A new type of online fraud is gaining momentum. Scamers. A new type of Internet fraud is gaining momentum. Facebook scams

I first encountered scammers two years ago. Skype at that time on a laptop was turned on almost around the clock and with enviable regularity I began to receive requests for friendship from the brave American military. On the avatar, a man of 40-50 years old usually smiled, most often in military uniform and against the background of a stars and stripes. No craving for the military, incl. American, I didn’t have, so they all went to the garden even without the preliminary caress of the conversation. Nevertheless, the very fact of the mass pilgrimage of "colonels" to my ID interested me and I went to rummage on the Internet.
Of course, I dug up a lot of interesting information. Since then, sometimes I keep track of what's new on the scammer fields. And very recent attempts by three bred to make friends on Facebook inspired me to write short abstracts on this topic. Who knows, maybe it will help someone save the heart, psyche and wallet.

Five to ten years ago, the business of "Nigerian widows" flourished with a multi-million inheritance from their late hubby. Let me remind you the main message: chickens do not peck money, but they need to be systematized, distributed among offshore companies (taken from offshore companies), properly formalized, but I don’t have the money for that. Send me $ 10,000, please, mister, and in a month I'll dump you 2 million from my husband's inheritance. There were many variations on the theme.

But no one believes in these stories for a long time. Therefore, scammers have switched to other fields, primarily dating sites and social networks. They also "work" with private entrepreneurs, first encouraging them to buy a large consignment of goods and forcing them to pay for delivery through their channels. great story on the topic. But with the lonely and desperate to find a mate, they seem to do better. Therefore, thousands of people (Africans, in the first place) are busy creating fake profiles on dating sites and in social networks, virtually falling in love with both men and women in an attempt to breed them for money.

American military, unfortunate widowers, lovely kind nurses with the appearance of models. Photos are stolen from open profiles in social networks, in the same Facebook, by the way. Every year the scammers become more experienced, primarily due to the fact that the victims themselves point out their miscalculations without any backward intent. For example, like this:
- So are you American?
- Yeah baby.
- Wow, how strange, and traveling and a neighbor write in the British manner (in American English - traveling, neighbor)
- Baby, don't you believe me? This is because in childhood we lived in England and I go to school there, how could you not believe me, I love you so much.
Here, damn it, I must be more careful next time

Therefore, many Afro-scammers now prefer to "process" lonely hearts from countries where English is not native or very popular. For example, Asia, Eastern Europe, etc. I will not say anything about Latin America, there is simply no data.

What they want: to interest them as much as possible, to get them hooked, to fall in love, then, under various pretexts, to siphon money out. Or get access to personal data through which money could be received.

What nonsense, you say, how you can get on with this. Are underway. Scummers are always looking for a suitable victim, literally in the first 5-10 minutes probing the soil, trying to find weak points (lonely, desperate, naive, kind, etc.). In confirmation of their "reality" after a while they invite you to a video chat, where they scroll to the victim a piece of someone else's recording, and in the process they record your video, so that later you can breed other people.

I had no sad experience with the consequences, but hundreds of women (and men as well) fall for this bait. They spend time, emotions and often money on people who absolutely do not care about someone's feelings. In principle, Nigerian logic is not difficult to understand: sit there, in clean, rich countries, everything is fine with you, and here in Lagos we are swarming in the trash heap; so share, gentlemen, we also want a beautiful life.

Some scammers have long since replaced Africa with more interesting countries. For example, in the same Malaysia, Nigerian scam syndicates took root long ago, which process gullible people both remotely and through direct contact. But now the main thing. Namely: how to understand that your new Internet fan (charming interlocutor) is most likely a clever fraudster. To be honest, I read most of the information on international sites and forums, but I also had personal experience of communication.

1. Most popular professions in scammer profiles: military, design engineer, nurse, teacher. Alternatively - just a private entrepreneur, the owner of a construction company.

2. Declared age - 35-55, most often widower (widow) or father / single mother... If there are no children, there is an old mother or father (which is reported almost immediately, because after some time the imaginary child or mother will be in the hospital and money will be needed for treatment).

3. If we talk about a profile on Facebook, it is practically new, the list of friends is most often closed, and if it is open, then there are very few people in it. If the profile of a man - in friends, mostly middle-aged women. If a woman's profile is a man's friends. The scammer's new profile is explained by the fact that he used to be very busy, but now he decided to see what is happening in the virtual world. There are usually no other profiles (LinkedIn, Instagram etc). Now the scammers have become smarter and started adding each other as friends to create extras.

4. Some are not too careful and the profile is not closed. In this case, you can see a lot of "likes" marks that do not in any way combine with the image of the person himself. For instance, white military 48 years old, favorite music - Drake, Kanye West, Kriss Brown, 2Pac, same with movies (black theme)

5. African slang. Very typical punctures: am instead of I am but my darling is John by name, instead of my name is John or I "m John.

6. Some people have problems with English, so they communicate through Google Translate or another translation program. Of course, copying the text into the editor, translating what was written to you there, then writing what you want to say in your native language and translating your answer again - it takes time, so some scammers chat very slowly.

7. Due to the fact that translation programs often use standard English, the language during chat correspondence can be heavy, replete with future / past perfect continuous forms, which are not held in high esteem in living speech now. Or a pseudo-American might use many British variations of famous words: check instead of check, aeroplane instead of airplane, neighbor instead of neighbor.

8. If the meeting took place on a dating site - there are many indications in the profile that the friend (lady) honest, romantic, genuine, looking for true love... There are few photos, often of poor quality, as they were copied from other sites. Or even taken from model portals and fashion catalogs.

9. If this is a dating site - almost immediately offer to go to another space, email or messenger... What is better not to do with unverified personalities, since both emails and messengers are often associated with a person's personal data. A phone number linked to a bank account, for example.

10. If it comes to email correspondence, then at the beginning of the scammer they send long copy-paste letters that are minimally personalized... That is, there are many beautiful words, but if instead of "dear Jeanne" you put "dear Catherine" - the meaning will not change at all. UPD: avoid calling the victim by name in the chat. Since they are in correspondence with a dozen or more, they use the affectionate honey, sweetie, dear, darling, and not the name.

11. The words " I know it "s destiny", "I believe in faith", "I feel maybe you are my true love", "who knows, maybe you" ll be my wife soon "," believe me / you must believe me".

12. Very little information about oneself, as legends are often unworked. But they ask in detail about the potential victim, feigning genuine interest. The conversation is constantly being led away from your person.

13. They get nervous if the victim points out a discrepancy between what the scammer is saying now and what he said a little earlier. "how can you not believe me, I love you", "yes, I said so to check you, whether you are really interested in me", "if you don’t trust me, we better get it over with immediately, but my heart will broken "

14. When it comes to calls and video chats - the voice on the phone is barely audible, the number is often undetectable. Skype video chats end quickly, what the scammer says and the movements on the screen do not correspond to reality. The scammer justifies this by poor connection and video latency. In fact, the victim is simply scrolled through someone else's recording. I don’t know about technologies, but this trick is often mentioned on anti-scammer forums.

15. If they cannot answer the simplest question, he falls silent for half an hour or more, trying to find an answer or an excuse. Which is then justified by poor communication, a dead battery or being busy.

The trio of lost sheep who have visited my Facebook in the last two or three weeks have made various mistakes.

American military, who introduced himself as "John by name", was immediately sent with strong expressions using the word nigga and the threat to calculate by ah pi, after which his profile was deleted.

The next was a certain Ryan James Carter, who raised his son alone, now the son is leaving to study, and he decided to take up his personal life. Here is it

Dating Site Scams: American "Military" Scams

Today I will tell you about one of the most common cheating scenarios on dating sites with foreigners. This method of fraud is now so "popular" that it seems that every second of us has come across a similar one. Several times a week I receive messages from women who describe almost the same situations and their doubts about the men who write to them. Apparently, for many, the same female intuition is triggered. And they turn to me with a request to analyze the situation and dispel (and more often confirm) their doubts about each particular man.

And since situations are repeated over and over again, I decided to describe this, one of the most common scenarios of deception on dating sites.

So, the American "military" swindlers.

The scamers that "work" according to this scenario are presented by the American military (in ranks, not privates).

markeron is an American soldier serving in Afghanistan (usually) or in Syria (this is a trend in recent days, scammers are also aware of political news). He may just be a military or military doctor;

marker he is divorced or a widower, most likely has children;

marker his term of service is coming to an end, and he writes that there are 1-2 months left until the end of the contract. Or another option is possible: in 1-2 months he has a vacation planned, during which he wants to meet with you. In any case, he will describe everything in such a way that you will not doubt a quick meeting with a man;

markeron sends a photo in military uniform.

In general, at first glance, a man will be absolutely positive and not arousing any suspicion.

american military scams on dating sites

Attention! Quite often scammers use names, surnames and photos of real people, i.e. real officers of the American army.

Commonly Used Names: William GBoykin, Mark Martin, Karl W. Eikenberry, Tommy Frank, Andy Thomson, Robert Duff Lopez, Karl Yeckenbury, Miller Andersen Fenlason, William GBoykin

marker He will give you his phone number without any problem, but this number will most likely be in English.

Attention! If a man gives you a phone number and it starts with +44 70, then most likely he is a deceiver. These are the phone numbers most often used by Nigerian scammers.

What's next? He will write tender letters to you. From the very first letters you will feel that these are the very words you always wanted to hear. Compliments, tenderness, declarations of love, plans for the future. All this is so beautiful ... You just bathe in his love and tenderness!

Eh ... Here it is, the weakness of our women! Usually this is where they "catch" us! We lack tenderness, we are all romantic girls at heart (regardless of age, life experience and degree of cynicism). And therefore, kind words, compliments and acknowledgments make the heart beat faster. The brain refuses to pay attention to suspicious moments because feelings come to the fore ...

blacklist of grooms

After you are already accustomed to communicating with him, to affectionate words and compliments, after you catch yourself thinking that you are beginning to wait for your communication, his letters and warm words, then you are ready. The fraudster's preliminary work is completed and the main part begins, for the sake of which all this was started.

In the further development of events, some options are also possible, and I will describe the most common:

He has bought jewelry / fabrics (or something else that is inexpensive in the country where he is located, but is of great value in his / your country) and wants to give you a gift

Found a suitcase with dollars / diamonds during a military operation and wants to send them from the country, and you are the closest person to him, so he will send it to you

Saved a member of the royal family / sheikh / local wealthy and for this he was given a lot of money that he needed to take out of the country, etc. (see above)

In general, he has some values ​​that he wants to send to you (for a start, for temporary storage). After all, you are already almost his wife, he loves you so much and all that ... And since all this money / jewelry (or whatever he came up with there) is not obtained entirely by legal means, he does not want to advertise all this, pay taxes, etc. ... Therefore, he will ferry a suitcase with money / valuables with his friend diplomat by diplomatic mail (which, as you know, cannot be opened) or with an employee of the Red Cross. The man can even write the exact dates when you need to meet the plane and your package from it. It is clear that there will be no parcel.

After a while, when you are already impatiently waiting for the parcel, he sends a letter and writes that the unexpected happened, and the parcel got stuck in an African country called Ghana.

Attention! This is also one of the features of this fraud scenario. It is in Ghana that diplomats are being stopped. Apparently there are the strictest customs officials or the most greedy customs officers. I'm kidding, of course. As you can imagine, this is another scammers' trick, there was no parcel initially, no diplomat was going anywhere, etc.

Further, according to the scenario, the beloved almost-husband writes that it is necessary to pay a certain amount of money in order for the parcel to go further (as an option, you need to pay also so that it is not opened). The amount may vary depending on your wealth. Conclusions about the availability of money are made on the basis of your own previous letters. He can ask for both $ 4,000 and $ 800.

In parallel with the request for money, there are ardent declarations of love, assurances that he has an absolutely hopeless situation and that is why he turns to you with such a request that he is terribly uncomfortable, but everything turned out like this ... In general, a massive psychological attack is underway on the woman.

If you immediately refuse to send money, then the parcel (suppose that it is there) can go further (apparently on its own) and get stuck at the customs of some other country and a smaller amount will be required to redeem it. And this will continue until you either send money or send the fraudster himself. But even if a man is sent, you will continue to receive letters from customs, from him, from a diplomat friend, etc. with requests, pleas, threats, demands to pay immediately, appeals to your conscience, a sense of duty, etc.

Be prepared for the fact that you may be sent copies of receipts for your parcel, copies of some receipts from customs. Here the calculation is based on the fact that we do not understand these foreign documents and, as Ostap Bender said, with the modern development of printing, everything can be forged

You may also be called to customs and asked to send money. In general, processing can be done from all directions. Fraudsters work as a group and help each other.

What if you find yourself in such a situation?

Completely ignore all requests / calls and do not succumb to this pressure;

As soon as the scammer realizes that you really won't pay, he will immediately leave you alone. Usually such scammers "process" several potential victims at once, so as soon as he realizes that there will be no sense in you, he will immediately switch to another victim.

You can ask to send a copy of your passport and bank account details and gently hint that you have friends in Russian foreign intelligence and out of friendship (exclusively in private and through their own channels) they will check these data and only then you will send money to your dear future husband. At the same time, do not forget to ask if he has anything against such actions on your part?

You can mention the "419 scam" and make it clear that you are familiar with this term. Briefly for reference: this is what the American law enforcement agencies call the methods of fraud used by Nigerian scammers.

And I'll cover this scam scenario in more detail in the next article from the Dating Site Fraud section.

ATTENTION! There is a black list of grooms on the site, which we collect together. If you have your own history of communication with a scammer, then add information about him, with photos, links and everything that is, to our black list. Alas, the law cannot protect us from these scammers, so let's protect ourselves!

And for such "American military" I made a separate section, because lately this is the most popular scenario for deceiving women on dating sites. Follow the link and look carefully. Maybe you will see familiar faces ...

While the Internet community is actively discussing the likelihood of a ban on registration in social networks of minors under the age of 14, the real danger comes from completely different persons, not even from whales, no matter how deep blue they are, and, especially (!), Not from pink ponies, supposedly from tablet screens forcing kids to climb on windowsills.

The original picture is taken from the open database Yandex.Pictures

Yesterday I finally could not stand it and publicly admitted that I finally and irrevocably love women. Exclusively women, no men, regardless of orientation and other things in real life. You will never guess what followed next, literally the next day.

You are sitting in your Facebook / VK / OK feed, you like pictures, you read the smart thoughts of others, and there are no signs of future problems ...

While the red alert light starts literally going crazy: at the same time, your public photos receive a large number of likes and comments in the form of hearts and other kisses from one person. This person will definitely wear an "imported name and surname." While you are in painful meditation realizing what, in fact, this person from the USA / France / Great Britain needs from you, you immediately receive a request to add as a friend. You add why not.

And here the most interesting thing begins: this person begins to write to you persistently, without stopping. If you don't answer, he writes again and again. He pours out compliments, talks about being a single father, a trucker from Arizona, a doctor from Massachusetts, and so on, so forth ...

Yesterday I got this to the point of clouding my mind and an urgent change in sexual orientation. "Ok, dear, I understand your desire to find a good Russian woman, but I'm gay!" - I wrote to him. Do you think it stopped him? No, he was stopped only by a total ban and a complaint to the site administration.

And what do you think happened the next day? An alleged American lesbian has already written to me!
If something like this happened to you, congratulations - you are on the target of a scammer.

A scammer is a special type of Internet scammer who meets women on social networks solely for the purpose of personal enrichment.

This is how your page looks like if you are targeted by scammers:

I have a friend - an excellent specialist in dating with foreigners Tatiana Armstrong. She claims that a huge number of Russian women become victims of scammers, they not only suffer serious financial losses, but also hardly endure such blows to self-esteem afterwards. As a rule, scammers use other people's photos and invented names and surnames. And - cherry on top - most of the scammers are Nigerians. This is a whole criminal group: while you think that you are talking to a cute white American doctor / military / driver, there is a high probability that your interlocutor on the other side of the screen is a Nigerian swindler who has a wife and 12 children, and everyone is asking dad to eat and feed these children are offered to you.

In general, there are even two types of scammers: a sex tourist and, let's say, “cheated for money”.
If a sex tourist who only wants to save money on paying for a hotel while staying in our country at your expense can still be relatively safe: everyone gets their own in the end, then the "bastards" can bring serious financial losses.

So what are the signs of a scammer?

1. No more than one, rarely two, photos in your profile. By the way, if you click on this single photo with the right mouse button and start searching the network for a photo, you will definitely find out that this photo belongs to another person. For example, I did so and found out that this one "got it" uses a photo of one of the real generals of the US Army, a rather high-ranking one.

2. Their friends, as a rule, are exclusively women. For example, I met such an individual supposedly from Detroit, who had 2.5 thousand Russian women as friends. Interestingly, they all perceived themselves as "one and only"?

3. Disgusting knowledge of the English language. I understand that the overwhelming majority of female target scammers speak English exclusively with the help of online translator services, but nevertheless, spelling errors in their speech can be shown by the same Yandex translator. For example, in my case, this scammer made a gross spelling mistake in spelling his own name. And it was not a typo, I believe that the scammer simply did not know how to spell the name "George" in English.

4. Requests for money start small, send a postcard, pay for a small online purchase.

According to Tatiana Armstrong, these scammers pursue only one goal - to extract as much money as possible from a woman who has fallen into their network. They will write you sincere declarations of love, write about their loneliness, complain about problems. Those. do everything to get into your confidence. Even at full speed, they change their clothes and retrain into "American fans of Sappho's poetry", apparently, such requests also exist.

To never fall into such grabbing hands, you only need to know one thing: Americans / British and others have nothing to do on Russian social networks

And if you still seriously intend to meet a real foreigner for a relationship, get acquainted on special dating sites, contact specialists who will give advice on the rules of communication and dating with foreigners.

For example, my friend Tatiana Armstrong, a woman who herself married a foreigner, now supports her compatriots who want to start a family with a man from another country.

Tatiana, by the way, gives free lessons for everyone, which you can subscribe to by going through

She will tell you how to communicate and with whom you should not communicate at all, on which sites candidates for groom pass a strict selection so as not to get caught by such a scammer. For example, here is Tatiana's example of sites for dating with foreigners.

Did you fall for such scammers? Tell us about your experiences and how you managed to get rid of them.

Scammers are people who register on dating sites under strangers, but sometimes under their own data, in order to receive money from other users. There are scammers on almost every dating site. According to statistics, most of the scammers are men. But on sites with Russian and Ukrainian women, there are much fewer male scammers than on foreign sites. This is explained by the fact that the standard of living in our countries is much lower than in the countries of Western Europe and Central America. This, of course, pleases, but you need to be always on the lookout.

How the scammer works. He takes a photo of a handsome man from the Internet and starts writing romantic letters to his victim. When a woman falls in love, the scammer looks for an excuse for the lover to send him money. Below I will describe the most common schemes, but there may be more.

Scammers by the US military or doctors.

These scammers pose as military men or doctors working in hot spots of the world: Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, etc. Their stories are very similar: “General, I work in the army, my wife died tragically, I raise my children myself, I do charity work, and so on. Now I am in Afghanistan, I can’t get on Skype, I love you very much, I’ll end my service soon and come to visit you ... "

These foreign suitors are good psychologists, they know how to write beautiful letters, a woman loses her head and falls in love. In fact, a Nigerian scammer can write for this man, or a group of Nigerian scammers, they work in shifts, do not refer to the girl by name. Sometimes you might get the impression that the robot is writing, they might confuse the facts, etc. They do not leave their victim alone for a long time, fill it with love messages and do not allow her to come to her senses and think soberly.

Such men do not appear on Skype, or appear for a moment, in poor lighting, so that it is difficult to see them.

More about skype. There is such a technology: a woman scammer, calls a real man on Skype, supposedly to get to know each other, asks standard questions and records his image, the man does not know about anything, and communicates with a woman. Then a scammer calls you on Skype, who wrote you love letters, and turns on the recording instead. You don’t even know that it’s not a person talking to you, but a recording. If in doubt, ask the man to do something out of the ordinary. For example, show off his shoes! If a person does not react, then feel free to block him, this is a scammer.

Gifts from scammers that you have to pay for.

When the scammer senses that the woman is in love, he proceeds to the second part of his plan. You may be sent a gift or a package.

There are several types of parcels from scammers.

1. An expensive gift for you

2. His luggage, in which he put all his fortune: a large amount of money, luxury goods, expensive electronics, etc.

This package-gift is sent to the victim, and then there is always an unexpected obstacle to its receipt.

1. At the airport they ask you to pay extra for delivery in rubles from the border to your door. And he does not have rubles, since there are only dollars on the card, and his bank card is not accepted.

2. Or the parcel gets stuck somewhere on the border with Africa, and his card was unexpectedly blocked.

3. Or there will be any other reason why you will need to pay money. The man swears that he will certainly give you the money. And yet, scammers often name the amount that you are able to pay, the amount seems small to you, and you pay. But with the world on a thread, a beggar shirt!

After receiving the money, the scammer disappears, and you are left alone with your pain.

Typical scammer tactics.

Falling in love with a woman, which is not so difficult to do. And then there are many options.

1. Play not her maternal feelings. Introduce the girl to the child, send her his children's touching letters. You will even be given the opportunity to speak to your child on the phone. And then you may be asked to send money for a gift for his birthday. Or the child himself will call you and say that dad suddenly disappeared and he has nothing to eat, no money for school, etc. And you have to help him financially.

2. Offer you a quick personal meeting. An American soldier or doctor invites you to meet, but bad luck, you need to pay a bail to the military unit for his vacation. And you are almost a wife ... and you have to deposit this money, but when he arrives, he will immediately return the entire amount.

3. A scammer can be a wealthy person who has a sea of ​​profitable projects, and he invites you to participate in them. Those. invest a small amount of money and make a big profit.

Russian men are scammers.

On dating sites, Russian men also work as scammers. You receive a letter from a pleasant young man who lives in Europe but lacks his native Russian soul. You speak the same language, and he, like a gentleman, sends you a gift. The courier calls you and says that you have received a gift, but you need to pay for its delivery, but very little, usually any girl has such an amount in her wallet. The funny thing is that this courier may be the very lover who wrote you romantic letters. You pay the courier money for delivery, open the gift, and the inside is empty or, at most, a roll of toilet paper.


Online dating can end with a magnificent wedding, but sometimes before the wedding, you will have to face unpleasant surprises.

1. Do not fall in love with virtual fans, only after a real meeting, draw conclusions about a man.

2. Under no circumstances send money to strangers. After receiving the money, these men disappear forever.

3. Do not add unfamiliar men from Skype, do not give them your contact information.

4. Meet men on dating sites. It is not profitable for the administration to produce scammers on dating sites. Most sites track and fight these men.

6. Check photographs of men for authenticity. There is a service on Google where you can check where else such a photo of a man is found and who actually owns it https://images.google.ru/

7. If a scammer wrote to you on our site, or you have doubts, immediately write to the technical support service of the site or through the contact form

Marriage swindlers who, with the help of the Internet, gain confidence in women and extort money from them are called scammers. It is assumed that these guys are from Nigeria, but experts say that the geography of marriage swindlers is growing rapidly. Recently, the following cheating scheme has been popular. You receive a Skype message in English from an American military: a general, a sergeant, a doctor, who is on a peacekeeping mission in some hot spot, most often called Afghanistan (Kabul). As a rule, he is a widower with a child. A poor son or daughter lives in America and misses his father very much, but he cannot interrupt his service, because he is "called upon to fight terrorism and serve humanity." In a few days, your friend will begin to speak affectionate words, after another week he will ask if you would like to brighten up his lonely life. At the same time, he will send a photo - in military uniform or a medical gown. The photographs may contain real people whose photos are stolen from social networks by scammers, but there may also be actors from not very popular American TV shows. Therefore, the first recommendation is to pass the image through the Internet search engine (this can be done, for example, in the Google search engine by inserting the photo into the search box).

Pay for the parcel

After a gentle and persistent foreplay, when they already call you a wife and they see that you are "biting" on these courtship, a fraud scheme is launched. There are several options. In the next letter, he will write that he bought jewelry and wants to give you a gift; found a suitcase with dollars / valuables during a military operation and wants to send them to the closest person - you; saved a member of the royal family, and for this he was given a lot of money that must be taken out of the country by diplomatic mail, etc. He can tell you the exact date when you should arrive at the local airport and pick up your shipment. But there will be no parcel. But in the evening of the same day you will receive a letter that the parcel is stuck at customs in the African state of Ghana (the most common option) and you need to pay 3-4 thousand dollars for further delivery. If you write that there is no such money, a letter will come in a couple of days that the parcel is already in Spain and you need to pay only 1000 euros. There may even be a call from a lady allegedly from the Spanish customs, there may even be copies of receipts for the parcel, in the expectation that you do not understand foreign documents. The beloved will also write with resentment: “We are almost a family, and you don’t believe me, you don’t love me, you regret some pennies for a hundred times more valuable gifts ...” But if you write unequivocally that you will not pay, the letters will stop immediately, and with them - the unexpected passion of the "old warrior".

Scamer can introduce himself as a military surgeon and send a photo ... of Eric Dane from the series Grey's Anatomy.

Pay the deposit for my vacation

A relatively new scenario of deception is associated with a vacation. You are already planning your first meeting - and then the military says that in order to obtain a vacation permit, you must pay a certain deposit. The amount is from $ 1000 to 2000. The deposit is paid not to him, but to the US Army by his close relatives. And since, besides you, he has no one and he already perceives you as his wife, then it is you who must make this deposit. A fraudster can even send a corresponding document - allegedly an instruction from the US Department of Defense. And he will ask you to transfer money through the Western Union system.

My poor children

Scammers choose different schemes of deception depending on the information that you yourself tell him in your letters. Therefore, they can put pressure not only on love, but also on maternal feelings. For example, to write that his only son misses his deceased mother and dreams of a new one. Then the general / doctor will unexpectedly say that his son's birthday is coming soon and he is really looking forward to congratulations from you. In response to your agreement to write him a couple of warm words by email, your friend will say that your son actually wants a Samsung Galaxy with a large screen ...

Get ready for the fact that one day your little son will write to you that dad is gone, is not getting in touch, has stopped transferring money to him, and will ask you to send him funds, because he considers you almost his mother. And he will even give his phone number. When you call, you really hear the voice of the child. Fraudsters operate in teams with clearly defined roles.


What should be alarming

  • The man doesn't ask you questions.
  • Tells little about himself
  • From the second letter, he begins to plan your life together.
  • All his letters are full of beautiful words and fiery confessions.
  • Doesn't submit photos showing his normal, daily life
  • He says that due to the service, he cannot communicate via Skype video
  • English with mistakes
  • Suddenly begins to ask you to help him financially


In 2012, a fraudster lured away from a resident of Smorgon $ 3,000. On Skype, he introduced himself to the American military serving in Afghanistan. There he, they say, found a duffel bag full of dollars, said that soon he should go on a well-deserved rest, he was ready to come to his permanent place of residence in Smorgon and make a marriage proposal to a woman, he was ready to send her part of the money. However, after a while, the fraudster reported that a courier with a significant amount was detained in Ukraine and he urgently needed $ 3,000 to pay the fine. The woman transferred the amount and no longer received any news from the swindler.