The girl who fell into the garbage chute saved the mountain of waste from death. A girl who fell into the garbage chute, saved the Mount of Mount Waste Girl in the garbage disposal

The 15-year-old girl fell on garbage cutting from the seventh floor and remained alive. As reported on the website of the capital's office of the RF IC, on the evening of December 27, a 15-year-old girl with injuries, characteristic of falling from height, was discovered on the site on December 27 in the garbage disposal of a residential building on Fomicheva.

The girl is hospitalized, nothing threatens her life. For this fact, a pre-investigation check is carried out, the circumstances of what happened. Source in law enforcement agencies said " Interfax "that the girl fell from the seventh floor.

/ wednesday, December 28, 2016 /

topics: Police Children

In the north-west of the capital, the teenager flew seven floors in the garbage disposal and remained alive.

This is reported by the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the city of Moscow. The incident occurred on Fomicheva Street, where a 15-year-old girl fell into a garbage chute from the height of the seventh floor.

As Life reports, the teenager flew to the first floor, where it was discovered by neighbors. Two men took the girl from the garbage tree and caused ambulance.

The mother of the victim said that her daughter with her friend went into the entrance to warm up. After a while, one of the girls left, and the second one accidentally landed into the garbage chute.

At the moment, the victim dwells in shock, her legs with a fracture were taken to the 7th city clinical hospital.

In the north-west of Moscow on the street Fomicheva girl for an unknown reason fell into a garbage chute, located in a nine-story house. This is reported by the agency of urban news " Moscow " With reference to the press service of the metropolitan department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation.

According to the agency's interlocutor, a message on the duty console arrived on December 27 around 21:00.

The rescuers who arrived at the scene removed the girl from the garbage tree. After that, she was transferred to the arrived medical professionals to assume the necessary assistance.

In the management of SC in Moscow, the details of the fall of a 15-year-old girl in the garbage chute in one of the metropolitan residential buildings were reported.

According to the press service of the department, the incident occurred in the evening of December 27 in the house located on Fomicheva Street. The victim, on the body of which there were damage characteristic of the fall from the height, discovered a resident of the house. The girl was assisted, she was taken to the hospital. The threats of the life of the injured teenager is not observed.

A fundamental verification of what happened is carried out by the results of which the procedural decision will be taken. Under what kind of circumstances the girl was in the garbage disposal, until it is specified.

Recall, last winter, a large public resonance said the event that happened in Moscow with a drop in the child's garbage chute - the mother threw a baby there to kill him. The baby flew through the pipe several floors, but remained alive. The screaming child found a janitor and called the police.

The girl was sent after falling from the height of the seventh floor, the girl was sent to the Moscow Hospital. .

According to RIA Novosti with reference to the information of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, in a nine-story house on the street Fomicheva 15-year-old girl fell into a garbage chute. According to preliminary information, it fell from the height of the 7th floor and remained alive.
Emergency ministers arrived at the place of the Ministry of Emergency Situations that have learned the victim from the garbage collector. Currently, the girl is hospitalized.

The investigative authorities are conducted by a pre-investigation check on the fact of falling a child in a garbage chute, the press service of the metropolitan control of the TCR reports.

The incident occurred in the evening of December 27 in one of the apartment buildings on Fomicheva Street. Residents found a 15-year-old girl with bodily injuries characteristic of falling from height.

The girl was emergency hospitalized to the hospital, where she turns out all the necessary assistance. . . . . .

There was information about the injury that the 15-year-old girl received, who fell into the garbage chute in the house along Fomicheva Street. The appropriate statement was made by a local resident on his social network page.

"A girl flew on the neighboring street, the girl flew 7 floors in the garbage chute and finished his leg fracture", - said in the message.

Nevertheless, the official confirmation of this information has not yet been received.

Recall that this incident occurred in the evening of December 27th. The girl discovered the janitor. The teenager's body was injuries characteristic of falling from height. The victim was hospitalized. . . . . . How did the teenager hit the garbage chute until the information is not.

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The 15-year-old girl fell into the garbage collector of residential house number 7 on Fomicheva Street in the north-west of the capital.

"At 20:36 MSK, we received an application at the address: Fomicheva Street, house 7, Corps 2. Upon arrival, the garbage collector was opened, a girl was found there for 15 years"-, the representative of the press service of the capital's head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia said on Tuesday.

The victim needed medical care.

In September last year, Machulishi settlement that under Minsk, survived shock. 28-year-old Ekaterina Ivinskaya threw her daughter into a garbage chute. The girl flew down 7 floors and fell into the garbage container, where they found residents of the house. The baby survived a miracle: doctors still say that she was born in a shirt. Today, Mom is on the dock. A woman threatens from 8 to 25 years in prison for an attempted murder.

In the small hall of the Minsk Regional Court, a few. Catherine sits on a bench behind bars in a gray-brown jacket, looks lost. In court there are her relatives - Senior and middle sister. And mother. Elder sister - Legal representative of Kati children. Three-year-old son Sasha and half-year-old Vladislav. That very survived.

"I have at that moment as some kind of rooster in mind that I did it"

Katerina sits down his head. The testimony refuses. But guilt recognizes.

- Fully - She says. The prosecutor reads the testimony of Kati, which she gave before. A woman is not registered in narcology and has no severe diseases. In Machulisch, she lived with her mother, sister and her family, as well as with his two-year son Sasha. She worked as a waitress in a flying dining room on the territory of the military unit. Then he went on maternity leave. Her husband is now in prison for the second time.

- In early November 2011, pregnancy interrupted due to severe material status. I consulted with my mother and sister, and we accepted such a decision. Then the spouse was taken to jail, - reads the testimony of Katerina Prosecutor. - In 2016, somewhere at the beginning, monthly ceased. I made several pregnancy tests, but they were negative- one strip. I still stunned, but did not give it any meanings. In June, I realized that I was pregnant, but I didn't go to the doctor.

Katerina is recognized: no one told anyone about pregnancy. He was afraid that no one would understand her and scream. Even her husband with whom she was convened, the woman did not tell anything. Everything was postponed for later.

That day, Katya felt the fight occasionally, but did not cause doctors. He said, was afraid.

- Sat on September 19 on a bench with a neighbor, felt the fight, began to move away the water. When I climbed into the apartment, the contractions continued and the water was completely completely. I went to the toilet, I realized that I would give birth. The doors closed, did not want everyone to know. At about 21:30, I felt that the child was born. Girl. She fell into the toilet head. The child made a cry, but not loud. I got it out of the toilet. And in stress decided to throw away. He took a black package, looked at her and imperceptibly left the apartment. Then she opened the garbage sash and threw it away. I understood that she would fall and perish, so it could break. But I did not know what to do with her. Then he went to the bathroom and took a shower. After some time, neighbors rang in the intercom, they began to shout, and everyone went outside.

Then Catherine told his mother and sister that he threw the girl into the garbage chute.

- I was very frightened that the child was born. Although I understood that it would ever happen. I at that moment as some kind of rooster was in mind that I did it. I would like to go back at that time not to do. In the deed I am very repent, - spoke in the testimony of Catherine.

"She helped the older sisters to raise children, loved them very much."

Vera Mikhailovna, Mom Catherine, for 60. It works as heading the production of a flying dining room. This in her apartment lived Catherine and her husband and her husband, as well as the eldest daughter with her husband and two children.

- Everything was normal, lived and lived,
- says Mom Catherine. - Sasha was born on April 16th. She was pleased that such a gift was received on his birthday. She loved him, all the time he cared for him: Walked, she washed, looked behind him. Yes, and we are next to the apartment, helped. Katyusha children loved very much. Helped the eldest daughters to raise their own: the eldest two, and the middle four children.

After the birth of the first child she had a pregnancy. She to me: "Mom, I want to give birth to second." I tell her: "Katyusha, you have a small child, and my husband is not very reliable." When we took the first Sasha, he was already sitting. I say: "Let's grow up the first child. There is no such reliability in a manยป. She listened to me, did not reread and agreed that it was necessary to do so. And she made an abortion. Sasha was somewhere 1.5-2 years.

Already at the beginning of last year, Vera Mikhailovna began to notice that the daughter was recovered. She answered her: "I live well, probably mom."

- I asked: "Cat, maybe you are pregnant?" - "What are you, Mom, from whom can I get pregnant? Husband in prison ",
- explains the woman. - So that she walked or drunk, this was not. The spouse for children was normally, but it was done very little. In any case, I did not see him somehow swore or roughly somehow treated.

On that day, September 19, Vera Mikhailovna came home from work. The plans she had to roll juice. Katya, according to her, sat in the kitchen and moved sorrel. Mother did not notice anything suspicious in the behavior of his daughter.

- I also asked her to rent money in an ATM. She went, fed the child, went to the street with him walked,- remembers Mom Catherine. - So that some kind of anxiety or bustle in her behavior was, I did not notice it. At the hour eight, she went to sit on a bench with women. I was engaged in clocks. Banks sterilized. And everything almost did it when I heard a cry on the corridor: "Mom, mom, come here!" The older daughter screamed: "See what happened to Katya?" She had blood on jeans. Katya says: "monthly went." I say: "So you have bleeding, not a monthly." Natasha immediately said, they say, mom, look, she somehow lost weight. And then Natasha called the phone. She is: "Mom, in the bottom in the garbage chute the child cries."

Mom Catherine crying. In court there is absolute silence, only sobbing is heard. Tears wipe and sisters Catherine. She sighs herself herself.

"I asked her:" What didn't you tell me about pregnancy, what is some kind of beast? ""

- I grabbed the sheet and ran down, - continues Vera Mikhailovna. - Somewhere on the second floor I saw: a neighbor carries a child. He took him and rushed to the 7th floor without elevator. And only one thought was: "If only he did not die in my hands, just not died." Well, then the police was already, ambulance and everything.

Katya was in a confused such state, Square eyes: "I don't know, I don't know, this is not my child." Already in the hospital I asked: "Katyusha, why did everything happen so much?" She says: "Mom, I do not know why." And cried. Then she wrote: "How are my children, Sasha and daughter, write."

- Vera Mikhailovna, maybe she did this because of the fact that the abortion did before, and because of your position?- asked a lawyer's question.

- Yes, I did not have some kind of threat and so on. No one forbade her children to give birth. She we have such a child another, not just like two senior daughters. She was born with impaired small. I can not explain why she did it. What did it happen at that moment? Well, I did not forbid her to give birth. T.i just talked and said: "Maybe the second child is not needed in the house to be able to rest."WALly, would I have kicked her out of her home with this child, well, no ...

We now have no idea how would be without Vlad. This is such joy in the house. I have three children, one daughter has four, the second is two. I asked her: "What didn't you say to me, I'm some kind of beast?" She did not answer.

- Now Vladislava feels good, - Adds Girl's Grandma. - The daughter took her to a survey in the center "Mother and Child". Development corresponds to age. Normal, good baby. I just always think how could this child live and survive. The girl is very good. There are no deviations in the development of the child. She looks like Katyusha, such a good girl ...

- Do you know about the point of punishment on this article?- asked the lawyer's issue of the mother.

- the child is alive, maybe you don't need so much strictly, she will not get out, she is so defenseless,
- Frames faith Mikhailovna.

She says that Katya was closed. Sometimes I could talk. According to her, relationships with her husband were also normal: lived with him in the next room.

"She didn't go to dates, sending the parcel, sent money. I even swear, they were rewritten in letters, - Mom says. - The budget of her family consisted mainly of baby money. He somehow worked when he was free. Well, it is clear that I helped her all the time.

- Maybe she needed something? Not famine she?- Specified the judge.

- Well, you. Yes, she lived for children. But the child did not need anything, and she did not need anything. I always gave her money. Always said: buy everything you need. And I will help the child.

The neighbor Catherine Alesya says that the woman was a wonderful mother - Senior Sasha was well-groomed, she never screamed and did not beat him. According to her, the child from the container pulled the husband of the older sister Kati - Victor.

"In the tenth hour, I called me at the door:" Alesya, I will bring something in our trash. " I grabbed a one-time diaper. I have met Victor, her husband of Ekaterina's elder sister. Someone highlighted the flashlight to us. Victor took the baby from the container and gave me absolutely nagim. I began to post it, because it was cold. I went out in a leather jacket on the street. I looked at the injuries, he was some kind of clean. Baby Kryakhtel, like duck. Mama Kati came out, I asked: "Girls are yours?" They said, they say, we do not know, but Katya in the blood.

"It is very sorry. If you give a time, even 8 years old, it just does not survive there "

During the break, Mom Kati cannot hold back tears. She says that two years ago lost her husband. He did not have time to see the firstborn Kati.

- It is very sorry for her. If you give a time, even 8 years old, it just will not survive there, - Wipes the tears of Vera Mikhailovna. He says that still can not forgive himself that that day was too busy.

- at least something elaborated - nothing, - She cries. - I just saw how she went somewhere with a package. Asked: "Katya, where did you run?" She says: "Get off the garbage." If we had at least one thought was that she was pregnant. She snapped, but there was no discovering belly, there was no nothing. The same happens.

- With Vladislav, everything is fine. The girl is wonderful, grows well. The 19th will have half a year. Sasha, her native brother, loves Vlad, the handles kisses her, hugs, - says Ekaterina Natalia's older sister. Now the woman is a legitimate representative of the girl and her brother Sasha. - This is a miracle that she survived. God straw raised. That's true. And it means, she needs to live.

- We immediately decided to pick up your kids. We are fine - we grow. Already it wants to sit, really loves to eat. Interesting such a girl, - Adds Natalya. - I don't know what happened to her, she raised my two. I went to work when my older was 7 months old. Then it was also not married. She has a child, she holly and cherished him. She raised my children for so many years and drove to school. And generally adored children.

According to a woman, she does not know if it could be postpartum depression or not. Natalia explains: doctors about the psychological state of Kati said nothing and recognized her sane.

Recall, the newborn was in a timely manner on a metal garbage container and was hospitalized with various bodily injuries formed as a result of a set of falling from the height and actions of a low temperature.

The girl was born in docking. At the initial stage, her condition was heavy, but his doctors stabilized. The child was on an auxiliary artificial ventilation of the lungs. Hope that the baby will recover, justified. Now everything is fine with the girl.

In a criminal case, a complex of investigative actions was manufactured: interrogations of witnesses, relatives, analyzed the results of the examination received.

Under the conclusion of a stationary complex psychological and psychiatric examination, the accused during the period of time relating to the act-incriminated to it, chronic mental illness, did not suffer, in a state of increased emotional tensions caused by the psychotrauming situation related to childbirth was not available. The experts found that the treated aware of the actual nature, the public danger of their actions and could lead them.

The actions of the accused are qualified by a consequence as an attempt to kill knowingly young, which is in helpless state, perfect with particular cruelty (part 1 of article 14, paragraph 2, 6 hours 2, Article 139 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus).

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In the urban village of Machulishi, which is 20 km from Minsk, there has been a blatant case: a young woman threw out his newborn daughter in the garbage chute. We arrived in the village of find out the details of this story.

News in Machulisms are discussed everywhere: on the market, in the store, in the hairdresser.

Nastya (name changed), Mom of this baby, studied at school here, around the corner. In my opinion, she had some kind of health problems, she never graduated from school, did not do anywhere. Then he got married, her son gave birth. Now, as far as I know, her husband is in prison, the father died a few years ago, "says the seller in the market.

Everything happened in the usual entrance of the high-rise building on the street youth. A 28-year-old woman gave birth right in the apartment and threw out a newborn girl in the dirty, rolled meat residues of a garbage chute on its own floor.

The baby flew down the pipe seven floors: later, the doctors recorded in a child the crank-brain injury, the worsen wounds.

The neighbors helped to survive the girl: on a bench before the entrance that women were sitting on that evening - they heard the crying of the baby.

I went home in the evening, it remained near the entrance to sit with women. Here someone heard that the child was crying. We immediately did not believe, thought it was a kitten - we also do not have such small children in the entrance, "says one of the neighborings. - When they still opened the door of the garbage chamber, they saw a child.

To present a newborn girl in a garbage disposal chamber is difficult: around a rusty container - a mountain of bottles, there are packages from food, whose torn shoes are lying, it is a terrible stench.

The baby was naked, it can be seen that it was only born: it was still a white flare after childbirth and blood traces. I quickly brought one-time diaper from the apartment, we looked at him right away, did not know how much he lay in the garbage, "the neighbor is worried, even remembering that evening.

A woman says that everything happened about 22 hours - already hemnelted, so considering the baby was difficult.

I did not even see the floor of the child. I can not say about the back, but the face, belly, the baby's chest was whole - I did not notice any wound wounds, "says the interlocutor. - immediately called the police and ambulance, they came very quickly, "says a woman.

Apparently, that day Anastasia was in the apartment not one - a woman lives together with a little son, mom, sister and her two children. In front of their apartment there are strollers and a children's bike, because of the closed doors, muffled voices of babies are heard.

Son is about two years old. Good such boy, always talks to us. Mom often walked on the street with him, "the woman says, who lives above. - I here recently live, I can't say a bad thing about this family, maybe a little closed people, and only.

The fact that Anastasia is waiting for the second child, even neighbors were suspected. According to them, the woman had a magnificent figure, which allowed to hide pregnancy. Even men from a nearby house know the details of this story:

Yes, yes, I just heard it in the store today. Nastya was not registered, did not go to the hospital. Therefore, it is not surprising that he gave birth at home, "says a man in a brown cap. - Thank God that the child has already survived.

Now the newborn girl is in resuscitation, and her mother in the hospital. In relation to the woman, a criminal case was initiated under the article "Attempt to murder.

Details of the shocking case today revealed investigators. A 28-year-old mother from the Machuli village of the Minsk district threw out his newborn daughter in the garbage chute. The child survived, for the health of the girl is now fighting doctors. And a woman faces criminal punishment. Is it possible to prevent such crimes?

The emotions of the Machulis residents are clear - shocking news here discusses reluctantly. In this garbage tank (see video - ed.) One of the tenants of the house on the youth street found a child. Girl. How and from where - the picture will become clear later. The main thing - the baby had to save.

Ivan Zaykovsky, resident of Machulishi village : "Walked with little, there and here, here. The husband is, and where it is, probably, in places are not so remote as I heard. "

We are talking about a 28-year-old mother, a resident of the Machuli village. About her neighbors respond only positively. And the family is characterized as the most ordinary one. Father - Former Military, Mother - Cook. The young mother itself was seen in the yard only with the older child - a boy about three years. And about the fact that she in the position - no one even guessed.

Valeria Shibova, a resident of Machulishi village: "I understand that it was a unwanted child, maybe. I did not say anyone, she was such a dense complex, was not visible. No one seems to me, did not know that she was in position. "

The girl appeared on the world - they learned from police reports. The message about the child in the garbage tank came late in the evening. Already then, the investigators will say - the newborn baby flew by seven floors on the garbage disposal, and survived! Now it is still to find out where the crushing and cut wounds on the tiny body.

Tatyana Belonog, Official spokesman for the USP in the Minsk region: "A woman who gave birth to the child's place, threw him into the garbage chief of the seventh floor of an apartment building. "Currently a child, a girl, is in the intensive care unit. The suspect is on cure in the hospital, against a woman, a comprehensive psychological and psychiatric examination is planned. "

At the site in front of the house today is not heard of children's laughter. The Senior Son of the Suspect is a grandmother. And the girl is in the children's regional clinical hospital. She fell into the hands of doctors when she was only about three hours from the genus. And the fact that with such an injury survived, they are different as a miracle and are not called. The chance that the baby will survive - there.

Igor Lazarchik, Deputy Chief Doctor of the Minsk Regional Children's Clinical Hospital: "A child has a closed cranial and brain injury, closed abdomen injury, internal organs and multiple traumatic damage to the skin. Currently, the child is being conducted by the necessary surveys, a comprehensive treatment is underway in the context of the anesthesiology and resuscitation department. The child is on the artificial ventilation of the lungs. "

Such stories, however, with a coherent outcome - in criminal reports, often appear. Only in Belarus, per year according to statistics on average - three. In many countries, the problem of killing newborns is solved with the help of the so-called "baby box". "The Window of Hope" is a special room where a woman anonymously leave a child. They have already appeared in Ukraine and Russia. About such a mechanism is spoken by a long time in Belarus. The new composition of the Belarusian Parliament is ready to consider such an initiative.

Dmitry Shevtsov, deputy of the House of Representatives: "Of course, you can explore this experience. Of course. Take some kind of rational link in order to develop it further. Because the experience and the closest of our neighbors, and far abroad - we always take something good to ourselves, what can be implemented. Well, again, we have long been the Institute of orphanages. And the level of them is now completely different than 20 years ago. "

The questions of the protection of children, they say specialists, much wider than just the creation of "Baby boxes". This is the tightening of legislation for such crimes, social support for large families and lonely. Belarus has family-type houses and family receptions. In any of these options, the child left is much more likely to have a full-fledged life than who was thrown into the garbage container.

Details - in the video of our correspondent