A nine-year-old boy came from the children's camp to the hospital and died - Sali-Datal. The reasons why a boy in Grodno died, resting in a camp under the Berestovian death of a child in Berestovice

The death of a nine-year-old boy, who was brought to the hospital from a children's camp under the big Berestovitsy, shook many. While the investigation is underway, many refuse to answer questions from journalists. Nevertheless, "SG" correspondents found out the details.

The photo is illustrative,pixabay.com.

Family from January of this year lived in the agro-town Border Berestovsky District. The boy has a brother, a student of grade 4, and a nine-grader sister, told the agro-town school. The director of the educational institution Inna Kerget added that they brought up their mother and stepfather, helps them grandmother. The family in a good account is not registered with the Sop.

In the children's healing camp "Berezovitsky" commented by what happened. But confirmed, the boy really got adhered to them.
From Vladik's camp, they brought to Berestovitsky CRH.

- This is a sensation for you. And we did not sleep three days and three nights, did not eat. We are also living people, everything is stress. Commission of the Ministry of Health, and all possible commissions, we already had. All the documentation was seized, call the Investigation Committee, - advised in the hospital.

We got through the grandmother of the late boy Nina Evgenievna:

- He was so affectionate. I didn't want to go to the camp, hugged me at the neck before leaving and says: "Grandma, I love you so much." I calmed it down: they say, I can't do anything, I decided that my parents decided, you need to go. And then asked: "Do you come to me?". "I will come," I promised. I also asked to buy a machine. I did not have time ... I buried him in Grittya, the grave next to the grandfather. The daughter of the funeral was not allowed, she at the 34th week of pregnancy. Lying in conservation in Volkovysk. When I learned about the death of Vladik, she became worse, transferred to Grodno. I fainted the funeral itself, I still don't believe that this could happen ...

According to Vland's grandmother, he graduated from the first class of the Grodno special secondary boarding school for children with violations of violation, was disabled with vision. At the weekend, a 9-year-old boy came to his parents or remained at the cousin in Grodno. The child had native older sisters and brother. Now his mother came out the second time married, Vladik's stepfather called Pope.

In the Grodno boarding school, I could not talk to the leadership: director, Deputy Director for Medical Work and Pediatrician on Monday went on vacation.

Did you find out the cause of death? Head of the Department of the State Committee of Judicial Examination on the Grodno Region Larisa Beaver spread his hands: the diagnosis is still specified, the pre-forensic examination saw the manifestations of sepsis. However, in order to accurately establish the pathogen and the cause of death, the results of virological and bacteriological studies are needed.

Minsk, 16 Jun - Sputnik. Investigation of the death of a nine-year-old boy, resting in the Berezovitsky camp, the Commission of the Ministry of Health and the Investigative Committee are engaged in Sputnik, the head physician of the Grodno Regional Children's Clinical Hospital Sergey Tranca reported.

The incident occurred in Berestovsky district. On the eve, on Saturday, a child whom well-being worsened, from the Berezovitsky camp, first brought to Berestovsky Hospital, and after - in Grodno Children's Regional. There he died.

"The Commission of the Ministry of Health works, the investigative committee works," said Tarantans.

Delivered a resuscitation brigade

The interlocutor told the agency that the patient came to them in serious condition. And the doctors in terms of diagnosis and treatment have been done everything you need.

"This is not the situation when some comments should be ... Yes, there was such a child. Yes, a resuscitation brigade was taken from Berestovsky Hospital. Yes, in serious condition, yes, in the intensive care unit. All that is needed in diagnosis and treatment, He was done. Unfortunately, he died on Sunday, June 11, "Spentnik Spentnik commented on Spentnik.

All diagnoses and conclusions will be made after forensic examination, he added.

According to Sputnik, the official representative of the UK in the Grodno region Sergei Sherevyevich said, in fact, the necessary examinations are appointed, in particular, forensic. Health workers who provided the child help, relatives. Medical documentation is seized and carefully studied, other procedural action is carried out. Conclusions will be made only after receiving and analyzing all data.

In the camp - everything, as it was

In the camp "Berezovitsky" comment on what happened refuses. Head Alexander Torgonsky told Sputnik that the institution operates in normal mode.

"We have everything in the camp, as it was," he said.

As reported in the media, before visiting the camp, the boy was lying with bronchitis in the infectious department of the hospital Berezovitsky district. After discharge felt well. With a certificate that he was healthy, he was sent to the camp, in which the child stayed two days, after which he became bad. The boy rose a temperature, and put it in the camp insulator, made a injection. Then the patient was taken to the Berestovitsky district hospital, where they held a very long time in the receiving rest, the relatives of the deceased told reporters.

It is reported that the boy was a youngest child in the family, he has a sister and brother. Mother is now in the hospital and waiting for another child.

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The mother of a child who went healthy in a children's camp under Berestovitsa, and then died in the hospital, he learned how her son spent his last day, writes Sputnik.by.

"I am Mom Vladik Dudovsky. Recently discharged from the hospital. I want to know what was with my son, "he applied to doctors from Lyudmila Berestovitsa with such a question. The woman spent the whole day in the district hospital and learned that her 9-year-old child having a vision disability was in the diaper for its incomprehensible reason, and the doctors could not put him in an infectious department because it did not work.

Vladik comes every night and asks: "Mom, do not cry!"

"I myself just recently discharged from the hospital. About what happened with Vladik, I know about the stories of my daughter, relatives and accidental witnesses who saw him then. We were transferred that Vladik was waiting for a very long time in the receiving rest in Berestovsky Hospital, until he was determined in the ward and prescribe treatment. I do not give it to her, "says Lyudmila in Berestovitsu on the road from Grodno.

Son Lyudmila Vladislav suddenly died four months ago. Since then, the woman has practically did not come out of hospitals and could not even be present at the funeral of the child. At first lay in the hospital with severe pregnancy, then with a prematurely born baby, then with an elevated pressure of pressure.

According to the woman, she always thinks about that day when her son became bad, and trying to understand at what point everything went wrong. After all, before being sent to the camp, the child was healthy, there is a certificate. Lyudmila admits: not sleeping at night, takes antidepressants and wants to know why doctors could not find and cure an ordinary cold on time.

"I started problems with pressure. The doctor said it was because of the nerves. And the father in the church advised to think about Vladik as alive. Otherwise, not to scroll out of this grief, "adds Lyudmila.

Almost every night the son comes to her in a dream, talks. He never loved to see her mother's tears. And now every time asks: "Mommy, do not cry, otherwise I will not come to you." "For the sake of him and try to keep," says Mother.

Why did the boy have a diaper?

The woman came to Berestovitsky Hospital with questions: why it did not work out to save Vlad, and how he spent the last day of life. She is afraid that in the case of her child's death can not be perpetrators. And everyone wrinkles on a weak immunity or force majeure, as now she was trying to explain the doctors of the district hospital.

"What can I tell you? We all told the investigative committee "or" let the authorities tell you, "the doctors answered the photograph to the mother's request to report at least some details. But looking at the woman with an infant child in his arms, began to communicate.

For example, the surgeon informed the mother's interesting fact. When he came to inspect Vladik, then he saw that a diaper was put on it, the smell of him stood unpleasant. Mother is surprised: "Son has never been enurged. What is it? "

According to the doctor, the morning the boy was inhibited, he had to ask questions several times. The doctor even decided that the boy was with the features of development.

But Lyudmila explains that it doesn't seem like him: "The son was very smart, smart, sociable, always talked quickly."

The doctor told his mother that the boy from the reception rest was sent to intensive care. There they found that he did not give urine, it seemed incomprehensible, so they decided to send the child to Grodno.

True, none of the other doctors with whom a woman talked to, did not confirm the words about the diaper. And the nurse from the camp, and the duty officer, and the deputy head doctor of the medical unit assured that this could not be, because neither in the hospital, nor in the camp there are no diapers.

Waited from 06:30 to 9 am?

A nurse from the children's camp brought a nurse from the children's camp at the reception center of Berezovitsky's hospital around 06:30 am on Saturday. And after half an hour left back, leaving the child to local doctors.

She explained his mother that the boy felt ailment even on the eve - on Friday after lunch he had a temperature and vomit. The child was placed in the insulator, but in the evening they took a dinner, the child did not refuse food. Remembers that a boy, despite the prohibitions, somewhere she got a chocolate bar, and suggested that it could be worse from him. He spent the night in an insulator to eliminate suspicions of intestinal infection.

"The night passed calmly, and at about 6 in the morning the temperature rose sharply, the belly fell ill, and I took it to the hospital with suspicion of appendicitis," explained the nurse Elena.

She recalled that the boy did not want to go to the hospital, she assured that he became better, and asked him in the reception: "Aunt Lena, take me back."

"Agree, it will not be a sick child to ask back to the camp," Elena added. But the mother is sure that the son just came up with excuses to not be on the hospital bed again.

© Photo: From the family archive of Dudovsky.

Lyudmila managed to find a doctor who ended the night duty when Vladislav was brought. The doctor told that he immediately aroused all the necessary specialists, and argued that at that time everything was done that was possible at the level of the reception rest of the district hospital. According to her, until 8 o'clock in the morning the boy was examined by specialists (pediatrician, surgeon and others), a blood test was taken. At the time of his duty, the diagnosis of the child was not impaired.

The mother tried to figure out how much time the child spent in the reception room, but the only thing she managed to know - that about 9 am the boy should have been sent to the ward.

"It turns out that at least two to two and a half hours he was waiting for the solutions of specialists," the mother calculated.

At the time of vacation closed the whole department

Most doctors assured that the child felt good. But from the adoptive rest of Vladislav sent not to the usual ward, but in intensive care. Doctors explained that it was forced to decide.

From their words, the child was supposed to put into the infectious compartment. But at that time it was closed, and his staff were on vacations. In the hospital clarified that they close a whole branch on the holiday period are common practice.

The deputy doctor of medical unit tried to explain to the woman that the child was assisted. In particular, symptomatic treatment was carried out. The boy watched a resuscitation doctor. In the afternoon, repeated analyzes took, gathered a concilium and came to the conclusion that you need to contact Grodno colleagues.

"There were indirect signs pointing to the presence of a virus, leukocytes were reduced, but they first did not pay attention to it. He was given antibiotics, and they do not act on the virus. In Grodno, the boy brought closer to six o'clock in the evening, "said the deputy head doctor.

Mother was interested in: "Why didn't you take the regional hospital before?" The doctor explained that Vladimir observed an experienced doctor who tried to figure out the clinical picture, and about two hours of the day he became clear that the case was too complicated and incomprehensible.

In the hospital are sure: punish all the rigor

The chief physician of Berestovitsky Hospital paid the mother of the deceased Vladislav Dudovsky about 5 minutes. She explained that investigators were taken by all medical records, the Ministry of Health was conducted, now they themselves will decide who is to blame in this story. He herself did not undertake to judge whether his medical personnel acted correctly.

Many doctors in Berestovice are confident: the punishment will be, and very strict.

"For this case, in Minsk they watch, no one will leave responsibility. Maybe even more strictly punish what you need. To others see and afraid, "is sure one of the local doctors.

The other explained that anyone could be in such a situation, and here it is impossible to blame doctors.

Did the virus can't pick up the camp?

Case investigation continues. Recall that a month and a half ago, the results of the examination were known, which showed that Bocavirus became the cause of the death of 9-year-old Vladislav Dudovsky. This is an ordinary cold, which annually sick from 5 to 15% of the population of Belarus.

"Recently, the investigator asked to write a statement, whom I would like to blame. I want to punish all the perisons. We gave to the camp of a healthy child, and after a few days it did not become, "the mother complains.

The investigator told her that now the investigation is trying to figure out where the child could catch the virus that became fatal for him. One of the versions that the boy got infected before arriving at the camp. Mother is sure that it could happen in the hospital.

"Almost before being sent to the camp, Vladik lay in the infectious department of Berestovitsky Hospital with bronchitis. But at this time, all the children were suddenly translated from the infectious compartment to the usual. Children could freely walk along the corridor and communicate with each other. Infective then went on vacation, "adds a woman.

Recall that the 9-year-old Vladislav went to the children's health camp under Berestovitsa for the free trip from the Education Department in early June. Two days after arrival, he rose high temperatures, was nausea. Employees dolled it on their own. The next day, the child was taken to the local hospital, where the doctors tried to save the child.

In the evening, a child in serious condition was sent to Grodno. On the next on June 11, the boy died. In the fact of his death a criminal case was initiated.

As sputnik became known, shortly after the death of Vladislav Dudovsky in Berestovsky Hospital, a little girl died from the same virus.

It was transferred to him from the district hospital, before that he rested in the Children's Health Camp "Berezovitsky", where he allegedly stayed only one day.

According to unofficial information, the boy complained about the abdominal pain. It is still unknown, at what point he fell ill.

According to journalists, the chief physician of the Grodno Regional Children's Clinical Hospital Sergey Taranza, physicians and forensic examines are not yet ready to put forward the versions about the cause of the child's death.

- The child brought to the hospital our exit resuscitation team on Saturday, June 10, at 18.15 from the hospital in Berestovice. The child came in serious condition. He conducted all the necessary diagnostic and medical events. Despite this, the boy died in the morning on Sunday, - Quotes Belt's doctor.

Before admission to doctors, the child was in the children's camp "Berezovitsky". The boy passed there rehabilitation, he himself was students of the boarding school for children with violation of vision.

- The Grodno Interdistrict Department of the Investigative Committee is conducted on the death of a 9-year-old boy, a resident of Berezovitsky district. The child died in the Healthcare Institution of Grodno. For the establishment of a specific reason for his death appointed forensic medical examination. Health workers who provided the child assistance, relatives, said the official representative of the Office of SC in the region Sergey Schenevich.

Medical documentation is seized and carefully studied, other procedural action is carried out.

- Conclusions will be made only after receiving and analyzing all data, "investigators emphasized.

The Commission of the Ministry of Health is also working.

The camp "Berezovitsky" is 1 km from the urban village of the eponymous village in the Grodno region. It works for almost 30 years, and every summer takes three shifts of 160 adolescents and children.