-term.

Other changes

Future mothers often complain about itching in the navel area (we recommend reading :). It appears in a wide variety of time and most often associated with a hormonal background of the future mother.

In the first trimester, the PUP can be made due to the increased sensitivity of the skin of the belly. Why does the navel after 5-6 months? This phenomenon has several explanations:

  1. the umbilical ring is stretched and therefore zudit;
  2. the abdominal muscles do not withstand stresses and diverge;
  3. the kid pushes and annoys the nerve endings of the belly in the navel area.

Sometimes the PUP suddenly stops being filled and falling back. If with this belly fell, it is worth seeing a doctor - this happens with many pathological conditions of pregnant women.

What symptoms indicate the presence of a pathological process in a pregnant woman?

The formation of the navel and pain in this part of the abdomen is dangerous signs. They indicate the likelihood of development:

If any suspicious symptoms appear, you need to immediately call ambulance. Diagnose from the future mother "acute belly" is very difficult, it takes time, so you can not lose a minute. If discomfort in the Pup region is not associated with acute inflammatory processes, it can be eliminated by the available methods.

How to get rid of pain and other unpleasant sensations in the navel?

Various unpleasant sensations in pregnant women are considered a normal state, but most of them are quite realistic to cope. The discomfort in the nose is eliminated easily. The following measures will help reduce physiological pain in the field of navel:

  1. Traffic. If the future mother will move, its intestines will begin to work more actively. It will insure her from constipation and swirling.
  2. Balanced diet. Why is it important to eat right? A woman in the position of the food regimen and adhere to the useful diet is necessary for the prevention of problems with the belly. Refusal of sharp or salted dishes, marinades, roasted, smoked and excessively sweet - an effective way to improve health.
  3. Bandage. Many modern women's muscle muscles are very weak, so the PUP is getting cared already in the 4th month of pregnancy. Special bandage for future mothers will help to remove discomfort in the abdomen, as well as relieve pain in the spine, insure from premature birth.

Piercing navel during the battery

If the future mother breaks through the PUP, for the time of tooling the baby, she is worth removing the earrings. In this case, it will protect his belly from an additional source of infections penetration.

Some young moms in the first trimester of pregnancy want to make a navel piercing, so that the photos of the round tummy during gestation looked aesthetic. Doctors categorically prohibit puffing PUPs when the baby is already in the maternal womb. First, the puncture delivers pain, and any pain in pregnancy is dangerous. Secondly, the wound can inflame or start fossil - it is also an additional burden on the body.

Pregnant who has this thread? And got the best answer

The answer from the user is deleted [Expert]
yes, this is all like that, do not worry, does not unleash, blue are wreaths, it can still have a stride to go in the midst of the abdomen (from the pubis to the navel), the pigmentation is such. Do not worry strongly, smearing with stretch marks. I have two kids and with every pregnancy so it was :)

Answer from ЍL.[guru]
Oh girl, as I envy you. Maiy baby in a week year old, and I remember all the pregnancy, as it was yesterday. I am my tummy cream ordinary mazala and from stretch marks, but where they had to appear there and appeared. Before childbirth, there was a feeling that the belly navel was simply painted. And then gave birth and during the year everything fell into place. So dear moms do not worry about in vain, take care of yourself and kids. Think of good and squeeze on beautiful and everything will be fine. Good luck to you!!

Answer from BIG GIRLS DON "T Cry[guru]
i had it so (the blue skin around the navel) was scary. Actually nothing to be afraid.

Answer from Merely.[guru]
I have 38 weeks, it seems that the belly burst, the navel is not at all! Only a big minus, I have a piercing in the navel, because of this Stryya small formed. Do not worry everything will be fine!! ! \u003d))

Answer from helga[guru]
i also had such a feeling that I was about to Lopnu but not on the 28th week, but later, somewhere after the 36th ... I coped with this frozen feeling ... I just wore myself very carefully and rested yourself.

Answer from User deleted[guru]
stretching or muscles do not want to relax and the skin stretched. Go better to the doctor.

Answer from Novikova Vera[guru]
i have all the stomach stretching.

Answer from User deleted[guru]
Natalia! I had the same thing, you just probably wear a boy - under the boys, the stomach stretches forward, the navel on the gun! I had like this: I had two boys - I was a dark brown navel! Now they are already 9 months old, and the band is still a brown, the color of the navel has come up with time! Not worried! All this is normal!

Answer from Pumpkin.[guru]
maybe this varicose veins? on the legs of the veins is not visible by chance?

Answer from Lyuba[newcomer]
bandage urgently buy, and what kind of size should be a gynecologist to measure, and then then the stretching will be no other ...

Answer from Ksyutka.[guru]
Olive oil lubricate)) so that stretching

Answer from Yenata.[active]
If you don't use the creams to appear stretch marks that after pregnancy do not pass ...

Answer from Elena[guru]
And why did the gynecologist ask?

Answer from Natasha[expert]
Use Vichy creams from stretch marks both during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Answer from Milochka[guru]
do not worry, just the belly stretches, it will not burst anything, you are.

Answer from Natalia Glu[guru]
It seems to us so ...) I also have such a feeling that the skin is stretched ... :) And the navel can still get out to get out or on the contrary "to laugh" in the tummy ...) I am a cream smear from stretch marks, now almost 38 weeks TTT ... there is nothing, the skin softens the cream very well ... I use Mustelle ...)

Answer from Annie[guru]
rather, banal stretch marks. smearing cream, and it can then stay so and will only be blond

Answer from Bee26.[guru]
I saw that it happens, very dark stripes along the abdomen. Basically, the woman is dark, the darker strip.

Answer from Victoria Vlasova[guru]
And not pregnant can be answered? 🙂
there are suspicions that you have a stria or so-called stretch marks formed! If it is they, it is in no way dependent on the number of weeks, but only from the elasticity of your skin and hormonal background! To the great regret of many, they can not be avoided if they have already been outlined!
And the second suspicion is just pregnant pigmentation, it will first shine, and then browning! After childbirth passes! I had a similar one, sorry is not visible, it is easier to determine on the photo!
Easy to give birth to you!

The accumulation of coloring substances in the body of the future mother is associated with hormonal changes and is due to the fact that additional loads fall on the adrenal glands. The darkening is due to the fact that the level of adrenal cortex hormones increases, and men's sex hormones, which many people think about, nothing.

The skin begins to change from the earliest time of pregnancy.. The first spots on the face, the darkening of the near-block circles appear already in the first trimester, on the 7-8 week of pregnancy.

Later you may notice that the skin has darkened in the field of the inside of the hips and the crotch, many have a strip on the stomach.

Redhead women, those who had a lot of freckles - with a grief can discover that they became even more, and they have gained even more intense color. Moles around the whole body become more numerous and bright.

Pigmentation of nipples during pregnancy can be very intense. Nipples have no pregnant women and who do not give birth, they have a gentle pink color, and after the first pregnancy, their color changes to brown, and as a rule, it does not pass after childbirth, the nipples will remain so forever, they can only brighten.

Pigmentation on the face during pregnancy has a specific character. It is light coffee color spots in the mouth, nasolabial triangle. Fortunately, these are reversible changes in the skin, which take place within 3-4 months after the birth of the baby, as well as changes in the hips and armpits.

On the stomach can appear a strip of dark brown or bright color, passing along the tummy. It can be smooth or arcuate, can reach the navel and rise above it, then the navel also acquires brown color. The strip appears more often in the second trimester and passes with the resumption of menstruation after childbirth, it happens not all women.

Skin color during pregnancy will be less pronounced if you avoid tanning, use sunscreen. The diet of the future mother is important. Fatty heavy food creates an increased liver load, and it becomes the cause of pigment spots. Contribute to them and drinking coffee, strong tea. Milk-vegetable diet, abundance in food vitamins, especially folic acid and vitamin C.

Remember that during pregnancy cosmetics can harm. Do not use whitening creams that are not intended for pregnant women, because many substances, sucking through the skin, can harm the fetus.

And if the chest pigmentation is then preserved after childbirth, spots on the face, freckles after the appearance of the baby to the light will definitely decrease and pass, they do not need to be afraid of these skin changes, they are not dangerous for you and your baby, and are just temporary changes of your appearance.

During pregnancy, the body changes greatly. Internal restructuring and external changes occur. This is a normal natural process that lasts throughout the entire length of the baby. Changes in the work of internal organs and hormonal background often lead to the emergence of unpleasant disturbing future mom's symptoms.

How the naughty changes during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the navel darkens due to increased mining melanin

Almost all changes in the navel during gestation are caused by the stretching of the uterus and an increase in the abdomen. With such a phenomenon, future mothers face, starting from the second trimester of pregnancy. The navel proceeds a bit forward, becomes like a small buttice, itchs and can change its color. In the absence of pain and other unpleasant symptoms, a woman has no reasons for anxiety.

Pump protrusion

After 20-25 weeks of pregnancy, the uterus gradually fills the entire space of the abdominal cavity. Internal organs remains less and less space, even the umbilical swelling is filled. These changes are the reason for the navel protrusion.

Another reason for the fusion of the Pup will be the weakness of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. In women who neglected physical exertion before and during pregnancy, the muscle tissue is less elastic and quickly loses its strength and elasticity.

With changes in the shape of the navel, women are most often faced if there is excess weights, with multi-way or multiple pregnancy. A short period between the current and previous pregnancy becomes another provoking factor.

Color change

Most of the future mothers notice that during pregnancy, the navels and skin around it darkens, and the dark band appears in the middle of the belly. These changes are due to the restructuring of the body and the increased production of genital hormones, as a result of which skin pigmentation changes.

Not just darkened, and the blue navel should cause anxiety. This may be a sign of a disease or a serious complication of pregnancy. In addition to changing the color, women appear pain in the umbilical ring area and other anxiety symptoms.

Intestinal infections accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and increasing body temperature. The navel becomes hot, begins to prick and root. Pathology is dangerous not only the exhaustion and dehydration of the body of the future mother - they provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus and can cause premature birth.

Due to the fact that the increased uterus shifts all internal organs, pain inflammation of appendix Can be localized not only on the right side of the abdomen. Both begins the navel, the abdomen, the right hypochondrium. An unpleasant sensation is added to the formation of the skin around the updy, nausea, vomiting and an increase in body temperature.

The causes of the appearance of intestinal colic often becomes meteorism or constipation. Such a condition does not pose a threat to a future child, but delivers a pregnant woman to a significant discomfort. The characteristic symptoms of the intestinal disorders are pain in the navel and the feeling of "cutting" the abdomen.

If the navel is strongly protruding, hurts and blue or black, the reason for this can be umbilical hernia. When palpation in the navel region, a seal is torn. A woman can not leave such symptoms without attention.

To the main symptoms pathologies of digestive organs Pain in the navel, the change in the color of the skin around it, nausea, disorders of defecation, dryness and bitterness in the mouth. The intensity of unpleasant sensations depends on the shape, stage and nature of the disease.

Painful feelings in the navel, excessive protrusion and changing the color of the skin can indicate gynecological pathology: Threat to interrupting the fetal tool, frossable or ectopic pregnancy. Such complications accompanies a strong gravity pain, a sense of pulsation in the abdomen, bleeding from the vagina, an increase in body temperature.

If a woman has blackened a navel during pregnancy, this may indicate that the fetus has occurred by umbilical cord. This state is very dangerous for the future child. The accused leads to a violation of blood circulation, a lack of oxygen and hypoxia.

Other changes

Future mothers often face itching in the navel area. Such a symptom can disturb the woman from the very beginning of pregnancy. It is due to the change in the hormonal background. In addition, the navel can be made due to the increased sensitivity of the skin of the abdomen.

After 30 weeks of gestation, items other reasons appear:

  • stretching the umbilical ring;
  • excessive stress of abdominal muscles, as a result of which they diverge;
  • the active movements of the kid, during which he can irritate the nervous ending in the navel area.

Sometimes the navel may fall back. If the stomach also fell, the woman needs to urgently ask for help. Such symptoms may be signs of dangerous diseases.

When the color of the navel returns to the same

Changing pigmentation is already manifested in the first trimester of pregnancy: the navel becomes brown, and a dark strip appears on the stomach.

All changes are reversible. The dove dove disappears, as soon as the woman has a hormonal background after childbirth. All this happens in different ways. Some color becomes the same after 3-4 months after the birth of the baby, others - a few weeks after the start of menstruation. The exception is only the brown color of the nipples - after the first pregnancy, it remains so forever.

With a change in pigmentation due to an increase in the level of hormones of adrenal cortex faces far from each pregnant woman.

What can be done if pigmentation has appeared during pregnancy

About any discomfort, which disturb the future mother, must be informant to the gynecologist at the reception. Only a doctor will be able to determine the cause of pain, changing the color of the navel and the skin around it.

In the event of an unpleasant symptoms, a woman cannot be made independently no painkillers or lightweight funds. Such actions will significantly work out the formulation of the correct diagnosis.

If Pup darkened due to changes in the hormonal background, there are no other anxiety symptoms, no treatment will be appointed to the woman. It is possible to carry out ultrasound research and dopplerography to eliminate the likelihood of blood circulation of the fetus and the development of other pathologies.

The future mom is recommended to carefully monitor hygiene, take a contrasting shower to increase the elasticity and elasticity of the skin. An important point is the prevention of stretch marks. To avoid the appearance of Striy, you need to regularly moisten the skin and use special cream or butter.

In case of identifying the complication of the course of pregnancy or other dangerous diseases, a woman is hospitalized to the hospital for therapeutic procedures.