DIY paper napkin applications: detailed master classes. Applique from napkins for children - together with the kids we learn to create volumetric pictures from rolled napkins Appliques using paper napkins

Paper napkin applique for primary school. Master class with step by step instructions.

DIY autumn applique made of paper balls and flagella.

Zhukova Natasha, 10 years old, pupil of the Zheleznogorsk Social Assistance Center, Zheleznogorsk, Kursk Region.
Leader: Pukhanova Natalia Vladimirovna, teacher of additional education, OKU "Zheleznogorsk center of social assistance", Zheleznogorsk, Kursk region.
Description: this master class is intended for children of preschool and primary school age, educators, teachers of additional education, parents, and creative people.
Purpose: interior decoration, work for an exhibition.
Goal:making a volumetric applique from napkins.
- develop children's creativity, attention, fine motor skills of hands, imagination, eye;
- to educate independence, accuracy, patience, perseverance.

I am a white mushroom, I am the king of mushrooms,
A priceless gift from the mushroom forests.
Growth in the oak forest and in the forest.
Glorified widely in the world.
And if you find me
You will find out for yourself how good I am!
Inga Pidevich

The story of the porcini mushroom
In the kingdom of mushrooms, as in any other kingdom, there must be a king. Such a ruler among mushrooms is rightfully considered a white mushroom, he is also a boletus. Among other mushrooms, it is noticeably distinguished by its size, its nutritional properties and taste.
Porcini mushrooms can be found in almost any forest on our planet. Only in Australia they do not grow. Most of all, they prefer the neighborhood with spruces and pines, as well as with birch or oak. The collection of porcini mushrooms begins in June and continues until October. This mushroom justifies its title of the king of mushrooms by its size. Its hat can have a diameter of seven to thirty centimeters, and the leg reaches a height of more than twenty centimeters. The color of the mushroom cap can be different, depending on the environmental conditions - reddish brown or yellow, orange or purple.
The leg of the porcini mushroom is strong and has the shape of a barrel. The color of the leg can be the same as that of the cap, but in a lighter shade. The entire leg of the porcini mushroom is covered with a net of light veins. The flesh of the mushroom is strong, juicy and fleshy. There are different opinions about the other name of this mushroom - boletus. According to one version, the name "boletus" appeared because these mushrooms grow in pine forests. Another version is mythical, fabulous. In Russia, boletus was called forest spirits that could take the form of mushrooms and lured people into the forest thicket. The porcini mushroom, with its large size, could perfectly fit the spirit of the forest, boletus, and over time the second name of the porcini mushroom became familiar and ubiquitous.
There is a lot of protein in porcini mushrooms, twice as much as in meat and three times as much as in fish. They also contain a lot of trace elements and amino acids. Porcini mushrooms are good for stimulating digestion and increasing appetite. It is also believed that porcini mushrooms have the ability to prevent malignant formations.

For work we need:
- paper napkins of different colors (7 - 10 colors)
- scissors
- PVA glue
- colored cardboard
- simple pencil
- crepe brown paper
- coloring boletus
- copy paper

Working process:
1. On colored cardboard using a template, we circle the boletus mushroom using copy paper.

2. We begin to prepare napkins. We cut each napkin into 5 equal parts, then each part into 5 more parts. We've got squares.

3. Take brown crepe paper and cut a strip along the entire length of 2 centimeters, fold in half, cut and cut into squares of the same size.

4. Roll up the balls of crepe paper.

5. Cut the green napkin along the folds, fold it in half, cut it in the center and cut the columns 2.5 - 3 centimeters wide.

6. We make flagella from napkins of green, burgundy, blue, a little white, yellow, red.
All other colors are cut into squares and rolled into balls.
7. Our blanks - napkin balls and filaments are ready.

8. First, we glue the small details of the fungus: eyes, forelock, nose, mouth of flagella.

9. We proceed to the leg of the mushroom. We glue white balls on the leg.

10. Glue the brown balls to the cap of the fungus.

11. Make a drop on the blue mushroom cap and continue to lay out the brown cap.

12. On oak leaves we make burgundy streaks of flagella, and lay out the sheet with balls.

13. We spread the mushroom cap until the end in brown.

14. We spread green grass interspersed with light colored flagella.

15. We spread the oak leaf with beige balls.

DIY beautiful flowers from paper napkins.

Simple paper napkins give amazing imagination for creativity.
Hand-made crafts serve as a wonderful decoration for home and office interiors, table setting.
Such affordable material is often used to decorate festive events.

DIY napkin flowers for beginners: diagrams, templates, photos

Humble carnation

Fluffy dandelion

Bright aster

Delicate poinsettia

Yellow peony

Flowers for topiary from napkins: schemes, templates, photos

An original way of making wood blanks

Using the proposed schemes for making flowers, you can create wonderful trees of happiness.

European tree from ordinary napkins

Happiness tree made of napkin decorations

Video: DIY napkin topiary

How to make flowers from napkins for a volumetric figure?

To make a figure, 50 cm high, 30 by 10 cm wide, you will need:

  1. Napkins - 270 pcs.
  2. Glue - 3 small tubes of medium size
  3. Cardboard or carton box
  4. Scissors
  5. Medium-width scotch tape
  6. Stapler

Let's get started:

  • With the help of scissors we make blanks in the shape of the desired number. In our example, this is one
  • We glue all the details with scotch tape

The basis for an unusual gift decoration
  • We mask the cardboard with napkins, fixing them with glue
  • While the workpiece is drying, we make flowers
  • Twice fold the napkin in half
  • We fasten the center with a stapler
  • Cut out the circle
  • Raise each petal up to form a flower
  • We do not touch the lower leaf, in the future, with its help we will attach the flower to the base
  • We prepare 250-270 flowers

The next preparatory stage
  • We glue our figure
  • It turns out very effectively if you use napkins of different colors

This is such beauty.

Volumetric flowers from napkins - origami

Doing everything clearly according to the scheme suggested below, you get a very unusual and beautiful flower. The main advantage of which is that its production does not require a lot of experience and laborious cutting.

Using the ancient art of paper folding to make beautiful jewelry

Lotus flower from napkins

Necessary materials:

  1. Green napkins - 8pcs (33/33 cm)
  2. Regular white - 24 pcs.
  3. Yellow - one 33/33 cm

Manufacturing process:

  • We fold the factory napkin, without expanding, into a triangle
  • Bend the corners of the triangle from the top down

1 step

It will look like this
  • The resulting ponytails, wrap up from the back side

Step 2
  • Fold in half outward. The first base for the leaf is ready
  • We make eight such blanks

Step 3
  • Using a stapler, we connect the formed greens

Step 4

The green base is ready.

  • To make flower petals, we make 24 leaves from a white napkin, in a similar way
  • We spread over the green base 3 rows of white petals

Step 5
  • Add, for brightness, yellow stamens twisted diagonally

Step 6
  • If desired, you can modify the flower by folding several yellow napkins in half, and then twisting them diagonally

Large napkin flower

Fluffy flowers are irreplaceable when decorating banquet tables and festive premises. Any composition can be created by learning how to make this simple decor.

  • Fold a single-layer white napkin with a small accordion. The smaller the step, the larger the flower will be.

Make folds carefully
  • We fold it in half. At the ends we form triangles using scissors

Cut off with a corner
  • We get a blank for the central part of the decoration

We get a gear fence
  • We do similar manipulations with a red napkin, only round the edges

Duplicate all actions
  • We connect both blanks, as shown in the figure

Combining colorful napkins
  • We fasten with a thread in the middle

  • Raise the petals gently up
  • Thus, we harvest the required number of flowers of different colors

Straighten the layers
  • We add the resulting lush flowers to the selected composition

Beautiful decor from lush flower blanks

Flowers napkin applique

A great opportunity to spend joint leisure time with kids 4 - 5 years old, taking up the manufacture of this simple work.
Ancillary material:

  1. Napkins - blue
  2. Cardboard - white and colored
  3. Paper - green
  4. Brush
  5. Scissors
  6. Pencil

Working process:

  • Cut wide strips from blue napkins, roll them into lumps
  • We take white cardboard, draw bells on it
  • Cut out the flowers, glue balls formed from napkins on them
  • Draw a twig and leaves on green paper
  • Cut out
  • On yellow cardboard or thick paper, alternately glue: sepals, flowers, twig, leaves

Handmade bells

DIY poinsettia flower from napkins

Best New Year Gift

A very elegant and festive flower. It is one of the most popular New Year and Christmas decorations.

Necessary materials:

  1. Pink and green napkins
  2. Pieces of white napkin
  3. Some golden paint
  4. Scissors

Let's get started:

  • We draw on napkins:
  1. pink - 1 small and 2 medium flowers
  2. from green - 1 medium
  • Cut out

We make blanks
  • Cut the round petals slightly, in the form of a triangular shape

Form the natural shape of the petals
  • Cut green blanks into:
  1. 2 leaves with two petals
  2. 1 single

We divide the green base into separate leaves
  • We glue the flowers, shifting the petals together, leaving no space
  • First two medium-sized pink flowers, then a small pink
  • Twist the stamens from small pieces of a white napkin
  • We cover them with golden paint
  • We fix with glue in the center of the flower
  • Glue green leaves on the bottom of the flower

Putting everything together, securing with glue
  • Lovely New Year flower is ready

Poinsettia from napkins

DIY flowers from sweets and napkins

We prepare in advance:

  1. Round chocolates - 5-7 pcs.
  2. Several pieces of green and yellow napkins
  3. Toothpicks - 5-7 pcs.
  4. Narrow adhesive tape
  5. A piece of plastic or cling film
  6. Scissors
  7. Plastic cup or any jar for a stand
  8. A beautiful thin ribbon

Step-by-step instruction:

  • We wrap the candy with cling film to get a twisted tail
  • We fasten the toothpick with tape to the twisted polyethylene

Packing sweets
  • A napkin folded in four, cut to the same size - 6 by 4 cm
  • Twist each workpiece in the center
  • We connect the formed halves with each other
  • We get such a petal

Form a yellow petal
  • We wrap the bud with a petal
  • We fix it with scotch tape

We connect with the base
  • Cut the green napkin into 4 parts, each of which we cut into 2 more parts
  • Cut deeply and twist the ponytails, as shown in the example

  • We wrap the flower with the finished sepals

Delicate, barely opened buds
  • We glue the plastic cup with yellow napkins
  • We fill it with foam

Vase for a bouquet
  • We crush green napkins on wide "noodles", stick on foam

Additional greens for decoration
  • Decorating the cup with a bow

Candy bouquet

How to fold a flower from a napkin on the table with your own hands?

A very simple napkin folding option used when setting the table:

  • We close the unfolded napkin so that its two sides are connected in the central vertical line
  • We make folds on both sides of the horizontal strip dividing the napkin in half
  • We get two even folds in the center of the form

We decorate the table with flowers from napkins
  • Next, we form an accordion in the direction of the resulting folds.
  • We squeeze out the folds carefully
  • We grasp the center of the resulting "butterfly" shape with our fingers, fold it into triangles, in the opposite of the formed fold of the triangular side
  • Expanding the finished serving flower

Ideal for serving

Napkin flowers - roses

A very simple option for making roses, for the subsequent formation of various compositions.

  • We do it very carefully using the proposed scheme below
  • We collect ready-made roses in a bouquet or topinarium

Making a bouquet of ready-made flowers
  • After making many small roses from napkins, put them in a voluminous vase. This will serve as a wonderful decor for a festive table.

Beautiful decoration with a napkin rose

Flowers from napkins in pots

Necessary materials:

  1. Simple napkins
  2. Ordinary balloon
  3. Paste
  4. Scissors
  5. Stapler
  6. Cropped plastic bottle or flower pot

Let's get started:

  • Inflate the balloon of the desired size. It should fit the volume of the pot in which it will be
  • We stick napkins on it, leaving only the tail

The ball must be the size of the pot
  • While the ball is drying, we make flowers
  • We put two standard napkins on top of each other, fasten them in the center with a stapler
  • We give, with the help of scissors, a round shape to the workpiece
  • We make about 30 such templates
  • We form flowers by lifting each layer up to the center

For greater splendor, we make cuts along the edges of the form

To brighten the composition, add multi-colored napkins
  • We proceed to pasting the dried ball with ready-made flowers
  • We apply it very tightly, add green napkins in between
  • Putting a colorful ball in a pot
  • Decorate with a bow

Volumetric composition in a pot

Flowers from viscose napkins

  • We start with the manufacture of cardboard forms in the form of petals: five, four, three centimeters long

Cardboard blanks
  • We transfer templates to a viscose napkin
  • Cut out of pink fabric: 7 large and 7 medium petals, one 4 cm circle
  • We make 7 small petals from pale pink viscose

Viscose petals
  • Pour glue on a wide base of a large petal
  • Roll the petal inward

  • We attach all seven large petals to a round pink base using glue

Distribute evenly
  • Add a row of middle petals
  • We finish with a row of pale blanks, placing between the petals of the previous layer

The main part of the future accessory
  • From a strip of light pink napkin (2 by 8 cm) we form a core
  • To do this, fold the strip in half.
  • We make cuts along the bend
  • Gradually twist

We make the strip the size of the desired core width

We get just such a core
  • For greater expressiveness, we make a border in bright pink color, from a strip of 2 by 8 cm, formed, as in the first case

Central part of the flower
  • We fix the resulting shape in the center of the blank from the petals
  • A wonderful accessory is ready

Viscose addition to your wardrobe

Flowers from openwork paper napkins

The lace napkins themselves are very beautiful. Using the proposed schemes, you can get very original decorative elements.

Delicate pink bouquet for gift decoration

Yellow rose for a beautiful table setting

The napkins can be folded in an original way in a few minutes. And the decorations made with their help look very impressive.

Video: How to make beautiful flowers from paper napkins with your own hands?





Prepared by: educator

First qualifying


Application is interesting

Application - cutting and pasting figures, patterns or whole pictures from pieces of paper, fabric, leather, vegetable and other materials on the base material (background). As a rule, cardboard, thick paper, wood are used as the base material. Application is associated with cognitive activity, and has a huge impact on the development of mental and creative abilities of children. Application can be subject (one object is glued to a sheet of paper, consisting of several parts), plot (many different objects, united by a single plot) and decorative (decoration of some object).

Application is closely related to sensory perception. The development of sensory perception is facilitated by paper processing operations:



Tearing and tearing;


A paper applique for children can be a very interesting and developing activity. Do you do applications with your child? Most likely, if you do, it is much less frequent than just drawing with pencils or paints. After all, it's much easier, you just need to take pencils or a brush and paper ... And for practicing applications, you need to prepare in advance - come up with a plot and make blanks out of paper ...

But then the paper applique for children:

  • Help in the development of aesthetic taste and artistic imagination;
  • Develops design thinking - to assemble a whole from pieces;
  • It will develop tactile sensations and motor skills, it is better to use not only paper for such applications, but also pieces of fabric, straw, cereals, dried flowers, etc.;
  • Help in the study of colors and shapes;
  • The child learns in practice the concept of the word "technology" - After all, in order to get the result, you first need to work hard and do certain actions - cut a figure with scissors, spread it with glue, glue it in a certain place, sprinkle with cereals, roll out and stick plasticine ...

In reality, the application is not at all difficult to do, and you can prepare in a few minutes, or you can also during the lesson with the child.

This type of creativity has a number of advantages:

Ability to create masterpieces without scissors;

- development fine motor skills of pens;

- development tactile perception using paper of various textures;

Ample opportunities for creativity.

"Beads for Mom" (such works also help in the account)

"Pot of porridge"

The shape of a pot of colored paper was glued to the sheet

Yellow lumps - porridge

Panel "Christmas tree in winter"

"Chickens in the meadow"

You can add beads, natural material to such works - everything that is at hand and asks for paper.

Craft from napkins "Grape brush"

Materials and tools: Blue cardboard (we used an old calendar cover), PVA glue, scissors, a napkin in dark blue or a piece of crepe paper, green colored paper or an artificial sheet (as in the photo).

You need to roll the balls out of a napkin and stick to the base. Please note: the balls are glued in two layers. First glue one layer of balls so that they cover the base, and then glue a few more balls on top about in the middle to create volume.


1. The craft can be made double-sided (that is, glue two identical brushes together).

2. And one more little touch: glue a loop at the top of the brush - and your artwork can be hung somewhere.

Twisted napkin applique

The application of twisted napkins is a simple and accessible form of creativity for any age, contributing to the development of fine motor skills in children.

For work, you will need paper napkins of various colors, a contour drawing of the future application (for this it is convenient to print children's coloring on paper for a printer), PVA glue, colored cardboard-base of the application.

Napkins are cut into equal squares, then each square is twisted into a ball with the help of your fingers. Received balls

glued according to the pattern on PVA glue. Firstapplique is performed on the printer paper on which the drawing is printed. Finishedapplique should dry well, after which the drawing is cut out and glued to the background-colored cardboard. Final finishing of the panel depends on the author's imagination: depending on the subject matter, the work can be decorated with natural materials, threads, shells, shavings, etc. Separate details of the composition can be made of colored paper, plain or velvet.

More crafts from napkins of children of different ages:

It is necessary to start developing a child as early as possible. You can interest the kid, persuade him to be creative by inviting him to create an applique together. There are many options for choosing the material from which the applique will be made - textiles, natural materials (leaves, acorns, cereals, pebbles), various types of paper.

Table napkins in children's art

Pay attention to this type of applique, as an applique made of paper napkins. Very cute pieces are made from this available material.

In addition, the application of twisted napkins develops fine motor skills of the child's hands, stimulates artistic thinking and imagination.

In general, ordinary table napkins provide a wide scope for creativity. The variety of colors, the availability and ease of use of the material, combined with imagination, can ultimately give a truly magical result. There are a lot of options for children's creativity using paper napkins. These are a variety of figures, delicate compositions from openwork napkins, as well as a lot of options for applications from napkins for children of all ages.

For the smallest children 2 - 2.5 years old, simple plots are suitable - a flower, beads. At this age, the main thing is to acquire initial skills in working with the material. But older children - from 3 years old - are already quite capable of coping with more difficult work - a rowan branch, a snowman.

For older children, at the age of 4 - 5 years, images of insects, animals, more complex flower arrangements are suitable for creativity.

Application from napkins for children "Sheep"

For work you will need: a stencil drawing (you can draw it yourself or find a ready-made one), white cardboard as a base, beige cardboard for the face, some black paper for hooves, white napkins, strings, tapes for legs, a brown felt-tip pen, PVA glue.

Napkins must be cut into squares and each rolled into a ball. The smaller the squares are, the more accurate the applique will be. You will need a lot of paper balls to paste over the animal's body, so it is better to prepare them in advance. Transfer the stencil of the lamb's body to cardboard and cut along the contour. Spread the cardboard with glue, glue the legs and glue the top with balls from napkins. Cut the head out of beige cardboard, draw the mouth and eyes with a felt-tip pen or pencil. The head can not be cut out separately, but made of white cardboard, like the body, and then simply painted with colored pencils, felt-tip pens or paints. Cut out hooves from black paper. They should be double-sided, glued in such a way that the textile legs can be glued into the middle. The lamb can be decorated with a ribbon around the neck, a bell, a flower behind the ear. You can attach a loop on top - you get a Christmas tree decoration. You can glue the finished applique on cardboard folded in half and get a congratulation card, or you can initially perform the applique on solid A4 cardboard, decorate the picture with a frame.

Older preschoolers - 5-7 years old - will be interested in trying their hand at creating a full-fledged picture-panel, where the entire space is filled with twisted pieces of colored napkins. A colorful underwater world, still life, a landscape on the theme of autumn, winter - these are just a few ideas for creativity with children.

Napkin appliques are a simple, interesting and, most importantly, a useful type of creativity. Both the smallest and older children can make an applique from paper napkins with their own hands. The main thing is that it is accessible and entertaining, and preparation does not require much time and financial costs.

Useful video selection of materials on this topic

Not everyone knows that the usual simple paper napkins can be used not only for their intended purpose. They make excellent crafts, especially applications. This type of activity develops fine motor skills of babies' hands well, as well as imagination, attention and aesthetic taste. Napkin applications can be done with children from two years old, starting with the simplest. The main thing is to explain to the child how to make lumps out of napkins. You should start with a whole napkin, and then make lumps out of small pieces of paper. These details can be used in the first applications, for example, to make beads. Older children can perform more serious compositions from such lumps.

Examples of work from napkins will be presented in this article with a step-by-step description and photo and video materials.

Learning to make applications from napkins: MK for creating flowers

Such work can easily be done by a child aged 4 - 5 years old with the help of adults.

You will need:

1) Blue napkins;

2) White and colored cardboard;

3) Green paper;

4) Glue and brush;

5) Scissors;

6) Pencil.

Step-by-step instruction:

1) Cut strips about 3 cm wide from napkins and roll them into balls.

2) Draw several bells of different sizes on white cardboard.

3) Cut out the flowers, put some glue on them and decorate them with balls from napkins.

4) Cut twigs, leaves and sepals out of green paper.

5) Glue the sepals first.

6) Then glue the flowers on the base, and then the remaining parts.

The work is ready!

Making a sheep.

Another application option that a small child can easily handle.

You will need:

1) Cardboard base;

2) Marker;

3) Napkins;

4) White paper;

5) Glue and brush.

Stages of work:

1) Draw the outline of the sheep on white paper. Or you can print an already finished image.

2) Cut out the resulting stencil and glue it onto the base of the future painting.

3) Cut napkins of different colors into squares and roll them into balls. The most accurate work will be if the lumps are made from small squares.

4) Draw out the outline of the image with pink or red lumps. You can take any other color, in this case, matched the background.

5) Then fill in the remaining space inside the outline with white napkin balls. We draw up the hooves with yellow lumps. We leave free only the area where the eyes will be.

6) Finish the eyes with a marker or cut them out of black paper. You can also glue ready-made ones.

7) We decorate the work. We supplement with small snowflakes from napkins and make a frame from multi-colored lumps.

The sheep is ready!

Straw applique.

There is another technique in which work is done from napkins rolled into tubes. This method is suitable for children in the senior group of kindergarten or primary school grades, as it requires some skills. Let's look at this technique using the example of creating a tree.

You will need:

1) Multi-colored paper napkins;

2) Knitting needle or rod;

3) Cardboard base;

4) Pencil;

5) Scissors;

6) Glue and brush;

Working process:

1) Cut the napkin folded in half along the fold line. We fold the halves and get two two-layer squares.

2) Cut both squares in half. We divide these halves into two equal parts again. The total is 16 squares.

3) Take one square and start winding it onto the rod. We squeeze the resulting tube from both ends to the center.

4) Carefully remove the workpiece.

5) Similarly, we create as many tubes as required for the drawing. The amount depends on the size of the image.

6) Sketchy draw an image of a tree on the basis and proceed to the design.

7) We start with the crown. We give the tubes the desired shape (circle, heart, oval) and attach with glue to the base. We do these actions until we finish decorating the crown of the tree.

8) Finally, we proceed to the trunk. To complete it, glue straight brown or reddish tubes, imitating the lines of the bark.

The application is ready!

How to create a lush dandelion from do-it-yourself napkins

You can make flowers with your own hands from napkins, for example, dandelions. These blanks can be used to create a volumetric applique. For this kind of work, it is better to use three-layer napkins.

The napkin is cut into four squares, which are then stacked on top of each other and fastened with a cross from the stapler staples in the middle. A circle is cut out of the resulting square blank, on the edges of which cuts are made at an equal distance from each other, about 1 cm long. Then the first layer is lifted with fingers and pressed to the center. Similar work is done with the rest of the layers. Thanks to these simple actions, a lush flower is obtained.

If you wish, you can create a whole picture. To do this, glue the flower to the base, cut leaves from green paper and supplement the image with them.

The process of making this craft is clearly shown in the photo below.

Videos on the topic of the article