What to do if your finger breaks? Causes and treatment. There is emptiness under the nails how to treat Emptiness under the nails

Each part of the human body, in one way or another, can signal various malfunctions and the development of certain pathological processes that are not visible to the normal eye. Nails are a kind of litmus test, the indication of which is definitely worth paying attention to. Often people are faced with the fact that they have a void under their nail, but at the same time they miss such a signal and do not take therapeutic measures to solve the problem. This is partly due to a lack of knowledge and time to take care of your health. In order to respond in a timely manner and begin the correct therapeutic procedures, you should clearly understand why the nail plates peel off from the skin and for what reasons this happens. Otherwise, a negligent attitude towards oneself will lead to aggravation of an initially mild disease.

The first thing a person pays attention to is the deterioration of the aesthetic appearance of the toes, which especially worries the fair sex in the summer, when everyone wears open shoes. Of course, if such a symptom is detected, it would be right to visit a doctor, but many begin to mask the problem. So, first of all, the nail peels off due to insufficient or improper blood supply to the finger. But this condition occurs for the following reasons:

  1. High compression. The blood supply is disrupted after blows or blows, as a result of which the finger received severe compression, which led to the appearance of a bruise or bruise.
  2. Chemical exposure. The lag of the nail plate occurs as a result of the fact that it has been exposed to strong chemicals for a long time (detergents, low-quality gel polishes, etc.).
  3. Associated pathologies. A similar condition of nails occurs with the progression of certain diseases in the human body, as well as after taking potent medications.
  4. . The reason presented is the most common.

Women are well aware that a void under the nail can also form as a result of having the nail done in a beauty salon. That is, during the procedure, an infection was introduced from instruments that were not processed after the previous client.


First of all, when a person notices that there are voids under the toenails, he needs to go to a consultation with a dermatologist or therapist as soon as possible. If this is not possible, then you should pay attention to the diseased nail and minimize the likelihood of infectious microorganisms entering the resulting cavity. And special pharmaceutical products such as antiseptics (spray, coating, oil) will help with this.

When visiting a doctor, you will definitely need to determine the root cause of the formation of emptiness under the nail. To do this, the specialist will prescribe a blood donation, which will determine the presence or absence of internal pathologies. Without fail, a scraping is taken from the affected nail plate and sent for microscopic analysis. This procedure will make it possible to identify a fungal infection. Once the true cause has been established, the correct treatment is prescribed, which the patient must follow.


Treatment tactics are based on the underlying cause. Thus, if voids under the nail have formed after taking potent medications, for example, from the group of antibiotics, then it is necessary to stop taking them, if possible, or wait until the therapeutic course ends. Subsequently, no action is required from the patient, because the destruction of the nail plate will stop on its own, and the nail will soon return to its normal state.

Similar treatment tactics are also undertaken in cases where the cause of the appearance of voids under the nails is exposure to aggressive chemicals. That is, you need to either protect your hands when in contact with them, or completely eliminate the use of chemicals. If after these actions there is no improvement, then you will need to take the most proper care of the nail plate, take it and reconsider.


A distinctive feature of a nail affected by a fungal infection is the initial appearance of a small cavity between the skin and the plate. It is into this that pathogenic microorganisms penetrate, and if a favorable environment is created for them, they begin to multiply, killing the nail. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, complete detachment of the plate may occur. But in order to select the right medications, it is necessary to accurately determine the type of infection, which is possible by taking prescribed tests and scrapings.

When the doctor clearly determines which fungus has affected the nail, he will prescribe and a regimen for taking them. It is imperative to adhere to it, and not stop treatment earlier than recommended by the specialist, even if the visible symptoms have passed. The peculiarity of the fungus is that it can live in the body for a long time without showing obvious signs. And, if treatment is stopped early, it will begin to multiply again.

Equally important is careful hygiene, which will not only reduce the number of microorganisms, but also prevent infection of family members.


As additional help for damaged nails, in combination with prescribed medications, you can treat with traditional medicine recipes. Among them, the most effective in dealing with voids under the nails are:

  • Iodinol. Daily treatment of the affected nail plate twice a day with a 5% solution of the product is an excellent way to fight infection, that is, it acts as an antiseptic and disinfectant.
  • Tar. Feet can be treated with tar or washed with tar soap, use ointments based on it, because it is an excellent antifungal agent.
  • Lemon. You can regularly rub lemon juice into the nail plate; it also fights fungal infections well, killing pathogenic microorganisms by drying.

You can also pamper your feet with healing baths. Take 2 teaspoons per liter of warm water, dissolve it, and immerse your feet in the water for 15 minutes. After time, the limbs are wiped dry. You can also take a liter of warm water, dissolve it in a little manganese (until you get a pale pink color) and immerse your feet for a quarter of an hour, then wipe the limb dry.

It is important to remember that any changes in the nail plate indicate any disturbances in the functioning of the body, so you should not ignore these signals. It is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

At least once in their life, almost every person has encountered a problem when pus forms under the fingernail or toenail.

However, not everyone knows the cause of this disease, what it is called and how to act in such cases.

As a rule, most of us, having discovered pus under the nail, decide what to do ourselves, without seeking help from doctors, and only in case of serious complications, when changing the situation is sometimes quite difficult even for qualified specialists, “sound the alarm.” However, all this can be avoided if you have certain knowledge and know how to behave in each specific case.

It is worth noting

Purulent inflammation of the skin under or near the nail plate on the fingers or toes is called panaritium. Often the cause of its development is infection of wounds of various origins by pathogenic microbes.

In addition, felon can develop independently, without any previous injuries, especially if certain conditions contribute to this, including:

  • diabetes;
  • impaired blood circulation in the extremities;
  • fungal diseases;
  • lack of proper hygiene care.

Also, similar suppurations are often observed in children, especially those who bite their nails and pick hangnails, and adults of certain professions - carpenters, joiners, agricultural workers, etc.

In addition to the main symptom of panaritium, a purulent formation, this disease is accompanied by other signs, among which are most often noted:

  • Constant severe pain in the area of ​​inflammation, which can also be pulsating.
  • Severe redness and swelling of soft tissues.
  • Painful sensations and the inability to fully flex and extend the inflamed finger.
  • Increased human body temperature.

Of course, if you discover symptoms of panaritium, you should consult a doctor, especially if your finger hurts badly, the temperature has risen, or pus has accumulated under the nail. He will determine what to do by assessing the real clinical picture and prescribe appropriate conservative treatment.

However, there are times when it is not possible to get to a doctor for some reason and you have to act on your own. In such situations, you should remember that the sore finger must first be provided with complete care. In addition, you should make warm disinfectant baths from a weak solution of potassium permanganate or furatsilin 2-3 times a day, and also apply special applications with Levomekol ointment to the affected area and fix them with tight gauze bandages.

It is important to know

Self-medication of such a disease can be carried out only in the early stages of inflammation. In advanced forms, accompanied by pronounced symptoms, you should definitely seek qualified help from a surgeon in order to avoid possible serious complications.

Among the serious complications, there are three main ones:

  • Sepsis or blood poisoning, which can be fatal without proper treatment.
  • Phlegmon extremities, characterized by the spread of purulent inflammation to the area of ​​fatty tissue.
  • Tenosynovitis, leading to necrosis of the tendons and impaired mobility of the fingers.

Abscess under the nail - basic treatment methods and preventive measures

As noted above, purulent inflammation under a fingernail or toenail in the early stages is treated exclusively with conservative methods.

The patient is prescribed daily warm baths with a solution of salt, soda, potassium permanganate or furatsilin, as well as bandages with antiseptic or antibiotic ointments.

In addition, local therapy can be supplemented with complex therapy and consist of taking appropriate antibiotics in this case.

Provided that conservative treatment has not yielded results, and the abscess under the nail is growing, the doctor resorts to surgical intervention, as a result of which the formed purulent bags are carefully opened, all the pus is removed from them, and the affected areas of the epidermis are removed. If it is not possible to leave the nail, then the nail plate is first removed.

This procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia. After removing the infected area, a bandage with antibacterial agents is applied to the wound. The postoperative healing period usually lasts 5-7 days. All this time, the patient's bandage is changed daily using wound healing and antiseptic agents.

It is important to know

In order to prevent the moment when pus comes from under the nail, it is important to carry out preventive measures in a timely manner, namely, thoroughly treat the damaged areas of the skin around the nail plates with any antiseptic - iodine, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, etc.

If a splinter gets under the nail, it must be removed as soon as possible, on your own. After which, treat the wound accordingly or with the help of a qualified doctor, because eliminating such a problem will take much less time than further treatment of an inflamed and festered nail.

An abscess under a fingernail or toenail - treatment with traditional methods

In addition to traditional therapy, treatment of panaritium can also be carried out using traditional medicine, but it is better to do this under the supervision of a doctor or by correctly comparing traditional and folk medicine. Below we present to your attention several effective and proven recipes.

Recipe No. 1.
To eliminate an abscess under a fingernail or toenail, you need to take dry flowers of medicinal chamomile and sage, as well as leaves of St. John's wort, plantain, and lilac in equal proportions, pour 1 liter of cold water over it, put it on the fire and bring to a boil.

After this, let the broth boil for another 3-5 minutes, remove it from the heat, add a teaspoon of baking soda, cool slightly so that the bath is not hot, but pleasantly warm, and immerse the sore finger in it.

The procedure in the bath should be carried out for 15-20 minutes, and then, carefully pre-treated with alcohol or any other antiseptic with a small spatula, lift the nail plate itself and alternately press several times on the nail, then on the fingertip, thus releasing all the contents from the purulent pocket.

It is important to know

Carrying out such a procedure under unsterile conditions and without prior steaming is strictly prohibited; this can lead to serious complications and the most unpredictable consequences.

Recipe No. 2. To extract only the pus that has formed under a toenail or fingernail, you must first prepare a warm bath of a light pink solution of potassium permanganate and hold the inflamed finger in it for at least 15 minutes. Then you should gently press several times on the nail plate, trying to remove the accumulated pus from under it.

After such a procedure, the finger and nail should be treated with iodine solution or any other antiseptic and a paste of finely grated raw beets should be applied to it. The compress must be secured with a tight gauze bandage and left for 4-5 hours.

Recipe No. 3. An abscess under a toenail or hand can be cured with propolis. To do this, you need to take propolis tincture and warm water in a ratio of one to five and make baths for the sore finger based on this solution, immersing it 3-4 times a day for 15-20 minutes. Within 3 days, all the pus from under the nail will come out and a rapid healing process will begin.

Recipe No. 4. In the initial stages of the disease, when pus under the fingernail or toenail is just beginning to accumulate, you can try to provide first aid as follows. You need to take a glass of hot water, dissolve 2 tablespoons of ordinary kitchen salt in it and dip your sore finger into the solution for several minutes for an hour. When the water has cooled and the temperature becomes acceptable, your finger must be held constantly. Upon completion of the procedure, you need to thoroughly lubricate the nail and the skin of the finger around it with iodine solution. Such emergency treatment should be carried out at least 3 times a day, thanks to which the problem will be successfully resolved. In addition, propolis helps well against nail fungus and many other unpleasant diseases.

During a person’s life, various defects may occur on the nail plate and under it. One of the defects of the nail plate is the void under the nail on the big toe.

This change is noticeable to others and causes a feeling of discomfort. Trying to paint it over with varnish usually only results in cosmetic camouflage. To get rid of this you need to find out the cause and cure it.

What is this article about?

Reasons for the appearance of emptiness under the nail

In order to indicate the name of the problem, doctors introduced a term such as onycholysis. This means that the nail gradually separates from the soft tissue of the finger and eventually falls off. This pathology can be prevented if the cause of the disease is identified in a timely manner.

Etiologically, onycholysis is due to a number of reasons. The most common non-infectious pathology that leads to this is trauma, for example, a splinter. If the nail is damaged, its connection with the capillaries of the tissues is disrupted and a trophic disorder occurs. The nail cannot be properly nourished by blood circulation, begins to exfoliate and lose its healthy appearance. It is almost impossible to stop this process, however, after normal blood circulation is restored, the nail plate can grow back.

Another cause of onycholysis is chemical exposure. The influence of various household products can lead to the formation of a void under the fingernail. The hands have an extremely delicate capillary network, so it is easy to damage even with weak solutions of acids and alkalis. Therefore, all housework should be done wearing protective gloves. In addition, using low-quality manicure varnish can dissolve the stratum corneum of the nail, which will ultimately lead to its detachment. Most often the thumb is affected, less often the little finger.

Also, the cause of the development of emptiness under the nail is an infectious pathology. The most common factors include:

  • Psoriasis is a disease of the skin and its appendages. In this case, in addition to damage to the nail plate in the form of onycholysis, skin defects are detected in the form of brown or dark spots that are located in the folds.
  • Eczema affects the skin in the same way as psoriasis. This occurs more often under stressful influences. It looks like bubbles with serous fluid that rise above the skin level. Nails with this pathology have a thin plate that crumbles and exfoliates. In addition, black spots and stripes may form on the nails, which lead to nail detachment.

Among infectious lesions, fungus occupies a significant place. It penetrates the tissues of the feet and hands and eats into their structure. This leads to disconnection of the capillary network between the plate and the skin, which leads to nail detachment.

If you do not carry out timely treatment, you can lose not only the nail, but also part of the soft tissue.

Fungus as a cause of pathology

If a void has formed under the nail, then the cause in 80% of cases is a fungus. Often these are fungi of the genus Candida, which have begun intensive reproduction in human tissues. There are many reasons for this, and the main one is a decrease in the body’s immune response.

When the defenses are weakened, the tissues of the human body cannot resist foreign cells. Therefore, the fungus begins to multiply intensively, not only under the nail, but also in other parts of the body, for example, in the oral cavity or vagina in women.

In addition, there are the following risk groups:

  1. People with chronic systemic pathology, such as atherosclerosis or diabetes. In these cases, the body contains many nutrients that the pathogen uses for its growth. These are glucose and lipoproteins. To prevent the development of fungal infections, it is necessary to take special antifungal drugs;
  2. Certain age groups are more susceptible to the introduction of the fungus - these are teenagers and the elderly. Their immunity is unstable and may miss the initial stage of pathology;
  3. Women during pregnancy, childbirth and lactation are more susceptible to external influences than other people. Their immunity must provide protection to the fetus, so their nails are not given much attention. In addition, changes in hormonal levels contribute to the development of pathology;
  4. People who are prone to hyperhidrosis, that is, excessive sweating, are more likely to develop fungus, since an increase in humidity is extremely favorable for the pathogen;

The first symptoms of a developing fungus are intense itching in the feet and the appearance of cracks in them. This should serve as a wake-up call and a call to action for treatment. If it is not carried out at the initial stage, pathology of the nails itself may develop. At first they will lose their color and become yellow and cloudy. Then they will develop defects, such as bulges or cracks. Because of them, the appearance of the limb will suffer significantly, which is why a feeling of discomfort develops. In addition, the affected leg develops an unpleasant odor due to the process of tissue decomposition and the development of pathogenic flora. Pressing on the nail may release pus.

If therapy is not carried out, colonies will gradually grow under the nail, and the plate will separate from its bed. The resulting voids serve as a kind of reservoir for fungus.

Then detachment will occur and the nail can be lost if the process is started.

Treatment of fungus with traditional methods

In order to defeat the disease, you must adhere to the doctor's prescriptions. Fungus is an extremely stubborn disease that is difficult to treat due to the difficulty of getting drugs directly into the lesion.

For treatment to be successful, it must be comprehensive. Oral antifungal agents will destroy the pathogen, and external medications will return the nail to a healthy appearance.

Lamisil is considered the main oral drug in tablet form. It contains terbinafine, which inhibits the vital activity of the pathogen and prevents it from spreading. Treatment with this drug is carried out over a long course - you need to take 1 tablet per day. It is advisable to take it at the same time so that the body adapts to the therapy. The duration of treatment should be at least six months, in severe cases – a year.

The drug costs approximately 2,000 rubles per package, so the treatment is quite expensive, but the level of effectiveness from use is high - more than 95% of successful recovery and healing, plus positive reviews.

In addition to tablets, it is possible to use local remedies - creams and ointments. They should be applied in parallel to oral therapy to enhance the effect. Such drugs include Clotrimazole, Exoderil, Vishnevsky ointment and Nizoral. All of them penetrate locally into the source of infection and act on the fungus, destroying it.

In addition, extensions are prohibited.

Application of traditional medicine methods

Vinegar is considered the main method of traditional medicine. An acidic environment is extremely unfavorable for the development of fungal pathogens.

The best results are demonstrated when therapy is started in the initial stage, since when the process is widespread, it is difficult to achieve a positive effect.

Foot baths with vinegar are widely used for adults and adults. For treatment, it is recommended to take vinegar in a concentration of 9%. Add a glass of vinegar to a 3-liter bowl of warm water. Feet must be kept in this solution for at least half an hour. After this, you need to wash your feet in warm water and soap. This procedure is contraindicated for people with thin, sensitive skin or injuries that result in skin breakdown.

In addition to baths, medicinal vinegar lotions are used. To prepare them, it is recommended to use vinegar of 70% concentration. In addition, 40% alcohol, glycerin or petroleum jelly are used. All ingredients are mixed in equal quantities, then applied to a cotton or gauze swab and applied to the affected nail. Keep the product on the affected limb for at least half an hour, after which you need to thoroughly wash your feet with water.

A self-made anti-fungal ointment is suitable for use. To make it, vinegar 70%, glycerin and tea tree oil are taken. All substances are mixed in equal proportions, after which the ointment can be used for its intended purpose. To achieve the effect, you need to apply it once a day and do not wash it off for 12 hours. The best way to use it is to apply it in the morning and remove it in the evening. To better cleanse the skin after this medicine, you can use 72% laundry soap, which also has bactericidal properties.

Nail care should not be limited to manicure and pedicure. Fingers will be beautiful if they are healthy. The “reference” nail is even, smooth, and pure pinkish in color. Any other color effects: grooves, white spots, etc. – all these are deviations from the norm; they are not cosmetic defects, but belong to the category of diseases.

Diseased nails have an unsightly appearance

Among other problems on the fingers and toes, voids under the nail plate can be identified. They are either fragmentary (small in size), or the nail completely peels off from its bed. At the same time, the color of the plate changes - it usually acquires an unpleasant yellowish tint. In the advanced version, the peeled plate may be bluish or brownish.

The toenails are most often affected by this problem because these limbs are in more “extreme” situations than the hands. The toes experience more physical activity, suffer from uncomfortable shoes, and are more often affected by fungal infections.

Fragmented voids under the nails

Causes of voids

Detachment of the nail plate from the finger has a scientific name - onycholysis. From a medical point of view, it represents nail dystrophy. Emptiness occurs due to poor circulation. The nail becomes thinner and begins to “lose connection” with the body.

But such a defect cannot unexpectedly form. The main cause of the appearance can be considered damage to the legs and arms by fungal spores. The infection very quickly penetrates the nail structure, gradually destroying it. Confirmation that fungi are to blame for the emptiness will be damage to the skin around the diseased nail and between the fingers.

Nail fungus as a cause of peeling

Non-infectious factors are also responsible for the appearance of free spaces under the plates:

  • Most often, blood circulation can be impaired due to injury to the nail. And the stronger the mechanical impact, the greater the detachment of the plate on the finger.
  • The influence of chemicals is also possible: working in hazardous conditions, low-quality washing powders, pesticides, varnishes, gels, solvents.
  • Some medications (especially antibiotics), while having a beneficial effect on a number of diseases, can ultimately cause destruction or detachment of the nail plate. This usually occurs when the body is oversaturated with medications.

In Eastern medicine, each finger (or toe) is associated with a specific organ. For example, changes on the thumb will indicate problems with the head, on the ring finger - with the heart. Using this factor, Tibetan healers easily make diagnoses even before the development of the disease.

Identifying the cause

You can veil a dystrophic nail with varnish, but this will not solve the problem. Even with minor voids, you should immediately worry, because... the disease will develop further. You can eventually lose your nail completely.

For treatment to be effective, the reason why the void appears under the nail must first be established. After all, without eliminating it, it will be impossible to restore the beauty and health of the nail plate. To do this, you will have to go to a medical institution and undergo an examination by a podologist.

Examination by a podiatrist

It is quite likely that some internal disease will be identified. Then first of all you need to start with its treatment. If fungi are to blame, you should aim to combat them. The effect of medications on nail problems will have to be neutralized with other medications.

You should also avoid direct contact with harmful chemicals. To preserve the beauty of your fingernails, you only need to wear gloves when working with chemicals. In parallel with eliminating the cause, onycholysis itself should be cured.


Having determined the cause of the formation of a void under the nail, the doctor will prescribe the correct treatment. To achieve greater results, therapy must be comprehensive. Medications are prescribed orally to eliminate the underlying factor and maintain the body as a whole. This is especially important for fungal diseases, when spores penetrate the blood.

When the emptiness under the nail is a consequence of oversaturation of the body with antibiotics, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines. For this purpose, medications are prescribed for dysbiosis. If this factor is not eliminated, all attempts to get your nails in order will be in vain.

The most “harmless” cause of onycholysis can be considered injuries - they have only a local effect and do not affect the body as a whole. Therefore, the treatment will be exclusively external (in the form of ointments). If the nail peeling is significant, it is recommended to trim it as much as possible. Sometimes it is rational to perform an operation to remove the nail plate completely to make it easier to grow a new one.

Surgery to remove a nail plate due to illness

Regardless of the cause of nail detachment, external therapy is mandatory. The doctor prescribes various ointments, creams, special compresses, as well as medicinal baths. You can turn to cosmetic products in the form of special varnishes and liquids to strengthen the nail plate.

Treating fungus

The most serious factor that causes emptiness to form is fungal diseases. The spores are so active that they cause defeat quite quickly. If you do not pay attention to this in time, it will be difficult to restore damaged nails. Having patience, you will have to go through the painstaking path of antifungal therapy:

  1. Systemic drugs taken orally—antimycotics—should become mandatory. Among the recommended ones are “Fluconazole”, “Ketoconazole”, “Griseofulvin” and others like them. Despite their effectiveness, treatment (depending on the extent of the damage) can take from 3 months to a year. Moreover, taking these drugs should be strictly under the supervision of a mycologist, because These medications have side effects.
  2. Creams with an antifungal effect (Clotrimazole, Miconazole, Econazole, etc.) are prescribed locally. Apply the composition to sore fingers before going to bed in the form of compresses (with obligatory wrapping). Daily use of antifungal creams for 2 weeks will help soften the nail plate. After such procedures, the damaged nail can be easily filed off.

Clotrimazole for the treatment of nail fungus

  1. Antifungal varnishes have a good effect:
  • "Lorecil" is useful where the nail is affected quite severely. The iodine contained in the preparation not only helps to disinfect, but also helps strengthen the plate.
  • “Belvedere” is a fairly powerful remedy that gives a good effect even in very advanced stages.
  • “Batrafen” will not only help kill the fungus on the hands and feet, but, having a cooling effect, will also reduce pain and eliminate itching.

Carrying out traditional treatment of emptiness under the nail , You can also add recipes from traditional healers (but not in replacement of medical therapy).


To treat diseased nails and restore their beauty, you can use the gifts of nature at home, which have healing properties:

  • For 2-3 weeks, you can make lotions on sore nails from herbal infusions: an aqueous mixture of meadowsweet and celandine or birch buds in vodka.
  • Golden mustache juice will help strengthen and heal the nail plate.
  • You should apply a piece of fresh kombucha to the sore nail every day, and the plate will recover very quickly.
  • Garlic juice mixed with butter will help a new nail grow.

You can make vinegar baths (wine or apple mixture) or soda baths, rub propolis tincture or lemon juice into problem nails - all this will help restore the health of your nails.

Making baths for sore nails

Nail extension. Video

Instead of a peeled nail plate, you can grow a new one. The features of the procedure are described in the video below.

Whatever treatment is carried out, it should be borne in mind that voids under the nail are evidence of a weakened body. Therefore, you need to pay attention to your diet. Fruits, vegetables, juices, alkaline-containing foods - all this should be present in the daily diet.

To prevent sick fingernails from being a reason for complexes, you can resort to prosthetics, which is also one of the aspects of medical therapy.

Nail plate prosthetics

If there is deformation of the plate on the finger and emptiness under the nail on the hand, it is necessary to promptly determine the cause of this disease and begin effective treatment. Hiding the problem with polish is a wrong decision; the first thing you need to do is undergo a full examination, finally decide on the diagnosis, and finally eliminate the pathogenic factor. There are several effective methods for treating onycholysis of fingernails, including medications and alternative medicine methods.

What is emptiness under the nail

Visually, these are white spots on the nail plate. However, in reality, the pathological process goes much deeper. The cavities under the fingernails are fragments that are completely separated from the nail bed. The manicure takes on a disgusting appearance, and you can completely get rid of this health problem using medication. For girls, this is the cause of an inferiority complex and bad mood; for adult women, this is a good reason not to delay a visit to a specialist.


Identifying the source of pathology is visual, but determining the impact of a specific pathogenic factor is more difficult. Externally, the disease is manifested by the appearance of white spots on the nails, which somewhat change the usual structure of the plate itself - making it loose and heterogeneous. It’s hard not to notice such changes in your own manicure, which outwardly resemble a harmful fungus. If a void has formed under the nail, this is the main symptom; other signs of the disease called “Onycholysis” are presented below:

  • thickening of the nail structure;
  • change in the usual color of the nail plate;
  • the appearance of scales on nearby areas of the skin;
  • itching, burning sensation, irritation;
  • detachment of the nail plate on the hand;
  • redness of fingers;
  • internal discomfort.

Causes of onycholysis

Timely identification of the root cause is the right direction to a quick recovery of the patient. There may be several harmful factors, but it is important to determine the effect of the main one and remove it from the patient’s life in time. An abnormal void under the fingernail can form at any age for reasons that are infectious, inflammatory or allergic in nature. So:

  • long-term use of antibiotics and other synthetic substances;
  • injury or chemical damage to the nail plate;
  • skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis of various etiologies;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system, endocrine system, blood vessels and heart;
  • fungal infection of fingernails;
  • poorly performed hardware or hygienic manicure;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements in the body.


First of all, the doctor carefully examines the nails on the hand, or rather the white voids, but a visual examination does not allow one to correctly differentiate the diagnosis. It is possible that an infection got inside, or the destructive effect of the fungus began with the tip of one finger, but will soon spread to the entire hand. To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor carefully cuts off part of the pathology focus, and then examines it under a microscope to identify the specific features of the pathogenic flora. After this, the patient may be prescribed medications for topical use and oral administration.

Treatment of emptiness under the fingernail

Strengthening the nail plate and quickly eliminating the source of pathology is possible if you find the correct explanation for why emptiness appears under the nails. Only then can you restore the former beauty of your manicure and your inner self-confidence. The final choice of medication depends entirely on the etiology of the pathological process, otherwise the disease will only progress. Here are valuable recommendations from experts:

  1. If the emptiness under the nail has become a complication of antibacterial therapy, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines and take probiotics for progressive dysbiosis.
  2. In case of injuries, it is necessary to restore locally impaired blood circulation, and to do this, use external creams and ointments and make compresses.
  3. If a fungus penetrates under the fingernail, only antifungal drugs provide positive dynamics of the characteristic ailment.
  4. When the cause of pathology is exposure to aggressive chemicals, the first step is to eliminate contact with the allergen - wear gloves.
  5. If there is emptiness under the nail due to an illiterate manicure, it is necessary to provide high-quality hand care at home.
  6. When a new growth forms under the nail and the plate takes on an unhealthy hue (it may even turn black), while it hurts greatly and deprives you of peace, the surgeon urgently performs an operation.

Treatment with drugs

The basis is considered to be general strengthening therapy aimed at the productive elimination of the pathogenic factor and restoration of the integrity of the nail plate. After the body is oversaturated with antibiotics, it benefits from such important microelements as iron, calcium, gelatin, vitamins A and B. Externally, it is recommended to use heliomycin ointment, synthomycin emulsion, and take potassium permanganate baths daily.

To ensure that the problem with your hands does not get worse, and the voids under the nails do not upset you with their appearance, you need to avoid contact with conditional “aggressors”, wear rubber gloves and monitor the condition of the body, and promptly identify hidden diseases. Before prescribing home treatment, it is important to consult a doctor to eliminate the risk of side effects and incompatibility with individual components.

If it is possible to establish that the cause of the appearance of voids under the nail is a fungus, the doctor prescribes antifungal therapy using ointments, varnishes, tablets and creams. For oral administration, he recommends Fluconazole, Ketoconazole, Griseofulvin tablets; Topically prescribes Clotrimazole, Miconazole, Econazole ointments for daily use. In complicated and advanced clinical situations, the presence of antifungal drugs such as Lotseril, Belvedere, Batrafen cannot be ruled out.

Treatment with folk remedies

If medicinal methods provide an immediate therapeutic effect, then the therapeutic effect of folk remedies, although gentle, is very delayed. Therefore, it is customary to use time-tested alternative medicine recipes in combination to speed up the natural healing process. To determine an intensive care regimen, it is better to consult a specialist, determine the cause of the illness and eliminate the constant complex of hiding your hands from prying eyes.

Iodine bath to improve nails

This time-tested remedy can help with the appearance of voids under the nails, but home procedures must be performed regularly, and not even for a single week. Iodine strengthens the nail, while having pronounced bactericidal properties and a stable anti-inflammatory effect. Here is a practice-tested recipe for the medicine:

  1. Heat 500 ml of vegetable oil over the fire, but do not bring to a boil.
  2. Add a few drops of iodine and vitamin A.
  3. Mix, dip nails with voids into the mixture for 10-15 minutes.
  4. The nail may temporarily acquire a yellowish color (from iodine).

Sea salt bath

The saline solution also has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and regenerating properties, but if handled improperly it can significantly harm health. The procedure can be started only in the absence of medical contraindications, in consultation with a knowledgeable specialist. So, the publicly available recipe for preparing the medicine is as follows:

  1. Add 1 heaped tablespoon of salt to two glasses of settled water.
  2. Stir and bring the saline solution to a homogeneous state.
  3. Lower your fingers for 10-12 minutes, no more.
  4. Carry out the procedure once a day until the nail is completely restored.

Healing decoction for nails with chamomile and green tea

Both plant components are natural antioxidants, therefore they productively restore injured skin areas and eliminate frightening voids under the nail plates. The recipe offered below has no medical contraindications and is equally suitable for adults and children to restore a flawless manicure. So:

  1. Mix 1 tablespoon of green tea and chamomile in an enamel container.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture and leave until warm.
  3. Immerse your fingers in the warm broth for 30 minutes, but do not wash your hands after completing the session.

Photo of onycholysis
