Knitted bags for Easter eggs circuit. Bind of crochet Easter eggs. Schemes. Egg with openwork pattern: step-by-step master class

Such an openwork Easter composition will delight the eye for a long time, decorating the interior. These knitted eggs are very lungs, so they can be easily hanging on the bedroom plant, creating an Easter tree. Tie such an egg for everyone who is at least a little familiar with crochet taking. In this master class, we consider the three patterns of egg strapping.

The following materials and tools will be required:
- Chicken eggs;
- hook;
- Iris threads;
- starch and water;
- Toothpicks.

First, we prepare the basis that we will be obliged. We need to release a raw egg from its internal content, leaving a whole shell. To do this, pierce the thick needle on one hole on the acute and dull end of the egg, slightly expanding the holes.

Now I am piercing the yolk and blow all the contents of the shell. It remains well to rinse the inner of the egg. All actions do very carefully not to damage the shell. Such a basis can be stored for years, as it does not deteriorate.

The first pattern.

Pattern knit according to the following scheme.

Knit a chain of five kettops, we connect it into the ring.

Make 2 air loops (V.P.) for lifting. The second next to this ring is tied up 15 columns with Nakud (St / CH). We clic down a number of connective loop.

Again two V.P. lifting. In the 3rd row, they in each third loop of the previous series, a group of three tables, two air loops, three tables. Such a loop group will be repeated further in each row. Closing the row.

In the 4th row we make lifting loops, we convex already familiar groups of 3 st / CH, 2 V.P., 3 tables in each arc formed by the air hinges of the previous row. There are 2 V.P. Between these groups.

The 5th row knit the same as the fourth, only between groups we do 3 V.P.

In the sixth row between groups, I have 4 V.P., in the seventh - 5 V.P.

Now we make fitting on the basis - the shell from the egg. The egg continues to expand, which means the following series will be from the groups of loops with 6 V.P. Between them. We add one air loop between groups in each row until the egg expands. You may have to adjust the number of loops in a row, as eggs are larger and smaller.

At the site of the narrowing, we will gradually reduce the number of air loops between groups. At the same time, the egg is no longer removed from knitting, knit directly on it.

In the last row we make two tables in each arch of the group loops of the previous row. We clic down a row, cut the thread and pull the tip, completing knitting.

The first view of the azhura is ready.

The second pattern.

The blockage occurs on the same principle as in the first pattern - first the number of loops add, on the narrowing of the egg - we reduce.

The second pattern knit according to the scheme.

The chain of five kettops connect to the ring. In the 2nd row, knit 14 loops with double nakid and one air loop between them. At the beginning of each row, do not forget to make the lifting loop.

In the 3rd row in each column, we make a column with three nakida and two air loops between them.

In the 4th row to each loop of the preceding row knit on one table.

In the fifth row, they see 5 V.P. and 1 column without Nakid to the third loop of the preceding series. We continue to knit so much to the end of the row - 5 V.P. And 1 column without a Nakid to each third loop.

In the sixth row, there are five V.P., and the column without Nakid will take in the middle of the arches of the previous row. We repeat to the end of the row.

We repeat the actions in the seventh and eighth rockers.

We try the egg. Surely it began to narrow, so we continue to knit on the basis. In the next row in the middle of each argy, we are providing st / cn and 3 V.P. Between them.

In a tenth row, in each loop of the previous row, knitting ST / CH, in the eleventh - columns with three nakida in each third column of the previous series and three V.P. Between them. Number V.P. Between the columns can be reduced if the egg has already been strongly narrowed. Try to label it is tight enough.

In the next row, there are st / cn between the columns of the previous row and 1-2 V.P. Between them. Number V.P. Various depending on the size of the egg.

Ending knitting near columns with Nakud between the previous series columns. We break the thread, pull it out.

Third pattern.

The scheme for which we will knit pattern.

Slip 5 V.P., connect them into the ring. We make lifting loops at the beginning of each row. In the 2nd row in this ring, I add 14 st / cn. In the 3rd row in each column of the previous series, we reinstall the ST / CH, after 3 tables, we will do 2 V.P. We alternate art / cn with air loops to the end of a row.

4th row. In each column of the previous row, we reinstall the ST / CH, and after 3 tables, I check 3 V.P. We alternate 3 st / sn and 3 V.P. to the end of the row.

Fifth row. Columns with nakid knit in the previous series columns. * 3 St / CH, 2 V.P., 1 Column without Nakida in the middle of the arch of the previous series, 2 V.P. * Repeat the rapport until the end of the row.

In each row above the columns with Nakad, we will encourage the same ST / CH. And between them the pattern will be formed.

Seventh row. 3 ST / CH, 3 V.P., Column without Nakida in the middle of the arch, 3 V.P. Etc.

The eighth rod knit the same as the previous one.

We try on the egg, most likely you need to begin to reduce the width of knitting.

We continue to knit the pattern in the mirror reflection.

10 rod knit as 8, 11 - as 7, 12 - as 6. And so we continue to knit the pattern mirror until the whole egg is lined.

Three types of pattern embodied, now we turn them into air openwork accessories. To give stiffness to knitting directly on the egg starch. For rigid fixation, the starch solution is prepared at the rate of: 2 tbsp. Starch on 1 liter of water. Measure the required amount of cold water. The required amount of starch is diluted with cold water to the state of thick sour cream. The remaining water is boiling, turn off the plate and pour the cooked starch into the water. Core thoroughly.

When the starch cooled to a warm state, I lower the eggs into it, we give threads well wet, soaked.

After that, remove the eggs, we remove the surplus starch and leave them to dry.

When the threads are dried, freeing the openwork from the shell. Carefully fit the toothpick between the threads and the shell, separating them from each other. Now you can break the shell and pull out its small particles through the holes in the pattern.

During this procedure, try not to spoil the rigid shape of the las.

Decorative Easter eggs are ready. Use them as decoration to Easter. And for the decor of the table, you can put them in such a gentle vase. Master class to knit this openwork vase.

I wish you creative inspiration!

  • air loops (VP);
  • connecting columns (ss);
  • columns without Nakid (ISP);
  • semi-solitary (PS);
  • increasing hinges (uv.p) - Singing 2 columns without a nakid in one loop (base is general);
  • removal of loops (UB.P) - Singing 2 columns without Caida in 2 loops of the base, but with one vertex;
  • a simple series of scan is a row, acclaimed without rehabilitation or increasing loops.

General Rules for Knitting:

  • each row is completed with 1 ss;
  • each new row begins with checking 1 lifting VI;
  • after the completion of the row, you must count the total number of columns without an attachment in a row and check with the instructions.

Knitted Easter egg crochet - master class:

So, let's start with the first row and score on the hook the first 4 VPs, which will be closed in the circle of the future knitting with the help of 1 ss.

In this circle, we have the first row of 7 failures.

In the second row there is an increase in the number of sc2 from each top of the previous row. It should turn out 14 fails.

In the third row, we continue to increase the loops, but now there will be 1 failure between the UP. You just need to plug 7 alternating up and 1 fail. In a series of completion, 21 fails should turn out.

The fourth row is simple. At this stage, you can already traverse the gradual formation of the lower part of the Easter egg.

In the fifth row, we reiterate again by checking the aggregate of the UP, 2 failures in an amount of 7 times. The row should turn out to be 28 failures.

Sixth row - simple.

In the seventh row between the elements of the UP, it is already necessary to check 3 fails. The row is 35 fails.

Starting from the eighth row there are simple rows. To begin with, we have 1 simple range of ISS.

The next step is to check the fillet series, in which alternate one PS and VP.

Next, we have another 3 simple rows of ISP.

The thirteenth row contains the first subformation, which is predicted in the form of a sequence - 1 UB.P and 5 fail. Such a series of elements need to be repeated 5 times. As a result, it should be 30 hinge tops.

The following row is simple. In the same stage, we felt a ribbon into the holes of the fillet series.

The following 3 rows go with gradual outbreaks. In each next row, the amount of failures between the reduction elements is reduced by 1. So, first, there is a reduction from 4 failures between the outages, then 3 and 2 fails. Up to the priority of these series, it is necessary to fill the cavity of the Easter egg associated with crochet, filler. In this case, a synthetite is taken.

Complete the peeling must be reduced by tensile to the hinge of the previous series so as to skip 1, i.e. Snag to see each second.

Knit flower. To do this, score 4 VPs, closing them into the ring. In the center of this ring, we will check 5 times the sequence of 3 VP, 1 C1N, 3 VP, 1 ss.

With the help of white yarn embroider a middle.

Send the flower at the well-connected bow. Our Easter egg is ready. Such an Easter knitted egg can be perfectly decorated with a festive table, and in everyday days will remind you of a light holiday.

Master class on the manufacture of knitted Easter eggs prepared: Lilia Firstushin, for

Spring and the brightest and joyful Christian holiday are approaching. Needlewomen are taken for crochet knitting. This exciting occupation will tighten not one evening, and the variety of options amazing imagination.

Simple egg

Want to give an unusual gift? Your loved ones will definitely surprise the rich crochet. Schemes for starters Consider the simplest. To work, take threads with a density of 50 g by 133 meters and the hook of 3.5. Even you will need a filler.

  • 1 row: in the loop, we make 7 columns and drag into a circle.
  • 2 row: from each loopback 2.
  • 3 row: just check each loop.
  • 4 row: add-ons to do after 1 looping.
  • 5 row: Slip all the loops.
  • 6 row: add through 2 loops.
  • 7-12 Rows: Slip.
  • 13 row: we reduce every 5 loops.
  • 14 row: Say as it is.
  • 15 row: we reduce through 2 hinges.
  • 16 row: we take the blasting after 1 loop.
  • 17 row: We make the outflow and fill the testicle.
  • 18 And further: we do the outflow until the hole closes.

Egg is ready. This simple scheme is suitable for those who only undergo the first lessons. Easy, besides, there are many similar schemes in open sources.


Knitting to Easter Crochet should not be boring. Even a simple egg can be turned into a real masterpiece. Create products of different colors combined with each other. They can be an indispensable interior decoration for a holiday or a cute gift. Take the fantasy yarn "grass", the letter, or a simple, but with sectional staining. With the help of multicolored pieces of threads, strips or specks are obtained. Show fantasy - and a fun picture will appear on the egg.

Satin ribbons, lace are perfect for registration of finished work. Brilliance and charm will add rhinestones or small beads. It is worth sticking the eyes and embroider the mouth - and this has already come to the character. The manufacture and decoration can actively attract children. They will definitely like to work together with her mother and feel their involvement in the festive bustle.

Openwork case

Such a cover can be put on an artificial workpiece, but it will be consolidated for a real boiled egg. And after the holiday it can be postponed until next year. This knitting to Easter Crochet is thinner, you will need cotton threads and hook 1.5.

  • 1 row: 10 air hostels connect to the ring.
  • 2 row: the resulting circle is tied up with 14 columns.
  • 3 Row: We make 10 loops with a chain, then a batch with a double nakid, then another 5 loops with a chain. So until the end of the series, and then you need to make 4 air loops and complete
  • 4 row: 5 columns in the resulting army, and from each loop of the lower row we will make an increase.
  • 5 row: 4 lifting loops, then a column with an attachment alternates with 2 air hinges.
  • 6 row: 14 air hopes, a column over 2 on a bill with an attachment, repeating alternations to the end of the row. Here you can adjust the size if the egg is small, knit less air loops.
  • 7 Row: We make arms out of 10 air loops.
  • 8 row: arches of 3 air loops. This series is called upon to pull the case on the egg.

This is a very interesting way to eggs with crochet. Knitting schemes are simple. The only difficulty is working with a fine thread. But it is easy to find many more varied schemes, experiment with different patterns and create your own unique style of a holiday that will become your original idea.

Easter basket

Eggs are ready, and so that they look even more paint, you will need a basket, crochet knitted. To make it, you can use any thick threads.

  1. 7 columns connect to a tightening ring. Next all the time knit for the rear wall.
  2. From each loop, we do 2.
  3. Posterness after 1 loop.
  4. 4-9 rows knit like this: I make an increase every 2 hinges, but you can and more if you want to make a larger basket.
  5. Refailed through 7 kettles.
  6. 11-20 rows knit without add-ons just up - these are the walls of the future basket.
  7. 3 loops of the chain raise a row, then the basket knits with columns with an attachment, with adding loops. We do it, alternating 6 columns.
  8. Knit the canvas as it is, with columns with 1 nakid, complete knitting.

We make a lamp from a wide part associated with columns with Nakud. Now it remains to construct the handle. 8 loops connect to the ring, but do not drag it hard, then knit just upwards with simple columns until a sufficient length is scored. Send to the basis of the handle. You can insert the last wire frame for stability. Excellent knitted hook hook for Easter eggs is ready.

Digger Ryaba

Consider still crafts with crochet towards Easter and tie a haggling.

  1. In the loop, we make 16 columns with one nakid.
  2. Rows 2-4 make up simple columns.
  3. 9 loops in a row are in a row with additives, the rest is simple.
  4. 6-7 rows knit in a circle.
  5. We add 4 times through the loop, 11 increases in a row, 4 more accommodation through the loop.
  6. 3 Air loops, a column with an attachment through 2 loops of the previous row.
  7. In 1 arch, we make a column, to the next - 5 such elements with a double nakid.
  8. Of the 3 loops, we make a column, and in the hole there should be 6 such elements with a double nakid.
  9. 12, 13 rows declared the same, just knit 7 columns with a double nakid.
  10. 14 rod knit as the 11th.
  11. The 15th knit in the same way, only instead of simple columns, use elements with Nakud.

Arches make a tail, wings and scallops, sew black eye-beads. The chicken can be delivered simply so or put on the egg.

Easter rabbit

The festive composition will perfectly complement the toys to the Easter bunny is not traditional for our country, but gradually gaining popularity. Cute uhastik will like everyone. Tie it very simple.

For starters, 2 round knitted blanks are needed: one bigger, the other is smaller. It will be head and torso. They stick through the technology of simple eggs, only with uniform reduction. To correctly calculate, you can read the scheme in the opposite direction. Do not forget to leave holes for packing. The ring is tightened last. Threads can not be hiding, but leave long for later stitching parts.

Small pieces of rabbit

To tie their paws, we begin in the same way.

  • 1-3 rows - repeat the old scheme.
  • Making 8 add-on loops in a row, the rest just knit.
  • 5-6 rows are sought as it is.
  • We make the outflow through 3 loops. Then - after 2 loops. The paw is ready.

Knit still 3 blanks and create another little smaller size for the tail.

What is the rabbit without ears? The base is a chain of 12 air loops. Next, we make 5 semi-slim and 7 columns, turn the job and knit everything in the reverse order.

The last step will be the connection of all parts into one. Fake a rabbit eyes and embroider nose. Cute Easter bunny ready.

Knitting Easter Crochet will bring together the whole family for preparing for the holiday and will help create a bright and joyful atmosphere at home. Many different ideas and patterns will help the original holiday table with the original, please surprise your guests.

Possessing certain skills and skills, you can make anything incredible and beautiful for any holiday, able to improve the mood of both the owners of the house and guests. Easter in this sense also did not exception. Since boiled eggs are considered the main symbol of this holiday, then first of all you can decorate them. So how to tie easter eggs with crochet?

Variants of jewelry

You can make an ordinary knitting egg or add bead patterns, ribbons, sequins, sequins to it. Another option is not only to tie the festive characters themselves, but also add a kind of accessories to get, for example, knitted Easter eggs in a basket. Some craftswomen go even further and knit not just openwork patterns, but entire figures of animals. Such Easter eggs will be particularly interesting to children.

Method first, classic

How to tie a crochet knitting a dense product, snapped with syntheps, decorated. To do this, you will need any like yarn, simple or sectional, suitable hook, packing plant. A chain of seven air loops is recruited, closes in the ring. The second near the same columns without Caida are pronounced. The next row consists of fourteen loops. The fourth row is also fourteen. In the fifth row again need to add seven columns without Nakid. The sixth row repeats the same amount - 21 loops. In the seventh row, the addition of 7 columns, that is, a column is added in each third loop. The result is twenty-eight loop. From the eighth to the thirteenth row, this quantity is repeated, and from the fourteenth starts to deviate as much as he added, that is, seven loops. The fifteenth row consists of 21 loops, in the sixteenth, the number is repaired, up to fourteen. The seventeenth is knit unchanged, the eighteenth reduces the number of seven loops. Now the egg can be fill with the filler. In the nineteenth row, each column fit through the loop of the previous series, and all the remaining loops are tightened. The thread is fixed. Everything, the work is completed.

Method of the second

How to tie easter eggs with a crochet if you want something more original? You can make stuffing figures of animals. Bright and colorful, they will decorate any desk. Yellow chickens, white bunnies and mouses will delight both adults and kids. The figure of the figure tackles with a dense pattern from the columns without a Nakid according to the scheme described in the first method. When the product is completed, you need to sew related ears (round mice, long hares), Khokholki at chickens and make faces: it is enough to make eyes, noses and kelviki. The final stroke will be the legs (only the upper), wings and tails. It remains to put cheerful figures on a festive table.

Method Three: Main Part

And how to bind easter eggs with crochet, if you want to make them openwork, air and transparent, in the form of a case for a real egg? It's still easier. Beautiful thin yarn, for example, "Iris", a thin hook (you can take 1.5 mm), boiled egg. The air loop is pronounced, two more loops are recruited, and ten columns without Nakid are tied to the second loop. At the end of a row, knitting closes into a circle. Now the second row: one loop for lifting, column in the connecting loop, after a circle three air loops, connecting by a column with the previous one beyond. So to the end, all ten arches. Four air loops fit in the third rod, then the column in the arch of the second row, all the same ten arches will turn out, already four loops in each. The following five rows fit in the same way: in each army, the five air hostels are encouraged, and each of them connects with the previous one with the help of a column without Nakid. The arches are still ten.

Cover for egg

Now that Easter eggs with crochet are almost connected, you can begin the manufacture of "lid". There are exactly the same first loop as at the beginning of knitting, two more two more columns are being done to the resulting chain, everything closes in a circle with the help. Now you need to score four air loops, connect them to a column with the next row loop, and so Just five arches. After that, the thread can be cut off, fasten the tail and hide.

Half connection

It remains only to combine Easter eggs knitted with crochet (schemes for such knitting are always very simple and understandable). This can be done in two ways: with the help of a tape or a simple seam of thread and needle. If everything is clear with the needle, then with a ribbon a little more complicated. The lower part of the knitting is taken, the boiled egg is shoved into it, covered with a lid. Now the halves are connected to a thin satin ribbon, which, with the help of a hook, you need to skip through the arches of both parts of the knitted egg. The ribbon is worth tied with a bow so that you can easily dissolve. It remains only to put the resulting beauty on the table.

Are you already preparing for Easter? And I started knit Easter eggs crochet. Recently, so many ideas are found to decorate the holiday, making different crafts of Easter eggs, chickens, napkins and other with their own hands. Today I will share some of them.

I will start with your beloved - crochet.

I found a photo of beautiful knitted eggs on the Internet and decided to make such and herself.

How to tie an easter egg crochet

To knit Easter eggs, you can use all sorts of yarn remnants with sectional staining. From such a yarn, a beautiful drawing on products, imitating jacquard, is obtained. And you can also associate interesting colored napkins from thin threads.

If you do not have yarn with sectional staining, you can use several ordinary machines of different colors combined with each other.

I chopped 15 yarns of about 40 cm from four different metals, tied the threads of different colors and reached the ball. It took quite a bit of time. We still need a bit of syntheps.

Knit egg crochet №2,5 by columns without Nakid in a circle.

  • We recruit 4 VP, closer into the ring.
  • 1st row: 7 columns in the ring.
    At the beginning of each row, the first column is replaced with 2VP for lifting.
  • 2nd row: two columns in each column of the previous row.
  • 3rd row: knit without adding 14 columns.
  • 4th row: * 2 columns without Nakida in one column of the previous row, one column without a nakid *, thus add only 7 loops.
  • 5th rod: knit without adding 21 columns.
  • 6th row: * 2 Stake without Nakida in one column of the previous row, two columns without Nakid in the next two columns of the previous row *, as a result, add another 7 loops.

In the next six rows, knit without adding 28 columns.

Next, knit with the reduction of the loops.

  • The 13th row: * 2 unfinished columns without Caida, closed together, two columns without Nakid in the next two columns of the previous row *, as a result, 7 loops are reduced.
  • 14th row: knit without recess 21 columns.
  • The 15th row: * 2 unfinished columns without Nakid, closed together, one column without Nakid *, 7 more loops are reduced.
  • Now you need to fill egg with holofiber or cotton and then continue knitting.
  • 16th row: knit without adding 14 columns.
  • 17th row: Knit 2 unfinished columns without Nakida, accused together.
  • 18th row: In the last row, the outbreak is more convenient to do as follows: 1 Stage without an attachment, I skip the next loop.

The remaining hinges are tightened, we break and fix the thread.

One knitted Easter egg is ready! Beauty!

Thus, it is possible tie the eggs with different drawings, in a strip, with flower and bowsWhat is only capable of your fantasy.

Crochet Easter eggs, I folded into the basket, which was specifically related to Easter.

How to tie such a basket, see.

Easter chickens

On the principle of knitting eggs can be made adorable chickens, Attaching the eyes, wings, scallops and kelves.

I knitted chickens with lush columns as it knitted: I first knit two small mug for the head, she sewed them, leaving the bottom edge open, and then knitted around the lush columns.

Chickens can be made of two pompons connected together, flush them, glue key, eyes and wings. They are obtained like alive.

The ideas of Easter eggs, crocheted

Beautiful openwork patterns can be born with wooden or plastic eggs of eggs, stick the flowers, beads and all that wish. You can use chicken eggs, having previously done small holes from two opposite ends, blowing out the contents, flushing and drying.

Several simple schemes for the strapping of Easter eggs.

Bollards from eggs can be decorated with ordinary threads, carefully winding them on the melted glue surface in a chaotic order or making a simple pattern. In the same way, the egg blanks of bead threads can be saved. It turns out a very beautiful souvenir egg!

Easter eggs knitted with beads

Extraordinary beauty Easter eggs are obtained at knitting with beads.