Manga Wolf and black prince. Wolf and Black Prince Wolf and Black Prince Names

Emmm. 7 out of 10 with stretch. In general, in romantic anime and not only anime quite often for some reason, frankly toxic relationships are romanticized. The relationship in this Tytytle is damn similar to toxic, and the hero of the damn resembles Narcissa.

GG humiliates Heroine and uses it, throughout the Taitla he smiled at exactly 1 time a dog ran to him. He never laughed never once been satisfied, he is not just rude, he does not know how to relax and empathy at the level of zero. He is not cheerful, not smart, not kind, all his dialogs are driven by shut up, I'm tired of talking for etc. The advantages of this character can be attributed to the fact that he is in addition to the fact that it is beautiful, can stand up for himself and for heroin, it does not care about public opinion and it has principles. By cons - he unrealized and emotionally cold, he is an obvious owner, we do not see what he wants to be more often with the heroine or stay alone, but we see that it is infuriated when she is with someone else. For example, what he gives her the suspension on NG, after she pours a glass of water on him and going to quit, he kisses her when he tries to return her. All as from under the stick in order not to lose. His interests it seems to view the DVD and the listener of music. Heroine by the end of the Tytytle, he stops to humiliate at least clearly, he never humiliated her publicly and in general did not go to personal insults. (At least manipulation for the purpose of showing his power over a person does not look the dominant theme.)

In general, not very believable. Because the story why he fell in love with the heroine remained unscrewed. There are no clear moments where he receives an explicit pleasure from communicating with heroine, except for the moment where she comes when he is sick. To say that they often communicated and he is also accustomed too. For more than mostly, it was either silently in the quality of furniture or carried out the instructions of the type bring water, bring a stick. Say that he doesn't trust her, because he doesn't share any traumatic experience with her, say that she loved him what he is and cannot be pretending to be pretending to be pretending too, because he often behaved like a beech on people and girls don't care In the stacks stacked, rather it was stopped on the fact that he feels his power over her and her absolute confidence, initially because he could tell everyone about false, then because she says that he loves him. Dogs devotees and kind, but no one betrayed him. Friendly girls around and so were running away. As an option, since he changed school as a heroine, and he had no friends he was lonely, so he took it for the company, but this topic is not developed. Judging by the end of Mom, the GG was not afraid to be a little extravagant, emotional and cheerful and it reminds of heroin, but at the time when he met her no need for it. In one series of the Russian Federation, he said that he loved her joke, in the last series could not say what he loved, because he had problems with the expression of feelings, in fact it is doubtful. In short, as an example of a romantic relationship is Treshk. The heroine initially caused sympathy, no longer under the end.

I will try to explain why I can not advise this manga to all.
I'll bend, perhaps, from the main heroine. Typical naive, stupid, but cheerful girl. Everything is as necessary for the sidze. But there is a trait in it, forcing the fifth fifth points of readers - disrespect for yourself. At the beginning of the story and her big half of the Mangak shows us rather obedient journal, rather than a lovely schoolgirl. I can list a couple of situations and, accordingly, its behavior, after which I wanted to completely throw a manga reading.
Example 1.: Eric added in weight (5 kg.), Kay told her about it. The girl of course decided to lose weight for himself and asked her boyfriend to help her in this, support \\ cheer up. The young man, due to his nature, took her request to her aschings. And when Erica has already fallen from exhaustion and because of a long starvation, a dinner with the parents in the restaurant, the Kay called it a fatty busty pig. And I'm not exaggerating now. Those. He said that people who do not keep their word to him disgust. I understand everything, but could have it been to show a little more adequate reaction?
Example 2.: When Erica wanted to spend more time with Keeh in every way (which he never wanted), making up places and places where they go and what they would take, hearing the typical "I hate it, I don't want to do it, all this is stupid. I'm going home." She continued to eaten (which is also wrong) or with tears, wagging a tail, went home. And there was an incredible amount of such cases.
Example 3:

Upon receipt of Erica to the University, located in Kyoto, Koya put it before choosing. Or you go to learn, or we part. Yes, after hitting the face and long understanding, he changed his decision, but his nature did not change from this.

It is because of a number of such factors, I was unpleasant to read this work. In this relationship, both were wrong. Eric came up with an ideal picture in the head, without taking into account the nature of his partner. And the partner (koya), in turn, absolutely did not want to sacrifice its convenience and pride for the sake of his beloved. I am a witness of such relationships in life. And it hurts it. The difference between mang and reality isThat in life all this is constantly poured into the hands-written, tears and swearing. And in the manga pairs get along, the characters are smoothed and ends with Happy Endom.
I do not say that manga itself is failing, it has a lot of good moments and instructive, important speeches. But there is more unpleasant sediment than something positive. Thank you for the fact that the characters of the characters have adapted each other and sled.

Emmm. 7 out of 10 with stretch. In general, in romantic anime and not only anime quite often for some reason, frankly toxic relationships are romanticized. The relationship in this Tytytle is damn similar to toxic, and the hero of the damn resembles Narcissa.

GG humiliates Heroine and uses it, throughout the Taitla he smiled at exactly 1 time a dog ran to him. He never laughed never once been satisfied, he is not just rude, he does not know how to relax and empathy at the level of zero. He is not cheerful, not smart, not kind, all his dialogs are driven by shut up, I'm tired of talking for etc. The advantages of this character can be attributed to the fact that he is in addition to the fact that it is beautiful, can stand up for himself and for heroin, it does not care about public opinion and it has principles. By cons - he unrealized and emotionally cold, he is an obvious owner, we do not see what he wants to be more often with the heroine or stay alone, but we see that it is infuriated when she is with someone else. For example, what he gives her the suspension on NG, after she pours a glass of water on him and going to quit, he kisses her when he tries to return her. All as from under the stick in order not to lose. His interests it seems to view the DVD and the listener of music. Heroine by the end of the Tytytle, he stops to humiliate at least clearly, he never humiliated her publicly and in general did not go to personal insults. (At least manipulation for the purpose of showing his power over a person does not look the dominant theme.)

In general, not very believable. Because the story why he fell in love with the heroine remained unscrewed. There are no clear moments where he receives an explicit pleasure from communicating with heroine, except for the moment where she comes when he is sick. To say that they often communicated and he is also accustomed too. For more than mostly, it was either silently in the quality of furniture or carried out the instructions of the type bring water, bring a stick. Say that he doesn't trust her, because he doesn't share any traumatic experience with her, say that she loved him what he is and cannot be pretending to be pretending to be pretending too, because he often behaved like a beech on people and girls don't care In the stacks stacked, rather it was stopped on the fact that he feels his power over her and her absolute confidence, initially because he could tell everyone about false, then because she says that he loves him. Dogs devotees and kind, but no one betrayed him. Friendly girls around and so were running away. As an option, since he changed school as a heroine, and he had no friends he was lonely, so he took it for the company, but this topic is not developed. Judging by the end of Mom, the GG was not afraid to be a little extravagant, emotional and cheerful and it reminds of heroin, but at the time when he met her no need for it. In one series of the Russian Federation, he said that he loved her joke, in the last series could not say what he loved, because he had problems with the expression of feelings, in fact it is doubtful. In short, as an example of a romantic relationship is Treshk. The heroine initially caused sympathy, no longer under the end.


Guys! Possible spoilers! Be careful!


Shinohara Erica is the subject of ridicule of school girlfriends. I would still have a guy! Challenged from the attacks of classmates, Eric is solved on deception, in confirmation that she still has a guy, she demonstrates his friends a photo of an unfamiliar young man, accidentally photographed by her. In fact, there is no fight-Friend and not foresee. What was her surprise when she learns that the mysterious stranger learns with her in the same school. But what is the sad Sataya Satya, so the name of the boy, not just a student, he is a school "prince". The situation should urgently save, Eric is solved on a conversation with "Prince" in which he asks him to play it. Suddenly Sata agrees. And everything would be fine, if it were not for one thing ... Sati had one condition. Erica should be almost a dog for him. And the "Prince" was far from a white horse, and a real despot was hidden for the external appeal.


Main characters

Shinohare Erica

Main heroine, sixteen-year-old girl. He is lying girlfriends that she has a boyfriend and to support this legend, forces Sanda every day to call her. At the beginning of the plot, the guy Erika became Koya, for which the girl had to become his dog. Despite this attitude towards himself, gradually Eric falls in love with him.

Main character. School handsome, for the appearance of which the sadist is hidden. In exchange for the fact that he is pretended by a guy Erika, Koya makes the girl being his dog. Despite the fact that their relationship began as fictitious, Koya protects Eric from trouble and gradually begins to jealous it to other guys. In the future, it realizes that he actually loves her and she is not just a way to pass time for him.


Minor characters

Ayumi Sanda

Erika's girlfriend from high school, who knows the truth about her "fake guy." In the first year, training in high school was Sato's classmate. Quiet and always calm girl, which seems to be not interested in guys at all.

Rake Sata.

Senior sister Koya. Lives with mother. Very demanding of men, especially for their brother. She believes that he is not able to love sincerely. Loves sweet.

Terker Hibiya

He was a classmate Sato in high school. One of those people who could make friends with him, despite his character. Very cheerful and cheerful guy.

Nodzomi Kamia.

Very popular guy, classmate Erika and Sato. Playboy, who does not meet anyone, but only having fun. With ease can remember the name of the girl, especially if she is nice.

Yosito Kimura

The guy from the same school, where Eric and Sato learns. Invited Erica on a date to pump Sato.