Funny statuses in VC for girls. Statuses for girls Short best statuses for a girl

  • Those who love us are not taught to anything. We were taught all those who did not love us.
  • No matter how strong a woman is, she is waiting for a man harder. And not so that he limited her freedom, and in order for him to give her the right to be weak.
  • It's just great: to have a person in his life, who is calling in deep depression ... And put the phone with a crazy desire to live!
  • Beautiful statuses for the girl with meaning - there is no happy life, there are happy days ...
    • You can seduce a man who has a wife, you can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you can not seduce a man who has a favorite woman ...
    • To be angry with people - means to consider their actions with something important in your life.
    • Over time, even the most long-awaited call can be unnecessary ...
    • NOT Dresses ... PansnÄ› or Rhinestones ... Need even a fashionable car ... nothing is so woman paints ... as a precisely chosen man !!!
    • Watch with love means to look at the heart. If you have love in your soul, everything that sees the eyes is beautiful ...
  • There are people like pinching cinnamon. In small quantities add to life spices, in large quantities they spoil all the dish ...
  • Happiness is when your happiness happy next to you!
  • After male brains, women ventilate them and fill the meaning of life.
  • Away from home at the late hour, we remember those who remember us, and just enough forces, forget about those who forgot us.
  • Once you believe that everything is over ... It was then that everything will begin.
  • Sometimes to establish your life, you need a little: to delete several people from it.
  • Roman has no prospects if partners are not equal. Or strong throws weak from boredom and loss of respect. There is another option - weak aware of your insignificance and goes, realizing that there is nothing to catch. There is no third.
  • Disappointed in one, do not punish the other. All people are different. Do not lose the ability to trust, believe and love ...
  • Power personality is not measured by how many people love you, but how much they hate.
  • Smile, lit by all smiles! Scraps - more fun to live with errors. Do not be afraid, anything happens in life, do not give up everything is not immediately obtained ...
  • Male concern in our time is such a rarity that it becomes uncomfortable and always want to thank all the time.
  • There are three reasons because of which life cannot turn into a fairy tale: a lie, time and fate! Lie - it is impossible to forget, time - it is impossible to catch up, and the fate cannot be changed ...
  • Male must fight, because the woman chooses strong, bold and persistent, and not those who are lowered hands with the slightest quarrel.
  • If a woman is angry, then it is not only integrity, but also understands it.
  • A smart girl will not be followed by her boyfriend, and behind him ...
  • What do I dream about?! Yes, just live ... breathe ... Love ... And know that I am loved! And every moment to appreciate ... Since our life is unique ...
  • And who said it would be easy? Any relationship is difficult! But if you want to be near even when everything is bad - it means it really!
  • To return youth, it is worth only to repeat all her madness.
  • There are men with whom we live. There are men for which we live. And there are those men by being close to which we understand that we begin to live truly.
  • How often it is easier for us to write what in life we \u200b\u200bdo not risk pronounce.
  • Beautiful statuses for the girl with meaning - when you write the story of your life, do not let anyone take your handle ...
  • Yes, I'm so

    Top statuses for girls are always bright, saturated with emotions and unique, choose the one who is close to you in spirit:

    1. Do not drive me into your framework. My horizons are open to me.
    2. I do not chase a fashion, freedom is important to me.
    3. Do not advise me how to live, I understand this life myself.
    4. I am not proud of my appearance, although there is something to be proud of. My value is my soul.
    5. Loving yourself is worth it, but it is more important to love the one who is near.
    6. I do not need Labutena, I am nothing in the dies.
    7. The awesome pants let we wear glamorous girls, I dress as it is comfortable.
    8. It is important to start dreaming, you yourself will not notice how it will become part of your life.
    9. Always working on myself, because there are no perfection barriers.
    10. Ideal people do not happen, I am an exception.
    11. Keep harmony in yourself - it means to love this life.
    12. I am grateful to all my men, some - for the fact that, finally, behind.
    13. A strong nuts is me, I don't break my teeth when you go to go.
    14. I am not looking for beautiful brutal, quite reliable.
    15. I try to overcome my fear, there are no problems with the rest.
    16. I never envy anyone, enough that herself suffers from envy.
    17. You need to love yourself, understand - you are alone.
    18. Learn to understand people are possible only after unsuccessful attempts.
    19. Not sad, which made a lot of mistakes - all of them mine, brought me experience and knowledge.
    20. I will not step on the same rake several times - enough already blows in the head.
    21. Men, do not be afraid of beautiful women, among them there are wise.
    22. Always keep the blows of fate and I'm not afraid to make mistakes, maybe I'm a real man?
    23. I had to say goodbye to all my friends when I needed help - everyone went somewhere.
    24. I am a self-sufficient woman - herself for herself and the star will get, and I will give the moon.
    25. In my life, everything is fine, only lonely.
    26. Each morning I get up with the words: "I am the happiest, beautiful and healthy." Helps live a day with a sense of self-confidence and tolerant environmental attitude.
    27. I want to love strongly and selflessly, but until it turns out - no prince on a white horse.
    28. It is very unpleasant when a man looks at a conversation not in the eyes of you, but below - on the chest 4 size.

    More in the world there are no such

    Top statuses in VC for girls can be delivered both about the girls themselves and about their relationship with your beloved or in general with people:

    1. Do not doubt me - I do not like doubting men.
    2. I am sure that a girl is smile more than a multi-layer makeup.
    3. I will never urge yourself plastic surgery - what is given by nature, then get it.
    4. I always smile, even when it hurts and hurt - and people think that I have everything in roses.
    5. I learned to rejoice in everything - even fails perceive as a gift of fate - if they are, it means. Something I have to understand.
    6. Over the years of loneliness, I can earn up "husband for an hour" - I can do everything.
    7. Girls, do not believe weights and mirrors, they sometimes lie, believe in your beauty - you, however, then you will become beautiful.
    8. It is said that girls love ears - it's not true. Girls love all the heart and soul.
    9. I know myself the price, but I will not sell.
    10. I do not hide my age, I am proud of the past.
    11. New wrinkles are not a reason to fall into depression, today you can get rid of them in many ways, but you can also just love your wrinkle.
    12. When it is bad in the soul, you should not dine problems, you must have a new clothes for yourself.
    13. For me, the main thing in man is not an appearance, but the eyes - the mirror of the soul and actions.
    14. Do not look for love and do not pray for her - everything is your time.
    15. So happily at 30, when you ask your passport in the store, I adore these moments.
    16. It has already been experienced a lot, but again and again I open clean sheets - many of them become drafts and rush to the basket. I would like to start writing your life to the Castovik.
    17. The first love will always be in your soul, but do not dwell on it - go further.
    18. I can become a fool - but only when my friends surround me - the same assholes like me.
    19. I am trying to always be myself, but sometimes it still has to include fool - especially at work.
    20. Run from the sprayed clementers - the brain will be asleep and take it out.
    21. A clever man is always simple and sincere, a fool - hesitates with Paphos.
    22. I am not afraid to laugh at myself, I just do not see reasons.

    Youth passes fast

    Top statuses for girls can concern the meaning of life and reasoning about her vehicles:

    1. I did not have time to look back - already 25, and I was still married.
    2. My pink glasses interfere with the truth in the eyes, but without them scary - all of the freaks suddenly.
    3. Over the years you stop believing words and look only for affairs and actions, but somehow they do not inspire ...
    4. Girls, take care and appreciate your time - youth so quickly disappears somewhere.
    5. Do not lose time on the people's unworthy of you, and then you will talk - I gave you all youth.
    6. Few people learned on other people's mistakes, and in vain - it was less than in vain years spent.
    7. Loneliness is when there is no one at all to call, everything else is a temporary respite.
    8. It is always painful in the close person to be disappointed, but it is this pain that makes us stronger and wiser.
    9. I do not have a life, but a field, styled by robbles.
    10. Make conclusions after each slip, then you will become a real sniper.
    11. Love always paints, love makes the brains and soul work.
    12. Do not believe in words, it's just a shell of thoughts, it's up to the essence.
    13. To not complain about fate, take it into your hands and manage it.
    14. Girls, we always have a choice - go straight. Right or roll left. From this will depend on your life.
    15. Do not be afraid to make mistakes, it is better than just dreaming on the sofa.
    16. Girls at any age are all the same girls, with tails and pigtails, with whims and tears on trifles, with naive delusions and faith in good.

    I hurt me, shower shouts

    1. Nobody can empty your soul, there should always live faith and hope in it, even when love leaves her.
    2. Internal devastation is what your wrong choice has led to the opposite direction and continue to go.
    3. Even when it seems that you are in a dead end, do not let yourself feel the emptiness in the shower - change at least something.
    4. To be offended and angry - these states must end with powerless and inner void, so let me go and forgive everyone who offended you.
    5. Do not lose the taste for life - even if it is bitter and nasty.
    6. Smile and keep inner calm, even when it's deadly lucky.
    7. When it is difficult, remember yourself in childhood - after all, you were so sincere and cheerful, try to return myself such.
    8. Do not allow your soul to fill your soul by what you don't need it at all, I myself fill it only with joy, positive and love.
    9. No man deserves the woman to say - I am completely empty and I'm all tired. Even the betrayal of loved ones should be moved to action.
    10. When sorrow is overwhelmed, look around - there is clearly new people, emotions, events - go there, where never was.
    11. The spiritual emptiness creates indifference even to itself.
    12. A woman is always full of light and warmth, and who does not notice it - just must pass by.
    13. Do not dare lose heart - no circumstance should knock you out from the rut.
    14. When you begin to regret yourself, you seek yourself flawed and worthless - to regrive the best of those who really need it.
    15. Very easy to fall into the despondency after life adversity, and who will then live instead of you?
    16. Do not waste time on quarrels, malice, insults are all temporary, but some take too much a period of this precious time.
    17. Fill the inner emptiness at least - if only she does not start to destroy you.

    For girls

    When a girl stands on the threshold of femininity and is in the so-called adolescent period, the eternal themes of love, friendship, relationships are also important. Then you can put top statuses for girls - on different topics, top statuses for girls can be with sadness and laughter:

    1. It is better not to have girlfriends at all than breathing angrily in your back.
    2. I never blame anyone in my mistakes - the fool itself.
    3. When a person loves, he radiates this love for all other people.
    4. Look at your classmates and understand - how diverse the world is all urodes.
    5. I believe that a lot of words are a wiping. Therefore, in the lessons, when I was asked, I prefer to silend.
    6. I will never cry and suffer because of the guy, let him roar.
    7. When you betray, do not revive - you are not a traitor.
    8. When I feel bad, I am always looking for someone worse than me - and if I can help.
    9. So sometimes it is difficult to overcome your bad mood, especially when you see the same boring faces every day at school.
    10. I am glad that I have friends - only they can shake me when it is sad.
    11. The betrayal of a friend is the best reason to part with him, but it hurts it, because so much has been experienced.

    The best statuses for girls on! The most excellent creatures on the planet Earth are, of course, women! After all, for the sake of beautiful ladies, men commit feats, devote poems and songs. All of the school benches you know the great heroines of Tatyana Larina, Natasha Rostov and Young Juliet. Thanks to them, the classics challenged cleanliness, beauty, wisdom, playfulness, kindness, vitality, sacrifice of women. And it is about all this our statuses, carefully selected for this section. And how many magnificent female portraits can be seen in the most famous museums of the world. Today, the girl herself chooses her way. Who to become, what profession to choose whether to her a housewife or a business woman. Do you want to talk about you? Then you need to look at our site and find the most interesting. statuses for girls.

    Original and funny statuses for girls!

    The phrase in status is very often judged about the character of a person. Therefore, incorrectly chosen words can cause anything like that, to put it mildly, a pleasant impression. It is necessary to very carefully and thoughtfully choose a status, especially for girls! After all, the most important thing is that cool statuses for girls answered your individuality. A wide selection of beautiful and original phrases from our site will help any girlfriend to choose the status of the status for the social network.

    The coolest quotes for girls!

    As you know, beauty is a very terrible force, and beautiful statuses for girls will allow any of you to find a beautiful framing for your beauty. And let the girlfriend envy your excellent taste and your excellent status. Girls are different, someone loves to read the classics, and someone does not think of themselves without a guy on Harley. For you, bold ladies, our cool statuses for girls. And let everyone know that you are the coolest on the area! Your girlfriends always know that you are just a real lighter. Without you do not do any party, you are the soul of the company and just a real treasure. Your sense of humor amazes everyone, you are not afraid to laugh at yourself. Then our funny statuses about girls for you! Come on our site and you can change your status on the social network at any time.

    Quotes for VKontakte for girls!

    Girls are so different, your mood is changing like a wind. Today you are mixed, and in the evening you want to cry in the pillow. Or with the best friend to watch a romantic comedy for the soul. Or maybe you decided to engage in painting or learn how to cook better than your mother-in-law. On our site you will find deep and wise statuses for girls with meaning. And let your envious break the head over the decoding of your status. Each self-respecting girls have a social network page and may not be in one. With our help, you can transfer your mood. To tell about yourself short, but Emko, both in the lucky moments of your life and in difficult moments. Your friends and just visitors to your page will only have a pleasant and positive opinion about you from the first seconds. And our statuses for VKontakte for girls will try to help you. Selective statuses for girls you will always find on our site! Every girl should know what they think about her only positively and respect her.

    You can fall in love with a girl, you can love the girl, but that the girl loved - it needs to be deserved. 12

    So that all your affairs have been able, and life always sparkled positive, you will install yourself in the morning: I am happy, successful and beautiful! 12

    You should get married by youth ... By stupidity ... According to love ... otherwise you will grow up, you wonder and understand that no one needs you in FIG. 14

    How many again, should I crash to smithereens to finally become happy? 10

    I dedicate this status to every girl! You're extraordinary! You are priceless! Just know it, and everything will be fine! 10

    We are women, we are thin natures, we take everything very close to the heart, and sometimes, like small fools, let's do something and wait ... 13

    The girls really have such a place, touched to which, you can drive it crazy - this is her soul. 11

    Never doubt your attractiveness! The scales lie, people envy, and the mirror is generally a curve!) 9

    The life of girls is similar to chess - we get rid of pawns for the king. 12

    When a woman is offended - she is capable of any actions, except adequate. 12

    All girls are essentially their angels, but when they have wings, they have to fly on a broom. 10

    Painfully - the heart said. Forget - reassured time. But I will sometimes go back - my memory whispered. 10

    Everyone thinks that the dream of every girl is to find the perfect guy. In fact, the dream is to eat what you want, and at the same time do not get better! 11

    Do not love him, and be his beloved. Do not look for him, he will find you. Do not go after him, how others do if you need him - he will come to you himself! 12

    My life is a fairy tale. Tale of the Lost Time ... 13

    He whined two months on the topic - you do not love me. And convinced! I really do not like him. 12

    Always look good, just because you can accidentally store your former) 11

    If the girl walks - guys guilty. If the crying is to blame. If a girl is angry - guys are guilty. Yes, in short, in general, the guys are always to blame! 10

    Why do I love him, and he "yes" me, "yep" and "too"? 10

    If you still do not like a fairy tale, then you are not the wizard. 10

    You do not need to leave a girl alone, so that the questions did not arise: where she was, with whom she was, that she did and what kind of she did it ... 15

    The most interesting relationship is when not friends, but also not a couple! 16

    The last word always remains for the guy. And this word is yes, dear! 10

    Well, I went ... the vulgar does not happen ... 12

    The girl is an emotional creature. She will always be with those who create her a good mood, gives a smile on her face and creates a feeling of happiness! 9

    What do girls want? Girls want everything to be as they want .. 11