How to restore a doll's hair. How to straighten doll hair. How to straighten a doll's hair with your own hands: small nuances

How to quickly and easily straighten a doll’s hair if the toy has begun to lose its attractive appearance, and the child’s favorite toy, to his chagrin, turns into a mess? This is quite simple to do, and even necessary, and it’s not even a matter of aesthetics. A toy that a child plays with every day, or that is simply found in the general mass of similar toys, requires regular sanitization. Many people believe that thorough treatment with boiling water is only necessary when the child is very small. Not at all. All toys need regular cleaning, especially if there is more than one child in the family. This article describes the entire process in detail and offers a video for clarity.

How to straighten a doll's hair with your own hands: small nuances

Before you start straightening the hair of a doll, be it a regular Barbie or a newfangled Monster High doll, you should consider the quality of the toy. Original dolls from the original manufacturer are of higher quality in every sense, it concerns not only their resemblance to the original and durability, but also the quality of materials.

The hair of high-quality dolls is more resistant to external influences, but also requires a more careful approach. Before straightening the doll's hair, you need to wash it thoroughly, and before washing it, comb it, at least minimally. Otherwise, the hair may become uncombable and the hairstyle will be irrevocably damaged.

At home, you can easily return the beauty doll to its former shine and glamor. To prepare your hair for water treatments, you need to carefully comb it. It is best if you have a comb at your disposal, which comes complete with toys - it is designed for gentle combing of artificial hair. If you don’t have such a comb, you can take a simple wide-toothed comb and comb your hair without jerking, starting from the ends of your hair. After this, you can take a comb with finer teeth and comb again. Under no circumstances should you pull the tangles - the hair will simply stretch and become even more tangled and frizzy. Your hair will get frizzy, but that's how it should be. After the hair is combed, it can be washed.

What do you need to wash your doll's hair?

  • Warm running water;
  • Baby or any shampoo
  • Air conditioning (desirable)
  • Cup or basin, sink

Before starting bath procedures, the doll must be undressed and all earrings, hairpins and other decorative elements removed.

Place the undressed doll upside down near a running stream of water. There is no need to place the doll’s head itself under water, since water will get inside through the holes, which will dry out for a very long time, and in the process will create both an unpleasant odor and a favorable environment for the development of microbes and bacteria.

Wet your hair and gently lather it with shampoo or baby soap. Do not rub too hard or lather in a circular motion - this can damage and tangle your hair. Rinse off the foam and rinse until clear water. If your hair is very dirty, repeat the procedure.

After shampoo, it is advisable to lubricate your hair with conditioner, wait a while until it is absorbed into the hair, and rinse off the excess. It’s even better if you have a care product at your disposal that doesn’t need to be washed off - you can apply it third.

You need to dry your hair naturally - the most you can do is lightly blot it with a towel and leave it in a warm place until it dries completely. You should neither use a hairdryer nor leave the doll on the radiator.

Hair straightening.

Once the doll's hair is clean and dry, you can begin its final processing - straightening. After this stage, the doll’s hair will become smooth, silky and obedient. There are several ways to straighten synthetic hair, but the first thing to remember is that its artificial nature does not tolerate high temperatures. For this reason, doll hair is not dried with a hairdryer, and hairdressing tools are not used directly. However, if you use a little trick, you can use a simple hair straightening iron. In addition to it, you will need thick fabric - flannel or something similar. It is desirable that the fabric is without a bright pattern, and, of course, clean.

Separate a strand from the total mass of hair, place it between two layers of fabric, and iron from roots to ends. Do this with all the strands. If you have an iron on which you can set the temperature, then set it to a maximum of 100 degrees, this is more than enough.

The second hair straightening option takes less time, but is hotter. This will require boiling water and great care to avoid injury. This method is good because you don’t have to wait for your hair to dry after washing. To straighten your doll's hair, after you have rinsed off the conditioner, pour boiling water over the strands. However, this hair straightening option is only acceptable for original high-quality dolls, otherwise the synthetic hair will suffer a sad fate, and the doll will have to be cut at best.

Videos on the topic of the article

A lot has changed since Barbie was in fashion. Modern girls prefer cute werewolves and vampires to long-legged blondes. Most likely, the secret of their popularity lies in the fact that each doll is special: individual appearance, hair color, outfit. And despite the fact that the favorite has changed, the main problem remains - and this is the doll’s hair!

Yes, girls love to experiment not only with their hair. Curl, braid, comb... And how can I return straight shiny strands to the doll? Let's learn how to straighten the hair of a Monster High doll.

To get your hair in perfect order, wash it well first.

Straightening with an iron

When the curls are completely dry, you can begin straightening. How to straighten a doll's hair? Artificial fiber does not tolerate too high temperatures, so simply straightening it with an iron for styling will not work. But there is one way!

Straightening curls with boiling water

Another way to straighten Monster High curls is boiled water. Be extremely careful not to get burned by the steam.

The doll should be placed on the edge of the sink, upside down. After the water in the kettle boils, gently pour over the strands.

It is important that the toy must be of good quality, since the hair of cheap analogues can be completely deteriorated from such a procedure. If you are not sure about the “origin” of the doll, it is better to use the first method.

Video: Procedure for straightening doll hair

All the girls play with dolls. The weakest point of toys in this category is their hair. Constant games and changing hairstyles turn shiny curls into unattractive tangles. How to straighten a doll's hair, is it possible to return it to its original appearance at home?

Primary cleaning

First, wash the toy's hair. This must be done even if the doll has never left the apartment. Artificial hair can become dirty even if handled carefully. For washing, you can use shampoo, liquid soap, dishwashing detergent or washing powder for children's clothes.

Some craftswomen advise that in order to straighten the hair of a Monster High doll, you need to keep it in a hair conditioner solution for some time. After bath procedures, the toy should be thoroughly blotted with a bath towel. It is not recommended to dry doll hair with a hairdryer; it is better to wait until it dries naturally. After your hair has dried, you can begin the most interesting part of restoring it.

How to straighten a doll's hair if there are kinks in it?

You can make doll hair smooth and straight using a special curling iron for styling human hair or a regular household iron. Detangle your hair and separate it into individual curls before starting the procedure. There should be no tangles or too much tangled pellets left. Take one strand of hair, comb it carefully and iron it with an iron heated to no more than 110 degrees. After this, immediately comb the curl again.

How to straighten the hair of a Monster High doll if a crease remains after such exposure? Try repeating the procedure again. The bangs and individual strands can be straightened by supporting them with a wooden stick or a regular pencil. You can process doll hair in a similar way using a curling iron. Be sure to start straightening with strands located in an inconspicuous place. And only after making sure that the hair does not melt, proceed to the top layer of the firmware.

Before you think about how to straighten your doll's hair, try to evaluate the quality of the fiber from which it is made. Thermal treatment will most likely be ineffective for the cheapest doll strands. Be careful, as some types of fibers can form dangerous compounds when heated that can cause allergic reactions.

If your hair is too tangled, hold it over a pan of boiling water before combing. Such “steamed” hair should be easy to comb with a regular comb. Another interesting folk recipe for saving toys is to pour boiling water over your hair and leave to dry. After such a simple procedure, your hair will look styled. Should you tell your child how to straighten a doll's hair? Many mothers prefer to carry out all restoration procedures in person, so that no one is distracted. And this is a big mistake. A girl of 5-6 years old can wash and comb her pet, but it makes sense to entrust a schoolgirl with the entire procedure of restoring her hairstyle.

Sooner or later, many of us, collectors, are faced with the problem of restoring doll hair. We can purchase used dolls through advertisements or on the secondary market. Often the previous owners of such acquisitions are children, which does not have the best effect on the dolls. It also happens that the hair is initially not of very good quality and quickly gets tangled even with the most careful handling. Similar complaints were found everywhere in connection with the most first base Lagoon, personally, I was also very dissatisfied with the basic Robecca. And something needs to be done about this.

Let me make a reservation right away: fans Monster High They also regularly complain about excessive oiliness in doll hair. A separate material will be devoted to this problem; it is not discussed in this article.

For straightening or simply tidying up hair, it is often recommended boiling water. However, I personally prefer another time-tested method. A master class on this topic was published in ancient times Twiggy_Jane first on the forum, and then on the DollPlanet website, since then he has repeatedly shown excellent results. At different times I tidied up Barbies, Tonners and, of course, Monster High. Often the disheveled hair of very played out dolls became even better than they once were. Sometimes they turn out to be heavily varnished from the very beginning. With slightly more active games (simple dressing up and photo shoots), such hairstyles quickly lose their shape and shine, fray, collect dirt and, as a result, look rather unpresentable.

So we will need ordinary household iron And comb. In original Twiggy_Jane I used a standard doll comb, however, I prefer one with fine teeth, it helps a lot in the process. The main thing is that it is clean. Ideally, you should have a special one for dolls.

You need to work on an ironing board or similar surface.

If your iron is initially cheap and weak (for example, Scarlett, Vetta), then this is rather a plus here. In any case, it should be used in the most gentle mode and, of course, without steam.
A human hair straightener does not give such good results. There is a special device for styling doll hair, but, as far as I heard, it is focused on a completely different type of fiber and is addressed more to the craftsmen who deal with designer dolls than to us.

I'll put this one in order Spectrum Dot Dead Gorgeous. She was forgotten in kindergarten and was in very poor condition. The owners never showed up, so the doll went to a friend of mine who had already tried to restore her hair using boiling water, but it still remained rather dull and tattered.

In comparison with my own, the difference is especially noticeable.

The doll's hair is worth wash, before or after the procedure. Sometimes it makes more sense to do this in advance. For example, if they are frankly dirty or varnished, or all at once. In some cases, it makes more sense to wash it after. Sometimes dolls' hair likes to accumulate static electricity and fly in all directions. There was a similar problem with this Spectra. In such cases, washing with fabric conditioner helps: I use a small amount instead of shampoo.
In addition, in other cases, I use regular shampoo and conditioner.

But let's return to the master class.

The doll's hair should first be combed with the same fine comb - thoroughly, but carefully. This should be done first at the ends, then higher, gradually approaching the crown.
This will make the further process easier.

So, the most gentle mode is selected on the iron.

When I had a simple and not very powerful cheap iron, I sometimes “took it higher.” However, here with must be extremely careful and check everything empirically. It is better to carry out the entire procedure twice to be sure than to accidentally melt the doll's hair.

Separate a small strand from the doll's hair.

Iron and comb. Repeat if necessary. However, do not be lazy and take strands that are too thick.

Then we take a new strand and repeat. And we work like this until we iron all the hair. Already processed strands can be collected in a ponytail so as not to interfere too much, and new batches can be added to it periodically.

The result is obvious.

In this case, the question arises: what to do with bangs? It is impossible to get close to her in this way.
I tried the following: I wrapped a pencil in a cloth, placed it under my bangs and gently stroked it that way. Not very easy, but it worked.

Now the Spectra is like new - again, let’s compare it to mine for clarity.

This way you can not only tidy up shabby hair, but also straighten curly hair. You can also eliminate unwanted creases from hairstyles. However, it is worth considering that the quality of hair varies from doll to doll. Some are easier to heat treat, some are more difficult. I ironed the already mentioned basic one more than once Lagoon. Her hair became smooth and pleasant (it has remained that way for a year and a half now), while her original curls were preserved. But the wavy hair of the pajamas Gulia and basic Robecchi straightened out almost immediately.

And they have shiny inserts in their hair. I haven't tried this method on them, but in the old days I ironed a Barbie with the same inserts as Abby. I can say for sure that they were not harmed. Still, I recommend being careful and trying it on individual strands.

This method is universal and, naturally, suitable not only for Monster HGH. It can be applied to almost any high-quality fashion dolls, collectible and play, whether Barbie, Moxie or Tonners.
The highest quality and most pliable hair is usually made from a fiber called saran. It is this one that is most often used for flashing monsters. However, there are dolls with hard and unyielding hairstyles, and these are sometimes stitched with Kanekalon (it is used for making human wigs and afro hairstyles). But this does not apply to Monster High. It doesn't always work with these.

And further. I highly discourage experimenting with cheap counterfeit dolls. Those sold in kiosks cost 100-500 rubles and are produced by unknown factories that are not trusted. Their hair is often made from very cheap and low-quality fiber, which at a minimum cannot be processed, and may also contain harmful impurities. I experienced an allergic reaction when I once heated the hair of such a doll.
So be careful.

Zombina, website

I really hope everything is clear and clear. If you have any questions, suggestions, wishes - write to [email protected] .
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