Congratulations on the day of private security. How to congratulate the employee of the private security service? Official Congratulations on the Day of Private Protection

Congratulations on the Day of Workers in the private security service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Let the activity be successful and successful, without incident and mistakes, let the strength be durable, and the health is strong. I wish the energetic, cheerfulness, dexterity, courage and courage, personal happiness and wealth.

Congratulations to the courageous people with a strong character and steel nerves. People who dedicated themselves to a very important profession - the service of private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I wish you success in life and prosperous service. I wish you joyful moments and good mood. Let your favorite work carries only pleasure and wealth, and do not pay any dangers.

Congratulations on the Day of Workers in the private security service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I wish forces, courage, courage, excerpts and decisions. Let the work be a glorious and worthy thing, let life always hold a plank of good luck, success and happiness. Let the angel keep you, and you keep the love and dreams of your heart.

Congratulations on the Day of Workers of the Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and I want to wish to work perfectly without any of the fuss and all sorts of reports, confidently stand guarding the order and preservation of objects, in the activity to be one of the best, and in my life it is always happy to meet happy dawn.

Congratulations on the professional holiday of workers in the private security service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. No matter how difficult it is to you, know that the safety and tranquility of citizens depends on you. Let your service be successful and growing in the shower sense of pride.

We sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday! This day emphasizes the importance of state policy on the protection of personal rights, security and public order! We wish you confidence in tomorrow!

Congratulations on the Day of Workers in the private security service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I wish that major stars right from the sky falling on your shoulders so that your service is and safe, and easy. Patience and courage, good luck and all the best in personal life, faithful and brave guard!

Congratulations to those who are guarding about the order where they rarely notice. Happy Workers' Security Service of the Interior Ministry! Let your service will always be what you are happily and proudly tell friends, familiar and family. With a professional holiday and all the benefits, what you just need in this life.

MIA protects us and knows their work,
Happy Protection Day, congratulations today,
I wish you good luck, because luck means a lot,
I wish you good so that your life is bloody.
You are a wonderful office, you are an employee with a protocol,
Write down my words, I will drink for a holiday for you,
You work, do not be shy, and immerse
For Russia, for the country of heart and soul joined.

Private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Stands on the light side,
And knows how to help others
And show the power of the power.
Russia keeps Russia
And man will protect
There is no consequences at all,
Bandita in the face "vain, yes, vain"!
I wish you tougher to serve
And all thieves will most likely close.

Private security, I wish you happiness,
Let it bloom and smells, native MIA,
And if suddenly fell to bad weather,
I wish you to get out of him from him.
Health and good luck so that the bullets did not fly,
Successes in your service, I wish from myself,
In the work, find the most important details,
And let the thief are afraid of the weapon of the ment.

Pistol in his pocket and on his forehead
Let you be afraid of a pathetic bug,
On the hands of the gangster prepare bracelets,
He was a man who fired, and no.
MVD - Protection, Brave Guys,
Be health and good rich,
Rejoice in work, with the date of the Lord,
MAVD walks, happy you and me

You are the most reliable protection,
Decisitancy in you, of course, is,

Happy security workers!
Happy Days of Facebooks!
Let duty at work
Run quickly, smoothly!

So that objects were guarded
Without straining and problems!
Unpleasant situations
To not be completely!

And salaries are good for you!
Be healthy not sick
And always on life with a smile,
With mood to watch!

You chose a difficult profession, a profession for a real man. I congratulate you on the holiday and wish you a hard hand, a rapid reaction, steel nerves, and the main thing is a reliable partner on which you can always count on. Let the Lord hears the prayers of your relatives and protects you.

Your area is sometimes guarded
Sometimes it is very difficult.
We wish you not to lose heart!
After all, everyone knows about you now.

Congratulations! Let you be in the departments
No longer disturbing nothing.
Let the calm of the rainbow voice
You will help you in work and work.

The path will not have problems!
And the security is sometimes resting!
We wish the calm to everyone
Sometimes it happens!

Dear private security officers, cordially congratulate you on your professional holiday! Thanks to your daily, intense and intensive work, millions of public and private facilities are protected from criminal encroachments. We wish you in the future to remain the same exemplary citizens of our country. Let the fate give you the heroic health and the ocean of happiness!

Happy Protection Day
Congratulations, guys, from the soul!
Your horse is strength and courage,
You are always good at work!

Let the alarm do not often be up
At three seconds, the estimate of you from the seats,
Let you have more good luck,
Money, happiness, beautiful brides!

You are courage, strength, courage and honor,
You are the most reliable protection,
Decisitancy in you, of course there is
And the will harver than granite stove,

Today is the holiday of all such guys
And we wish you from our heart
Let the angels from the troubles store you,
And the boss encourages the bosses!

You, our valiant protection
We will praise a lot of words!
Gratitude you accept us
For the safety of offices, houses!

It is difficult for their service, difficult, sometimes
Risk life for the fatherland more than once.
They can save your life,
Although you did not know about it.
And, however, we can say a little
About their work, brave and disturbing.
And in the holiday they wish them more than once
Love and happiness, for victory - in good time!

Private security
Today we will congratulate you!
We wish you happiness in your clan!
Health, light warm eyes!

We wish you this holiday
More joy in labor.
And let him not be the secret!
Without you, there is no world anywhere!

We wish we at your holiday of the sun
And the world to - without problems!
Let the rope be joying to you.
We wish you all health!

We congratulate you on the holiday!
Protection - many important things!
Let your life bears all that you need,
Let there be no disasters and problems.

Congratulations and wish to
The work of the problems would not be more!
Let the horoscopes carry good luck!
We wish - White strips!

Congratulations, we wish you joys
Let good luck bring things to.
If there is a profession such
We wish you more warm!

In this holiday, we wish success!
Your work appreciate is still we.
Let the rock help you everywhere
Executed sometimes dreams.

Congratulations and wish you happiness
And health - how without it.
Today we tell you "Hello!".
And your work is important for us!

Let the security again go without failures.
Congratulations to you and repeat:
Respect your work worthy!
We are now happiness to you.

We congratulate you on your holiday.
The department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is such!
Protection, as before, so important!
We wish good luck big.

Wish you all to happiness
Reigned in the soul, as in the house.
We wish you a biggest good luck.
We wish you in the heart - Spring!

And let you all succeed!
And let you please the day.
We wish - let the sun be shed
Big, envy to all!

Congratulations on your holiday guys.
We wish good luck to all.
Let us carry you, goes, as it is necessary!
Let not there be more problems.

Congratulations, wish lucky,
Never lose it.
Let not be unnecessary doubt!
After all, security is most important.

Congratulations, your holiday is to envy!
We wish that the Bodr was the spirit.
We wish that in the past remained
And problems, and troubles, and sadness!

Congratulations on the day of private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Poems and prose to the professional holiday for workers of the private security of the Russian Federation which is celebrated in October. Congratulations in verses with the day of private security, with beautiful wishes of all goods in the family and success in service, will be excellent facilities in rhyme for the holiday. Congratulations in prose with the day of private security, with the spiritual wishes of all the best in service, will be a great speech said in their own words in a professional holiday. A wonderful festive toast in honor of the employees of the private security, uttered from the bottom of the heart, will be a sincere warm wish for the employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in his professional holiday.

Life often risks

How much will the will for such a difficult service
Life is often risking, it is necessary to guard the object.
And distracting you just do not have the right
Breasts were not in vain you are for the right thing.

And on this holiday from the heart congratulations
Only the best we wish you.
For us support to be and protection
So that the crime was forgotten.

Private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Private security, I wish for a holiday I
So that there were faithful, reliable friends.
From the bullet to the random back of his friend -
To drink together you could always.

Still health and love I wish
Proud to blame the whole family
Police dangerous work should we respect
So that she could be from trouble, misfortunes to guard.

At night and in the afternoon I keep our peace

Brave guys, those in the country
At night and the afternoon keeps our peace.
We want to wish you health doubly
We believe that you are a real hero.

We wish the service properly to carry
Trust the citizens let him grow every day!
And security in a dangerous moment
We know, will not let!

You congratulate you from the soul

Dear private security officer,
You congratulate you from the soul
With your significant day!
Health, good luck, wish
Fight successfully with Zhoul.

In a quarry, we wish the lifting,
Presenting new pursuit,
Love and consent - at home
And let the law triumph!

Happy Protection Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs!

Take a sincere congratulation on the day of workers in the private security service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. You reliably protect objects and property of organizations, institutions of all forms of ownership, the property of citizens, solve the tasks of strengthening the anti-terrorism stability of protected objects and the residential sector, participate in the prevention of offenses, ensure the protection of public order. Your response to disturbing signals, the reliability of protection of protected objects cause citizens to confidence in the service. Thank you for your high professionalism and experience. We wish you success in your unclean and noble work, good health, family happiness and well-being, all the best.

From the heart I congratulate you!

From the heart I congratulate you on the day of workers in the private security service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. You work in the unique structure of the police, well organized, mobile and technically equipped. Your profession requires maximum attention and vigilance. On debt service, you have taken responsibility to protect peace of citizens, their property, property, and you are ready to join the fight against offenders at any time, instantly take all measures to delay the criminal. Thank you for your excellent service, for high professionalism. I wish you further success, courage, excerpts, respect for colleagues, health, love, happiness, all the best.

You are able to ensure reliable protection!

I cordially congratulate you on the day of employees of the private security service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Your service is designed to provide a high level of security of the property of citizens, enterprises and organizations. In the conditions of the preserving aggressiveness of the criminal environment, not only rich, fearful robbery resort to the services of your service, but also ordinary ordinary Russians who just want to feel calm, not to be afraid that during their absence in the apartment there can be a thief. You are really able to ensure reliable protection to the protected object. I would like to thank you for professionalism, wish success in the service, health, happiness of personal and family, home comfort, all the best. Good luck!

Postcards for the holiday
private security MVD

Postcards on the Internet Security Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - Colorful greeting cards for the professional holiday of the Day of Workers' Vnesquard Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Animated postcards on the day of private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the GIF animation. Postcards with congratulations to the Day of the employee of Russian private security.

October 29, 2020 there is a day of private protection of Russia. Your colleagues, friends and acquaintances will be pleased to get warm greetings on the day of private security in verses.

Strong and brave men
Knights valor, honor,
Today to congratulate the chance
Happy holiday your heartily!

We wish you success in everything,
Calm, confident service
Happier to be every day
And devotees, sincere friendship!

Today under your protection, security,
There are schools, kindergartens, temples,
Hospitals and just big houses
Under your protection and my firm!

So be always alive - healthy,
In the service hurry again and again.
Take cardiac congratulations
I wish good luck, success, luck!

You are quick, but without false acne,
At least the prefix you were given "outside"
You are always in the midst of events
Protecting peace in the country.

Yes, people (which is not all strange)
I do not have it anywhere else!
Happy Vnessed Security -
The best service of the entire Ministry of Internal Affairs!

Congratulations on the Day of Private Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Although the day of private security is not included in the list of memorable dates of the Russian Federation, this holiday has become popular with us. Do not forget to congratulate your relatives and loved ones with this professional holiday.

On the day of October congratulations
We are the guards of the country!
Your work is valuable, respect,
And the guards are needed
And important for enterprises
Shops, banks, schools,
For any events,
As a concert or football.
We are grateful to guard,
Choir whose work!
While we sleep on the sofa,
They are post all night.

Private security workers
You guard hospitals, temples,
We sleep, and you - not to the dreams!
We wish you: Let the service be easy
Let you appreciate your bosses and family.
Health of strong and true friendship,
Happiness to you, in other words!

Any Object - Apartment, Bank -
Need protection.
Guard, you always have peace
Keep our thoroughly!
We are talking for it to you
Thank you so much!
Peace you give to all of us,
Live happily!

This holiday mark watchdog, militarized service, dispatchers, technical and auxiliary personnel, as well as veterans of the respective units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Send them poems with words of congratulations on private security.

Protect - Your task,
With you life is calmer.
Let the service easily pass
There will be love, and friendship.
To the house waited for home,
To tremble from fear of the enemy!

Today is the holiday of the guys -
Security workers!
No wonder in the song they say
What you get up early.
A little light - you are again in the post,
Protection does not yawning
She sees everything for the vest,
Objects guarded.
Let it all get out of you
How do you dreamed about!
God gave you courage stock,
Do not know the sorrow forever!

Today without protecting anyway,
Be it boutique or apartment
With your holiday friends,
You are needed for everyone!

I wish you peaceful days
And calm, quiet service,
Get every day stronger,
Protect us you better!

To work very early
Walked brave security
To protect objects,
Never lose heart!

I congratulate security,
And I sincerely wish:
Hard to be and not sick
Smile, do not get old!

So that the soul could love
Life as May Day, Blowered,
To be a lot of happiness
Congratulations on your mind!

Proven security
Happy holiday we congratulate
Perimeter to guard you
We wish you vigilantly.

Let there be a root eye
Ear let him be sensitive
Without rest, sleep in the post
You are standing around the clock.

Fly will not fly
And the mouse past will not slip,
When such a guard
The service carries its service.

Congratulations to the courageous people with a strong character and steel nerves. People who dedicated themselves to a very important profession - the service of private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I wish you success in life and prosperous service. I wish you joyful moments and good mood. Let your favorite work carries only pleasure and wealth, and do not pay any dangers.

Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Today, the holiday celebrates its
My acceptance, guard, congratulations,
The private service is the hero.

Today I wish all the guards
I add stars to add,
Worthy to be orders, medals
And more often to receive a bonus.

Today without protecting anyway,
Be it boutique, or apartment,
With your holiday friends,
You are needed for everyone!

I wish you peaceful days
And calm, quiet service,
Get every day stronger,
Protect us you better!

Outside the Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,
You carry the service very boldly.
So, I send congratulations to you.
Healthy will let the soul and body.

Let success always be with you
Love and happiness is managed by life,
Let him surround joyful peace
And let the vigor be accompanied by you.

Outside the Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
It is not less important.
Let life be height,
Cases are solved successfully.

Let smiles, joy and warm
In the evenings you expect at home.
So that everything and everywhere well,
Let the benefits surround you.

Who cares our peace
Afternoon and at night, all year round?
This is the Ministry of Internal Affairs Officer
So the weekdays spend their own.

Do not regret strength and life,
Patriot of his debris
Brave, strong and fearless
The post is bravely.

We wish today
In their work noble
New titles, respect
And endless luck!

Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, we congratulate you,
Successes in this holiday everyone wish.
Health is strong - how without it?
Your work is priceless, it is important.

Work, guard, no problem.
We wish you happiness and health to everyone.
Let all you succeed in work,
Luche Sunny in the soul.

We wish you great patience,
Love, incredible luck.
Without you, the country will not live,
Who will be true to serve her?

You have so many important things
We wish to live without any problems.
More joy in labor,
Without you there is no peace on earth.

You keep our peace,
Nice guys.
Ministry of Internal Affairs After all, bravets
Brava richly.

Congratulations on your holiday,
I wish you happiness
Strength, will and pressure
Today I glorify.

Let the danger do not affect
Heaven keep you stored
In health, love is big
The years are glorious fly.

There is no place for fear in your heart,
After all, it is full of courage,
Let happiness opens the door,
And it will not leave you!

Thank you for our peace
For strong sleep - earthly bow
Love will cover the wave,
Warrett is always yours will be home!